香港歷史博物館 2014 NEWSLETTER 通訊 - · PDF fileTerritories and...


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香港歷史博物館Hong Kong Museum of History

九龍尖沙咀漆咸道南100號100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

原有《通訊》訂戶如需要更改地址,請將姓名、新地址及電話,連同原來的地址標籤一併郵寄或傳真至2724 9094予香港歷史博物館推廣服務組收。For change of subscriber’s address, please forward your name, new address and telephone number together with the original mailing label to the Extension Services Unit, Hong Kong Museum of History by post or by fax to 2724 9094


Hong K

ong Museum

of History


Dr Sun Yat-sen M



Lei Cheng U

k Han Tom

b Museum


Hong K

ong Museum

of Coastal D



Fireboat Alexander G

rantham Exhibition G



Law U

k Folk Museum


http://hk.history.museum4-6 NEWSLETTER

2014 通訊



Hong Kong Museum

of History

總館長的話 Message from the Chief Curator

專題展覽 Special Exhibitions影藏歲月 — 香港舊照片展Images Through Time: Photos of Old Hong Kong嶺南印記 — 粵港澳考古成果展Historical Imprints of Lingnan: Major Archaeological Discoveries of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao甲午戰後 — 租借新界及威海衛The Aftermath of the First Sino-Japanese War: The Lease of the New Territories and Weihaiwei

常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition香港故事 The Hong Kong Story

文物捐贈 Donations

教育活動 Education Programmes

2014香港國際博物館日 International Museum Day 2014, Hong Kong

第八屆歷史照片研究比賽 The 8th Competition on Historical Photographs Writing Research

花絮 Sidelights

最新出版 New Publications

資源及服務 Resources and Services














Hong Kong Museum

of Coastal Defence





專題展覽 Special Exhibition勇者無名:香港軍事服務團歷史展Unsung Bravery: History of the Hong Kong Military Service Corps

常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition海防風雲六百年600 Years of Hong Kong’s Coastal Defence

教育活動 Education Programmes

資源及服務 Resources and Services


Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum





專題展覽 Special Exhibition紙上風雲 : 辛亥革命在廣東History in Prints: The 1911 Revolution in Guangdong

常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition孫中山時期的香港Hong Kong in Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Time

教育活動 Education Programmes

資源及服務 Resources and Services


Branch Museum





李鄭屋漢墓博物館 Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum

羅屋民俗館 Law Uk Folk Museum

葛亮洪號滅火輪展覽館 Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery

葛亮洪號滅火輪展覽館同樂日 Fun Day at Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery



44 博物館位置及入場費 Location and Admission Fees


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總館長的話 Message from the Chief Curator 總館長的話 Message from the Chief Curator


如果您還未參觀「影藏歲月 ─ 香港舊照片」展覽,就要把握最後機會,展覽將在四月二十一日結束。它是本館歷來最大型的舊照片展,其中很多舊照片是首次公開展出,非常珍貴。六月將展出「嶺南印記:粵港澳考古成果展」,是粵、港、澳三地文博機構首次攜手合辦的考古展覽,回顧和總結三地在過去幾十年的考古發掘成果和考古工作進展,讓大家瞭解嶺南社會的起源和發展。重點文物包括:香港西貢黃地垌出土舊石器、深圳咸頭嶺新石器時代中期白陶器、香港湧浪新石器時代晚期石鉞、馬灣東灣仔新石器時代晚期墓葬遺物、博羅橫嶺山青銅器、五華獅雄山秦漢封泥、廣州南越宮署遺址出土宮殿建築構件、南越王墓出土玉器,陽江「南海一號」水下考古出土宋代瓷器、澳門聖保祿學院遺址出土明代克拉克瓷器等,大家切勿錯過。


在教育活動方面,我們很高興得到香港賽馬會慈善信託基金資助,在今年三月開展了一個名為「耆趣藝遊 ─ 賽馬會健腦行」,為期十八個月的先導計劃,為長者及腦退化症人士提供特別的展覽導賞團及工作坊,鼓勵他們欣賞展覽、發揮創意,及更多投入和參與社區活動。此外,葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館計劃於四月十二及十三日與消防處、藝術及演藝團體合辦一連兩天的同樂日,內容十分精彩,包括互動劇場,參觀者可參與以香港海上救援歷史為題的話劇演出,除可盡興一番之外,亦可藉此增進大家對滅火輪的認識及提高防火意識;大家亦可在這兩天走進平日並不開放的消防船駕駛室與船員休息室,聆聽曾在該船執勤的前消防員現場講解;消防員更於同樂日的第二天,組成樂隊,即席表演以消防為主題的樂曲,與民同「樂」。我們亦會邀請住院兒童齊齊參與同樂日,並一同創作以消防船為主題的藝術作品。同樂日融合歷史、藝術、音樂等不同元素,十分精彩,必定為大家帶來非一般的博物館參觀體驗。




Spring has arrived and the earth is filled with vitality. In this wonderful season, we have arranged a series of engaging exhibitions and activities for you. Here is a sneak preview to our line up.

If you have not yet visited the “Images Through Time: Photos of Old Hong Kong” exhibition, please do seize the last chance to see it as the exhibition will conclude on 21 April. The exhibition is the largest of its kind ever held showcasing an invaluable collection of historic photos, many of which are displayed for the very first time. The “Historical Imprints of Lingnan: Major Archaeological Discoveries of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao” exhibition is going to be staged in June. This is the first archaeological exhibition jointly presented by the cultural institutes across Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. The exhibition will revisit and summarise the achievements in archaeological excavations and the developments in archaeological works over the decades in these three areas, such that visitors can gain a deeper understanding of the origins as well as the social and cultural developments of the Lingnan region. Exhibit highlights include the Palaeolithic stone implements excavated from Wong Tei Tung in Sai Kung, Hong Kong; white pottery wares of the Middle Neolithic period discovered in Xiantouling, Shenzhen; Late Neolithic “yue” axes found in Yung Long, Hong Kong; burial items from the Late Neolithic burials discovered in Tung Wan Chai, Ma Wan; bronze vessels found in Hengling Shan, Boluo; Qin and Han Dynasties clay seals discovered in Shixiong Shan, Wuhua; building components excavated from the Palace site of Nanyue King in Guangzhou; jade items excavated from the tomb of the Nanyue King; Sung Dynasty ceramics salvaged from the shipwreck of Nanhai No. 1 in Yangjiang; Ming Dynasty Kraak ceramic pieces uncovered from the site of Colégio de São Paulo in Macao, etc. Please do not miss the exhibition.

As 2014 is the 120th anniversary of the First Sino-Japanese War, we thus collaborate with the National Library of Scotland to curate “The Aftermath of the First Sino-Japanese War: The Lease of the New Territories and Weihaiwei” exhibition which will be held at the lobby on the first floor of the museum from April to June. It will be a debut show of about 100 artefacts in Hong Kong. Exhibit highlights include a letter of gratitude written by Kang Yu-wei (one of the leaders of the Hundred Days’ Reform in China) to the Colonial Secretary, Sir James Stewart Lockhart, during his refuge in Hong Kong; a drawing entitled The Situation in the Far East by revolutionary party member Tse Tsan-tai drawn in Hong Kong; reports and documents written by the Colonial Secretary, Sir James Stewart Lockhart, regarding his survey and the take-over of the New Territories, the first Republican flag hung outside Weihaiwei City, etc.

On the front of our educational activities, we are grateful to the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for funding the 18-month pilot project entitled “Journey for Active Minds: Jockey Club Museum Programme for the Elderly”. The project has been launched since March. It provides specially designed guided tours and workshops for the elderly and people with Alzheimer’s disease to encourage them to appreciate our exhibitions, to foster their creativity, and to engage them more in community activities. Besides, the Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery will join hands with the Fire Services Department, as well as arts and performing arts groups to hold a two-day fun day with a fantastic array of interesting programmes for public enjoyment from 12-13 April. An interactive drama themed around the history of sea rescue in Hong Kong will be run to let participants learn more about the fireboat itself while enhancing their awareness of fire safety. The wheelhouse and the crew cabin of the fireboat, which are not usually open to the public, will be open for visit during the two fun days. Former firefighters who used to work on the fireboat will give participants a site briefing. To add extra fun, firefighters will form a band to perform music pieces themed on fire services on the second day of the event. We have also invited hospitalised children to join the fun days and to collaborate to create an artwork themed on the fireboat. Combining history, art and music, the fun days will surely bring you an extraordinary museum experience.

Last but not least, I sincerely call upon your support to our collection campaigns. We are currently inviting the public to donate toys, cheongsams (either for men or for women), old photos, and artefacts related to children’s life to us. Artefacts donated could help us delve deeper into our researches and prepare for our future exhibitions. Details of the collection campaigns have been uploaded on our website. Please visit our website and contact us to make a donation!

How could you miss this series of wonderful exhibitions and activities? See you there!

Susanna Lai-kuen SIUChief Curator of the Hong Kong Museum of History

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專題展覽 Special Exhibitions

皇后大道中和威靈頓街的交界處,約攝於十九世紀末。圖片中央可見三層高的五號差館。The junction of Queen’s Road Central and Wellington Street in the late nineteenth century. The three-storey No. 5 Police Station could be seen at the centre of the photograph. 夢周文教基金會藏品Collection of Moonchu Foundation

至Until 21.4.2014

康樂及文化事務署主辦Presented by Leisure and Cultural Services Department

香港歷史博物館籌劃Organised by Hong Kong Museum of History

夢周文教基金會支持 Supported by Moonchu Foundation

著色照片,約攝於一八六八年。Coloured photo, circa 1868.夢周文教基金會藏品Collection of Moonchu Foundation

香港歷史博物館專題展覽廳Special Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong Museum of History

影藏歲月 – 香港舊照片展Images Through Time: Photos of Old Hong Kong「影藏歲月─香港舊照片展」透過香港歷史博物館館藏和夢周文教基金會提供的珍貴歷史照片,回顧香港昔日的面貌,見證了香港從十九世紀中葉至二十世紀初的發展歷程,更揭示香港早期攝影業的發展。我們亦與香港高等科技教育學院合作,以先進科技和創新手法製作多媒體節目,把香港舊貌重現觀眾眼前,讓觀眾穿梭時空,置身於香港的今貌舊影之中。

With the old photos offered by the Moonchu Foundation and the Hong Kong Museum of History’s old photo collection, a large-scale photo exhibition entitled “Images Through Time: Photos of Old Hong Kong” is staged to retrace the history of Hong Kong from the mid-nineteeth century to the early twentieth century, and also to review the development of the photography business in Hong Kong. In collaboration with the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi), the exhibition employs edge-cutting technology and creative skills for producing a series of multimedia programmes, in which the scenes of old Hong Kong are reconstructed. It surely gives visitors an extraordinary experience of travelling back in time and visiting old Hong Kong.

從尖沙咀火車站外的梳利士巴利道向東眺望,攝於一九三零年代。Salisbury Road looking east outside Tsim Sha Tsui Railway Terminus during the 1930s.香港歷史博物館藏品Collection of the Hong Kong Museum of History

元朗合益街市,攝於一九二三年。Hop Yik Market, Yuen Long, 1923.夢周文教基金會藏品Collection of Moonchu Foundation

專題展覽 Special Exhibitions

港幣20元(包括專題展及常設展)20人或以上團體七折優惠;全日制學生 /高齡人士 / 殘疾人士(及一名陪同的看護人)半價優惠星期三半價優惠博物館通行證持有人免費入場HK$20 (for both Special Exhibition & Permanent Exhibition)30% discount for group of 20 or more;50% discount for full-time student / senior citizen / people with disabilities (and one accompanying minder)50% discount on WednesdaysFree admission for Museum Pass holders

公眾導賞團(粵語)Public Guided Tours (in Cantonese)全程約1 小時,每團名額30 人,先到先得。有興趣者可於下列時間到專題展覽廳入口的「導賞站」集合出發:第一節:每日上午11 時30 分第二節:每日下午3 時Each tour is about 1 hour and admits 30 persons on a first come, first served basis.Please assemble at the "Docent Stop" at the entrance of the Special Exhibition Gallery as scheduled below:Session 1: 11:30 am dailySession 2: 3:00 pm daily



Photography was an expensive business when it was first introduced in Hong Kong in the early colonial days. The signboard outside Floyd’s in the photograph of studios on Queen’s Road taken in the late 1860s shows that the price of cartes de visite (CDVs), small portraits mounted on card, was HK$3 per dozen. The Hong Kong Government Gazette of 1871 records that a pound of rice cost five cents and a pound of pork 13 cents at that time, so the price for developing a dozen CDVs could buy you 60 pounds of rice! Then how about comparing the cost with wages? A domestic maid employed by a Chinese family earned just $1.80 per month, so photographs were obviously out of reach for the working classes. It was only the expatriates in Hong Kong who could afford the price tag, and their willingness to spend money on photographs contributed greatly to the rise of the industry in the city.

If you would like to find out more about how photographic studios flourished in Hong Kong in the early days as well as the history and heritage of the territory, don't miss "Images Through Time: Photos of Old Hong Kong" exhibition on show at the Museum of History until 21 April!

夢周文教基金會藏品Collection of Moonchu Foundation

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嶺南印記:粵港澳考古成果展 “Historical Imprints of Lingnan: Major Archaeological Discoveries of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao” Exhibition

專題展覽 Special Exhibitions



Showcasing over 770 archaeological finds from the most significant sites in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, the exhibition explores the h istor ica l and cul tura l developments of the three places spanning from the Neolithic period to the Qing dynasty and introduces the major archaeological achievements, the technological advancements in the archaeological excavations and the progress of promoting public archaeology in the three places over the decades. Highlights include important stone tools and ornaments unearthed from the Neolithic sites in Hong Kong and Macao, extraordinary pottery models found in Guangdong province, invaluable burial items discovered in the s i tes of Nanyue Kingdom, porcelains salvaged from the Song shipwreck in Yangjiang and Ming shipwreck in Nanao.

In conjunction with the exhibition, the Hong Kong Museum of History will organise an international c o n f e r e n c e d u r i n g t h e e x h i b i t i o n p e r i o d . Experts and scholars will be invited to present their research findings on the archaeological discoveries of the Lingnan region.


YazhangBronze period (Circa 3,500-2,200 years ago)Unearthed from Tai Wan, Lamma Island, Hong KongCollection of the Antiquities and Monuments Office of Hong Kong SAR


Jade dragon with gold hookWestern Han dynasty (206 BC-AD 8)Unearthed from the tomb of King Zhaomo of the Nanyue Kingdom, Xianggang, GuangzhouCollection of the Museum of the Western Han Dynasty Mausoleum of the Nanyue King


Dehua white-glazed ewer with melon-shaped bellySouthern Song dynasty (1127-1279)Salvaged from "Nanhai No.1" shipwreckCollection of Maritime Silk Road Museum of Guangdong


Blue and white kraak dish with deer designLate Ming dynasty (the second half of the 16th century to the mid-17th century)Unearthed from St. Paul's College, MacaoCollection of Cultural Heritage Department of the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macao


Ornament made up by agate and crystal beadsWestern Han dynasty (206 BC- AD 8)Unearthed from M21 at Phrase II of the site of Bank Nursing Home, Hengfu Road, Guangzhou Collection of the Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology of Guangzhou

專題展覽 Special Exhibitions

11.6 – 1.9.2014香港歷史博物館專題展覽廳Special Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong Museum of History

廣東省文化廳香港特別行政區政府民政事務局澳門特別行政區政府文化局聯合主辦Jointly presented by Department of Culture of Guangdong ProvinceHome Affairs Bureau, the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative RegionCultural Affairs Bureau, Macao Special Administrative Region Government

廣東省博物館香港歷史博物館澳門博物館聯合籌劃Co-organised by Guangdong MuseumHong Kong Museum of HistoryMacao Museum

公眾導賞團(粵語)Public Guided Tours (in Cantonese)全程約1 小時,每團名額30 人,先到先得。有興趣者可於下列時間到專題展覽廳入口的「導賞站」集合出發:第一節:每日上午11 時30 分第二節:每日下午3 時Each tour is about 1 hour and admits 30 persons on a first come, first served basis.Please assemble at the "Docent Stop" at the entrance of the Special Exhibition Gallery as scheduled below:Session 1: 11:30 am dailySession 2: 3:00 pm daily

錄音導賞服務Audio Guide Service備有粵語、英語及普通話,以供選擇,詳細介紹多件精選展品。請到一樓大堂「錄音導賞服務處」查詢詳情。Cantonese, English and Putonghua versions are available to introduce the exhibit highlights. Please check details with the Audio Guide Service Counter on 1/F Lobby.


Sassanian gilt ware with fish and weed designSouthern dynasty (420-589)Unearthed from Bianwan Village, Suicheng Town, Suixi CountyCollection of Suixi County Museum

免費參觀Free Admission

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專題展覽 Special Exhibitions

甲午戰後: 租借新界及威海衛 The Aftermath of the First Sino-Japanese War: The Lease of the New Territories and Weihaiwei

專題展覽 Special Exhibitions

9.4 – 9.6.2014

香港歷史博物館一樓大堂1/F Lobby, Hong Kong Museum of History

康樂及文化事務署主辦Presented by Leisure and Cultural Services Department

蘇格蘭國立圖書館協辦 In collaboration withNational Library of Scotland

香港歷史博物館籌劃Organised by Hong Kong Museum of History

免費參觀Free Admission



The First Sino-Japanese War that broke out between 1894 and 1895 was a turning point in the modern history of China: it marked the failure of the Self-Strengthening Movement, the three decades of modernising efforts undertaken by the Qing government to introduce advanced Western military technology to China; the international political order in East Asia was turned upside down by the Japanese defeat of the Qing empire, which had long considered itself ‘the central kingdom’, while in its aftermath it triggered a scramble among the major powers to carve out concessions for themselves; and Japan’s militarism received an enormous boost. At the same time, the voices calling for China to be saved grew ever more strident at home, with feelings of nationalism reaching unprecedented levels and spurring revolutionary efforts towards their inevitable climax: within less than twenty years of the war, the Qing dynasty had been toppled in the revolutionary campaign led by Dr Sun Yat-sen.

To mark the 120th anniversary of the First Sino-Japanese War in 2014, the Hong Kong Museum of History is hosting this exhibition to explore the context in which the New Territories and also Weihaiwei in Shandong were leased to Britain in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Based on extensive material drawn from the Collection of Sir James Stewart Lockhart held by the National Library of Scotland, it provides an insight into how Britain implemented its governing policies in the leased lands as a means to strengthen its political and business interests in the country. Viewers will learn about the unique social settings of the New Territories and Weihaiwei in this era at the turn of the last century and gain a perspective on how the two locations, despite being thousands of miles apart, were connected through the British official known simply as Lockhart.

一九二九年香港輔政司修頓寄給駱克的地圖,告知灣仔海旁東一條由填海得來的新增路段,將會以其名字命名。Map sent by Hong Kong Colonial Secretary Sir Wilfrid Thomas Southorn to Lockhart in 1929, informing him that a road on the new Praya East Reclamation had been named after him.蘇格蘭國立圖書館藏Courtesy of the National Library of Scotland

一八九八年康有為在香港逃難期間致輔政司駱克的書函,感謝港府提供周詳保護。Letter from Kang Yu-wei to Colonial Secretary Lockhart during his refuge in 1898, thanking the latter in offering him protection in Hong Kong.蘇格蘭國立圖書館藏Courtesy of the National Library of Scotland

一八九九年謝纘泰於香港繪製的《時局全圖》,生動地展現列強瓜分中國的形勢。The Situation in the Far East, a cartoon by Tse Tsan-tai from Hong Kong in 1899, vividly depicting the spheres of influence of the major powers that prevailed in China.蘇格蘭國立圖書館藏Courtesy of the National Library of Scotland

一九零三年孔子第七十六代後人衍聖公孔令貽致送駱克的頌詞,答謝對方到訪孔廟。Complimentary address written by Kong Lingyi (Kung Ling-i), Duke of Yansheng and the 76th-generation heir of Confucius, to Lockhart in 1903, thanking the latter in paying visit to the Temple of Confucius.蘇格蘭國立圖書館藏Courtesy of the National Library of Scotland

一九二零年駱克送贈香港東華醫院的「可以療飢」匾額,答謝該院對威海衛受旱災影響的災民慷慨解囊。Complimentary tablet with the words ‘ke yi liao ji’ (curing people of hunger) presented by Lockhart to Tung Wah Hospital in Hong Kong in 1920, thanking the relief support of the latter towards the famine victims in Weihaiwei.東華三院文物館藏Courtesy of Tung Wah Museum

一八九四年日本內務省衛生局簽發的感謝信,答謝駱克對該國微生物學家北里柴三郎在疫症調查等方面提供的援助。Letter of gratitude sent by the Sanitary Bureau, Department of Home Affairs, Japan, to Lockhart in 1894, thanking the latter for helping the Japanese microbiologist Kitasato Shibasaburo in investigating the plague in Hong Kong.蘇格蘭國立圖書館藏Courtesy of the National Library of Scotland

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The toys we grew up with carry our childhood memories. When it comes to classic toys, children of different eras naturally have different items in mind. Some toys have already been forgotten, while others remain all-time favourites. Toys of all kinds reflect the changes that have occurred in Hong Kong children’s lives over the years. In fact, the toy industry has played an important part in the trade and industrial development of Hong Kong as many world renowned toys were made in this city. The evolution of toys, therefore, is intrinsically related to Hong Kong’s economic development.

The Hong Kong Museum of History is collecting toys from different time periods to enrich our collection. Those items collected will be used for exhibition and research purposes. We sincerely invite you to take part in the “Childhood Treasures” Toy Collection Campaign by donating your toys to us so that we can get together to discover the interesting stories behind them.

If you would like to donate toys to us, please send us images of your proposed donation items along with the donor’s name and telephone number in one of the following ways.

「童玩同珍」玩具徵集行動“Childhood Treasures” Toy Collection Campaign


郵寄 By post香港九龍尖沙咀漆咸道南一百號香港歷史博物館「童玩同珍」玩具徵集行動Hong Kong Museum of History, 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon“Childhood Treasures” Toy Collection Campaign (852) 2724 9992 (852) 2724 9090

文物捐贈 Donations

香港歷史博物館歡迎市民捐贈文物,一起與我們保護和承傳歷史文化。市民如有捐贈,可致電(2724 9042)與我們聯絡,或可將捐贈的資料傳真(2724 9090)、電郵(或郵寄香港歷史博物(信封面請註明「文物捐贈」),我們將盡快與您聯絡。博物館會經常舉辦文物徵集活動,市民可留意博物館網頁有關安排和細節。

香港故事The Hong Kong Story 二零零一年開幕的「香港故事」常設展是博物館多年來辛勤努力蒐集、保存及研究工作的總展示。整個展覽佔地七千平方米, 共有八個展區, 分布於兩層展廳,包括:「自然生態環境」、「史前時期的香港」、「歷代發展: 從漢至清朝」、「香港的民俗」、「鴉片戰爭與香港的割讓」、「香港開埠及早年發展」、「日佔時期」及「現代都市及香港的回歸」。通過逾四千件展品、七百五十塊文字說明、多個立體造景及多媒體劇場,配以聲和光的特殊效果,栩栩如生地介紹香港的自然生態、民間風俗及歷史發展。「香港故事」從四億年前的泥盆紀開始,以一九九七年香港回歸作結,內容務求雅俗共賞,趣味與教育並重。


“The Hong Kong Story” permanent exhibition, opened in 2001, is a showcase of the dedicated hard work done by the Museum staff in the past years in collecting, preserving and researching the history and development of Hong Kong. Occupying an area of 7,000m², “The Hong Kong Story” comprises 8 galleries located on two floors, including “The Natural Environment”, “Prehistoric Hong Kong”, “The Dynasties: From the Han to the Qing”, “Folk Culture in Hong Kong”, “The Opium Wars and the Cession of Hong Kong”, “Birth & Early Growth of the City”, “The Japanese Occupation” and “Modern Metropolis & The Return to China”. Through the display of over 4,000 exhibits with the use of 750 graphic panels, a number of dioramas and multi-media programmes, and enhanced with special audiovisual and lighting effects, “The Hong Kong Story” outlines the natural environment, folk culture and historical development of Hong Kong vividly. The exhibition, which is both interesting and educational, starts telling the story from the Devonian period 400 million years ago and concludes with the reunification of Hong Kong with China in 1997.

You may visit “The Hong Kong Story” in about 2 hours. However, if you would like to watch the multimedia programmes of the exhibition, including theatre shows and interactive booths, please allow 3 to 4 hours.

常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition

The Hong Kong Museum of History invites you to preserve Hong Kong’s history and culture together with us by donating historical objects to us. If you would like to make a donation, please contact us on 2724 9042. You could also send us information on the proposed donation by fax (2724 9090), email ( or post to the Hong Kong Museum of History. Please specify “Donation of historical object(s)” on the envelope. We will contact you as soon as possible.The Museum holds collection campaigns from time to time. Welcome to check out our website for details.

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教育活動 Education Programmes 2724 9082

專題講座 下午3-5pm

Special Lectures

「早期中國海外華人」講座系列Talk Series on "Early Overseas Chinese"

「嶺南印記 ─ 粵港澳考古成果展」講座Lectures for “Historical Imprints of Lingnan: Major Archaeological Discoveries of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao” Exhibition

26/4(六Sat)香港的民間宗教Hong Kong's Popular Religion廖迪生教授 (香港科技大學人文學部)

Professor Liu Tik Sang (Division of Humanities, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

10/5(六Sat)關於語言,嬰兒的大腦「知道」多少?What Do Babies (or Their Brains) Know about Language?吳和德博士 (香港科技大學人文學部)

Dr Walter Ng (Division of Humanities, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

18/5(日Sun)日本動畫起源於中國?談中國第一部動畫長片《鐵扇公主》對日本動畫的影響(普通話主講)A Wartime Romance: Princess Iron Fan and the Chinese Connections in Early Japanese Anime (in Putonghua)

渡言教授 (香港科技大學人文學部)

Professor Daisy Du (Division of Humanities, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

31/5(六Sat)教改與轉變中的學校角色Education Reform and Changing Roles of Schools in Hong Kong梁以文博士 (香港科技大學人文學部)

Dr Yvonne Leung (Division of Humanities, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

8/6(日Sun)佛教山水與文人:元末明初的佛教名山圖 (普通話主講)Buddhist Landscapes and the Literati: Paintings of Buddhist Sacred Sites during the Late Yuan and Early Ming (in Putonghua)

傅立萃教授 (香港科技大學人文學部)

Professor Flora Fu (Division of Humanities, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

15/6(日Sun)「君君,臣臣,父父,子子」-試言儒家的政治社會觀In an Attempt to Elucidate the Confucian Views on the Foundations of the Sociopolitical Order陳榮開教授 (香港科技大學人文學部)

Professor Charles Chan (Division of Humanities, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

5/4(六Sat)歷史繪畫 X 歷史照片 = 香港開埠早期的影像Historical Paintings X Historical Photos = Images of Early Colonial Hong Kong莫家詠女士 (香港藝術館館長)

黃廼錕先生 (香港歷史博物館助理館長)

Ms Mok Kar Wing (Curator, Hong Kong Museum of Art)Mr Wong Nai Kwan (Assistant Curator, Hong Kong Museum of History)

13/4(日Sun)十九世紀中至廿世紀初的香港碼頭苦力:基層華人生活的寫照Livings of Hong Kong Stevedores in Mid-19th Century to Early 20th Century姚穎嘉博士(香港中文大學歷史系)

Dr Yiu Wing Ka (Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

19/4(六Sat)第三講:第一次世界大戰期間的在法華工 (普通話主講)Session 3: Strangers on the Western Front: the Chinese Workers in France during the First World War (in Putonghua)


Professor Xu Guoqi (Professor, Department of History, The University of Hong Kong)

28/6(六Sat)嶺南考古發掘的成果及特色Archaeological Achievements of Lingnan鄒興華先生(香港文化博物館館長)

Mr Chau Hing Wah (Curator, Hong Kong Heritage Museum)

29/6(日Sun)從「廣東文物展覽會」說起:香港考古文物展覽回顧Exhibitions on the Archaeological Finds of Hong Kong: A Retrospective Review林國輝先生(香港歷史博物館館長)

Mr Lam Kwok Fai (Curator, Hong Kong Museum of History)

17/5(六Sat)第四講:會館組織與加州早期的華工Session 4: Benevolent Associations and Early Chinese Labourers in California吳瑞卿博士(香港中文大學中文系)

Dr Sonia Ng (Department in Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

21/6(六Sat)第五講:華僑史的性別維度:自梳女與僑居地及僑鄉的案例Session 5: EnGendering the History of the Overseas Chinese: Cases of Celibate Cantonese Spinsters and Their Host Countries and Native Towns葉漢明教授(香港中文大學歷史系系主任、教授)

Professor Yip Hon Ming (Department Chair and Professor, Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

24/5(六Sat)藥商與神明的傳入 ─ 從黃大仙信仰談起Medicine and Deity: on the Worship of Wong Tai Sin蕭國健教授(珠海學院香港歷史文化研究中心主任)

Professor Siu Kwok Kin (Director, Centre for Hong Kong History and Culture Studies, Chu Hai College of Higher Education)

7/6(六Sat)黃大仙祠 ─ 歷史今昔與社區民生Wong Tai Sin Temple in History and Community鍾潔雄女士(資深出版人、香港出版學會學務委員)

Ms Chung Kit Hung (Publisher, Academic Member of Hong Kong Publishing Professional Society)

6/4(日Sun)那些被選擇的和被放棄的道路:評價宋明理學在中國歷史中的角色 (英語主講)Paths Taken, Paths Avoided: Assessing Neo-Confucianism’s Role in China’s History (in English)


Professor Peter Bol (Vice Provost for Advances in Learning and Charles H. Carswell Professor of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University)

「科大人文新語」講座系列HKUST Public Humanities Lectures合辦單位 Co-organised by香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong Museum of History香港科技大學人文學部 Division of Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

合辦單位 Co-organised by香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong Museum of History香港中文大學新亞書院 New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

合辦單位 Co-organised by香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong Museum of History華人廟宇委員會 Chinese Temples Committee

香港歷史博物館地下演講廳 / 免費入座 / 座位139 / 先到先得,滿座即止 / 演講廳將於講座開始前15分鐘開放Lecture Hall, G/F, HKMH / Free admission / 139 seats / First come, first served / Admitted 15 minutes before each lecture starts

「影藏歲月 ─ 香港舊照片展」講座Lectures for “Images Through Time: Photos of Old Hong Kong” Exhibition

「傳統信仰與非物質文化遺產」講座系列Lecture Series on “Traditional Belief Systems and Intangible Cultural Heritage”

錢賓四先生學術文化講座2014Ch'ien Mu Lecture in History and Culture 2014

廟宇文化講座 2014 Chinese Temples Culture 2014

12/4(六Sat)天后信仰與德育Tin Hau: Religion and Morality楊春棠先生(華人廟宇委員


Mr Yeung Chun Tong (Chairman of Development and Culture Working Group, Chinese Temples Committee)

合辦單位 Co-organised by香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong Museum of History珠海學院香港歷史文化研究中心 Centre forHong Kong History and Culture Studies, Chu Hai College of Higher Education

教育活動 Education Programmes

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教育活動 Education Programmes 2724 9082

復活節特備節目 Easter Programmes

2014香港國際博物館日特備節目Special Programme for IMD 2014, HK

專題展覽特備節目Programme for Special Exhibition

17/5 (六Sat) & 18/5 (日Sun)下午2:30-3:30pm ; 下午4-5pm時光流轉古裝街Fun Fair at Museum Street「香港故事」展區六 / 費用全免 / 不設名額,先到先得“The Hong Kong Story” Gallery 6 / Free for participation / First come, first served

18/6 - 25/6 (逢星期三 Every Wed)下午4-5pm 「考古挖掘」教育工作坊 Let’s Dig! Education Workshop in Archaeology歷史博物館活動室 / 每節20人 / 費用全免 / 先到先得,額滿即止。Activity Room of HKMH / 20 persons per session / Free for participation / First come, first served「扭扭擰擰」氣球工作坊

Balloon Twisting Workshop歷史博物館活動室 / 每節10對參加者 / 費用全免,惟參加者須繳付博物館入場費。Activity Room of HKMH / 10 pairs of participant per session / Free for participation, but admission fee to the Museum is required.

18/4 (五Fri) 下午3-4pm親子組 (6 - 15歲小童及家長)Family Session (Child aged 6-15 and parent)

20/4 (日Sun) 下午3-4pm公開組 (須年滿16歲)Public Session (Aged 16 or above)

21/4 (一Mon)下午3-4pm陶蛋魔豆工作坊The Magic Egg Workshop歷史博物館活動室 / 名額20人 / 費用全免Activity Room of HKMH / 20 persons / Free for participation

須網上報名,先到先得,額滿即止 / 博物館將致電通知成功申請者 / 申請者於活動開始三天前仍未接獲通知,則當落選論,恕不另行通知。Online application is required. First come, first served. Telephone notification will be given to the successful applicants. Applicants should assume their applications unsuccessful if they do not hear from the Museum 3 days before the programme commences.

所有節目除特別註明外,均以粵語進行。報名及活動詳情可瀏覽博物館網頁。All programmes will be conducted in Cantonese unless otherwise specified. For details and application, please check out from

教育活動 Education Programmes

影片欣賞 下午3-3:30pm

Film Shows「香港故事」展區四活動室 / 座位20 /先到先得,滿座即止 / 所有節目為亞洲電視製作,並以粵語旁述 / 費用全免,惟參加者須繳付博物館入場費 / 活動室將於影片放映前5分鐘開放。Activity Room in “The Hong Kong Story” Gallery 4 / 20 seats / First come, first served / The video programmes are produced by ATV and narrated in Cantonese / Free for viewing, but admission fee to the Museum is required / Admitted 5 minutes before the show commences.

《解密百年香港》系列“Hong Kong History Decode” Series

2/4(三Wed)「華人出頭路、光耀百年」Episode 11

9/4(三Wed)「融金歲月、擠提風暴」Episode 12

16/4(三Wed)「馬會春秋、報業百家」Episode 13

23/4(三Wed)「鴻雁初飛、書館尋蹤」Episode 14

30/4(三Wed)「西學東漸、有教無類」Episode 15

7/5(三Wed)「孫文求學、治國醫人」Episode 16

14/5(三Wed)「港督這份工、政改路跡」Episode 17

21/5(三Wed)「創立港大、廢婢禁妾」Episode 18

28/5(三Wed)「車軌路轍、食肆留香」Episode 19

4/6(三Wed)「工潮史話、啟德謎夢」Episode 20

博物館共融計劃Inclusive Life: Museum for All傷健共融Interactivity Scheme

團體預約特別導賞及工作坊Special Guided Tours and Workshops for Groups by Appointments

香港歷史博物館與香港展能藝術會合作舉辦,為歷史博物館常設及專題展提供特別導賞及模型製作工作坊,讓聽障、視障及傷健人士增進對香港歷史文化的認識,並參與及分享博物館公眾節目。Jointly presented by the Hong Kong Museum of History and Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong, these special guided tours and model-making workshops are tailor-made for people with hearing and visual impairments, and disabilities to enable them to better understand the history and cultural heritage of Hong Kong.

費用全免 / 每節約一小時三十分鐘 / 名額20人 / 先到先得 / 請於辦公時間內致電預約Free for participation / Each tour lasts about one and half hours / 20 persons / First come, first served / Please make reservation during office hours.

3/4 - 30/6 (逢星期一、四及五,上午10時15分Every Mon, Thu & Fri, 10:15am) (每月兩節 2 sessions per month) 「香港故事」手語傳譯導賞Sign Interpretation Guided Tours to “The Hong Kong Story" Exhibition每節20名聽障人士(包括陪同者)

20 persons with hearing impairment (including minders) per session

3/4 - 30/6 (逢星期一、四及五,上午10時15分Every Mon, Thu & Fri, 10:15am) (每月兩節 2 sessions per month) 「香港故事」手語傳譯導賞及紙模型製作工作坊Sign Interpretation Guided Tours and Paper Model-making Workshops on “The Hong Kong Story" Exhibition每節20名聽障人士(包括陪同者)

20 persons with hearing impairment (including minders) per session

團體預約外展工作坊Outreach Workshops by Appointments是次計劃專為本地註冊非牟利機構及慈善團體而設,由香港歷史博物館統籌,於各社區中心內進行外展工作坊。有關節目及報名詳情,歡迎致電2724 9082查詢。These outreach workshops are specially designed for charitable or non-profit-making organizations registered in Hong Kong, and conducted at their service centres. For enrollment and details, please contact us at 2724 9082.

社區關懷Caring for the Community

團體預約外展工作坊Outreach Workshops by Appointments

3/4 - 30/6 (逢星期一、四及五 Every Mon, Thu & Fri) (每月四節 4 sessions per month)香港故事場景模型製作Model-making: Hong Kong Story社區及長者中心 / 每節30人

Community and Elderly Centres / 30 persons per session

費用全免 / 每節30人 / 名額有限,先到先得 / 請先行於辦公時間內致電預約。Free for participation / 30 persons / First come, first served / Please contact us during office hours for reservation.

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教育活動 Education Programmes

2014年香港國際博物館日International Museum Day 2014, Hong Kong博物珍藏‧連繫各方2014.5.17-18



為響應國際博物館日,康樂及文化事務署轄下所有博物館及其他多個文博單位將於今年5月17及18日推出多項特備節目,歡迎大家踴躍參與。有關「2014香港國際博物館日」節目詳情,請於四月初瀏覽「2014香港國際博物館日」網頁 或留意各館公佈。

教育活動 Education Programmes

Museum Collections Make Connections 2014.5.17-18

The International Council of Museums (ICOM) designated the 18th of May of each year as International Museum Day (IMD) in 1977. Since 2001, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department has annually organised International Museum Day, Hong Kong in mid-May with the aim of raising public awareness of the roles and functions of museums in society.

Museums constantly face changes and challenges that require them to find new strategies to attract visitors towards more accessible collections. The theme for IMD 2014 is “Museum Collections Make Connections”, which reminds us that a museum is an institution that preserves and communicates the past, while remaining grounded in the present. Museums form a link between generations, allowing those in the present and the future to better comprehend their origins and history. This theme also emphasizes the importance for museums to revamp traditional methods of presentation of their collections so as to remain in touch with the public. In this way, it is hoped museums can create bonds between visitors, generations and cultures from around the world.

A fantastic array of special programmes will be organised at all Leisure and Cultural Services Department museums and other participating venues on 17 and 18 May 2014 for public enjoyment. Come and join in on the fun! For details of IMD 2014 activities in Hong Kong, please visit from early April or see the announcements of individual museums.

社區關懷Caring for the Community

「耆趣藝遊-賽馬會健腦行計劃」香港賽馬會慈善信託基金會資助Journey for Active Minds: Jockey Club Museum Programme for the Elderly Funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

香港歷史博物館一直積極與不同社區團體及機構結成合作夥伴,藉舉辦多元的推廣活動,讓不同社群的市民增進對歷史文化的認識,並參與及分享博物館公眾節目。We continue our close collaboration with local community groups and associations to foster public awareness and understanding of the history and cultural heritage through varied extension activities.

由香港歷史博物館主辦,香港賽馬會慈善信託基金資助,藝術在醫院協辦的「耆趣藝遊-賽馬會健腦行計劃」,是一個帶老友記走進時光隧道,享受歷史文化及藝術的一個豐盛之旅。在2014年3月開始至2015年中,我們將邀請老人團體及認知障礙症長者到香港歷史博物館參加互動活動,包括參觀展覽、導賞服務及工作坊,讓他們走出日常的日程,輕鬆地感受博物館之旅,歡迎大家參與。有關節目及報名詳情,請致電9388 5365與藝術在醫院聯絡。Sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, this project is launched by the Hong Kong Museum of History in collaboration with Art in Hospital. It aims at providing guided tours and workshops on the exhibitions for the elderly and people with Alzheimer's disease from March 2014 to mid-2015 to enable them to explore cultural history and works of art through intellectual stimulation, experience sharing and social interaction. For enrollment and details, please contact Art in Hospital at 9388 5365.

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花絮 Sidelights

第八屆歷史照片研究比賽The 8th Competition on Historical Photographs Writing Research我愛香港協會康樂及文化事務署聯合主辦Jointly organised by We Love Hong Kong AssociationLeisure and Cultural Services Department

主題 Theme香港城市發展與空間規劃Urban Developmant and Spatial Planning in Hong Kong

參賽資格 Eligibility學生組 — 香港全日制中學生公開組 — 香港永久居民Studesnt Diviston: Local secondary school studentsOpen Division: Hong Kong permanent residents

參加辦法 Submission請將參賽的歷史研究報告,連同參加表格(可於主辦單位網頁下載),電郵至,或寄往九龍旺角彌敦道580A號周大福商業中心15樓,信封面請註明「參加第八屆歷史照片研究比賽」。Application form can be downloaded from this link You may send the duly completed form and the research project by email to info@welovehk.orgor by post to 15/F, Chow Tai Fook Centre, 580A Nathan Road, Kowloon. Please mark “The 8th Competition on Historical Photographs Writing Research” on the envelope.

截止日期 Deadline for Submission30/4/2014 (星期三 Wed)

結果公布 Announcement of Results得獎名單將於2014年6月下旬在香港歷史博物館及我愛香港歷史網站內公布。Results will be announced on the websites of the Museum and We Love Hong Kong Association in late June 2014.

2763 1323 (林小姐 Ms Lam)

比賽形式 Format參加者可從我愛香港協會網站 內的比賽照片中,選擇其中一張或一組進行研究,撰寫歷史研究報告,內容可包括照片內所見的景物、時代等。報告必須與主題有關,字數不少於1,000字。Participants are required to choose one / set of historical photo(s) from to write a research report of not less than 1,000 words. It can be a study of any scene or time shown in the photo closely related to the theme.

比賽 Competitions









(只有中文版 Chinese version only)

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最新出版 New Publications

《影藏歲月—香港舊照片》展覽圖錄Images Through Time: Photos of Old Hong Kong Exhibition Catalogue 香港歷史博物館編製精裝,428頁售價:港幣250元國際書號:978-962-7039-80-8

Produced by the Hong Kong Museum of HistoryHard cover, 428 ppPrice: HK$250ISBN: 978-962-7039-80-8

最新出版 New Publications

《甲午戰後:租借新界及威海衛》展覽圖錄The Aftermath of the First Sino-Japanese War: The Lease of the New Territories and Weihaiwei Exhibition Catalogue香港歷史博物館編製平裝,176頁售價:港幣100元國際書號:978-962-7039-81-5

Produced by the Hong Kong Museum of HistorySoft cover, 176 ppPrice: HK$100ISBN: 978-962-7039-81-5



Available for sale on 9 April

The New Territories in Hong Kong and Weihaiwei in Shandong were leased to Britain about the same time in 1898, and both were placed under the administration of the British Colonial Office. Sir James Stewart Lockhart and Sir Reginald Johnston both started out in the civil service as Hong Kong Cadets and ended their political careers as Commissioner in Weihaiwei. They brought the wealth of experience of effective administration that they had accumulated in office in Hong Kong to Weihaiwei and formulated many policies in Britain’s 32-year lease of Weihaiwei. They were both ‘China experts’ with a passion for Chinese culture and preserving traditional Chinese customs, but as colonial officers they were obliged to conduct the tasks assigned to them by the British government. Their work included strengthening the colonies’ domains and protecting Britain’s political and economic interests in the Far East, and they achieved this ends by implementing policies such as ‘controlling the Chinese with the Chinese’. Based on extensive material drawn from the Collection of Sir James Stewart Lockhart held by the National Library of Scotland, this exhibition catalogue provides an insight into how Britain implemented its governing policies in the leased lands, and showcases the unique social settings of the New Territories as well as Weihaiwei at the turn of the last century.

To complement the “Images Through Time: Photos of Old Hong Kong” exhibition, the Hong Kong Museum of History has produced a fully illustrated catalogue featuring about 500 rarely seen photos of various themes, including grand celebrations, food culture, disasters, occupations, transport, leisure activities, as well as the transformation in people's lives and cityscape, selected from the museum’s collections and “The Moonchu Collection of Early Photography of China”. Supplemented with detailed descriptions, this catalogue will give readers a better understanding of the introduction of photography to China and the historical developments of Hong Kong from the mid-nineteenth to the early twentieth century.


22 23

《百年時尚:香港長衫故事》展覽圖錄A Century of Fashion: Hong Kong Cheongsam Story Exhibition Catalogue香港歷史博物館編製平裝,196 頁售價:港幣100 元國際書號:978-962-7039-78-5


Produced by the Hong Kong Museum of HistorySoft cover, 196 ppPrice: HK$100ISBN: 978-962-7039-78-5

Presenting a comprehensive record of the exhibition on the cheongsam held in conjunction with the ‘Hong Kong Week 2013@ Taipei’, this catalogue features a wealth of insightful articles, images of exhibit highlights and historical photographs. Fully illustrated and divided into three main sections – “The Emergence and Development of the Cheongsam in Hong Kong”, “Hong Kong’s Cheongsam Tailors and their Craft” and “Cheongsam Legends in Hong Kong” – it will allow the readers to gain a deeper understanding of the historical and social contexts in which the cheongsam developed and the processes that have made the dress an everlasting classic in Hong Kong.


粵語:每天上午11時30分 / 下午2時 / 下午3時

英語:上午10時30分 / 下午2時30分(逢星期六、日及公眾假期)



Each tour lasts about 1.5 hours and admits 30 persons on a first come, first served basis.

Cantonese : 11:30am / 2pm / 3pm daily

English : 10:30am / 2:30pm (Sat, Sun & public holidays)

Putonghua : 3:30pm (Sat, Sun & public holidays)

Meeting Point : “Docent Stop” at Gallery 1 Entrance on G/F

「香港故事」常設展公眾導賞團Public Guided Tours of “The Hong Kong Story“ Exhibition2724 9080

錄音導賞服務 Audio Guide Service2724 9057 / 2724 9080

參考資料室Resource Centre

2724 9009 / 2724 9033

錄音導賞服務備有粵語、英語、普通話及日語,租用費用為港幣10元。請到一樓大堂「錄音導賞服務處」查詢或租用。Cantonese, English, Putonghua and Japanese versions are available. The rental for the audio player is HK $10. Please proceed to the Audio Guide Service Counter on 1/F Lobby for enquiries or rental.

參考資料室位於香港歷史博物館二樓,收藏有關中國及香港歷史、考古、民俗、自然歷史及博物館學等參考書刊及影音資料,以及香港早年面貌的歷史圖片。不設外借服務,只供於資料室內使用及閱讀。The Resource Centre is located on 2/F of the HKMH. It provides reference books, periodicals and audio-visual materials on Chinese and Hong Kong history, archaeology, ethnography, natural history and museology, as well as historical photos depicting early Hong Kong views. All materials are only used in the Resource Centre and not available for loan.




Opening Hours:Mon to Fri : 9:30am - 12:45pm & 2pm - 5pm

Sat : 9:30am - 12nn (Appointment needs to be madeone day in advance)

Closed on Saturday afternoons, Sundays and public holidays

資源及服務 Resources & Services最新出版 New Publications


資源及服務 Resources & Services

團體預約參觀Group Visits by Appointments2724 9080

外借服務Loan Out Services2724 9026

團體預約館內錄像帶欣賞 In-house Video Shows by Appointments2724 9080


All schools, charitable and non-profit-making organizations registered in Hong Kong with a group of 20 or more are eligible for the application for wavier of admission charges and free guided tour. Application should be made from 2 weeks to 3 months (from the first working day of the month) in advance before the date of visit. Please contact our staff during office hours (9:30am-12:45pm & 2pm-5:30pm on Mon-Fri) for reservation. All services are arranged on a first come, first served basis.


Exhibiton panels and teaching aids are offered for free loan to local schools, and registered charitable or non-profit-making organizations. Booking will be arranged on a first come, first served basis. Please contact our staff during office hours (9 :30am-12:45pm & 2pm-5:30pm on Mon-Fri) for reservation. For details, please visit and download the application form.


The Museum provides some video programmes available for in-house viewing by groups from schools and charitable or non-profit-making orgranisations. These video programmes on Hong Kong’s history and culture were produced by RTHK and are available in Cantonese narration only. Some of them have Chinese subtitles. The video programe catalogue is available on the Museum’s website.


26 27

專題展覽 Special Exhibition

至Until 11/6/2014

展覽廳一瞥A glimpse of the exhibition gallery

香港軍事服務團樂團譜架龍圖掛布Cloth mounted on music stand with dragon emblem belonging to the HKMSC band

香港軍事服務團制服,俗稱「OG」(橄欖綠),配以短褲,以迎合香港亞熱帶氣候的需要。Army uniform of the HKMSC, also known as “OG” (Olive Green), with a pair of shorts adapted to the sub-tropical climate in Hong Kong.

香港海防博物館專題展覽廳及上層展覽廳Thematic Exhibition and Upper Galleries, Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence

勇者無名: 香港軍事服務團歷史展





專題展覽 Special Exhibition

港幣10元(包括專題展及常設展)20人或以上團體七折優惠;全日制學生 /高齡人士 / 殘疾人士(及一名陪同的看護人)半價優惠星期三免費入場博物館通行證持有人免費入場HK$10 (for both Special Exhibition & Permanent Exhibition)30% discount for group of 20 or more;50% discount for full-time student / senior citizen / people with disabilities (and one accompanying minder)Free admission on WednesdaysFree admission for Museum Pass holders

參觀者留言Visitor’s Comment

Now disbanded, the Hong Kong Military Service Corps (HKMSC) was a regular British army unit that was raised in Hong Kong and consisted mainly of Chinese living in the colony. The history of Chinese people serving in the British military can be traced back to 1857, when the British enlisted local residents in Hong Kong to transport munitions and stores during the Second Opium War; a few who spoke some English were promoted to the rank of non-commissioned officers (NCOs). Local Chinese were subsequently recruited as sappers and attached to different British military units.

Before Hong Kong fell to the Japanese in 1941, the newly formed Hong Kong Chinese Regiment recruited local residents to help man the territory’s artillery and coastal defences, but it was dissolved once the colony surrendered. Britain resumed its administration of Hong Kong after the Second World War, but, struggling with the decline of the British Empire, found it difficult to maintain the military manpower needed to ensure the territory’s security. The Hong Kong Chinese Training Unit (HKCTU) was therefore established, comprising local residents who were enlisted as regular soldiers. The unit was later renamed the Hong Kong Military Service Corps in 1962, a title it was known by until its disbandment in 1997.

Based at the Lyemun Barracks (present-day Lei Yue Mun Park and Holiday Village and the Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence) and later at Stonecutters Island Barracks (currently used by the Hong Kong Garrison of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army), the HKMSC provided comprehensive training for cadets. Reporting directly to the Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom, the corps was responsible for border safety and control and was also called into action to provide emergency rescue services after natural disasters such as typhoons and landslides. Some members were even deployed to join the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus in 1991.

With the display of about 70 pieces of valuable artefacts and historical photos relating to the HKMSC, this exhibition offers a chance for visitors to learn about the history of this military unit and the contribution it made during the British administration of Hong Kong.

Unsung Bravery: History of theHong Kong Military Service Corps

28 29

常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition

堡壘以香港海岸防衛歷史為題,闡述香港自明清、英治時期、抗日戰爭以至回歸以後的海防歷史。而鯉魚門岬角上舊有的軍事設施,經修復後開闢成古蹟徑供遊人參觀。The Redoubt depicts Hong Kong’s history of coastal defence from the Ming and Qing dynasties, the British period, Japanese invasion up to the period after Hong Kong’s reversion to Chinese sovereignty. Other historical military structures over the headland have been restored for public appreciation.

公眾導賞團(粵語) 2569 1248

博物館逢星期三、六、日及公眾假期提供粵語導賞服務,名額30人,先到先得。常設展覽 :上午11時及下午2時15分古蹟徑 :下午3時30分集合地點 :堡壘大堂

Public Guided Tours (Cantonese) 2569 1248

Free guided tours in Cantonese are provided on Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Each tour admits 30 visitors on a first come, first served basis.Permanent Exhibition : 11:00am & 2:15pmHistorical Trail : 3:30pmMeeting Point : Redoubt courtyard

海防風雲六百年600 Years of Hong Kong’s Coastal Defence

講座Lectures海防博物館演講廳 / 免費參加 / 座位50 / 先到先得,滿座即止。Lecture Hall, HKMCD / Free admission / 50 seats / First come, first served.

講座內容並不代表博物館立場The museum makes no representation on the contents of the lectures

由香港退伍軍人聯會提供Courtesy of Hong Kong Ex-Servicemen's Association

24/5(六Sat)下午3-5pm回顧我在皇家憲兵隊的日子Reminiscing My Days in the Royal Military Police, HKMSC前皇家憲兵隊員Ex-Members of the Royal Military Police, HKMSC

7/6(六Sat)下午3-5pm1857-1997 殖民地時期的華籍英兵Hong Kong Chinese Servicemen throughout the Colonial Period, 1857-1997鄺智文博士(香港浸會大學歷史系研究助理教授)

Dr Kwong Chi Man(Research Assistant Professor, History Department, Hong Kong Baptist University)

12/4(六Sat)下午3-5pm防衛軍犬隊於邊防的故事Stories of the Defence Animal Support Unit (DASU), Royal Army Veterinary Corps (RAVC) on the Border 前防衛軍犬隊軍官和成員Former officer and members of the Defence Animal Support Unit

「2014香港國際博物館日」特備節目Special Programmes for IMD 2014,HK

17/5-18/5 (六及日Sat & Sun) 上午10am-下午6pm 歲月留蹤:華籍英兵Tracing the History: British-Chinese Soldiers堡壘大堂Redoubt courtyard

上午11am-下午12:30pm英軍制服裝備多面睇Uniform and Equipment of the British Army: A Kaleidoscope上層展覽廳Upper Gallery

下午3:30pm-5:30pm 軍事野戰訓練全接觸 *Experience Military Field Training古蹟徑Historical Trail

費用全免 / 即場參加,先到先得。Free for participation / First come, first served.

2569 1429 教育活動 Education Programmes

*10歲以下兒童需家長陪同參加Accompanied by parent is required for children under 10

30 31

教育活動 Education Programmes教育活動 Education Programmes

參觀活動Field Visits

戰爭的代價系列The Cost of War Series



16/4 (甲團)23/4 (乙團)21/5 (丙團)若報名人數超額,抽籤分別定於18/4(甲團)、25/4(乙團)及23/5(丙團)下午4時在海防博物館演講廳舉行。

All are identical sessions. Please make online application.Applicants should be aged 16 or above.

Deadlines for Application: 16/4 (Group A)23/4 (Group B)21/5 (Group C)In case of over subscription, participants will be selected by drawing lots on 18/4 (Group A), 25/4 (Group B) and 23/5(Group C), 4 pm for Group A, B and C respectively at the Lecture Hall, HKMCD.

海防博物館演講廳及古蹟徑 / 活動於開始前15分鐘在海防博物館詢問處接受報名;先到先得,額滿即止 / 費用全免,惟參加者須繳付博物館入場費。

Lecture Hall and Historical Trail, HKMCD / Registration starts15 mins at the Information Counter, HKMCD before the activities commence / First come, first served / Free for participation, but admission fee to the Museum is required.

26/4 (六Sat) 甲團 Group A (FV140426)3/5 (六Sat) 乙團 Group B (FV140503)1/6 (日Sun) 丙團 Group C (FV140601)下午2-5:30pm我們在鯉魚門軍營的日子Our Time in Lyemun Barracks

領隊:前華籍英兵Guide: Ex-British-Chinese Soldiers

地點:鯉魚門軍營(今鯉魚門公園及度假村與香港海防博物館)Location: Lyemun Barracks (present-day Lei Yue Mun Park and Holiday Village and the Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence)

集合及解散地點:港鐵筲箕灣站Meeting and Dismissal Point: MTR Shau Kei Wan Station

行程約3.5小時 / 每團名額25人 / 費用全免3.5 hours / 25 quota for each group / Free

13/4(日Sun)下午4-5:30pm勇闖地雷陣 Passing through the Landmines20對親子 (建議由家長攜同子女參加)20 pairs (Accompanied by parent is recommended)

22/6(日Sun)下午4-5:30pm有「難」同當-探索難民的世界 Be a Refugee - Exploring the World of Refugees

香港紅十字會導師Instructors of the Hong Kong Red Cross

名額:40人Quota: 40 persons

參加者必須年滿6歲,10歲以下兒童需家長陪同。For aged 6 or above, accompanied by parent is required for children under 10.

27/4、8/6(日Sun)下午3-4pm「布倫南」魚雷模型製作Brennan Torpedo Model-making

齊來動動手Let’s Make a Model

20/4、11/5、29/6(日Sun)、2/6(一Mon)下午3-4:30pm「彗星一型」坦克車模型製作Comet Mark I Tank Model-making

海防博物館兒童角 / 15對親子 (10歲以下兒童需家長協助製作﹚/ 每項活動於開始前15分鐘在兒童角接受報名 / 先到先得,額滿即止 / 費用全免,惟參加者須繳付博物館入場費。Children’s Corner, HKMCD / 15 pairs (Accompanied by parent is required for children under 10) / Registration starts 15 mins before the activities commence on spot / First come, first served / Free for participation, but admission fee to the Museum is required.

影片欣賞Film Shows

4月份 (逢星期三、日) 及 5/4 (六)、18-21/4 (五至一)April (Every Wed and Sun) and 5/4 (Sat), 18-21/4 ( Fri to Mon)下午2:30-3:30pm《放眼香港:昂船洲》"Eye on Hong Kong: Eye on Stonecutters Island"香港電視廣播有限公司製作The video programme is produced by Television Broadcasts Limited.英語旁述,中文字幕。English narration with Chinese subtitles

1/5(四Thur)、14/5 、28/5 、11/6(三Wed)、29/6(日Sun)第一集 臨危受命Episode 1 Receiving Order

4/5 、1/6、15/6(日Sun)、17/5(六 Sat)第二集 虎穴搶救Episode 2 The Secret Rescue

6/5(二Tue)、18/5 、18/6(三Wed)、2/6(一Mon)第三集 密過惠州Episode 3 Secret Passage to Huizhou

7/5、21/5、4/6(三Wed)、22/6(日Sun)第四集 渡海為安Episode 4 Escape by Boats

11/5 、25/5 、8/6(日Sun)、25/6(三Wed)第五集 全線告捷Episode 5 The Victory

1942香港秘密大營救Hong Kong Secret Rescue in 1942下午2:30-3:30pm

海防博物館演講廳 / 座位30 / 先到先得,滿座即止 / 費用全免 / 活動室於影片放映前5分鐘開放。Lecture Hall, HKMCD / 30 seats / First come, first served / Free for viewing / Admitted 5 mins before the shows commence.

除特別註明外,所有節目均以粵語進行。報名及活動詳情可瀏覽博物館網頁。All programmes will be conducted in Cantonese unless otherwise specified. For details and application, please check out

特別鳴謝中央新聞紀錄電影製片廠Special thanks to the Central Studio of News Reels Production普通話旁述 (中文字幕)Putonghua narration (with Chinese subtitles)

6/4、4/5、1/6、15/6(日Sun)下午3-4pm「撒拉森二型」裝甲運兵車模型製作Saracen Mark II Armoured Personnel Carrier Model-making

5/4(六Sat)、1/5(四Thur)下午3-4pm「復仇女神」號戰船模型製作Nemesis Warship Model-making

21/4(一Mon)、 25/5(日Sun)下午3-4pm「萬年清」號戰船模型製作Wannianqing Warship Model-making

18/4(五Fri)、6/5(二Tue)下午3-4pm廣東戰船模型製作Guangdong Warship Model-making

專題展覽特備節目Programme for Special Exhibition

19/4、10/5、31/5 (六Sat)下午2:30-4pm與前華籍英兵有個約會To Have a Date with the Ex-British-Chinese Soldiers名額:25人Quota: 25 persons

海防博物館專題展覽廳 / 活動於開始前15分鐘在海防博物館堡壘大堂接受報名 ; 先到先得,額滿即止 / 費用全免,惟參加者須繳付博物館入場費。Thematic Exhibition Gallery, HKMCD / Registration starts 15 mins at the Redoubt before the activities commence / First come, first served / Free for participation, but admission fee to the Museum is required.


資源及服務 Resources & Services 2569 1248

團體預約參觀Group Visits by Appointments

團體預約特別導賞:手語傳譯導賞 Special Guided Tours for Groups by Appointments: Sign Interpretation Guided Tours

外借服務Loan Out Services

公眾導賞團Public Guided Tours


All schools, charitable and non-profit-making organizations registered in Hong Kong with a visiting group of 20 or more are eligible for the application for wavier of admission charges and free guided tour. Application should be made from 2 weeks to 3 months (from the first working day of the month) in advance before the date of visit. Please contact our staff during office hours (9:30am-12:45pm & 2pm-5:30pm on Mon-Fri) for reservation. All services are arranged on a first come, first served basis.

香港海防博物館提供一系列學習資源,歡迎學校、註冊慈善或非牟利團體申請借用,本館會按先到先得方法辦理。有關詳情,請瀏覽本館網頁 及下載申請表格。

The Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence provides a series of learning resources for free loan to schools and registered charitable or non-profit-making organizations. Booking will be arranged on a first come, first served basis. For details, please browse and download the application form.


Sign interpretation guided tours are now offered for people with hearing impairments to enable them to learn more about the military history of Hong Kong. Each tour lasts about 2 hours and admits 20 persons on a first come, first served basis. Please call us for reservation during office hours.

(每月舉辦兩節 2 sessions per month)

博物館逢星期三、六、日及公眾假期提供粵語導賞服務,名額30人,先到先得。常設展覽 :上午11時及下午2時15分古蹟徑 :下午3時30分集合地點 :堡壘大堂

Free guided tours in Cantonese are provided on Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.Each tour admits 30 visitors on a first come, first served basis.Permanent Exhibition : 11am & 2:15pmHistorical Trail : 3:30pmMeeting Point : Redoubt courtyard


34 35《興中會各同志革命工作史略》黃大漢編撰,一九二九年刊。輯錄了十五位興中會成員的革命工作史略,其中記錄了香港富商李紀堂的事蹟及貢獻。廣東省立中山圖書館藏

A Brief History of the Revolutionary Work of Xingzhonghui MembersEdited by Huang Dahan and published in 1929, this book documents the revolutionary work of 15 Xingzhonghui (Revive China Society) members, including the deeds and contributions of Hong Kong tycoon, Li Ki-tong.Collection of the Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province


Globe MagazineWith the advice of Cheng kuan-ying, Dr Sun Yat-sen went to Tianjin with Luke Ho-tung in June 1894 to present a petition to Li Hongzhang, in which he emphasized his ideas on revolution and the strength of a nation. Dr Sun’s proposals, however, were not given due attention. This is the Petition to Li Hongzhang published in the Globe Magazine.Collection of the Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province

紙上風雲 : 辛亥革命在廣東至Until 14.5.2014

孫中山紀念館一樓展覽廳1/F, Exhibition Gallery, Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum

康樂及文化事務署廣東省立中山圖書館聯合主辦Jointly presented by Leisure and Cultural Services Department Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province

孫中山紀念館籌劃Organised byDr Sun Yat-sen Museum


專題展覽 Special Exhibition 專題展覽 Special Exhibition

History in Prints: The 1911 Revolution in Guangdong

Featur ing over 100 artefacts and h is tor ica l photographs provided by the Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province, the exhibition illustrates the relationship between the 1911 Revolution and Guangdong. It focuses on the revolutionary activities led by Dr Sun and the Tongmenghui, the establishment of the Xingzhonghui, organization of the uprisings as well as the independence of Guangdong from the Qing court after the 1911 Revolution. Exhibits showcased in the exhibition include correspondence, manuscripts, leaflets, documents, postcards, books and journals.

港幣10元(包括專題展及常設展)20人或以上團體七折優惠;全日制學生 /高齡人士 / 殘疾人士(及一名陪同的看護人)半價優惠星期三免費入場博物館通行證持有人免費入場HK$10 (for both Special Exhibition & Permanent Exhibition)30% discount for group of 20 or more;50% discount for full-time student / senior citizen / people with disabilities (and one accompanying minder)Free admission on Wednesdays Free admission for Museum Pass holders


Furu BaoThis newspaper, which first went into print in Guangzhou in 1904, used simple wording so that women who had gone to school for just four years could understand its content. It was one of the early publications for women in Guangdong.Collection of the Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province 《平民畫報》


Populace PictorialEstablished on 16 July 1911, the Populace Pictorial was one of the official publications of the revolutionaries based in Guangzhou.Collection of the Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province

36 37

常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition

孫中山時期的香港Hong Kong in Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Time除介紹孫中山先生在香港的事蹟,亦希望引發參觀者思考十九世紀末的香港如何孕育出像孫中山這般具有革命創新思想的劃時代人物,並透過珍貴文物,展示香港在清末革命運動中的重要角色。Apart from going through Dr Sun’s activities in Hong Kong, this exhibition will inspire visitors to probe into an intriguing question, that is, why and how Hong Kong in the late 19th century nurtured someone like Dr Sun Yat-sen, who possessed such progressive revolutionary ideas. With the display of invaluable artefacts, the exhibition also illustrates explicitly the role of Hong Kong as a revolutionary pivot in the late Qing era.

孫中山紀念館二樓2/F, Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum

孫中山先生親書的「博愛」條幅,一九二零年代。Inscription “Bo Ai” by Dr Sun Yat-sen, 1920s.

孫中山先生受洗記錄,二十世紀初。Baptism record of Dr Sun Yat-sen, early 20th century.


節日特備活動Seasonal Activities

「2014香港國際博物館日」特備節目Special Programme for IMD 2014, HK

孫中山紀念館地下高層展覽廳 / 免費參加 / 座位40 / 先到先得,滿座即止 / 演講廳將於講座開始前5分鐘開放。Special Exhibition Gallery , UG/F, SYSM / Free admission /40 seats / First come, first served / Admitted 5 minutes before the lecture starts.

孫中山紀念館二樓活動室 / 每節24人 / 下午2時起到活動室報名 / 先到先得,額滿即止 / 費用全免,惟參加者須繳付博物館入場費。 Activity Room, 2/F, SYSM / 24 persons per session / Registration starts at 2pm at Activity Room / First come, first served / Free for participation, but admission fee to the Museum is required.

孫中山紀念館二樓活動室 / 每節24人 / 下午2時起到活動室報名 / 先到先得,額滿即止 / 費用全免,惟參加者須繳付博物館入場費。 Activity Room, 2/F, SYSM / 24 persons per session / Registration starts at 2pm at Activity Room / First come, first served / Free for participation, but admission fee to the Museum is required.

12/4(六Sat)下午3-5pm辛亥革命與廣州的滿人The 1911 Revolution and the Manchus in Guangzhou張瑞威副教授 (香港中文大學歷史系副教授)

Professor Cheung Sui Wai (Associate Professor, Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

24/5(六Sat)下午3-5pm五四前後孫中山形象之塑造Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Image before and after the May Fourth Movement周佳榮教授 (香港浸會大學歷史學系教授)

Professor Chow Kai Wing (Professor, Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University)

7/6(六Sat)下午3-5pm孫中山與民國軍閥Dr Sun Yat-sen and the Republican Warlords趙雨樂教授 (香港公開大學人文社會科學院教授)

Professor Chiu Yu Lok (Professor, School of Arts and Social Sciences, The Open University of Hong Kong)

講座內容並不代表紀念館立場。The Museum makes no representation on the contents of the lectures.

6/4、13/4 (日Sun)下午3-4:30pm五彩繽紛復活蛋The Making of Easter Eggs of Vibrant Colours

1/6、8/6 (日Sun)下午3-4:30pm向父親致敬-中山裝皮革匙包製作Salute to Dad – The Making of Zhongshan Suit Leather Keyholder

17/5 (六Sat)、18/5 (日Sun)下午3-4:30pm「把展品帶回家」-甘棠第玻璃杯製作Take the Exhibit Home – The Making of Kom Tong Hall Glass

3580 6780 教育活動 Education Programmes

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影片欣賞 Film Shows孫中山紀念館地下高層展覽廳 / 座位40 / 演講廳將於影片放映前5分鐘開放 / 先到先得,額滿即止 / 費用全免,惟參加者須繳付博物館入場費 / 亞洲電視製作 / 粵語旁述。Special Exhibition Gallery, UG/F, SYSM / 40 seats / Registration starts 5 minutes before each show commences / First come, first served / Free for participation, but admission fee to the Museum is required / The video programmes are produced by the ATV / Narrated in Cantonese

2/4、7/5、11/6 (三Wed)26/4、3/5、14/6 (六Sat)27/4、18/5、22/6 (日Sun)下午2-2:30pm


Episode 6 & 11 from “Hong Kong History Decode”When Hong Kong first opened its port to foreign trade, the government realised it could leverage Chinese merchants to reinforce administration of the colony. The programme describes the influence of such elite Chinese individuals as Ho Tung and Wu Tingfang on Hong Kong.

30/4、21/5、18/6 (三Wed)19/4、10/5、28/6 (六Sat)20/4、25/5、15/6 (日Sun)下午2-2:30pm


Episode 16 from “Hong Kong History Decode” The programmes tell of Dr Sun’s education and baptism in Hong Kong, as well as how he set up revolutionary groups, so that the audience can trace the footsteps of a prominent historical figure and learn some little known facts about him.

所有節目除特別註明外,均以粵語進行。報名及活動詳情可瀏覽博物館網頁。All programmes will be conducted in Cantonese unless otherwise specified. For details and application, please check out from

教育活動 Education Programmes 3580 6780 資源及服務 Resources & Services

團體預約參觀Group Visits by Appointments凡於香港註冊的學校、慈善及非牟利團體,如參觀人數達20人或以上,可申請豁免入場費及預約免費導賞服務,每團導賞約1小時,如人數不足20人,則須繳付入場費。紀念館於星期一至三、五至日提供團體參觀服務(星期四休館,星期三免費入場)。合資格團體可在參觀前兩星期至三個月(由該月的第一個工作日開始接受報名)作出申請。請於辦公時間內(星期一至五上午9時30分至下午12時45分及下午2時至5時30分)致電預約。名額有限,先到先得。All schools, charitable and non-profit-making organizations registered in Hong Kong with a visiting group of 20 or more are eligible for the application for waiver of admission charges and free guided tours. Each tour lasts about 1 hour and admits 20 visitors. Groups of less than 20 are required to pay for the admission charges. Group visit service is available on Monday to Wednesday, Friday to Sunday (the Museum closes on Thursday; free admission on Wednesday). Application should be made from 2 weeks to 3 months (from the first working day of the month) in advance before the date of visit. Please contact our staff during office hours (Monday to Friday: 9:30am – 12:45pm & 2pm-5:30pm) for reservation. All services are arranged on a first come, first served basis.

團體預約特別導賞Special Guided Tours for Groups by Appointments手語傳譯導賞Sign Interpretation Guided Tours

與香港展能藝術會合作舉辦,為聽障人士提供手語傳譯服務,增進聽障人士對孫中山先生及近代中國歷史的認識。每團約1小時,名額15人,先到先得,額滿即止。有興趣人士請於辦公時間內致電預約。Jointly presented by the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong, sign interpretation guided tours are now offered for people with hearing impairments to enable them to learn more about Dr Sun Yat-sen and modern Chinese history. Each tour lasts about 1 hour and admits 15 persons on a first come, first served basis. Please call us for reservation during office hours. (每月舉辦兩節 2 sessions per month)

公眾導賞團 Public Guided Tours

探索甘棠第建築特色之旅 Exploring Tour of Kom Tong Hall

紀念館導賞員將為參觀者介紹常設展覽。每團20人,全程約1小時,先到先得,額滿即止。有興趣人士可於下列時間到紀念館二樓常設展廳入口處集合,詳情如下:Our docents will lead the guided tours to the permanent exhibition. Each tour lasts for about 1 hour and admits 20 persons on a first come, first served basis. Please wait at the entrance to the Permanent Exhibition Gallery, 2/F.


粵語 Cantonese



6/4 - 29/6 逢星期日 Every Sunday

20/4, 27/4, 18/5, 25/5, 15/6, 29/6星期日 Sunday

5/4 - 28/6逢星期六 Every Saturday

5/4 - 28/6 逢星期六 Every Saturday

上午11時30分及下午2時30分 每團20人11:30am & 2:30pm 20 persons per tour

下午4時 每團20人4:00pm 20 persons per tour

下午2時 每團20人 2:00pm 20 persons per tour

下午3時30分 每團20人3:30pm 20 persons per tour

語言 Language 日期 Date 時間 Time


資源及服務 Resources & Services

錄音導賞團Audio Guide Service

外借展板Loan of Exhibition Panels

錄音導賞介紹常設展覽的精選展品。錄音導賞器材操作簡便,在展覽廳內看見這個耳筒標誌( )時,只須按下編號,展品介紹將自動播放。參觀路線及時間完全由您決定。可供選擇語言包括粵語、普通話及英語,租用費為港幣10元。有興趣人士可於入場後,到地下高層「錄音導賞服務處」查詢或辦理租用手續。The Museum’s Audio Guide Service introduces highlight exhibits from the permanent exhibition.The audio guide equipment is easy to operate: simply tap the numbers displayed with “ ” that can be found in the galleries. In this way you gain complete control of the route and pace of your visit. Cantonese, Putonghua and English narratives are available at a rental of HK$10. For enquiries and rental, please proceed to the Audio Guide Service Counter, UG/F.

本館備有展覽圖板,歡迎註冊學校、慈善或非牟利機構免費借用。借用機構須自行到紀念館提取及交還。有關展板詳情,可瀏覽本館網頁 及下載申請表格。The Museum makes available exhibition panels for free loan to registered schools, charitable or non-profit-making organizations. Borrowers are required to collect and return the panels by themselves. For details, please browse and download the application form.

2367 7821 分館 Branch Museums


葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館Fireboat Alexander GranthamExhibition Gallery

公眾導賞團(粵語) Public Guided Tours (Cantonese)

特備導賞團(粵語) Special Guided Tours (Cantonese)

團體預約特別導賞Special Guided Tours for Groups by Appointments手語傳譯導賞

Sign Interpretation Guided Tours

「葛量洪號」在香港黃埔船塢製造,除了見證香港的消防歷史外,亦反映香港上世紀五十年代的造船成就。香港歷史博物館把它列為藏品,並建設展覽館,配以獨特的消防文物和多媒體介紹,增進市民對香港海上救援工作的認識。The Alexander Grantham was built by Hong Kong & Whampoa Dock Co. Ltd., and as an enduring witness to the history of Hong Kong’s sea rescue services, it is also a testament to the achievements of Hong Kong shipbuilding in the 1950s. The Hong Kong Museum of History acquired the fireboat for its collection, refitting it and opening it to the public in the Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery. Showcasing a number of unique firefighting artefacts, the gallery offers a wealth of information displayed in multimedia formats to enhance the visitors’ understanding of marine rescue work in Hong Kong.

展覽館逢星期六、日下午2時30分提供粵語導賞服務,全程約1小時,名額20人,即場參加,先到先得,額滿即止。Cantonese guided tours are provided on Saturdays and Sundays at 2:30 pm. Each tour lasts about 1 hour and admits 20 persons on a first come, first served basis.

展覽館逢星期六下午3時30分提供由駐船退休消防員帶領的粵語導賞團,與參加者分享昔日駐船工作時的點滴。全程約1小時,名額20人,即場參加,先到先得,額滿即止。Every Saturday at 3:30 pm, the Museum offers Cantonese guided tours conducted by retired firefighters who used to work on the fireboat. The docents will share with visitors highlights of their work on the boat. Each tour lasts about 1 hour and admits 20 persons on a first come, first served basis.

與香港展能藝術會合作舉辦,為聽障人士提供手語傳譯服務,增進聽障人士對「葛量洪號」滅火輪的認識。每團約1小時,名額15人,先到先得,額滿即止。有興趣人士請於辦公時間內致電預約。Jointly presented by the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong, sign interpretation guided tours are now offered for people with hearing impairments to enable them to learn more about the Fireboat Alexander Grantham. Each tour lasts about 1 hour and admits 15 persons on a first come, first served basis. Please call us for reservation during office hours.(每月舉辦兩節 2 sessions per month)


Visit the Fireboat Alexander Grantham with the Retired Officer


Except for 12 & 13 April


Except for 12 & 13 April

李鄭屋漢墓博物館 Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum2386 2863

羅屋民俗館 Law Uk Folk Museum2896 7006

博物館展廳位於漢墓旁邊,展示古墓出土的陶器和青銅器,同時設有「李鄭屋漢墓」和「此地.當時:李鄭屋漢墓圖片展」兩個展覽。觀眾可透過裝崁在羨道入口的玻璃,或展廳內的電腦模擬互動展品窺探古墓的內貌。The exhibition hall was built adjacent to the Han tomb. In addition to the display of pottery and bronze wares excavated from the tomb, there are two exhibitions, namely “Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb” and “Here and Then: A Photo Exhibition of the Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb”. Visitors can have a glimpse of the interior of the tomb through the glass panel at the entrance passage, or the interactive computer model in the galleries.

「羅屋」建於十八世紀,是柴灣僅存的古村屋。博物館利用館藏文物,復原了村屋的內部面貌,反映客家人儉樸刻苦的生活方式。「羅屋」外的空地設有展板,介紹柴灣和羅屋的歷史、羅屋的建築特色,以及客家人的習俗。This 18th-century Hakka village house is the only example of its kind in Chai Wan. To give visitors a realistic experience of how the inhabitants would have lived, the house is furnished with the objects selected from the Museum’s collection. There are reader rails in the open ground in front of the house featuring the history of Chai Wan, the history and architecture of Law Uk, and the Hakka customs.

分館 Branch Museums

分館 Branch Museums


葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館同樂日Fun Day at Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery為讓市民認識「葛量洪號」滅火輪的歷史及提高防火意識,康樂及文化事務署及消防處將於2014年4月12日及13日聯合主辦「葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館同樂日」。同樂日期間滅火輪的駕駛室、船員休息室及機房將開放予公眾參觀。市民更可參與由Theatre Noir編寫及演出,以香港海上救援歷史為題的互動劇場。此外,市民亦有機會欣賞由「藝術在醫院」帶領住院兒童創作大型畫作。其他精彩節目還包括攤位遊戲、迷你遙控消防車巡迴、消防Live band眾樂「樂」。我們更特別製作紀念品,在同樂日免費派發,大家不容錯過。


In order to give the public a better understanding of the history of the Fireboat Alexander Grantham, and to promote the public's awareness of fire safety, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Fire Services Department will jointly organise the Fireboat Alexander Grantham Fun Day on 12-13 April 2014. There will be special guided tours to the fireboat’s wheelhouse, crew cabin, and engineer room which are specially open for the Fun Day. You can also enjoy the interactive drama programme featuring the history of sea rescue in Hong Kong written and performed by Theatre Noir. We are glad to have a group of hospitalised children organised by “Art in Hospital” jamming art together. Other exciting activities include game booths, remote controlled mini fire engine parade, music jam with firefighters; specially designed souvenirs will also be distributed during the event. Do come and join us to have fun!

All are welcomed. Please visit for more details.

免費入場 Free Admission


分館 Branch Museums

節目Programmes12 & 13/4/2014 (六及日Sat & Sun)

時間 Time 節目 Programmes

上午 10:30 am - 下午 6:00 pm

攤位遊戲:「破解滅火輪密碼」問答遊戲Game Booth: Deciphering the Fireboat’s Code Quiz

攤位遊戲:「齊來當消防員」拍照活動Game Booth: Be a Firefighter Phototaking Session

開放「葛量洪號」駕駛室、船員休息室及機房 *Visit to Fireboat’s wheelhouse, crew cabin and engineer room

每小時一節,每節15人One hour per session,15 persons per session

「迷你遙控消防車巡迴」Remote Controlled Mini Fire Engine Parade

上午 11:00 am中午 12:00 nn 下午 2:00 pm 下午 3:00 pm


Guided Tour: Revisiting the Past with Firefighters

每節約30分鐘About 30 minutes per session

每節約20人20 persons per session

下午 3:30–5:00pm

「互動劇場好戲 Fun」(由Theatre Noir演出)*

Fun Interactive Drama by Theatre Noir

每節約30人30 persons per session

13/4/2014 (日Sun)下午 5:00–6:00 pm

消防Live Band眾樂「樂」Music Jam with Firefighters

*即場參加,先到先得。First come, first served.所有節目以粵語進行。All programmes will be conducted in Cantonese.


香港歷史博物館Hong Kong Museum of History

2724 9042

香港海防博物館Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence

2569 1500

孫中山紀念館Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum

2367 6373

巴士站 Bus Stop:

5, 5C, 8, 8A, 28, 81C, 87D, 98D, 110, 203, 208, 215X, 219X, 224X, 260X, 268B, 269B, A21


TST East Bus Terminus:13X, 26, 35A, 41A, 98D, 208, 973




MTR Station:About 15-minute walk walk along Cameron Road from Exit B2 of Tsim Sha Tsui Station towards the direction of Tsim Sha Tsui East

About 20-minute walk along Austin Road from Exit D of Jordan Station towards the direction of Tsim Sha Tsui East.

About 15-minute walk along the footbridge from Hung Hom Station towards the direction of Tsim Sha Tsui East.






Opening Hours:Monday & Wednesday to Friday:10am-6pm

Saturday, Sunday & public holidays: 10am-7pm

Closed at 5pm on Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve

Closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays) and on the first two days of the Chinese New Year

Fee: See Admission Fee on p.45




Bus Stop:85 (Citybus) North Point Ferry PierSiu Sai Wan

82X (Firstbus) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort)Quarry Bay



MTR Station:About 15-minute walk from Exit B2 of Shau Kei Wan Station.

Carpark is open to visitors from 10 am to 5 pm. The maximum parking time is 3 hours. Please drive eastwards to Tung Hei Road, where you can see the Tam Kung Temple, shipyards and Shau Kei Wan Wholesale Fish Market. Turn left at the junction before running to the Island Eastern Corridor.





Opening Hours:March to SeptemberMonday to Wednesday, Friday to Sunday & public holidays: 10am-6pm

October to FebruaryMonday to Wednesday, Friday to Sunday & Public Holidays: 10am-5pm

Closed on Thursdays (except public holidays) and on the first two days of the Chinese New Year

Fee: See Admission Fee on p.45

巴士站 Bus Stop:

3B, 12, 12M, 13, 23, 23B, 40, 40M, 103, H1

專線小巴 Minibus:8, 10, 22, 22S, 28, 31


MTR Station:Take Exit D1 or D2 of Central Station to the Mid-Levels Escalator from Central to Caine Road, and walk westwards along the pavement for around 5 minutes.






Opening Hours:Monday to Wednesday & Friday:10am-6pm

Saturday, Sunday & public holidays:10am-7pm

Closed at 5pm on Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve

Closed on Thursdays (except public holidays, the anniversaries of Dr Sun’s birth on 12 November and death on 12 March) and on the first two days of the Chinese New Year

Fee: See Admission Fee on p.45


100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon


175 Tung Hei Road, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong


7 Castle Road, Mid-Levels, Central, Hong Kong

博物館位置及入場費 Location and Admission Fees 博物館位置及入場費 Location and Admission Fees

葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery

2367 7821

李鄭屋漢墓博物館Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum

2386 2863

羅屋民俗館Law Uk Folk Museum

2896 7006


乘搭途經鯉景道的巴士(2A, 2X, 77, 82S, 85, 99,110, 606, 722),至鯉景灣休憩公園對面下車,再沿行人路向西步行約5分鐘,經香港電影資料館至鰂魚涌公園。

Bus Stop:Take any bus that runs via Lei King Road (2A, 2X, 77, 82S, 85, 99, 110, 606, 722). Get off opposite Lei King Wan Leisure Area and walk westwards for around 5 minutes, going past the Hong Kong Film Archive to Quarry Bay Park.



MTR Station:Take Exit E from Tai Koo Station, walk through Cityplaza and then cross the footbridge to the Quarry Bay Park. The walk takes about 10 minutes.

Go to Sai Wan Ho Station. Take Exit A and then head west via the Hong Kong Film Archive to Quarry Bay Park. This walk takes about 10 minutes.




Opening Hours:Monday & Wednesday to Sunday: 10am-6pm

Closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays) and on the first two days of the Chinese New Year

Closed at 5pm on Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve

免費入場 Free Admission

巴士站 Bus Stop:

8, 81

專線小巴 Minibus:16M, 18M, 43M, 47M, 48M


MTR Station:About 5-minute walk from Exit B of Chai Wan Station




Opening Hours:Monday to Wednesday, Friday to Sunday & Public Holidays:10am-6pm

Closed on Thursdays (except public holidays) and on the first two days of the Chinese New Year

Closed at 5pm on Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve免費入場 Free Admission

巴士站 Bus Stop:

2, 2A, 112, 796C, 970, 970X


MTR Station:About 10-minute walk from Exit A3 of Cheung Sha Wan Station




免費入場 Free Admission


標準票 10元

團體票(20人或以上) 7元

優惠票(適用於全日制學生、殘疾人士及一名陪同的看護人)及60歲或以上人士 5元

博物館通行證持有人 免費





編製 Produced by香港歷史博物館

Hong Kong Museum of History

編輯 Editorial推廣服務組

Extension Services Unit

設計 Design凌峰廣告公關有限公司

Lane Fung Advertising & Public Relation Ltd.

版權屬康樂及文化事務署所有©2014年 版權所有,未經許可,不得翻印、節錄或轉載Copyright©2014 Leisure and Cultural Services Department All rights reserved.

Admission Fee

Standard $10

Group (20 persons or above) $7

Concession (Full-time students, people with disabilities (and one accompanying minder), and senior citizens aged 60 or above) $5

Museum Pass Holders Free

Free admission for babies and toddlers below the age of 4

Free admission on Wednesdays

Schools and charitable or non-profit-making organisations registered in Hong Kong with a visiting group of 20 or more may apply for waiver of admission charges.

Free admission on the anniversaries of Dr Sun’s birth (12 November) and death (12 March) for the Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum.


Quarry Bay Park, Hong Kong


14 Kut Shing Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong


41 Tonkin Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon
