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T H E o M r AFTERN00l\



iSM FOBCK ft ■mjTiEjoimom[ii[i[

M o r e B a n 2 , 0 0 0 M e n E n ro ll in Ir’ ;

P a n a m a C a p i t a l a t F i r s t C a ll S;i

f o r M i l i ta r y S e r v i c e ; B a s e o f ^

Operations C h o s e n ,

S E IZ U R E O f I a N D B R IN G S l l . N A T I d t e J l r r o C O N F L IC T olel

: n t a m e f tb o s i iu l tlf lw . fM M l M d i a i n S l i r U a A to n le a it ta - . Ihn

' ibcd tiM to U » r i f ia a w d iU l n w (ce,

. . kms v b k h «lMa tn . t e rnp tlU ag tiw h s w r M ^ to n i le a of

'. P m a u ib T O a r t i a ia l i i . - . ■ „B u .z«(iM ir'^K eeR lidr to ad' I I

TioM n o « n d . tq d «7 b r J . B. U n i lf e m , clui«»; o r t l » P i n u u b p - Utton. ii .e e e U la a i l a - r f o n u l Bot« H l lt t a s M to - 5 n n l ta Jun lD ffi PzlM- A

. A m srie n At P m a u a t 7 Mfor tn o fs iU d o e tb the tU t« d»- I , p a r tn j t t t " H

B lcudM J. A lT in . foreign aSi- I l i t s r of F u u u , .« to l l In W uli- I ln<t«n for tho isM fu r jtto n cen- S h a r monlea. d s n M t h a t oa sUted tn pnM AifpKteiua. tho a m i h td been w to n e d t« th a ir «w nn i. He o ld i t t* tin*« l u d W en oollectefl-and ! lisM by A f i n t a n a a tlin ltlta la 1 ATI 191« » t« a ft W tterfy . contested n i ' »inl a

- - t toM a~Ttectton— iw tw d - to - fn * -— abadov a s anned i tn s g le tiftween Mhnul poUtlcal factlaoi. .. . milt,

]£r. 'A tm o «xpi«ued confidence eolirp U u t the U nited-S U tee vould n - IrnU j tu m the ftreanns. I ktibI

" Z t la un th lnkahls.'' ho aald. ;n ror " th a t the Tmtted Statee. 'whkh ni<ri'K

, tn a n o tM d tha ten lto rla j Integrity nld m of P a n a a a wonld wlihhold any- tlnnlt. tUns.BOoded by ml to;defend coi- a e lm a * U n i t _ w ^ n . " '

f'ANAM'A.■ uiiH l)«lwpfn PanftCTun nncl Coula Blfani •‘“‘I

• f o r m m tho vlclnltv of Colo, on th'i '’"ly > T’flflflf end'flf Uio frontier b« tw « u 'lh r l’af‘ o lT>-o tonntrlM , U U naid in unoffifia l;'li'Jfn nclviwa reeeived here, OffielAl eon- /irmnllon of lhc«« reporti. however, h rn|lin( lacklnjr. IVrmnl .leelaration of war m tiad nnt been mjiie tm until Tbumdny w y n nlffhl. .

V ohm teen Are Kmuerooi.- More thnn 2000 moo enrnHed for mll­

llarv tm lM hero Thuradny and re-,Mrt* frotn olhW parte of the.repu> le W tolil of ritirena TolBBteerlBj f o r ' tHt -masc army. TWo hnndred men le ft thla elty.'>r pui Thuntflftv nf temoon for thft CoaU Bleon nrnl re froollRr; nnd I t la believed the Pan (he In man foreea near Coto or en toule to lo.lnv. Hin*. plaee number about fOO. Mlai

Th# bt»e of ranam nn oi>eratlon* wiU •■f-ft|ir» h r In thp imnli to»vn of Pro(cr«*o, neat '1ro*« nolfr. de Diilef. whlt* it eonneeted by « ntr s tirirrow cttURe rnllwftv with a imalMiie port toB rtn irW )>y Ihe Tnnama fine*! rnmpanjr. .

B m w Aro M tau 'g . _It. wn* jtenerallf .believed the Unil'il I

PUfea Bovemtneni. held aeveral Ihon- ■. ^nnd rifle- for, »h«; •Pannmnn.'P"-ern --------

ment, aad It wwrinppotefl; Ihe vo nn- tfpr« woiiM bp n m cA .jrilh , them. It wna lenmVd. howevoi; that *roe rinc* • ^ taV enover fi-om I k jW n w an B o«n ';, ^ meal, follflwin? the atfatoJr of, the Hay- ■ • VanTlft Ireatv were relnroeit'ftiia more than ISM of tho . pin* .were "oW;*!, _ pnWir fliiftion here in Ifl i t ’ I S m

OoBit UdMca a t IT O . ' I I" '* ' Ab IniPMHrtlne p h u e of thn aitija- .

lion T«t.l*a from Corta Biea oeenp^rinc tprritorv „n4er the wM'ra»inn derirtrj o f Chief .TnrtUe White of the United, fltftlea wipreme eourt. whieh “ *tA down In W H. while the TTnltM au le * heri-lf. hea. b r virtue o f^e a lle j «i.aranteed Ihe territorial Inteftrltv ^ • M. ronntrv. The Panaman povern ,.prn* r ’fllmA' however. Ihnt .Tuallee b««

.IrrUion eontained a elaote »> of t “t’r rffeM tliM If h’a Rward ahoulil not thin b r tiooepled h r both partlea, the terrl-;•..»m irfaf” ii would revpfl to thp enn-,■U'lnna laid down bv the de<-iilnn ren^; ictu ,Vrrd hv Preoident U u b e '. of Franee.; eonl V h itniler ♦hi* I/iiibrl .lpei»lon that tUU PnnBBiR elnim* »h*..lanil whieh jnenRira hna i t e lu l ' Othi

Oil Is te rw ta InTolred. iIt l< known the Sinclair oil lnlere»l"'

Imvr been eonduetlnT ilrilllnjr o|)erii ' v u tiona in Coata BleTi near Ihp .Umiutr'l Vho trrrllorv. Iind roporfa are m firrnlatini', men

: in !>aBftmn that the Cotta Ilimn cnv'' tntA .rrnm ent hn* nlreodv irrairtecl n BrilU.i jmoi

.•otporatinn a eonfeaalnn for oil e*- ploitation In the aame jtoneral loralitj.

■ ' dlfti A P P R O P R IA T IO N S L IM IT =

M A Y P R E V E N T C R U IS E c o n

H m s i p u o m t iu u iiu roaibm tr ot Failure to M ake Oood Frotnliea

(p fiecm lti VVH

WABinNOTON. 1>. yPh-L im itcl „n.v.. nnproprinilnrn tnav prrvent foreip* ton m ,n u « « flf the AllM tle and PaeKiP j;, f lrrta 'thi* eummer n i plannod, i l wn« ti.<- 1. laid tfldav M the navv .Irpjrlm ent. TTie mn;. .Irpartmenl hnd ploaned to aend thr Allnntle fleet down Iho eaat eoaat of S l’l. 8o«lh America and over lo Cape Towf. H.r ' Afrlea. and the Parifle to Anitralla. fi- Vpw 7/eBland-and the Orient. 'Hv.




EMBROIMRY CLASSoloQel Bnllook H akes Strong Plea fo r Oommonity Oen­

to r Dovolopment

A T U N T IC CITY, N'. J.,Drvcloptnpnl of the Mtamunlty • • •eriiier waa urp-d torlay by. Cobne! “ 61 C. Boymour Hullock of Bouth Bend, • ’ IInd., before the community ei-ntor 'acction of tho .N'atlonnl iJduralloa [ (niWoclatloR. ,

"U V e a n ’t foo} Batlirr,” be aaJd |, ' ‘by offcrlo); tho odoleaecot sirl noembroidery elaaa or a prayer meet- aA-;ioK es]iceliL]ly for youoff ladies. AUIEvory normal girl wanta th r w Tf]oloty of ft yoimg man and the 1» ' 'J Jtolng: to have It.

“ Soeloty must romo lo iht rea- T-eue- Tlio chambor of eommeree. Iirt.«IhrouRh ita public wclfaro commit- natii(ce, atanda a]>0Di0r for a ai^ne n t- ' Minntempt to provlilo n community cen- noIrte r for thoae wfaone needa canaot in);othenvlte be m ot." tlir

i i m s - 1 m im m u

. il>;memros Blame \rtth Automobile for Lowered Horal Tono,

Edaoator Doolares

ATIjANTIC a T V . (/R-1t!iV war ‘‘'' . 'f .1 aulomobliea art- rr«irtin»il.lr for th* VP' .p«llin |f-lm m orft1ilv-'!:-nm oi.g-hijh iflol nbidenta, MU. Ullinn K, D lre.l''” " It, (lean of-'WHinnr nt ‘Miirnlnuiiilttt**''’ ilejre. Blout (Sly, Inwn. dprlarrd yp«-1 ‘ "al ilay (n an Dddmn lioi'urr th r nn- nnl rnnncil of.dejin* nf wnmen. <j>)|eorreetlvo ih r wiiRealcd Ihul wo- ■n'n rolle(p'» adhrrr rlowly to tho ^HvI atnpdnrd of rhnpcrooafjr' for itu-

Playa 'H aT ocw lthB tandarda ''.'Tlie wnr hai'vlayi'd havoc wllh out; . UilrjirS tR ndardi.'' linid MIm Dlmmltf^ —md a fte r four ywrn of klllinj; 11,1a* ' 'ly nnlurol. I t 1* rctponalble for n- fj, rt of thu riotflua licenifl found amfln,iidenla in the junior hieh nrhflolx. TIia| iv|mbrr of enara of Immnrnlilv in np-j onHing. J wn‘ fhtrem e *oclftl life ha*.found Its to<y Into Ihe f.choola nnd colleRca. llieh nn:innl Klrla aro the social liu tterfllej ,.mII (tet their ideala^from tlm aentntion' rn: movlea. . — rir

Ohapennage Would Help ' to ‘While A earofiil avatcm of chaper- njre would not ftuarnntcp riRht livinj* OLD puro moral* It wonld be protective

ll react on the'atndflnia and he>p lavo;- T<; ‘ home fro'm the bitter, erltlclam ofu-atin Inv.” 1 Knn>Sfia* Allw Boberlaon, membpr of Icjtiil tnre** ’frflm Oklahoma. In an nd- n net '«* before Ihe national council of iminl tp uniM'rintendenl*, mado ci plea, for nnl I ' “ olli bome Ideal*” for women. tn t>c a e — s s s K B s a s s s B s a s s s a a s a

F L A S H E S F R O MVIBKNA, y p > - r « the f lr r t time alnc

hU {dty li'W th o n t Bohamlaa^e(l^. I ta ln ( n the e ffo rt to reatore th e exchanga ralae ichd Is aihanited,

WASBINOTOK, ( ff ) - r o r t e d panpo tti t n o u to enter the United Btates are x)pe«a eomrtzy, I t w w annotmoed today a t

-8A K FBAiraiSOO, ( ff> -U n . Bthal Y h a t her huihand, WfllUm F. Younger, coi nany & glxl -who had prefen«d a charse af Ihe w rote dotln* ber la rt conadoua honr.

ABEBOBEK. Waih^' (/P>-Hnndreda o{ ’enlDsola. ao rth of here, by a recent eton n r t h of danuc*. accetdlng to Jade Wlniltn Men prouctfld for 'i m r a l yeare here and >f tV ro in tlM Olympic country bafor* th h ln k i ttte «lk are a lio ahort of food and th

8AK FBAKOISOO, OaL, — Men i ichoola bere In lach great numhars' th a t let «nllng to th e profa«lonali v h o are acting u n s profeailooal, who la In charg»'of tho nent atore here, ta y t from flftoea to twe: nh e r itores which giro tnatnictlon aay It Is

BEBESLEY, Oil.,' (/P>— held by i vaa fotmd not. to b« altogetlier true a t th Then i t waa umounced' recently tb a t In pi nen proved to be of higber InUIlect than aade between msn and women, man fum i mowlodge require^ and women fumiahed tl JTomen, It waa found, were parUnilarly al elating to th s fins arta. In pnblema caUinj littanced th e women.

inON MILLS ARE BURNED OIL-q .Of Undetennlnsd OriglA Oeitroya Pens

Two Texaa ErtabllshmeDts

IVICIIITA F A U A Tcjcaa. (/P ^ F iru l‘j nnilctermlncd orlsln rnrly lodny de- I' ...veil 40.000 balM of low Krn.le cot ■ fud. I nnd the nfficr nnd we»l ahed o fi^' J.’. 1’. Andcmon Cnmprcta com pany .!'i '‘I- 1o«* wnit catlmatrd al about WOP,-' her®.

. ‘ 1I . - ■ in 1«n

< n > i n r n 8Pm N 08,'T «xM 7iiip>-U 'ni)pr I'oi^urii Ofltton Oin wsa doatroycl. In $

f i 'r nf imexplained origin ■ye*ter';n bn I'. I/i«< wna piltmnleil nt >10.000. ithrw


LLSt w i v rA X U , XDAEO, SATUB



Members of League of Nations p Body Endeavor In Private Conversations to Reach So- lutlon of Mandate Problem ’

s thret


-------- truiPARIS. (/P)—Private ronvcraationi jjrodi

irt.wren thp mpmbera nf Ihe league of -1 a: mtinii* eounrll luive been in progreaa Ou ince T hunday rejrarding tho Ameriean [wait lole .m n.andaii'* wllh n view to find* Ix-ml nj; ft wav for glvinic 'a tiafnrtion to ri«h ).r WaiihinKtfln ^ovrm m cnt without c-rn i rcnpnasing on the prpniKutivr* of the Mav lllcd n^ iem c cniincll. I>i. Wellington Wa'io ioo, CTilnc»c m.'mlicr of the leaguo 71,, nunril, ha* bren nctlvr in thc*i‘ con- creneet.

Portponea Oontfderatlon. :mentHim* been \Uri.mlly decided that e o n 't" ,* ! '

Ideratioi. of bolh Ihe aerlen ” A ” nnd l’a""e he w ri.'* .“ II” mandnlf* ahnll bp po»*- Killed'titilll li^lvr. M innwhllr. tbo . ,, Inltrd Htntra mny. If ll troa fit. aenn ,

rrprraenlallve lo confer wlfli thp •iilpir r<i.incll n-tinrding the pnlntii il

II ni>i>rarn lin p ^ jli le fnr. Ilie_-<'0iin- t l-o f Ihr iMgnp fo tiike npy "aetlnn "'J''en pgartllnp thp allolmpnl o f th r Paclfls *'t'e, ilnnd* fo .Tnpnn byjhp_«uprem e coun- '’d a 1 11 tinlcM the aliie<i Kovemmenti con- mndo ent to hnvB the m ailer tnken out of atnte Imt body’* hnnd«. 1 , ■ tl.nt

btacutaea D andg gneaUoni.T hr Iracui' coiineii lodny tnok up

nrinuN .iue.tli>n> relntlvo |o Ihr freo f Ily of .l)anii>;, .

larding is Presented ,, j '; p ith Fine New Broom pi»i»

■'WABHIKOWI.V. b. ( m - A fl'ir. uvH- bfonm nddr.w rd to ■'••1‘rriililpnl W arren 0 . H arding” 'ivilh' Ihr ndmnnllion "u ae th i* l” The nn th r reverie nf Iho nddreta Inc, cnau wn« delivered a l the White Hou*e whlcl todny Iiy rxprri.a. Tin- npiider’a |inrei] unniA vn* lint ahowu.* W hllr Hnum* llie f I'niplfl.vp* nre w nndrrinc i f 't h r tii- rnminir preiidcnt would mnkr n clrnn aweep whrn hij got nrnnnd 'i* In ll. ■ ‘'I 'l 'f '

m i - . i - . , .1 iitc IIiLD WATEB OONTBOVBBSy nii'ht

18 B B V m JD IN KANBAB proj.rTOPKKA. Knn.. (/P)-Thi- ntd irri- i'»;«ti

ation w nlrr r.mtrnvrr'V lielween ciiltiii:nn«na nnd I'olorndn ram r np in Ihr Hml•Biilntur.' Ii'dny with Intrndiiclinn nf lliii:

urnnri' ronc.irrrnl r.'*nl.ilion for np- , Inintmi'fit n f 'i . pomnil»»inii t.i Ihreili fe#nl the f)nn«tlon fl* tn whn in eullllfld funII th r .vnter li.-Jhp ArVnu«n* tWei- ptii

— 1 par

W T H E W IR E Idncs lha dlacovery of the beverage ’I m ] ^ v a s proUhlted In Norenlber lae of the crown, and the supply op „rci,i,


crta to enable undealrabU and dan- are being iasned In almost every Bu- a t tho fU te department.

ll Younger ended her life today to - Thecould eacaps the pen ltratlary and low*:

e agalnrt hiia. according to a la tte r tnry% ■ »-17,7.'

I of eli^ w en idlled la the Olympictorm which did miUions of d o l lm ’ Hu] jJtrw, game c o m alts lo w . E S kbarend there were said to bs thooaands ulllitI th e stoim. Mr. •■Wlnalow aald he ' *ocieii tb a t many a rs dying of ita rra tion . .'ISO;- I , partnm and women are flocking to golf timbr. leaaons cannot be given to aU. ac- ]>iil>li<ing aa instmctofs. Jo s N orak, Spo- j Dc|the golf dn>artmnt In a big depart- | Mrpnctwenty-flve beginners attend dally. |tn rn tt is Impoaslbla to handle tba crowds.' : ilrpni----------- j»n,.nby many In "eqoa lity of tho sezea" .lu rn t i the Univaiflity of Oalifomia bere ,invr» npiycliologlcallntelliBencs testa, the Ij.ulilh lian women.' In tho average grade , r.'clnt inilshed aixty-nins per cent of the ’nitlm d the remaining thirty-one par cent. •; «n,noi T akiUfnl in answering conundrunia ' lUng for cold naaoning the men out-

________________________ ' Th.— ............. .......... ......... - I th r h

IIL PRICES DROP LOWER I'ennsylrania Purchasing Agendaa A n-'

noonce rurthec-BeducUona t l" ’'!•— • ipur|iiiIMTTSm’n o ll. I’n , ( /F )-T h r prie •; " ‘her

f I’ennsylvnnin nnd olhrr tfrnili-« n 'rudr nil wen- further trdiiced tndnv, Tl.irnr.linj: to nn ftnnounccment mndo by bill >

'i'- prltici]'nt 'lil piirchn'lng n^enrlr^ rcRUl,era. Her

I’l'uniiylvnnln .-rnd.- wn* ru t cent* ion*bnrrel. infik'.i'C-UiC-. new prlcca ♦•1 icheil

nbrll wjit re<lnccd Ifl’ $1.80. Ronirraet todav•1 ♦l.n.'l nnd Ptimerael, lii»hl lo ♦I.SO. *

bnrrel. n reducllon of 20 eenta. on lirv thtep cr^llle^ I f bnrrel,





) n e o f T h r e e B i lls S o u g h t by B e le a g i

D o w n w h ile A n o th e r H a s N a r r o w

t io n f o r I n d e f in i te P o s tp o n e m e n t ;

R e c o m m e n d s M a k in g O ff H u g e S l i

IlOItfli, (BpccUl to Tho N ..w .)~ T h .[ itnte dpparllme&t of agrlcullurr wna | I inijpr tire In thv hnaie ti>Aity whva( I hrre bllla aought -by thla drpartmenV M umo up for floal setlon. , -

Tbe f ir tt of theao moaaurca, houar I illl Ko. 70, whleb would have given I ho department atrong meaaurea of eon- -. I rul ovor InapeetloB of fru it u d farm • rodueta, wna killed hy votu of 22 t<>1 a fte r oileaded debate. 'S o n cOundmundsen of Caaals, led the op-;

oaition lo tho blli, while Snook of ^ icmhi, 8 t:\nger of Doanovlllo, and Pur- Uh of Adn, ipoke againat It. Speak- ra in favor o f the oe tau re beluded 7 Jay o f Power, Seaborn of Gooding, and-.— fen Valora o f Twin- Falls. | billTbo aeeoad of tho threo moaauroa,| and

nuao bill No. 127, taking auperviaion tbe ver Babaoek te ita from the depart- jral lent of publie welfare and g irfng I t nor I) th r departmeat o f agrieulture, waa the aiaed by vote of 28 to U . tile

SaTsd by T ls Vots ‘ll.iu*.. bill N'o. l»0, the Ihird of tbe • ;v a

rilogy, which provldi'M 'hul fcr» r.i'- ■r[pi|, for inapecllou Vy the nifrlcultur- i'dppartm eat ahnll Ix returned to the r<ii>t-ni :a te'a geacra] fuad, bnd a ndrrow iTrl.id juenk whea motion of noomer o f Pav. tie, fo r indefinite poitponemont ovok- j,, n,,, ] a tiu vote of SI to 21. S tatem ent ia oy lodo by Cbairaian Bnook of tbe bouRc tnte uffalra eomnllttae, and Jjthera, Thr ■fit lhe*P feea laat year amounted to |,ntr. pprorimately *80,000 whifh aum >»aji .- Wh: :ieiit by the agrioultural department In fi7 ,-ii< JdltloD to ita appropriation tnado by incinii ir fifteenth aeailon. ;.ir ii

O uu Bhoit t t P o d in 1',''Thr dfpartin.'ul of nu'rieullun' farc lj

u l ill ikt tlic liaiidu of Ihr liniiw- up-1.... .roprintloua'rom m ltlw jj'b lcb Into yi’t ' j in,n,i, »»il»)'‘ 'inU.idui'eiV n gcn.Tnl ii|1ifTt|iria-|^,v th Ioui llill corryiri); k l.ilul of f l , '’20,-1 ki'iImH 30 II* uiimjmrrd uHh u Inlal iif ♦1.7H.':,-1 jf ,. HU uak.'d III Hip gijvi^nor'x budget. 11,„. v 'he lurg.^it ainglp allco I* made in the e u ln t nau uf th r ngrlcultural' d rpnrlm ent' n e a t hlch woulil hu glvi-ii ^IIH.-'i.m ua riim-i It I nred \»-ith $i;48,X1ii rccomm.-nd.'d b y ; 12 la !ie governor. TiG.'i.OG

S tr tk » « Wortc I. I l hna becuuiu known iiImi Ihnl th r | * | | r p]<ro|irlutk)n* committe.'ii. uf th.- "‘‘n - 'f iM L ll' und houae. nt a joint caucua In a t'L llIL ik;ht, dccidi'il to oliminnto all atnle np-l roprintlon* tn Ihu rxlensinn depart-j irnta o f the atnlr univoraliy and o n i- ,iltural ilppartnii'nl, taking tho poistion, ml bolh InititutiuBB have bi'en g e t- 'O o n f iii: tno much monoy. '

Enactm ent of tbe bill rs tu in lng 1 fees fo r Inspections to the general : fund and adoption of tbe appro- | p riation committee’s weonunBnda- \Vv\ tion for appropriation for the de- ; m r r 1 partm ent of oplcnlture would lim- ] Inriff i t I ts funds during the nex t two |hmi<if y e a n to u am oiut approximately inctlnn I 1M.OOO teas than expended dnrlng ; tb e bBinnum jo r t doted. 1 OONT-'Phr-Tpineml apjiropriatinn bill lulrn-i ,iceil .voitrrilny io Ihe hnum- prnvldea. Rn] ir the conaolidnllon of Ihr indualrial. of «e -ciilent bureau and dppnili»cnt o f enm-.grnntc erco nnd Induitry w ilh . th r drpart-" th r p ont of finnncr, and niukei-provision, rhilea ir th r alate runstubulDry nnd . a tn to ' Knipp ,irehnaing bureau. 'cit.v.

Itemixed ApproprlaUons - iu o n a '’ The bill cnrrii-a approprlaliona ak ful- ( w i: (l.iie rnor'a oWicc'f30,8'10; aeem- Jr iry Ilf alali- ♦21,70il; atnle auditor I7,7.’')V; ntnli' tr.'n iurrr 120,410; nttor- QBKX I'V grnrrnl. niinr In'ix'- lor jH,07.V , ■ . . . .Huprnme eourl »Pl,ii.'0: diatriet court.

120.00« ; libjRTV K0.4tR; ptthUe lllitlea commlaiinu «H2,3nO; hlatoricnl' p icii-ty #7,tW0; traveling librnry 20; ajjutau t'g rnprn l $40,-100: lnnd dr-|p |^ ',,,, artm ent #03.380; prntpctlnn of i urm’ri m brr *0,000; Ornnd Armv of th r Hr-' llbllr M.tOfl. , , = =Departmenl of ngrirulture ♦ItH.S.'i.'i; ■

ppnrlmpnt n f finniice $107,0ri2: depnrl-‘ \ ^ 0 irnt nf budgela nnd tarntinn ♦27,770;, rpnrtnient o f itnmlKmlion nnd Inhor', I 13,.'13.'!; depnrtmclil o f Inw cnfflrcr-; irnt »1.13,on'); depnrtmrnt of public^ ivr»lnu'u|ii *(!■!,flOO; department nf nlille vrolfnrr $I,'>4J)I.’:: .lepartment o f j ■rlniimtlnii WiO.dOO; l«iatd flf e<]unli-. WA itlou $2.12.'i; premiuir nf a lntr bnnda 'the 11 IOOO- prrnidi'iitinl .-li'i-toni' expenae* Amerl

fiunnrOffers D tfldeucy BlUa •

Th.' rnnimlttre 0:1 nji]iroprlnIinn» in ir hoiiar tmlny Inlrflduerd n bill enr- ,j I'lug nu npjimprlallnn of *2.10|riftl,3il,,t" * I enver defielpneiM inVurri'd bv th e ' o " latr j.'ovrrtiment and chnrilnlde'prnnl ’ n.Voi inlilnliona; n a.-cnml bill fnr the anm r'}.,11 i urimae nmounting In $fl,0r.n.47 ftnd tw o ! , ther drficienry menmir.'M of 1110.20 f „ f | . nd n o .o s re*,ipcllvrly. y f i ,,The a.'nntp tl.la morning'piiaaed houae lated

ill N*o. 14 relating In the licenaing.nnd proba rgulatlon of real c ilate dealer*. the r Krnnte.bill N'o. SOI-amending provia- Bel

in« of th r exlallnff rlection lawa waa mitle rhedulrd for final netion in tha arnnle ainn*

' ndopt' |tln a 1

IDAHO WEATKEB. • AaiTonight and Hunday, f a ir • ' >-Won

, _ - - • -



iPARTMENT 'sO il IN HOUSE Ciguered Organization Is Voted w Squeak in Tie Vote on Mo­lt; Appropriations Committee Slice Out of Revenues Cons — — --------------------------- fil

DIMS 2 lilE lIi""

--------- CO.'onato BUI Limiting: Incoming cnpiinAliens on Percentage Basis again

is Bndorsod- day.-

WABHINQTON, (fl>>-The coa- • portedference report on the Immigratloo p l . i ^bill waa adopted today by the honse e x | «and sedats and tho measors te n t to to tba president. I t would lim it isunl- gm ttoa t i t f t f t « a jooatha t w aneoft April 1 to throo per cent o f PAIthe nationals of tho Tarlous coun- Oeorgitries wbo were in tha U nited BU tet wai na t the time of the 1010 oensusi thla a

-------- , ■ A nWAHinNOTON. M>) — The aenate forme.1 limiling imnilgmtion from aay Bu- |>t-nii rountry du ring the fifteeft month iRQ-'^j rl.id Ix-giniilug uuxt April I to three)r I'Miil o f Ihu number of prra.m% born, - ...FIiIhnt country, wbo w rre in Ihr Unit- IX)^Rtate* In 1010, wna paaned today by OeorgI

■ hou*.-- lo havThr Vllle, liik.'ii nfler on hour'* d '- aaya atr . w.i« 20H to 40. Loado;Wliilr Ihr hiiuw ugreed to Mu' rul'- holdtnirriii'r n'jHirl withnnl luudiflention th? M.'niiirr iniKi Iir npprovnl by the acn forelgiI- iii'iiiri. it c-iiii.;.,, tn Ihr prcaldei;f offere.

Ih.- runfi'rrr* uii.de a-hir elmugca to a rr II. menlu

flinlrman .lohiiann of th r imniigrall'ininm illrr, whole bill 1n virlnnlly atop n f i nim im ilen , for il y rar 'nu .A efealo 'l H n i l• th.' wifnle. led lo tht* fight for the UHM U tilu tr filnn. . T f Mr. JiiliUKon explnined ihnt the nieni- | | I' w.uilil In nil wnv uffret (!hlnrap , clnelnn or the Rnol-Tnkahirn ngree-jo t aa lo Japanean Immigrntlnn. BrinfIt i* rMlmaIrd Ihnt during Ihr f ir« i»„,

lannlh* nf Uu- rritrie tlv r ■ ]M'rio.l .'i.OOO allpii* cnn b r ndmlllod In th- illed Statee.

— - , ________ •. WAI


______ . p ln lra)nferencc Roport is Adopted | and'M easure Goes to'Sen* ijg

ate for Pinal Action I (tranio ---------- I t »

W-ASniNnTDN. (ff ')-T he , eonfer- pw tetl rr rrimrt on Ihr Piirdner rmrrg»-nrv!B®»e™ ■iff bill W71* ftdopled tndny hy .ih e (s » n tli m r nnd irn l hi Ih r n rnate 'fn r flrinlj lion. T hr vnjr wna 20.'; to 127.’ |f tN T |


lillENOS A IR JS. (/P)—Confirm allon^O «W Berlin rejKirla thnl thn cnnceaalnn|

inted Oermnn induitrial intereda in,> province nf -TJanquihue by ihp Mean unvrrument nre ’hobVliy the PHt' uppa. la given in the Ilrrn ld of th ii Thomn .V. The newapapor aaya the Krupp< tha t hII- build the- Inrgeal ateel and mnni- bili. ' na plnnla in Houth Amerien. nnd the Ca It the wnrk <{f conitnictibn will he-jlng ofI immediately. |zeaihi]


W A8IUN0T0N. (;P )-W rn lhe r vtf ( NR\ •tinna fflr th.- w e k beginning Moa- tihipp. V nre; -bnrgh.t'Tiiirr Mb-iifdppi nnd liowcr Mii»l' Ithe p( ipi vall.'va,. Rorlct— Mnuntnln nnd rector nli'nii n'lrinni: N’ormnl tempernturei.- China nernlly fnir. here i

h u n ts On I n te r e s t On W a r L o a n s t

F in an ce ServiceWABniNQTON, D. C.. of ehangi• intprp.l nn th r ♦10,000,000,000 of five 0 ncflcnh wnr Innna to Ihe nlllei In length innrlng i.iljuitrd compenaation f i r form* rmer a.Tvir.. mrn i* onp of the plani tralnli d rr rnni.i.l.'ratlnn by congrraa.. Th'a 8eni n diaelftfrd tndn.v when the loldiera' in the uu* bill wna fnvornbly reported b> iirobal f aenalo finan'cr rommittee. 8ov Benalor McCumlwr, republican. North oppo*' ikotn, who will havp rhatge of th r lalantII in Ibp *rnale, rxphined to Ihe e ra t* mmitter thnt by poatponing the ef- ameni ctive dale of all provial.ma of tlie bill n II until Jnnunry ) , 102.1. Ihr ncfutnu- alnria ted In terest on the foraign loant Ren obably wnuld b r aiiffirieni in bear who ' e poit of the compenanlion.' a mil Before reporling the bill the con, One itiep rllminntpd nil of the tax provl- eonm ^n* m npprnved by the hoiiae and most loptpd Senator .McCnmberla auggei- month ia aa io the effective date. | o int Aalde from a trlk ing ont the tft* nr»-- may li alon, tbe eommittee made ’ little Air th


:WS- ' m o a n v B o b n t i


lE fK 1 ■ TiUS: lElLIB :

nsfantinople Dispatch, Con­firmed by French Foreign Of­fice, Tells of Re-entrance of Reds info Beleaguered City


n.T O T A N T ixopijj. m ' - n n b ,Ilnl of tfac republle of Oeorgia, Is in in the btnda of tbe boithevUn,>rding to rc|oriN received here to- . ' ’Tlie soviet forces which were re- «d lu rcccnt advleea t« bave occd-

Tiflia arMoal but-were later tbe Ocorglana, aow are aald .

l o f f t j l ^ l o g the city.

PA S Z ^IIl^N nB U S BEPQ&T. ' .A E IB i'^ t^A nnounceaien t thal tbe rglan fo($ej had evieoated Tiflls made by tbe Preach foreign offiee afternoon. •revolutionary conualttee.baa beei. .

ned a t ‘IHflla, the for^ga offire ban J informed, nnd Ihe Georgian g o v neat bas been-iuatalled a t K uU h, mile* northweat nfT lfiU -'

nO H TIN O SBBK8 AX BND.ONDON, M V-F!gbtjng ^ A ^ r i rglan and Armeaian truope appears iav« term inated for thi- time Ming,I a C oaaU ntlo^le dlipateb^to the don Tbnea. .The. AhnenUns are Itng the Dorchalu territory.:. Tehitcherin. Boasian bolshevilc ign mlaister, ii reported to have red Ills friendly offices with a view . irraaglag a aclllenieat between A f »,|u nnd Oeorgifc ' ’ • ■ ' i

lllliOlipBIIIIIngs Diplomatic Presbtire to tear on Washington in Oos-~ '

- ta Blca Grants

'AKlilNOTOfr, »D -O rea t B rittiu brought diplomatic preuure to hear the United Statea to recognlie thv> eenceaaiona granted by the Unoeo 'rnm eat of CMta Blca to B ritiih 'it.- ate, It was learned today, a t tbe n department, but rince the United ea hoa withheld recognition frot-i Tiaoco region, I t 'h a s taken the po­in ihnt i t can no t'g ire Its approral ^onceal!ona tha t -g o re n ae n t ha t itod. I

waa explained, howerer, tha t no t t l h n i mode \sj th e A m trltan i>mment to Corta Blca againit the itIng of coneeaslons. ’


enuT OaotpbaB-Aimonseai ttgB lag : U eaitirs Uodtled aftnr OaUfor

' ^ 'L a g i i la t lo n

IIOENTX. A ri t, (/P) - Oovernor • non K Campbell-today annoanesd -

ho had aigned'the antl-allen,land The bill, which la modeled a fU r

Califomm land law,.prohibits ows- of land by.allemi Ineligible for citi- hip. .


BW YOBK. M>h-Prederiek B >p. general aeeretary of the PItla- (h .-P is Y. IL C^'A., has .aeeepted position o f natloaal'campaign - dl-

or fo r tho American eoamlftee 'for la famine fnnd, It was anaonaeed : today..' ■

t P aym en ts to A l l i e s to 'e M en’s Bonusigc in the house bill, retaining tbi, ' !

opllona o f a cath b-)nus baao<l on - ‘ I :tb o f aervlte, deferred certificatcA. in* nnd homo aid and vocational ning. ■ . ... enator McCumber plana to call I t op Ibo senato nt Ihe first opportonity, bably nex t week.overtl aenatom gave notice of Ihetr <i»lVlon nni\ 6cn ato« Oerry, BhoiV- m d,'aad Jones,. New Mexico, demo- . , tsv m e rr e d tbo ' Hghl to nffer (ndmenla on the floor to bare tb( .

maJp Immediately eWeellvc, by- r*- ,ring fthe taxation proviiiona.:«nat«r. Thomas, demotrat, Colerndo, j3 opPon>d tho bill, expeeta to 'fli.* nlnorlly r e p o r t . ,ino of the amendmenU added b r th e . , nnittee prorid |u tha t all elaima, •(t b* filed by J n ly .I , J022. a ir , , - ith f befbre any e f thn proviaiona; . 1 , t a to 't f f o e t ,s o th f t l , t t f :» « m « > f l t , ',( •' knpw whftt pfoportloo of men flU . ; th s eash or other options..' '. j;>

: lEiKI!! S ff liii

FIELpiEI; Expedition Under Patronage o

' Harvard and Smithsonian In stitute Undertal<es Penetra tion of British Guiana Wild

NEW yOIUv, « V -T w o yoiing An «rl«Aiu.' u lled^hom tb i t jw tl toilay (c

. Bouth Amerira to ncarch (ut a vn' Btore of woalth iupi>0M<J to lin in Ih "fh lB D ey ” of the JIamond deponil o f Brlliih t iu iu iu A t Qeorgetoim, tli CBtiltal of tho D ntltb MncMioa, thv i m bo joined by a 'tb ti 'ii ' ailvcnturr (Oincr Aineriran who bos outfitted I ParU.

The oxpeditloa ii uader tbe pntror oKo of litrv ftrd un ivenity nnd th Rmllbwaion iailK ute o f Wanhinf(tot fo r wbleb .It wBI cniry on Roopaphltt

'o ip lon itiosi. Wllllnni J . L aV om , J r a H arrard 1910; hrnd* tli;iflrly mtd bU frllow explorer* ai .Inme* MaeDonnld of IJm n. 0 „ atii Dudloy Lowi* of Hprinj;fiHil. Maw They Mp<-ct to »j>onil mon- tban o yen in tho juoK lif

S tn u jo People lo ro .BeaidM im 'atlcm iit tn follow , th

Kc-ntt«re<t dri>oal1« of' prcriom "torn- Mvcral hundn‘d mile* tiirouRh tani;li'<l rrp lik ' Infitled w ildae«utii.tbi;ir sourr innj; knono to exl«l nomc where tn Ih' hill rounlry, but ni-ver <li»covrrfd, th' expedition will Inke olmcrvatloni o the aborigloiil inbabltunta atid gvologie s i featorea of tbp nm ntry. an well a roptuTo *peflmen* (if nativp wild ani iniiln for the 8 mith*otiian inititule.

Ilrfnrc hU departure on tbe nraxiliui *tpuner Ubertlba, Mr. La Varre oatllni'i details o f the oilvi'nlurrsome projerl ThODRh still in hli tw entici the yoiia{ «zpIorer has aecompitiiied tbrco ezpedi tlon i to 8outh and Crnlral Atnorira, in eluding a dlffleolt mUalon into Iht b e u t of tbe Ande*.

A fter prorI*ioni oro provided 'ol Qforcelowti Ihr ezpcdilior will boari' A rnsoe honael>ont w ith a erew of i down t« SO oa rtn rn and laborer*, and beffin it* journey up tbo Efaipqolbo iiv«r, paMla(( out of. tbo area •rttled by wbile taen in a few dayi paddlinff. A fter tba t It will p e n e t« te the tiop i’ fa! joBRle e n l lr e ly w lt* own retonrtet.

w m 7oHo« Btntaa. Bdabliihinj; beadquirters in th'f

p rtir ia eoaatry 170 miles up the M ou- tubI r i m , wbieh emptiM into tho Ei- •eqnibo, tho diamond b u n tm will bn- Kin work on the alluvial landa border-

' <a(( t t r e ta a on the eaite-n waterahrJ o f tho a ierra I'aenralma mountalni wbith *ei>aratc Britiah O uiuia from V m cw eli.

Tbe area is whirb'tfae o ^ d t t l o n will

r ato h l l beon known Binre tfao n ld of tbe la it eontsry i i a. rlr-h di&' mond field, altbouKh il* inacceiubll

ity and the prevalence of tropical d!» ca»f* hftvo jorved to diwouraRO pro* poetlnu by white men. Thou*and* ol r a ra t i of the item*, taid . to be tw fini- aa any tn the worlil, however,' a rr

• laken oat annually by negro minen onploying.primiUvo metbpdi.

. • - ' -•■CUnmay’' M u it B xl* .“ Bomowboro aear o v a y tpo t wher-

; dianoBdi aro found in eoBiidersbk Bomben tboro n u i t be a ‘eblm soy,’ "

.oxpUlned Mr. LaVarro. " T h ere l i aa tellinff defiuitoly where the Qnlana ■ebitaney' u located, b a t we meaa ta t b d i t u d . u e baaifig UQi bxpMtUloBi on moro t h u *pooaTatioo.. S tady bi da ta collected by otber oxptonra aBd proipoetora, aa well a* my ow n.ob«r- vations, indieato th a t i t l i w ilbln a certain area near iho Venciuola bo^ d e r.”

.He added tha t the quBll^v of itonea Inki'n from tho vicinity where b ll'{)a^ Iv will w<vk pointa to n “ cbiinney'' a'l rich or r lu e r tbaa tboae of tha Hoiith African diamond flelda.

Anitaoli w bldi will be u k e n for tho W a ih in ^ n uoloRieal iraiden includi* tapir*, u te a te ra , ja in im and monkcyi ni. writ a* a variety o f ir'oplcal birda.

Scotch Tolephono Girl Honored by King for Sorvicos D ar­

ing W ar ' ,

•Mia* May HBaaennnn o f .Qlaagow, Scotland, wbo haa bern honored by Kinjf Ooorce fnr her arrvicca n» chief o f tho army telephone acrviro In Franco for noirlT three ye.nra. Mini Banner- n a n wsa mentioned by Field Mnrahai Jlalff " f o r gallant and disllnrultbcil (lervice In the f lf ld .” . .

B g*i> THB O LAB Sm ED A lA

I ■

: ■ TWO" •

Peasant Women Ele DUta

f f l



I the >o«ili


K :± V y - i l M

" J I n j

H q r a c r c v w i i a

I «jani Mi*» Mnryn Wilzokowo, ^adiinie

mowtka, three of Ihc cluht women i lliaii D iet a t Waraaw. U Im WlUckowa is itii'd to work for better acbooi* iu thu part

Ko*mow*l(a ia a radical and represen ma(t erewaka is the wifo of Polnnd'* firstledi- ■ •-___________________________, in- -----------------------------------------------------

r j l l i l ! CITES C l 'L; MiHSflNDOPERATOIIilbo _____

Indiotznont Oharging Oonspl: opt- aoy ,to Violate A sti-Trnst *“ • , Act is Eoturnod

thu IK D IA N A P O L I^ lid ., y ph-A n I d le taen t contalninR flvo count*,, ehar, ln){ eott^iiirney to violate the Hhermt

jgr. anti't'ru«t act, «raa roturned by tho fe brd oral grand jury Friday a|niii>"l^227 co lln* bpefaton, r^al operator*' awoclailot

coal, milling compnntra. and conl ml

Tho lilt of indlclcd includea pemo J , ' and corporation* In Indiana, Iilini^

Pennaylvania and Ohio, whlrh -coi prlfo tho rontral competitive coal fill

^ Amonff thoao indicted arc many I dividual defendant* alrea>ly under 1

' dictment for violation of the Lev I*"'’ art... Tho name* of thoie indieted we

made public. In tho returrf to Uniti Ktatr* P iitr lc t Judgo A. 11. Anderao Thernamca o f 12 Individual*, howevt were withheld pondinjj thelr arre*t.

Tbe flvo count* in tbo bdlctm e ih |. charire; Koatrnint of trado; re ilra ln t I M com nerrc; restra int of trade and coi

; mereoi eonaplracy to inonopoliro; ai

' 1* " in cK d c d wnonjr' tho^o indifled n John I* L ew is proridcnt of tbe Unlti W n o ’ Workera of America; ’ Wlllla

. ° i Oreen,. Bcerctary of the Unitod MI) Worker* of America; Percy Tello

**'• r t t i i t la lM of the Untted Mine Wor ^ » OT Of Attwiea.

““ Workers^ Union '?'■ Cuts Carpenter “• Pay $2 Per Daiude Buport Local Dooidos on'Draa

tic Eodnction of 8 -Honr . Scale fo r Year

ed , -------The Carpenter'• union nf Kuji^rt hs

cleride<l upon a voluntary teducllon o wnp-n fnt ilsy wnrk. ncrordini: lo th Mlnlilok.i County New^ Thr reductio iininuntt to,$'.' jirr day.

Thi* lowc.rin|r of the general achr* uie, In effec t all lant yenr for cnrpot le r work, wn* voluntarily voled nt tneclinK of th r Rupert loeal of Iho Coi poater*' union thla week, tho nrw rnl

I to becomo_cffoftIvc on March 1. Shori age of wnrk and iho general trsB' domiward of living eoata i t given n the rcaaon for tho reduction. Lttat yea carpenter* in Ilupcrt rr,'clved a wnff of for nn rleht-hoiir day, it Iiifate<l, Hnion leaders and eontractor expreiw Ihi' belief tha t thla lowcrin; o f Inbor rru t will have a otlmulatlnf e ffre t on building, which bnn been ai low ebb for *omc time.

• Vvrnioiil haa I’O,07.'! fnrmn; .tM* lev than In IP10.

L O A N S IThe M o n th ly

Ootaipan tba s n t l n am nm t of ir tth th a amotmt of ln t« re tt paid e tbo UTlDf. '

T M e r tha m on tuy p a T s o t pl l fouy n p a U Is eo Btmtbly paTinei o f utlOi 11,000.00 IM p riad p a l aad

TM Intazflft .oa a " i t n l f h t ' 'w, lao&thi) t t 8 p« t — :____

't lw I s to w t on mimtlily payment p

A ttTln* 0# ---------- ------------A Uigtr at m^Uar loaa ti



Uected IHembeh of Polish \ at Warsaw


iinie Soflu Murncrctvtka und .Minx Iri'iie Ku •n recently ulcclcd aa membi'ra of the I’olii is a pennant wnnmn u n j tva* Kcrit to the Dli

a rt of Poland thnt waa formerly Uorman. Mli •senta Lublin In thu Diet. Mme.'Suflu.Mor: rst pnanlcr uiuier the Treaty of Vitk iIIIi'm.

L m U i- lE S T lE llF ORS^SEmSEJUSPiSlBpir-jOcean Traffic Tic-np Loom Bt I with* Expiration of W ork.

Ing Agreements

a In NKW VOUK, {/P)-Po.»,lbility of barg- nation*wide atrike May 1 of offiee; ‘rman and ecamen on American ablpi, upc ) fed- eip lratioa of ex iatbg working agrci conl tnonla' b r tn r m , owners und deep at lion*, unlona, loomed here Prlday.Bln. , Tho American Steam ihip 'Owjior;

nasicfntlon, whirh rcprca?nt* virtual iraonp »U Amcrimn-owned tonnnge, adviw lin i^ , Rear Admiral Renaon. rhnlrmnn oC'tl ■com- ahlpjiing bonrd ihat it waa “ averse 1 fltld . entering Into n general conferrneo wil y In- the unions a t Ihl* lim e.” Admin ir In- llenaon, >hlp owi\pri wero ndvlaed, ha Lever been rrqiiestcd by the union* to cn were ^urh a ronfrfcnco to ronnldrr workln

Fnitod agreements for tho i-uiiiin^ (lacai yea oraotf. -The dlapoirition of the shipowner revcry aecording .to one membrr, wna to elm it^ inate from ibr cott o f o|«ralionfi eoa Iment o f th r ex]>eniir whieb they c]alm i* mal Int of Ing luecraafiil competition with foi com- fllgn flng vriwcl* impflwlblp. 'T he ei

; and iating wage ucalc, the ownrt* belleTi it ton high nnd thcprovialon for ove:

I nre time pny !■ *crIoaBly objectionable.' nlted The agreemeni with- tbe d e rt hnnd illlam und engine room forrca expire* May Mine and tb a t w ^ t h e deek offleer* Aof • iio w ,|u » t: . I


MKXrOO CIT^-, yph-New apaper r( porta thnt the Mexican government hn refiined tn rerognito debt* conlraetr

I Iiv th r Victoriano Iluerin governmrnl 'O y were denied b.v Adolfo de In Kuerti

aceretnry nf the trenauryj here Ina r a s - '‘^Rht.' . .l ie said no ruling had bee:

. m ajc in tho m atter, tind tha l th r gnv ‘ emmenl wn* abiding by the Cnrmnr.:

decree which forbade sueh recognition Ue added thi* did, not mc.in thu pr«»en

: hnii regime would not take nrtion in fnturen of , « I m,mm, ■ ,. th-tllMPBOVEJrlENT E EPO EIH D IK stIoK . OOAUP OLABE'B OONDITIO}

,1 WAHHINOTON. D. C.. ( /P )-«om ' ' ‘ improvcimenl wa* rcixirted today In Ibi

^ rondilion of Bcprcurntntive OhBmj p Clnrk of Minaouri. whu !ian been II tkL week*, nt hia hotel here. Mr

, ; Clark is suffering from a gi-nornl brcal; reni'. nggrnvntcd by an a ttack nf picti


•tor» l.DNDON','(yp>—8 ir Frederick Wed ring more. 7(1. a rt erllic, poet nnd short tin s slorv w riter died yi-aterday n t hla homo 1 at nt Hevrn Onk*. Connty Kent. For more

than no venra he wna chief n rt rrltii' nf the Hfi'llv BtftnJatd. toMftbntiVlcd

le ii xvith hU dnuKhter. M illlrenl, In editinfl ' scvrrni \olum rs of prone nnd poetry.


I P a y m 'd n t P la nof in tsn ft paid os ft “ i tm iU " lo«a

Id on a m o n t^ ptTmcost iMa u d aot«

t plan, a loaa'of 11,000.00 and to tm tt mesti of |2LSi eadi. a totftl Of tW lC O , ind t37At0 i» tBUatA h f toaa of tt,000.00 for 6 jtua (60— --------------------------------- --------- w u nIt plan for tlM nma.tiffl* l i_____ 137440

------------------------;--------------------- ~ m mI t l liiftda on tb* aao* ea«l



IsiiiVpiiMEi**Zf i f t a r E l ik T« U da'*v»a

T ber« 'i tom« v a d lO n to i^aak. . y«-I I f a fte r S i lk jr« ilM >ndI W a’n aU aoam oold u d i t i f f

to r>.Tba 0D« th a t’f In tha w U w l’

I . Ia strangor h«ta t b u too intjr\ bo.VV AU beia hft' go t the ir f« a n and 1 c a ita ;I Add TOU r » r toa l onto oorfj ■ prayma;7 B« TOO onr A sgal V b m r w .* '

ri Obnrch of tbo A acoulonJ . . (^ lic o p a l)

Charlra aieoB Baird, Sector .(T h ird Bunday In Lenl)

Children'* *en,-Ice, with fivu-minul *eimon and children'* hymns, a t El:f All aro Invited lo th li lervIee.

M orning aervlee, wltb icrmon as Lenten anthem, a t 11.'

A boz,lina been placed in tbu rear < the churab..to receive contrlbutlot

, froBi laemljcr* o fithe congregatlDh ft Iho Cblneao famine lu ffera’ fund. Tb bor will bo emptied each Sunday a t th d o te of tho aervlee, and tbe content forwarded to the Living Church funin ftmd. ■ - .

. . .Mid'wcek lAintcu aervire Wrdncidii c tv n m g a t 8, with canfirmailon inatnic

j tiuu* and lecture uu ihc aubjecl, “ Tb 1 Church and the Prayer-Book.”

I , Hanaeo Otarelif P . N . Manning, PastorI 10 n. m., Sunday achdoi; M. B. Tn>I , lor. superintendent.J . . U 'a . m., morning worship. Thof C. W. Tenney, iircaldcnt of Ooodln

' rolU-ge. will deliver Ihc addrcu.Choir will furnUh iperlal mualc,

L u tb e ru Oburch Kua- Thir.l Avenue West aud Fifth Strec

I’oliih -li’lin Olhring. Paator.• D iet Hundiiy «hool, l*; -’> n. r u . . I.enaoi .Mini ''.leaua Ui'fore the High P ricat.”

Moru- Morning mirvieo. 10:30 a. m. .fob I'a. IH. llSnfl: “ My kingdom is not o f thi

world. Kvi'ryotie. tha t Is of tho trut -----= liporcth my voice.”

f Kvciiing nervicc 7:30 ]i. m. Sertno on the Roapel leaaon for tho third Sut dny in U n l: . Luke 11, 14-28.

,11 Y r i i r t P ro ab y terlu OburthAsher Harlan Brand, Minlater

Mornln)^ worehlp nt 11 o|ek)ek; *ci lo m s ‘"®" Intercci*iona'of J t

Evening worship nt 7:30 o ’clock ft muitifhl progrnin—Henry (Pam or'

' Communion Iu B fla t; also n brie of a eharncter study o f Paul,

fleera ®P*"*, ^ 0 'clock.upon y_ g g.a

o'clock.■) aen ■ -1710 Jun ior 0 . B. tneela a t S o'cloel

M om lns H tu io ; Organ prelude, Av tjiora' M aria (Vcrdl.)tunlly Anthew, “ l*raiae'lb# Ixird” (Maur Iviscd der).it tho Offcrlory: Offertory (Lcfcbvrf rse to W ely). • 'with Organ poitlude: Fanfare (Duboii).

miral E ren ing Mtiale: Henry F anner’ had eommunloa-aervlce in B fla t will b

t cnll Aiioj; by . the (junrtel choir, In .charg of,M ra. 0 . P . Du.vall, conduclor. MU

y®*'' OlndvB O rr will be a t the organ, m e n , _elim- i i i r t 'BaptJjt Cbureb

0 . H. Young, Paitor fg j. .Morninjt aervlee:

. . . (•'hoir hymn, “ There I i a Ponntaln.' "ij” Antbtoi, “ Tho Kingly P U g r ia ''-

M lu Wolfonden and chorua. - tja.' O ffertory “ Hymn Anthem” {ar ityids ranged).(ay 1 flcrmoa, “ Tho Three Creations.” Aug- B. y . P . U.. 0:30 p. m.

B. Y. P. U. Junior, 0:30 p. m. Superintendent-Sundny achool, Mrs

A. B. Mactyn._________________

t hn* JSSSSSSSSSS S ^^^^S S S S S Snetrdnrn t,lertn,


•nnjiaItion. de»ent ^ture. ^

Iom*1 Ibl* rmmp a Ili

r“i' That Iple.i.

T h e m o s t ro l iu tn ic k f l n n d F o r

yp j F o r d carH o f tli

|‘o"mo , O u r a k iilo d F n n

iln c ta 80 t lm t tiio.v w

^1®' u n d c r s t n n d th l i F t m

y. ' o r rcp lacciiK *nt.s i|ii ii

T l i e r c iti a H ta n d a rd i;

u F o r t i c a r . 'U i H l !k

c lian icH fo llo w tlii! ai

tli(.‘ F o r d f a c to r y . 1

a l) le I’'o n l ']e r ly , p r o m |) t iy a n d al

' c i ia i i jc s , F o r d n p o c in

l io a ta l t lo c o m b in a t io n

W lie n -v o n .r c ii ii i i

W E I142 2 n d A v e . N.

:.S, IDAHO, SATURDAY, 1i r n Evening aervlee, 7:30. Monthly mt T l aicnl aervico.

ILU Hynm, "A bide With M e."Bong service.Anihcm, “ Conildcr the L lliei” -

Ml»a IJortafaon, Mr. Arlbur, aad tb t “ ma.

Anthem, “ Hnrveit Hymn.’ ’Aiithwn, ' ‘Itoek of A gci’ '—Willlni

“ Youug Arthur and cboru*.O ffertory, **I Found a Friend” -

"2 Miaa Dean nnd choru*.H ennon ,'“ O od 'i Voieo J n 'N a tu n

Art and &B g.”“ Ooipel hymn, “ Ninety and N ine.”

Bcnediclion. anihcm, '!E n d of Pei fee t D ay.”

Twin FaUa U usion ., U-Ki Third Avenne. Eaat

.1. M. Cloa, Partor '. .Sunday ichool 10 n. ffl.

I’rrnrijing- 11 a. m. Snbjoet, “ Th Peiilccoifal Blcaalaff.”

Inuto Evening pralie aervlee, 7 o ’elock. OM. Preachfiig, 7:45. Subject, "T he wa

to H eaTen."Midweek meetings Tuesday an

Thuriday, 7:80. .

C bsrtb e f tho B io thxn .I for Chaa. W. Bonk, Paator.Tho Bible' acbooi 10 a- m.

t the 0 . W. 8. aad J . W. fl, meeting* a ten ti 7 p . JL.mine Morning w onhip 11 a. m.-*

Evening w onhip 8 o'clock, idiiy ' Sermons hy the paator- {nif- IVvollonnl a m l n '• on Wedneada; iTbc •’veuiiig nt 7:30.

O b ila tlu Obnrch.W. A. Moore, Mlnliter.

I':45 0. m„ Bible *ebonl. D. W. J?p<io _ g rnff, auperintcndent.’T"y- 11 n. m-, Communion. Bpcclnl muni

by India*’ a cz te t “ Farewell Addrci' 10 Chureh," W. i . Sirore.

oln? 0:30 p. m., ChrUUnn Endeavor. Tii-nd er, Joha Amabary.

■■ 7:30 p. m., 8pceiol_mtt»ic by mah quartet. “ Farcwel Address io Com

- m uaity ,” 'W . A. Moorp.troot -•----- — ............. ' '

saon, ll ~

John '

“ ■ The Si = Exei

(■liiio»i(’K Ilin biu ilt

' . iK 'n v i ik o w a y tli

hiiKiiicKH dcciK io ii

ior*-* ' I Io a n a ly z c H itf lHitlerH itH r e w m n

0:45 i ty o f itH IW n n l y

g.'ao r n j ) a l i i l i ty o f i t s <

H o d iv e rt h i« p a t

Ave t h a t i t w il l h e n „ l i t tu k lucttB urtiR u

\ \V n r o j m t l j - p

iH|.sillCH9 I l ic n ’8 1 o u r ledficrK , a n d

I be f o r r e ta in in ; , ' t h oargeMita

T w in F a & T r u s t i

T W m F A ]{ar-

M e m b e r F e d e r a


T H E U N I V E W i A l C A I

t Universal Ford After-Sei l i a b le n fU jr-K crv ic e w h ic h i s e v e r

'’o rc ls o u t r a c t o r a i« poK itive a s a u r a n i

tlio con.<>tant n n d H crv ic e o f tb c i

o r d m e ch a n icH k n o w h o w to a d jn K t i

• w il l n e rv e t o - th c n ia x i m u m o f t l ie i

tm l n ie ch a n iH in lb o r o n " l i ly , a n d c an

l ii ic k e r l lm u o t h e r n 'i m in n e n w h o I

rd iz e d w a y f o r m r tk in i f .c v e r y r e p a i r

th e ( |n ick p .s t, sn rc .s t w a y ; a n d in n il

; a ie tb o d H r e c o ia m e n tlc d b y tb e i'’o r (

T h e s t a n t l u r d i m l r e p a i r jo b s a r e

T l iu s y o u a ro u R sn rk -d o f I m v in f jy o

I a t a r c a s o n n b le p r ic e . G e n u i n e l-'n

:rinl Io o Ih n n d i im c h ii ie ry a n d F o r d

io n .

i i i r e se rv icc* w c a r c a ( y o n r im n ie d ii


•, FEBRUARY 26,1921

: .J ■ . . .

mu- P i n t Obnrdi o f Christ, BcHmtUt.ICO Ninth Ave. E.

Bunday aervlee a t 11 a. o . 8ubjec1.,;f nrm on, Tebruar>- 27, “ O iriit Jeiua.

Sunday *ehool a t 10.a. m., for puptit . w under 20 year* uf ago.

Wodocadtty.^testlmonlal moetlng ul H p. m. ■


_ Pw torta a t Order Forblfldljig Oommtt. nlcaUon w ith S odaliit U iie t

ATLANTA. ■ Oo.. ( /P )-8 iunuel IS. Cnsllrion, coiinuM for Eugene V. Debt, w rlallat Irndi-r, announced today be ha.1 received a IclrgrUm from Attornry Oenernl Palmer deeliabg b ll requcaf

Ito be pcrmtlled to viait the prlaoner I who is acrving a aentcnee hrro.I, Drba. nrrordlng to bli a lto rerr. i»

-n ,,lhc lnc held Incommunicado a l the At- •lanttt federal penitentiary an a TcraltInf crUleinma of PrtaW nst In. % «recent atatement Iaaued throngh hla atlomoy. . . .

Caatleton deelared fcde tu prison regnlatloni do not provide r tfa ia i to Me eonniel aa » p a rt o f tbri ec^e of dlidp llne aod tha t he quoloJ w th reg- nlatlona in hla te legran .to the a tto m r-

a t i n W TEBEOBIBT P M T I B ______ 'DI800VBEHD IH- SPAIN

. MADRID yP)—Document* giHog de- lall* o f I. new te rro riit plot to Spalu vfTf dlieovcred bv police effltiala

• when Ihev mlded u leeret nwiUng of - . syndlcalista nt UrAraena-v near Bil­bao, la it nighf. F ifteen persona were plaeed nnder arreat.

i*ic b l e o ib io ia n-CM MTm y rn w OV WOKS

Elactilc AppUuo* WorkOallad For «sd D tU rm l —lAbor HOQ Tm E o o - '

BO88 Xk s o i r o L t f ^ p H o y B w e-B . ■

Successfulecutiveuk in th e sam e busi-

t l ia t iic m akes o th e r '


fl qnalificatioiiHr con- ircea, the reHponwbil- yf Diroctorfl, and the » Officern.i tro n a g c on th e baxii* re ta in e d on ly (w the

« P - . ' . 1

pn)u d o f tb e m anyI n am es reco n led on ' id of o u r rep u ta tio n lioHC w ho com e to ub,

a lls B a n k ; C o m p a n yALLS, IDAHO'

ral Beienre Syitem

lB ^

J e r u i c e —

• bsliiiid I-'(inI caiK, ince to the owners of leir cars.t o r re p a ir F o rd p ro -

e i r e ffic iency . T hey

an nm ko Q djustniehtu

t lack l-'ord training'^

ir a n d iidjnK tnient on *II tbeir work our nie- trd Service Hchool at e covered by reason- nmr work done prop- •'ord parts, Ford me- 1 cbitrneH an* an iin-

ilia to com m antl.

C O .P h o n e 129



Exports in January Fall Off $ 6 6 ,0 0 0 ^ while Imports Decline $55,000,000 Com­pared with Previous Month

WASinKQTON. (/P )-A ■ HlifiiikuK-'Ilf $M,000,000 in Aini'rlfiiti cxiHirt trailt* in JnBimry wm rcporli-rl Krirlny by f]'i •ir|>art»etit,of fommcrtv. liu|M.rtii Ui Ihc month fell u ff l.'i.',,000,OIIO an rmn- I'-ircd with tbe IX-reiiiljur fl({iirff.

Expoil»- ia Janunry tn tn l'n r JOS.I.- 000,000 Ba Mmpwrd wifli »7;-2,flU0,on3

- In Jaauary, IWO. Im]x)rlii lolallNj 1^09,000,000. n» roni|>ar«il with »474,- liOO.OOD b the *ai!U- monlh n year a«n, aoit waa U e smollett in any month ■inco Felinuiry, lUIU.

. The tr&de •W onrp in favnr of tlu I'a ited Bute* for tho month nf Janu ' arr wu 440,000,000.

Import# ilorinjr thn Mvrn month* j)0- riod cndlBff »riUi Iw t January wrro

• Miliird at 13,543,000,000 agalnat 12,- r<js000,000 In the .cjirreapondlRK K ' rloil the year boforr. Exporta totallr^

000,000 comi’ari-d with >4;>B.'i,00i) ill tho eorTMpondlnK jwrlod.

Importi o f (jold nmounlcil In »:m, •'mo,000 ia Janutiry a n J to ♦342.000,00 in ihfl a«vea ciDnfh* n« compared with ► 12.000,000 ia Janunry. 1P20. anil 000,000 la th(‘. i-orrcspondinK Kcven • iimntlm.

Gold ezpotta slionc.l n larRC <lro|i, (imoiinllnR t« oaly I.I.OOO.OOO In Jnnii /'• ury na compared with 148,000,000, i i o .Innuary, IPSa In Hip loven months tl ihe tolal waa * 1.10.0011,000 nn compared . with 1^19,000,000 in the* corrrti>onilinp period thi» year before.

Imports of allrof fell, for-tho acvcii' mnnthi wore IST.OOO.OOO an fompnrpdj wilh *58,000,000 while cxiwirt* o f ailvpr were »3s,000,00n a" ro-iiparcil with M S ,000,00#.^


_____ ’ IOffleer Talla A tlm tlc Olty OonfonnMi

Woman in nome and Crippled Tots i ffiaoU Bo Helpod j j

ATI,ANTin c m - . K. J .. m - Al woman who h w been injured In her, hnnc or tho boy or (jlrl crippled hincpi I'hlldhood ahould have n« murh rif-ht in bpnefit* o f tho Industrial n'hnbill- ,, t.->linn a rt a l U c man whoie phyaleal illkability i l the reiu lt of hl» worV.

Thla .aUtwnent wa* mnde Friday b.v U w ia n . Carrli, M»liliint dircftor of U e federal rehflbiliUtloB iioanl for ro- ' .Mtional edocatlon, a t U e oj.eninK aei. •inn of tho National Society for Voca- tinnal I^ueation eonfercaee.

Nearly 300,000" Indurtrially dlnahled ' , men ood women In the U nited,Pjntca

mijrhfbctDnie wago carneri if they wcro '■ uivea proper enrfoura({oment nnd.cilrcci

Ilan, he added .. • "W. U . Proetor,'p rofciior of cduealloa

in I-eland Blaa/brd ualveriUy, Califor- . nia; ipeakbfr b e fo re ..th o Njtional ^ Outdance ‘ aAtKialion, nuerteil that “ half-baked pm hologiit* who cblm lo l>o oble to (h a rt minulol.v tbe aptitudoi ^ o f people 10 tha t they can bu proncrly labeled aad plf^onbolcd for vocational , rcfereneo have n e a t ly hindered the ,, moremeat rep rd io g thn uao of menUl {' ic ila in Toeatloaal fpildaneo.” ' '

Ho added, however, lha t aobatantlal {, progreia bad been mmh' in ability in . d ivover individual levola of Intelllgcnro bv mean* of pjychologieni teat.",’ Uorn Prancea Stodilard,* dircelnr of .

the bureaa of ieientlfie temperanee of Itoitoa, oddrtiilaK the KatioDal Auoei- , atlon of Deaaa of Women, aaid tha t I »lnce prohibition, la fan t mortality and dcathi fn m diaeaiei traceable to alco* holle ladulgeaco had decreased.


WABHINOTON, n . (/P>-I’tp 'i dent WilfOB rpcciveil K ri-lny Holanri'i Rloei, tho new Ilutian ambawador: Pnace Blbeiteo, the R uinuibn inlnln' te r and Albert Blanchet, the I la lU u » minlaler. e'

The Italiaa ambanmlor wm prcocnl- od by Beeretary I’/olby. of tho »Ute do- l-artmenl, and U c two mioialera by j, Itnderew reta ty Daylf- . ,1

.. Kew Italian AffibosBador c

Kolando Rietl, newly appointed ain-|]^ banador from Italy to. the United^ 8tati#,'photographed opon hia arriva],

X in New Tork on U e tteomahlp Duca' n 'A o it i. Ambaaaador'B lcel iuecoedi d llnron Avczt&no aa th f lu l la n eavoy ri .10 Wanhiagtoa. . . t!

One Perfectly Good Rei Close to t

[ |pji / i B | S

” ! , .Hiaa U U garot Porter, of New Vork, ,, ran nt I’a ln Beaeh. The calam area la a

r ight aldo up oven in Uo roiling brvakera. I oari, and eon take all wavoa on high. I’< 3 tie If any intcroat for Ihv catnmnran wbeJ ____ ■________________________________


: TpdaysSpo"RUBE" E Y A N s ls i


|Ecccntric Southpaw Pitcher to | Get Another Ohanco with

r | ■ Major League Club

t “ Itubo" Kvanii, cccrntrlr noulhpinv '' iillclier, in III have a rliiinec In ii mnjnr

li'UKUC nuuiii, ITlio flanhy hut uurvlinlile U’fllinml

. cr, form erly'of fipokune, Salt Luke, Uu-.pert nnd Itvgitin, hax boon called in hy

'' the New York fliantH nml vrill rnjtert { ; willi the Olanta'-aqunil iit llio miillierni

truiriing camp, ^1 “ nu liu" Kvanx. whon in conilllinn| I nn.l feellnjr Jit poaco .wiU blniwlf .uul

tlio world ia a major Icngue pllchor, uml ,;r!iii tnnke goud with any big circuit

elub in Ihc rounlry. Ilia nno grvni nll- uioiil in igo nf-an .•xiiKuenili'il nuil_^- ccntuatcd ty|)C, together w ilh u (llapim-

I tion to w inder from Uo alrftlght wiiy- , Year before laat .Uia long boy wna the

wonder of Jlio fou.tbern Idaho Icngue, ^nd bad it nol beon for ;in nreident at the cnil of the acMon which put hi*

, ahuuldcr on the lioapltul Ual, he woiiM have been taken back by the Balt I.nke

, Ileca .to flnlali the afaaon. Tbe ,Bu1t . Lake management, fcarlng-B vana’ dla- , poailioii, Innt. aptlng lurneil blm over tv

the Hcglna elub of the Wcntcrn Oinodn " league, ile wim ou«il,v tin- beat pitch- “ cr in lh;it cin-ult and lila record ntirncl- - wl .Muggsy McOruw'a nllrnlion. Thei J d raft fnllowed. . j

t Herman is Given | 1 Chance to Regain j

His Lost Honors, Joey Lynch Tolls Wan Ho Whip- \

pod tta to h is Opon for : Marcb 17 |

’ NKW YORK, (/P )-Jo e Lynch, whc.' i ivoM Ihe world’* bantamweight boxing

champion frem I’ete tTermaD Init Pe- • erml'cr. tuilny acnt n mc»sage to Ihe '• N'ew Orleana boxer a tn tin j he wn* ready f t.> make good hia promise fo r an e.nrlv

return buut. U -nth liaa (jec{ine.l ft bout witb Roy MoSre, of flt. Paul, OB R l.. Pa trick’a dny, Herman prciVr iI'lire for thla date. '

YANKEBB OFF rO H OAMP• YOKK, tcrriiiti. of the New Vork AtncrU-ons, tho vanpiard i)f 42 plnynra Ue Yankee ninnntjrjncnl h:». earralk-d for the lOJK camp-tlgn, Hi re un their wny I'l »prWV«rnining A ' W|,ti'ie]iort, I.ii., loilny. ' '

BIGN8 COLLEGE PITCIJEB• MINNKAl'OLIR, Mlnii,.,(/P) - I'A I Dyehe. of I'lielilo, Colo,, whn i>ilclicil j fnr the I’nivi'rully of (’nlormlo ln»l year,1 hn* been aigncd bv the Mlnnoajwili* A'u! .Ti.-ini n -w in tion elub. It wu» iiiinounc I ed today.

! . INDIANS OOINO B o 'im tI fl.KVKLANl). n „ (/P) - - The fitM ; «i)ii:icl (if U e chnnipion Clovelnml In- [illana will leave here tonighl fo ' th<\.' xpring training caisp at Dalian, Texaa.,I The flcl.lcfa will leave one week from : today. I

I MOBE ‘T A Y D IE T ” 'I OLKVELAND, 0,, (/P)-Fxl ■■HtrnnK- jlo r” I/«’wia, champion hcavywel^’ht

.iw roaller, will meet Mnx Orlnmlor of I'Boittnn, in a match here tonight. '

iJ B ia OOWXOB SQUAD• ' PRINCETON, N. J . , (/R—Sixty caa- i dldates fo r'th e Prlnectoa baieholl team r reported yesterday for the f ir ii prac-



Ieason Why Ocean Stays ; ) the Shore

, I

' r t t I


■ b U

rk, la about to tako a joy ridr oo n cntama- a a sort of a sca-golDg hack bouml to a t a ; ' :ers. I t h u ooa-skid pontoona, demountable

Perhaps, however, you will have very lU- wben looking at this picturc.

o r t i n g f j e w s


S; BEFORE OPENING,tO|New White Sox Team Must

Havo M aster's Approval ‘Prior to April 13.

;i«- (IllICAGO, (/p )-T hc To(.rgMii*o<r inr White Sox team wiii nut go ihlu aetlun

I irt the regular |)liiyora neuaoa April 13 „|. a l Delroil unlll Owner Charlea Comi*-'[ key ba* appcoved the new IcaoB. e.lnb'I I offleiala aakl here today, Comlakcv. irt " 'f*t 'over A northern

roule and will rcach U c Iralnlng camp n i „ . .oo«. I

I, The field wilt be combed again foi , avallablo material to rcplnc« the aeven i

nspnaded pla.vors involved- in tli'i world’s ncriea *candai o f 1010. Becre : ta ry H arry Orablner anld. i f Comiakcv; is not satlafled wiht hia combination

Z' e f recruits and otdMlmera. ;

t ' Brief BUsof Sportue, •at Chailie Comiakey, maslcr of th" li* White Box did ao t speak in,tufflcicntlv ,iM atndeal tone* when he quoted ten n i tke for Karl Bhcely. 'uit , la- The sta r first baseman of tbo Pa-t(j elfle Ooa*l league, who haj.- been -pi(r idn chased by Commy, aaks hl^ new gaffe-■h- to come again loudrc or gel a newrl- fTnt baseman-

I The fact* in ..the ease aeem to b ; ;U a t the salary offered Enrl for mnjor ilea^tue servloc Is but little more lm-' .'posing than U at paid for working for, jU e Salt L«ko Ikes la st year. j

'S Looks Uke a tinch U nt Comiako; ' .w ill eome through Ratisfaetorllv '

p J t f o u g L - j

! Ily ilnmming bl* opponent *o hard on Ithe canvajw, aflcr lifting bim l)odll»-l ifrom tbo floor a certain Riiddlewcight'

. - r o ^ r o f Twin Foils recently won th'e I Idaho midillewelght grappling ebom-:

I'R ploaship.. [

I’*' A rt Chentor. claimant of the stale! 'b ' tlUo, was the rletJm, U e bout being '1 ' held in Pocatello. Chciter had w oi I't (iDP dean fall in a half hour, and ha j ^ i..h li man in jeopardy n g a 'a , when tho T [hold was broken. Ruiliing nt his man

Ui‘ Twin Fall* aU lctc gathered him ,op and put him eut o f buaine*i lo an czhlbitloa e f n a in atrengtb. Chester,[

of aeeordtng to ringaieil rejKirl*. up tn r,| Unl moment, looked n' sure winner. H.'

... -----------------■ ■ Federal Power

Commission■Meil li> r'lmplloseo wltb the Fed- tr, eral W aU r-Power A et <41 tn Stat., 1003) notice is hereby IC gi'^en tha t tbe Idaho Powor '

Company of Dolse, Idahn, has , applleii for preliminary perttlts for poM i dc\clnjinjent a t Twin

:at I'alli. iin (Innke River, between n. Section 12 and Section 4, T. 10 h,.. 8., IM S E., B. U ., and also at 1, . ' Upper'Salmon Falls between •„ n ! Rcrtinn 10. T, p fl., R. 14 E.,

I aad Beetlon 34, T. 7 a , .B . 13 .I PX, II, M„ Idaho. Any objec- ' tion agalnit granting sueb per-

mita, or reqtieat for hearioss ■h, thereon, together w ilh any

briefs, reports, or other data for vhieh eoadderatlon 1s de­sired, should be n b m ltted on or before Mareh 51, 1821. to

la- the ExeectlTo Boeretarjr, Ped- ersl Power ComalttiDn, Wash-' lagtoo, T). c.

ULY NEWS, TWIN FAL, , was Injured *r> badly (hat be coulil unl Hi

continue. jil— bl

A Hoxtou fight pruiuoler liiii nfferod 0 ,purao of 130,000 fo ra match l.clwec'i " Jack Dempaey and I'aul Bumpinu, .i.tn New Votk heavywclghl, who ha* bei'„|

^ eomini^ to ^lie frprit mplilly «f;ia tc.

Bamwon rowatly gave.dcno Tunnev^ another “ hope,"-n 'good iicatiiig. 11" ■avs all he wanta to iiK-ct thii chomp Is *7500. :

I'reil Kultun. Minnowln pliinlrrer fighter, won by a knockout overi "lOiughhouae’' Warn of New York llte ^ otiicr night. The batllc wiif rtagod in )' Allontiiwu. r.v , nnd Kml whlp[>eil ovor **> n Hoan punch In the th ln l roiind-

f tc d l.iidcruj, fnrmer firat l>ii*eiiuin ■'f Ihe Rod*, la alate.l for n minor n ' leajBB berth this year, -‘ e former mn-

' Jor league sta r Is to caVort around the initial aaek fnr tbe Toledo Mud Hcni. pr

Him Hmiley, »agebni*li lage, B.iy* “ Til’ feller whul formerly had t i ]|| mnko frequent trip* lo th ' corncr "lote. now finds a lo t to do w l’ th ’ fnraace In .i, his hom'e cellar.” m

Willi Ilill Donovan has informed Phil- "leluhia lhat white lie cxp<'cta U e rh lllies to win tho National leaguo flu{ next year, he really doea not expwt lel win every game played, oi

A in’t Bill the modest crcaturef bi— ••I

YotwiUstandlng rpp«rti> (hni Rslp'i


! “ L e t h i m w hla-

s s e r v e y o u m (

'■ - B E ^

i ■ pE \ jo


t h e i r;od'


■ T h e y

I , b e c a i j - t h e (

f a v o ]»a-


„,| P r i n iior ,

-I J o b


Ei p u r c Jlie! ' •ngOT

= . T h ecr, 1 . •

a V I

c h e a ]

^ -- e d , b

“ W e

lLLS, IDAHO, SATURDAYY, FEBRUARY 26,1921I Hlrriiiil, Boo "itar )»lt^her,. ha« signed tu ’

Slay iiutlnw >;all llda year Jack ('onk, unince* nianagor of Ibe Hall Lake elub I extireucA eunfldoncc thnt the twirler

I will ro|H>rl' ul* tho Dec training camp , in a oouplo of weeks.

l ' 'T a r lie ll truin us-to even ilenire tu prick nn umbttion bubble bul wh.;.i ilabn Ruth klcka In witb tho claim thn t ho iHnilively will mnke '.I home run* In'llio nefixoii of 1021, we ure rou. ttruined t» ivnge n fcw-kopei'k* thul I he won’t. i

I Tox Rlrkurd "Ovm lie~IjT jircici'edln'i Iwith pluMK fltr tu'ii big lioiita, aiul eon- ffiitentlv vll>eel» to pull nff both of it b . . . — ^ ,

Tlie v riip" Tox baa In conlemplallun nre bolwefiU Dempaey and (’nr|H-nllo; nnd Dumpney nnd Willatd.

Would hardly call the latter a li!'[ ’ proapoct, thouglL

On Tburnday .nigbt llcnny I/eonuril. \ lightweight boxing i^Ainnion of lh<. Horlil. won a Bowsnapcr aceUion uver .Ine Weiiing of Cliicago, Benny took mnltera easy, and won by ji goo-l longlb, it .t* (aid.

< ak!Oevtot Alsa Blind to R*ad. me

An iDitnmiont w hW enablta a No blind man to have bis farorlte Qorel pol iranaformtHl In'o- n aort of retulctl box. gtvlni: nut a dlfTcrvnt sound for ’ •■uell inhiT. uiid, Ibu* fiiablliiE blm to U >vMr( with mao. (iH» h 'i 'n (iiveiiCed.

'h o s e r v e s y o u b e

l o s t . ”


H E A P g o o d s : o n e r e c o m m e r

r C H E A P N E ^

y o u g h t t o b

m s e C H E A P [

O N L Y p o i n t3 r :

i t i n g d o n e a t T

R o o m s i s n

l e n ^ i v e t h a n

c h a s e d e l s e w h

: w o r k ^ i s n o t d

i e w t o s e e i ;

a p l y i t m a y ' b e ;

b u t h o w w e l l !

^ R E S U L T -

3 N e v e r D i s a p

/ ■ ' " m■ ■ r . ^

Carl Nelaon, of the Norge 8k i club, of Chicago, who caplurcd the amateur akl-jumplng ehampionahtp a t the recent meet at Kox River (Jrove, Gary, Ind. jNeUon'a total for the meet waa 214 pointa. ;

The average elevation of' Delawurr U 60 feet above aca level, lew’ than that o f aoy oU cr J>ts((t.

e s t■ j


h a v e b u t - n d a t i o n - - -

I S S L ,' .

b e c h e a p

fNESS;is:. v : i n t h e i r

r h e N e w s

l o t , m o r e

I p r i n t i n g

l e r e B U T

l o n e w i t h

i n g h o w

p e r f o r m - i —

p p o i ^ t ”

HffiirM W l

B road Scope of Fodoral Aiiti- T rnst Indiotmoiits Oomos to

Light in SevcIopmoQts

JN DIANAPOUB, Ind.. toaJ d e a le n n_ oflleet* thoir U9o- ciatloDi are aooog tbe 237 defeaaiiats, I t was. loanied boro today, to tbo fed- oral grand la d k tn c a l i , returned lato yeetordar, charj^nR a coDupjrafy

‘to fores high price* for ir>(t coal by furloillntr production. Tho idontlty of thOK defcndootJ or the ir numhcr, u lil to be leea than a half ceote, Trni w ith­held b u t thoir cOttBSel Infonaed fedpr.il o fficials th a t tho men would lurren- der o a d m a n d . ''


council of tbe American Federation of L abor met hero today to eonaliler Ihc action of tho irovenunont In proeccutlai;

, o /fle iali o f the Unlled Mine w orkert of Amerlea for allejud violation nf ttiu

-.Sherm an J in lL ln iit aet.Defore the meeting b rp in , William

Orevn, teeretary o f .tb e aiinpra’ union, and one o f ’thoae indietod yeaterday a t Indiftnapolft, laaued a fominl statoment doelarlD^ tbn t If tho union offielali were guilty of eonipiraey, " th e gov* erom ent llkelf i i a party the re to ," bo- cauto the minera bnd hern aulijert to gbvernmcat rcgulatldn and conlml for the Inat tbrc'o yenrt,

MftUhcw Woll, vipi’ prpilclont o f the Awcricftu FfldamtloQ of l.ahoT, declat- «d Ibp inilietment nf Ibc mine union offlccr* wns " a pnrl of the nntbn- wlilo propaganda to destroy Ibc tradu union movemenl” aa tlio netlon struck ' ' a t the vory foundation of tho prin. elplea of eolleetivo liargainlog.” U r. Oreen tald all agrcomonla mnde vritb coal operators bv tho union officials were made " u n ac r the direction and w ith tho approval o f tbo federal fool ado in iatra lioa .”

' ‘Those indictments seem lo bo Iho reward the mlaort aro reeolvlng for pu t­ting forth special o ffdrti dnrlng the w ar la order to InercMo prodnctloa,'' he added.

. . senateT sks ’ evidence

' IN SOVIET ENVOY CASEA/Kfpta BwototloaOiiilng on AttonwT’-

' 0«n«nl to S t th n i l t r l^ AddoMd About U u ta u

a nN A T B A flK S_____ . a‘Do , ,WASniNOTOK, D. C„| (ypH-Attor

noy Oenernl P alm er-li roqUMled ln -a ' rfioluijon adopted today by the te n a ti ! to aubm lf whatever evidence "the do* , partm ent .oP 'Ju itlre hns ngainat Lu<l. | w ig C. A. K. Marlene, m prfacntatlvp

' o f tho Tluardan soviet government, who ree<inily waa deported fro ra 'llw D nH ed ' States- .. . ' I

Tho tewiuflon- w ai irtt^dueeil hy , Senator Mosei. republican, N o* Hamp­shire, who aald th a t since A stlttan t Sefrotary Port o f tbo labor (lopnrtment ' had raneelled tho w arrant fo r a rre tt ' and deportation o r if a r ie n i , and.U waa ' rep e rtt^ U a t tho H n r t kgent was n t ' I l to t j r to n t a m to the United Siatoa, ' the tenate ihould have all th e .fo e tr in the caae.


aorem m cB t 8««]ai PM oetbia A g m m e st . Wli«B TJio o f Troop# PW li

LONDON. ( /P H M a lls of th f re- ' ren t mutiny of soviet sailors n t Kron-

sladt. says the Central Newa Uclilng- forr enrrespondent today, led to th.t liolief th'kt the rrcws of tho soviet bal- tW hip Andrle Pervnivanni, the battle fTuUftr P<tropavlo"k. th s fm iw srt Rom- lya. Admiral K akaroff, Oleg and An-

' rorn and several gunboats took p a rt lu the revolt and murdered a nnmber uf rommlat ariea.

Bnvirt troops te n t afo in rt the DDt}> neers wero unable to 'cope with them. Ihe correspondent d e t^ ro t. and the government ia trying to r e i ^ a peace­able agreement with th# »«ramen.1 .-------------- -------------

•31 0} # in tq »on pinwinq » • «q» q q»B p p o a sao a n u i {txet p f o i • q i QJ J tin »niPP»P u w »

a tp *ji }MdQ « .p»i|B j isDi ■099 8|q ) ';o IniQoiS^q o i|i }s Q0)S]9op | n n 00 n pug ‘o2 « p u p•onq a a u n u oqi i q pappop u u * |iu

, . * m oq] U| sinoq <n (qSp b suq «uo ,«n ASl Dotnuio^ t|f||Su3 aq i jspoQ

•MTJ MtllBus p io PJntQV

etp rtsh Out, tha W rinklsa.' . A nrgcOD of ‘Parla tu a made a

woman o t fort7-nln« look ltk» & wo»> tB of twtnty-Qve by tnaklog small lo- dalona behind the eara and ' on th* lealp and rtrctching Ihe akin aa yoa would J tr e tc h a carpet, aod h e r new TOTKhfmSiuaty Is expected to laat fo il eight o r tA ran t, if tb e doesn 't m il f t { o r frown, o r 0 7 too a u d t

l<!« Blasted and. Mined.Qlacier tra f ro p the Alpa la dellr-

• red to coiummcra lo Lyona. Praneo, and aovcral other cities lo G uropa T hla lee i t bloated and mined In Iho aamo mnnncr a t atono U quarried and Ij preferrod to olher Iec bccnuao of Ita-hardncM ond lu t ln e <)nallilca.

We Rebuild"Your Shoes— Do Nol GobblelThom

Wa can pot lota aora wear Uto tbste eo(&fortablo old aho«i b l fimt,

; and mftka thea look almort'aa at- trastlva u a new pair. Oar vork- naothlp 1| nnanaued, and tba ta«- teriala we sm are of tha hlkeatqnalijy.

AliHB ir't Sko! Rspilrlns F ic ts ijI f i WM&bMbOBa

—P H O H B W ^

Drawing and Paintiri Level Len

n ^i /A n s o jo / y

^/ v H


^ i(ve H of



jn t 'a ll ^ ^ ^ 4 : ^ 5 1 1 1 2 2ov* ' k.bo- _______________ » ,

drow or paint, to road and writo. Pu tting form iind (

tho of training of tbo uyc..iind such trninia t. vcnilon by Amon H. Cnms, Instructor Ion v>|uip|><'(l with a sp irit li jn- A ita r a few letaona w ilb i t a person 0 idu it. Tbe leaaons begin witb drawing onick mudcl tbrougb the lens. TI10 functionIn. nbadii inlo rclii-f. A ftrr 11 litlle prnetlc£r. orayon, tho aludont. will bvcome n keeiitl, williout ovcn tbe old-fiiBbioiied iiiiraauinig years atudving la porfoeting his dovlco,g j student utlug thu di'vke in iki-tchlng :BOl - ■ — -------


V rg w t Beqoart. o f OomptioUer of Our reoer I t K ot E ra a U sn tton td a t

H ee tlo f o f ilag&atea

E . NKW YOBK, yp)—Tbo urgent ro (lucit of Comptroller o f tho Currency

f- Williams thn l tbo Unit<;d S late t Stool corporation reduces its prieea, made pub­lic yestariloy ln 'lbo form of n le tte r to Klberl JP. Qary, ehairman, woa not ov.

■ ■ en mentioiied-durlRg.tbo'mectIng of tho 'T American Steel iio(\ Iron iuatitulo hore “ y « tc td n y ,- lf 'ft'nt' Idarned todiiV.

• N r. Gary u ild n t tho close of tho meeting, bowovor, th a t price reduotlona

'*■ had beon mentioned only caaually and announced h it corporation had no pres-

I® en t intention cither uf ru tlin g prieea or lowering

" 7(r; ns^y suid h r h u d n o t'h ad time J; to rend Mr. Wiillama’ le lter.L Plsousaion a t yesterday 'a n e e tin g waa , confined nlmoat wbolly to h propoaal to

a ttend an Internationa] m eeting of iron I , nnd steel manufaetnrara in Europe nt some Umo ia Eutop« during tbe ram.

mer, Mr. Gary aaid. t f '


y ClIIOAQO, (/P)—System atic fraudi by which'Montgomery, W ard nnd com. pony, mnil order house, wero defraSaed

Bt of thoujianits of do ltan tbrnugh a con* apkaey of employes and euatomers 'bn eomo known today through tho .arreil

•(.. o f Cliarlre Stoiubach, n messoogrr foi n- the fompany, Ifl ycnrn old. and three 1 . mon wbo posed as euatomers. Rcfundi h.t were cnilcftnl on ,f. cbwed. . (I4 One ngent of the alleged ring lived In tt. .California, it ivaa sold.


.lames J. Davla-of P itltburgh , who ll t}> to be tceretary of labor a fte r March m. 4, Is one nf the chief officials of tbe h« Loyal Order of H boie, o f which tbe e- preaidcnt-oloct la also n member. In

addition, ho la a member of a laboi union.

3 ■ S I ' ■• Black Cap’a SIonlReanci.3 Tbo cnstoo o f ‘putting oa a biMk J cap—really a squaro of black d o th — P I wbicb jtidges la Gnglaod do wben P teotenelng a priannet: to deatb, orlfl- I natcd from the custom c f corcrlog tba ° bead aa a alga of mcamlDg Id ancient

daya. The Judge. In potting od tbo black cap, tnoums the fact tba t be la about to order n Itfc fo he forfeited.

a Claaaifled Ada are eheap~effM tir« .



SoutheriWE AlW AY

S o il a n d II HOW WB IWA^


Excellent Progress:I Tba f l i r t teaacn'a op e rU lo u I s Vi

Include fonr th o m s d aerea of 1 n l| pennanent ImproToseatiL

12,000 aerea In crop la 1021. ' T velro new a t t t lm Increaaed i

ontlffiia.Onr ttganta tn M a n n a • » : MB

them asd g r t all t b t In fo m atlo a 70



ting Made Easy by Spirit ens Invention

' ■ !

lint. A child can learn a t easily as he looms Ild color on pnper or canvas is oniy n m'atlor ninlng can be easily ncquirod through ao 'ln- :tor n t tbo Uoslon University n rt school, A ll level 'nnd speelal lonies ia tbo now device, ■n of ordinary Intelllgeneo caa draw without : on Ibe g lou ivbllo tbo student looks n t ibo ion <if tbe lunt la lo bring color, light nnd etirc on the g la ii, akotehlng vrlth 11 soft <een eiUtugh observer to dratr woll 00 paper aauring method. Mr. Crort aii'n t twenty t’lco. 1^0 illuitratlon shows Mr. C rou and a ng a model of Venue do Milti-

l y g X o d « y 3 ] ^ 8 i r k o t s


ro- D ay’s Trading Oloses U nw ttled v itli ■ney Prices 1 Cent Lower to 3-4 Cent leol . Hjghar>ub- ------ -f ‘0 CHICAGO, yp)—Wbeat wni active

nl the start today, tbe May delivery lero sbowing cw b- strtng tb , .bu t prieot ro-

ncted qiilpkly'hecausf of n fairly geo- ,tl>e (irnl selling on tho ndvance. Thoro was and * minimum export pricorcB. bring plarcd on A rj^ntinn wheat and leea country offjrlnga to 'n irW o wore arenW

In priictlenlly all scetioBt. A ftor start- ing 1-le lowor lo lc higber, with March n t $1.08 to-1.08 l.fi and Maj- $1.37 8-4

1 to to 1.S8 1-2,.a reaction set in a n d 'w . iron ried priees below ycaterday’s finish, 'opo IleporU of Improvement In tho ex- ’un- dtmand cauaed w beat to rally la-

tori bu t tbe market become unsteady nad flaetaated rapidly w ithin a narrow rnngo. Tho closo was unsettled with prices lc lower to 3-4c higber, includ-

“>■’> ing March n t «1,(J8 to 1.68 1-4 and May »1.07 to 1.87 1-4. ,

“®" ' Corn reeelpla wbro Inrger tb a ire x - '? * peeled and a fte r a firm sta rt, I t eased , o ff on general selling. Moasagct from

icnttorcd polnta Indicate th a t fannerli L, . , nro not selling. Initial quotations ,-,K which were l '8c higber to l-2c lower ‘ witb Mny 70 to .70 l-e<, were followed

liy moderate dcclfcica.3 Jn Tlip market continued ils dowuwnrd

tcrnd despite the strength in wheat, nnil cloMd weak with prices 3-4 to 1 1.4e

BB- lower than tbe prevlons finiah with May ns 7-8 to (lOe.

0 U O ats fibowi-d itrength n t tho a tari but ircii voted nff with nther cereals. After the sln rtin s uncbongcil to l-8c higher, wilb tbe May 45 3-8e, the market sagged.^n Higher prieea for hoga gavo strength

ibor to provlsiont.

Cash QaoUUons CHICAGO; y p > -w h ea t No. 2 red

<1.70 1-2 (0 1.81 1-4; No. 1 hard 11.7(3. Com No. 2 mixed 6(5 l-2c; No. 3 yel-

^ Inw rt4 to 65e,O ats No. 2 while 44 1-4 to 44 »-4c;

'**■ No. ^ wMlc .43 1-4 to 43 V2r.“ • Ryo No. 2 1.43.

Bnrley 70 to 84c. )U>« Timotby seed »4 to'fi.M.'I * a o v c r teed 118 to 17. •

pork nominol. /Lard 111.65.

ira. Ribs tlO.75 to \ll.7.’l. I

TED ^’S b M S

■11 Alberta'ATS HAD TEB

1 SunshineB H A TE TElB


t VAUXHALL nm iQ A T B D DIBTBIOT inlgatod crop and t2SO.000.00 spact Is . |

1 t M i bo ld lnp a fta i ona yaar'a op-

¥ W n m TATLOB * K A O V nU B. la a 170s raqu ln . or 'ap p lr t»—


I - —- ^ .

lAILY NEWS, TWIN FAII HUmeapoUi Flonr and O n la

M INNEAPOLIS; Minn., W V-FIour unchnnged. Family pa tea ts quoted a t

\ <D.30 to 0.33 n barrel in 08 pound cot- ! (on saekt.

Kran $S3.I Wbeat receipts 218 cnn, compared I wltb .203 cart a year ago. Ooah Ko. 1 | : Northern ll.o n to l.flO; Match yLSS; I : May #1.51 3-4.

..1:0m iN o. 3 yeUow W to 5«e.OqU No. 3 white 39 2-8 to 40 l-8e. Barley SO to OOo. 'Itye Nn. 2 11.43 to 1-43.H ax No.j 1 ♦1.75>, to 1.81.

Omaba lir a e to c k V OMAHA, yPh-H og receipts, 7,500;

octivu, 16 to 33e higher; heavy grades U)> niriiit; bulk medium and light butch- rta 0.33 to 0.50; top bulk rtrong weight and packing grades .IflJS to 9.Z5.

Cattle reeeip ta '£00; compared with

B ircek ago: steers moatly SOc blgber; top |l>.50; abo'stoeki buljs and veals 23 to . .'lOc h igher;. stoekers and feeden gen- (.rnlly SOe higher.

Sheep receipw 1,000? rteady; owes . fG; compared w ltb .wook ago: lambt

and yvorllngt $1.60 to 2 higher; heavy kindt a t moat advance; abeep a o rtly | l higber; feedisfp lambs VlM higher.

Ohieago UTOBtocJt CHICAGO, y ^ -U S iltle reeeipta 500;

eomparod with wook ago: beef steers atcndv to 26c higberj butehor cowt asd hulferi S3 to SOe higher; eannera ateady; cutters 23 to SOe higher; bulla motlly COc higher; vcal calvea moally |1 high- cr) apots up moro; stoekers and leodora i3e higher; spots up moro; atockers nnd feeders SSo higber.

Ilog t-R cco lp ts 8,000; active^ 16 to . il-lc higber thnn y e s te r d a y 't ‘m-erago;

h " ! »I«t» “ ofo; e 'otlng strong; top $10.76;^ bulk 200 pounds dowo 10,40 to $10.70;

bulk. 220 pounds up *0,60 to $10,S5; * plga Meady to bigber.

Sheep, 10,000, including 7,000 direct: fow tales stoady wilh Fridny; cnm-

, pared with weok ago: bnndywclgbt fnt Inmbs $1.60 to 1.75 higher; sheep year-

*„*■ lings nnd heavy lambs $2.00 to $2,2,')

>nty “P» ■ _ OMcago Ptodttca

CHICAGO, UP) — n u tte r higber; = ereamery ex tras Clo; standards 60 l-2e.

Eggs higber; reeolpts 1P.070 cases;, firals 34 lo 34 l-4e: a t mark, easea in.‘ . eluded, 32 1-2 to 03 l-2e.J Poultry alivo unehnngcd.

' Kew Y ork S t«ck_^ ark rt NKW VOUK, yp)—W eek-end eovot-

D C ini; I'f tbort contrnets affected vari- nhle roeoveries in the atoek n jirke t to­day. Motors and the ir subaldlariea,

rttli iH-’condary. steels, oils, tobaccos, textiles : nnd tbe moro prominent apecinltlea, la-

, eluding Inlernatlonal Pnpur and Indus­trial Alcohol, participated in tho rally

llvo to ithe extent of 1 to 3 poiata. JtiUli 'cry and shippings woro tho conapleuoua ox-

coptions, selling of tranaportations cen­tering in Reading which dropped 3 1-2 jioints. P ro fit tak ing roduced somo

i»tt (jnias a t the irregular clone. Sales ap. rice |iiT>ximatcd 300,000 shares, jnd Tho tread o f prices in tbo onrly stag-

.. e t of today 's short stock m arket tea- “ sion w u ngaln downward, shippinga art- « hS I g | g @ @ @ e i s @ i p @ s i s i g i 'iar- c?!>• fi

Ala- 5 3 . ‘

0 - , row C

I I M Ptom & . I 'lorklon* f a wer H

"'I ■ TJ.•nrd » , H

a I . . I IHoy g i

bu t @ Classfter B a Y

g News"•''I BIG.. J Foun',%!■ ■ Want

I atth(I anci 1I ' ^= I1 ^I ■ ^

^LLS, IDAHO, SATURDAand rails featuring the Inegular reao-

jur tiona, ■Atlantic Gulf duplicated yettor- » t (lay’s io w price on n twi> point dceline, et- Roailiog loat oDO.Iiaif nnd i'nmous Piay- . ers ono-nuartcr point. }’rnetional do.

cllnes were mado by moat o f tbu slcelt, ed motors and oils, tbo la tte r roaponding to , 1 further cuts in prices o f raw and ro- S3; fined prodacts. S tnm borg Carburetor

n-covorcd 2 points from yestorday.’s nnutn 'dopretslon and Utah Copper rose

e. 1 3-4 in connection with reports o f proa- ]K..ctive heavy cxporls of the metal. £x- ehaogo on landon held .at yesterday 's filial quotations deaplto'extoMlvo im- porta o t goU from tba t cenler.^

)0; U bocty Bondslet NEW Y CRK.'yP) — Liberty bonds :h- closed: 3 1-2's $01.09; f lr r t 4 's $66.04 ag hid; second 4 ’t $80.SS; f ir r t 4 1-4’t to $86.88; second 4 1-4’t $80.60; third 4

1-4't $80-88; fourth 4.1-4' t $80.00; Vic. 1th tory 3- 3-4’t $07.40; Vletory 4 3-4’s «p $tl7.iO.

! f t - ....................... ---------------


y Otala “y J^iralshod by Twin F s lti.P lu u r Mil*

W heat No. 1, :ewl-------;------------- $2.16

)n.FttrBlahed by Boylo Ceamlsalon Uo-

W h ito _____ :__________________ _ 40sPreduot

B u t te r f a t ------- ........................ ......_... 40cBaaeb b n t t e r __________________ 89<Egg. .... .......................... ...... _............ 30.

PM Llv»(tMkrnralahad by Inde^Madtat Mrs-

to M.trket:;o; Cattlfr-Oows 4@5e;' a tw rt l-2«;rS; real 7@6e.rO; f lo g » ~ P riao 8@9c.

Sheep—UuttOB Oo; lam U Bs.Ponltry—Hen* 16«j f o f n S&a.

c t: BayPoratahed by Twin fa lis Count*

ra n n Bureau “nV tJtaadard or oeiiet bay ia sUr»

f i r r t a v t t i i t , tflM', aoaa, poom , aa low * ' a t $8.00; bolod. l i m

— ' HOT/SBWIFS'8 QUIDS (BetaU Prieea)

Flour, 98-lb. ta e k ________ _ HOO©4.1fl. ' Sugar, beet, 100 Ibi______10.15@10,2.'.

Sugar, cane, 100 Ibi.__ ... 10.60@10.7>iPoU toet, 100 l b s .________ $1.26@2.S0Oraaffl e ttaaaa__________________ «0t

• Brick cbeesa ______________ _ - _ 4 S eet- Beans S«xi- Celery ------------- -------------- I0@17 l-8eto- Lettuce, bnaeh -■ ■ — ....... 15cea. Dread __________________________ 28<les B utter (ereamery) ' 47cla- Eggs •(ranch), d o t . _________ 30®35ri t - Chiekeas ............................... ............. SOeIly Bonad steak ------------ . - j - - ......l i t Baeoa --------------------------------- -— 40.'IX- Baeoa, a lleed ------------------------------6$an- Ham ---------------------------------------- «0a

i-2 Dam, aUeod ----------------------- ___ 60ano Perk c h o p s _____ ____________

' Pork . - i r . . .Pork ta n t a g e ------------------------------80*

•a- T-boae steak .... ........................ ......J 8cga Slrlola steak __________ 8Sf

» O R T i[AVE you tried a K

“Qass-Ad” lately?ssified Advertising in vs costs little and Pv t. You can advertise I md, Position Wanted, ] nted, Por Sale or To he cost of a few pern nine chances out of will get action of s

One cent p e r word for each insertion

<j>Phone The News

3 2

lAY, FEBBUARY,.26,1921


Balloon u d ' l t a Hama, Ownad b ? Plo- '■ n*«r Aeronaut, IXatioyod b r FlroJ. • ’>■ CHICAGO, (flV-TJ'* “ Tl>c

OLieagg" aad an airdnnse aald to be___tho largeit privoto Itirdroao ia the world, wero dctlrojod by firo early

• today. Both were owaod by 0 . A. Cocy,^ in thr, aouth aide suburb o f Worth.!‘ Cctoy and 0 pilot, C aptain '0 . L. Brum- ' ' bougb, flow over tho G reat Lakes aad

l.iiul(-d in Canada, yeara ago, tbo f i n t time tha t feat had boon pcrtbrsied.'

In 1000 Coey aad b it brido spent part of tbelr honeymoon in th e boaket ,of .

:« " T h e Chicago," m aking oae tr ip acrori 4 tbo Bocky monntalB»._ . -

4 PotatoeaCHICAGO, (flV -Potato reeeipa 44

■■ eara; ateady to 6c lower; Northern Whites, sacked $1.20 to U O ewt.; bnlk $1.26 to 1.33 ewt.

BogirNEW YOR«, ~ Sugar future*

eloaed ateady; anles COO tons; Mareb $5.03; May $5.26; Ju ly $3.48;. Septem' ber $3.eO. .•

6 ___________________ • ■

p a i n s q u i c k l y s o o t h e d_ ' 7*IIAT ,da«s!as. ««ul8« btckacba. Oist

^ aoiunr woDcn sa /r» fm a. ts <ril<Uf Ijt oa epsHcslioa of 81ota's UalDn t.

A'a mUhy, muriioccb or skin s u l ^ li 'i r.n<) tor an tiM ftnttr aad al) Itods ot ’'tjt.-raar'aeba »nJ p*lns.'-S5e. TOe.« .« .

i S ld a tjp a f? . L i n i m e n t ^

: |I~J. GDATS MUSIG ANO ; PHDTB COMPANY• Edison, Brantwiek and & aora J . Phonographa

• Photo S tod lo -E odak Finlahlag

; GEOR6E BEVINmoprlalort UB B . U a la P te o a 82S-U

A N TNews

iThe^AYS ,

Lost, IHelp .. II Let, Iinies, If ten Isome -


1. '

• ilCUIM LmtPis

Schteme of O ork ProfcBBoi U ootB w itb A pproval o f

S inn F e ln e ra

COIIK, (/P>—An origlnii! nr'la'inc-.ol uovi'rnnn'nt tor Irolnnd, IivProfi-imr Alfred O 'fiahilly, rcKuitrai of tho Uolvetdlly Coik,’ U 1,'Tcai intcfoiit in Ireland. Tlic corro npondpnt liofl been Informed fhiil tl« |iliin l iu boi'ii indomrd liy many rni'i;

, I'romiupiil in tlic Hinn Fein movi-mont, ill wUuh l‘roff(mot O'UsiUlUy in t, f t '- iijftiizod lender , •' Ihli'fly . tlic srlinmi- I'nllx'(or nn Irith eonfedrrnUon and, ateordioK fo I'fii fcMor O’nahilly, wlip <Jl«'uiscd it aS IpflRth In an latcrvitiw yiU i ,tl;c ror. rct]iDiiOritt, ll provldni the <inly nohi' tiim uf tho nurthcait U ntvr ()ucitlqn

. I'r/ife«»or O ’Rnlilllv » not opposed tu the idea of parlllidii' "O iir jiruper at' tU udo,” he nald, "iKouM V to InslM nn mnrv partUtoii. ' .Irclniid shnuld bo dividfd not Into t\rn tml into 10 to Kionx. B r trailition, Inxtinct. failli an i rirpumslancM vru naglil to aim a t dr- ceiitrallM llon und fccionaUwn and u v bold tho M vcrclpnty of the twoplo.

" W h a t many ijuito falr'inlnded UJ- stc r liuiilnriA mon fear it llio pouibllity of an all'potrcrful ecntni] pnrliamcnt in Dublin. ' And tu t«)l the truth Cork men ore not really e n th u iiu tir about n Dublin Wwtmlnjttcr, nor are ^onne-

• mara Tifamti* likely in fn-'nr a i-ontra! sovcrelj^o u iicm b t/run lrn llliij ; nil th(> minutiae of IrI«h lifo.

“ I t 's fl m tttaio to think tlieri;' ik• •merely an 01«tcr problem. Thrre nre

about 40 [iroblpmii. Wq nre a hel'troo; Rcni'oiiH pi'ople an(J toj'ri'main Irue fo ourKlvea w(‘ muid bnvo fa r -m o ri /Io ^ lllicrty and regional autonomy than is nllowt-d in the Ideal o f a rentm l'pnr- linment or aM«i)nbl)ei> in 'D «lfa?t u d D ublin.” , ,

In Sw itcorlaad. he pointed ont. tht'^) nre 22 Bovnreims sta te i differing in rc llKinn, lanfTunjfe. lito and cfonomic po- iiitian ailhoujth B.wlhtefland Is'only hnlf the liM of T r e l u l " ^ '^ ■

" E v e ry Irlih couiify,” be wont.oa. " hox flA moph'ri}:ht»^o paxUlton at Countv Down or' Bolfart." The ria l ob- 'jtctloit fo tho partition aet it t i a t it doesn 't fc’ive Ilelfnsl nnd Ulnter cnoujjh loej^ liberty and power.. In an Ijiih eonfederation Ihey ouffht to Ret far

TIio proposed federal iyitteni, Profe^.• Kor O'RahlllT said, mi«ht be pither do­

minion nr repuhlieaij. Th(re would ho a federal aMemhlr conslstinK of a na­tional eouneil and n rniincil of eoun-

• fie*. . _


E a n t u 'O dnalttM A sserts SxperlsMDt ia Stkto SodtUsm Kot 7 t l Socmh

, . . . . . . otPftflar#

8A U N A , K ak . (/P>-W hile -indira- ttom- were th a t tho pommlltee len t to N'orlh ■DaHotn lo InvertVuatt tlw.Ktm-

' partisan teajnie wntiid not hnvo lls re­port r tady fnr the afternoon mass raccttnu hero lodny,'mem bcra of the eommittee wid- it would coataiu the followinir flalMBonU In sufe»tai»tp.

U y allT —Tho slnlo I* loyal, Inelod* inff the leaden of tho Icajrni' a* weli aa fhe rank and fllo. A. C. Townloy

. is loyal to Iho Rovemmcnt •S oeia llm —A»Wi> from th? rtat« '

ownc4 Jndiwlriei, w hirh .make,.up Uio leaRup proirro'm, Ihcrc ia no moro Jus-

. flfication Ihnt socialism domlnafci the leaipio than thn t It dominates the rr- puW lisn 'n KaWM,• rVre Love—TJic rharjro of free b v t

' . has iiean fonnd tn be Imth false and foolish. , -

Thfl try o u t hns n o f yet reached ths point kKmc i t fan provtTi a rtf pew or failure.. Thn ono h ie th ine is tho B ask of Vorth Dnkoln. Arnnnd this bank the baffle wiU rnjre nntil cilhi'r the hank ha* TOovpil a M ttcw « U for«A to ii(]uidate.

T ho repori. il wa* fnrlher said, will eon taia same aharp erltid«m .o f tne leafoo odminlstration.


WABHlNffTON, (/P )-T he forttfiea- tions hill rarrylnif arproximatsl.v 18,-

■ 000.00ft'T iatscd the seaMc today aj 'l now jr«M to ronforenfc. A houM pro­vision requifinp the wnr department fo distribnle nmnnic state hiRliway Je ' partm ents 12.^ tractors now reserved for annv m ntnriiatlon, Vnockpa ou t b r tho *pnntp rommittee, was restored In the (tenotp liy a vote of 2(1 to 81.


flALT LAKB OIT^', I/lali. w UlnRliajr was fonnd piU 'v of iflcoad

■IcffTepMiiurder in ponnee'ion with the s la r in r o f John "F ren c h y ” Barthele- mew. a sJieepherfler. tn P rire . U tah, in

- IOM, hy n Jury Ia the district eourt acPrieo


DALIiAfi. Texa*. (/P)-W illiam 8. Llvesey, president of tho L lttlo Motor K ar company, wns fonnd jrullty l>y a inr\- in federal court hrro today of ni-

. infc Ihc wnll" to defraud In promolinff tlv* ntilomobile company.


W APH lN nTO S. Hoo­ver, who w to be scetetary o f cemmerre a fte r March I, nrrived here to d a r fron, New .York and w n t Info with Scrretarv Alfxnnder tn rttftrou nffa lrs of ihe depnrtmfM nf toTnmetee.

trar.TT^ T SHZFTAEDS •__a n n o u n c e w a q b -out

HALIFAX, N. S., yp)—WnRce of 1,- aoo enploTM of the I la l ifa i Shipyards,

• Limited, -will be redneed pearly ten per cent, T«Klnnlrg next Monday, I t waj am onneed today by General ManaRor .T, M. McClorg.

The f ir tf naliirai h n rW on tho ea*; eoast of Africa \% at Zanzibar.


I Ribbon

a o r


th jwen K w l L x f l 'fl w m! /

s ', .w

a n l


I H rflB H IllM ivi“ y ■ I .cnt • ■ / Vork 1 / - t _ J'Olll H / ... \ J f lme- . ■ ' Jmf-M(ra!the



> '8 ■ ^

rpW O -l'O N U D M tm ribbons. #ld« 1 and nbetced by nnrrower melal

ivM Ur rlhhons. maUt- s«eb Irrenlsllhli Kirdtei av (Imt »'hlrli li-mU olt In tbi array, .of Iiivfl)' dr»>w. am-ssorlci

' which Is p ic ium i b f r r . Tiiow two ,g toned rllibon* provlite imiiiy liirelj

co lor'liarm onies •" u-IMi. am ob- these arc enhanced by tiiciiiltle wenvci ; it tbat add the required I 'ln in rii ) Ihi uf;h cheerful und lively iiiiKti-x nf Hie (.'em [ish Ing sp rin t and suiniiirr. llii'vcvci fo r bright they arc llicy "hnve n" Krar< . In beiuc Ksy" and are fnr from jjarlsh

A girdle. Is rarely « ulniplr nffnir Ir tlieso days; it Ik usually lUKeoinusI] made, oa rcveati-d liy Die model pir

lan- (urcd, where the rlbhnn l» folded nn( finished, with tivo frilla iit the Inp Little meialltc. row s made of rlhboi

■ with buds and petnls, a re set aloni . . the tenglh of the cirdli- snd a largi

rose’tte, with mnny Imu^'hii; loops ant lonf eddJ. flnlshcl 'vlil> ni'-inllli- ruirH

*** m tk o a k’enpn-u- !!>ii-l' n hit o: s


;ou- ______m terM tifif B lstoiloal B tiftsnm nd t . W orld’s l i t t t o r t N ation is B re inh t

!E : , , “j w

nd- WAaHINOTON, (/P > -in sto ric bad firound for^ Motrte Carlo'i national-

ilcy nnd international—place in the cei nomic scheme of thin{t« socmn tn ha\

ivt«. lieen dlscovored a t la st A survey < li,e ths 'M itUesi powers” by tho Nation. Jus- <}i'onrnph^c sociely, ju st pubiishp the ^inds tha t Tlieodoric tho Great wa#- ff. man of ‘‘most deliRhtful tnannera <

dipo.” Ho aJono of Eutopcati <onnuc ovt ors,. it adds, pivc Monaen respite fro and war*

Tlieodorir must nlso be conceded th tho title of "(food ,si>nrl'' oven in thci RSf jnwiem timos, for tlio gTORtapliets hw

found th it eomment. 9n.)kim: of .< if Theodorie ioscs. ho IpuRhi;. f

‘"® is modest and reticent if he w ios.''But thoy eould find no smaller nt

tlon to leplaco . Monaco as tho littlei uiwer of tho world, a t least terrltorie

7? iv «i>caking. I ta etj-ht square mile complotciy covorcd with Kaminc tabli

' in [Hipular fancy, in unm attbed don the scoI d, Us iwpulallon of 53,000 d fifi.-cotoparison. Imports include vi itors, 2,000,000 of ’em In 1013; re' rnncs come from viiiflnff bank roll

•®>: i t appears, and orports are chiefly bul| Inff pocVcls or biaalc3 hopes.

B ao: Maiino eomploUlT • rorroundc ' by !taly , stands next w ith 38 squai

mllcs, the BeoRraphio experts atato, an If roraarkahlo cMofly because Jt hi virtually no police'forco. Beason f( Ihls I* found In tbo retiring and peaci lovinfT dlspoaiUoa of the good eali a fte r whom tho little rcnubilfl 1# name for havinjt fmished holping opprease Christians to wall ia the c ity o f Blm nl, 8»n Marino, retired to th if epot, i the iegoad goes, to •olltudo and droii living nnd taugh t hts people to mal

f ' f w ar only b self defcaso.’ i" Aniiorrs, a b it of Bnain, 191 iquai ’ miles in site and 10,000 foot In tl

a ir in Uio heart 6 f the Pyreoeos, Is ei rolled with tho little powers- I t ruled liy a f ln f syndicate and emu|

' , L'iing U the national fopie of conve .ntion, . t is aaserted, nnd this route b Tween Franco and Spain is said to ha»

*' “ been much pntronlred during the wi ,"*■ in tha t w ar.

Then thoro le Lleehtonstcia, ( "riuare miles, surrounded liy flwiiro land nnd A m tria. whirfi finds it n: ncre«.ory lo hnve any nrmy af all. iii

P , |n re IflSfi.Ltiiemliiirir.' well and favorah

known to the American soldiers wl ftnmpled thrnuBb it en routo fo t! Hhinr: Ihe oerupiod tone alone tl Rrrnt Oominn river nnd Turkoyln-E

. rope, rnliiped lo tho environs ^ o s t i Constanlinople. also nro noted amoi

• powihle ‘ 'l i t t l e pow ers” ; h n t oi ^ nnme hns heon dropped from tho ro

Montenecro, now pa rt of tho klngdo of flerbt, Croata ana eiovOne-v

per ■'■ ■ — --------------'T he Pottsr.

T !« potter forma w hat be please with aoft day . «o t man Bccompllihc his worka by .hta oxn»• net.—Hllopi d m . . - •


1 H a r m o n i e s |


■ n m H '

1 "%hli^ p i ■ 2 ^ r w

Ided gorgwus tinery. ' ;elai* Below ilie Elrdte a boudoir rap OfUhlc laee ond tlUbon cmplos* wide to d Bar-

tbe row iiumtn'ra i o . light co lo n .ao d tsirles liiirili nHl wUli a iloiible frill—one oftw o '' plalliKl, ribbon nnd one of narrowr e ly lare. Little chllTnn roses ]olned by Iheand tiniest of follnge. make a w rratb for

nves 11. Just ubore nn» two pairs of par-Ihe ters In which satlit rllibou Is shirred

.•om- over lint elssllr, due pair has iiosetlcsever of very uatrow ribbon sWrreil o wroro ibrcuil •tire nnd ihe nllier rosettes ofrisli. a wider salln rlhbon.r In Fimc buRS. in us mnny good deslgos,usir pn-scnt new Ideas lu ibc mosl popularplf- of all rlWiou'ilres.<! necessorlea.' Eachnnd of thcQi employs two klods of ribbonInp. nnd a meidl luounilng, hot iwo of

ibou Iliein bn»<- handle*


' ” I ccniM taRV B wranM sgN ak

' b s I * murtaugh

M u m u o i r , Idaho - James II d to Boyd w ji transacting business in Twh Ih t Foils P riJay.

Mr. and Mrs. U-' L. Betterly spen P rliay » Twin Palls,

back- H arrr Dtiolap is.reported to bo ser, nal— ously ill.

ero- Mr. and Mrs. Joss Strong and ohil have dren arc v isiting a t tbe bome o f Mr !V of etroRR'a paien ts la Twia .PaJii. tonal Tbo remains of Charlei LockFOoJ shc<l, who died corir Monday morning froi. rni- a j-nvumoola oad’ complieations, woro hu ra a t ried a t Albion, Wednesday aflernoon. auer- ra»lu SommciB spent ^ ’cdncaday a from Twin t’alls. - ^

Mrs. B. P . Ja in visited a t the L- M 1 the •fnln homo in Twin Poilr Wcdnosday these Mrs. M. J . Btrlngtuun of Duboie bave W»ho, who Uaa been visltlnj} a t th'

John Bomion homo, loft Thunday ove i. hi. niflir for Hoybum to visit sovoral day In beforo griing to her home. Sho waa ae . companled l.y Mrs. Bomscn. ,

. A. M. Hoover haa p-irehaied tho oii “A” , ' Julian Johnson bomo of J . L. Betlcrl’

and will tako possosalen seen.American Leglos members aro ro

hearalDg for a play ” Tbe Danger Sic

■ M ra Charles M atthews and ehlldroi ' of Book Greek ip en t Thursday and Frl

day w ith relatives hero.Jh io Ladiea' Aid of the U . E . ehure!

met a t tho homo of &{n. Alfred lloove indod Thursday afternoon. Mrs. P. J . f ^ e j juaro wag eleeted president of tho orgaaita > tion. A t tho dose of . Ihe afteraooj • refrcshmonta wero aorved . , . . .» '0^ Miss Ehmcho Worrell hae takah .

podtioo a t fho Booth Mercantile eom “ ‘“1 pany a t Twin Fills.

M r.'and M ra 'William Uolt, who bav' tearing tho country ia a ear, lef

Blml' Thursday evening for their home- li )t, « PiiJ-otfO.l®l]*f Tho children and grandchildren o

Mrs. Jons Nielson met s t bor hom, Tuesday afternoon in honor of her six

quare ty-firat birthday anniversary. A pleaiI the Ant hour-wos n e a t . Befroshmenta oII en- fruit, cako and coffee were serreil I t i l Mrs. J . W. W alker o f »rwln,Palls wa imug- nn ont of lown guest-nver- ■ " *e bo M I880U BI HOUBB PABSBS; hive a m . TO PHNBIQN BLOT

JKFFEBSON CITY, Mo., (/P)-Tli , hoQM today, by & unoalmoiAs vole, pasr I,' , , the blind pension bill which provide . ft »tafo pension for de« rv iag bllni [ adults of tho stato.

... a to rk Uultcrmllk. lo per RaJloi who yoiir-containerji. Sterling Cren';i

,, (h"n-E-j- Money Value of .Home.Maklng.■st of Swedish women haTe evidently sut monR eeeded in giving housework and laklQ

on} care of the babies a Qnaoclol volQ roll, aofl standlOB before 'the law of th

tand. Saya the law : "If tho wlf i Itcs all ber work to the. bome ah«-i considered by the law es baring co: tributed In the »flnie d epeo 08 be hnshnnd. who fironirCT the fnn'da.”

ISDCS •French railroads rafferod a $900,000

000 deficit In 1020.

-I m i o u B l j i r J n n ill mii

D ire c to r o f B ailw ays C onfidentt b a l Q overnm ent w ill M ain ­

ta in Sohcdalcs

lllLM CO f i i r y T yP h -a n fid en c c lUftt til? govcromvat TfOuJd bo nWe to walntnift railroad schedules w ith volun­teer help until the workmen who struck yesterday morning decWe to rciumo Ibcir pouts wns exprcMcd by Ffiin.'i:eo I’cM i, national- dircttor of rnllwi*s, last night. Ho asscrle'd the worklaR personnel would be reiluccd s t least £3 per ecnt when Ihe finnl settlement w u rm rhi'd.

IWayed triiios on nil line* was thp only nppareni rcsutl of the strike durinn

1 Its firsl dny. No trains were annulled I und frelRht nml oxpress shipments Were ' <ln[mtchcci ns uminl.

Amerli-nn riiilrunilprs muy be brouj-lif tl. Moxiro to help man the roads, If iieprssnry, aeeording to an official rO' l>nrt made public last nighl.

Rumors of Ihe wildest character were current bere yesterday and laat nifibt, and i t was stated government troopi hnd clashed with the strikers, but none

. - o f thrs^sreporls were coaflrmej.

■ i i l EElJEl

[ N e a r E a s te rn C onforonco T akea I U p I s sa c s Tonohing A rm en ia

and T u rk e s ta n

LONIKtN, yi*)—Ariiii'iilun r«-].re>i'ii- , latlvcs were hrard thm ftirenooii by iil ; lied rujircsijnlatlves gathered hero’ fot

J of Il'O .Vear Eastern rnnfi'renre. M lcr Bat- *\'ie*ll(in« offeetinK Aroietiiti ami Ku» J I, ilisfnn were faltrn Up wilh T urkhh del- , of egnicB to the eonferenrv.■ Nt'wspnpcm here piiblinhcd today n ™ m illed nppenl from plliiens of varlmn

locolitirs around Smyrna, comptoinlni; fer of Turkish nalionoliii cniclties lo nn

par- tlve Ctirlstinns.rred Oreek delegalen wiire still nwaitlng ties today n reply from Athens regardir.i: jver proposal flint n commissian, df gatlicr information relotlvo to Oreek

• and Turkish claims in Smymo nnd Thraee. Belief wo* expressed here thnl inducements, sudi as ree^gnltion nf Kln(*.,Conitnntino and financial aisist- anee, had been offered them.


I’AIUS. (/P)—Tlio French delegatioi. • Rt the iiltled confetente Iti London wljl

be rcinforpoil e.-vrly next week by Wof H in istrr BoHhou. He will leavo for London Monday to jaia Premier Briand

' ' in the British capital.


I NEW YOBK, (/P )-T he actual condi­tion nf clvoring house banks and trust flomponlea for the week ehows tliat Uiey

] | hold (14,340,060 reserve In exeess of Pwln legal requirementa. This is ao increaae - , - ef t s ,018,010 ftom last week.

Stock butw rallV . le bb'Ioh Bring .your eontaioers. Sterling Cream e rr.—adv.


rood, 'froi.i ) hu-

M my - 1 %, M. ' I V f I

JLathe "

eve- / .days ; I a ae- I

s eld .terly H \ f t iV f f l

I re- I r bH v \ V § \ NiSw I\ W v i

^ . ^ 1Idron \ fPri- \

■aber N -a ita-sooo

»h J - .

J TSINGtoom T ff U in g is thee • '» feflures in bakini

' Mazola gives i avcdds spgginess

mj! .Because you; less of Mazola

ing than butter, Dounds..-The ^

, economy. It nak. cake-yetalighti

digested. Crisp, flaky pie crasts

'sufr a re lik e w iseiklQi mint ’ th«w lfi ^ •

h«-U coo- ber

1,000,.I , - - <


j i i s iG irI IISLiBILLi

Approves Legislative Provision for P artial P^i3rmont8 to I

. t'l Bailroads 'tun-l -------uck WABHINOTON, (/P > -rre siden t Wil- “ le K,n signi'd today tho Winslow bill, au-

thoririni: partial pnynieuts to rotlroad4. IiqiI under prnvislons of tho traniporrntion

£3 w t. , was Tlie men-iiro ‘ b»-<-omeB effeplive in.-

mediately nnd its offect will Ik.' I..- Il)p iiinkr. nvuilnble Ki the roods nbou'

rinjf *400,000,000 of the upproximnlely lied 1000,000,000 duo them from the goveni .ero ment on guaraiilec iiccoUnts' fur the

first six monthi o f jirivate opcratlnn. iglit '■j; p re d ic ts m artens re tu rn

Baaslan T h u Ia ^ T o jr In Oossttatlnople PorecMta SoT ltt More*

’®P* C0N8TANTIN0PLB, y P ^ i r r y i n g *■’ II pnuiiK)rt with n British vise grazvtod

At Tiflis, Bronislnu Eoodish, a eoa* mercinl ilelej.'ate from Mosrnw, nrrived in Conitnnlinople Friday. He s ta te i thnt he ri-pretenled thu Kussian co-op'

-'<-rativo trmlo ouoeiatious fo r Turkey I nnd ths Balkans, with full powers toj

> grant permits for im ports inlo Bussia.I M. Knndish asaerted th a t Ludifig

D Martens, the soviet repfiW ntativo re­cently deported from Iho United Stales, { would soon return to tho t country and| nisi, thnl a soviet diplomatli' envov tn CuristanlinDpIe, U . Kousnietxnuv, wIm<

1 lexiK'pted lo arrive here In the near fu-

BPAIN TAKES BTBP8 TO ''j’j O H B A ^ HOUSINO 00ST8for MADini), (/P) - Legislation eni'

Her bodying the plans of tho government Cut toward Becurlng chootier bousing faeit- dpi. Ities tliriiujihout Bpalii was Introdueed

by the minlnlpr of Inbnr In the eliaiiibci f n (if deiiulii-s here Friday. Under If^ inin ]iravl)[ons Ihe goveriiiupiii and muniri- .Ini; pat aulhoritiet would be .luthoriwd lo na ^ell chenpIy,..or givo away, land on

which smaU bouses would be built.|>ig ....... ......



' . P A S T E S A N D U Q U m S ' THD P. r. D A lU r COtlOaATIOHS^l

I Afaqy e

much shorten- made witbcause of most an inexpei

ing. made hers richness and pi0 crustS3. Mazola. u use Vi to Vi Mazola ia for shorten- fet It is ar, lard or com- —from an <

contains n<IS more ihan aUtat-lOff means a rich Once you

itcake—easi/y king cakes[p , I ** ™ ' " ■■■ ■ ' ■

i t s i ^ i i ^ t r a t e d C o r a P r o d u c t s C o o k •Uookcoatain* 64 page* o fp ra e tlo il ^ t e K t d n d p t t by « P « r t coola. Free, w ri te today. C o m I^oductsIl&>

O. Box lil.N cw Y otk .

J0 H N S 0N 4JG B E S C 0M P A m t B . l»

DAY, FEBRUARY 26,19212 1 ' , ™ - '

''liiwlSf''OGmpilFSIiTokio Ig n o res U nited S tates*

Qnoation in N oto on D e a th ,n o f L angdon

TpKIO, Hofercnce to flio ques­tion of Japanese wcupution of tbo moritimo province of Siberia waa omit*

il- ted io tho recent noto from Tokio to u. Washiogton rclativa to the death of . IJeutenani Ijmgdon, who waa sliot and

killed a t Vladivoitok by a Japanese sootry. In the original communfeatioa reganling death of-LieufenAnt Lang- dun, the presence of Jnianeso foreea

I,, in oastern Siberia waa ono of the sig- 11- niflcani fentures of the United S tates’■ly posltio'^ -» The Idea nf witlnlrawing Japanese he fortes from the mainland of Siberia Is 'tl- Raining ground in official crelei, d*-

clarw fhe Knkumlu Shimbun.N Althopgh Viscount Uchida, foralgo ''

minister, recently di'clnrcd before the ,le 'Japanese diet that the government had

.no lolcntloa a t present to withdraw Ita forees, the Kokumia- Sbimbun saya

ng aem bers o f the cabinet are beginning- Jd to believe thnt cither Ihe Langdon af- a . fair or the creation of the Cbitn gov-

ernment, or botb, sbonid be solwd upon e j ns on exease for evacuation.


CIIKVF.NNK, Wyo,, y p )-D r . Oeorgo ig (U lla f tr r , kni.irn throughout tbe weat e- fnr nenrly half a century as reotor, and 's. Inter os rector encriliit of HL M ark's id Kpiscnpal rhuri'h o f Clieycnne, died tn lii-ru early lodny. Dr, Ilnftcr wn.« 83 Its years old.


TlILflA, Okla., {/P>-Ttio Oklaliomo ™ Texna I’roduclng ami Ilefining company ii. brought ^H4,700 in a r<'ceivcrshi|i sale i t hero today. Mra. A. Barr, acting it- fnr Iho A tom Pctruloum company, N ew ' rd Yprk Cil.v, w u tbo purcliaser. Liabili- e. tiea of tho company were listed a t U *80,000.

In ' Htork buttermilk.- Ie |>er ealloa.>n Bring your ennfa inen Sterling Cream-

e ry .-*4» .


B tTTX, BUn'/lO.-N; Y. *

L Acoofea can’t ,.make

'.ghticahe rich or a

cake light

th MazoIaC- Many erienced housewife r first successful : when she tried

is not an animal a pure vegetable oil 1 edible source. It no moisture Init is 1 0 % . .

lUtryMa^olaforma- s and pie crusts you T willnevergoback .5 to butter, lard I or compounds. k.

I m td m r r ftR tnooa tsM vt BuAc

Tvin 'TiU* N t n PoblUhUt Co.. bst (BiUbUtti«d IMO

• ROT a! JIBAD ...................... P r^ d « ajn ilN C HAnVTT ............... Tm*8T*

Entered u Moosd cUm i u U Ba » « «prU I, t i l l . Kt tha po«tofflM » t Twt rnllf, Idaho, under Ih i Aot of lO reb Iim .

#U08CRIPTION n A T IIOne yoar............................................. U*

■t monlhi ........................................... l iI monlhi ............ ................... t lI monlh ....................................... J

MBiniBR o r ASSOCIATED PIUSS Thi* AMoelated Pt«m u •toltulTelj M

(UM to (he UM tor republloatton of «l nxwi dUpatche* credited to ( t Or M Dilierwbe eredlted. ta thla paper, and alai the local newa pnbllahed herein. AI rtahii of republlcatlon of tpeelal dlapalob m ti«r«ln am alao rveerred.

Nn rofponntbllUr la aatumed for ibi tn rr of unaollelled minuKrlpi. pbote KniiiliB or other contrlbuied mattar, Ar (Idm aubmltted for publication will b<

or not a t the dlacrtllon of the edlloi tn 4 no minuKrIpt will t> returned un- lea* Bccompanlwj b r the neceaaarr poet'

Urniber Audit- Bureau ar Clrculatloai

BAflTERN REPIIMBNTATIVB8;' >J*om H. David Co.. lao.. 171 Uadlaoi

4v*:. New Torki A. R. Keaior. H ll Bart- > for<l BuMlng. Chieago

I SHALL -BB 8ATZBFIEI):-Ab ro: 'm e, I wlU b«boU tlijr f tc a ia rl|ttaDU» n e s : I Oall be n tti f le d , v tum ]

T ltb U17 UkcBiMB.—P u lm 17.16.

6M0KB WBSATHSA purt iiltuj{i-lhur fruni (|u’ui>iiiin iil

l«noD al liLorly invadml, 8un#tu llill .So. 134, known u Iho “ aDtl-clRWott« Ijill," wlilcb wns po«Hil }Tc«t«rday b ; the llouw of Hciiroacntatlvei, ahould be vetoed hy Oovernor Davla.- W batofcr ma}' tio tho ootloaa u f .iti

spofltorf witb roipect to purpoaos bousIiI, it Is certnlu thn( ttie litll, as drawn anil ndopled by tho L cfiilalu rr, can work to the benefit of ono Intorcal alone— and tha t l i ttio wail ordor tobacM deal-

Tbo bill probibiti tho ialo of ciffu- - 1,'tlet in Idalio, nnd th a t i i about a ll th a t

vAD be aald for it, I t th« idftlio c igarette Uenlor uul o f bualiii'u, tiut it dura not put a atop (u the olKarette bu> in r i^ it itmiily (livorbt it tn ilualors in itaU a that Imve not the i|iicatiiinab|u bi'nofita of aueh U'gialfttinn.

J f for nn iilbrr ronun thnt this dls- rrimioation ni’a tn it Idaliu indualry, ttie Qoveraor dioutil vrtn thia bill.

D ot therr la another rraw u for ilia- apfwoval of tills portlautar m eaaun Unit

I ought to cotnmcBd itaelf to thoao who' arc alocercl/ dealroaa of iniking a s ead

to tbo riRSrvtte traffie. Under laws ulrosdy on tbn sl.ntutu liuokN, minora are prdhiblted from ain'oldng ei({ftrollo8, and aale of tobacro to oilnom is bnn- nod. V/bon a minor la caucht mok* ing <igaroltca, nuthoritli-a wurklai; un­der exirtlDg lawa, not only nii't<' uut

pttniahmont to Ibc KuiH.V Ind but pfM fcd ngainat Ihc tobwcuiiint wtio aotd him bis amoke^ I t muat lie admit- tfd lha t Idaho b jbartu driilrra havo co-«perated p relty (fencnlly wltb tbB autboHtlca in caforecsicnt uf Ihcw lawa.

Under tho |iropoaod law, wliatcvnr osiialanco authorltios hav? roeoivcd from tobacco dealera la diacouragiDK ■mohing among minora wilt be a t no cad. The.youth will not rv rq attempt to bny eigarellea from tho local doalrr, bot, like a srea t maay of hia eldera wbo will buy Ih tir olganltoa outslda tho s ta te M d keep w ithin tho law, be may bo ezpeel(>d. to' mak« known iila w anta a t loog distaiseo to th r mail or-

. . der dealer. ;I t ia idle to rip o ct tha t the mall or­

der n c rchao l will bo auffictentiy lator- vated to o tte o p t to dlarrimlaate u among liia euatotaen or io rei]air« ■ certifica te o f th(> age of tb r applicant fo r bia warra.

The youth wbo now hna firs t to in­duce a tobacco dcairr to bn-ak the law to Mil b in rlgnrctl/-* and thi'n run tbr risk of puniahmrct if caught, will, if thia b ill bccoBscs Inw, see only ono bar­rier tol bla aatisfacUon initead of two.

Thp .Sixteenth Sraaion of the Idaho • Irfgiahtur.- hna proilucnl in thia,bill, a

D oanrp th a l >1 en titled to admistloB to tbe Irc ltla tiv r ctinmlx-r of horrora by untmlmoaa votr,

I t la woak-bralncil and b p aidcd leg- iidaUon auch aa thia adda d^ ly M rcsgth to .the dfmatid fnr the rrfrr- cadoin.

THE SBABON'8 UBOB ■ Thia (a the araiMn whon thn lore e t

the land Is atrong apd .Nntorr'a appeal (0 thl- prim eral man gota In ill moil .-ffrrllve 'w ork. Scoil e ilalopica are

J mnrh in demand and n rrc r Me tholr radiiint prcimlsca more rnRptly accepted.

TtiniK of ua who have turned aa nmotpur liAnd to gardening before, nn^ mindful 'o f past, dUconrag««neata,.,ar9 remodeling onr programs with a Ylew lo cerreetlDg mUtakfis ef e tker aouoni, aod boae o f us who are beflABOn la


rWIN FALLS DAILY NEWS tlu- n rt. will let ao hint of’ pcaaimti eroin our ,vialf>n of tho Heh rowar tliiil will crown our maiden efforts,

All of ua can ln> gurdoncra for t nonre. Soorior or inti'r moat of us w

—^ fnll l.y tho BayalJo and mnny n «ard' fluurlahrs nour in tlii< mind,'a 0;

----- will nover tu- brought ncnrcr 'tu arl^ iillly. IVrlinpn thta ta oa it aliould I* *• Ttie mnrket gar.Irnera muat live. U

It lloes no hnrm, nnd who ahnll any (ti i t doea nut n irry ita own rich rcKut

UIOI jg tu nj>pr<iiicli evpn lliix rlunp to Muth Nnlure.

IiiiiilfsTn p nnniJILL II llili

i PIWHTIProposes Fines, Imprisonmen

and Removal (rom Offiee to “ Official Interference wit = . Free Speechfo r ------- -

on^ WASUINOTON, D. C., (/W -H .nat, a X Uomh, republican, of Idaho, todi . 16. introduced a bill projxialng fiiu'* ir

ITl-tiiimcnlt anil removni fri.in office . itiiv fedcrfrt-Tr«l«laJ fuuiid guiltv 1 uiilawfiilly\lri"KiiaMink (,H t|i(. righ

„r of fri'i- aprcrh. freo nnd asari ,,,,, blage granted hy fho rnn\ttlulm n.

Ijr drafting, ihp bill, i t / a tnlil Hen, e tte tur Itornh hu l the ndv^c nml iiaii!i'

jj- nnro uf law.vc-rs. iiomp.Af^thcm formcrl ronnooted wilh the Oepftrtment u f jn

1 bfl Uro. Tho mcnaum will hu aupiMirtud, was announced, ti.v the Nalioimt I>oj.i lar Oovcrnmrnt Icngup, tJia. .orgruii ti ion whirh recontly alfncked Attorne

ghl, Oonpral Pntmpr for depnrtment o f ju lipi> raids Im i year. .Stntp. nnd munic

. |wl ufneora na well na foiloral (Iffirei would ,-umi' w-ithin Ua terma.

Obargos Blgbts Denied.***• ^ntrodurlng the monauro ' 8«nati;

Uorah aaid:“ Thu liv lt ri((hla uf Iho' prtvnlo c-Ili

M'li havo .of late nftcn l.ocn chnlli-ni;i' ha t Iind many tim et wholly denipd. Tlii jlip coadiliou has boen ineroaaed for Ih

last iiuarler of n ••onliir.v. More ....• moro tbaro haa Icon a dtarcgura of tli us- groat gunranli'on of tho federal coii-'i I- tulion ao fiu- nli tho rlgli’a of Mie [iri

vato citiren aro i-uneornoil. The fii<'» ■’I” in aupport of th it jmlgmoni nro ul hniu - nnd nvorwhflmlnp- Men In nuihority I offli-ors nnd their *gent>.. hnve iiindc

wroal* without wnrrnnt. broken Inl. ;he (iriviite dwottiiig* willmut iiulhurliv

nnd prncticed tirutiilltv loivnrd cilti<‘iii ■ (juilty o f no offcnw. ‘'Tho prlvilte eitl

Mn under aiirh eonditlona i* prai tleiill.' lilt vrithout rvcoiirso. T h k praclicc svem' . to l>o groally on the tncrcaio. Lnwlea.

nraa in piibllp offlci- nnd in puhih Bd plarpi iillona by what U feeda upon, m “ I du nol think wu g t t iinywhorc

• ho«vpvpr. tiy merely rrtlir lring partini tnr inilividunts ur l>v ilonuunctng for r

os, dny a iiarticiilnr 'I'lutitlp offieer. ii fact, whon aurh prartii-oa have beeomi

, ingralnod in our i.vatem, no iinrtifiitni >>'• offlcor i« individually ro-j.onatblo. Tl,< in- alluation doaorvea general -oonaidcrn'

, tlon and ]>ermnnent Irenlmpnt. I hnvt therefore introduced thia bill, which ii

nit ilriiijinril lu protert l,he pr‘vntr e ltiu i |,n -ln hia eonalllullnnnl fighic, particiilnrh .. iinnlnat Ihe nrlntrary and lawleaa neli '7 ' nf nubile officpra. I t avema to me thm .ve It fairly grta at the rituntion nnd wou1r

help g'rpfttly tft remedy th is giowlni evil. In any ovpnl, it will lo rvf na : mriiaure around which possibly n bet Irr meaaitre may be cynslrnetcfl,

,’pr U p to AQthoritl,ea.■f,\ “ Thpre ia llu onp whoao duty it i'a t<

1)0 more MTUpuloua o f the nbligation: “tf of the roiiilitutioo or mnro regnrdfu no of Uie ronalitutional righta of the ritI

Ten thnn llu’ uffioer enlriitlcd for 1* tirief .aeaaon with creat authoritv ‘■''i lAwlpwnfM nmong iho«e who«o dnty i' era 1" to 'enfnire nnd ophold Ihe Inw breed- . . lan'li'mneia. and nol unlv tlinl, U I’O

ce*" dutrual o f nnd (li»iiffo.ellon fO' bp thp government Ilaelf aninne llio j.eo hla P'*" 'I'Jff'* i*"'' *’nterc.;H“

gnrd for law. n ]>mfound reapeot fo. Of- our oon»titullon muat begin wilh thoa.

who nro entrualod with ihe eaecnitloi llf thp liiw- Obodipnpr in the Inw ia tlu primnt plllnr ui«n whieh free laatitu

er- tlona re.1l. Wli(>n this apirli o f obrdi Hf ence .la hruken down. Inw lt><'lf b- ^ comes In a aeBso m ockery."

T .................................................. «1 VALUE OF SlUGE '

” ■ ! “ 1f (Ira* t^D of altftge e tiuali om- {, J mn of (u ea r b fita . . ..j »

t T linv tona of a llete equal oni' ^* Kin of clover hay. ■' J

J- t T h rff and onf*hal£, ton* of «0 i allajw equal OOP ton of lucerne J

>0 i' '’"y- !f Two nnd one*fonrtti tooa of J “ » KllMff e<]U«l onp ton of raamh /

to J hny. {,j * Oiii‘-hatf (nn of altncp (*<iuata *

i line ton of pnmpklni. J"


'J PREPARE FOR SPRING UBORHachlnaa and Im plem enu of All Kinds

Mould Be Ovartiauled and Needed Rapaire Mads.

Better- bring In nil the machinery not In uae and ainrt to gel ready fnr aprtni:., Take-off the pliwa, pnl Ihem

ire wher** ther will be hnndy to icet lo Ihe hlnrkamllh]* and nee ihnt the nil-

, tlvalnr ahorel* nrp m red for. Don't wnll imtll the hln^alnK h la mahe.1 |o

” hntj! itip rtlala.HliarTMnipd. l ie will do in^ a. heller Job If, iII»*vp<1 to lake' lita ire time.

A Chilean mouatain oonalats of a> ni, meet s solid maaa of high grade Iror la cre.



» . r f . ; H O WIs, . . ■ ■

r tho *' ‘

’ T"* / ' / $ \ \ A.arden • / 1 . \

ff l I• lha t Y J

'.V ''S l i l B

rant ' I hT O S ru.S‘’" “"’ Q ilnsi the orlgtnaJ bome of M^ i t h n i t o n , h u w o t « 8 0 k U lu lo ti

a ttend th e ^nf«Illt^«a»l Bilk - pod tlon t t New Y oH l T hii n r e ly llnU n* p t r t and p r tK iit 1

iintiir leeordlsK. to th e natlTe records todnv- CUb*. silk c o l tn c da tes froiL , Im T0 7 r t a o l e period. .T he U d y ce of 81-ling wbo w ai E a p r t i i b « r < B. C did much lo advaaee the, I /'''■■ d ttitiy , e i r f o f fo r sflk-wonna wi

her own bands. Tradition x\ ■ o e d iU b e r w ith ba-da* invent

the b o a for weavinjr th s silk threads.

J"!'’'-'' G reat strides have- beea n a Jiia- through tbe se e s in th e m a tta r

> 1 !Jilzii ta w eavinc the floss, b a t th e t l >rnpy « v r a lirea and dlea and (pina 1

ju j- borlal shrood—the prodous coee inici- ^ the same old le iia te ly way ’Irert did 6,000 y e a n ago.

B ow erer, new methods of ?: aerrlDg eggs and caring for I

dav there a re countless mlllioni ailk'w orm eggs kep t In cold s t age. Wht3i needed they a re Uk frt)m Ito rage , sobjeeted to a u

i ii ia form te ap e m lu re of 70 degrees Ihe ra tf l h a t r e d 'n e n eosues a be .... I

i r X H E NEWS’: SUNI2 ; B y C H A R L E S G L

R e c to r , C h u r c h o[ ;lh'

ii’iia 'eitl THE a iN o r OOVBTOUaNESS 'iiliy Exodus 20: 17: "T bon sbalt not;em> covoi____ .anytblng th a t Is tbylca»- nnlghbor’s.”

n " ‘' Ttiia oommnndment Im;. to, du with ■ere, tho nioal eninmun ain in the world. Sume

of the lliiiiga c>|iri'aaly mohtioucd in Iho ciiiniiiiir Im-nl '.ruuia uot apply tii

, tho nvi'riigo Ainorii-un Indn.v. O irn aro uaed very litlle in .our modern agricul- turp, mill In moal iif nur homea man- aervnnta iiiid maid-aerviinla aro nol cm-

invi ployoil. The full force of tho commanil- ), |( ment ta in the laat phrase, " o r nnything iu ii Ihiit ta thy nu islibor'a." Thai phrase arlv m.ikea tho I|iw apply erjupjly to. every nda «eiieriilion.thnt ^Vhuu the iUiatur enme Into tho world, ou1rl llo wnriied'humanity pf tho ain of cov- vini; etouancai. Un ono'occnalori a diacipic aa :i u id til Him, "M nator, apeiik Ic. my bpt- r.rollier. thnl he divide the inheritance

■ wilh 'mo.” Whereupon Jeaus rupllcd: ".Mnn, who made mo a judge or a di- vlilor over you! Tnke heed and be- «-nro uf tdvetuuaiiea*; fur n ninn’a life

dfui conaialeth nnl in llu thinga which he I,- poascaaolh."

' ^ Chriict did not eundenin »callh ua a rltv wrong or wtcked in ilaolf, TheV {,' rent hurui enim- lo the IndividunI by hll eed'^ porveraliin 'uf viilue». by llio misuao oJ 1,(1 woullh lo thp delrim rnt u f hla own fo; ehnriiclor. Il ivna nu^ tho irenllh n(

j.po oxen or uf miin-aervunla or mnid-»--r- ..»» viinta tlmV-nicide a mnn trulv rirji, but fo,- it wna Iho «enlth nf the m an ’a Ufo It-

hoa. M lf Ihnl renlly counted, tiou Kiehnvaa o f eharaeter ,«-iin the im|KHt- tlie nnl tiling in Ihe mind, of tho Mnalrr.

:Itu-lTo coTot the mnlerial potaosniona of u >rdi nnlchhor wa* aot onlv ainfni. Imt il

b- wna foollah. I t waa to sh ift tho scale of values entirely away frum real rich- ea and lo aei one'a he.irt un ihlnga rpl-

“* . ntivolv croaa uud inferior.f (I0.I did not tay lo'Uoaua lh.1t it wna* wrung to ponai-aa oxen, nor did thfl 5 M u te r aay to thp diMipIr tha l It wni » «roni; tu nn tnhefit:iii.-r: b” '

'1 J in either inainnro the »In lav In covet- ' t ing suph thinga.

I To the man whoie hp.trt.waa scl ex- ’ t •'Uiatvely on the building of g reat tiarns - f nnd graniirtca, bnl whot<' life waa bar-

J ron of the rlchoa of the sp irit, Clirlat ' t luiid: "T h u n 'fo o l. Ihia night thy amil

J ahall lip rpquirod of thee; then whoae I ahnll thoao lliiriga be whicli thou hnat

p rov ldcdf" Tlie riph young m an'w ho ^ prided himsolf oa keeping the Com-* lonndmenla (aa he thought) waa told

lo yo nnd aell all tbni ho had nnd give to tho puor. In o.-)Ph Inatance Ihe a'M

I P of rovetonaneaa wni the root from whifh the aoul wn* griiwlng moro .and more nwav from Ood'a ideal of valuea. In oaeh eaae the in'If wna widenlni; tu-

I tween auppoapd rMipa nnd real richea. The Maalor rorokjiiiaod tha l thla is a

world uf m.alpfial thinga, and thnt Ihrao ery thlnca mnld lir lioth used nnd almaed. f n r i l i H r hnd not valued thp thing* whieh ien> ‘lieyoung mnn poaicaaod. lie would not

hiivr tolil him to go and aoll whal he „ i had'o tid give to the poor. Tlie trouble

., was, niti with the th lnc i themaeke% hnt , ' wilh tbfe young man who waa nol mak- I 1. '"E prAj>rr use of hla'poiaeaateBS. In ' '*® hi* handa they were harmlBg bls-own I't" rhnractir. ^

I Tlie peril of posaeasians 1* thp peril to individual character—not 'only (hp

a ' character o f the ono possessing them, Iro ritiu t tho ehnracter of thoae who are In

a poslllon to covet them. TTie momrnt

■ ' 1 ;

3AILY NEWS, TWIN FAi;;;;;; c h in e s maidensS w n x S H O W N E W Y O R K E

) W T O U N W I N D C O C O O N S J

i w

f aerl*lion to *’■k - 'r-

nt for I K S U K ^

?Libe in- I wHh

Suref ;------------

tim**>l'je feodins ttma. Ualbetry|: B tUk- leaves, yot^r, in d e r asd finely na Lis ehoppM, are led aerts tiB ca a la y coeooo for- £ 6 first montb, a t th*-«J#' of ray he wfak the worm goes Into, the flr«t

of his five sleeps. P W to fs a n f ?re- diffliniibed between aleepa. A t the tr the end of tbe f e e d i ^ s m a k ^ la s t L To- Ur. W om spbts a cocoeo aboot om ef hlmielf. 1I stor- A t tbe proper sUge the eemoas Uken a rt eoUected and the p m killed to

a unl- prevent its fnrtber derelopment In- ■ees F. to a moth whkb would bnrst ‘>Le a bosT cocoon aad ruin tba ailkeB flla-


;(he Ascension, Episcopal

9 that woallh itself becomes n thing to be o t , vnlupd abovo all olher thinga, ttio mu- ny ment thut il is worshipped nnd covet-

edl tha t moment it ia trnnafbrmcJ -/rom a Meaaing into a curse, Tha cursi^ of ruvolutianea* ' la d lsoonte^ . Notliiilg

lotno .tarvca the auut anil woakona character 1 in no much ua discontent,

til Every time wo grmntile we rovel ore ;>omething lhat unr neighbor jioaaeaaea.

icul-;We mny want nnnthor’s money: we nan-imny wunl niuillior'a position or prea- vm-|tifte; wo mny wnnt nnuther's benuty or

atnl-jchnrm! und we mnko ourflpIiTa niiier- hing able I.ecaiiae we haven’t Iheae IhinR*. rnso lli U the f^rumbling nml complnininc vcryjiii'raon who violates the tenth commnnd-

liiipnl/ Dlaconienl wltb our lot. dissat- orld,:|.fiii'ilou with our poaition nnd envir- cov- uhmpnt, unwilllngnps* tn makp the heat ;iplc poaaiblo nae uf w hat we hnve in our

my greed for bioro—theae nro the real on- nnce <'inle> thnl dialurt) our peace of mind, lied: iloatruy rlinraeler, nnd unfit ua fur Ihe I di- Kii'gduin uf Ood. ,

If un inm v idual/S n lay hnld of ma- lerinl puaaraaioy without stealing

’ ''''|lh em ; if he ran uae thrm nnd nol iibusc . ithom; If he run make thpw his servant “ nml not h!a mnstcrj If he cnn worahlp

1''“'i<init with them nnd nol woraliip Ihem ■ hi* Inatoad of <}ud; if he can colloet thrm •' Kilhout hoiirding Ihem; If he rnn care ‘"'•n fur hia own po.aapsaions withnnl eovet- ' " f t in g thniK- of hla ncichlior; if white hi* •’“■''•lia liuitdiiii: n fortune he i« alao build- t'Utling chnrnclo 'r-then Ood will litraa him

>' It 'l ln hla WP.1UI1, nnd ho will be giving a ICuod.neeount of hla stewardship.

’" 't- ; (Icorgp Waahlngton was probably the "l'’f-irlchpat mnn in Ameriea when he retired

“ jlo hia iilnntatlon In V irginia. At aay t il l rate he was very, very rich, as men ‘‘ “ ''''oMimnted wealth In thoae daya. Yet rlrl'-ino nue ever arcused Wnahlngton of be. f 'l- ; in g no unjoat steward or a profiteer.

[When we atudy hla life and trv tu ra- "''‘■illmnte hla goodness, and greatnoaa aa Uiela man. hia wcnll'h Is the Inat thing thnl “ "■jne taki- Inln .“iceount—whyf Kor the

reason lhat Wnahlngton knew how lo [iiv h!> worldly posacasions in Iho di- Ireelinn nf rharnctpr-lmllding. They helped him to be a be ttor auldier, ii

•rn* ii,oru aupcpMfiil fartnor. but mor,- than IJOf- tlial, u greater public in'rvnnl. W’e rnn- iri’ t liut think thnt W ashington eovoM "'»>1 wealth, for Ila own anke. llo covpIc!\ l>oae onlv the meana bv which he might mak(| l>a"l hia life /Irhi-r nnd stroncor na chureh-' "I'O mnn. cilir.pn nnd pnlriot. lom- , 'told ;i;ive Invitation* Came, All night. |

i-;ilwbi-lirh M-nntil lilrtbilii.v wa.i i<i | l« ca'lobruKil. Wl fiilber C«l Ih f job of |

'"J '' mnllinu i|io lnvlinilim». In bU liurrj \ , . Ill- forjcol In 'lo x a mill' ilropjK-U tlicin |

III thi; mall lioi In T c r r t Hauto. Re- j j '« lumliig tnle tbnl ovenlng. lie loltl hi- ICO wife how lie romi-mbcrcd 10 mail the Ncd. Iiivllnlloiia, but uoi until he was out, ileh of lown. W ith n w ithering glnncc she not aald: "yo u 'iw o r lioob! I guoM you l he didn't noltcc they «'cr« alt marked ,

ible 'City’." Time being i*earcc. sbo nl \ •’"* oiuv.aei in work Ki mnll «' fresh bstcb i ' • f ' of Invltnllnnii.'w lilcirnrrlvcd on th e j

-,ime ninll na llie lli^t. the Tcrrp Unute,; liiittninMoi iiiklni; n .chance .on what lunl hnppened a n d ' sehdlns* iheni to

(bp <be Inilinnnpolls ofnc(>.—Indlnnapolla I icm, ^owv ]s i n . _____irn t BZAD TU B G L A S am Z D AD8..



^ 3 i ^ A ;J '

^'. .j .irV A ^ C O U V E R M f.^

7 im e a U o f w hkh i t Is compoMd. . ly The eocoona a re soaked and ih c f/ ly naw om d and reeled by deft finger- oi ed glrU , th e resn lU nt product b»I t ing raw silk floss whieh Is ezportet

t» eoont harbor by wiiy o f fhi a t E m prew o f Bussia, th a t w onderfo

ocean m y b o c n d which brought os u tu la s t tr ip from the O rient lb< . to C3iinese S & Ulssioo, Inclodlni 'D- th ree expert silk reelers, wbo wil .e dem onstrate tb e k abilities a l t b a- Ezpositico.

- NO MORE GOOD OLD GHOSTSModem Oubilltute, I t Must Be Admlt-

t«d, Is More or Les* FIsbby and Unsstlsfactory.

How lone; la ll xlnco ynu shiviTcd a t ■JT a ghnai HiiiryJ Voii huvo rend .acona'

of them 111 ttie Inat few youra. aibrlcs of "oiincw uml inincfx. of crosa men-

flmqI thpoiigli,'* bui illd a sinele on? huve

thal hsIr-nilMlim, mnrriiw.ebllllog tcr <|iialliy we nre Jusilfled In iluinaniling

frotnui real gtioai atoryT Whut I* the v ( ,tl"» 'ltc r with our mmleni aplrlm, any- ie a .i« n y 1 In n dny when the world hna we|cuQi‘ mnd nn tbe subj(>ct of elUcletiry. rca-j ivtiy do we flml our ghoatn ko utlerly or i ineompcleni. ao unequal to their jiih<1 ’

Tticic gn-ul irriublo la the'lr Int-k of 1"' ilennltf punioao. T h rre I* nn n-nson

whatever fur tholr Iwlng, nnd «>u»ftc- ,■ ai'ontly they nre Inalpld, pu(!rilo, un-

Inlercsllng thinga. They don't even (.,( enll ihemselvea KlioaiH; llicy nn- splr* nur! ll*, n much nobbier term, and the anme on-1 n-nersl rloblllly runa'tbrough tliclr pn­nd, | tin* mnkf-uji. They have no wllla of Iheiilie lrn ivn , They wait reapwiftilly till

jlhoy nr........ . Iiy the very raor-na -|in ta ihry ouKlii n> Icrrlfy. They sn- ioKiaii-or, like lioll boya. 10 the <-nll of B*elaiu-Ii allly ili-vlee<i na 'oulja bounlK.‘" ‘ 1 Can you liiinirlne a Shakcspenrenii ''•’iRhost wnlilni: m tie nummonwl? Tlmae pmi'*'*^^ *pot-icr» w(ih mind* nf th e ir ' -jp 'ow n . They npponriil when ll plousiHl

jtheni to apjionr. iinliivltcit nnd mnre hi> often Ihnn not iindealrcd. You inlcht

iid about ”A vaunt,lhei-l“ Illl you were lim lionritv: you mlcbt enll them "foul : a spirit*" o r nny other uncotaplliuentnry

! term* you could think of, but until 'h e ,(b e lr Job waa. done oot cm* Inrb

■ would they Imdgp. Tlie modem splrll i vanlshtw If you give him balf a chance.

I*" but tbeii he only i-nmr tn the flrat 1 ;. I place to ohilse .vou. out of polltepera , . . ’ !snd wenkmliidiHlneM.—Mnruarel L

' JVrmnd In the N>\v Ynrk Kveriing rout, aa f

lint,l„ ., . Frem Frylno to Flylnfl.to ' Avlntlun la oceiipylni: n crenl (leal

d i- ' nf a tientlon In Cniniiln the«e day*. It leyi N 'hisliiy |ii'.>iinl>1i‘ thnl the heltnm gna

" 'r N l i i t 'lilt <if ilio ground In-Alhvrin " " 'jn n d iiilier |>nrta nf western Cniiniln

nml Hal'd In part* of the eonntry for ! fnmily eookinc will om> day Ih- rftrr>-

r 'j l l-.t: RnRllah llelner-thnn-nlr (lylnc tan- .-blm-a. any* Mmor I.Ifc. It haa-hei-n

‘ ' i ri-p<iried Ibnt. there 1* onouKli'of thla j gaa 10 aiipply the entire flrltlRh cm*I pin- for mnny yenra. It Incka only I 1(1 per cent of the welcht-aupportlng

1.11 nblllly of the hishly Inflnnimable by- o f jd m e e n ond la oiiimlly natlafnrtory.'T> \ ---------------------------nil ;• QwflflU Losing Popularity Ift France.

Prance haa loat Its aweet tooth. Be* ‘I” rent offlelnl aiatlsile* ahow thnt. be- h<“ cauae sugar wna unobiolnahlo during

thl* war. children bom between 101*1 ht* and 1010 h o v e 't'm i oilncnled by their B** I pa rrn ls ool lo i^ u t r e auenr In Ibel^ ^ ’ drlnka and food ;, , nl I Aa a reault tho c«n*cmptlon of aujmr cb i in rranco hna fallen to one-clehth Ihe he 1 pre-war mark.te,' f 'n ince ha* t'eciinio flueb an «nprof|i- at able markpl for One rhocolhtoa Ihnl to ] ncflrty nil the hlc inanufaeiiiron. nn- I* I sending nlne-tcnth« of tbe lr ooipul to

I t io United Stnlea and Sontb Atner.ca.

I lOUaaifM Ada a rs cheap—e»e«tlv«.

AMERICAN'dLEGION®iCopr for TUs Uepsrtmsnt BuppUtd by t the Amerlon L eiltn News aervlce.)

A a LOST SIGHT IN THETOMembers ef Everurflsn .Poet, No. %

American Leglor, EulOQlzed'b/National Cemmander. ' . '

Tbo. spirit of tbe Americnn LefJoo ’ doea not la - In tbo mam'bcrB of Br-

f ergreeo port. No.!S, In flplie o f tbo fact tba t an of tta m em ben are

their sight during Ibe Worid wsr.

Whon r , W. (lalb rtlth , Jr.,.n a. ilonal command­er, beard of Ibe formation of tbe poet recenUy, be Im in i^ately wrote

1 le tte r 111 Cbiiriea Froar, poat coin- ;iiuniiiif. Ur. OalbralUi Intends to vlait he puat In tliu near future.

Tlie national commander's la tter, la mrt, follows:

"I am toucbed beyond o rpnw loa * hat those comrade*'of oura have seen

lit (u associate themnlcve* together In umilntlon w ltb the g reat American U glon for the purpose of roalblog •uore fully tboee Ideala fo r wbicb they .'ouchi. I t Is an Inspiration to know that, acarrcd and innliued to an ez* li'ol which wonld trad many to IceL lhat to-Ibem there ntKild he no fQ^ ther obligation to give to the wield, bul ra the r to live ond receive, tbey sllll feel a <I(»>lre lo give loraelhlng further of acrvlce lu Iheir rouotry and community. Thia la Indeed true no­bility.''

LEGjON OFFICER' IN MaiCOCommander of Departmsnt Also Mei». •

ber of National ExecuUv* Com- ffllttcfl of th s Legion.

= -Altbougli I.etgh 11. I to v n r , eoa- • ^ iiiander of the departmenl of Uexlce

brokiu-aEC Ilnu in -

1“ ijj'enllaied Ih th r nmiy tn rly tn Ihe


as nral lieutenant ^ and~ u|Kiu prdTiiullun to a captaincy. •'■ sen'e<l in Ihe Tblrty-Uiird field artll- ." Iery. remaining with tha t organlsa- '• lion during ItJi serviee ovenoaa. He

wan dlscbnrged from sei^lce a t tbe ; W alter Reed hospital lo. Waahlngton.'* D. O , June -10, 1010, and returned to " his home in U erlco City. ■^ An organiser o f Alan Beeger port of '■ the Legion nt Mexico City. Mr. Bov- 'I u r lira* named e s Ils first commandar.

lie waa recently elected commsnder .* uf hla depnrtnicDt aud a member of ' ' tlie national executive conuDlttee of

the U glon.

;; IS PIONEER LEGION WORKER Washington Man, Field O rganlzar,'

Will Help Supervise NaUonal ' M ovim tnt for Mere Membera.e ____r ' Hebert A. U Roux, why waa oee i of the plnnoer Aniprican U glon work-

*he Ita tet Washington,e r \ liai been appoint-ll '•‘J fl«ld o rg a n li - ,1 V '. er a t nationalil f F ^ j I tieadi|uartara, andh J L - 'W 'eft recently fo r iI Nevada to begin

'vnrk there.I J J r \ Ur* l<e B oni U

" m '<. A X md has hat) tvo-t. ddemhle ezperl*

■ W u m m ence Id the OeldIII ».(,’a.i.A4.i,i... lie served with a (^nndlnii Infantry unit In Franco dur-

il Ins the war. Is ooe of aevi-mliba-II Ilonal field un n in tsm whose duty It* will t)p to Mupervlao apenkera nnd oth- •• u er urgnnlzera In tbe national move-'■ mcni for more memliers fnr Ihe Amer- r loin U glon. Tlie m ombenhlp cam- ' iialRii 10 be i-arrleil out tbls year will '• lie nnllonal In acope.

I OADOYOF LEGION'POPPY DAY'[ Buckeye Major Cr«jlted W ith Ofig-

InatlnB Idea of W earing' BtOMom In Memory ef Heroet. '

M ajor W ado.C. Christy ofjroonr*- town Poet. No.* IB. o f m e Ainerienn ,

’• U glon nl Younen- *^ lown, 0 .. Is said- f to hnve oriRlnnl- '' ed the . Legion’s ' | \

"Poppy dny" nnd* tbe Idea of sell- J H t i t i f l y . g g s i

Inn popides 00' tbe street, to be '•

worn In remom-brancf of onr ] H | | | ^ j J ’

I dead heroes of the

The poppy wa* . 3 Wadopted al the

* Cleveland convesMloq u.' ihe ujg.u,. itha oQlclal flower o'f tbe form er le rr-

»■ »«• men’i orsM lxajlon- ■_________ ..


X j A e

D a i l yA dvertisem ents


I S Q U I T E I M P O R T A N T------------ llBhed

I t p p. Faclors to Be Considered In

Selecting Receptacles. ' iU 'd'■ [Bg HC


Datkot, C ra n or Carton Should B* J J ' ' "Su lud E tp tclally to Produe* t o . .. j i J r t i '

. Bo M a rtc o U d -D e A , of C i» S J S . tetnera UuASB* Hat.

<Fnp4r*d by th* U nlM BUUi Dtpwt- .m. a w t of Afrteultnrc) .

On# Im portant reqnlrement to r 275,y j, k ttlug farm produce trosi productr f. - direc t to couaaikier ta a p r ^ e r ' and eaUafactory ablpplog container, aay _ \ m arkolln^ apeclflllBta of tbe United r . Btatca D epartnen t of A p le n ltm . A ‘ container ahonld be anited especially „ t to the prodDce to b« ah lpp^ and ripition Ibonld be Bclcctcd only a fte r cooald- Srctiom ering aucb factors aa dorablllty, alia, fitntutc: appenrance and co at ordorcil

Durability. — Much dlwotlafactlon 1|',®.V*" w lih d lrrc t mnrkptlnif Mon been caosed I bv iiMn^ -nntnlnprF ivlileh -v w not


S .U rt.ttO i7 B U k « t . r P M to .. . i ' s ”

anffldcntly atroDf. Tbla ia eapadaUy -BSitenn t n a wbeo cootatneni are sud .D D re t b u ooce. Shipping eontalnera aboold Salary— b* ligbt In welgbt b a t TOlUdenUy dn^ I’re*'!! able to c a n y tbe prodnee;

«**.-i-Il»e alM of * container d*- penda npoQ tb f deslrea of tbe cnttom-. Qi^ehi era. U oat parwnia w lA to obtain email - ^ 5 qttantltiea of each product a t a time. Hydro O ivtalnera dionld be Joft large enongb Extra for tbe prodoce ab lp p ^ . If tbe carton Attomuj If too large or too amall, botb the « prodoeo and the container are likely Otticv 1 to be dainaged, fo r tbe prodnee «wHI , not be kep t tn place and tba container j S wfl] be cnabed: The larger tbe ^san- ll t r of prodoce ahlpped In one parc tl' jialntcni tba low tr be tb* coft p e r '^ o m ' nental t fa r tT anspo^ tloo and tbe lower tb r dltehrl cnetalner c w t per ponnd. Ktiforron

Appaaranca,—A . eootalner ibotilfl ^ .. pre*ent aa a ttrac tlre appearance, both ea. a rrlT tl and wben < ^ e d , aiid ‘ ab'Mld abow the produce t» 'ad n u )ta ^ .Of cosrae, new eontalnera are morr a ttn c tlT e ttaao those which bavf •<£. ' bera nsed ; and only thoae'aeeond' amount 1 band conlalneni w h ic h . are dean u afore aboold be osed again. .

Coat—Tft* « 5 f o f foala/DOT pota a dliU nct lim itation on amall ahlpmeataofl fann prodoce. A ahlpment moat ^ ___ i_hate,considerable .Taloe In order that NOTIOB tbe trBnaporfatlon ehargca and coat of TIME container may not eqnnl r large per­centage of the price. The price which In the ) can be reaaonably paid for a container ^ will depend on’ (ho Taloe of the coli- In tho M tenta. the « » t of trannportatlon. and the price recelred for the prodoce u coobared with the pHce that conld I'l*,® be.recflTPd locally. A roftilrabtn price dny tbo tha t aboiiM be paid cannot be *tated. o 'd w k a aa each oik4> muBt be itedded by atndy* room of Ing all of Ihc f a r in n Involved. In the C

Chenp Rpllnl hnKkola are satlBfa^ Twin FB,) tory for many kind* of prodnee. For time ond prodoct* thnt newi no *prrlal type, ittractlvc nnd MM-fndory containers iften Pnn Ik* nindf' b,r (h(* prodocer a t ' .» low rn«f from Hmii, fllnwnlM pa- "oitamenl >erhhnri| hnT<"< In n'M di m prdtindlw intoi ■in* lipcii "lili'pM, t f i t the 1

------------- -- DatedMIchiKsn offort n rewind for jilant- — " ’’•C

nj; nul Irccii beddo tho bi{;hway. 1

7as Buggies—Things have ch~~ Onf. AOVANTA^C CF Tift OPEN

-/.H —

'‘i-'r,'. \ r GREAT lo v e ly

■ ' 'fl"


N e w gunder th is he

----------------------------------------------- “ I t —Women Now Eligible to V. 0 . - |

L royal nu rran t consolidating and . ending provlalonal royal w am n ta i artllng tho Vlctorln'Cro*a w'iui pnb- i g o led recently In tbe London Qazctte.!• prlndpnl fealuro li thnt women■ now raade pllglbIo.for decoration, -------being ordained tliat matrons, ala- p Q I >. nnrsM anil the alaff of th e nora-

Kcrvlcoa ond Olher Bervlcea ufr- <nv ling to honpltah and nnmlng, and hJghn illana' of elllicr a e i serrlng .regn- batb, y o r letnfwmrlly under the orders, furoac jctlon or ffuperrWon of any of the In bi ied forces c f the crown. abiU b t Ible le the CTM. '

* . ' ■ ‘fn iitho f ln t niceotaful manufacturo o f | j « i2 . in America woa a t Lynn, Moai-.taprlnj .year* ago. ,ng«

■ 'homejN O tlO B .' , good '

ho 'Salm on Blver Caa'al Uoaipauv t(<d, having filed with' the Dppart- i f m I of Redomation It* budpri ahow | ^ estimated ex^Kodltures fo r 'I l ie ir - . | ^ I tion ie a » n of 1021, ax proviilM by m m 1 ions .’lOSVaoafl Idaho Compllcil So thi utcsj the ilcpftrtmont lin«, therefore !» . l l red iia nnblUnlion and haa fixedlimi- nnd plnco of hearlni: .a t t*ii' _____rif t Couftroom, In Tirin" Pnll". t 'o n 10. u t -’lOO flVlock p. m.. March homo;

l.awn.D E IT . OP llECLAMATION',

W. 0 .flwenilsrn, OommiMloncr. POII )i«e. Maho, TVbnmry 25, 1D21. i.orth

nraoniTiON. J”loplpd Poimiftjy 2.1, 1!>21, Iiv tliv ■d of Dirprtorn of fho Pnlmon R lvrr pgjj i) Comjiany. LlmilcJ, approving , cstlmato of rxpcnditurcs for thd 1[)2I, nnd fixInL’ Ihc malntnnaiirt ino tn

wMtni-nt therefor. , -WhcrcM no esliwnU' r( the expon- rOR •e» of the S.-»lrann Hiver Canal milea pan /, LimKcd, for Ihc year 1021, 517R1Ibei-n aubmitled by Suporlntcndeiit ,---------’. Porterfield, and ha* been care KOlt

considered liy the Doard; house;^nw, Therefore, Do I t lleMiIvcd. Ily nico la Donrd of Dirrclnrs flf the Bnlmim fru i t t r Canal Cninpany. Ltd.: Newa.I. Tbal tho fdlowinu itemized — - ment o f proponed i'X}H.'nUitureii, and charge* of such rompony for '

yenr 1021, bo npproved. adopted iralitijUled to Iho Commissioner of ° “ th . inintlon of' Iho State o f Idoho. m •danco w ith the provisions o f Se:- .1

3034-303S Idnhn Compiled Rtnt-TOB

« o e n t of Proposed Expenditure* modern and DiibnnamBnt*. down, 1

y _ care Nssident ............... ............ | l,700.flli poQrrctaiT-Troamrcr „......... l,600.0i) j ^ n . rpcrlntcndent, 0 moi...... .1,000.00 >iv

cate ten d er,..................... H,000.0'i fOBdrographor .................... l,250.0n im q ; <tr a offico h d p ............... 500.00 tnent*.•nuy fee*, court and wit- _ _Jl costa ...........................; • HOO.Oi-I* rent, Jiosfage, fuel, tien er/, equipment, ete. l^OOM B obilea - POBrcha*e, operation and re- keepiaelair .... - ............. ..... ........ 2,800.00 — —lenance of sy»tcm;........ 10,000,0u FOBil telopbane ay*l«m and ~ room n•hridBts’ hou*« ....... l.OHO.On CaU oftrecment o f vincjard dc- . ‘. .... .................................. 150.00 ,luio of warchouie......... ;i50.00 fn rn a «cutlon for tampering

» ..................*34,MO.On

, T hat, in order lo raiao tho 'nl of anld esllmntcd eipondUnres, pQ jt 'oretald, it will bo ncecMary to next totho aum of Ono (« .0 0 ) D ollar'-----------lore or acre on all shares or acrci FOB cd lo water from said irrigation Iy fnrnl n, during Ihe year 102L’’ Main N


m o WILL. BTO. >« Probate Oonrt of Twin PaUa Oonaty, Bt»to of -Idaho. . ,,

I M attar of the E ita te of S t, Jo h r 1,01* * ; klnner, deceaipd; piaeh tfuan t to an order of aaid conrt, ---------on the 28rd day of February, FOB

notice is hereby glvta th a t Turs< f tm d . .be 8th day of M ard . 1021, a t 10 - k a. m. of said dny, nt the eonrt- FOB o f eaid coart^ a t tbe Conrthouie ond av« ) C ity of Twin Fall* Coanty of FBjla, haa beon appointed aa the .,nd plaee for. proving the will of U. John Skinner, deceased, ann Amniem •aring the application c f Eogene j«oB nnrr, 6r., for tbe Iuuanee to blm i , .obn M. Maxwell jointly of letter* _______lonlory when and where any per- poB utoreited may appear and- eon- loninl Abe eame.. • -----------ed Febm ary 23rd, 1021. FOB .

0. P. DUVALL, for ligh Probate. Jndge. ' por wee

’hanged sinee father was’EN-rACE TYPtl |p v m HAP TfiOOBLE



s C l a siead, O ne Cent jB y a c t u a l c o u n t , f o u r o a t c

t h e s e p e o p l e w h a t y o u h a v (

e s f o r s a l e o r r e n t , t h e p o s i

■OR S A L E - R E A L E S T A T E W

TWO ACHES «<lJolnlaB eily on lU lo cupUrrghwn^! 5-room bouso, e i t r water. ___tb, oleelric' light*, cement ba*oaeat, ’ rnaee, coment cave, deep w dl, garag.‘

bam , lU b le for two cow*, larg-i Icken bousoi oleelric light* in ban* f j “ ”® d chicken bon*e; one a tro fenced In

id fo r; will be on paved road thin n,nn,.r ring; tbe mo*t com pete amall acre- e near Twin FalU a n d . aa Ideal mej thia place 1* priced right and on IX)I1od te ra s ;.d o n ’t ovariook this If you This f0 in the market for arrcage. R ndi- ig vermbenieim Bealty Co., 118 8hosbon« fa)j» '

W. 'P hoae 45.. _ - • .......... iX)RrOB S A L B -I f yoQ tb iak KOO t r n-h«atK) land too hlgb, le t n e te ll yvn aa hoy. th a t l l Jo tt as good u d na u ly allalfa lfa fo r 1175.00. Dr. Dwig&t, >0R

ria Falla. I'l'f__________________ __________ - storyTOB 8A L B-Clieap: fine seven room crusl.nme; modern. IDS Toplar ave., Kn«i HHI'

.................. — ........................ “ F o r?X)R 4A L B — 10 acres 1 1-1 milsj t h o fB iih l; $8S por aero; paid ur Prult ( full. E. U. Williams. I'. 0 . Bo*

....................... _____hatchli):'0K 8ALE>-Good fo n r\o o m honsc. ft and sJeepiog porch; imaiJ pay j iv)j> nt down; balance easy term*. Phone

_____________ _________________ iocs, c(m 8 A L E -0 r rent, « aiercs thru.' I’" e* aoatb w eit of town. I’hom.' P " BI C ^ clcclric

■OR 8ALB—Eanlty in aew *-room — ise; partly modemj good location;0 lawn, ploaty of shade and bearing & * It tree*. Addre** “ D *', eare of |**• _______________ ' FOEX)B 8 A L E -1 5 aere* one-balf milem city llniJt* on ia izabeth Dlvd. -O^Rl. IL Thompeon, Phone 014W. 403 “ nXJT

^ .i^-hol.

ment*. C. A. Bickford. <8°-

O B SA L B -O ieap , oew 5-room )ern bungaIow;-ver]^small-paymect - m n - fn,^balanee lika rent. Address C. M.

OB 8 ^ L E -L o t'8 0 * lr3 , Ea*t Uwn'.0; 50x125, Poplar avenue, #850 : 50x , Togo aveaue, |OSO. A ddren E.. J . FOB (gin, 2222 Chapel at., B eikdey, CaT. athan

OB B A LE-Tw b roon bonae;' prisr 0; eaah. MOO, balanee monthly pa}- u . aj It*. £52 Van Dnren i t , Oolden Bole, for Bac ■ ' ing qui

F O R R E N T * - - -_________ _______________________ POBOB BENT-Boom* for Ilgbt boo*e- weight |dn^ 403 Seeond tve . N, . blemleb.

OB’ BENT—Mareh l*t, a aew four> *!^m 1 ha modem bnngalow, fu rn isb ^ , | 4 S . ______. a fle r 2 p- a . 636 Third ave. W. THOE

ob” BEiTT-^FronTroom," furalahel, oroUfil^ laee beat: well loeate-l. 413 f i f th _ —1

N. Pbone 473J. FOB :

OB RBNT—F ron t bedroom, boated; p 0 . B<t to bath- 345 Eighth ave. N J._____ae 203J. FOB

OB BBNT—Boom, fnraace beat.; to bath. 235 F ifth are . E ____

OB BENT—8 room*, suite complete- u d ^ J irnlsbed for ligb t bouBokoeping. 4SS a N.

ATEB — To rent, 40 to 200 tbare*Uie aeaton. Arthur L. Bwim. ________

}B B E N T -16# acre jand», 2^12 , LADY * te u th e u t o f town; all under 1“ ' ; honae, five rooma; stable for 6 genntne e*; maehine shod and nrw iarr. „1 h lAnbeabeim, 118 Mosnone W. «*«•!

■ _______ opportnn)B BENT—B oea, nallM S lB M t- yourself; >d. lULCO per BcatiL P k a t MT. nlar* an----------------- ------------------------------filWinon)B BBNT—Twe room*. 218 Bee- I j ___

_ MEN)B BB N T -O fflce "reom * ''abo 'vo brnkeme e) S&M Blon- Inijnlre Twin PbJlixement Co. Scolcr, S

)B BK JT—Slseping rooms. U J ■Ave. & PbOB* T S tU >

)B RB NT-D ouble a p a r tm e n t. '^ - "T S oN i ,1 A p a Phone 35W. dwelllagi

)B BENT—Nlcely fnmUhed roomi -----------light hou*ekeoplng, with balh, 45 .Cypres week. 402 Second ave. 8, ontact,

as a boy_______________iLE Y(jy MULD EASILY LOW I 'JO AND PIWO f T -^

, j l DONT I

. n * l ' l \ l / \ ^

BWS, TWIN f a l l s , ip a :tAHO, SATORDAY, FEBR

' • A •s s i f i e cp e r w ord p e r ii

t . o f e v e r y f i v e h o m e s i n T \ \

w e t o s e l l , t r a d e , b a r t e r o r (

o s i t i o n y o u w a n t o r t h e h e i ;

IR SALE-MISCELUNEOUS FORPOB 8 ALB—0 . A. C. Burred Itock '' jY in rkrrels. Phone 378W. 2OO ml---------------------------------------------------- Anto 6tX)H 8ALE—Oood young mare* aad — — f*e*, w d l broke, eadi or Urma. U /A I ono (l-B-2. 0 . A. Bailee', Holllftor,

. .. _TOR 8 A LE~Contra«l of *alo; prci- t value IKK);' Twia Pall* re*ldeuct ?' ^oj Dpcrly; will take « 5 0 . Box 072, ~'wTy rome, Idaho. _ _ p j A I

bX)B dALl'> -D ldtlow iecd whoat. is field was thoroughly rogued and . 1 ,1 . very fino quality; aample a t Twin p .* ^ ,

)J» KJevator. Telephoae 602B4.

•X)R HALB-^l‘uro DIeklow tee.l ■« t ot barhr, can use /ew ton* of '"F ,. l>ho». S 1 3 J 8 . ____ ™ ' J "

''OR 8ALE>—Apple*; good koci>er*,JUT box; brinu your boxes; two

ty while hoUM east of tliu ^ c k I'L slH'r in nigb land Vlow Add. F . I).]___________ ____________________ WANT]^ R H A L E -A fow boxes of extra J ” *® iry n].]ile«; renBonnbl.v priced. Karl

___________________________ WANX)R SA L B -W blto’LeBhorn eggi for ching, Heavy laylag itra in . 0. W.Irich, OM n t h Ave. E,

'OR 8 A L B -U av 'ing“ town. Will acll tied i-lierrie*, }>cadies, plum*, toma- s, corn Me por q t.; empty jan^.^0'! 7^ ^

dozen. Potatoes nnd onions SOc a tn w sack; bean* #1.50 ).er sack; neu ‘

:lrie *ewing machine |25. 036 Third WAN • W. Mr*. Ca

'OB BA LB-N ow DlamVnTautTuro.3, *14.00; 30x3 1-2, 117.00, Inqulro WAN Ith Pnrk Orocor)-. to per*c

—• — dress of OB BALE— 175 orrha'rd smudge Baddlfi 1; they will Bav* your fm lt. Phono Rl. . __________________

'OR BALE—An oxcepiioDally goo-l '"‘i y v i r •hole coal range; blue enam«!led, ,.vernal make; very gooo oven*; price ,,ramrtt. Inquire S41 Jaekson. ' X ?

OB SA L E -B arley . Pbone 500JH.

O B l i o U t e i n cowrj Njnable. Pbone 67flB2. . K u n > ^

OB 8 A L E -D arley ll .5 0 ~ w l. | fl7st IDAH in g hay *10 In stack- Call 203J1.

OB SA LB-Bom o Beauty and Jon- fm it.pli u> applet a t Bpaokman'a. Tele- bloom . no 560Ja. IsndKai

- pare aI. and Mr*. Somud Qtearly, agent* gf vour Baeine atoekings, known for wear- Kur»6ri( quality; priee* lowered. Phone

W. Cal| a fte r 4 p. m. OLEH

OB S A L E -T tju n of b v ^ d d ln ^^ experJao [ht 8600, K van (7) y eart old, so tleular* ilab. - Call to ( te them, oae m ilt ^rd (for b and one-half e a tt W uM ngtoa Equltabi ol honae. W. J . F tn to s, B. B. No. S.

SOBObOHBBED red low i; bred perhaagi I tboronghbrtd Daroe boar; very j n U kt ific. H . 0 . OuTtla, H aatea. Idaho tb t tx d

IB 8 iU l - B « U U .n d Merel* and pulleta. Pbooe 6S0B. KOTO'• Box 754._______________________ bring T«

3B 8A L B - 8 pedal (tleetod seedloe*.' Phone 650B. P. 0 . Box » ^ *_______________ I_______________ X X X X

)B SALB—Bleydei. trieyds*, tire i * , M ce*sori^^ W eraer's Repair Bbop, * "J

--------------------:----------------------------- I f«r"'ac

HELPWAHTEDIDY or « nU .m iia agent w inU d ^ ^ ^ lie d ty 0? Twin Falls to sell the ine J . . B. W atkins medlcinei.I*, oxtrai*ta, toilet preparation*. — -

all or apare tim e; a wonderful TO 'Tlrtun lty to get into bn d aeir for lot for '|self; w rite today for free partle- a t 744 S 1 and aample- J . R. Wntkin* Co., „ —I I . I I , M im .________________________ W TI

■ ______________________ car In ^

ON w anted to qualify for firemen, y * S ° w emon; • oxpprienco unnooeejary; iportation funlidied, W rite A. • ir, S u p t , St. Loui*.

MONEY TO LOAN .hoTS:--------------- --------------- Bownrd.

)NB T TO LOAN on modera ----------- 7llaga. A rthnr L. Bwim. Twn-

inounlaln' nn nvernpreaa and w alnut, .when used Inict, 'causo each other to roi. READ


0 YOO ON Y<?yfl W/4Y-

----------------------------- f-l/A>NT IT / ( V t'lOYW I NOTlCEP/1 ^ rWhVWHAT l-OOJE eOtT 5

KSfJ-H THlNKi I / A ‘’“ l y '«*> n 70 MYiEir* I : ‘ V . T p r ^ t'i

• THAT OONT I ------ ^ I

d A di n s e r t i o n , ^ n d \

^ v i n F a l l s r e c e i v e T h e N e w

r e x c h a n g e , a b o u t y o u r r o o

e l p y o u n e e d — O n e Q f i n t P e :

] R S A L E - A U T O M O a lL E S

OE’ S A K ^ N e w F ^ d sedan? ru 1 D l miles; n barjiain. Inquire Morril,

0 eompaax.

ANTED MISCELUNEOUS ^? A N T E ^ ^ e trimming: ' also ibbcry. 0 . A. UolloWay. B. F. D.Box 85.

/ANTED—Work ^ tbe ,bour. — ne 778W.________________________ WAOHl

rA N T E I>-6 .,d»g o r 111 k i l l . , n lk K i d ta and button boles a ipecialty. 'ne 704J. - -

'ANT, TO HEAB from owner hav- farm for atle, i ta te e u b prieo and deacripUon- John J . B laik, Idabo Cblppewa Fall*, Wi»eon*ia. *

A N TE D -D etro it br Toledo eount-lesile*; must be in good eondltion. _____ne 115, B. J . OC

to five M rt tr a e ti ia p to r td prt- - ti. AddrtM D, T ., ta re N tw »

^ T E D —Boarder* aad roomer* io r r r r r r ora home. 347 Fourlb W. Pbon- PIAUO-


ANTED — Yonr ra io r blade* topeo. W eraer'* Bepair Shop, 222-----------ad f t E . OBOZIE ■ ' ■■■». — - . . p^^no A N TEI^-W M k by tk t bear. F h o a t -----------

ANTED - Dresimaking. iaIlorin»>. " P Casto, B 2, Colonial Apts. t’honi>

AN TED -W U i make A of inU tost er*oo who ta a fnmlah pretent ad '. o f Phoebe A. BadcUff or Wm. 2 ,J if f . W rite g T., eare Newt.

W IS C E L U f lE O U S " S '

)R BALB—Contract of aale; pres a 'in n n rvalue •900; Twin Pall* residence -----------erty; wiU take WW, Box P75, H O M Hl me, Idaho. .

......... ............. 8WBBL3ily 40 sleps from posiofflce to the a t law idve paint and wall paper store. Fall*, do 4 BemlUer.-ndv.

— B. M. WAHO'B LARGEST NUBSBRIES 6,ov*i furnish salcct fm it. shade and or- 'Falla, intal troea; perennials and. small . ■ p laate; sbmb* and roset, th s t will J . B . W

a .ill tho snmmer th ro u g h ;. om eolleet •rape servlee departmeat will prt- Booau a dcdgn for the correct nlantm g A Tm

)ur home grounds. Free. Klmbeily _ cries (TNrin Fall* county), Idaho.

JlB K 8-^'{M enrw ^V f>) over”* 17Postal Mail Borrfco, I IM month; -----------rJaoce uaneecssary; fo r free par- D S. O S irs o f examinations, wrilo J . Leon- tor. I former rlvll service rx am b r) 47(i • p o d tt table Bldg,, Waahlngton, D. C. -

LMTED-Tfl do yow I*- f Q .T ,u b t n d kaliO BliliC.S « i l t o t . K n k U * tm tSkt,ix a lu lT t P a l l t M d W «n F i p t r j

------------------------------- ■No; IfiJTOBISTB, h t r t t f t t r w b ta t m .-Jo. G

yonr ear# to na for repair*, we « a r n b t f e n w t i t u t j o t t w kat U e ^ IdBd A rtaa o bflt t t . No- 6


L new pair of Roller Skate*, tke x { monofaetorod given away lo x — gg ry boy or giri In Twin Fall* j

doing two boun of pleaaaat t ' rk. For particnlare write “ O ” , X No. S< s Newa. zt X X X X X X X X X X X X X l

T O T R A D E Ni._____- ____________________ ________ No.

TBADB—A beantlfol retidenee Ne.,r 'good team of hortea. Inqnlre No.4 Seeond ave. E . Bo|

T B A D B -H I8 a n r o i r t to ir iM ,1 A-1 eonditlon for Ford ear- U. imbeek, a t'M errill Anto Oo. 250ave. N . PbWB 706.

L O S T_________ _____________________ _ bonr.3T - B 0II of bedding between Bho- ________

St. S. aad end of surfaced road. _____rd. Phono 1264. 842 Main N.

en t earthquakes in Chile caused a Kn lain* In tho Andes range to ilnk bIjooiIdb •erngo of ICO fe e t |j_ n ,p

ID TH E O L A B a m ro ADS.

lyrigbt, 1020, by New K rt Feataret)

&UT KJOWA-PA'l'S .W ill 'EVERY•rauvz 6 0 T t<j iahe i t - 4 ll

MYSTEf;si? n ------------------------


0 CflANH-SHAFT (fi A d• R — eeARwff HAS lo&T n

t , . — — iN W T lA -r CANTT61n / s tl . T ia I TAKE IT APAfl

. I ^ JO I CAN 5 £ E -

IRUABY 26,1921

P a g eW ORTH IT !IWS, Daily. Tell all loms for rent, hoii^ er Word—Phone 3 2

i issDiirAu t o EEPAiEmG

m s AUTO EBOF-rittd SptdSP I. llave yoor Ford repaired right <y Oeorge." Pboae 768W. m ird ave. &


3 rm 'B '" s U A ^ W b o ie ’ .ikaa, rye, nul, milk aad Vtoana ad. Cako* and pa*try. 2l(j Main !, N. Phone 64' “v

~ OLASB ^ ' ^ L i S i ^ ^ ^ w i n r a h ^ ' ^i work. - Moon’t Shtp. Pboat I.


OOAI8 MDUd 'ATO PHOTO 00.I fjalahtag. Oeo, Berla^ ptesdt>115 E. Mata. Pbaat m £ ■


a TDMTNO^Phone 106." L o m lie Co.


IBB TBAITErEB O O im S T .no 348. ........................................

^ r o f e i S J i o n d l

ATTOEHWBL A-^'OTBTH^Lawyer. Smith t Bnlldiag- . -

I W. OUBfcM—Lawyer, Baak * ft Btdg. Pboat M5-^ ,

b' b T w n jo i r - L M ^ e T .

a s a m Z U -B e y d fieUdtai^ ~

1LBT'*'bWBBIBT — AttMW^SW. Praetie* b all eonru Twia *, Idaho.

W o i n - U w yer, B < ^ T u d

'*,"ia*k°° ”WlBB—Lawyer. 'Fully orgaaiied Mtlos dtpartment Ofnctt — a t « and U n t Twia-FaUa-Baak 'r u t Co., Twin Falls, Idaho.

7. H B m T -B o « I, Pown BU«. -


m 5 S i ' ^ 5 5 i £ ^ 5 d r ^ S «Saaatorino in eenatetloa. Op-

It Pfrriflt Eetal Pho«e U l

ILBOAD T U B TABLB(City or Motntaia Tiat}

BMtbMmd -156-----------Dtpart e ii» a .M .S4___ =—Dtpart Oils p. a .

' w iM kem ii i .... B3—— JJX p e t-l:1 0 p. mi'

IM , • Tkpart 4:45 p. ■.

0BB80H BSAKOB TSAXVt Bosthteud

330_____Depart lt:45 p. m.HertbbooBd

a46....„— -A rr iv e 4iS0 p. a .

MAXLKAOTJ?lil. IBS at 6 «. m.(0. S3 a t aooa. fe. 155 a t 4 p. at.Io. M a tS p .D . togertn braaeb at itea. he ferefoiag ttall m ak m It rative afftetivt n d t r ei« .

I n t e f maOat abont tba regnlar eb ilaf

e it woald be lapotdble to lateh tb* mail on tbe prMite r.

Adeouat* OeftnK.KiinixL-iii>- iiriiii rhorcnl wllta DC 11 n il i1--nlMl Ihnl Iio fired atIP Mill.......... 'n l<1 to bave doabedhiillei <inil impaled blmself opoa

•..... I’linc-h. Undon.

by B«ok

^YTHING COVERfD (JP .L APAtVr 10 i>OLVH £ R V . ...............

Tfio] ' .

' boo — ’ 'HOW LdNcr

f t

I msir

I M i T ' ; i l l MS'

T a x p a y e r s L e d g n b 'A rz 'ang ;c8 to P u t T w o M o a t o W o r k od

A c c o u n tf l M o n d a y , |

Two export oeoounUDU irUl s t ^ t t work uaJltiRK Uio l>ookn of tli« Twin n F a lli 1iigt)wa}*~dlitrlct noxt UoadaT’. - {

'The> aadltora wiU renrcirn t ibo now r ly form ed.Taxpaye'ri L«a([uc, and will . )>« mplojrod and pali] for .tlieir laliori « Uy. tliat asfodintton. <

Dceiiion to . cngDRO tb r Mrvlces of f 1 arrountaoU to moko ii duM tem tlny n

of nil Ih r ■hl(jliwft/-'illitrlRt .netounti [' WIUI ruoehed followiog orKnnltalloD.Iut p iilKlit of tbo oxoeutlvo board of ths k le a ^ p . T U i nootisK nnn holit in tbo I offieu o f C. D. Thoma* 1b»1 nljjlil. When " rom)ilct«d tbe e ta tm c a t will lio |>rlntp<! for public-infopnfttloa. , • ■ i

PettrcroTQ P re a ld » t - ' {t , Al la it B ight’n mpptlnj:, whirti' wm ^

ordrred hold n( a K<'’' ' ’rnl iniiM axtpm- ^ bly whea tbe leaguo ' wai form ed' on fj

. Thuridny n ijb t , 0 . D. ThomB« wni a/ua- " - '- fd e lftlm a a of the exooulive board,

wilh E. P . W ilton .M cretary of tbe IJ bonrd. To addition to the loleelldn of V

' th tll- l» o of/leoni 'A. K. Vtitjnpore waa named p rftidon l n f Uir teajpie it- i«lf. . , , ,

Tlie f ir ll p rciident of thi*'Tax|»ay- I 'n Leagae o pc ro tu a farm nni> milr louth and oDo.mlle w.rit of lliinu'n and E ll lo ld .to l>e n competent necountnnt. The eieentlvB board l i rompoied of 12 Biemberi. W ith tboie ezceutivci iil- rtadv'm eoU oned oj offieera they o n : fl. a . MeAnlor, 0 . B. Cnrrleo, B. N. Pit- tullo, A. E . PettyRTOve, Joe M onbtll, «n II. H. Drown, B. R. Van Cott, L. a b: Ifaaien, C. B. Blibee nad Floyd Uo- D ouj^ . I

Another m eeliag of the execatlT e;''' lioard w ill.be h o l i in tbe offiee of It. Vbd Ooit OD Uondny oTeBias. Atl**^ th li aeuion a tebednle o f oetlvltlei and '■ iilani for proMontldff tbeie aetiW tlei will he worked o o i - •

Teachenf Fund »i. Rapidly Nears S

Half-way Mark );;;........-..A Illl

O o n t r ib n t io D s . t o ' E m o rji^ A o y im , O atU B B r in ir T o d a y ' s ‘T o . /

t a l t o $ 8 ,7 0 0 : - I Z

Two morr' r h rc k i wore rofplvpil up' to •t*iil iinnn today In nid nf thp Teapbera' He ! I lief fnnd. Tlinup rnntrllnitliiL' nrp nnl ll>S fnlldwi: • liKT'Variety fllnrr ...... ...................._...|lfl().on *«.1Amaljnimated Bujjnr Oo...............fiOO.nojH'l!

■ PrsTloa»lsr AOmowle<lg*d' | _0 . M. Holi ...... ’ i l O M n i j lC, B. MeMart’n ........... ........ 100 flO f I.Harry 8. Cor»lln(r ............. .......... 100,0,)i *Shoe Markot ............................... lOO.OO ■"W. H. W riebt t Som .............. IM.PO rW eitm .A u tn ......... ...... lOO.MF. P. V ftm pv___________ _____ ton.oo L” '

, Henry ?. WnJl .... ................... 100.00T^tirb & W illio n ii.......... ............. inO.HK pI junbert'W ag .................. lOOn i „ f jAllea Oil Co.................................. 100Eldridpf a o lb tn j: (U>..................... ilav-E. P. Dualap .............................. lOn.OO 'I'T. Clyde Bftcon ........................... lOO.On fit

. M \lpitie rb arm n o ’ •— ...............fitriu# * Glauber ......................... lOO.OO pAICharlo* Neely ....... - ...................... lOO.O;- f o r 'Cloi Hook fitoTP ........ .................. lOO.O.'Edward C ooper----------------------- 100.00 Oi8. M. alley * O o .------------------ JOO.OO ardE m eit ■White — ------------------- 100.00 th^ •A. Dormaa J o h w o n --------------- 100.00 JobrW. E. N l« n -------------------------100.00B. J ; O i t r tn d w ______________lOO.W H«Arthor J . P e w e y ___________ 100.00C. E . ’DiMth ______________ lOO.fhl lakeC. A. Boblneon------------------------ 100.00 « tu iA. D. Stafford ____ ----------------lOO.OO b ii t

A Bead ----------------- ------ 100,OOB. A. W o l te n -------------- ---------- 100.00 , ,J . M. M axw ell------------------------- 100.00Mr*. J ta e Beott ---------------- ---- 100.00 ,0 ; W. B lU ___________________ 100.00!|^r"DortOB B. U 0 T » --------------------- 100.00 7J. A. Orom __ _______________ 100.00 « «E L A ib to n _______________ ^ 100.00J . a B o i o e l l ------------------------ V 100.00II, A. M eC tom lpi___ 100.00Mncaoley Broo. 100.00 „EdwiD A. WQjob ------------------ 100.00C .-n . BobblflJ ------------------------ T h i?Twin y « n i N ational B a n k ____ 100.00 *'’2 ,0 J. Hahn ;_________________ 100.00Idabo SU te B a n k ---------- ------ 100.00 -------F. W. Dumke ................................. lOO.Of ^Barber Shoe C o .______________100.00Aiher n . W llio n --------------------- 100.00 JMih^r Dnjtc Co. ______________ 100.00 —

. L T). S lorf ......................

Toi.i .................... ........ t!,;oo.» |« ||» ;. ■ ■ . ----- Unl

TO Q U IET T ITLE. "fieeWnj to obU ln ft clear tUIe to por. (- y^

lain prSJerty In Tw in PnU. rouaty, Hi;rtey An'el T- John-rton lirw Ihe iliotrict pfliirt a«ain»l J . M. M at- fwm well, r ie tu lo r o f the M talp of 0. 0 . vi"it. U agle.r, and othprn. wh-. nllPRP • »«">.• I • .1 rlRht In the property.. -

' ________ .1, 11

j F U H E K A L S n f i^ r j

Fnnernl Mrvir*-* werr ro ftrtii^d al , '• o 'flock th li afternoon in llic I)e WiU >Tior1uar» fhapel. for Mnnliall Cu ip I. th e « rv ire . wpre rondutled C. Tahraey of ,thn Rrelhren rhim b.J . K. T>eWm Wft» in charjic of hnrt#V whirh waa In Twin Pnlli f fw etery. .


I'ORT W O aT H T T exaa. (/Ph-Tbc " I Chrvfotft Motor rompany of T eiaa to ''"P I"'

clfti- Bnnonn<-(sl thn l prodntlion woem ■ ),p'rMiimpd n t lU aoothwertere faelOTj:

hprr en fl itead.v dally ba -ii Mareh 1. >:.,r Thp planl h « l» e a dM fd linee No- w » 1p, w m ber.]. , •, «<*

----------- -- ■— promi>Jtn,k bn llennilk , Je oof reallo

Prinff four roatalaer*. f llf tilo f Cre*a eonrt e rT .-a iir. . ■ '

I • orer.. P I R S T MOBTOAOE ^ N 7 E 8 ^ eqnlly

MENT8., A rthor L . 8wlm^-«dT. no rlir

i ra O H I


, A T B A ^ T G A M EV S c o r e i s 6 0 to 2 6 w h o n F i n a l * ' W h is t le SoQ Q ds— O .o n te s t ,^ . '< O le a n ly S t a g e d

winning. CO tu.26, over tlir Rujx'M high lebool team, Ihe Twin PalU Me ieon - lae t nlghl kept Iheir MMon'x

t boiketbalt alato clean. Tlie ronConl wa^ n miif.'i'il on Rii|«ffl’M I'loor. Thi' Mi'lr ' o n retnm laf; to Twin P a lli tbU after-

11 Aeeordlng lo Coaeh Clint Kvuns thoI contoit U’lin one of llip rlrnnpM ani!

itwlfloet of Ihc MMon, Tlu- M ctoonf plorpil Imp lc»‘ their name throughoul,r making nn eaper.ially irln lilla tlng illvI |ilnv In thl- flml hnlf. Tnrlpr nnd Yn.t rhi'm illMingiilAhpil Ihi-iiiM-lvcn nt bui-e ki-t tnoiing and fienerni nlt nruiiiid jilay0 I.<'wl.« Omi-r, prlnrijml <if tin- Kili-ii9 M:ho(>l. offirinli'ij-] m>e Twin Viillr »<«m-wllK'it-li>J{im

bprlv nn Tiii'mliiy for n [{amp wilh Ih • bleli »rho(.l tenm of tbal i-lnn'. K ei I'r iday (iiii] Hstunlay thp rliNirlrl «oii

, fm-m-p. liiiirnninpMl will bo held in . Twin I-'allii I-.' -Ipfiile whiif l<-um "bull , rfw t’iii'nt Illl- ronfi-ri-iii-i- n t . M««pn\v . Ihln uprlcg.

iiiEiiiil' •M w o n i ___ 1

E s t im a to d C o s t t o F a r m e r s o f j S o n th S id e t o b e M a c h L e s s t

O o m in j 'S e a s o n '

B intLKV. Idahi (Bp<-lal),-«<v.rr- ', tnry nf the Interior John Barion Pnyn.- ‘. haa offielalh* aprirovpd pulillr iinilet-<i '

fnr Ihl' mnlli ifilo iiiimpini; illvlnlnn 'jo f Uie Mlaldokjt pm jprt. und ir whirh I, th r i-liarce for water for llip KPimnn rt >(1921 hn* bppn reduppd from t l In (10 ijfen ta per acre foot for all w nlrr inpil *1 on or iipforp .Tune !>, nnd frotn $l.SO ti- « iti .n o p.-r nrrp fool for nil wafer de> *llvprc.1 iiflpr .luno r, nml on or before 'I

iH i'plnnbiT N . 1I A npn- fpnliin- linn bepii inlrodurpil, iit thp tiii'P'iilIiin (>r tbp; dlrprliirii of tlii< Itiirlpy irrlsrnliim d l i l r lH ’In |>ro- viiliiiif i-lipaner w ntrr nftcr fleptombi-r 1.". Till- |iiiblln nnllci- fixe* the iirif--; fnr thin wiiltr nt 00 priif* |ii-r iirre foi-l liinlpa<l of ll.Nn oa Innl .venr. Tin- niin- imiim' rhiirifp will In- #2 pi-r np'rc iliirUi;' IH2I Inxli-nd i>r «2.f;0 no In' 1020. How- i-v-Pf Uiix miniinuin rnn Ik- uxeil lo »<• , riire waler under thp nnrt- foot rnten J M tb a t it doen nn t inprrnie Un* PbarROi ,

.i-iilllnpil nliovc, . 'II t i l i-*timnt.-d timt tbp-.p rharupii f i. ' I"

11121 will rnl»e n totiil nf »2,7.' jk-. ' (HTI- MX r()iii|inrpd willi niiiirojlmrvtply : * t. |0 IUT nrri- whirh wnn rni*ed bv Ibi- ,1* 11120 ft«p»*mi-nl. ”

I J y a l i 0 r « > - v i i i 9 i i | ; ;

Bcportod IUt -K. Vnn lipiiirrl in ru ported dnnifproimlv Itl n t bln Imme on rpnib avi-niie norih. <n

PaUMit E o co w ln g -M r.. A. ,1- Myi; 'J.' )f Jorutne. Vim nniii-rwfnt a major o)i- ,j» •rntion al a l<iri\l hoipllnl on Wednpf. lay* in reported Improving nlendil.v.

Bobids Tokao to* E oip lU l H. c. J‘' ‘ •rhflde, whl. rp tljp . nr, Third nveni'.''Knl, baa,lii-en taken tu .n loenl honpKnl ’or inn operation for npprndlriiin.'

Onest a t jobaaon Homo-MrH! 'lIo w -i? ‘’ .rd M. Allen of Bnrle.v in vinlting o w r l ' ' ' ’’ he week end nt tbp home nf Mr*. .T.

• — ■ RU«H fltnnu to Twin n iU - r l l . M. Prllum

rhn moved In Iliibl two .venrn iii'u tn [y|| ake a ponillon in tlu- lnnd offire. bni elumed lo Ihin ritv and in oecupyliig i l old renidenre nl nSS Pourlh nvonup u t . _ Tb<

Lloenied to Wed—A mnrriasc llrcnfl.- -an iMued Ihit mnrtiing (o Engone- errivnl Ileaib and Tliclmu Morgarcf .’enver. Iwitb nf Bnhl. T her were mar- ed o t lOiHO oVIoek Judge 0 . P. iivnll In probalo eourt phnmber*.

O aeit« from lo v o —Mrn. Karl Poll hni I hpr uncil* b rr mint. Mrn. Robert iillerlon of Iowa, ami her r<iualn. M r . ■

L. Mon(«^eimrr of Elbcrton.,Wflnl,. lip%' nn- cn route lo Ihelr nomen ftflrr , m'nnlh’n vialt in California. ,,^^1

• --------- n

■ P e r j o n a - l i s i '**• ________ J n lte

- r— Hone It. ir. Moise In in th r rit.v (mm I'orn10 on buninew. lj{ i l<nllp M Tnylor of llain.-n rrg ..- , ed in Twin Falli .vmtrrdn.v. / :iydp K. niai^t arrived Pridnv Ym..,rley for n abort vinit In Twin Fall*. i itr. and M n. If. C. nrorJi nrrived m I^wUton ve»trnlnv for n b rio ' L a S it.V J . Hurl.-y of IWiw- U Ir.inn.n-llti;;Ini-w In Twin t’nIN ami neighbor towns.

, H. Rir!mnl«)n nnd K. T,. Rrvnnt fr„ lli fb r r itv from Cn^tb-ford lookln,-!

•r liiinlnenn nff.nlr*.. lev iIiM Almn Brnnit U nprndma tl.e „ f {h ‘k rm r» l th r hnmc- I'f Mr. nnd Mrr- rial k (limkill al Hurlry. • ei't r(Iw l.nurn Pl.iod mid Mi«. Olady- fn , , jnp'r of Hrrcer tire in Twin Fnlj* (-,n iprnd Hattiribiv nnd Sunday. iu|iini'>r. and Mr*. N*. Havi* nf Kimbcr tonlg wrYi- amoni: thp vitilnrn In Twin ^.nmp

lln v.-ntprdpv iH-tween trnin*. ' T ,riiitrnfl' Dunn of Huhl wr<* a liunlnon ,.„nni ,itor In Twin Fa ll. Fridny. Mr. Dunn i,ri„-, I relum ing from a trip to Bol«i an-l till 1 ipjrd n ff l.etwren Iralnn. mncr

■ I ■ ■ I flnnrSUIT OH MORTOAOB. ,,iay..

V'or 'he piirpo i'eT r’ iirlnglnR al>oiit lilpment on a ebattrl m ortgaje. nSHl ba re Iwen Riven u w n r l ty for •*

omiiaorv note of JWOO, J. a Keel. W Otor, hfli enlen-d in ll In the d litrle l not i r t ogalait 0 . A. Laird. Vivian n.inn. Ird , bU wife, and M anhall 0 , Con- it w, er. • H b la tte r U eald to rlalm an dent il ly In property. Included in fho r e n i rlgage g trea by the Laird*. clreo


“iTsMllir^ PLEiSESmGiEOf;al -------

"Oarden of the Shah" Draws Capacity Honse and Proves

Sth-rlng: Entertainm ent

U No home eomjiaiiy h a i ever beon ae- I'* rorded Iho heart^f reeepllon lha l tbe rat IiIkI> (ebool glee e lubi reeeived a t.th o l<-; l.nvi-rln« Ihcalr,- lo*t nlghl. Thr'.M- "■ rmion j«on Ibp ureaeolallon of "Tlio

Garden of Ihe B liab", a muileal eoai- i-dy of eilraord laary n a r l t botb a t to plot, lyric* and nu iica l worth. The thpalte wnn filled lo eapaelly lim it, and

Ijj.' applaiiiM- for the perfommnce nnd Ihe . porfnnnern w aa .iu iU lned throughout, y . Tho Individual part* were worthily

handled, tbis bi-lng eipneially true of Ihc principal imrl*.

Tltp mu*ieal jiroduelion w ai given in uiiili-r tbp diri'Ctlon o f Carle II. Ollr, ll. Iii-nil of tbi- vneal training dopflrlncnl X n f th e liiKb nehuol. M lii Mar^- G ibbrni ii htid rhnrgo of Ibi- drilling fn ipoken i„ piitt», Min* Winonn Kundquiat bad ill rhnri’r of tbii doneei..w From nlnrl to tho drop of Iho curtain ■

Ibl- play earried on la lively fnibion, I and witli profeisUnal fininli. Tru-, I thi-re wan lome display of ncrvouincM nl thp bi-ginuing, but tb ii pa«aed ai till- plnv ]irorceded.. Tbe alnginn, bolb

Dan lo rlioru* nnd ainRr<- pnrtn. wn* no( nnly well dune luil proved conelusively ] tfrarThp bich neltonl ha i lujmr voealisU of rnrc qunlifienlioni. Minn Vpra Cook,

.* MIm Ogereltn Murray, Mils Mary “ ironti-n, Lawrence Sizer, Willard Den.

tnn, Dale Htnrr, Donald Fivnn and .Mprk-' Ayurn, ull principaln In thp eu*l d of purl* gitve paaaing oxcm plifiealiou s

J. of ilip phararfer* tbey repreienied. Tho „ , , rborua flibtil every ri-quiremeut to a i

nearly pprfei-tion oa coaid ren»nably be ,i t-xperlcd. Tbo general cbaraelpr o f tho

•ll pprfomianre demonstniti-d inloffae dra- p yf mnilr and vuenl iluily, ftlonj{ wilh pro- n10 found and carneit drilling. To thoae n .il in ebnrgo of the produelloa m uit bu |.

arrordi'd hiifhrrt praiae for brlnifing w -. nboiiro iie of tho l» i t plnv* ici'u in g. ■0 Twin Falli.

— = — :i3 IIMIi-.d by Mr«. K, It. Willi*ini .

, Trlpphonp S 'r CTl.r Fnitiiluhllv i-liil. mrt witb Mrn.

L. K. Bnibidny i,u Frldi.y aflernonr., Thp lun- wna MHint witb Iirldge. Mom. Cc • lii-M prevn l wrn- Mr-dnnirn H. R. Bar- , bpr. Ilol 0 . Him-. P. W. Ilroiinueh.* I.’.

11.. KreiiRel, W. II, KldridKc. M., Mllfhi-ll. Kdwnrd Co.iper nnd W. T, • ., b-Hllr. fliipntt of Ihp rlul. wero Mr*. ,it

11.. W, f )niipli.-k; Mr*. W, H. Rtni.lev ,Ip IIII.I Mrn, Lcminrd. ' ’ ' wl

Th.- Slar Hiiplnl rlrrli-.will m rrt nrx- Ko Mniidiiy al llu- hiiiiii- of Mr«. C. A. foiKiiir., '.a-; Fifth nvi-iiiii- ?nM. vrith i l r n e«lI'M'v. Mra. II..1IK nnd Mr-. I.ebmpr n* ’ n->«i>,l»iil hn»ti.*ir*.

Mi-Milirr- nf tlip Hiijhlniid Vipw rliili gjt <n trrln iiin1 liiialinmN nt ihi- lionip of din Mr. luiil Mr^ Aiibr.-v llondorann. Wed- nin np><lny i.vpnlni;. Tin- riNimn were beat:, (nil tifiill.v ilprnratrd in tb r nnjimial rnlorn, ,)[n the nffnir lipiiig given in honor of W nihimjlon’n I.Irthdn'v, C.nmea nppr-i- i.rliiU- tn Ihl- nreanion w rrr played fol lowed bv n dplijfhlfiil hrournm ronnin. . i . InK of I, pb.no -llin l.v Mra. Hrndrrann " » n rrnding bv I.iirlHu Fnulk, nnd n piano <> nnd violin i'UipI l.y Mr«, Fnnik nmi Mr. Glbnnn, In the nl.nenpi- n f thp preai' " di-nl the vire pn-nldpnt. Mr*. I,<Hinnrd.K«ve n vrry Inlpreatinn tnlk, A dell- L _ eiom liuirhi-ciii wnn.nrrvi-d In about .'-O " f l RueM*. _

M IN IS T E R ’S F A R E W E L i

W IL L B E S A ID S U N D A Y' ’ --------- met

Tbe B«v. W. A. Moors to Give L o n Roo Pulpit A ddronei H a n Tomorrow erp(

Tomorrow Gip %»•. " . A, .Mixirr whn hnn brpn pnalnr i.f Ihi- li.rni Chrl* fiaii rhurrh for thi- pa*t tbrei- 'year/, will roneludp hln work in th i- ronimiin' i^^yi itv. Hin laal iprmnn will bp pri-nriied |u.*i tomurrnw niehl and wlil be in the natnrp nf a' farewell mrnnagr lo tb ; „ » i. ronrfrPgntioii. lli- will l,r aurreeded £ hrre by ihe R.-v. \V. \V. Burkn of Beal T ripe. Nrli. fliic Inltrr thin week nrrejit- ■d n rnll ln.iied Innt 8undity nnd !" ex- »■„? |.rrted tn ri-tx.rl nbout April I.

niiring tbe Rrv. Mr. .Monre*- pnnlor- “ itp b rrr. Ihe Chflntinn eburrli rongrr- .■ntiiiii l.n- ...... . iiirri-.i-rd nl.niil ■J-'ln. *'• 'nu- l.ll.lp nr1,i.nl 1u.« -bnwii an nvpmcp iltendnnrp of iH-tivi-m 100 nnd J.IO m rhtonda.v, ROE


.a s t • Clrcnlt Game of Season will be Played on Local w nj°

Oymnasinm Floor

rriinii;bt III.- Twin Fnl'* Amrrlrnn I'’*'.' .'Iflnn '•■,.|-krll.Bll trmii wHI nii.i-i Rnr- ■V in tbp finnl Li-gion lene.io gnmr , r Ibc .eninn on tlu* Inrol floor Ppe- al effort* nre being mjdi- tndny to ■t n mnnntrr rrnwd o f •'pert/ilor- nut .r Ihl* Hit. K'*'"’<’,iiit..in l,avrnd.T rPl.nrln Ihi- lo.-nl

|itnd in |irlme ron.litlon for |h r irn nf “ mlBht. nnd tiioiieh rx[>-<tinK n hardm e 1....... .. ronfidenn- thntwin Fnll* will pni. tbi- lopir rnd of the ,.unl. Tbprr I- ron.|d(-rablp rivnlr^- I-Iwrpn th r Iwn «<iund« nnd a k irn11 I- lnnkp.1 fnr. Thr- rnnlr-.t will |.. ‘ nerd on th r hUh -rhm.l. pymna-liim ' • nnr, wbrn- nil loral gnmi-* hav.- ).fp i la.vnl Ihl- wa-nn.


C0K0BS8I0KB IN Miunco S e d MEXICO c r r r , (flV-Japaae*e bavp Onraj

o t been granted valsable oU coneen- li inn* on tb r ' wi--trm rna*t of Mexiro, a a l l ( wa- drrltvrrd IflM night nt Ihp prr^l- ta Ihi entiol offloeK' T bli ita teauD t, w u a Jacob ecolt o f rrmtsri which bavo been in (Iloud Ircolatlon here' tbe U«t few dayi. ■ W«n


Jovial KildeerIV ia Addition to” ‘ ' the Harbingers

IL If lOltATOBY h u b in g tr , of *I V I .(Mrled arriving hero from

r the H uth land.■nie- lotcel, aeeordlng lo te lw ,

‘®' iihooic eomniunicaUon- to Tbo be Now*' weother departmenl, i i a ho kibleer, whicb wa.i eecn right In

the heart of lown th il momln.?. ■, ■ Till! bird In of fhe plover fam.

ily and when Ibo fira t call ofwinter aounds i t inlgmtes on

to awift pinion toward SonUi A n- be erica. I l i i about 10 inchci nd long; grcyiah brown above ,nnd bo w hile ' below oad ho* tw o | it. blnrk band* on Its neek and c iy breast. . ' ,of • W otrh for bim,. ‘ ‘

Tolling a now atory o f Jprlng’n ** cn arrival tho lompemturo ellmbed * ;r, .to 54 dejtreea for blgb, and did v nl nol recede far In the froat belt.Ml Inat niitbt.' , . »;d Predietinu for Sundhy is fair. Jiid ^ ■ _____________ __ «■

^ ------------- • ♦ l^ '

1 1 BEGIN D R B .

E i i M i m iV D is t r l o t . B o a d s O f f l d a l i ' A n . i

n o n n c e S c h e d o le o f W o r k ju]

y .- t o S t a r t . «J. » — ■ ' 'D '.] O ff ic e n 'o f tho Twiu Fail* hlghwny | ; ll d iit r l r t today announced lha t begin-,)„ Ul ninga noxt Mondny a nyalcroalie lebed- er ® uie of roaa u ro m n g will Ijo put Intnjbi

o|)cration througliout Iho entire 3o; dragging dlatricl*. I t la explained th a t. D>'

° if thv weother cootinun fa ir Iho tu rn - 'th *' pike* will bo in good condition, gener-!>' ally ipcaklug, fo r thla work- I t is aln.< Hi le nnnouneei! iba t in many ict-tioni fanii-!nh 0 ITI bavo already ita rted conditioning a t (r work on the higbwnyi nnd nre m akiagito n Rood progTM*. j

lu mo*t Innlnnrr*. the farmcrt nr.- tn anid to lie eniph.yinit home-made ina | on rhineryi priurii)nlly wooden drags. |.),tb i rarrv (nil Ih li labor. Tho d iatrirt lie i'tb i li doVj-n rx lra drag" nt Ibe Inrnl rn inhw jl" plnnt Ihnt mnv l.e borrowed by otlier». . wbn rnre tn ^ on the rnadi, ’ \Q{


N A V Y P O S T C O N F IR M E D t a

CoL Theodore Boowrelt. Son of Form'.; er .President. Accepts Place a* Aa |

/ . aiitottt 8*cr#ury : ’

• A l'O rSTIN’K. Fin.. (/P)—I>cfin 'rn - Ite nuuoiiarcmenl waa mnde bv Preal-lrtm drnt i'b 'rl Ilnrdlng todnv thnl lip hnd 8p< aplp.trd Kdwin T>cnl.y of Detroit for rrr. .r 'fu-inrv of Ihe nnvy, nnd Thcodore'tioi l.'ooapvi-li. M.n of tl.e former prpnldent.i Iclc for o-IM nnt npprelnry. l^(.|li hnve n r ] eeptcd. I-oei

Tlip niinnunfement folkiwed n lnnj;,fioi '.•onfptrnrr Ik-Iwcpu tbe presidenl.eloct, I’oli and Mr. Denby a t wbleh Iho nnval pro-1 Rrn g ra m 'n f the n e x t ' administration w a i ' I< dinruai<i.d iti i l l poailblr relnlion to th o |" ''’'' movemrtil for world'disarmament. De- tniln of. lli<- dceiiioM reached were nol 11”' ” ' dinrloied bu t Mr. H arding inid after-, wnnl Ibnt he wontrd to lee the p r e i - ;™ (inl iinvtil building program earriod ; ahead until thero bnd.been nomp i l e f i . ' . J ' nit<- dinnnnninonl agreement. ip V

In uok ing knowa tho iclcetlon o{ U r. q" ! I)i-i.l.v. Mr. Ilnrdlng anid tlie Roonovolt|“ ^ appolntoient olio bad beon talked o re r i,., ' nl tbeir nn fercnce and tha t, i t b a d '- llip npprovnl o f tha proapectU'e secre-:

n t y odd th a t I h ive bad a v e r y |g jn |.|irtu."l wl-li tl. rail to the asaiilant ucretnrynhip o{ ^ o aavy, both oul of respect' for hla capaeiljr and boeauio of tbo M alim ealal eoaQection, Oolonol m n Tlim .lorr Ron«uvi-Il. The aolection hnimet with Mr. Denby'n approval aad M r.;___ ;Boosovcit niKi has snid be would no- I e r p t” i

.A-ki-.| nl>oiil Ihe naval huilding pro-; - _ . grnm, Mr. Hording continued: n p \ i

“ I hnvc aaid lo auch members of th e ' , j . -riintp und houso naval commlltoei o j ' , l, hnvo asked mo Uial I wonld be very re-1 w* luctnnl to auspoad our eiyiital eonitrue-:Ilou progrnm until we are in agreement jOIlPj witb Ihe other na lioni on a plan o f, act llian n a m ea l." . . . . m e

I t waa a s asalalanl Kcrplnrv of U-i-j lur layy. th a t Ibe f im Theodore B o o te v e ltiin it ' i m n ttracled natioaal ullention nnd, t . , luring Ihe Wilson administration Iho' lame poii has been filled bv Pranklin “ “ ). Roo-rvrit, 0 rouilu of the form rr /— iresident. j .

iO B B E R S I N F U C r F A T A L L !

IN J U R IE S ON M A IL C L E R K > 0' ' — I . FOI

tandlta a t P lttiba rgh Make Eacap* v w it t Two Poncho* Bellerod to Oon- , nrooc

ta in Mnch Money

PITTSm iRGH, Pa-, L Mr-! FOIliillough, aged 2«, a govrrnmpnt rnll-,unfuri rnv mnil rlerk. wob found benten nn jkrcpit i.narinii- at th r I’enn-vlvanln rnilronl ■ •; Inlion, bv fi'llnw emplo.ves a few m in -' li-» U'fon- the irnin wn* icJiediiled t o / - ■nvo unli.n -tation for Waxhington. e ^ = 'n. Two poucbr* of mall are reported iIm Ioc. - IOi-ofsi' V. Craighcoil. po*tnl insperlor

tid MM'iilloiigh while a t work np r.'. intrrrd mail in bln ror Wa* nttaeked y band it, who sln irk him down wllh enr rnupling p in: He raid Iho itolen

lail pri.bnbir would run tn a high fig-

Nn tm re of tbe robber* hait been m n d .', !MrCullnugh dird in n hoapitfll her.v

ll* afternoon. i


MONTEOfiE, Cblo, W V A mob ofj I ore than SOO miners tmathed down ’ le door to the Gamy cooaty ja il ot a rty , Oolo., la s t n ight and lovaded the! ifl la t a » tt« n p t to lyneh Billy Noglp;i % miner, wbo bad eoafesied, oceordiag^ P

. Ihe Iheriff, Uiat bo had kiUed Pred ' ncobi, inperintendent o f Ihe White jood mine .at Ironton and Hindmoreh UL


HEIsiilTTi m M i B E i i -

O ff ic ia l I n j u r e d I n s t i t n t l b n j,, w i n 'U r g e R e le a s e i f B o n d s ]

a r e B e t o m e d____ _ 1

' SEOAXUB, BL, (/p) — W UUaa * Dalton, «tu> nb b a d tba K ortben i ' T n u t compaajr o t OUctco of 9J72,- 000 to L iberty boads T tortdsy , w u ” civfani t t H erw oith, 28 tnllet Dortlx o f b m , toeoTdlaf to Jock D n i m c ostttb le, to d t j . E o bad a ll t a t 9G00 iroTtb o f th e bonds In )' Ws grip. ^

I CniCAQO, Northern T n n i J'company, from which,Wliliom Dallon, i, 17, took #772,000 In Liberty bond*,,will d urge Iho polioo to reloaao him If'; bo wili roturn the locurltles, W. S. Miller, vice preildent, laid today. '. ,

" I will help him to ilralghlen out , and-get eottled baek in the right road.I f bo will bring back tbo bonds a t b onee, wo will urgo the oity offiria li to

^releiLM. him,” Mr. Miller eaiil. '" W o A Iwill (io all we eanto help him.” |

Two elow* In the flight of Willinm Dalton. 17 yo an old, bonk clerk, who

, e ioipcd from the Notlhem Trust bank ' yealerdav w ith 1772,000 in Liberty -bonds, tho largest bank robbery In i Chicago'« hhioTff were being iraeed jby Iho police today., Tbe youth wbo Tbur»lny night drove I up to a garage in Waukegan, a north- | I cm niiburb, and asked -to’ leave h ii au- I tomobile all nigbt, w u Identified *4 ,-

.:DaUoa. He drove north ' tbo next . morning- I*revioualy a youth nniwrr-

lin g bis deseription had offered lib - ^ erly bonda in payrornt fo t an antomo "I

j li ie a t n Cliipogo sales, agency. • - ■ Investigation of Dalton’* home life .[and o m rla le* threw nb ligh< on tbe •• ithe fl. polieo »ald.' Hln rbum. Evert Dovale, a page in ilhp nmn,- bank, said he nover talki-d . I About g irli, aprnt moit of h ll evenlags ^ a t a’ Y. M. G A. nchool .ond appeared

itn like .b ll work n t Ihe bank. nI Tbe onndo, n f the fourth iMue. werr 'trnipornry e ertifln itr-, without rnuponi ,ond I.ank offirloln said he wrapped them in a brown pa|>er and tucked

Uhem undrr bin nrm when he wenl oui ;ii . luneb T hnnday.


Im pon lb llltr o f 'A cU erlng P ro le to rlft ’ Control 1* B r U a c e d In 'Many

Q n tite n

VIKN'NA, yp)—Oenetol rmulemnn- linn of l.nl*licvj.lm mnrked tlin pro- ri.i-«llngi of Ihe inlernalionol aoelnli-t I rtinfiin-ni-p. In w-ision hore tod iiy r" I 8p<-akohi from many rountries ovinep-l " rorognilinb 'tb itt pre.v-nt world condi'-' tionn'rniikt-'lhi' tnnk nf iphioving-pn.- Irlnriat rniilroi virtually impoisible.

A Runinninii dplegntr declared lbi.1 -ocinliam would aot bave to Intomn- ' tional wi'iipnn iu the easl and weat If . bolahpvum wnn inln.duced in lls 'p ro - Rrnm. -

I t W.IH di-rlnrod Ihol bolshevism would only wenken th r Inl.or mo«-- nirnt, 'whlHi. il was nnerti-d. muni do ju-nd upon revnlullonory aociollam.


CHICAGO, (/p)—Puneml aprvlrfa foi [.yon Cobb,-'of Boise, Idnho, son of 7nlvln Cobb, publisher o f 'th e Bolap lla.te*man, nrp to be held nt .T p, m. , oilnv in the chapel al Groteland crm- ■Irrv. Mr. Cobb died here ye-tordn- n A hn-pitol n fter n longlhy illnen*.'

Stock bnttemallk. le ner unibi-, 1 W ag your contalnnni. Sterling Crejn" Ty/~*dT.


— --------- ^ ------- ------------1 t l

A M U S E M E N T S • I________________________ - _____I «EM—"Ouee to Every W omaa” , l t t ^ . S riag.Doroth}' Phillips- tlso Topics e f ^ the Day, Pathe Berlew and Screen , M a ^ n e . . ' ' ;

RPU JJU M -Tw o feature TandOTllIe , b act*; also fotopUy 'tnd comedy rlo ti - ' m m elodraaia,'“ ]Udie P o b ' i .A dteo " lures from III* Circus L ife ." .. . t a )AnO —D orothy Dalton In "G uilty of b l Ixive” ; also eomedy ta d Pathe Newt. h

............... r - ^ - | . , -R ,

Q l A J j l f i o d


F m ’ ^ U ^ o n t r a c t of m Iv- ‘j.n ',- I value 1900. Twin I'alln residrn.-'- opcrty; will lake XUO, Box 072.

FOR R K N T -^ irec ''fino front roeir-, furnUhod. Suitable for ligh t'huuv - cping, « 5 M a in W e tl . Phono 271R, —

hX)ii SA LB-RurTTaeed poUfoca. .1 * Heatl.v. Phone B7HRI. 1


COAL (Nibtey-Ctiaiinel



.SETTLBB8. Tbo onmial clecliou of diroetor* of liio Balmon lUver' Beltlora Aasoriatlon wiU bo beld iVid^v, Mnrch i, 1921, nt S:00 p.' m., At tbe followlcg place*: i Berger School House for Towasbii.i IM S ; iM ti; 11-17 for 4 dirofltors; Uo: lister School ilouiu for Towaihipi IS­IS; 18-10; 12-17;,13-10 for 3 ilireclorji! Jlogerson;- Idaho, for Township* H -IS; U-iO for 1 dirK tor.

B. M. BEAUCHAMI*.- - . Bocretory Salmon River

Settler* Auoeialiun.“dv. .

■■WABNINO.’*To nil ownorn and drivert of uo tcr

v e Q ie ^ : '' Lie«nies are. now due nn.l I'oyabls a t tho office of tho County Aiacssor. IJponse. plolos must bo op

giod for and on alt con opornting bi' areb 15th. Moke your application * promptly and take no cboncN. I’eriont.

chcvkn W neeepted.H. CLAUD STKWAIST,

ndv. , . County As»(«»or.

No love neenes ure permitteiV lo be sbown in the moviea In Zion City.

.W h y no t h a v e y o u r la s t y e a r s

s u i ^ y e d and r e p a ire d ?


B r a 'o 'u H i' A rt ' Needlework ood supplirs of nil k lnd* -w e-do G ttapiag.

Beautiful Juvenllo-Supplie*.A ttrae tire th lc i;^ ;* /'S to rk Show-

— Art Speciaify Shoppe—aim s. B. b . BBOWN

2nd St. West---------B tck of BUey's


T h e B a t t e r y

M i n u s H a l f

t h e

W ^ d r i n g P a r t s

^ U te a W 'i n d a t k R in tb o W 8 M T b c i id U d I tu b b e r B « t- t o y s m « M in t a y bktterf—

th cce fs oDc d iO erpa ix . W ood t rp^m m wmr o o t) T h re a d e d S t A b c r . b a i a t t e o u tb i t a t b s b « ttx f) r e M fy tk o t .

T b a i d e d . R o b b e r b , . a c k l p iw r f i i x i a t p c n c tu w ' o r c a r t o B iM . I t i s o M o f t f a B t U o p d n t m tk s tbb good b a t t a y i t B b e t te r . Y o a H f io tf*I t f a tb *K a b b v B a C te ty .

Electric Service SlatioiiJ O a E . SHAVBK

l e i 2nd,A re . K , Twia Falls, Id t.

- - ^ P b o D e 16-—

m a t dBatteriesA

L , ■ —


TWI>W I* 3. HO. S13 ■ ~

f® Si i i i p lES l t f B E lllli,

K e w .y o r k C e n t r a l T r a i n P / u n g . mes In to O e r a l le d M ic h ig a n S

C e n t r a ) C a r s a t I n t e r s e c t i o n f ‘ -

. a t P o r t e r , I n d i a n a ' 1

H E A O L I G H t i i R E W A R N S £

B U r iV O N E J ^ C ^ P H .C R A S H S

^ hM beiw reeaTer*d tod*y from Iho wwek n Jg it wt'jB thfl Caiudian M d

leroM tb« iatenee- *«? Mlchlffan Cantral c an

, M » a 0f e o t tb y lAcra rlgbl •* , Open

M i»o> Block 'Tlio MJcfilgan CcntrftI train hud m iu .

ed bloeV . i s j a , « Jd ,0 );r w ra V ll,” it “ "'1 had beon ilgulled by ths Aato- «/

M It came to n i l aerM i J

•M oguraw pped In OtmJj I * ponJ Till' .Nov^iork Oentn.1 mogul lecumc'.' .i,J^

« ilh IJ eloud of duit tliHl w itnMjci llk 'l )„7m«m-d ta n„ „ p j« .b n . „'!v, J ?rMl p ^ n R m . w «e enrrlfd ...............l£>comoti»fl M d burled bendnlh I t J

- I mtlw ard tl«i «» tJ» u n d CawdlaH I r a l n . i f l i r Tliclr cAra «flr« ti6< mueh damftgea. The j | U | Nrw York Irnln w«« bound for Cliieosn,; _

B U tsaesta %i v* rtin « f]A «»at«nont by Ib»ereiun J . C. t 'o o k j . f

on duty a t the crosninj’. iloclnri'd ihu,’ I j.loek two rnllc* aw«y waa lot nijalnil] tlu- Mlehignn Ccntrnl irftin wlille t h o 'w ^ ' , trnek wa* left d e a r for tl.c No«- Ybrkl*®®'^! Ccniral train . BaKroad offieiali a t t(ioI Am<ipcho cf Hie wrcck Mid EnRincw W. r . l ------ itongf o l Jaekion, illeh., wbo w a p c d ; unliurt, dednrtd bo had received a clear I

.ilgnol and had.ehcekrd it wilh his fire. WAB n a n . Hfl loft today for h li homo. < nti- Iat

All exeoft the two b a ^a g o and mnil <''»crcc car* of tho New York Central train, maincJ upriRht, allhouRh b ill of the rroodea toaehet o t tho Hlehl/^nn Cin- trol train wore BcattfreJ for fifty;"^™ ’* ya rd* . PsMongflra in tho four eoaehea':?” '' of Iho Mfehlgan Central tra in behlml'* * the tw o , death u r a wero unhurt cx- eepi for (ho *bakoup, and a lt i>( lli<~— — pnnwnRcra un tbo Now York Ci-nlral ^ c»fftpcd. W

U o rt 'Wonndj i s Haftd IFor DO T tm a tbo t r a lJ m d of/)c3alji____—

oould BUlftn, alm oit'O il of Ihc drad ] taken to Iho litllo morgue ftt Clicnicrton,’ Jn fjj

. 8cro»a thn track i from Porter; roecivod thiM tholr fata) w ogndi’Iij^tho head.’ Some*

tC o n t l t i^ M

S M f i l l i i y ' =

^ l l l S l f M l l l l i i r a

Brief is FDcd In Snpremo Court . by WjBconaln and 41 A s- i •

Boclatos !■ g

w A 8 u iN 0 fro N ''( /f^ n r rv .. iid itv ,.s:th f tran»porf»Uon net. wai attacked ^ liitlnf In ft brief filed fn tbe nuprcmo <«urt hy 4i (ta te i nnd defended hy. 1 '-t.iinacl for fho rnltwnv*. ' . n '

The w it. tbo nr* t o f levcral flmlfar! ^ imoi to rra rb t ip b J^ b n t rourt wof ‘ ^ filpij by Ihr u la tr of WiKoniin. but the ]**“’ iillomry* urnprnl and railw ar nnd lU il-'.'if. uHlflfi'!! roinmlPi»lon« of 'll other, sliiti-i wrrp permitted to bflromr p a r tln

Oral nrRument will bo heard lomr time thin week If tho court move* HARI tliroHch- 11* nolendnr with the normal .

^ 0 brinf tlcfM rrd-thaf a* nnw nit- miniilerrd Ihr act, by renlcrtnjj all n n v rr ovrr rnfe« In Ihf Intcralnle pom- mcwe fommlninn, took ftWaY from the •Ifttci ri(tht* ipc riflca lly irtc rvcd t o ! ) , , ” tt-''ni b r th r frd rra l rnnitlluHon. , .

Thr pmvUinns for a Hsrd Tftnm on I“, ", r.-jiln-flf ii'vr^imrnt w u raade the ba iJ i I ''’'" ’-

fcr nltflrk n« "nnoeonnmi'c and *"„^rnn»titlltlnnal.’ ' •'■''Ivf i

Kn'phnili nlrn wa* dirrr'pd to tbe to '■ <iii‘rrm rnl thnt th r fomml*lnn. group Tl“‘

w n-ra l rortd* toaether nnd raaki* n»tM "hick thnl wnn'd yirld an ncirreifotc fi*rd »*cht, return to nil mnd* In the trroiip; Thi>. '" 'i wn« nlleged tn plarr n "don ld r bnr • Tam d r n " on nhippcn in .th a t ll compelle-1 Hnrldi them to luppoH "p o o r a n d 'w o rth ien furnlni ronda" n< well a t thote which rendrr^1 brtter M tJ ra a le »em e«. ' • : > ------- h r jpft


M FA i F A l^osta^icanArmy

Surrender Averts _ War with Panama•anaman Ohargo d’Affaires in

Washington Announcos a ■ Change in Sitnalion

WABIIINQTON,’ (flV-Thrratcn:, cd war belfrcoD Panam a and Ootta IJico woa n r tr tcd early today with ' tho turrendor of tho Cotta Bican PY( army in Coin, according to word re- . c ilred here by J r E . LefeTrc, th« I chargo de'affulroii o f hio Panaman i legation. . J

Mr. U fevre cnilcd on,i8flcrolary f of Slnto Colby and lufomfid him ‘ ot the changeil a ipcet o f the litua- ’Uon. Tho legation d ltpatahci, whiro . MAIgivbff no detaili. Indicated tha t tho , Coita BIcan force# had capllulated U in lbe proarace of tbe PanoniB vol­unteer army which m anhrd 'out to ,v mrot them from David, b tho pro- vinec of Chlrlqul. W h e th e r/ ijh t- Ing occurred w ni not ita tcd . here

ontest for Batum fiT Br'mgs Soviet and Turks to War Brink


IBDlllf o l H oB tm U oB f o r B lo o li S " ' S e a P o r t i i .D o o b r o d

Im minent ' - nV -- — |pn, V

WNSTAKTINOPLE UPi - Ho*.between niiMlan n o lih c v ik i'

md T^rkl-h fo rc ti fo r the poMct' i ” *'' lon of Batum In drrlared to U lm* * ulnent in advipcu rorolvcd be rt

Jh..iuand Ti.rkJ.h toldlrr* f " '‘ r nder Km Io K aarul.eklr, rommnnd- r or Ihe fifteenth Turkwh dlvitlon rc na Iho outiklrffl of Batuui and *■ t It believed Itiat If the Bolsheviki hould rapluri' (ll.. c ity ; Turkish ■ fcunation of Armenia would not be ' oMiiilr. yi-iforTho Uolihrvlki ar.' racing down '•nndri

l<c emit m ast o f the Blark nea nwnrd Datum mnl w rre thclird by

„f the PrriiHi flee t nl Suk- Dill iim Knlc. whifh, hnwever. the *0 ' lion i Id ff>rn*s enpiiiTOl la te r . . fo rk i

- • ________ )in*'sii

PffiSSEHEs------ Edwaj

lergoncy Tariff Measnro, as m fit. Unondod, Ooes Now to tbe •- White House '

— WA^ABHINfiOO.V. D. a , y p J-T h e len Caroy late todav npproved the Totdncy pcrlwc

■rgcncy la riff bill a" amotidcd In in- thi fprrnrc with the hoiw- The mran- j j r in now ROM lo the preS^deM. tliSi e

he vntc wai 40 tn 3(1, F.lovcn dem- ils voird with ih^ ro|mbllrnnt whiht r Ti-pnhlirnn« werr ^rrordcd ngnin« mcMurr. ^

FLASHES FROMMANILA, l/p^Tvro mipinoa were kUl»

1 (igtita over bomp porcbasee. In the Itbnds i m bnndred oU ei too thm at of here, accord

OHIOAOO. C»thorlao Sontck.3 death iho rtir After two men had been toei oUca say ttae yoong v lfo w u .gagged, beio im l '

DBNVEE, Oolo, (/P )-^oab tu “ JehoTt m e n and eartb, wbo lo ft ye ttw day for fl*i Ighteen inontbi’ aent«nc« fo r obstnctiog m » d to I>enTar today. K e bad a n o ttw ' rab a t Ohsyama.

jmmAXr, AUak*. (/P h -stu d y of the rt n U keo by United S U te t goTenAieiit txpi teo oiUbUilied recently a t trnalakleet, vet idndeor country. Dr. B. W. NoIaoo, who it U t A itcOy hAt been oude of the panatte s i Im d y meant of prolonging U ret o f tbo an

BTASt o UD- UNIVEBSTTY,' Oai., (/?h tOsr u d bearler. Dr. ClaUfc-Duol Mother, ■taaford U nlrortlty , h « announced a f tt r eo: rho h a « enured tba on lven lty during tbe i ont and b c rta te d physical Activity tmong be bcw atea. Tbe preacnt rtyle*. Dr. Mot ibytieal growth aa did tho sty let o f Qther g<


isldent-fllect Betnm lng for Farewell Bapn from Marion beforo InAuguratdon , K

IN DOARD PBF.SIDENT'BLFXn' WJ.RD lK a’8 flPECIAI. TBA IN. U P>- jpvvlith hiii'pre]iaratlo*» for the launch- ,

nf his ailmlnlitratlon about rom- , lo. I’rrsiileot-cK'fl llardlRR wan on

wiiy bnrk to Mnrion todny to rc- courtIP li formal farewell fro'm h it iom e ta iHrn before cnlerlog Ihe W hile IToom . ^•111- nrciident-clcct’s ipcclal train,IfK lefl Ru A upiitloc, Flo., ifcitlit, it to reach Cincinnati thlijfm ii< »hir1 nnii'Marion tomorrow m om liJ.V '-.- Ken}'

Panned by five weeks luilfer. th r wnii'■rlda sun. tho prctldcM-olcet i t re- pnny,ning northward apparently In mneh «tntp Ifr physical trim than h e .w u w hciliifir < Irft Ohio."' • 'been


iLLS__________ TWIH P A L ia EDAHO. MOW

m milEBPff Is ilTHLiSfOBHiBIIIiH

E x e c u tio n o f - S i x I r i s h R e p u b ­

l i c a n s T a k e s P l a c e In C o rk

J a i l y a r d D e s p i te C o r p o r a -

t io n s A p p e a l f o r C le m e n c y - «

M K E S D E E p T m I^R E S S IO N

U P O N _ P E O P L E O F D U B L IN

C O H K ,'W V D etp 'ilo tho appeal foi b A 'l lemoacy nado recently by tlui Cort re ttit orporatlon, the abt Irishmen in ja il PO ni cro, whow death was fixed for todav mmei a chnrget of lovybfr war agalnit the «f Tt w n , forret, were duly execuW "by hv th ie m iH tarr.th la mornlnR. ‘The ni«n bnth ■cro iho t In batchcs of two oacli a l in- nfe, - j m l t of 15 minutei.- ^ e men executed wore Timothy M e r.mim arty, Thoma* O 'Brleb. Pa trlrk Ma- i|v o jney, John Lyona, 1)80101 Callaghan are e; id John Alien. : <0The f irs t , five wcro condemned for ed toI nttaek upon Iho-crown forcet a ; hind r lp ..y , C .a»ly c . r i , 1. J m u u y . Al-n, wiinso home wm b Tipperary, waa 71,^ , n ienrrd for poaicatlng a revolver and i.ili« i nmiinillnn. f t wna hla tcnlcnce which ,nrv I r khi<'« hrnph confirmed nn Fobni- Thi. y In .locidlno lh a t a sta te of wnr jn .1 Itfed in Jreland. g iv b g Ihe m ilitary „ ^ i nII power to net wllhoBt intcrforcnco fjrn , ’ Ihr elvlt court.. . •. , " , ’ Thr rlrmrney appeal wn« adopted by r eorporation Thursdoy nnd a copy , , nl to a rnernl p ir Kevll Uaereadv,

itonlay prayrra were i-nld for tho nilemnrd inrn. Iloii

--------- ford I• DUBLIN IB SITRBBD -rlixA

DlinLIN*, of Ih r .'x rni-in of the «ix Irith repiihlirnn* a t 0, rk thin ninriiiiiit made a profound In.- [.tsinn upon the Ninnlntlnn of th i

'* , rpNlln


LONDON, (/P)-V iaeount Milner, tho Tn rrir :cntly retired icerotnry of sfato for who h J coloniri, wna married todny lo Lady n lio n .ward Cccll, widow of Colonol Lord rimn. :ward Coril. The marriage orcurrrd "le i t Bt. Jnm rs church, Paddington. •■'•r

I t , I («r tUiAYBOM IS B B U B V E D FBOM

ATTENDANOB OH PBB8IDE1IT WABfilNGTON, ( f f ) -n c a r Admiral roy T. Ornyaon, Preeldent W ilton 't * rJwaal physician, wns ordered today the navy drparlm cnt to duty a t offl- Idcns

r in charge of tho luvnl di»|)cniftr>- In nllrrni1. til ... , '• l.v vol

IDAHO W EATHEE. J fTonight nnd Tucsdav fnir. her.

____________________ ________ _ wrlfe '^ rd lo

VI THE WIRL'Ihdlltd aod 'ton Ohlnoao storot burned ii|> foi n d » o f 8A nuirAnd'Leyto,m or#thAn Oovi o rdlag to Advices received today. nfee 01___ Z . agnltisek . Ag#d.sl«w iv w as foond choked MU. v aoen to entor t e r ho n * today. Tho ber U gs'w oro dad , and bor neck

----------- WINDlOVAhV' Sykes, aelf-ityled king of Bin PtAudtco to begin serrlng an

!ng tha d ra ft dnrlng. tb* war, t r ■■«Mon". ha said. And lef« tho


« reindeer of Alaaka b u heon nn- ,txpcrta At A WologlcAl to rro y it* - * ; 'near St. HKduels, l a the w e s te a , i t in charge of th s ftstlon . reports te s a n d d la e u u o f tb s re b d o e r a s d . '.I anlmabi h u b««n f o n n l ABOE

;?>—American womon a r i ge tting 1 ,ter, medleal advlaer fo r wtm eii j t t I ntTr comparing reeorda o f 4,003 womea 1 .„ r rnhe p u t t h ^ years. Modem faah- :;ipd 1 ng women are glTea u reasona fo r 1 tnl o| Mosher aald, do n o t tn te rfe rs w ith rtlr^ r gentntlona. Tlie <- I 3 SS-B-— a -a -j3 —SS====S=====»


ipreme Oourt Boles A dvertely Upon; Kentucky Lovy on W ithdrawal* ,

WASHINGTON, (/fV-K entucky la w ijj |’“ “ vying n »j>»elnV m x on Uqnors w lth - lj)„„ , rnwn f^ m le ad e d warehoitiei 'wore I nnd v ?ld lavnlld trday by the mjpreme!''^ mrt. Several n lllio n t of doljart ixH nlrendy eollcptcd by the state; r r , . . i n , , ,Tlie ronrt tu iln inrd . lowrr conrttllV M J hirh hn.rgrantpd nn Injunrllnn lo thi-: • icnfticVy lUntlllcries nml Wnrehmiip inii'unv nnd Ihp J , A. Frlrhert cnrt-| . my, prrvcnllng Intorferenre b r the . ' nte nuthorltiet to withdrawnU of licg-J , ' ■ir on whieh Ihe special tnx had n o t’





H o u s e H e e d s G o v e m o

s a g e o f I r r i g a t i o n

R e l i e f I n d o r s e m

n p iS B , Idaho (Specia! to The Ncwi) H r -T h e tenato today pawed tbp pJur.v J L iiJnai eommltteo bill to move tho Al- I f lion tla ie aormal ichool lo Durley, The W L olo w u 25 to 11. /Hjo bill Wlll be ent lo -the houao IhU afternoon.

H esds ExscnU rs plea.Oivon the {m petu « r a raonagit real

r tlio povomor to both houaet in iolm Pttlon th il morning, houao bills No. „I) nnd No. 123, offered by Ihc houio S e o ti m m ittee on irrigation of which MUIer C

Tl," 1 P»*wiV Iho houso today. I t i i liclieTod tba t olll llllls will he Indoncd by tho ' tea-

irousp lull No. DO, providing tha t a ’mmlMion ihnll pnsi upon lbe feailbll- . ' y o f irrigttlloo projcrt* before tboy « entered ^ a , was pns«od h r vote ' « In fi. Houte bill No. 123,'deiign- te itii i.I to plaee the c re d it’o f eountlei bo- nd irrigation p ro iee t. w ithin tW i- lundarlei, paaaed the house. 41 to 0.;r governor urged panage of both .II* hrrnunc. ho aald, th e r wcro nccei-n- for (hp promotion of reclnmafion. *'*The houso alto paated by Vote of 41

-1. hoimr bill No. M2, dctiimcd t<. *■ milnle the apportionment o f irriga- m wnter among w ater o te n In set- ' '" '‘ "U' ni of wftlcr ihortagr, hu t tho m enm e ”1':"^ ® is pnllrd for lOMniidomtion brrau te '

n defect in il» tUlo resnltlns In r. ■•'•''fCe. i"»ndoDilandlBg nmnng meml>eri nnd *'* ' will lip .voted on again. ' pound,

School Belief BUI Up. ,iloiiM- bill No, ISl. dr-icned tr. nf- '. r " - ! ! rd lempornry relief to Indrpcndrnl 'lool dU trlrfs in finanrinl ntralts, w ai i,„n,ri„ lirdiUod to come up In Iho senate for ml nrtlniT thin nfternoon nml the in- ,,,,1 i,. 'nlinnn w rrr th r l It wniild'lie im««ril.i.»,|,,, r bnu>«. bill erentlnc Ihr I 'lrvm ll, i,p,'

W h . i ^ t ’Mmn i,| rt n ' ulln<' thl»-nflernnon. ' ' [,',n.In Ihe •.'iii't' Ihln nflernoon flnnl nr- 71,,. - ,n wn« >■' lir InVen on linii«r lilll Nn. ..mntln H enrrviii,- on npproorintlon of ,\ . |iv i trpiml.ii'«f «-tller» nn Cnrrv net Intut* 1,,^ (j,, 10 hn'-e brrn unnhlr tn obtain Irri' fnfrmi; lion '^•■I.T dellvrrlef. Thp nni'roi'r '- mn. wmld rrlmlnirsp sufb srtMi>r« | i r u | | I- I.rt..nri* of th r fillntr fees p ild .-o r U L l l l r..nt> f.n n rrr. A drtrrmine,) fichi i l L l l l

r thp bill 'wB« bring mndo bv W nlrr^ ,II oiliPM nf the. Twin Pall^ cnuni,.’ | lp<mtl<in bemuse nf I t . l.rarln? irpor. \} (■ Rnlmon rlv rr projref sllimlinn.

Honae P lck t on Election BU I.' ' jfiennte bill No, W i embodying Ihr ^ -as nf Ihe tcriate with rcspcet to " irrntlon of tho fxinllng olrrlion law*. _ dfb Balurdny passed in tbe scnnt.'

vote 2.1 to 17, W.1S lodny nmpnde.l \v,\H Ibl- hnu'o lo nn extent where prn-- icyni |,

■nllv Ihe only thing le ft Is lls m in - .n . if„, r. ‘ Tlir hoii«e look nreaiion lo rr- Hio lO' ■Ue th!f* bill im thpt when il Is rrtu rn ,vhn wi

lo the 'senntp it will be prnrtlenliy „f rr-rmbodimi-nt of the direel p rim ar- n,, 1 whi"h Ihe upper hoi|f.r last week n,p fHi tpd ilo«n. I t was Ind'eiitrd thnt tb r ,,r.'mr iriid"'l bill wnnld be rnwed in Ihr Tlw? ii«r bv voir of 40 In 20 w hrn it enme irnlion

for flnnl netlon .th i" nfternftnn. |,y thr flovernor Dav.is ii rerri'-ing nn nvrr* ,.f ihp e o f M frlecram s n dav r ro trs tin e ^ r r r I alnat sig n b g of the nnti-cigBretto pvidcnr I. wh'ph hns nnt vel rnnii- to blm. i|,p ^oi noTNc tVe t>nv*c«t» nr" i?iwy from T h e ' iirrlenn I/eijInn members. . . ..r the.

• « -- ------- - . fldnvliINNEMUOOA OHXBF OF ____ *>'<■


WINNTIMTJOOA, Nev., of Thrillrr J . n . Nelson was »hnt nnd P e r-n /flrp s p« fntallv wounded by a negm whom 1 rlvolc was atlempllnir to orrest fo r roWnry bpiag

rp Inilav. but b fnrr fnllina Nclion The il ot nml killed th r ncffro. The negrc nsndi ns rati(!ht l .r NeUnn a fte r entering i. Waihii r« |ern I’nrifir box enr. th r pollrr ‘riu>enl Id. • to lie

_________ ^ _____ fird inBOBNTIKE MOTOBIBTB U N ITE

TO LOOSU PBOrXTEBBa' OWV 'lUTENOR A IB R’. ( /P l-P riv a le m«- ^ r rn r owners hrre 'lisve formed n llm ;rd llnbllllv roriH-ralion wilb n enpi 1 o f l.OOfi.OOO peso*, in order lo .r^ .ndcr«,<VnA. of the profiteers l,e orv-nnirntion will furniM. garage rvire, oil, .cnsoline and .'m ber. nl rost prier". . • •

IirokriTO.SON APPBOVE0 M T I ^ . lire,

o r BOME, A JJEN "PEOPEBTYWARHINOTON, yP J-P rc fiden l Wll- . a tig ieil today a bill provldinR for M d J. rrtu rn bv tho alien property cutto- M-X\ inn of proporlT aelr.fd during th r war id whirh l)flongcd to women citUena ’ the United e ta te i nnd Ihe allies whc. nrrled enemy subje,«ts brforo Ihr dec- r a tio n o fw a r. -

* “ 7 lumors Say Soviet

in Petrdgrad Falls forme•.____ :> JToii.l

TIIA. l i i t ih r .,,! -v e t niiUu'rlMcs In Peir<i"r.‘>d have . I'e rn 'iivertb ro '-n nre in elr-ulnlion , J " In Mos'ow. SM'. A report from the RuMliin eapltal reerivcd here tO' ^ d si-


I MTO removeI d0 0 BBRLEY (itor’s Plea for Pas- n Bills; School ‘ ment Likely. T r ib i

I s l i i r i .sFOOIililL-

-------- WA£JOtions of Lever A c t'a re Held *

Unconstitotlonal by 8 n . ““‘"y p r i ^ o n r t ■

IVASm.VOTOS . f i l .ver food conirol aet uador'wblcb tbo '■irtmcnt of Justle* b u brought many . a dsc l«ni.for alleged profitccriag b no- —wUcJ ■iliet were declared UHonstltutloaal ^ «y by the supreme court. Chlnf 'tiee .While read Ihc cou rt'! opInlOil. .'iinv;r|loii o f the L. Cohea Grocery fnadj ipany of SI, Lnult, In bavln|i: rbarg* lOAS' an uarcawnablo profit on la lc t oi’ , ut was sri aside V 'he court, decrees n taking this nclion the court aui- inu, bt leil d r rr r r i .uf lower courts which tha t co .•utUined a demurrer to tbo indict- n o o t tl u or tho groccry conrom. TIio ipe> .h S .8 eJmrjw was tb a t the dePendan' t h I rged »10.70 for ,'50 founds of sirgar H o W , Mt^lhr rale of mnre th.in 1*0 ren ts i Jm tlrri

’hr .'.invirtion of the firm of Weed*. £ [ , ‘5I'l- Hriniilinmtiin, N. V;, also w rt within ,

a»l<l.-. Chief .fusti.i* WhllP salil ' «M«to wm ••n* n» li«mar,

................. p | i | | i i [in (I'l- opinion, lull dissenllnj; from

If ri'ntonlni: l.y whirh i f w.is

o( llvhiR nrr affi^cfcii'by.'.tlie.'ppfn

In 'Voiirt sUNtnined lower rourls !■> - E lo t ntlnif to l.l retail m rrrhants of iviT. Colo., nn Iniiinrtton restmii'- '

ll.r federal i,ii|horlf!us from en •ini! >rovi.ii.iiii-of the. Lever nrt. ,»A 8

■ ■■ '■ ■■ I«wor t

m ilE S F I B I I T

l l P l S l E i M m l l

ja l Battle for Freedom of I- *n» grs W. W. Members Enters :

■ Hna! Phase J l f i " ,' - trea ty

I’AHIIINOTON, D. C.. (/p) — .The tbe NUll bntllr for ihe freedom of WiltinTn Hade irnywuod nnd TH other memlieri of jmilen

IndiiKtrinl Workers nf Ihe W orld largcmo1 werr ronvlrlrd In Chirago In 101H crease 1 'Iin»pirn-y In iihstnirt tho wnr d raft <00,C enlcrrd i*s finnl pharr today wilh ^ fllinc nf n petitlnu nsking IJie sn- « ru gru

;iir I'ciurt t.i review tlie trials, 1‘owcrV petlllon wn« based on the con- j iv t r t i :ion tbnt. Ihe senrrh w nrrnnti used (he hca Ihr federal ngcnli In ol.talning most ,mdor a Ihe pvtdrnre oRninst Iho defendantk ||o |, to r invnlld nnd tbnt therefore the rtplda. icnrr .w a t 'n o t legttlly nvailablo t j i i t ,,,, Kov.'tnment. plleatlo he twntcntlon wns mnde Ibtit neltb- develop lbe, warrants nnr thJ. tapnortlng af t|,<, jju ivli" "adenuate lr dctcribrd ' either .(he po,

plsrci to bp fft'idcd, nor did they involvit I'e nnv fnrls showing probable cnuso >lir isminnre of the snld w a r r a n t * . - r t . n i -hr plarcf raided Ineloded all Iho S O V ii Irps of tbe I. W. W. mid seyeml I'Ole rriidenrrs. more thnn Wl ellira . , ng Inrludcd in the a rja o f netlvUy.’ ilonimrat« seUfd. weighed thou- Ltfcal < dl of pouads aad will be seat to Bo! .ihington. Those inle*e«ted-la the , v-nl «nid th r bulk of Ihc evidence ' be siibmllird would scl n ' new re-'

in siipreme court proeednre.

t T m a o r f o u b o n t b i a lFOB DEATH O F YOUNO WOMAN hmi',, r iHKRMAN. Texas, y P } -M n ,.T e n - l in in g

Miirrii, 30, mother o f four ehildren it is in iTRTd with the murder o f Mr*. lyeh govrrni rrar, 20’ vcnrs old, was plnefrd 1 nr. Tlie, \\ here today. Mrs. Farrar wns sboi ejaimed drnlh nn a street nl DenUon on ftbojiiV U . 1020. Mrs. M orrli, who sur- end a i'drrr.1, said Ihr dead woman hnd| Man; ikrii up her homr. arenrdinR ’to pi.-1 regime *. ■ re tt ar

louston Checks. Foreign Loans

WAHIllNC.TON, D. C.. f/P>-flrnq*o Sen. ll'-lary rominllloo lnvi-"tigni‘on of drelar reign,l(>an« nnd credits m ri,w ilh * I'e cl cek lodnv when Cbalrmau Nelson In. senate rmed |he m mm itle.' thnt 8eerrtnr>- «ce ir nusUn' hnd siibpilltcd. Irenniry fiW Immet

hnd bern nrdered tn prodnrr to Bi-e ence, tarv Cnlbr of the s la te departmenl fore t r nilvifp as to thoae which it wontd '.‘Tl ■ compalihle wdlh publir interests I'l from psent before the commlllee.' ' holdln

m c iA T E D PRESS

5 W S" . PBIOB m a O B S T l

f mlilDECISi 'lELOSESlGESUifiiebunal Divides, 6 to 2, in ttie Opinion on Legislation Unier WJiich-Land Ranks o t Es- laWlslied to Extend Loans


ASHINGTON. .(fl»)-Tho f e d a r t l ;» loan act wa* held coutitatleD nl y by tho luprtmc court, Thla b sot’ under , which laod baak t w m »lUho4 tQ M tend jo a n a tb farm-

MUUona e f dollAra tn toAU t« m a n k a rs b e o hald qb psndln«Isdkoa of th* oouit la tiUj caae 1 w u teoM ht b f o b id M w ! ' nth, A itockholdcr Is ttM lbasw 7 n t i s A d d . T n i t c D > S £ S r ^; |h t aa lajoncttoa te .iNtrain yt {uUtotloa ftom bT sttax its Ids in boads iMnsd by the fsna a -biak*.' ,e court in tu ita b ln g federal coart !Ct dltmlstiag w ituetloa p r o c ^ - ' brought by Mr, Bmlth, a lto b g ld . coagroit had tbo authority lo e i- tbo bonds of tbo .bank from tax-

e court dirldad,' 0 to 2, Juatlcet los and MeReynoldi d U ie a tb ;.’ c n Holme* aad MeBcynoldi btfd the " c a a ie '' ihoold have bofln

w ed by the court as belag tololy n the leope of tho ^ i tw u r i courta.

i i i i i s E s - "oif^ p l i c a S o n ^ f Jr*'[ e o tr ie , D e v o lo p in e n t 'I n '

S o u t h e r n O a l k o m ia '

ISHiN'OTON, {/P)--Tho /e d e r a ' ' r oommitiion.voted today to g rant ■ caliua .of tho Bouthorn CAlIfomiu ID ciimpai'iy 'fo r a 200,000 horao- r hydro*oiectri»' dovolopmeni on }an Joaquin xlver, Callfomia, p e n ,»100MOOO- JtroJoct coatem plstM '10 comjwny.B NUwtA i’alls Power compnny iranlcd a 80-ycar liccijc loday by fodehil power commUilon. to nu0 piiblie feet B'lecoiid o f 2( ,0W-----

(col of water pem ittod by ny witb Canada 10 Co liiveiUfl m m s'lagara river, abovo Niagara fnll* der, tho nermit the company must n oilcBitve improvemtatt oad ea monta bf I tt pUnta which will ia- e the ^ a n f t output from flOOOOO

prcllm inary^^rm ll for two’ yosrt iruated ' > the lower Niagara Bivoi :r and W ater Supply rompany to t 20,000 cubic feet per iccond from icad of whirl pool ra rid i to be oae>l r an elgbty-foot head a t powvr iU - t(i be erected a t the foot of thn1 •0 eommittloh alto anproved nn ap- tiaa by Itcnry Ford for a, poww lopment p ro jtr t n l Tioy. U. x~ on •, iludton river lo cort « ^ 00^ w< lower toureo for n factory projfct v ing #7,500,000.

f lE T A G A IN F U IL E S .


1 Oommnnlitt Begin L o o tb f wbsn BoUbtvlk Troopt Enter TUUt;

Bed* Control, Erivan. •

INHTANTIN0PM3. (/P) - HoUho- Iroopi aanjberlng abou* 2.'»,000 ea- I T ihis F rldar ereaiac, It U taid diipatrb reeelved h*rc. For a few J on Friilav ihrre wa* rtaildcrablo ng ,n Ihe city by lornl rnmmunltt!, said, but tnte in Ihe dfty tho lovio; rnment brgnn to rrsli.re order, - le,onll'nolshevlk sovemment pro ' led in Erivan. cjiplUl of Armetila.;( Iwo weokt ago hftt been ousted a aoviot republic ■re tilablished.

any membera of the nhti-Bnliherlk ne bave been imprisoned nnd the are talA to be fleeing.

InquiiT/ In land Creditseniit.w' Reed, democml, Mltsouri, larod Seeretnrr Ilouiton “ ought lo clleil far enatcmpt.” U le r Ihe

Ito r said th a t,n n |e i i the eommit; ibmmonrd Mr. H oniton to appMIr . . ,

nedlatcly ^rllb tho full corretpond- r , ho would “ take the matter M 'M he irnsle .'* - -i :V . ’■Tho scercUry’l • whole a ttllndo ) '

n thfl beginning h u beoa one o f i . . ling back ," i*W-8«aalor •

p H T f i l l m

T a x p a y e r s L e d ^ b A r r a n g e s ' t P a t T w o M o n to W o r k o n

A ccoQ Q to M o n d a y

Two e rp c rt ‘accountnjita will r t f work a n d itin j Uic books of Iho Tw FaIIs I^Jgbway d istrirt next Moadnf.

'T hp aad lto rt will rtnrrBont llie aoi ly formed.TBipaye'fi Lcatruc, ond wi i/r i-miiJofei Afli) psiil tor tlielr labo by. ih'ftl auoelstlon.

Deeiilon to cRBdRi' tho »orvIcci < . a rroiintaaU to ajali«-a cli>» »crutin

ill rtif t l i p 'M g l i i r n x n e e o u a l wnn rvaebed folloirlaif nrsnnlroitlaQja] iiijjlit of the oxooutlve board of tli

T h il mr«tla{( nan bold in tb offico ot C. V. tbemaji Jaut W le comi'lcted tlio itntftiicBl will In- [irlntp fnr putilk la'fopaaUoo. ,

PcttyyoT e P n s ld ra t

A t.la* t night'* itH'pl'nK, whirli vrn <irdr»d held at a Krn<’rnl maw 1)ly when the IfajpiP forjnoil' o. Thur*day nfght, 0. V. Thmat »'«* nom ed e h ^ m a n of th s oideutivr hoard with B, r . Wallon JoerrUry of th Inard. In addlllos to tho loioctloa o thcM two cfflte ri A. E. Pettfgnr,

■ waa named prfaliltnl of tlie Irajfue Jt •fllf. . , .

Tlie f ln t president of the Tnx|my o n League operate* « faroi one tnlfi •outh and onu nille west nf Kiinion an^ il said to t>e ft ooniiKitent accountant Tho eseetitlve hoard <i romposed of 12 jnemberi. 'With thow csccuUtjii a2 realty mentioned a i ofCieers they a n ;

' R. 0 . UeAoley, 0 . B. CarrUo, 8 . N. tullo, A. B. Pettygrove, Joo MaishiD (}. ir . Brown, B. R. Von Cott, L. 8 iratMQ, C. H. Blibee and Floyd Me DoQgiil.

A aother a ee tlsg of the oueu tiv t lioard will lbe hold in the office o f E, R. Van Oott ea Uonday evealnic. At thia K sdon tt Khedole of oe tlrlU ei ani plan* for proseeutlag these lu tlvitlei will he worked out.

Teachers^ Futtd Rapidly Nears

Half-way MarkO o n tr ib o t io n s to ' E m o rg f ln c y

O a W e B r in ? T o d a y ’s T o ., ' t a l t o J 5 . 7 0 0 ’ )

T no more eheeki *rrre reroivrd up to iinnn lodny in ntd o f ih e TeacLem’ Re-1 Hef fnnd. Thnnc onflfrHtiiflnif nro ««.'

.follows: . ;' Vnrlet.v fltore _______ ___I„_...*10l>.001

AinalgiiBiBtcd flugar Co. ..,.1...... Bflo.ooj

P m loa* ly At)uiBWl«dt*d’ |0 . « . Hall ..........................*100,in ;

■ R. fl. JleM art'ii ...... ..........10000Uany 8 . Cowling ...................... I'OO.n.hBhoe Market ............................... lOO.OnW. H. Wright 4 Son* Co.............. IOO.OOWe*lemiAiito (’n ...... ................... lOO.M

, r. P. V an t^y ...... ........ ........ ....... Iflfl.M. llcarv I. Wall ........... ________ 100,00

I^elseh t William* .................. lOO.OcIjim b e rt K in g ............................. 100 0»A»en 0 « Co......... .................. ....... JOOW' ,Eldridge a o th ln g ................. 100 Of. ,E. I>. D u aU R > A .---------- ;........ 100.00 ,T. a j r d . B u o n T K . .................. lOll.nC

. M^le«lle I'btrmn- ..... ............... 100.00 !1 f llrau i * Q laiiher'..........*............. 100,00 i

Charlei Neely ......... ..................... IW.o;- iClos Book Bfore ...................... 100,0.'Edward C ooper______________ JOD.M8. M. BUey * Oo. ----------------- 100.00 rE rnest White —-------------------- 100.00 tA. D orB tn J o h w n / , ----- ------ 100.00W. E. N I r o n ------1--------------- 100.00

• B. J . O itr M d w --------- r-'.-------- IW-OOA rthnr J . P#»Tey ----------------- 100.00 'C. E . Booth ______________ :... lOO.OO tC. A. B ob law a_______________ 100.00 rA. D. a ta f f e r d ----------------------- 100,00 ^

• B o r A. Eeftd ----------------------- 100.00 fa A. W a lte r s .................... ..........100.00J . sr; K axw eH ----------------------- 100.00M rt. J»M S e o t t_____________ 100.00 J'Q; W. Ble« __________ _______ 100.00Burton E . H o n e --------------------- 100.00 ‘ ‘J. A. Orom ---------------------- 1 - lOO.OOff,

. E .L . A ih to n ------------------------ -lOO.Oo PJ . a B onell ____________ 100.00-

" ‘ iC 'A . M eO oraick-------------- lOO.OOMneauley Droi. ---------------------100.00 „W w in A. WDjob ------------------ 100.00 'C. n . Bobbins .4,.------------------- 100.00 “ •Twin T ans NaUeuai B a n k ------ 100.00 *C J . Hahn ;_________________ 100.00 ^Idaho State Baak --------- :------ 100.00 -P. W. D um ke----------------- -------Barber Shoe C o .---------------------100.00Aaher B. W liao a ---------------------100.00lish iT Drug O o ._____________ 100.00L D, Store ............. ............... - ..... S00.0<l

Total ______________ __- »5,700.0# fol

t o QTOST TITLE.6«fkJa^ to obtain n clear title lo eor- »

ta i s property la Twin FftUi roun tr . UirAr>-el.T,. Johnson hw brniight *»U In >the (IlKtrict court agalnsl -I. M. Max- frowell, i 'iw o to r of the w tnte o f 0. 0 . 't *U agloT, nnd other., wh'. allrtre *omo ‘ Tight in the property..

• .1

I 7 U N E B A L 8 «n . I ________ :------- ^— „ ■ I ■

Fnnerftl »ervlr« were. rgnJueted »t• h o ’eloek th li aftcrnuon In Uie De W ilt

^nortuary chapel for Mt»r»hBll Cm »M,- The «>rvlfc« wore tonduele.l liy.F.lder

C. ? ah m er o f t i r fJrelhrea c in n h . , J . E . DeW nt wan In charge-of’linrlal. whleh waa In Twin Fall* eemBtcry.


FORT W OB T lI^T exai. (/P)—Thc , ' Chevrolet Motor e.ompany of Texaa to

,)av annnnne?,! lhat l„.-r««m ed a t It* »n(hwe.tern

. here on a ateftAy dally b w ii Marth 1. fThe r ’ont '•»**\-ctnber 1. ' *«

p rHInrk buttermilk, le ' per J il lo n . « i

P r ln s vi,iir roaU lnen. a tn lia g O reta- f x , r . - ^ T . , ^

F I R S T MOBTOAOE tKVEST. eqi 1TENT8, A tthor L, Swlfl^— no

Hioni '


R T Scoro is 50 to 26 wboa Fli l \U I Wbistio Sonnds— O.ontcst

Oloanly fltagod s' to . - ')D Wlhnln;,'. CO to 2C, over chi- Huj

MfJt jciioot team, J io Twin >’a ^ i j teon-. laat alght kept the ir iea*o

s tf r t baaketball lU lo clean. Tlie eontoK i Twin »,uh^•il on B u , . r r t I 'lo o r . Tlio M< a r or» returning to Twin Falls thU afl

1^1 A cwrdlng (u Coach Clint Kviins nbors contoit wim nnr of tin- elenno'l :

iw if to it of the "eiuion. Tlu‘ Kfeto II o f plajTd true t»- their nnme llirougho ;itiny makiag nn eipoeiolly itrliitillating 'I luntJ ]>lav In llu< f in t hnlf. ( 'nrler nml ’’ , la it rhiiDi illntliigul'hi'd thi-niM'lv('« nl b

the l e t tow ing aad genernl nll-nromul pl, 1 the Omer. prinri|i!i1 of (lio Ei!Vlen Hchoiil. offlrinloJ- nted Twin Vnll>. li-nni will gn In Ki

lirrlv (in Tiio«iluv for a ganic w ith t • liljfli ».-huiil leara nf that Jilnfi-.' Ki

PrUay aiiJ flntunlur tlio di*trlel c< fon-ni'i' liiiirnnmrnt will lio held Twin ’all* In .loride wlml' It-uin »h

i T a t '" ’ ronforonro nt Mo.e.thU uprlog.

: MliORflWllEmil* - —and Estim ated Cost ^ Farm ers •

South Side to be Hnob Less OomiDg'SoaaoR

ftUHLBy, rdnho (B|>ooial).-8<NAr ban, tary o f tho Interior John Barton Pay , g . haa offJelallr approvnl juiMIr no{(c U e. fnr tho u n til ililo |iiiiii|ilntr 'llvixii

jo f thfl Minidoka prnjoet. n n d n whi. tire i**"' ‘■barge for wator for the neaunn I hn* hecn rfrfiieeil from #J In (' »« ]ron ta per nore foot fnr all wnter ii»i „ j i n n or'liefore .Time nnd from $l,aO •u-iH .HO p.T nero fnol fnr nil w ater d

Jivoro.! n fter .rime an.J nn or hefo. Hoptoinbor l4.

A ne>r fentnro hn» been inlrodnn nt tlio 'iiuu'i'xtinii nf the 'lirortora i (J«* Hofle.i- lrrJgTi<ii-in lUtCrlrf In jir vlilInK i-hi-ni>rr w nlrr nflor Reptomhi

- fc I.'.. Tho luililir, milln. fixes tho |.ri( ^ for thin «vnlcr nt 00 r.'iilr p ir nrre fo<

of H.m a* I«ifl yrar. Tb^ tnh jcy imum rhiirffe will bo 12 l»'r nm- >|iiriii > l!»"l iiiMo/1.1 nf »2,.-;0 ft* In 1020. lln* I I'viT llliM mluiniiiin ran bo uxeil lo m

rnrp traJer under fbe /irr<* f««f rate no tliat it doei nnt Inerenno the charge

to iiiitlineil nlmf-r.^e-l I t ia ontlmntcd tlmt theue Vhargc* fn flU.'lWf «-HJ « ! « . « t»M „f |:'.7.7 IH- • Inori- im rnmiinroil with nmitnxlmnte!'

.001*1.in |HT nrf(. whlrh wn* rni»e(l bv thi oojip^o a.».e.i.monl.

to| (J o c a lQ ro v i - t io jon[ — I ...— ,. . —

!)!;| Rflported m - K , Vnu Iloin<-rt is r« ported .InnKi-miialy 111 n t hi* li.ime on

l,'(|jTenlI. iivonue north.

P u ta n t Bocorerlng—SirN ^ .1. Myr J ' Ilf Jornino, whn iiniterwi'nl a major op- J^Jornlfnn at a tural lioijilfa; ou Wcdaer- 'jjjilay i U reimrted Improving ulonilll.v. ■

Ifi ■ Schade .Takes to A p l t a l t - ' H. C. )0 SrhaiJe, *lw reiidw <m Third nvoni-.'10 onnt. ha*.Ill-on taken to n loenl hoapitnl

fo r nn operation for appendlrltlk

0 One»t a t JoluiKm Horn*—MT^ How- 0 nrd U . Allen of Barley 1* vi-iUing ov.’r '0 Ihe weok end nt the home of Mrn, ,T. K.

0 ■ — ------0 B atom i to Twin r f t l la - l l . M. Pellu.n0 who moved t., Bnhl tw.i year* ngn In0 take a |>o*itl<in In the Innd offiee, bai0 n<lurni'd lo thi* r lly and I* oeriipTinga hU old reslilenre a t MS Fmirth nvenno0 ■ ,0 L lcnued to Wed—A marriage llrenn.’ ) WM iMiued Ihit morning to Eugene IVreival Heath and Tlielmii Margaret

5 Weavor. both nf Bnlil. T her were mar- ju ried Bt lOinO oVJoek by Jndge O .'P .J Duvall In jiroba^o court ebamheni.

11 Oue*t« from low *~M m . Karl Folfha*1 n* hor gnonlo her a u n t.. Mt*. Boborl I Fullerton of Iowa, and her coiiiin, Mr..

J . L. Monti^eimer nf Elberton. Wa*l.. Th'"'- an* rn mute to Ibeir nome* after n month'* visit In California.

p e r j o a x a . l i

• --------■ !It. ir. Moiie f« in tho rity fmm, l“,ira

foITo on iiui»Jnr»«. ' ^I.o*llp M Tavlor of Hnnton .rreU

lered in Twin Falh yi-.lrnlay.Clydo K. n iark nrrived Fridnv fr.m.

riiirfey for ft short rlult In Ttrin FaJN.Mr. aiid Mr*. « . C. Hearh arrivr.l

from l,owi»t4.n .vrMerdn.v for n brier ] vl*lt.

I'. J . Hurfe.v o f M*** !» IraTfMolJ;),! bn*tno»» in TVtn fMlU^a'i'l neighbor im town*. '

.1 II. RirhartlKon nnd K. I.. Brvnnl nre m tho eJfy frrim Cn-cHefor/J f/w kinj i. a fle r lin»lne!w affnlr*, . Ir

Mim Alm.i Bninit N njiondins tl.e „ woek ond III the homo i.f Mr. and Mrr. ,! ,fnek (Innkiri nf ncirley. g,

MlM l.nurp ^^Mnd nnd Mi-.' O lady. f, Uegner of n -rj-er are In Twin 'Fab* to »iiend Raturdiiv and flundav, m

Ilr. and Mr*, .f. X, Dnvi* o f Kimbcr f, ' r -were among the vUilnr* In Twin Knit* voMerilar l.elwoen train*. x- , W Dunn tif Rtihl wnf a bu»lne»-. .•l*H<if In O V b Fall* J^ri'la.r, Mr. Dunn wa* retum lnc from a tr ip tn Bol*n an-1 tl Mnpped nff between trab* .

- I . . . fSUIT OH MOfttQAQB. ,

Pnr Mir piirpone "nFhrlnglnR almiit _ aettlement on a chattel mortffage, uT l to haT«i beon g lrea fti w enrity for a r,nna»**or\- note o’f ♦WOO. J. 8. Keel, rea lto r, h is entered in lt In the district r conit agala it 0 . A. Laird. V lr lin > Laird, hU wife, and M anhall 0 . Con- I o rer. T ie fatter- fs aafd to flaJm aa d equity In property Ineluded in the r fflorfftage giren by the L tlrd i. e

i gj TWIN f a l l s D

7w M liirPlEllSESKITiCBil

Final -------ost ' ‘OordoQ of the Sbah" Dra'

Capacity Hoaso and ProTCs S tirring Entertainm ent

Hupi'ri » ;------ J;|« Jf* 1‘00’f eoapuy bss aver h«en ■aaon's corded tho hearty reception lhat I i« wai high sclionl glee eliibi recoivod a t 1

Mrt.-' l.nvi'ritif theatre la it nighl. Tlie ru*ioii «u» tho iireBcatallon of “ 1 Garden nf tho Slinh", a'm uaical co

a* tfio ody of extraordinary merit both a< r'-, plof, lyrics aad rautkal worth. 7

Ihrnlro waa filled to capacity limit, a e d lv “1']’' “.“ '“ ' porfortiianee^aaii t111 Yo- l'i‘f^n™i'f" waa auitalned- througho' I ban- individual fiarta were worfhi I iilnv hiindloil. thi* being especially truo

Kden priiiBlpal part*.Tlu- muaieal ]iroduclina wns giv

, Ki,n undiT (he rlln-ctlon o f Carle H . 0(i II, I),, Iirnil nf tho vncnl tralnlag depttrtme

Xex of the high arhool. MUs Mary Olbbe I cOK hnd rhnrge of thp drilling In *pnk; lid In p'ir(>, .Mim Wlnonu Knndqulit hi

«hu!i rliiifjif of-thu dnne*-i, nornw Frmn *tnrl to tho d rc / of the curta

Iho pluy carried on la llvolv fn*hlo und with profoulcmnl finlali. Tru thrre wa« ionic dliplay of nervouine nf »io heginaln*', hul tb li p j i v d . .

I tlu- |ilny priireeded. The ainglng. boi

e ln* tu ehoru* nnd single part*, wa* m only n-cll (lone Inil proved concluiivel that Iho high aehool has aonio vnealli of rnre qunllficotloaa. Mla* Vera Coo

. M lu O gerettn Murray, Mi»s Maj ® f'ontm, I^awrence 8 l« r , Willard Dci iss tnn, Dnle flfarr, Donald Plyan ar

.Mi'tle Ayers, till principal* in the cni nf part* gnvo p au lug oxcmpllflcatlot nf the ehBracferi they rcnrcicnted. T^

p y chnru* flllnd evory roqulremciit to « oflci's ' “‘'"Jy P'Tfei-tion nx could reawnably 1 k-i*ion expoctod. The general character of tli whirh I'orformanee demntntriitod Intenie dri

rt nintlo ami vncnl iludy. along wilh pn In df) found and earn ril drilling. To th n

iiseil in charge of tho produetloo mrnt h .HO to nrrtirdod highest praiie fo r.b rlng in r de* abont oik- of thu licit plays tcon i reform Tn-ln FalJi.

„ „ „ j , ................ ................ ................. .................

' c l ^ o ' c i a l j ' f o i e sI'riei'l *

i;-ll‘"d b r Mr*, E, H WjHlim* , S ' ; T e le _ j^ c ^ T

n".T ’T '" ''f ' ''’'tiiii;hll.v club met ivilli’ M u pfflM* ^ '’lln'b'.'’ nil Pridny aflornooi-

The tiiin’ wns »i'cnl with bridge. Mom brri. tiri-^cnl wen- Mo«danics II. F. Bar

, . , brr, Dal 0 . Ulnr, F. W. llrmiaoKh,' (.• , ‘' ] l l . KroiiRol. W, II, Kldrhljrc, M. i;

A ' Mlleholl. fMwnrd <'ooi.or »n<l W. T '7 ,; . L '-lln. fliio.ti of. tho rlub were Mrs.

II, W. Hlniirlii-k, Mrs, W’. II. Rlnnlev mill M.rs, l.cnnard-

The Sinr Knrini Mrrlo n-lll moot liexr I Mc.ii.hiy at Ihr Immr of Mrs. C. A,

Kim-s, -Jl- F ifth IIV.-nnr en-t. with MrN J lv.«-. Mr*. IIoiic nnil Mr«. I.rhmer n»

n.sliliiiil hoslossrs.

on Mi-mbrrs of tlu- lliuhhind View elnb.................. I l,nslian.|. n t iho hnme nf

, Mr. and Mr«, Aul.n-c lli'ndorsnn. Wed- noMlny ..voning. T hr rnnms Wore lieai!-

“!’■ tifully .Iri-orntnl in the niilio'iial rolurfi, Ihe ftffiiir boliijr'g iven fu hnnnr of W nihinijtnii‘s birthdav, finnu-s ftp|ir-.-

.. lirluto >11 tb r occasion wcro jdayed fol ;; lowed by u ilollghtfnl i-rnurnm VonMst-

itni “ r ' ' ........ .. bv iff*- Itomlrrs'in' a rending by Liirillo Fnnlk. nud a pinnii

' and violin duet hy Mrs. Fnulk nmi Mr. fllliwin. Tn Ihe alisenro nf tho preil'

..,,^ (|•u^ th.- vice protliri-iil, .Mr» Lennanf. p lg n v e a v rrv inlore*lin« tnlk. A dell- '■ einiit Imirhonn wns «<-rvril tn nbnut .'10 - guests.


The B er. W . A. Moore to O lre Last Pn lp it Addresses Here Tomorrow

. 'Tomnrrnw the U<iy. \ \ . A. Mnnn-

who hn* been paslnr'n f th r Incnl flirl* "T' tlaii rhureh fnr the past thm - 'yoari'

wilt roneluie lil* wnrk in Ihls rduiniiin- Itv. Ills Ia*t *ermnn will bo prmelied - tomnrrnw olelit nnd will be in the naluro nf a' fnrexToll tneanage to Ih ; . roBrffogaJiniw H r will bo micreeded , here by Ihe Rov. W. W. Bnrk* of Best rleo. SVb. rriie In llrr this week, nri-epl- , od u rnll Is-iied la*i Hiind.iy nnd is ex- pcrled In rojHirt nbnnt A|ifil 7.

Diiriue tho Rev..Mr. Monre'* pnstor- ate herr. ihe Christian ehnreh eonjm- , I’atiiiM li»* bri'u inrrrnsed nboiit 2''". Tlir bibir s<-lu’(il hns shnwK an avemce nttouilnnre o flie tw rrn lOO nnd-ir.O meh . i^imda.v. t

' LEGION LEAGUE ' FINISHES WITH ^:: BURLEY TONIGHT.1 ■ ---------' L nst Oironit Oame of Season

will be Played on Local » Q3TnnasInm Floor • '

t fTnnlijlit' th r Tw h.' Pal's Anirrii-an !' : f,.-elfirt fM.lfrfl.nI/ 'e/nH trill jm-cf Jlur jl

lev in Ihr final Legion lenmio pimi> nf tho semon on Hie lornl Hnor. f?|ie- ” ■ rial effort* nrr boing rasdr today to

erf n nn tril n f iperlflfor* out‘ fnr this til t. f

• 'n l'ti'in l.nvrhilcr re|>nrl« Ihr Inrnl • si|iiad in prime rnndllinn fnr ihe iro nf fnnJirhf, nrrl Jfiniieh expKliJi^ n hnr-l

‘ cnine hr e*pn‘»sc« ronfidenn- th.-it Twin Falls will roi< llir lorij m d of the

■- rniinl. Jh e re !« rnii.idornlilo rivnlry “ 1 he(irr<-n flu* two nml a \irii .I till Js lonke.1 fnr. T hr rntllrsi will b<

«lflgrd on tbe hlsh srhoni gynina.iiiin. fiftnr.-wliorr nil lo<-al irhmr» hnvo brr:! "

, j.Uee,) thJ« wflsnn,

DCK1E8 TAPANESB blV S K „n coN O B saroN s n r m a n o o u,». JfBXTOO e n r . (^ J -J a p a n e ie ' hare O t no t beon granted valoable oU eonce.v J» n sinns nn Ibp weslcni rnasl of Mexico, ft I* Il was deelared la»i ninfil a t the preil- to o dffB({a| offioecJ T2iU lU tesieat wu a Ji e r e n I t o f n a o r s which ha re been in m

eircnlatlon hers the U«t fow days, B


f Jovial Kildeer Ifny ' is Addition to

the m rbingers) r a w s - - JOBAfrORY h u b ln g trs ol TOB ' V l b e in g .re .4 ported u r lv io g here fwm.^ thp Muth land. , '

The la to it, nccordlair to tele- B ta ic « ™ u o l ..U o » I . - n .

at the Nfiwf' weather department, U a a t tho kltileer, whleh wa-i »cen right In' iiB «/■. the' henrt of town thla morjjIn(j. am , TIili bird fl o f the plover fam-

The ilv aad when the f i r i t call of ' w inter iwunds it migrates nn

*• aw ift pinion tow ard Soath Am- The erica. I t « about 10 Inchet

It, and long; greyish brown above nnd )d the while l>e1ow and haa tw n ghout. black band* oa it* ncck and irfhlly breast, ruo of • W atch for him.

Tolling a now *tory of ipringV given a rr lra l the temperature climbed

. O ltf, .to 54 (Jegreei fo r high, and dIJ 'Iment not recede far in the frost oeli Ibbens ,lft*t nlitht.'ipnkpa W edietinii for Sunday I* fair.. H ll ^ '

SiifliiiiNBll raiysiiiiiilveu- D i s t r i c t B o a d s . O f f ld a l s A na lisu n o n n c e S c b e d n le o f W o rkS * ; ' to S t a r tDen- • “ 'nnd O ffiecn of tho Twin Falla hlghwa

• enii d is lrjr t today announced th a t.b eg lt itlona slag* next Monday a *yslematle sched• uie of roaa uragging will be put Int 1 ?* operntlon througliout tho enlire 3

7 ." ® drajcgiog dittrieU. I t l i cxphiioed tha if the jf tho w eulber continue*'fair tho turn ! dra- niiee* will bo In good condition, goner I pro- ally spoaklog, fo r thU work- I l l i al> thoae nnnouneed that Ja many acfUent /om: ■t bo vr* huvo already atarted condltlonin; nglng work on the highways and are makini •II in good progrcaa.

Ill JiiMt Jnsfftnee". Ihr> farmerj nr *nid to be cmplnviug home-made mi<

■— V ehinery; prlnrljwliy wooden drags. I.enrry oul Ihl* labor. The .district hm

1,5 ft ihxi'ii oxtM drag* n t the loeal rni^hn j.lnut.lliiit mny lm borrowed by olheri

J wbo rnro tn wnrk on Ihe road*. ^

” CHOICE OF DENBY FOR ,M«.____NAVY POST CONFIRMED100I-, ---------lom- CoL Thoodoro EooMrelt. Son of Form- Bar- or Prerident. Accept* Place a* A*1* (.’. dita& t' 8#c«t» iy

-’ T.' ,^T. ArOirKTIN'E. Fln.. ( /R -P e f in Mrs. lie unnoiinfefflmt was mmle by T're"'- nley 'doul cli-cl H nr^ng tndny llint h r hn.l

*ele<fe(l Kdwln Denliy n f Detroll fo: .rrro tn rv of thp navy. anil. Theodore

liexr lionsrvrlt, «ou o f tbe fnrinrr president.. A, fo r-nfrlitnn t neeretnr.v. Ik lb hnve no

^*r» * * ^ 0 'nnnouneement foUowed n long rnnfrrrnro botwern tho precidont-elect and Mr. Denby a t which tho naral pro-

i-bib j^rnm of the noxt'adnilnlitratlon was of diseus»rd in it* jiossilkU.relntion to (ho;

^ed- movomei;t for world disarmament. De-, ‘O'!' ta ils 'o f tlic decisions reached w err-not;

di*closed bu t U r. H arding aaU after-, ward Hint ho wanted to a tr- th e pres-' ont nuvill building program carried

J'’' ahead until there hnd beea aome defi-‘ nito‘'di»jirmainonl agreement. j

In m aking known tho lelectlon of Mr. I J" ‘‘ Denby. Mr. Unrtllng iinld ihe llooiovolt!

tppolatm ent aUo h td been talked orer; '' '! ai th r lr ronfereaee aad (hat i t bad pl|! Ihe npjirovnl of (he pro*peetlve secre-:

.* * ^ i m ay add th a t I b»vo bad a very | oanirst wish (n call to tlie a iiiitaa t locretaryshlp of )he navy, both out of respect fo r a l l capacity and becauie of i

i y the aentlmental connection, Ooloael ' Tlnii.liiT,. lliHisovelt. The'iolection haa ' met w ith Mr. Denby ’a approval aad M r.;

“ t llooaovcK alio haa said hit would nc- I c e p t " j

.\xlir>l alxiitt tho iinvsl buildin;,' pn>-' gram, Mr. Hording contlaucd: L

I* ’ “ t hiive *aid tu auch memliers of the ' " M-nulo nnd hou*e naval committees a i |

havo oiked mo lhat I wooW bo very ro-l luctant to suspend our cApUal conitruc-l

{''' tlo'i progrnm unlll wc nre in agreement;C with Ihe olher nations oa a plaa of,

,7 d lw r n i ia w t . "I t waa aa a*ii*lant lecrotnrv'nC tl-pl

na ry th a t the f l r i t Th'eodoro IlootVvelt’T f i n t nttraeted natioaal a ttention and, Ju rin g tbe Wilson admlnufrstioR fh?' aame ]>ost haa been filled by Franklia » D. Roosevelt, a rouiin of the former prealdent.


Bandits a t .P ltU bargh U ake Bacape- w ttb !Ewo PonehM Bellered to Oon- > m ^ ta in Much Money, ' j5 |

_ I’lTTSBURGH. I'a .. O P)-.l, L Mr.; Cullough, aged L’S, a government rail-.tf wny mall rIerk. waa found beaten iin jk< rninriou. a t the I’ennsvhftnla rnllrna.lj • slntinn, tiy frllnw omplnyea a,few min- lit.-.. iK-fi.ro Ibe train wn* leJicduled to ,^ ’'

. Irnvo uni.in Mation for Wa*hingtnn, = ' I’a. T*'n jmuehe* nf mail.are reported!—

miMing. <- flonrco V. Crnlgheail. po«lnl Insperlori

said MHIiillniigh while a t work on ro- eistored mnil in his rar- wa* attaeked

I by bandits who ainiek him down with f a 'c o r miipUng pin. l ie *ald the stolen ,| mall prolmbly wo;ild run to a high fitf- , uro. • —

Ko tm ro of (he robber* hai boen ,. foand. !

MeCulIniigh died in n hnipilAl hef.'I th la nftem oon. [


M Ol^TBbaE, Oslo., W ^ A mob ofl no re than 200 minera smashed down

) the door to th e O aray eoaaty ja il a t i. Onray, Oolo., la i t n!gbt Aad lnvade<i th?- . j a f l ln i n attem pt to lynch Billy Nogle.i I, ft miner, who bad tonfeaied, according' i- to the aheriff,. th a t he had killed Fred 1 J n n h t , taperlnlendeat o f the llTiUo I) Olond mine a t Ironton and HIndmarch

B tIL ^



O ff ic ia l jp f I n J n r o d . I n s t i t n t i o r e . w f l l 'lT r g e B e le a s e I f B o n d s ®“*' a r e B e tu m e d '

!'■ B H J A ir o , i 5 T » - ■ m iiiio, . D altoa, Vho nb b « d tba N ortb tmIn' T n u t to m p u 7 of O U aco e f tTTS,-' . 000 ta U b c x t r boadi T hD iaday .vua,. caiftBTtd a t Jierw tatb , 28 w t i iof no itb e f here, a e c a r tln ; to Jack ,nn D r a ^ , eonitable, today. B * badB,; a l lb o tw o o w o r th -e f t l i t t b o n d itoict i l l gzin

rn OIlIOAOb, ( f l ^ T h e N orthed Tri. nd company, from w hich,W illiam Dalt^

ir ; took i772,000 la Liberty bondi, ,,wi urgo -tho polleo to rtleaao bldi. lf \h

ed will rcturo tfao securlUoa, W. 8. MUle i;j r ico jircilijoot, laid-todny.<11. “ I will be in 'h im to straighten ou

and got aeltled back In the* right roa< If. I f ho will bring back the bonds s

once, wo will urge th r w ty offieiali t - ♦ r e le i» biro,” Mr. Miller lald. “ W

will do all we canto helii h la u ^Two clown to (he flight of WllHai

Dolton. 17 yoors old, bnnk dork , wh - I I I esemped from the Kotthern T ttist ban! n iV iy c s te rd a r w ith •772,000 in Libert, [ / / l l boDdft. fhe {orgest bank robbery i;

iC b ica j^ 'i hb tory , wero being (race< ;by the police loday.I Tho youth who Thuraday n ight drovi

k I up to a garago sn Waukegan, a north lom Miburb, and aiked-to leave hit au

- Itomobllo (UI nlgbt,. waa idontUied a 'D alton. He drove nortb tho nen

, - morning, i'revlouily a youth answer >Sl°'iiiig his description had offered Lib ihed-1 erty bonds In payment fo^ an notbmo Intoiblle a l a Clilrago sales agency. •

, 3.)>. ,Inve*tigatlon of Dalto'n’a home Iif* th a t’®'’'! ns*oeIate» threw nh Ught on th< lurn-’thefi. polleo said, m er-' HI* chum, Evert Dovale, n page Is ai}„iiho Miino bank, said he nover lalkud

ami-jnbout sirl*. *prnt moat of hi* evcniagi niag^nt a Y- M. C. A. school and appeared kinCjtn like his work a t the bank.

; The nonda, of Ihe fourth laiue, were nr..‘somjmrary oerllficalei, without- roupot" mil j and bnnk official* said be Wrapped , t.) them in n brnwn paper and luekod hn* them under hi* arm when he wenl nu!

sh irjtn lunch Tliursday.


ED iiQposalhllltT of "Achierlng Pnietarlat Control is Srldeoced I s Many

,rm.. . Qaartnw I- ; --------

; VIKS'N'A, (/p)-Oenoral onn.lomnn- itinn nf liolshovism msrked tlio pro-

Hn Vc«l(np. Ilf {he IfiterBatloBal w elallif fsi.jrnnfcrenco. In setslon hero today, hn.l fipoakor* from many rountrle* ovmce.l fo: rerognltion Hint presenl world eondi- ore f'liiw mftk*" fho fnuk of lehlovloff pf«- -nl.jle tarla t rdu lm ' virtually impossible, no t A liumaniftn delegate dcctarod tbii<

■soclalbim would nnt have an intemn- ing,fl«n'il wcnfion In fhe eaij and .w e« if Pct.lmlshevum w v inlriMlured Jn l(s prn- ■ro. gram.m i ' I t w.>i derlnred thal bolsheviini i/,p.B-0HJd only nvnkrn thr labor mov- jg .'m en t. whieli. 1( woa awerfed. musi d.- ^ tip o n d upon T ev n lu llo n ^ *oclall8m._

"■irUNBBAl-SBBVIOBfl FOB ,,.‘ B0I6B POBLISHBB'B BOKI CinCAOO. (/p>-runem l service* fm

'.L yon Cobb, of Bolae, Idaho, aon n(,, JCaJrln C'obb. fjubllabor of the Bniw ,:lsia.tesninn, nrr to be held a t n p. m.

todnv in tho chapel at Oraceland cem- “rio trry . Mr. Cobb died here veKtorde,- “ ,5h ,■> himpllal iiflcr n longthy illnM*.

I Stock battermllk, )<> per irallo?. ■7|Brlng your container*. Bterllng Cre»o'

e ry .-H iir.

of «20M« TO LBND OK BBAL B8 TATE el HBNBY J. WALL—adT.aa ........ ... .1.

' jl ■ A M 0 S B H E H T 8 I----------------------------------------------- ---1 .

|OEM—“ Ouce to Every W om aa", s ta r ‘®( ring Dorothy Philllpsj alio Topics of “ l the Day, Pathe Berlew aad Screen , ®'[ Magarfae. . , ' . . [t!OBFlIEUM—Two feature' rauderllle ,f* act*; aUo fotoplay and comedy rlo ti '

! ineJD dra»a,,"E ddl* P ok i 'i /Adven p| lu rei frem TUa Clteu* L ife ."

'‘ ’ID A H O -D orotby Dalton In " a u l l ty of, " t Love” ;a liocom edy tD dP athe,N ow s. ,

Q l d i j j l i l e d

; I (TOO LATB PO B C L A flsm O A I'O A

I FOU SA IiB -C ontract of *a lcrim 'j- > eat value « 0 0 . Twla Falli.rcsldpn.-- [property; will (ake M50. Dox B72.J Jerome. Idaho-

,: ' f OH K E N T -^ iro e fmo from room*, . tn fu rn iih o d . Suitable for llgbt-hoiiv- jkeeplriK- 445 Main Weil. I 'h o n e ^ ll t .

'* p o i i S A L K -R u ta l seed potAtoe*. .1 I C, D ra(ty, Phone nTHRI.

fl z

Nibley-ChanneltU K B B B 0 0 » A B T

}DAY,.FEBRUARY^, 19i’ HOTIOB‘ 1 0 a A lU O i: BIVBB

. SBTTZiEBS ■. Tho ahniial election of diroetori of

Ir n (he Salmon iUvcr' Setdera Aaioriallon Y n *< 1921, at

2:00 p. in., a t (ho foliowiag places:Berger tichool House fo r Towashipi

<on IM S ; IM U; JM 7 for 4 directors; Uo'.Ilater School House for Townshipi 12-

£ 15; 12-10; lS-17; 13-lS fur 3 d lrecton; Kogenen; Jdaho, for Townshipe 14-lS: U-10 for 1 director.

Ja . . • R. M. BEAUOBAMl*._ Socrotary Salmon River ->. . Settlera Aaaoeiatlon,-

- . .2 "W A aH iN a .” .

To all owners and dVIven o fm o U r ~ vebi.eje*; '-License*., are now due an.l - “ • { « j-ib ir“a( the office of tho Oouaty

Assessor. IJeense. pla(«s niuit.,b« op • piled for and on all cbt* ojiornting b r

March 15th. Make your ap[ilieatioa ‘ It^n, jiromptly and take no chancee. I’erioA*. wili check* nnf neeepted.' t,u - H. C U U D STKWAltfT,I'ler County Assessor.

So love *cenes nre perm itteit fo he aad movie* In J^ion t t ty .

a t -■ ' , u ■

We 4 inpillU |||l|||||II M

S .W h y n o a .v ;y . „ r l. . ,y „ r '. su it dyed a n d r e p a i r e d ? '

f^ n l i n i r r

' w H I ^

I - : j ; L A D I E S 'in - W E' OAN XNreBBST "^00

Jgi BEB o im : ••ed ' Ar't Needlework and supplirs ol

nl! klndi»~«'e' ilo Stanplng. sre BcnuUful_ Juvciillo ^uppliea. m* A tlrac llrb thIng»'-for'8tork Show-

• > 'p i . ■— Art Specialty Shoppe—

MBS. E C. ^ W K ■2nd a t. West---------Back of RUey’i

w ■ — : •

a t " M M ’

T h e & t t e r y

M i n u s H a l f

t h e

W e a r i o i 'P a r t s

la d ia* tbaWBMd i t m M ’liiibbct B«t- t o y m m i s h aay b«ttei7 — but t t e n 't coe dtScFes^ Wood ■c f iM i u w vear ciA; Threaded » i * e r h w h d m ootleits th e b a li tf f « m y tfaaa.

: f tf C M iW R n b b e r rn w U tfa o , , l f ,« d d proo/ p a a c tu ra' o r c a ib o iB t e . k f a o M o f t h a -

t b i n p : Chat m a les tfc b good b a t t c r r a t B b c t e r . Y o t tH f io d i t ^ b th a W n » d T h re a d e d S o b b a r B a t t o r .

Electric Service Slation308. H . fiBATBK

IBI 2ad;A Tt. N., Twin FalU. Ida.


cviMaajm w

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921 ,
