TH EoM r AFTERN00l\ TWIN TOL 9. H a SU GEORGIAN < , gOSTIL iSM FOBCK ft ■mjTiEj oimom[ii[i[ More B a n 2,000 Men Enroll in Ir’ ; Panama Capital at First Call S;i for M ilitary Service; Base of ^ Operations Chosen , SEIZURE O fIa N D BRINGS ll . NATIdte Jlrro CONFLICT olel : ntam ef tbosiiul tlflw . fM M lM diainSlirU a Atonleaitta-. Ihn ' ibcdtiM to U» rifiaawdiUl nw (ce, . . kms vbkh «lMa tn .ter nptlUag tiw hswrM ^tonilea of '. Pm auibTO artiaialii.-. ■„ B u .z«(iMir'^KeeRlidr to ad' II TioM no«nd.tqd«7 br J. B. U nil fem, clui«»; or tl» Pinuu bp- U tton. ii.eeeUlaai la-r fonul Bot« H ll ttasM to-5nnlta JunlDffi PzlM- A . Amsrien At P m au at7 M for tnofsiUdoe tb the tUt« d»- I, partnjttt " H BlcudM J. AlTin. foreign aSi- I litsr of F u u u , .«to ll In Wuli- I ln<t«n for tho isM furjtton cen- Shar monlea. dsnM that oa sUted tn pnM AifpKteiua. tho a m i htd been wtoned t« thair «wnni. He old i tt* tin*« lud Wen oollectefl-and ! lisM by A fintan aatlinltlta la 1 ATI 191« » t« a ft Wtterfy. contested n i' »inl a - - t toMa~Ttectton—iwtwd-to-fn*-— abadov as anned itnsgle tiftween Mhnul poUtlcal factlaoi. .. . milt, ]£r. 'A tm o «xpi«ued confidence eolirp Uut the United-SUtee vould n- IrnUj tum the ftreanns. I ktibI "Zt la unthlnkahls.'' ho aald. ;n ror "that the Tmtted Statee. 'whkh ni<ri'K , tnanotMd tha tenltorlaj Integrity nld m of Panaaa wonld wlihhold any- tlnnlt. tUns.BOoded by ml to;defend coi- aelm a*Unit_w^n." ' f'ANAM'A. ■uiiH l)«lwpfn PanftCTun nncl Coula Blfani •‘“ ‘I form m tho vlclnltv of Colo, on th'i '’"ly > T’flflflf end'flf Uio frontier b«tw«u'lhr l’af‘ o lT>-o tonntrlM, U U naid in unoffifial;'li'Jfn nclviwa reeeived here, OffielAl eon- /irmnllon of lhc«« reporti. however, h rn|lin( lacklnjr. IVrmnl .leelaration of war m tiad nnt been mjiie tm until Tbumdny w y n nlffhl. . Vohmteen Are Kmuerooi.- More thnn 2000 moo enrnHed for mll- llarv tm lM hero Thuradny and re-, Mrt* frotn olhW parte of the.repu> le W tolil of ritirena TolBBteerlBj for' tHt -masc army. TWo hnndred men left thla elty.'>r pui Thuntflftv nf temoon for thft CoaU Bleon nrnl re froollRr; nnd It la believed the Pan (he In man foreea near Coto or en toule to lo.lnv. Hin*. plaee number about fOO. Mlai Th# bt»e of ranam nn oi>eratlon* wiU •■f-ft|ir» hr In thp imnli to»vn of Pro(cr«*o, neat '1ro*« nolfr. de Diilef. whlt* it eonneeted by « ntr s tirirrow cttURe rnllwftv with a imalMiie port toBrtnirW )>y Ihe Tnnama fine*! rnmpanjr. . Bmw Aro Mtau'g. _ It. wn* jtenerallf .believed the Unil'il I PUfea Bovemtneni. held aeveral Ihon- . ^nnd rifle- for, »h«; •Pannmnn.'P"-ern -------- ment, aad It wwrinppotefl; Ihe vo nn- tfpr« woiiM bp nmcA.jrilh, them. It wna lenmVd. howevoi; that *roe rinc* • ^ taVenover fi-om I k jW nwan Bo«n';, ^ meal, follflwin? the atfatoJr of, the Hay- ■ VanTlft Ireatv were relnroeit'ftiia more than ISM of tho. pin* .were "oW;*!, _ pnWir fliiftion here in Ifl i t I Sm OoBit UdMca at ITO. ' I I"'*' Ab IniPMHrtlne p h u e of thn aitija- . lion T«t.l*a from Corta Biea oeenp^rinc tprritorv „n4er the wM'ra»inn derirtrj of Chief .TnrtUe White of the United, fltftlea wipreme eourt. whieh “* tA down In W H. while the TTnltM aule* heri-lf. hea. br virtue of^eallej «i.aranteed Ihe territorial Inteftrltv ^ • M. ronntrv. The Panaman povern , .prn* r’fllmA' however. Ihnt .Tuallee b«« .IrrUion eontained a elaote »> of t “t’r rffeM tliM If h’a Rward ahoulil not thin br tiooepled h r both partlea, the terrl-; •..»m irfaf”ii would revpfl to thp enn-, ■U'lnna laid down bv the de<-iilnn ren^; ictu ,Vrrd hv Preoident U ube'. of Franee.; eonl V h itniler ♦hi* I/iiibrl .lpei»lon that tUU PnnBBiR elnim* »h*..lanil whieh jnen Rira hna itelul ' Othi Oil Isterwta InTolred. i It l< known the Sinclair oil lnlere»l"' Imvr been eonduetlnT ilrilllnjr o|)erii ' vu tiona in Coata BleTi near Ihp .Umiutr'l Vho trrrllorv. Iind roporfa are m firrnlatini', men : in !>aBftmn that the Cotta Ilimn cnv'' tntA .rrnment hn* nlreodv irrairtecl n BrilU.i jmoi .•otporatinn a eonfeaalnn for oil e*- ploitation In the aame jtoneral loralitj. ■' dlfti APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT = MAY PREVENT CRUISE c o n H m sipuom t iuuiiu roaibmtr ot Failure to Make Oood Frotnliea (p fiecmlti VVH WABinNOTON. 1>. yPh-Limitcl „n.v.. nnproprinilnrn tnav prrvent foreip* ton m ,nu«« flf the AllMtle and PaeKiP j;, flrrta 'thi* eummer ni plannod, il wn« ti.<- 1. laid tfldav M the navv .Irpjrlment. TTie mn;. .Irpartmenl hnd ploaned to aend thr Allnntle fleet down Iho eaat eoaat of Sl’l. 8o«lh America and over lo Cape Towf. H.r ' Afrlea. and the Parifle to Anitralla. fi- Vpw 7/eBland-and the Orient. 'Hv. IN f'APER IN liiABO C ^FA CAPITAL J LITIES BEG lORMALGlRLWAMS |D MAN’SiOCIETY, NOT EMBROIMRY CLASS oloQel Bnllook Hakes Strong Plea for Oommonity Oen- tor Dovolopment ATUNTIC CITY, N'. J., Drvcloptnpnl of the Mtamunlty ••• eriiier waa urp-d torlay by. Cobne! “ 61 C. Boymour Hullock of Bouth Bend, • I Ind., before the community ei-ntor ' acction of tho .N'atlonnl iJduralloa [ ( niWoclatloR. , "UV ean’t foo} Batlirr,” be aaJd |, ' ‘by offcrlo); tho odoleaecot sirl no embroidery elaaa or a prayer meet- aA-; ioK es]iceliL]ly for youoff ladies. AUI Evory normal girl wanta thr w Tf] oloty of ft yoimg man and the 1» ' 'J Jtolng: to have It. “ Soeloty must romo lo iht rea- T- eue- Tlio chambor of eommeree. Iirt.« IhrouRh ita public wclfaro commit- natii (ce, atanda a]>0Di0r for a ai^ne nt-' Minn tempt to provlilo n community cen- noIr ter for thoae wfaone needa canaot in); othenvlte be mot." tlir iim s-1 mimmu . il>;me mros Blame \rtth Automobile for Lowered Horal Tono, Edaoator Doolares ATIjANTIC aTV. (/R-1t!iV war ‘‘''.'f .1 aulomobliea art- rr«irtin»il.lr for th* VP' .p«llin|f-lmmorft1ilv-'!:-nmoi.g-hijh iflol nbidenta, MU. Ullinn K, Dlre.l''” " It, (lean of-'WHinnr nt ‘Miirnlnuiiilttt**''’^ ilejre. Blout (Sly, Inwn. dprlarrd yp«-1 ‘"al ilay (n an Dddmn lioi'urr thr nn- nnl rnnncil of.dejin* nf wnmen. <j>)| eorreetlvo ihr wiiRealcd Ihul wo- ■n'n rolle(p'» adhrrr rlowly to tho ^Hv I atnpdnrd of rhnpcrooafjr' for itu- Playa'HaTocwlthBtandarda' '.'Tlie wnr hai'vlayi'd havoc wllh out; . U ilrjirStRndardi.'' linid MIm Dlmmltf^ md after four ywrn of klllinj; 11,1a* ' ' ly nnlurol. It 1* rctponalble for n- fj, rt of thu riotflua licenifl found amfln,i idenla in the junior hieh nrhflolx. TIia| iv| mbrr of enara of Immnrnlilv in np-j on Hing. J wn ‘fhtreme *oclftl life ha*.found Its to< y Into Ihe f.choola nnd colleRca. llieh nn: innl Klrla aro the social liutterfllej ,.m II (tet their ideala^from tlm aentntion' rn: movl ea. . — rir Ohapennage Would Help ' to ‘While A earofiil avatcm of chaper- njre would not ftuarnntcp riRht livinj* OLD puro moral* It wonld be protective ll react on the'atndflnia and he>p lavo;- T<; ‘ home fro'm the bitter, erltlclam ofu-atin Inv.” 1Knn> Sfia* Allw Boberlaon, membpr of Icjtiil tnre** ’frflm Oklahoma. In an nd- n net '«* before Ihe national council of iminl tp uniM'rintendenl*, mado ci plea, for nnl I ' “ olli bome Ideal*” for women. tn t> cae—^ s s s K B s a s s s B s a s s s a a s a FLASHES FROM VIBKNA, yp> -r« the flrrt time alnc hU {dty li'W thont Bohamlaa^e(l^. Ita ln( n the effort to reatore the exchanga ralae ichd Is aihanited, WASBINOTOK, (ff)-rorted panpotti tnou to enter the United Btates are x)pe«a eomrtzy, It ww annotmoed today at -8AK FBAiraiSOO, (ff>-Un. Bthal Y hat her huihand, WfllUm F. Younger, coi nany & glxl -who had prefen«d a charse af Ihe wrote dotln* ber lart conadoua honr. ABEBOBEK. Waih^' (/P>-Hnndreda o{ ’enlDsola. aorth of here, by a recent eton n rth of danuc*. accetdlng to Jade Wlniltn Men prouctfld for 'im ral yeare here and >f tVro in tlM Olympic country bafor* th hlnki ttte «lk are alio ahort of food and th 8AK FBAKOISOO, OaL, — Men i ichoola bere In lach great numhars' that let «nllng to the profa«lonali vho are acting uns profeailooal, who la In charg»'of tho nent atore here, tayt from flftoea to twe: nher itores which giro tnatnictlon aay It Is BEBESLEY, Oil.,' (/P>— held by i vaa fotmd not. to b« altogetlier true at th Then it waa umounced' recently tbat In pi nen proved to be of higber InUIlect than aade between msn and women, man fumi mowlodge require^ and women fumiahed tl JTomen, It waa found, were parUnilarly al elating to ths fins arta. In pnblema caUinj littanced the women. in O N MILLS ARE BURNED OIL -q .Of Undetennlnsd OriglA Oeitroya Pens Two Texaa ErtabllshmeDts IVICIIITA F A U A Tcjcaa. (/P ^ F iru l‘j nnilctermlncd orlsln rnrly lodny de- I' ...veil 40.000 balM of low Krn.le cot fud. I nnd the nfficr nnd we»l ahed ofi^ ' J.’. 1’. Andcmon Cnmprcta company.!'i'‘ I- 1o«* wnit catlmatrd al about WOP,-' her®. . 1 I . -■ in 1«n <n>inrn 8PmN08,'T«xM7iiip>-U'ni)p r I'oi^urii Ofltton Oin wsa doatroycl. In $ fi'r nf imexplained origin ■ye*ter';n bn I'. I/i«< wna piltmnleil nt >10.000. ithrw CARRYINGTBE FULL LLS tw iv rAXU, XDAEO, SATUB AGAIN IN J GINBETWE PUCIOIflP !S ' mSIITG) CiiL’Sl"! Members of League of Nations p Body Endeavor In Private Conversations to Reach So- lutlon of Mandate Problem s thret ICTION ON ALLOTMENTS ‘“n TO JAPAN SEEMS BLOCKED fJl', -------- trui PARIS. (/P)—Private ronvcraationi jjrodi irt.wren thp mpmbera nf Ihe league of -1 a: mtinii* eounrll luive been in progreaa Ou ince Thunday rejrarding tho Ameriean [wait lole .m n.andaii'* wllh n view to find* Ix-ml nj; ft wav for glvinic 'atiafnrtion to ri«h ).r WaiihinKtfln ^ovrmmcnt without c-rn i rcnpnasing on the prpniKutivr* of the Mav lllcd n^iem c cniincll. I>i. Wellington Wa'io ioo, CTilnc»c m.'mlicr of the leaguo 71,, nunril, ha* bren nctlvr in thc*i‘ con- creneet. Portponea Oontfderatlon. :ment Him* been \Uri.mlly decided that eon't",*!' Ideratioi. of bolh Ihe aerlen ” A ” nnd l’a""e he wri.'*.“ II” mandnlf* ahnll bp po»*- Killed'titilll li^lvr. Minnwhllr. tbo . ,, Inltrd Htntra mny. If ll troa fit. aenn , rrprraenlallve lo confer wlfli thp •iilpir r<i.incll n-tinrding the pnlntii il II ni>i>rarn lin p ^ jlile fnr. Ilie_-<'0iin- tl-of Ihr iMgnp fo tiike npy "aetlnn "'J''en pgartllnp thp allolmpnl of thr Paclfls *'t'e, ilnnd* fo .Tnpnn byjhp_«upreme coun- '’d a 1 11 tinlcM the aliie<i Kovemmenti con- mndo ent to hnvB the mailer tnken out of atnte Imt body’* hnnd«. 1 , ■ tl.nt btacutaea Dandg gneaUoni. Thr Iracui' coiineii lodny tnok up nrinuN .iue.tli>n> relntlvo |o Ihr freo f Ily of .l)anii>;, . larding is Presented ,, j '; p ith Fine New Broom pi»i» ■'WABHIKOWI.V. b. (m -A fl'ir. uvH- bfonm nddr.wrd to ' ••1‘rriililpnl Warren 0. Harding” ' ivilh' Ihr ndmnnllion "uae thi*l” The nn thr reverie nf Iho nddreta Inc, cnau wn« delivered al the White Hou*e whlcl todny Iiy rxprri.a. Tin- npiider’a |inrei] unniA vn* lint ahowu.* W hllr Hnum* llie f I'niplfl.vp* nre wnndrrinc if'th r tii- rnminir preiidcnt would mnkr n clrnn aweep whrn hij got nrnnnd 'i* In ll. ‘'I'l'f' m i-.i-., .1 iitc II iLD WATEB OONTBOVBBSy nii'ht 18 BBVmJD IN KANBAB proj.r TOPKKA. Knn.. (/P)-Thi- ntd irri- i'»;«ti ation wnlrr r.mtrnvrr'V lielween ciiltiii :nn«na nnd I'olorndn ramr np in Ihr Hml •Biilntur.' Ii'dny with Intrndiiclinn nf lliii: urnnri' ronc.irrrnl r.'*nl.ilion for np- , I nintmi'fit n f'i. pomnil»»inii t.i Ihreili fe# nl the f)nn«tlon fl* tn whn in eullllfld fun II thr .vnter li.-Jhp ArVnu«n* tWei- ptii —1 par W THE WIRE I dncs lha dlacovery of the beverage ’ Im ]^ vas proUhlted In Norenlber lae of the crown, and the supply op „rci,i, uiercc crta to enable undealrabU and dan- are being iasned In almost every Bu- at tho fUte department. ll Younger ended her life today to - The could eacaps the penltratlary and low*: e agalnrt hiia. according to a latter tnry % »-17,7.' I of eli^ wen idlled la the Olympic torm which did miUions of dollm ’ Hu] jJtrw, game comaltslow. ESkbare nd there were said to bs thooaands ulllit I the stoim. Mr. •■Wlnalow aald he ' *ociei i tbat many ars dying of itarration. .'ISO; -I, ^ partn m and women are flocking to golf timbr . leaaons cannot be given to aU. ac- ]>iil>li< ing aa instmctofs. Jos Norak, Spo- j Dc| the golf dn>artmnt In a big depart- | Mrpnc twenty-flve beginners attend dally. |tnrnt t is Impoaslbla to handle tba crowds.' : ilrpni ----------- j»n,.n by many In "eqoality of tho sezea" .lurnt i the Univaiflity of Oalifomia bere ,invr» npiycliologlcallntelliBencs testa, the Ij.ulilh lian women.' In tho average grade , r.'clnt inilshed aixty-nins per cent of the ’nitlm d the remaining thirty-one par cent. •; «n,noi T akiUfnl in answering conundrunia ' lUng for cold naaoning the men out- ________________________ ' Th. ............. .......... ......... - Ithr h IIL PRICES DROP LOWER I 'ennsylrania Purchasing Agendaa An-' noonce rurthec-BeducUona tl"’ '! •— ipur|iii IMTTSm’noll. I’n, (/F)-Thr prie •; "‘her f I’ennsylvnnin nnd olhrr tfrnili-« n' rudr nil wen- further trdiiced tndnv, Tl.i rnr.linj: to nn ftnnounccment mndo by bill > 'i'- prltici]'nt 'lil piirchn'lng n^enrlr^ rcRUl, era. Her I’l'uniiylvnnln .-rnd.- wn* rut cent* ion* bnrrel. infik'.i'C-UiC-. new prlcca ♦•1 icheil nbrll wjit re<lnccd Ifl’ $1.80. Ronirraet todav •1 ♦l.n.'l nnd Ptimerael, lii»hl lo ♦I.SO. * bnrrel. n reducllon of 20 eenta. on lirv thtep cr^llle^ If bnrrel, L'OAY LEASED WIRE h DAIL rUBDAY. FEBBUABY 28, 1021 . HANDS OF mNPANAM STATE FARM DE I IS UNDERFIR I )ne of Three Bills Sought by Beleagi Down while Another Has Narrow tion for Indefinite Postponement; Recommends Making Off Huge Sli IlOItfli, (BpccUl to Tho N ..w .)~T h.[ itnte dpparllme&t of agrlcullurr wna | I inijpr tire In thv hnaie ti>Aity whva( I hrre bllla aought -by thla drpartmenV M umo up for floal setlon. , - Tbe firtt of theao moaaurca, houar I illl Ko. 70, whleb would have given I ho department atrong meaaurea of eon- -. I rul ovor InapeetloB of fruit u d farm rodueta, wna killed hy votu of 22 t<> 1 after oileaded debate. 'Sonc Oundmundsen of Caaals, led the op-; oaition lo tho blli, while Snook of ^ icmhi, 8t:\nger of Doanovlllo, and Pur- Uh of Adn, ipoke againat It. Speak- ra in favor of the oetaure beluded 7 Jay of Power, Seaborn of Gooding, and-.— fen Valora of Twin- Falls. | bill Tbo aeeoad of tho threo moaauroa,| and nuao bill No. 127, taking auperviaion tbe ver Babaoek teita from the depart- jral lent of publie welfare and girfng It nor I) thr departmeat of agrieulture, waa the aiaed by vote of 28 to U. tile SaTsd by Tls Vots ll.iu*.. bill N'o. l»0, the Ihird of tbe • ;va rilogy, which provldi'M 'hul fcr» r.i'- ■r[pi|, for inapecllou Vy the nifrlcultur- i'dppartmeat ahnll Ix returned to the r<ii>t-ni :ate'a geacra] fuad, bnd a ndrrow iTrl.id juenk whea motion of noomer of Pav. tie, for indefinite poitponemont ovok- j,, n,,, ] a tiu vote of SI to 21. Statement ia oy lodo by Cbairaian Bnook of tbe bouRc tnte uffalra eomnllttae, and Jjthera, Thr ■fit lhe*P feea laat year amounted to |,ntr. pprorimately *80,000 whifh aum >»aji .- Wh: :ieiit by the agrioultural department In fi7,-ii< JdltloD to ita appropriation tnado by incinii ir fifteenth aeailon. ;.ir ii Ouu Bhoit tt Podin 1 ','' Thr dfpartin.'ul of nu'rieullun' farclj ul ill ikt tlic liaiidu of Ihr liniiw- up-1.... . roprintloua'rommltlwjj'blcb Into yi’t'j in,n,i, »»il»)'‘'inU.idui'eiV n gcn.Tnl ii|1ifTt|iria-|^,v th Ioui llill corryiri); k l.ilul of f l , '’20,-1 ki'iImH 30 II* uiimjmrrd uHh u Inlal iif ♦1.7H.':,-1 jf,. HU uak.'d III Hip gijvi^nor'x budget. 11 ,„. v 'he lurg.^it ainglp allco I* made in the eulnt nau uf thr ngrlcultural' drpnrlment'neat hlch woulil hu glvi-ii ^IIH.-'i.m ua riim-i It I nred \»-ith $i;48,X1ii rccomm.-nd.'d b y ; 12 la !ie governor. TiG .'i.OG Strtk» « Wortc I .Il hna becuuiu known iiImi Ihnl thr |* ||r p]<ro|irlutk)n* committe.'ii. uf th.- "‘‘n-'fiM L ll' und houae. nt a joint caucua Inat'LllIL ik;ht, dccidi'il to oliminnto all atnle np-l roprintlon* tn Ihu rxlensinn depart-j irnta of the atnlr univoraliy and oni- ,iltural ilppartnii'nl, taking tho poistion, ml bolh InititutiuBB have bi'en get-'O onf iii: tno much monoy. ' Enactment of tbe bill rstuinlng 1 fees for Inspections to the general : fund and adoption of tbe appro- | priation committee’s weonunBnda- \Vv\ tion for appropriation for the de- ; m r r 1 partment of oplcnlture would lim- ] Inriff it Its funds during the next two |hmi<if yean to u amoiut approximately inctlnn I 1M.OOO teas than expended dnrlng ; tbe bBinnum jort doted. 1OONT -'Phr-Tpineml apjiropriatinn bill lulrn-i ,iceil .voitrrilny io Ihe hnum- prnvldea. Rn] ir the conaolidnllon of Ihr indualrial. of «e -ciilent bureau and dppnili»cnt of enm-.grnntc erco nnd Induitry wilh. thr drpart-" thr p ont of finnncr, and niukei-provision, rhilea ir thr alate runstubulDry nnd . atnto' Knipp ,irehnaing bureau. 'cit.v. Itemixed ApproprlaUons -iuona'’ The bill cnrrii-a approprlaliona ak ful- ( wi: (l.iiernor'a oWicc'f30,8'10; aeem- Jr iry Ilf alali- ♦21,70il; atnle auditor I7,7.’ ')V; ntnli' tr.'niurrr 120,410; nttor- QBKX I'V grnrrnl. niinr In'ix'- lor j H,07.V , .... Huprnme eourl »Pl,ii.'0: diatriet court. 120.00« ; libjRTV K0.4tR; ptthUe lllitlea commlaiinu «H2,3nO; hlatoricnl' p icii-ty #7,tW0; traveling librnry 20; ajjutaut'grnprnl $40,-100: lnnd dr-|p|^',,,, artment #03.380; prntpctlnn of i urm’ri mbrr *0,000; Ornnd Armv of thr Hr-' llbllr M.tOfl. , , = = Departmenl of ngrirulture ♦ItH.S.'i.'i; ■ ppnrlmpnt nf finniice $107,0ri2: depnrl-‘ \^0 irnt nf budgela nnd tarntinn ♦27,770;, rpnrtnient of itnmlKmlion nnd Inhor', I 13,.'13.'!; depnrtmclil of Inw cnfflrcr-; irnt »1.13,on'); depnrtmrnt of public^ ivr»lnu'u|ii *(!■!,flOO; department nf nlille vrolfnrr $I,'>4J)I.’:: .lepartment of j ■rlniimtlnii WiO.dOO; l«iatd flf e<]unli-. WA itlou $2.12.'i; premiuir nf alntr bnnda'the 11 IOOO- prrnidi'iitinl .-li'i-toni' expenae* Amerl fiunnr Offers Dtfldeucy BlUa Th.' rnnimlttre 0:1 nji]iroprlnIinn» in ir hoiiar tmlny Inlrflduerd n bill enr- ,j I'lug nu npjimprlallnn of *2.10|riftl,3il,,t" * I enver defielpneiM inVurri'd bv the' o" latr j.'ovrrtiment and chnrilnlde'prnnl ’ n.Voi inlilnliona; n a.-cnml bill fnr the anmr'}.,11 i urimae nmounting In $fl,0r.n.47 ftnd tw o !, ther drficienry menmir.'M of 1110.20 f „ f |. nd no.os re*,ipcllvrly. yfi ,, The a.'nntp tl.la morning'piiaaed houae lated ill N*o. 14 relating In the licenaing.nnd proba rgulatlon of real cilate dealer*. the r Krnnte.bill N'o. SOI-amending provia- Bel in« of thr exlallnff rlection lawa waa mitle rhedulrd for final netion in tha arnnle ainn* ' ndopt ' |tlna 1 IDAHO WEATKEB. • Aai Tonight and Hunday, fair ' >-Won , _ - - - REfORT OF THE ASS ,Y :NE i" BOLSHEVI U AND COS iPARTMENT 'sO il IN HOUSE C iguered Organization Is Voted w Squeak in Tie Vote on Mo- lt; Appropriations Committee Slice Out of Revenues Cons —— --------------------------- fil DIMS 2 lilE lIi"" --------- CO.' onato BUI Limiting: Incoming cnpiin Aliens on Percentage Basis again is Bndorsod - day.- WABHINQTON, (fl>>-The coa- • ported ference report on the Immigratloo pl.i^ bill waa adopted today by the honse ex|« and sedats and tho measors tent to to tba president. I t would limit isunl- gmttoa tit ftft«a jooatha tw a neoft April 1 to throo per cent of PAI the nationals of tho Tarlous coun- Oeorgi tries wbo were in tha United BUtet wai n at the time of the 1010 oensusi thla a -------- , An WAHinNOTON. M>) — The aenate forme. 1 limiling imnilgmtion from aay Bu- | >t-nii rountry duringthe fifteeft month iRQ-'^j rl.id Ix-giniilug uuxt April I to three) r I'Miil of Ihu number of prra.m% born, - ...FIi Ihnt country, wbo wrre in Ihr Unit- IX)^ Rtate* In 1010, wna paaned today by OeorgI hou*.-- lo hav Thr Vllle, liik.'ii nfler on hour'* d'- aaya a tr. w.i« 20H to 40. Loado; Wliilr Ihr hiiuw ugreed to Mu' rul'- holdtni rriii'r n'jHirl withnnl luudiflention th? M. 'niiirr iniKi Iir npprovnl by the acn forelgi I- iii'iiiri. it c-iiii.;.,, tn Ihr prcaldei;f offere. Ih.- runfi'rrr* uii.de a-hir elmugca to arr II. menlu flinlrman .lohiiann of thr imniigrall'in inmillrr, whole bill 1n virlnnlly atop n f i n imimilen , for il yrar 'nu.Aefealo'l H n il • th.' wifnle. led lo tht* fight for the UHM Utilutr filnn. . Tf Mr. JiiliUKon explnined ihnt the nieni- || I' w.uilil In nil wnv uffret (!hlnrap , clnelnn or the Rnol-Tnkahirn ngree- jot aa lo Japanean Immigrntlnn. Brinf It i* rMlmaIrd Ihnt during Ihr fir« i»„, lannlh* nf Uu- rritrietlvr ■ ]M'rio.l .'i.OOO allpii* cnn br ndmlllod In th- illed Statee. -, ________ •. WAI «NCfllFPil[L ISEiiSEBBflSEE ______ . plnlra )nferencc Roport is Adopted | and'Measure Goes to'Sen* ijg ate for Pinal Action I (tranio ------- --- It » W-ASniNnTDN. (ff')-The , eonfer- pwtetl rr rrimrt on Ihr Piirdner rmrrg»-nrv!B®»e™ ■iff bill W71* ftdopled tndny hy .ihe(s»ntli mr nnd irnl hi Ihr nrnate'fnr flrinlj lion. Thr vnjr wna 20.'; to 127.’ |ftNT| iNTIBMa OinLBAN OBANT ^ . TO GEBMAN 1NUUBTBIAL8 ‘ lillENOS AIRJS. (/P)—Confirmallon^O«W Berlin rejKirla thnl thn cnnceaalnn| inted Oermnn induitrial intereda in, > province nf -TJanquihue by ihp Mean unvrrument nre ’hobVliy the PHt' uppa. la given in the Ilrrnld of thii Thomn .V. The newapapor aaya the Krupp< that h II- build the- Inrgeal ateel and mnni- bili. ' na plnnla in Houth Amerien. nnd the Ca It the wnrk <{f conitnictibn will he-jlng of I immediately. |zeaihi] IKEBALLY FAIB WBATHEB IsHIPl FOBEOAST FOB NEXT WBEK WA8IUN0T0N. (;P)-Wrnlher vtf ( NR\ •tinna fflr th.- w ek beginning Moa- tihipp. V nre; -bnrgh. t'Tiiirr Mb-iifdppi nnd liowcr Mii»l' Ithe p( ipi vall.'va,. Rorlct— Mnuntnln nnd rector nli'nii n'lrinni: N’ormnl tempernturei.- China nernlly fnir. here i hunts On Interest On War Loans t Finance Service WABniNQTON, D. C.. of ehangi • intprp.l nn thr ♦10,000,000,000 of five 0 ncflcnh wnr Innna to Ihe nlllei In length innrlng i.iljuitrd compenaation fir form* rmer a.Tvir.. mrn i* onp of the plani tralnli drr rnni.i.l.'ratlnn by congrraa..Th'a 8eni n diaelftfrd tndn.v when the loldiera' in the uu* bill wna fnvornbly reported b> iirobal f aenalo finan'cr rommittee. 8ov Benalor McCumlwr, republican. North oppo*' ikotn, who will havp rhatge of thr lalant II in Ibp *rnale, rxphined to Ihe erat* mmitter thnt by poatponing the ef- ameni ctive dale of all provial.ma of tlie bill n II until Jnnunry ), 102.1. Ihr ncfutnu- alnria ted Interest on the foraign loant Ren obably wnuld br aiiffirieni in bear who ' e poit of the compenanlion.' a mil Before reporling the bill the con, One itiep rllminntpd nil of the tax provl- eonm ^n* m npprnved by the hoiiae and most loptpd Senator .McCnmberla auggei- month ia aa io the effective date. |o int Aalde from atrlking ont the tft* nr»-- may li alon, tbe eommittee made ’ little Air th SOCIAfED PRESS :WS - ' moa nvB obnti IKI; STAMCA lEfK 1 TiUS: lElLIB : nsfantinople Dispatch, Con- firmed by French Foreign Of- fice, Tells of Re-entrance of Reds info Beleaguered City MENIA ANdI eORGIA SUSPEND HOSTILITIES n.TOTANTixopijj. m '- nnb, Ilnl of tfac republle of Oeorgia, Is in in the btnda of tbe boithevUn, >rding to rc|oriN received here to- .' ’Tlie soviet forces which were re- «d lu rcccnt advleea t« bave occd- Tiflia arMoal but-were later tbe Ocorglana, aow are aald . lofftjl^log the city. PASZ^IIl^NnBUS BEPQ&T. '. AEIBi'^t^Announceaient thal tbe rglan fo($ej had evieoated Tiflls made by tbe Preach foreign offiee afternoon. revolutionary conualttee.baa beei. . ned at ‘IHflla, the for^ga offire ban J informed, nnd Ihe Georgian gov neat bas been-iuatalled at KuUh, mile* northweat nfTlfiU-' nOHTINO SBBK8 AX BND. ONDON, MV-F!gbtjng ^A^ri rglan and Armeaian truope appears iav« terminated for thi- time Ming, I a CoaaUntlo^le dlipateb^to the don Tbnea. .The. AhnenUns are Itng the Dorchalu territory. :. Tehitcherin. Boasian bolshevilc ign mlaister, ii reported to have red Ills friendly offices with a view . irraaglag a aclllenieat between A f » ,|u nnd Oeorgifc ' ’ ' i lllliOlipBIIIII ngs Diplomatic Presbtire to tear on Washington in Oos-~ ' - ta Blca Grants 'AKlilNOTOfr, »D-Oreat Brittiu brought diplomatic preuure to hear the United Statea to recognlie thv> eenceaaiona granted by the Unoeo 'rnmeat of CMta Blca to Britiih'it.- ate, It was learned today, at tbe n department, but rince the United ea hoa withheld recognition frot-i Tiaoco region, It'has taken the po- in ihnt it can not'gire Its approral ^onceal!ona that -gorenaent hat itod. I waa explained, howerer, that no ttl hni mode \sj the Amtrltan i >mment to Corta Blca againit the itIng of coneeaslons. ’ TI-ALIEN LAND,BILL -MADE UWJN,ARIZONA enuT OaotpbaB-Aimonseai ttgBlag : Ueaitirs Uodtled aftnr OaUfor ' ^'Lagiilatlon IIOENTX. A rit, (/P) - Oovernor non K Campbell-today annoanesd - ho had aigned'the antl-allen,land The bill, which la modeled afU r Califomm land law,.prohibits ows- of land by.allemi Ineligible for citi- hip. . FP WlXiL PIBEOT DBHfB FOB CHINA FAMINB FUND BW YOBK. M>h-Prederiek B >p. general aeeretary of the PItla- (h.-Pis Y. IL C^'A., has .aeeepted position of natloaal'campaign - dl- or for tho American eoamlftee 'for la famine fnnd, It was anaonaeed : today..' t Payments to Allies to 'e Men’s Bonus igc in the house bill, retaining tbi, ' ! opllona of a cath b-)nus baao<l on - I :tb of aervlte, deferred certificatcA. i n* nnd homo aid and vocational ning. . ... enator McCumber plana to call It op Ibo senato nt Ihe first opportonity, bably next week. overtl aenatom gave notice of Ihetr <i»lVlon nni\ 6cnato« Oerry, BhoiV- md,'aad Jones,. New Mexico, demo- . , tsv merred tbo ' Hghl to nffer (ndmenla on the floor to bare tb( . maJp Immediately eWeellvc, by- r*- , ringfthe taxation proviiiona. :«nat«r. Thomas, demotrat, Colerndo, j 3 opPon>d tho bill, expeeta to 'fli.* nlnorlly report . , ino of the amendmenU added b r the. , nnittee prorid|u that all elaima, (t b* filed by Jnly.I, J022. air, , - ithf befbre any ef thn proviaiona; . 1 , tato'tffoet,sothftl,ttf:»«m «>flt, ',(• ' knpw whftt pfoportloo of men flU . ; ths eash or other options..' '. j;>

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T H E o M r AFTERN00l\



iSM FOBCK ft ■mjTiEjoimom[ii[i[

M o r e B a n 2 , 0 0 0 M e n E n ro ll in Ir’ ;

P a n a m a C a p i t a l a t F i r s t C a ll S;i

f o r M i l i ta r y S e r v i c e ; B a s e o f ^

Operations C h o s e n ,

S E IZ U R E O f I a N D B R IN G S l l . N A T I d t e J l r r o C O N F L IC T olel

: n t a m e f tb o s i iu l tlf lw . fM M l M d i a i n S l i r U a A to n le a it ta - . Ihn

' ibcd tiM to U » r i f ia a w d iU l n w (ce,

. . kms v b k h «lMa tn . t e rnp tlU ag tiw h s w r M ^ to n i le a of

'. P m a u ib T O a r t i a ia l i i . - . ■ „B u .z«(iM ir'^K eeR lidr to ad' I I

TioM n o « n d . tq d «7 b r J . B. U n i lf e m , clui«»; o r t l » P i n u u b p - Utton. ii .e e e U la a i l a - r f o n u l Bot« H l lt t a s M to - 5 n n l ta Jun lD ffi PzlM- A

. A m srie n At P m a u a t 7 Mfor tn o fs iU d o e tb the tU t« d»- I , p a r tn j t t t " H

B lcudM J. A lT in . foreign aSi- I l i t s r of F u u u , .« to l l In W uli- I ln<t«n for tho isM fu r jtto n cen- S h a r monlea. d s n M t h a t oa sUted tn pnM AifpKteiua. tho a m i h td been w to n e d t« th a ir «w nn i. He o ld i t t* tin*« l u d W en oollectefl-and ! lisM by A f i n t a n a a tlin ltlta la 1 ATI 191« » t« a ft W tterfy . contested n i ' »inl a

- - t toM a~Ttectton— iw tw d - to - fn * -— abadov a s anned i tn s g le tiftween Mhnul poUtlcal factlaoi. .. . milt,

]£r. 'A tm o «xpi«ued confidence eolirp U u t the U nited-S U tee vould n - IrnU j tu m the ftreanns. I ktibI

" Z t la un th lnkahls.'' ho aald. ;n ror " th a t the Tmtted Statee. 'whkh ni<ri'K

, tn a n o tM d tha ten lto rla j Integrity nld m of P a n a a a wonld wlihhold any- tlnnlt. tUns.BOoded by ml to;defend coi- a e lm a * U n i t _ w ^ n . " '

f'ANAM'A.■ uiiH l)«lwpfn PanftCTun nncl Coula Blfani •‘“‘I

• f o r m m tho vlclnltv of Colo, on th'i '’"ly > T’flflflf end'flf Uio frontier b« tw « u 'lh r l’af‘ o lT>-o tonntrlM , U U naid in unoffifia l;'li'Jfn nclviwa reeeived here, OffielAl eon- /irmnllon of lhc«« reporti. however, h rn|lin( lacklnjr. IVrmnl .leelaration of war m tiad nnt been mjiie tm until Tbumdny w y n nlffhl. .

V ohm teen Are Kmuerooi.- More thnn 2000 moo enrnHed for mll­

llarv tm lM hero Thuradny and re-,Mrt* frotn olhW parte of the.repu> le W tolil of ritirena TolBBteerlBj f o r ' tHt -masc army. TWo hnndred men le ft thla elty.'>r pui Thuntflftv nf temoon for thft CoaU Bleon nrnl re froollRr; nnd I t la believed the Pan (he In man foreea near Coto or en toule to lo.lnv. Hin*. plaee number about fOO. Mlai

Th# bt»e of ranam nn oi>eratlon* wiU •■f-ft|ir» h r In thp imnli to»vn of Pro(cr«*o, neat '1ro*« nolfr. de Diilef. whlt* it eonneeted by « ntr s tirirrow cttURe rnllwftv with a imalMiie port toB rtn irW )>y Ihe Tnnama fine*! rnmpanjr. .

B m w Aro M tau 'g . _It. wn* jtenerallf .believed the Unil'il I

PUfea Bovemtneni. held aeveral Ihon- ■. ^nnd rifle- for, »h«; •Pannmnn.'P"-ern --------

ment, aad It wwrinppotefl; Ihe vo nn- tfpr« woiiM bp n m cA .jrilh , them. It wna lenmVd. howevoi; that *roe rinc* • ^ taV enover fi-om I k jW n w an B o«n ';, ^ meal, follflwin? the atfatoJr of, the Hay- ■ • VanTlft Ireatv were relnroeit'ftiia more than ISM of tho . pin* .were "oW;*!, _ pnWir fliiftion here in Ifl i t ’ I S m

OoBit UdMca a t IT O . ' I I" '* ' Ab IniPMHrtlne p h u e of thn aitija- .

lion T«t.l*a from Corta Biea oeenp^rinc tprritorv „n4er the wM'ra»inn derirtrj o f Chief .TnrtUe White of the United, fltftlea wipreme eourt. whieh “ *tA down In W H. while the TTnltM au le * heri-lf. hea. b r virtue o f^e a lle j «i.aranteed Ihe territorial Inteftrltv ^ • M. ronntrv. The Panaman povern ,.prn* r ’fllmA' however. Ihnt .Tuallee b««

.IrrUion eontained a elaote »> of t “t’r rffeM tliM If h’a Rward ahoulil not thin b r tiooepled h r both partlea, the terrl-;•..»m irfaf” ii would revpfl to thp enn-,■U'lnna laid down bv the de<-iilnn ren^; ictu ,Vrrd hv Preoident U u b e '. of Franee.; eonl V h itniler ♦hi* I/iiibrl .lpei»lon that tUU PnnBBiR elnim* »h*..lanil whieh jnenRira hna i t e lu l ' Othi

Oil Is te rw ta InTolred. iIt l< known the Sinclair oil lnlere»l"'

Imvr been eonduetlnT ilrilllnjr o|)erii ' v u tiona in Coata BleTi near Ihp .Umiutr'l Vho trrrllorv. Iind roporfa are m firrnlatini', men

: in !>aBftmn that the Cotta Ilimn cnv'' tntA .rrnm ent hn* nlreodv irrairtecl n BrilU.i jmoi

.•otporatinn a eonfeaalnn for oil e*- ploitation In the aame jtoneral loralitj.

■ ' dlfti A P P R O P R IA T IO N S L IM IT =

M A Y P R E V E N T C R U IS E c o n

H m s i p u o m t iu u iiu roaibm tr ot Failure to M ake Oood Frotnliea

(p fiecm lti VVH

WABinNOTON. 1>. yPh-L im itcl „n.v.. nnproprinilnrn tnav prrvent foreip* ton m ,n u « « flf the AllM tle and PaeKiP j;, f lrrta 'thi* eummer n i plannod, i l wn« ti.<- 1. laid tfldav M the navv .Irpjrlm ent. TTie mn;. .Irpartmenl hnd ploaned to aend thr Allnntle fleet down Iho eaat eoaat of S l’l. 8o«lh America and over lo Cape Towf. H.r ' Afrlea. and the Parifle to Anitralla. fi- Vpw 7/eBland-and the Orient. 'Hv.




EMBROIMRY CLASSoloQel Bnllook H akes Strong Plea fo r Oommonity Oen­

to r Dovolopment

A T U N T IC CITY, N'. J.,Drvcloptnpnl of the Mtamunlty • • •eriiier waa urp-d torlay by. Cobne! “ 61 C. Boymour Hullock of Bouth Bend, • ’ IInd., before the community ei-ntor 'acction of tho .N'atlonnl iJduralloa [ (niWoclatloR. ,

"U V e a n ’t foo} Batlirr,” be aaJd |, ' ‘by offcrlo); tho odoleaecot sirl noembroidery elaaa or a prayer meet- aA-;ioK es]iceliL]ly for youoff ladies. AUIEvory normal girl wanta th r w Tf]oloty of ft yoimg man and the 1» ' 'J Jtolng: to have It.

“ Soeloty must romo lo iht rea- T-eue- Tlio chambor of eommeree. Iirt.«IhrouRh ita public wclfaro commit- natii(ce, atanda a]>0Di0r for a ai^ne n t- ' Minntempt to provlilo n community cen- noIrte r for thoae wfaone needa canaot in);othenvlte be m ot." tlir

i i m s - 1 m im m u

. il>;memros Blame \rtth Automobile for Lowered Horal Tono,

Edaoator Doolares

ATIjANTIC a T V . (/R-1t!iV war ‘‘'' . 'f .1 aulomobliea art- rr«irtin»il.lr for th* VP' .p«llin |f-lm m orft1ilv-'!:-nm oi.g-hijh iflol nbidenta, MU. Ullinn K, D lre.l''” " It, (lean of-'WHinnr nt ‘Miirnlnuiiilttt**''’ ilejre. Blout (Sly, Inwn. dprlarrd yp«-1 ‘ "al ilay (n an Dddmn lioi'urr th r nn- nnl rnnncil of.dejin* nf wnmen. <j>)|eorreetlvo ih r wiiRealcd Ihul wo- ■n'n rolle(p'» adhrrr rlowly to tho ^HvI atnpdnrd of rhnpcrooafjr' for itu-

Playa 'H aT ocw lthB tandarda ''.'Tlie wnr hai'vlayi'd havoc wllh out; . UilrjirS tR ndardi.'' linid MIm Dlmmltf^ —md a fte r four ywrn of klllinj; 11,1a* ' 'ly nnlurol. I t 1* rctponalble for n- fj, rt of thu riotflua licenifl found amfln,iidenla in the junior hieh nrhflolx. TIia| iv|mbrr of enara of Immnrnlilv in np-j onHing. J wn‘ fhtrem e *oclftl life ha*.found Its to<y Into Ihe f.choola nnd colleRca. llieh nn:innl Klrla aro the social liu tterfllej ,.mII (tet their ideala^from tlm aentntion' rn: movlea. . — rir

Ohapennage Would Help ' to ‘While A earofiil avatcm of chaper- njre would not ftuarnntcp riRht livinj* OLD puro moral* It wonld be protective

ll react on the'atndflnia and he>p lavo;- T<; ‘ home fro'm the bitter, erltlclam ofu-atin Inv.” 1 Knn>Sfia* Allw Boberlaon, membpr of Icjtiil tnre** ’frflm Oklahoma. In an nd- n net '«* before Ihe national council of iminl tp uniM'rintendenl*, mado ci plea, for nnl I ' “ olli bome Ideal*” for women. tn t>c a e — s s s K B s a s s s B s a s s s a a s a

F L A S H E S F R O MVIBKNA, y p > - r « the f lr r t time alnc

hU {dty li'W th o n t Bohamlaa^e(l^. I ta ln ( n the e ffo rt to reatore th e exchanga ralae ichd Is aihanited,

WASBINOTOK, ( ff ) - r o r t e d panpo tti t n o u to enter the United Btates are x)pe«a eomrtzy, I t w w annotmoed today a t

-8A K FBAiraiSOO, ( ff> -U n . Bthal Y h a t her huihand, WfllUm F. Younger, coi nany & glxl -who had prefen«d a charse af Ihe w rote dotln* ber la rt conadoua honr.

ABEBOBEK. Waih^' (/P>-Hnndreda o{ ’enlDsola. ao rth of here, by a recent eton n r t h of danuc*. accetdlng to Jade Wlniltn Men prouctfld for 'i m r a l yeare here and >f tV ro in tlM Olympic country bafor* th h ln k i ttte «lk are a lio ahort of food and th

8AK FBAKOISOO, OaL, — Men i ichoola bere In lach great numhars' th a t let «nllng to th e profa«lonali v h o are acting u n s profeailooal, who la In charg»'of tho nent atore here, ta y t from flftoea to twe: nh e r itores which giro tnatnictlon aay It Is

BEBESLEY, Oil.,' (/P>— held by i vaa fotmd not. to b« altogetlier true a t th Then i t waa umounced' recently tb a t In pi nen proved to be of higber InUIlect than aade between msn and women, man fum i mowlodge require^ and women fumiahed tl JTomen, It waa found, were parUnilarly al elating to th s fins arta. In pnblema caUinj littanced th e women.

inON MILLS ARE BURNED OIL-q .Of Undetennlnsd OriglA Oeitroya Pens

Two Texaa ErtabllshmeDts

IVICIIITA F A U A Tcjcaa. (/P ^ F iru l‘j nnilctermlncd orlsln rnrly lodny de- I' ...veil 40.000 balM of low Krn.le cot ■ fud. I nnd the nfficr nnd we»l ahed o fi^' J.’. 1’. Andcmon Cnmprcta com pany .!'i '‘I- 1o«* wnit catlmatrd al about WOP,-' her®.

. ‘ 1I . - ■ in 1«n

< n > i n r n 8Pm N 08,'T «xM 7iiip>-U 'ni)pr I'oi^urii Ofltton Oin wsa doatroycl. In $

f i 'r nf imexplained origin ■ye*ter';n bn I'. I/i«< wna piltmnleil nt >10.000. ithrw


LLSt w i v rA X U , XDAEO, SATUB



Members of League of Nations p Body Endeavor In Private Conversations to Reach So- lutlon of Mandate Problem ’

s thret


-------- truiPARIS. (/P)—Private ronvcraationi jjrodi

irt.wren thp mpmbera nf Ihe league of -1 a: mtinii* eounrll luive been in progreaa Ou ince T hunday rejrarding tho Ameriean [wait lole .m n.andaii'* wllh n view to find* Ix-ml nj; ft wav for glvinic 'a tiafnrtion to ri«h ).r WaiihinKtfln ^ovrm m cnt without c-rn i rcnpnasing on the prpniKutivr* of the Mav lllcd n^ iem c cniincll. I>i. Wellington Wa'io ioo, CTilnc»c m.'mlicr of the leaguo 71,, nunril, ha* bren nctlvr in thc*i‘ con- creneet.

Portponea Oontfderatlon. :mentHim* been \Uri.mlly decided that e o n 't" ,* ! '

Ideratioi. of bolh Ihe aerlen ” A ” nnd l’a""e he w ri.'* .“ II” mandnlf* ahnll bp po»*- Killed'titilll li^lvr. M innwhllr. tbo . ,, Inltrd Htntra mny. If ll troa fit. aenn ,

rrprraenlallve lo confer wlfli thp •iilpir r<i.incll n-tinrding the pnlntii il

II ni>i>rarn lin p ^ jli le fnr. Ilie_-<'0iin- t l-o f Ihr iMgnp fo tiike npy "aetlnn "'J''en pgartllnp thp allolmpnl o f th r Paclfls *'t'e, ilnnd* fo .Tnpnn byjhp_«uprem e coun- '’d a 1 11 tinlcM the aliie<i Kovemmenti con- mndo ent to hnvB the m ailer tnken out of atnte Imt body’* hnnd«. 1 , ■ tl.nt

btacutaea D andg gneaUoni.T hr Iracui' coiineii lodny tnok up

nrinuN .iue.tli>n> relntlvo |o Ihr freo f Ily of .l)anii>;, .

larding is Presented ,, j '; p ith Fine New Broom pi»i»

■'WABHIKOWI.V. b. ( m - A fl'ir. uvH- bfonm nddr.w rd to ■'••1‘rriililpnl W arren 0 . H arding” 'ivilh' Ihr ndmnnllion "u ae th i* l” The nn th r reverie nf Iho nddreta Inc, cnau wn« delivered a l the White Hou*e whlcl todny Iiy rxprri.a. Tin- npiider’a |inrei] unniA vn* lint ahowu.* W hllr Hnum* llie f I'niplfl.vp* nre w nndrrinc i f 't h r tii- rnminir preiidcnt would mnkr n clrnn aweep whrn hij got nrnnnd 'i* In ll. ■ ‘'I 'l 'f '

m i - . i - . , .1 iitc IIiLD WATEB OONTBOVBBSy nii'ht

18 B B V m JD IN KANBAB proj.rTOPKKA. Knn.. (/P)-Thi- ntd irri- i'»;«ti

ation w nlrr r.mtrnvrr'V lielween ciiltiii:nn«na nnd I'olorndn ram r np in Ihr Hml•Biilntur.' Ii'dny with Intrndiiclinn nf lliii:

urnnri' ronc.irrrnl r.'*nl.ilion for np- , Inintmi'fit n f 'i . pomnil»»inii t.i Ihreili fe#nl the f)nn«tlon fl* tn whn in eullllfld funII th r .vnter li.-Jhp ArVnu«n* tWei- ptii

— 1 par

W T H E W IR E Idncs lha dlacovery of the beverage ’I m ] ^ v a s proUhlted In Norenlber lae of the crown, and the supply op „rci,i,


crta to enable undealrabU and dan- are being iasned In almost every Bu- a t tho fU te department.

ll Younger ended her life today to - Thecould eacaps the pen ltratlary and low*:

e agalnrt hiia. according to a la tte r tnry% ■ »-17,7.'

I of eli^ w en idlled la the Olympictorm which did miUions of d o l lm ’ Hu] jJtrw, game c o m alts lo w . E S kbarend there were said to bs thooaands ulllitI th e stoim. Mr. •■Wlnalow aald he ' *ocieii tb a t many a rs dying of ita rra tion . .'ISO;- I , partnm and women are flocking to golf timbr. leaaons cannot be given to aU. ac- ]>iil>li<ing aa instmctofs. Jo s N orak, Spo- j Dc|the golf dn>artmnt In a big depart- | Mrpnctwenty-flve beginners attend dally. |tn rn tt is Impoaslbla to handle tba crowds.' : ilrpni----------- j»n,.nby many In "eqoa lity of tho sezea" .lu rn t i the Univaiflity of Oalifomia bere ,invr» npiycliologlcallntelliBencs testa, the Ij.ulilh lian women.' In tho average grade , r.'clnt inilshed aixty-nins per cent of the ’nitlm d the remaining thirty-one par cent. •; «n,noi T akiUfnl in answering conundrunia ' lUng for cold naaoning the men out-

________________________ ' Th.— ............. .......... ......... - I th r h

IIL PRICES DROP LOWER I'ennsylrania Purchasing Agendaa A n-'

noonce rurthec-BeducUona t l" ’'!•— • ipur|iiiIMTTSm’n o ll. I’n , ( /F )-T h r prie •; " ‘her

f I’ennsylvnnin nnd olhrr tfrnili-« n 'rudr nil wen- further trdiiced tndnv, Tl.irnr.linj: to nn ftnnounccment mndo by bill >

'i'- prltici]'nt 'lil piirchn'lng n^enrlr^ rcRUl,era. Her

I’l'uniiylvnnln .-rnd.- wn* ru t cent* ion*bnrrel. infik'.i'C-UiC-. new prlcca ♦•1 icheil

nbrll wjit re<lnccd Ifl’ $1.80. Ronirraet todav•1 ♦l.n.'l nnd Ptimerael, lii»hl lo ♦I.SO. *

bnrrel. n reducllon of 20 eenta. on lirv thtep cr^llle^ I f bnrrel,





) n e o f T h r e e B i lls S o u g h t by B e le a g i

D o w n w h ile A n o th e r H a s N a r r o w

t io n f o r I n d e f in i te P o s tp o n e m e n t ;

R e c o m m e n d s M a k in g O ff H u g e S l i

IlOItfli, (BpccUl to Tho N ..w .)~ T h .[ itnte dpparllme&t of agrlcullurr wna | I inijpr tire In thv hnaie ti>Aity whva( I hrre bllla aought -by thla drpartmenV M umo up for floal setlon. , -

Tbe f ir tt of theao moaaurca, houar I illl Ko. 70, whleb would have given I ho department atrong meaaurea of eon- -. I rul ovor InapeetloB of fru it u d farm • rodueta, wna killed hy votu of 22 t<>1 a fte r oileaded debate. 'S o n cOundmundsen of Caaals, led the op-;

oaition lo tho blli, while Snook of ^ icmhi, 8 t:\nger of Doanovlllo, and Pur- Uh of Adn, ipoke againat It. Speak- ra in favor o f the oe tau re beluded 7 Jay o f Power, Seaborn of Gooding, and-.— fen Valora o f Twin- Falls. | billTbo aeeoad of tho threo moaauroa,| and

nuao bill No. 127, taking auperviaion tbe ver Babaoek te ita from the depart- jral lent of publie welfare and g irfng I t nor I) th r departmeat o f agrieulture, waa the aiaed by vote of 28 to U . tile

SaTsd by T ls Vots ‘ll.iu*.. bill N'o. l»0, the Ihird of tbe • ;v a

rilogy, which provldi'M 'hul fcr» r.i'- ■r[pi|, for inapecllou Vy the nifrlcultur- i'dppartm eat ahnll Ix returned to the r<ii>t-ni :a te'a geacra] fuad, bnd a ndrrow iTrl.id juenk whea motion of noomer o f Pav. tie, fo r indefinite poitponemont ovok- j,, n,,, ] a tiu vote of SI to 21. S tatem ent ia oy lodo by Cbairaian Bnook of tbe bouRc tnte uffalra eomnllttae, and Jjthera, Thr ■fit lhe*P feea laat year amounted to |,ntr. pprorimately *80,000 whifh aum >»aji .- Wh: :ieiit by the agrioultural department In fi7 ,-ii< JdltloD to ita appropriation tnado by incinii ir fifteenth aeailon. ;.ir ii

O uu Bhoit t t P o d in 1',''Thr dfpartin.'ul of nu'rieullun' farc lj

u l ill ikt tlic liaiidu of Ihr liniiw- up-1.... .roprintloua'rom m ltlw jj'b lcb Into yi’t ' j in,n,i, »»il»)'‘ 'inU.idui'eiV n gcn.Tnl ii|1ifTt|iria-|^,v th Ioui llill corryiri); k l.ilul of f l , '’20,-1 ki'iImH 30 II* uiimjmrrd uHh u Inlal iif ♦1.7H.':,-1 jf ,. HU uak.'d III Hip gijvi^nor'x budget. 11,„. v 'he lurg.^it ainglp allco I* made in the e u ln t nau uf th r ngrlcultural' d rpnrlm ent' n e a t hlch woulil hu glvi-ii ^IIH.-'i.m ua riim-i It I nred \»-ith $i;48,X1ii rccomm.-nd.'d b y ; 12 la !ie governor. TiG.'i.OG

S tr tk » « Wortc I. I l hna becuuiu known iiImi Ihnl th r | * | | r p]<ro|irlutk)n* committe.'ii. uf th.- "‘‘n - 'f iM L ll' und houae. nt a joint caucua In a t'L llIL ik;ht, dccidi'il to oliminnto all atnle np-l roprintlon* tn Ihu rxlensinn depart-j irnta o f the atnlr univoraliy and o n i- ,iltural ilppartnii'nl, taking tho poistion, ml bolh InititutiuBB have bi'en g e t- 'O o n f iii: tno much monoy. '

Enactm ent of tbe bill rs tu in lng 1 fees fo r Inspections to the general : fund and adoption of tbe appro- | p riation committee’s weonunBnda- \Vv\ tion for appropriation for the de- ; m r r 1 partm ent of oplcnlture would lim- ] Inriff i t I ts funds during the nex t two |hmi<if y e a n to u am oiut approximately inctlnn I 1M.OOO teas than expended dnrlng ; tb e bBinnum jo r t doted. 1 OONT-'Phr-Tpineml apjiropriatinn bill lulrn-i ,iceil .voitrrilny io Ihe hnum- prnvldea. Rn] ir the conaolidnllon of Ihr indualrial. of «e -ciilent bureau and dppnili»cnt o f enm-.grnntc erco nnd Induitry w ilh . th r drpart-" th r p ont of finnncr, and niukei-provision, rhilea ir th r alate runstubulDry nnd . a tn to ' Knipp ,irehnaing bureau. 'cit.v.

Itemixed ApproprlaUons - iu o n a '’ The bill cnrrii-a approprlaliona ak ful- ( w i: (l.iie rnor'a oWicc'f30,8'10; aeem- Jr iry Ilf alali- ♦21,70il; atnle auditor I7,7.’')V; ntnli' tr.'n iurrr 120,410; nttor- QBKX I'V grnrrnl. niinr In'ix'- lor jH,07.V , ■ . . . .Huprnme eourl »Pl,ii.'0: diatriet court.

120.00« ; libjRTV K0.4tR; ptthUe lllitlea commlaiinu «H2,3nO; hlatoricnl' p icii-ty #7,tW0; traveling librnry 20; ajjutau t'g rnprn l $40,-100: lnnd dr-|p |^ ',,,, artm ent #03.380; prntpctlnn of i urm’ri m brr *0,000; Ornnd Armv of th r Hr-' llbllr M.tOfl. , , = =Departmenl of ngrirulture ♦ItH.S.'i.'i; ■

ppnrlmpnt n f finniice $107,0ri2: depnrl-‘ \ ^ 0 irnt nf budgela nnd tarntinn ♦27,770;, rpnrtnient o f itnmlKmlion nnd Inhor', I 13,.'13.'!; depnrtmclil o f Inw cnfflrcr-; irnt »1.13,on'); depnrtmrnt of public^ ivr»lnu'u|ii *(!■!,flOO; department nf nlille vrolfnrr $I,'>4J)I.’:: .lepartment o f j ■rlniimtlnii WiO.dOO; l«iatd flf e<]unli-. WA itlou $2.12.'i; premiuir nf a lntr bnnda 'the 11 IOOO- prrnidi'iitinl .-li'i-toni' expenae* Amerl

fiunnrOffers D tfldeucy BlUa •

Th.' rnnimlttre 0:1 nji]iroprlnIinn» in ir hoiiar tmlny Inlrflduerd n bill enr- ,j I'lug nu npjimprlallnn of *2.10|riftl,3il,,t" * I enver defielpneiM inVurri'd bv th e ' o " latr j.'ovrrtiment and chnrilnlde'prnnl ’ n.Voi inlilnliona; n a.-cnml bill fnr the anm r'}.,11 i urimae nmounting In $fl,0r.n.47 ftnd tw o ! , ther drficienry menmir.'M of 1110.20 f „ f | . nd n o .o s re*,ipcllvrly. y f i ,,The a.'nntp tl.la morning'piiaaed houae lated

ill N*o. 14 relating In the licenaing.nnd proba rgulatlon of real c ilate dealer*. the r Krnnte.bill N'o. SOI-amending provia- Bel

in« of th r exlallnff rlection lawa waa mitle rhedulrd for final netion in tha arnnle ainn*

' ndopt' |tln a 1

IDAHO WEATKEB. • AaiTonight and Hunday, f a ir • ' >-Won

, _ - - • -



iPARTMENT 'sO il IN HOUSE Ciguered Organization Is Voted w Squeak in Tie Vote on Mo­lt; Appropriations Committee Slice Out of Revenues Cons — — --------------------------- fil

DIMS 2 lilE lIi""

--------- CO.'onato BUI Limiting: Incoming cnpiinAliens on Percentage Basis again

is Bndorsod- day.-

WABHINQTON, (fl>>-The coa- • portedference report on the Immigratloo p l . i ^bill waa adopted today by the honse e x | «and sedats and tho measors te n t to to tba president. I t would lim it isunl- gm ttoa t i t f t f t « a jooatha t w aneoft April 1 to throo per cent o f PAIthe nationals of tho Tarlous coun- Oeorgitries wbo were in tha U nited BU tet wai na t the time of the 1010 oensusi thla a

-------- , ■ A nWAHinNOTON. M>) — The aenate forme.1 limiling imnilgmtion from aay Bu- |>t-nii rountry du ring the fifteeft month iRQ-'^j rl.id Ix-giniilug uuxt April I to three)r I'Miil o f Ihu number of prra.m% born, - ...FIiIhnt country, wbo w rre in Ihr Unit- IX)^Rtate* In 1010, wna paaned today by OeorgI

■ hou*.-- lo havThr Vllle, liik.'ii nfler on hour'* d '- aaya atr . w.i« 20H to 40. Loado;Wliilr Ihr hiiuw ugreed to Mu' rul'- holdtnirriii'r n'jHirl withnnl luudiflention th? M.'niiirr iniKi Iir npprovnl by the acn forelgiI- iii'iiiri. it c-iiii.;.,, tn Ihr prcaldei;f offere.

Ih.- runfi'rrr* uii.de a-hir elmugca to a rr II. menlu

flinlrman .lohiiann of th r imniigrall'ininm illrr, whole bill 1n virlnnlly atop n f i nim im ilen , for il y rar 'nu .A efealo 'l H n i l• th.' wifnle. led lo tht* fight for the UHM U tilu tr filnn. . T f Mr. JiiliUKon explnined ihnt the nieni- | | I' w.uilil In nil wnv uffret (!hlnrap , clnelnn or the Rnol-Tnkahirn ngree-jo t aa lo Japanean Immigrntlnn. BrinfIt i* rMlmaIrd Ihnt during Ihr f ir« i»„,

lannlh* nf Uu- rritrie tlv r ■ ]M'rio.l .'i.OOO allpii* cnn b r ndmlllod In th- illed Statee.

— - , ________ •. WAI


______ . p ln lra)nferencc Roport is Adopted | and'M easure Goes to'Sen* ijg

ate for Pinal Action I (tranio ---------- I t »

W-ASniNnTDN. (ff ')-T he , eonfer- pw tetl rr rrimrt on Ihr Piirdner rmrrg»-nrv!B®»e™ ■iff bill W71* ftdopled tndny hy .ih e (s » n tli m r nnd irn l hi Ih r n rnate 'fn r flrinlj lion. T hr vnjr wna 20.'; to 127.’ |f tN T |


lillENOS A IR JS. (/P)—Confirm allon^O «W Berlin rejKirla thnl thn cnnceaalnn|

inted Oermnn induitrial intereda in,> province nf -TJanquihue by ihp Mean unvrrument nre ’hobVliy the PHt' uppa. la given in the Ilrrn ld of th ii Thomn .V. The newapapor aaya the Krupp< tha t hII- build the- Inrgeal ateel and mnni- bili. ' na plnnla in Houth Amerien. nnd the Ca It the wnrk <{f conitnictibn will he-jlng ofI immediately. |zeaihi]


W A8IUN0T0N. (;P )-W rn lhe r vtf ( NR\ •tinna fflr th.- w e k beginning Moa- tihipp. V nre; -bnrgh.t'Tiiirr Mb-iifdppi nnd liowcr Mii»l' Ithe p( ipi vall.'va,. Rorlct— Mnuntnln nnd rector nli'nii n'lrinni: N’ormnl tempernturei.- China nernlly fnir. here i

h u n ts On I n te r e s t On W a r L o a n s t

F in an ce ServiceWABniNQTON, D. C.. of ehangi• intprp.l nn th r ♦10,000,000,000 of five 0 ncflcnh wnr Innna to Ihe nlllei In length innrlng i.iljuitrd compenaation f i r form* rmer a.Tvir.. mrn i* onp of the plani tralnli d rr rnni.i.l.'ratlnn by congrraa.. Th'a 8eni n diaelftfrd tndn.v when the loldiera' in the uu* bill wna fnvornbly reported b> iirobal f aenalo finan'cr rommittee. 8ov Benalor McCumlwr, republican. North oppo*' ikotn, who will havp rhatge of th r lalantII in Ibp *rnale, rxphined to Ihe e ra t* mmitter thnt by poatponing the ef- ameni ctive dale of all provial.ma of tlie bill n II until Jnnunry ) , 102.1. Ihr ncfutnu- alnria ted In terest on the foraign loant Ren obably wnuld b r aiiffirieni in bear who ' e poit of the compenanlion.' a mil Before reporling the bill the con, One itiep rllminntpd nil of the tax provl- eonm ^n* m npprnved by the hoiiae and most loptpd Senator .McCnmberla auggei- month ia aa io the effective date. | o int Aalde from a trlk ing ont the tft* nr»-- may li alon, tbe eommittee made ’ little Air th


:WS- ' m o a n v B o b n t i


lE fK 1 ■ TiUS: lElLIB :

nsfantinople Dispatch, Con­firmed by French Foreign Of­fice, Tells of Re-entrance of Reds info Beleaguered City


n.T O T A N T ixopijj. m ' - n n b ,Ilnl of tfac republle of Oeorgia, Is in in the btnda of tbe boithevUn,>rding to rc|oriN received here to- . ' ’Tlie soviet forces which were re- «d lu rcccnt advleea t« bave occd-

Tiflia arMoal but-were later tbe Ocorglana, aow are aald .

l o f f t j l ^ l o g the city.

PA S Z ^IIl^N nB U S BEPQ&T. ' .A E IB i'^ t^A nnounceaien t thal tbe rglan fo($ej had evieoated Tiflls made by tbe Preach foreign offiee afternoon. •revolutionary conualttee.baa beei. .

ned a t ‘IHflla, the for^ga offire ban J informed, nnd Ihe Georgian g o v neat bas been-iuatalled a t K uU h, mile* northweat nfT lfiU -'

nO H TIN O SBBK8 AX BND.ONDON, M V-F!gbtjng ^ A ^ r i rglan and Armeaian truope appears iav« term inated for thi- time Ming,I a C oaaU ntlo^le dlipateb^to the don Tbnea. .The. AhnenUns are Itng the Dorchalu territory.:. Tehitcherin. Boasian bolshevilc ign mlaister, ii reported to have red Ills friendly offices with a view . irraaglag a aclllenieat between A f »,|u nnd Oeorgifc ' ’ • ■ ' i

lllliOlipBIIIIIngs Diplomatic Presbtire to tear on Washington in Oos-~ '

- ta Blca Grants

'AKlilNOTOfr, »D -O rea t B rittiu brought diplomatic preuure to hear the United Statea to recognlie thv> eenceaaiona granted by the Unoeo 'rnm eat of CMta Blca to B ritiih 'it.- ate, It was learned today, a t tbe n department, but rince the United ea hoa withheld recognition frot-i Tiaoco region, I t 'h a s taken the po­in ihnt i t can no t'g ire Its approral ^onceal!ona tha t -g o re n ae n t ha t itod. I

waa explained, howerer, tha t no t t l h n i mode \sj th e A m trltan i>mment to Corta Blca againit the itIng of coneeaslons. ’


enuT OaotpbaB-Aimonseai ttgB lag : U eaitirs Uodtled aftnr OaUfor

' ^ 'L a g i i la t lo n

IIOENTX. A ri t, (/P) - Oovernor • non K Campbell-today annoanesd -

ho had aigned'the antl-allen,land The bill, which la modeled a fU r

Califomm land law,.prohibits ows- of land by.allemi Ineligible for citi- hip. .


BW YOBK. M>h-Prederiek B >p. general aeeretary of the PItla- (h .-P is Y. IL C^'A., has .aeeepted position o f natloaal'campaign - dl-

or fo r tho American eoamlftee 'for la famine fnnd, It was anaonaeed : today..' ■

t P aym en ts to A l l i e s to 'e M en’s Bonusigc in the house bill, retaining tbi, ' !

opllona o f a cath b-)nus baao<l on - ‘ I :tb o f aervlte, deferred certificatcA. in* nnd homo aid and vocational ning. ■ . ... enator McCumber plana to call I t op Ibo senato nt Ihe first opportonity, bably nex t week.overtl aenatom gave notice of Ihetr <i»lVlon nni\ 6cn ato« Oerry, BhoiV- m d,'aad Jones,. New Mexico, demo- . , tsv m e rr e d tbo ' Hghl to nffer (ndmenla on the floor to bare tb( .

maJp Immediately eWeellvc, by- r*- ,ring fthe taxation proviiiona.:«nat«r. Thomas, demotrat, Colerndo, j3 opPon>d tho bill, expeeta to 'fli.* nlnorlly r e p o r t . ,ino of the amendmenU added b r th e . , nnittee prorid |u tha t all elaima, •(t b* filed by J n ly .I , J022. a ir , , - ith f befbre any e f thn proviaiona; . 1 , t a to 't f f o e t ,s o th f t l , t t f :» « m « > f l t , ',( •' knpw whftt pfoportloo of men flU . ; th s eash or other options..' '. j;>

Page 2: ^ F A LLS DAIL,Y :NE:WSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...THEoMr AFTERN00l\TWIN

: lEiKI!! S ff liii

FIELpiEI; Expedition Under Patronage o

' Harvard and Smithsonian In stitute Undertal<es Penetra tion of British Guiana Wild

NEW yOIUv, « V -T w o yoiing An «rl«Aiu.' u lled^hom tb i t jw tl toilay (c

. Bouth Amerira to ncarch (ut a vn' Btore of woalth iupi>0M<J to lin in Ih "fh lB D ey ” of the JIamond deponil o f Brlliih t iu iu iu A t Qeorgetoim, tli CBtiltal of tho D ntltb MncMioa, thv i m bo joined by a 'tb ti 'ii ' ailvcnturr (Oincr Aineriran who bos outfitted I ParU.

The oxpeditloa ii uader tbe pntror oKo of litrv ftrd un ivenity nnd th Rmllbwaion iailK ute o f Wanhinf(tot fo r wbleb .It wBI cniry on Roopaphltt

'o ip lon itiosi. Wllllnni J . L aV om , J r a H arrard 1910; hrnd* tli;iflrly mtd bU frllow explorer* ai .Inme* MaeDonnld of IJm n. 0 „ atii Dudloy Lowi* of Hprinj;fiHil. Maw They Mp<-ct to »j>onil mon- tban o yen in tho juoK lif

S tn u jo People lo ro .BeaidM im 'atlcm iit tn follow , th

Kc-ntt«re<t dri>oal1« of' prcriom "torn- Mvcral hundn‘d mile* tiirouRh tani;li'<l rrp lik ' Infitled w ildae«utii.tbi;ir sourr innj; knono to exl«l nomc where tn Ih' hill rounlry, but ni-ver <li»covrrfd, th' expedition will Inke olmcrvatloni o the aborigloiil inbabltunta atid gvologie s i featorea of tbp nm ntry. an well a roptuTo *peflmen* (if nativp wild ani iniiln for the 8 mith*otiian inititule.

Ilrfnrc hU departure on tbe nraxiliui *tpuner Ubertlba, Mr. La Varre oatllni'i details o f the oilvi'nlurrsome projerl ThODRh still in hli tw entici the yoiia{ «zpIorer has aecompitiiied tbrco ezpedi tlon i to 8outh and Crnlral Atnorira, in eluding a dlffleolt mUalon into Iht b e u t of tbe Ande*.

A fter prorI*ioni oro provided 'ol Qforcelowti Ihr ezpcdilior will boari' A rnsoe honael>ont w ith a erew of i down t« SO oa rtn rn and laborer*, and beffin it* journey up tbo Efaipqolbo iiv«r, paMla(( out of. tbo area •rttled by wbile taen in a few dayi paddlinff. A fter tba t It will p e n e t« te the tiop i’ fa! joBRle e n l lr e ly w lt* own retonrtet.

w m 7oHo« Btntaa. Bdabliihinj; beadquirters in th'f

p rtir ia eoaatry 170 miles up the M ou- tubI r i m , wbieh emptiM into tho Ei- •eqnibo, tho diamond b u n tm will bn- Kin work on the alluvial landa border-

' <a(( t t r e ta a on the eaite-n waterahrJ o f tho a ierra I'aenralma mountalni wbith *ei>aratc Britiah O uiuia from V m cw eli.

Tbe area is whirb'tfae o ^ d t t l o n will

r ato h l l beon known Binre tfao n ld of tbe la it eontsry i i a. rlr-h di&' mond field, altbouKh il* inacceiubll

ity and the prevalence of tropical d!» ca»f* hftvo jorved to diwouraRO pro* poetlnu by white men. Thou*and* ol r a ra t i of the item*, taid . to be tw fini- aa any tn the worlil, however,' a rr

• laken oat annually by negro minen onploying.primiUvo metbpdi.

. • - ' -•■CUnmay’' M u it B xl* .“ Bomowboro aear o v a y tpo t wher-

; dianoBdi aro found in eoBiidersbk Bomben tboro n u i t be a ‘eblm soy,’ "

.oxpUlned Mr. LaVarro. " T h ere l i aa tellinff defiuitoly where the Qnlana ■ebitaney' u located, b a t we meaa ta t b d i t u d . u e baaifig UQi bxpMtUloBi on moro t h u *pooaTatioo.. S tady bi da ta collected by otber oxptonra aBd proipoetora, aa well a* my ow n.ob«r- vations, indieato th a t i t l i w ilbln a certain area near iho Venciuola bo^ d e r.”

.He added tha t the quBll^v of itonea Inki'n from tho vicinity where b ll'{)a^ Iv will w<vk pointa to n “ cbiinney'' a'l rich or r lu e r tbaa tboae of tha Hoiith African diamond flelda.

Anitaoli w bldi will be u k e n for tho W a ih in ^ n uoloRieal iraiden includi* tapir*, u te a te ra , ja in im and monkcyi ni. writ a* a variety o f ir'oplcal birda.

Scotch Tolephono Girl Honored by King for Sorvicos D ar­

ing W ar ' ,

•Mia* May HBaaennnn o f .Qlaagow, Scotland, wbo haa bern honored by Kinjf Ooorce fnr her arrvicca n» chief o f tho army telephone acrviro In Franco for noirlT three ye.nra. Mini Banner- n a n wsa mentioned by Field Mnrahai Jlalff " f o r gallant and disllnrultbcil (lervice In the f lf ld .” . .

B g*i> THB O LAB Sm ED A lA

I ■

: ■ TWO" •

Peasant Women Ele DUta

f f l



I the >o«ili


K :± V y - i l M

" J I n j

H q r a c r c v w i i a

I «jani Mi*» Mnryn Wilzokowo, ^adiinie

mowtka, three of Ihc cluht women i lliaii D iet a t Waraaw. U Im WlUckowa is itii'd to work for better acbooi* iu thu part

Ko*mow*l(a ia a radical and represen ma(t erewaka is the wifo of Polnnd'* firstledi- ■ •-___________________________, in- -----------------------------------------------------

r j l l i l ! CITES C l 'L; MiHSflNDOPERATOIIilbo _____

Indiotznont Oharging Oonspl: opt- aoy ,to Violate A sti-Trnst *“ • , Act is Eoturnod

thu IK D IA N A P O L I^ lid ., y ph-A n I d le taen t contalninR flvo count*,, ehar, ln){ eott^iiirney to violate the Hhermt

jgr. anti't'ru«t act, «raa roturned by tho fe brd oral grand jury Friday a|niii>"l^227 co lln* bpefaton, r^al operator*' awoclailot

coal, milling compnntra. and conl ml

Tho lilt of indlclcd includea pemo J , ' and corporation* In Indiana, Iilini^

Pennaylvania and Ohio, whlrh -coi prlfo tho rontral competitive coal fill

^ Amonff thoao indicted arc many I dividual defendant* alrea>ly under 1

' dictment for violation of the Lev I*"'’ art... Tho name* of thoie indieted we

made public. In tho returrf to Uniti Ktatr* P iitr lc t Judgo A. 11. Anderao Thernamca o f 12 Individual*, howevt were withheld pondinjj thelr arre*t.

Tbe flvo count* in tbo bdlctm e ih |. charire; Koatrnint of trado; re ilra ln t I M com nerrc; restra int of trade and coi

; mereoi eonaplracy to inonopoliro; ai

' 1* " in cK d c d wnonjr' tho^o indifled n John I* L ew is proridcnt of tbe Unlti W n o ’ Workera of America; ’ Wlllla

. ° i Oreen,. Bcerctary of the Unitod MI) Worker* of America; Percy Tello

**'• r t t i i t la lM of the Untted Mine Wor ^ » OT Of Attwiea.

““ Workers^ Union '?'■ Cuts Carpenter “• Pay $2 Per Daiude Buport Local Dooidos on'Draa

tic Eodnction of 8 -Honr . Scale fo r Year

ed , -------The Carpenter'• union nf Kuji^rt hs

cleride<l upon a voluntary teducllon o wnp-n fnt ilsy wnrk. ncrordini: lo th Mlnlilok.i County New^ Thr reductio iininuntt to,$'.' jirr day.

Thi* lowc.rin|r of the general achr* uie, In effec t all lant yenr for cnrpot le r work, wn* voluntarily voled nt tneclinK of th r Rupert loeal of Iho Coi poater*' union thla week, tho nrw rnl

I to becomo_cffoftIvc on March 1. Shori age of wnrk and iho general trsB' domiward of living eoata i t given n the rcaaon for tho reduction. Lttat yea carpenter* in Ilupcrt rr,'clved a wnff of for nn rleht-hoiir day, it Iiifate<l, Hnion leaders and eontractor expreiw Ihi' belief tha t thla lowcrin; o f Inbor rru t will have a otlmulatlnf e ffre t on building, which bnn been ai low ebb for *omc time.

• Vvrnioiil haa I’O,07.'! fnrmn; .tM* lev than In IP10.

L O A N S IThe M o n th ly

Ootaipan tba s n t l n am nm t of ir tth th a amotmt of ln t« re tt paid e tbo UTlDf. '

T M e r tha m on tuy p a T s o t pl l fouy n p a U Is eo Btmtbly paTinei o f utlOi 11,000.00 IM p riad p a l aad

TM Intazflft .oa a " i t n l f h t ' 'w, lao&thi) t t 8 p« t — :____

't lw I s to w t on mimtlily payment p

A ttTln* 0# ---------- ------------A Uigtr at m^Uar loaa ti



Uected IHembeh of Polish \ at Warsaw


iinie Soflu Murncrctvtka und .Minx Iri'iie Ku •n recently ulcclcd aa membi'ra of the I’olii is a pennant wnnmn u n j tva* Kcrit to the Dli

a rt of Poland thnt waa formerly Uorman. Mli •senta Lublin In thu Diet. Mme.'Suflu.Mor: rst pnanlcr uiuier the Treaty of Vitk iIIIi'm.

L m U i- lE S T lE llF ORS^SEmSEJUSPiSlBpir-jOcean Traffic Tic-np Loom Bt I with* Expiration of W ork.

Ing Agreements

a In NKW VOUK, {/P)-Po.»,lbility of barg- nation*wide atrike May 1 of offiee; ‘rman and ecamen on American ablpi, upc ) fed- eip lratioa of ex iatbg working agrci conl tnonla' b r tn r m , owners und deep at lion*, unlona, loomed here Prlday.Bln. , Tho American Steam ihip 'Owjior;

nasicfntlon, whirh rcprca?nt* virtual iraonp »U Amcrimn-owned tonnnge, adviw lin i^ , Rear Admiral Renaon. rhnlrmnn oC'tl ■com- ahlpjiing bonrd ihat it waa “ averse 1 fltld . entering Into n general conferrneo wil y In- the unions a t Ihl* lim e.” Admin ir In- llenaon, >hlp owi\pri wero ndvlaed, ha Lever been rrqiiestcd by the union* to cn were ^urh a ronfrfcnco to ronnldrr workln

Fnitod agreements for tho i-uiiiin^ (lacai yea oraotf. -The dlapoirition of the shipowner revcry aecording .to one membrr, wna to elm it^ inate from ibr cott o f o|«ralionfi eoa Iment o f th r ex]>eniir whieb they c]alm i* mal Int of Ing luecraafiil competition with foi com- fllgn flng vriwcl* impflwlblp. 'T he ei

; and iating wage ucalc, the ownrt* belleTi it ton high nnd thcprovialon for ove:

I nre time pny !■ *crIoaBly objectionable.' nlted The agreemeni with- tbe d e rt hnnd illlam und engine room forrca expire* May Mine and tb a t w ^ t h e deek offleer* Aof • iio w ,|u » t: . I


MKXrOO CIT^-, yph-New apaper r( porta thnt the Mexican government hn refiined tn rerognito debt* conlraetr

I Iiv th r Victoriano Iluerin governmrnl 'O y were denied b.v Adolfo de In Kuerti

aceretnry nf the trenauryj here Ina r a s - '‘^Rht.' . .l ie said no ruling had bee:

. m ajc in tho m atter, tind tha l th r gnv ‘ emmenl wn* abiding by the Cnrmnr.:

decree which forbade sueh recognition Ue added thi* did, not mc.in thu pr«»en

: hnii regime would not take nrtion in fnturen of , « I m,mm, ■ ,. th-tllMPBOVEJrlENT E EPO EIH D IK stIoK . OOAUP OLABE'B OONDITIO}

,1 WAHHINOTON. D. C.. ( /P )-«om ' ' ‘ improvcimenl wa* rcixirted today In Ibi

^ rondilion of Bcprcurntntive OhBmj p Clnrk of Minaouri. whu !ian been II tkL week*, nt hia hotel here. Mr

, ; Clark is suffering from a gi-nornl brcal; reni'. nggrnvntcd by an a ttack nf picti


•tor» l.DNDON','(yp>—8 ir Frederick Wed ring more. 7(1. a rt erllic, poet nnd short tin s slorv w riter died yi-aterday n t hla homo 1 at nt Hevrn Onk*. Connty Kent. For more

than no venra he wna chief n rt rrltii' nf the Hfi'llv BtftnJatd. toMftbntiVlcd

le ii xvith hU dnuKhter. M illlrenl, In editinfl ' scvrrni \olum rs of prone nnd poetry.


I P a y m 'd n t P la nof in tsn ft paid os ft “ i tm iU " lo«a

Id on a m o n t^ ptTmcost iMa u d aot«

t plan, a loaa'of 11,000.00 and to tm tt mesti of |2LSi eadi. a totftl Of tW lC O , ind t37At0 i» tBUatA h f toaa of tt,000.00 for 6 jtua (60— --------------------------------- --------- w u nIt plan for tlM nma.tiffl* l i_____ 137440

------------------------;--------------------- ~ m mI t l liiftda on tb* aao* ea«l



IsiiiVpiiMEi**Zf i f t a r E l ik T« U da'*v»a

T ber« 'i tom« v a d lO n to i^aak. . y«-I I f a fte r S i lk jr« ilM >ndI W a’n aU aoam oold u d i t i f f

to r>.Tba 0D« th a t’f In tha w U w l’

I . Ia strangor h«ta t b u too intjr\ bo.VV AU beia hft' go t the ir f« a n and 1 c a ita ;I Add TOU r » r toa l onto oorfj ■ prayma;7 B« TOO onr A sgal V b m r w .* '

ri Obnrch of tbo A acoulonJ . . (^ lic o p a l)

Charlra aieoB Baird, Sector .(T h ird Bunday In Lenl)

Children'* *en,-Ice, with fivu-minul *eimon and children'* hymns, a t El:f All aro Invited lo th li lervIee.

M orning aervlee, wltb icrmon as Lenten anthem, a t 11.'

A boz,lina been placed in tbu rear < the churab..to receive contrlbutlot

, froBi laemljcr* o fithe congregatlDh ft Iho Cblneao famine lu ffera’ fund. Tb bor will bo emptied each Sunday a t th d o te of tho aervlee, and tbe content forwarded to the Living Church funin ftmd. ■ - .

. . .Mid'wcek lAintcu aervire Wrdncidii c tv n m g a t 8, with canfirmailon inatnic

j tiuu* and lecture uu ihc aubjecl, “ Tb 1 Church and the Prayer-Book.”

I , Hanaeo Otarelif P . N . Manning, PastorI 10 n. m., Sunday achdoi; M. B. Tn>I , lor. superintendent.J . . U 'a . m., morning worship. Thof C. W. Tenney, iircaldcnt of Ooodln

' rolU-ge. will deliver Ihc addrcu.Choir will furnUh iperlal mualc,

L u tb e ru Oburch Kua- Thir.l Avenue West aud Fifth Strec

I’oliih -li’lin Olhring. Paator.• D iet Hundiiy «hool, l*; -’> n. r u . . I.enaoi .Mini ''.leaua Ui'fore the High P ricat.”

Moru- Morning mirvieo. 10:30 a. m. .fob I'a. IH. llSnfl: “ My kingdom is not o f thi

world. Kvi'ryotie. tha t Is of tho trut -----= liporcth my voice.”

f Kvciiing nervicc 7:30 ]i. m. Sertno on the Roapel leaaon for tho third Sut dny in U n l: . Luke 11, 14-28.

,11 Y r i i r t P ro ab y terlu OburthAsher Harlan Brand, Minlater

Mornln)^ worehlp nt 11 o|ek)ek; *ci lo m s ‘"®" Intercci*iona'of J t

Evening worship nt 7:30 o ’clock ft muitifhl progrnin—Henry (Pam or'

' Communion Iu B fla t; also n brie of a eharncter study o f Paul,

fleera ®P*"*, ^ 0 'clock.upon y_ g g.a

o'clock.■) aen ■ -1710 Jun ior 0 . B. tneela a t S o'cloel

M om lns H tu io ; Organ prelude, Av tjiora' M aria (Vcrdl.)tunlly Anthew, “ l*raiae'lb# Ixird” (Maur Iviscd der).it tho Offcrlory: Offertory (Lcfcbvrf rse to W ely). • 'with Organ poitlude: Fanfare (Duboii).

miral E ren ing Mtiale: Henry F anner’ had eommunloa-aervlce in B fla t will b

t cnll Aiioj; by . the (junrtel choir, In .charg of,M ra. 0 . P . Du.vall, conduclor. MU

y®*'' OlndvB O rr will be a t the organ, m e n , _elim- i i i r t 'BaptJjt Cbureb

0 . H. Young, Paitor fg j. .Morninjt aervlee:

. . . (•'hoir hymn, “ There I i a Ponntaln.' "ij” Antbtoi, “ Tho Kingly P U g r ia ''-

M lu Wolfonden and chorua. - tja.' O ffertory “ Hymn Anthem” {ar ityids ranged).(ay 1 flcrmoa, “ Tho Three Creations.” Aug- B. y . P . U.. 0:30 p. m.

B. Y. P. U. Junior, 0:30 p. m. Superintendent-Sundny achool, Mrs

A. B. Mactyn._________________

t hn* JSSSSSSSSSS S ^^^^S S S S S Snetrdnrn t,lertn,


•nnjiaItion. de»ent ^ture. ^

Iom*1 Ibl* rmmp a Ili

r“i' That Iple.i.

T h e m o s t ro l iu tn ic k f l n n d F o r

yp j F o r d carH o f tli

|‘o"mo , O u r a k iilo d F n n

iln c ta 80 t lm t tiio.v w

^1®' u n d c r s t n n d th l i F t m

y. ' o r rcp lacciiK *nt.s i|ii ii

T l i e r c iti a H ta n d a rd i;

u F o r t i c a r . 'U i H l !k

c lian icH fo llo w tlii! ai

tli(.‘ F o r d f a c to r y . 1

a l) le I’'o n l ']e r ly , p r o m |) t iy a n d al

' c i ia i i jc s , F o r d n p o c in

l io a ta l t lo c o m b in a t io n

W lie n -v o n .r c ii ii i i

W E I142 2 n d A v e . N.

:.S, IDAHO, SATURDAY, 1i r n Evening aervlee, 7:30. Monthly mt T l aicnl aervico.

ILU Hynm, "A bide With M e."Bong service.Anihcm, “ Conildcr the L lliei” -

Ml»a IJortafaon, Mr. Arlbur, aad tb t “ ma.

Anthem, “ Hnrveit Hymn.’ ’Aiithwn, ' ‘Itoek of A gci’ '—Willlni

“ Youug Arthur and cboru*.O ffertory, **I Found a Friend” -

"2 Miaa Dean nnd choru*.H ennon ,'“ O od 'i Voieo J n 'N a tu n

Art and &B g.”“ Ooipel hymn, “ Ninety and N ine.”

Bcnediclion. anihcm, '!E n d of Pei fee t D ay.”

Twin FaUa U usion ., U-Ki Third Avenne. Eaat

.1. M. Cloa, Partor '. .Sunday ichool 10 n. ffl.

I’rrnrijing- 11 a. m. Snbjoet, “ Th Peiilccoifal Blcaalaff.”

Inuto Evening pralie aervlee, 7 o ’elock. OM. Preachfiig, 7:45. Subject, "T he wa

to H eaTen."Midweek meetings Tuesday an

Thuriday, 7:80. .

C bsrtb e f tho B io thxn .I for Chaa. W. Bonk, Paator.Tho Bible' acbooi 10 a- m.

t the 0 . W. 8. aad J . W. fl, meeting* a ten ti 7 p . JL.mine Morning w onhip 11 a. m.-*

Evening w onhip 8 o'clock, idiiy ' Sermons hy the paator- {nif- IVvollonnl a m l n '• on Wedneada; iTbc •’veuiiig nt 7:30.

O b ila tlu Obnrch.W. A. Moore, Mlnliter.

I':45 0. m„ Bible *ebonl. D. W. J?p<io _ g rnff, auperintcndent.’T"y- 11 n. m-, Communion. Bpcclnl muni

by India*’ a cz te t “ Farewell Addrci' 10 Chureh," W. i . Sirore.

oln? 0:30 p. m., ChrUUnn Endeavor. Tii-nd er, Joha Amabary.

■■ 7:30 p. m., 8pceiol_mtt»ic by mah quartet. “ Farcwel Address io Com

- m uaity ,” 'W . A. Moorp.troot -•----- — ............. ' '

saon, ll ~

John '

“ ■ The Si = Exei

(■liiio»i(’K Ilin biu ilt

' . iK 'n v i ik o w a y tli

hiiKiiicKH dcciK io ii

ior*-* ' I Io a n a ly z c H itf lHitlerH itH r e w m n

0:45 i ty o f itH IW n n l y

g.'ao r n j ) a l i i l i ty o f i t s <

H o d iv e rt h i« p a t

Ave t h a t i t w il l h e n „ l i t tu k lucttB urtiR u

\ \V n r o j m t l j - p

iH|.sillCH9 I l ic n ’8 1 o u r ledficrK , a n d

I be f o r r e ta in in ; , ' t h oargeMita

T w in F a & T r u s t i

T W m F A ]{ar-

M e m b e r F e d e r a


T H E U N I V E W i A l C A I

t Universal Ford After-Sei l i a b le n fU jr-K crv ic e w h ic h i s e v e r

'’o rc ls o u t r a c t o r a i« poK itive a s a u r a n i

tlio con.<>tant n n d H crv ic e o f tb c i

o r d m e ch a n icH k n o w h o w to a d jn K t i

• w il l n e rv e t o - th c n ia x i m u m o f t l ie i

tm l n ie ch a n iH in lb o r o n " l i ly , a n d c an

l ii ic k e r l lm u o t h e r n 'i m in n e n w h o I

rd iz e d w a y f o r m r tk in i f .c v e r y r e p a i r

th e ( |n ick p .s t, sn rc .s t w a y ; a n d in n il

; a ie tb o d H r e c o ia m e n tlc d b y tb e i'’o r (

T h e s t a n t l u r d i m l r e p a i r jo b s a r e

T l iu s y o u a ro u R sn rk -d o f I m v in f jy o

I a t a r c a s o n n b le p r ic e . G e n u i n e l-'n

:rinl Io o Ih n n d i im c h ii ie ry a n d F o r d

io n .

i i i r e se rv icc* w c a r c a ( y o n r im n ie d ii


•, FEBRUARY 26,1921

: .J ■ . . .

mu- P i n t Obnrdi o f Christ, BcHmtUt.ICO Ninth Ave. E.

Bunday aervlee a t 11 a. o . 8ubjec1.,;f nrm on, Tebruar>- 27, “ O iriit Jeiua.

Sunday *ehool a t 10.a. m., for puptit . w under 20 year* uf ago.

Wodocadtty.^testlmonlal moetlng ul H p. m. ■


_ Pw torta a t Order Forblfldljig Oommtt. nlcaUon w ith S odaliit U iie t

ATLANTA. ■ Oo.. ( /P )-8 iunuel IS. Cnsllrion, coiinuM for Eugene V. Debt, w rlallat Irndi-r, announced today be ha.1 received a IclrgrUm from Attornry Oenernl Palmer deeliabg b ll requcaf

Ito be pcrmtlled to viait the prlaoner I who is acrving a aentcnee hrro.I, Drba. nrrordlng to bli a lto rerr. i»

-n ,,lhc lnc held Incommunicado a l the At- •lanttt federal penitentiary an a TcraltInf crUleinma of PrtaW nst In. % «recent atatement Iaaued throngh hla atlomoy. . . .

Caatleton deelared fcde tu prison regnlatloni do not provide r tfa ia i to Me eonniel aa » p a rt o f tbri ec^e of dlidp llne aod tha t he quoloJ w th reg- nlatlona in hla te legran .to the a tto m r-

a t i n W TEBEOBIBT P M T I B ______ 'DI800VBEHD IH- SPAIN

. MADRID yP)—Document* giHog de- lall* o f I. new te rro riit plot to Spalu vfTf dlieovcred bv police effltiala

• when Ihev mlded u leeret nwiUng of - . syndlcalista nt UrAraena-v near Bil­bao, la it nighf. F ifteen persona were plaeed nnder arreat.

i*ic b l e o ib io ia n-CM MTm y rn w OV WOKS

Elactilc AppUuo* WorkOallad For «sd D tU rm l —lAbor HOQ Tm E o o - '

BO88 Xk s o i r o L t f ^ p H o y B w e-B . ■

Successfulecutiveuk in th e sam e busi-

t l ia t iic m akes o th e r '


fl qnalificatioiiHr con- ircea, the reHponwbil- yf Diroctorfl, and the » Officern.i tro n a g c on th e baxii* re ta in e d on ly (w the

« P - . ' . 1

pn)u d o f tb e m anyI n am es reco n led on ' id of o u r rep u ta tio n lioHC w ho com e to ub,

a lls B a n k ; C o m p a n yALLS, IDAHO'

ral Beienre Syitem

lB ^

J e r u i c e —

• bsliiiid I-'(inI caiK, ince to the owners of leir cars.t o r re p a ir F o rd p ro -

e i r e ffic iency . T hey

an nm ko Q djustniehtu

t lack l-'ord training'^

ir a n d iidjnK tnient on *II tbeir work our nie- trd Service Hchool at e covered by reason- nmr work done prop- •'ord parts, Ford me- 1 cbitrneH an* an iin-

ilia to com m antl.

C O .P h o n e 129


Page 3: ^ F A LLS DAIL,Y :NE:WSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...THEoMr AFTERN00l\TWIN


Exports in January Fall Off $ 6 6 ,0 0 0 ^ while Imports Decline $55,000,000 Com­pared with Previous Month

WASinKQTON. (/P )-A ■ HlifiiikuK-'Ilf $M,000,000 in Aini'rlfiiti cxiHirt trailt* in JnBimry wm rcporli-rl Krirlny by f]'i •ir|>art»etit,of fommcrtv. liu|M.rtii Ui Ihc month fell u ff l.'i.',,000,OIIO an rmn- I'-ircd with tbe IX-reiiiljur fl({iirff.

Expoil»- ia Janunry tn tn l'n r JOS.I.- 000,000 Ba Mmpwrd wifli »7;-2,flU0,on3

- In Jaauary, IWO. Im]x)rlii lolallNj 1^09,000,000. n» roni|>ar«il with »474,- liOO.OOD b the *ai!U- monlh n year a«n, aoit waa U e smollett in any month ■inco Felinuiry, lUIU.

. The tr&de •W onrp in favnr of tlu I'a ited Bute* for tho month nf Janu ' arr wu 440,000,000.

Import# ilorinjr thn Mvrn month* j)0- riod cndlBff »riUi Iw t January wrro

• Miliird at 13,543,000,000 agalnat 12,- r<js000,000 In the .cjirreapondlRK K ' rloil the year boforr. Exporta totallr^

000,000 comi’ari-d with >4;>B.'i,00i) ill tho eorTMpondlnK jwrlod.

Importi o f (jold nmounlcil In »:m, •'mo,000 ia Janutiry a n J to ♦342.000,00 in ihfl a«vea ciDnfh* n« compared with ► 12.000,000 ia Janunry. 1P20. anil 000,000 la th(‘. i-orrcspondinK Kcven • iimntlm.

Gold ezpotta slionc.l n larRC <lro|i, (imoiinllnR t« oaly I.I.OOO.OOO In Jnnii /'• ury na compared with 148,000,000, i i o .Innuary, IPSa In Hip loven months tl ihe tolal waa * 1.10.0011,000 nn compared . with 1^19,000,000 in the* corrrti>onilinp period thi» year before.

Imports of allrof fell, for-tho acvcii' mnnthi wore IST.OOO.OOO an fompnrpdj wilh *58,000,000 while cxiwirt* o f ailvpr were »3s,000,00n a" ro-iiparcil with M S ,000,00#.^


_____ ’ IOffleer Talla A tlm tlc Olty OonfonnMi

Woman in nome and Crippled Tots i ffiaoU Bo Helpod j j

ATI,ANTin c m - . K. J .. m - Al woman who h w been injured In her, hnnc or tho boy or (jlrl crippled hincpi I'hlldhood ahould have n« murh rif-ht in bpnefit* o f tho Industrial n'hnbill- ,, t.->linn a rt a l U c man whoie phyaleal illkability i l the reiu lt of hl» worV.

Thla .aUtwnent wa* mnde Friday b.v U w ia n . Carrli, M»liliint dircftor of U e federal rehflbiliUtloB iioanl for ro- ' .Mtional edocatlon, a t U e oj.eninK aei. •inn of tho National Society for Voca- tinnal I^ueation eonfercaee.

Nearly 300,000" Indurtrially dlnahled ' , men ood women In the U nited,Pjntca

mijrhfbctDnie wago carneri if they wcro '■ uivea proper enrfoura({oment nnd.cilrcci

Ilan, he added .. • "W. U . Proetor,'p rofciior of cduealloa

in I-eland Blaa/brd ualveriUy, Califor- . nia; ipeakbfr b e fo re ..th o Njtional ^ Outdance ‘ aAtKialion, nuerteil that “ half-baked pm hologiit* who cblm lo l>o oble to (h a rt minulol.v tbe aptitudoi ^ o f people 10 tha t they can bu proncrly labeled aad plf^onbolcd for vocational , rcfereneo have n e a t ly hindered the ,, moremeat rep rd io g thn uao of menUl {' ic ila in Toeatloaal fpildaneo.” ' '

Ho added, however, lha t aobatantlal {, progreia bad been mmh' in ability in . d ivover individual levola of Intelllgcnro bv mean* of pjychologieni teat.",’ Uorn Prancea Stodilard,* dircelnr of .

the bureaa of ieientlfie temperanee of Itoitoa, oddrtiilaK the KatioDal Auoei- , atlon of Deaaa of Women, aaid tha t I »lnce prohibition, la fan t mortality and dcathi fn m diaeaiei traceable to alco* holle ladulgeaco had decreased.


WABHINOTON, n . (/P>-I’tp 'i dent WilfOB rpcciveil K ri-lny Holanri'i Rloei, tho new Ilutian ambawador: Pnace Blbeiteo, the R uinuibn inlnln' te r and Albert Blanchet, the I la lU u » minlaler. e'

The Italiaa ambanmlor wm prcocnl- od by Beeretary I’/olby. of tho »Ute do- l-artmenl, and U c two mioialera by j, Itnderew reta ty Daylf- . ,1

.. Kew Italian AffibosBador c

Kolando Rietl, newly appointed ain-|]^ banador from Italy to. the United^ 8tati#,'photographed opon hia arriva],

X in New Tork on U e tteomahlp Duca' n 'A o it i. Ambaaaador'B lcel iuecoedi d llnron Avczt&no aa th f lu l la n eavoy ri .10 Wanhiagtoa. . . t!

One Perfectly Good Rei Close to t

[ |pji / i B | S

” ! , .Hiaa U U garot Porter, of New Vork, ,, ran nt I’a ln Beaeh. The calam area la a

r ight aldo up oven in Uo roiling brvakera. I oari, and eon take all wavoa on high. I’< 3 tie If any intcroat for Ihv catnmnran wbeJ ____ ■________________________________


: TpdaysSpo"RUBE" E Y A N s ls i


|Ecccntric Southpaw Pitcher to | Get Another Ohanco with

r | ■ Major League Club

t “ Itubo" Kvanii, cccrntrlr noulhpinv '' iillclier, in III have a rliiinec In ii mnjnr

li'UKUC nuuiii, ITlio flanhy hut uurvlinlile U’fllinml

. cr, form erly'of fipokune, Salt Luke, Uu-.pert nnd Itvgitin, hax boon called in hy

'' the New York fliantH nml vrill rnjtert { ; willi the Olanta'-aqunil iit llio miillierni

truiriing camp, ^1 “ nu liu" Kvanx. whon in conilllinn| I nn.l feellnjr Jit poaco .wiU blniwlf .uul

tlio world ia a major Icngue pllchor, uml ,;r!iii tnnke goud with any big circuit

elub in Ihc rounlry. Ilia nno grvni nll- uioiil in igo nf-an .•xiiKuenili'il nuil_^- ccntuatcd ty|)C, together w ilh u (llapim-

I tion to w inder from Uo alrftlght wiiy- , Year before laat .Uia long boy wna the

wonder of Jlio fou.tbern Idaho Icngue, ^nd bad it nol beon for ;in nreident at the cnil of the acMon which put hi*

, ahuuldcr on the lioapltul Ual, he woiiM have been taken back by the Balt I.nke

, Ileca .to flnlali the afaaon. Tbe ,Bu1t . Lake management, fcarlng-B vana’ dla- , poailioii, Innt. aptlng lurneil blm over tv

the Hcglna elub of the Wcntcrn Oinodn " league, ile wim ou«il,v tin- beat pitch- “ cr in lh;it cin-ult and lila record ntirncl- - wl .Muggsy McOruw'a nllrnlion. Thei J d raft fnllowed. . j

t Herman is Given | 1 Chance to Regain j

His Lost Honors, Joey Lynch Tolls Wan Ho Whip- \

pod tta to h is Opon for : Marcb 17 |

’ NKW YORK, (/P )-Jo e Lynch, whc.' i ivoM Ihe world’* bantamweight boxing

champion frem I’ete tTermaD Init Pe- • erml'cr. tuilny acnt n mc»sage to Ihe '• N'ew Orleana boxer a tn tin j he wn* ready f t.> make good hia promise fo r an e.nrlv

return buut. U -nth liaa (jec{ine.l ft bout witb Roy MoSre, of flt. Paul, OB R l.. Pa trick’a dny, Herman prciVr iI'lire for thla date. '

YANKEBB OFF rO H OAMP• YOKK, tcrriiiti. of the New Vork AtncrU-ons, tho vanpiard i)f 42 plnynra Ue Yankee ninnntjrjncnl h:». earralk-d for the lOJK camp-tlgn, Hi re un their wny I'l »prWV«rnining A ' W|,ti'ie]iort, I.ii., loilny. ' '

BIGN8 COLLEGE PITCIJEB• MINNKAl'OLIR, Mlnii,.,(/P) - I'A I Dyehe. of I'lielilo, Colo,, whn i>ilclicil j fnr the I’nivi'rully of (’nlormlo ln»l year,1 hn* been aigncd bv the Mlnnoajwili* A'u! .Ti.-ini n -w in tion elub. It wu» iiiinounc I ed today.

! . INDIANS OOINO B o 'im tI fl.KVKLANl). n „ (/P) - - The fitM ; «i)ii:icl (if U e chnnipion Clovelnml In- [illana will leave here tonighl fo ' th<\.' xpring training caisp at Dalian, Texaa.,I The flcl.lcfa will leave one week from : today. I

I MOBE ‘T A Y D IE T ” 'I OLKVELAND, 0,, (/P)-Fxl ■■HtrnnK- jlo r” I/«’wia, champion hcavywel^’ht

.iw roaller, will meet Mnx Orlnmlor of I'Boittnn, in a match here tonight. '

iJ B ia OOWXOB SQUAD• ' PRINCETON, N. J . , (/R—Sixty caa- i dldates fo r'th e Prlnectoa baieholl team r reported yesterday for the f ir ii prac-



Ieason Why Ocean Stays ; ) the Shore

, I

' r t t I


■ b U

rk, la about to tako a joy ridr oo n cntama- a a sort of a sca-golDg hack bouml to a t a ; ' :ers. I t h u ooa-skid pontoona, demountable

Perhaps, however, you will have very lU- wben looking at this picturc.

o r t i n g f j e w s


S; BEFORE OPENING,tO|New White Sox Team Must

Havo M aster's Approval ‘Prior to April 13.

;i«- (IllICAGO, (/p )-T hc To(.rgMii*o<r inr White Sox team wiii nut go ihlu aetlun

I irt the regular |)liiyora neuaoa April 13 „|. a l Delroil unlll Owner Charlea Comi*-'[ key ba* appcoved the new IcaoB. e.lnb'I I offleiala aakl here today, Comlakcv. irt " 'f*t 'over A northern

roule and will rcach U c Iralnlng camp n i „ . .oo«. I

I, The field wilt be combed again foi , avallablo material to rcplnc« the aeven i

nspnaded pla.vors involved- in tli'i world’s ncriea *candai o f 1010. Becre : ta ry H arry Orablner anld. i f Comiakcv; is not satlafled wiht hia combination

Z' e f recruits and otdMlmera. ;

t ' Brief BUsof Sportue, •at Chailie Comiakey, maslcr of th" li* White Box did ao t speak in,tufflcicntlv ,iM atndeal tone* when he quoted ten n i tke for Karl Bhcely. 'uit , la- The sta r first baseman of tbo Pa-t(j elfle Ooa*l league, who haj.- been -pi(r idn chased by Commy, aaks hl^ new gaffe-■h- to come again loudrc or gel a newrl- fTnt baseman-

I The fact* in ..the ease aeem to b ; ;U a t the salary offered Enrl for mnjor ilea^tue servloc Is but little more lm-' .'posing than U at paid for working for, jU e Salt L«ko Ikes la st year. j

'S Looks Uke a tinch U nt Comiako; ' .w ill eome through Ratisfaetorllv '

p J t f o u g L - j

! Ily ilnmming bl* opponent *o hard on Ithe canvajw, aflcr lifting bim l)odll»-l ifrom tbo floor a certain Riiddlewcight'

. - r o ^ r o f Twin Foils recently won th'e I Idaho midillewelght grappling ebom-:

I'R ploaship.. [

I’*' A rt Chentor. claimant of the stale! 'b ' tlUo, was the rletJm, U e bout being '1 ' held in Pocatello. Chciter had w oi I't (iDP dean fall in a half hour, and ha j ^ i..h li man in jeopardy n g a 'a , when tho T [hold was broken. Ruiliing nt his man

Ui‘ Twin Fall* aU lctc gathered him ,op and put him eut o f buaine*i lo an czhlbitloa e f n a in atrengtb. Chester,[

of aeeordtng to ringaieil rejKirl*. up tn r,| Unl moment, looked n' sure winner. H.'

... -----------------■ ■ Federal Power

Commission■Meil li> r'lmplloseo wltb the Fed- tr, eral W aU r-Power A et <41 tn Stat., 1003) notice is hereby IC gi'^en tha t tbe Idaho Powor '

Company of Dolse, Idahn, has , applleii for preliminary perttlts for poM i dc\clnjinjent a t Twin

:at I'alli. iin (Innke River, between n. Section 12 and Section 4, T. 10 h,.. 8., IM S E., B. U ., and also at 1, . ' Upper'Salmon Falls between •„ n ! Rcrtinn 10. T, p fl., R. 14 E.,

I aad Beetlon 34, T. 7 a , .B . 13 .I PX, II, M„ Idaho. Any objec- ' tion agalnit granting sueb per-

mita, or reqtieat for hearioss ■h, thereon, together w ilh any

briefs, reports, or other data for vhieh eoadderatlon 1s de­sired, should be n b m ltted on or before Mareh 51, 1821. to

la- the ExeectlTo Boeretarjr, Ped- ersl Power ComalttiDn, Wash-' lagtoo, T). c.

ULY NEWS, TWIN FAL, , was Injured *r> badly (hat be coulil unl Hi

continue. jil— bl

A Hoxtou fight pruiuoler liiii nfferod 0 ,purao of 130,000 fo ra match l.clwec'i " Jack Dempaey and I'aul Bumpinu, .i.tn New Votk heavywclghl, who ha* bei'„|

^ eomini^ to ^lie frprit mplilly «f;ia tc.

Bamwon rowatly gave.dcno Tunnev^ another “ hope,"-n 'good iicatiiig. 11" ■avs all he wanta to iiK-ct thii chomp Is *7500. :

I'reil Kultun. Minnowln pliinlrrer fighter, won by a knockout overi "lOiughhouae’' Warn of New York llte ^ otiicr night. The batllc wiif rtagod in )' Allontiiwu. r.v , nnd Kml whlp[>eil ovor **> n Hoan punch In the th ln l roiind-

f tc d l.iidcruj, fnrmer firat l>ii*eiiuin ■'f Ihe Rod*, la alate.l for n minor n ' leajBB berth this year, -‘ e former mn-

' Jor league sta r Is to caVort around the initial aaek fnr tbe Toledo Mud Hcni. pr

Him Hmiley, »agebni*li lage, B.iy* “ Til’ feller whul formerly had t i ]|| mnko frequent trip* lo th ' corncr "lote. now finds a lo t to do w l’ th ’ fnraace In .i, his hom'e cellar.” m

Willi Ilill Donovan has informed Phil- "leluhia lhat white lie cxp<'cta U e rh lllies to win tho National leaguo flu{ next year, he really doea not expwt lel win every game played, oi

A in’t Bill the modest crcaturef bi— ••I

YotwiUstandlng rpp«rti> (hni Rslp'i


! “ L e t h i m w hla-

s s e r v e y o u m (

'■ - B E ^

i ■ pE \ jo


t h e i r;od'


■ T h e y

I , b e c a i j - t h e (

f a v o ]»a-


„,| P r i n iior ,

-I J o b


Ei p u r c Jlie! ' •ngOT

= . T h ecr, 1 . •

a V I

c h e a ]

^ -- e d , b

“ W e

lLLS, IDAHO, SATURDAYY, FEBRUARY 26,1921I Hlrriiiil, Boo "itar )»lt^her,. ha« signed tu ’

Slay iiutlnw >;all llda year Jack ('onk, unince* nianagor of Ibe Hall Lake elub I extireucA eunfldoncc thnt the twirler

I will ro|H>rl' ul* tho Dec training camp , in a oouplo of weeks.

l ' 'T a r lie ll truin us-to even ilenire tu prick nn umbttion bubble bul wh.;.i ilabn Ruth klcka In witb tho claim thn t ho iHnilively will mnke '.I home run* In'llio nefixoii of 1021, we ure rou. ttruined t» ivnge n fcw-kopei'k* thul I he won’t. i

I Tox Rlrkurd "Ovm lie~IjT jircici'edln'i Iwith pluMK fltr tu'ii big lioiita, aiul eon- ffiitentlv vll>eel» to pull nff both of it b . . . — ^ ,

Tlie v riip" Tox baa In conlemplallun nre bolwefiU Dempaey and (’nr|H-nllo; nnd Dumpney nnd Willatd.

Would hardly call the latter a li!'[ ’ proapoct, thouglL

On Tburnday .nigbt llcnny I/eonuril. \ lightweight boxing i^Ainnion of lh<. Horlil. won a Bowsnapcr aceUion uver .Ine Weiiing of Cliicago, Benny took mnltera easy, and won by ji goo-l longlb, it .t* (aid.

< ak!Oevtot Alsa Blind to R*ad. me

An iDitnmiont w hW enablta a No blind man to have bis farorlte Qorel pol iranaformtHl In'o- n aort of retulctl box. gtvlni: nut a dlfTcrvnt sound for ’ •■uell inhiT. uiid, Ibu* fiiablliiE blm to U >vMr( with mao. (iH» h 'i 'n (iiveiiCed.

'h o s e r v e s y o u b e

l o s t . ”


H E A P g o o d s : o n e r e c o m m e r

r C H E A P N E ^

y o u g h t t o b

m s e C H E A P [

O N L Y p o i n t3 r :

i t i n g d o n e a t T

R o o m s i s n

l e n ^ i v e t h a n

c h a s e d e l s e w h

: w o r k ^ i s n o t d

i e w t o s e e i ;

a p l y i t m a y ' b e ;

b u t h o w w e l l !

^ R E S U L T -

3 N e v e r D i s a p

/ ■ ' " m■ ■ r . ^

Carl Nelaon, of the Norge 8k i club, of Chicago, who caplurcd the amateur akl-jumplng ehampionahtp a t the recent meet at Kox River (Jrove, Gary, Ind. jNeUon'a total for the meet waa 214 pointa. ;

The average elevation of' Delawurr U 60 feet above aca level, lew’ than that o f aoy oU cr J>ts((t.

e s t■ j


h a v e b u t - n d a t i o n - - -

I S S L ,' .

b e c h e a p

fNESS;is:. v : i n t h e i r

r h e N e w s

l o t , m o r e

I p r i n t i n g

l e r e B U T

l o n e w i t h

i n g h o w

p e r f o r m - i —

p p o i ^ t ”

Page 4: ^ F A LLS DAIL,Y :NE:WSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...THEoMr AFTERN00l\TWIN

HffiirM W l

B road Scope of Fodoral Aiiti- T rnst Indiotmoiits Oomos to

Light in SevcIopmoQts

JN DIANAPOUB, Ind.. toaJ d e a le n n_ oflleet* thoir U9o- ciatloDi are aooog tbe 237 defeaaiiats, I t was. loanied boro today, to tbo fed- oral grand la d k tn c a l i , returned lato yeetordar, charj^nR a coDupjrafy

‘to fores high price* for ir>(t coal by furloillntr production. Tho idontlty of thOK defcndootJ or the ir numhcr, u lil to be leea than a half ceote, Trni w ith­held b u t thoir cOttBSel Infonaed fedpr.il o fficials th a t tho men would lurren- der o a d m a n d . ''


council of tbe American Federation of L abor met hero today to eonaliler Ihc action of tho irovenunont In proeccutlai;

, o /fle iali o f the Unlled Mine w orkert of Amerlea for allejud violation nf ttiu

-.Sherm an J in lL ln iit aet.Defore the meeting b rp in , William

Orevn, teeretary o f .tb e aiinpra’ union, and one o f ’thoae indietod yeaterday a t Indiftnapolft, laaued a fominl statoment doelarlD^ tbn t If tho union offielali were guilty of eonipiraey, " th e gov* erom ent llkelf i i a party the re to ," bo- cauto the minera bnd hern aulijert to gbvernmcat rcgulatldn and conlml for the Inat tbrc'o yenrt,

MftUhcw Woll, vipi’ prpilclont o f the Awcricftu FfldamtloQ of l.ahoT, declat- «d Ibp inilietment nf Ibc mine union offlccr* wns " a pnrl of the nntbn- wlilo propaganda to destroy Ibc tradu union movemenl” aa tlio netlon struck ' ' a t the vory foundation of tho prin. elplea of eolleetivo liargainlog.” U r. Oreen tald all agrcomonla mnde vritb coal operators bv tho union officials were made " u n ac r the direction and w ith tho approval o f tbo federal fool ado in iatra lioa .”

' ‘Those indictments seem lo bo Iho reward the mlaort aro reeolvlng for pu t­ting forth special o ffdrti dnrlng the w ar la order to InercMo prodnctloa,'' he added.

. . senateT sks ’ evidence

' IN SOVIET ENVOY CASEA/Kfpta BwototloaOiiilng on AttonwT’-

' 0«n«nl to S t th n i l t r l^ AddoMd About U u ta u

a nN A T B A flK S_____ . a‘Do , ,WASniNOTOK, D. C„| (ypH-Attor

noy Oenernl P alm er-li roqUMled ln -a ' rfioluijon adopted today by the te n a ti ! to aubm lf whatever evidence "the do* , partm ent .oP 'Ju itlre hns ngainat Lu<l. | w ig C. A. K. Marlene, m prfacntatlvp

' o f tho Tluardan soviet government, who ree<inily waa deported fro ra 'llw D nH ed ' States- .. . ' I

Tho tewiuflon- w ai irtt^dueeil hy , Senator Mosei. republican, N o* Hamp­shire, who aald th a t since A stlttan t Sefrotary Port o f tbo labor (lopnrtment ' had raneelled tho w arrant fo r a rre tt ' and deportation o r if a r ie n i , and.U waa ' rep e rtt^ U a t tho H n r t kgent was n t ' I l to t j r to n t a m to the United Siatoa, ' the tenate ihould have all th e .fo e tr in the caae.


aorem m cB t 8««]ai PM oetbia A g m m e st . Wli«B TJio o f Troop# PW li

LONDON. ( /P H M a lls of th f re- ' ren t mutiny of soviet sailors n t Kron-

sladt. says the Central Newa Uclilng- forr enrrespondent today, led to th.t liolief th'kt the rrcws of tho soviet bal- tW hip Andrle Pervnivanni, the battle fTuUftr P<tropavlo"k. th s fm iw srt Rom- lya. Admiral K akaroff, Oleg and An-

' rorn and several gunboats took p a rt lu the revolt and murdered a nnmber uf rommlat ariea.

Bnvirt troops te n t afo in rt the DDt}> neers wero unable to 'cope with them. Ihe correspondent d e t^ ro t. and the government ia trying to r e i ^ a peace­able agreement with th# »«ramen.1 .-------------- -------------

•31 0} # in tq »on pinwinq » • «q» q q»B p p o a sao a n u i {txet p f o i • q i QJ J tin »niPP»P u w »

a tp *ji }MdQ « .p»i|B j isDi ■099 8|q ) ';o IniQoiS^q o i|i }s Q0)S]9op | n n 00 n pug ‘o2 « p u p•onq a a u n u oqi i q pappop u u * |iu

, . * m oq] U| sinoq <n (qSp b suq «uo ,«n ASl Dotnuio^ t|f||Su3 aq i jspoQ

•MTJ MtllBus p io PJntQV

etp rtsh Out, tha W rinklsa.' . A nrgcOD of ‘Parla tu a made a

woman o t fort7-nln« look ltk» & wo»> tB of twtnty-Qve by tnaklog small lo- dalona behind the eara and ' on th* lealp and rtrctching Ihe akin aa yoa would J tr e tc h a carpet, aod h e r new TOTKhfmSiuaty Is expected to laat fo il eight o r tA ran t, if tb e doesn 't m il f t { o r frown, o r 0 7 too a u d t

l<!« Blasted and. Mined.Qlacier tra f ro p the Alpa la dellr-

• red to coiummcra lo Lyona. Praneo, and aovcral other cities lo G uropa T hla lee i t bloated and mined In Iho aamo mnnncr a t atono U quarried and Ij preferrod to olher Iec bccnuao of Ita-hardncM ond lu t ln e <)nallilca.

We Rebuild"Your Shoes— Do Nol GobblelThom

Wa can pot lota aora wear Uto tbste eo(&fortablo old aho«i b l fimt,

; and mftka thea look almort'aa at- trastlva u a new pair. Oar vork- naothlp 1| nnanaued, and tba ta«- teriala we sm are of tha hlkeatqnalijy.

AliHB ir't Sko! Rspilrlns F ic ts ijI f i WM&bMbOBa

—P H O H B W ^

Drawing and Paintiri Level Len

n ^i /A n s o jo / y

^/ v H


^ i(ve H of



jn t 'a ll ^ ^ ^ 4 : ^ 5 1 1 1 2 2ov* ' k.bo- _______________ » ,

drow or paint, to road and writo. Pu tting form iind (

tho of training of tbo uyc..iind such trninia t. vcnilon by Amon H. Cnms, Instructor Ion v>|uip|><'(l with a sp irit li jn- A ita r a few letaona w ilb i t a person 0 idu it. Tbe leaaons begin witb drawing onick mudcl tbrougb the lens. TI10 functionIn. nbadii inlo rclii-f. A ftrr 11 litlle prnetlc£r. orayon, tho aludont. will bvcome n keeiitl, williout ovcn tbe old-fiiBbioiied iiiiraauinig years atudving la porfoeting his dovlco,g j student utlug thu di'vke in iki-tchlng :BOl - ■ — -------


V rg w t Beqoart. o f OomptioUer of Our reoer I t K ot E ra a U sn tton td a t

H ee tlo f o f ilag&atea

E . NKW YOBK, yp)—Tbo urgent ro (lucit of Comptroller o f tho Currency

f- Williams thn l tbo Unit<;d S late t Stool corporation reduces its prieea, made pub­lic yestariloy ln 'lbo form of n le tte r to Klberl JP. Qary, ehairman, woa not ov.

■ ■ en mentioiied-durlRg.tbo'mectIng of tho 'T American Steel iio(\ Iron iuatitulo hore “ y « tc td n y ,- lf 'ft'nt' Idarned todiiV.

• N r. Gary u ild n t tho close of tho meeting, bowovor, th a t price reduotlona

'*■ had beon mentioned only caaually and announced h it corporation had no pres-

I® en t intention cither uf ru tlin g prieea or lowering

" 7(r; ns^y suid h r h u d n o t'h ad time J; to rend Mr. Wiillama’ le lter.L Plsousaion a t yesterday 'a n e e tin g waa , confined nlmoat wbolly to h propoaal to

a ttend an Internationa] m eeting of iron I , nnd steel manufaetnrara in Europe nt some Umo ia Eutop« during tbe ram.

mer, Mr. Gary aaid. t f '


y ClIIOAQO, (/P)—System atic fraudi by which'Montgomery, W ard nnd com. pony, mnil order house, wero defraSaed

Bt of thoujianits of do ltan tbrnugh a con* apkaey of employes and euatomers 'bn eomo known today through tho .arreil

•(.. o f Cliarlre Stoiubach, n messoogrr foi n- the fompany, Ifl ycnrn old. and three 1 . mon wbo posed as euatomers. Rcfundi h.t were cnilcftnl on ,f. cbwed. . (I4 One ngent of the alleged ring lived In tt. .California, it ivaa sold.


.lames J. Davla-of P itltburgh , who ll t}> to be tceretary of labor a fte r March m. 4, Is one nf the chief officials of tbe h« Loyal Order of H boie, o f which tbe e- preaidcnt-oloct la also n member. In

addition, ho la a member of a laboi union.

3 ■ S I ' ■• Black Cap’a SIonlReanci.3 Tbo cnstoo o f ‘putting oa a biMk J cap—really a squaro of black d o th — P I wbicb jtidges la Gnglaod do wben P teotenelng a priannet: to deatb, orlfl- I natcd from the custom c f corcrlog tba ° bead aa a alga of mcamlDg Id ancient

daya. The Judge. In potting od tbo black cap, tnoums the fact tba t be la about to order n Itfc fo he forfeited.

a Claaaifled Ada are eheap~effM tir« .



SoutheriWE AlW AY

S o il a n d II HOW WB IWA^


Excellent Progress:I Tba f l i r t teaacn'a op e rU lo u I s Vi

Include fonr th o m s d aerea of 1 n l| pennanent ImproToseatiL

12,000 aerea In crop la 1021. ' T velro new a t t t lm Increaaed i

ontlffiia.Onr ttganta tn M a n n a • » : MB

them asd g r t all t b t In fo m atlo a 70



ting Made Easy by Spirit ens Invention

' ■ !

lint. A child can learn a t easily as he looms Ild color on pnper or canvas is oniy n m'atlor ninlng can be easily ncquirod through ao 'ln- :tor n t tbo Uoslon University n rt school, A ll level 'nnd speelal lonies ia tbo now device, ■n of ordinary Intelllgeneo caa draw without : on Ibe g lou ivbllo tbo student looks n t ibo ion <if tbe lunt la lo bring color, light nnd etirc on the g la ii, akotehlng vrlth 11 soft <een eiUtugh observer to dratr woll 00 paper aauring method. Mr. Crort aii'n t twenty t’lco. 1^0 illuitratlon shows Mr. C rou and a ng a model of Venue do Milti-

l y g X o d « y 3 ] ^ 8 i r k o t s


ro- D ay’s Trading Oloses U nw ttled v itli ■ney Prices 1 Cent Lower to 3-4 Cent leol . Hjghar>ub- ------ -f ‘0 CHICAGO, yp)—Wbeat wni active

nl the start today, tbe May delivery lero sbowing cw b- strtng tb , .bu t prieot ro-

ncted qiilpkly'hecausf of n fairly geo- ,tl>e (irnl selling on tho ndvance. Thoro was and * minimum export pricorcB. bring plarcd on A rj^ntinn wheat and leea country offjrlnga to 'n irW o wore arenW

In priictlenlly all scetioBt. A ftor start- ing 1-le lowor lo lc higber, with March n t $1.08 to-1.08 l.fi and Maj- $1.37 8-4

1 to to 1.S8 1-2,.a reaction set in a n d 'w . iron ried priees below ycaterday’s finish, 'opo IleporU of Improvement In tho ex- ’un- dtmand cauaed w beat to rally la-

tori bu t tbe market become unsteady nad flaetaated rapidly w ithin a narrow rnngo. Tho closo was unsettled with prices lc lower to 3-4c higber, includ-

“>■’> ing March n t «1,(J8 to 1.68 1-4 and May »1.07 to 1.87 1-4. ,

“®" ' Corn reeelpla wbro Inrger tb a ire x - '? * peeled and a fte r a firm sta rt, I t eased , o ff on general selling. Moasagct from

icnttorcd polnta Indicate th a t fannerli L, . , nro not selling. Initial quotations ,-,K which were l '8c higber to l-2c lower ‘ witb Mny 70 to .70 l-e<, were followed

liy moderate dcclfcica.3 Jn Tlip market continued ils dowuwnrd

tcrnd despite the strength in wheat, nnil cloMd weak with prices 3-4 to 1 1.4e

BB- lower than tbe prevlons finiah with May ns 7-8 to (lOe.

0 U O ats fibowi-d itrength n t tho a tari but ircii voted nff with nther cereals. After the sln rtin s uncbongcil to l-8c higher, wilb tbe May 45 3-8e, the market sagged.^n Higher prieea for hoga gavo strength

ibor to provlsiont.

Cash QaoUUons CHICAGO; y p > -w h ea t No. 2 red

<1.70 1-2 (0 1.81 1-4; No. 1 hard 11.7(3. Com No. 2 mixed 6(5 l-2c; No. 3 yel-

^ Inw rt4 to 65e,O ats No. 2 while 44 1-4 to 44 »-4c;

'**■ No. ^ wMlc .43 1-4 to 43 V2r.“ • Ryo No. 2 1.43.

Bnrley 70 to 84c. )U>« Timotby seed »4 to'fi.M.'I * a o v c r teed 118 to 17. •

pork nominol. /Lard 111.65.

ira. Ribs tlO.75 to \ll.7.’l. I

TED ^’S b M S

■11 Alberta'ATS HAD TEB

1 SunshineB H A TE TElB


t VAUXHALL nm iQ A T B D DIBTBIOT inlgatod crop and t2SO.000.00 spact Is . |

1 t M i bo ld lnp a fta i ona yaar'a op-

¥ W n m TATLOB * K A O V nU B. la a 170s raqu ln . or 'ap p lr t»—


I - —- ^ .

lAILY NEWS, TWIN FAII HUmeapoUi Flonr and O n la

M INNEAPOLIS; Minn., W V-FIour unchnnged. Family pa tea ts quoted a t

\ <D.30 to 0.33 n barrel in 08 pound cot- ! (on saekt.

Kran $S3.I Wbeat receipts 218 cnn, compared I wltb .203 cart a year ago. Ooah Ko. 1 | : Northern ll.o n to l.flO; Match yLSS; I : May #1.51 3-4.

..1:0m iN o. 3 yeUow W to 5«e.OqU No. 3 white 39 2-8 to 40 l-8e. Barley SO to OOo. 'Itye Nn. 2 11.43 to 1-43.H ax No.j 1 ♦1.75>, to 1.81.

Omaba lir a e to c k V OMAHA, yPh-H og receipts, 7,500;

octivu, 16 to 33e higher; heavy grades U)> niriiit; bulk medium and light butch- rta 0.33 to 0.50; top bulk rtrong weight and packing grades .IflJS to 9.Z5.

Cattle reeeip ta '£00; compared with

B ircek ago: steers moatly SOc blgber; top |l>.50; abo'stoeki buljs and veals 23 to . .'lOc h igher;. stoekers and feeden gen- (.rnlly SOe higher.

Sheep receipw 1,000? rteady; owes . fG; compared w ltb .wook ago: lambt

and yvorllngt $1.60 to 2 higher; heavy kindt a t moat advance; abeep a o rtly | l higber; feedisfp lambs VlM higher.

Ohieago UTOBtocJt CHICAGO, y ^ -U S iltle reeeipta 500;

eomparod with wook ago: beef steers atcndv to 26c higberj butehor cowt asd hulferi S3 to SOe higher; eannera ateady; cutters 23 to SOe higher; bulla motlly COc higher; vcal calvea moally |1 high- cr) apots up moro; stoekers and leodora i3e higher; spots up moro; atockers nnd feeders SSo higber.

Ilog t-R cco lp ts 8,000; active^ 16 to . il-lc higber thnn y e s te r d a y 't ‘m-erago;

h " ! »I«t» “ ofo; e 'otlng strong; top $10.76;^ bulk 200 pounds dowo 10,40 to $10.70;

bulk. 220 pounds up *0,60 to $10,S5; * plga Meady to bigber.

Sheep, 10,000, including 7,000 direct: fow tales stoady wilh Fridny; cnm-

, pared with weok ago: bnndywclgbt fnt Inmbs $1.60 to 1.75 higher; sheep year-

*„*■ lings nnd heavy lambs $2.00 to $2,2,')

>nty “P» ■ _ OMcago Ptodttca

CHICAGO, UP) — n u tte r higber; = ereamery ex tras Clo; standards 60 l-2e.

Eggs higber; reeolpts 1P.070 cases;, firals 34 lo 34 l-4e: a t mark, easea in.‘ . eluded, 32 1-2 to 03 l-2e.J Poultry alivo unehnngcd.

' Kew Y ork S t«ck_^ ark rt NKW VOUK, yp)—W eek-end eovot-

D C ini; I'f tbort contrnets affected vari- nhle roeoveries in the atoek n jirke t to­day. Motors and the ir subaldlariea,

rttli iH-’condary. steels, oils, tobaccos, textiles : nnd tbe moro prominent apecinltlea, la-

, eluding Inlernatlonal Pnpur and Indus­trial Alcohol, participated in tho rally

llvo to ithe extent of 1 to 3 poiata. JtiUli 'cry and shippings woro tho conapleuoua ox-

coptions, selling of tranaportations cen­tering in Reading which dropped 3 1-2 jioints. P ro fit tak ing roduced somo

i»tt (jnias a t the irregular clone. Sales ap. rice |iiT>ximatcd 300,000 shares, jnd Tho tread o f prices in tbo onrly stag-

.. e t of today 's short stock m arket tea- “ sion w u ngaln downward, shippinga art- « hS I g | g @ @ @ e i s @ i p @ s i s i g i 'iar- c?!>• fi

Ala- 5 3 . ‘

0 - , row C

I I M Ptom & . I 'lorklon* f a wer H

"'I ■ TJ.•nrd » , H

a I . . I IHoy g i

bu t @ Classfter B a Y

g News"•''I BIG.. J Foun',%!■ ■ Want

I atth(I anci 1I ' ^= I1 ^I ■ ^

^LLS, IDAHO, SATURDAand rails featuring the Inegular reao-

jur tiona, ■Atlantic Gulf duplicated yettor- » t (lay’s io w price on n twi> point dceline, et- Roailiog loat oDO.Iiaif nnd i'nmous Piay- . ers ono-nuartcr point. }’rnetional do.

cllnes were mado by moat o f tbu slcelt, ed motors and oils, tbo la tte r roaponding to , 1 further cuts in prices o f raw and ro- S3; fined prodacts. S tnm borg Carburetor

n-covorcd 2 points from yestorday.’s nnutn 'dopretslon and Utah Copper rose

e. 1 3-4 in connection with reports o f proa- ]K..ctive heavy cxporls of the metal. £x- ehaogo on landon held .at yesterday 's filial quotations deaplto'extoMlvo im- porta o t goU from tba t cenler.^

)0; U bocty Bondslet NEW Y CRK.'yP) — Liberty bonds :h- closed: 3 1-2's $01.09; f lr r t 4 's $66.04 ag hid; second 4 ’t $80.SS; f ir r t 4 1-4’t to $86.88; second 4 1-4’t $80.60; third 4

1-4't $80-88; fourth 4.1-4' t $80.00; Vic. 1th tory 3- 3-4’t $07.40; Vletory 4 3-4’s «p $tl7.iO.

! f t - ....................... ---------------


y Otala “y J^iralshod by Twin F s lti.P lu u r Mil*

W heat No. 1, :ewl-------;------------- $2.16

)n.FttrBlahed by Boylo Ceamlsalon Uo-

W h ito _____ :__________________ _ 40sPreduot

B u t te r f a t ------- ........................ ......_... 40cBaaeb b n t t e r __________________ 89<Egg. .... .......................... ...... _............ 30.

PM Llv»(tMkrnralahad by Inde^Madtat Mrs-

to M.trket:;o; Cattlfr-Oows 4@5e;' a tw rt l-2«;rS; real [email protected]; f lo g » ~ P riao 8@9c.

Sheep—UuttOB Oo; lam U Bs.Ponltry—Hen* 16«j f o f n S&a.

c t: BayPoratahed by Twin fa lis Count*

ra n n Bureau “nV tJtaadard or oeiiet bay ia sUr»

f i r r t a v t t i i t , tflM', aoaa, poom , aa low * ' a t $8.00; bolod. l i m

— ' HOT/SBWIFS'8 QUIDS (BetaU Prieea)

Flour, 98-lb. ta e k ________ _ HOO©4.1fl. ' Sugar, beet, 100 Ibi______10.15@10,2.'.

Sugar, cane, 100 Ibi.__ ... [email protected]>iPoU toet, 100 l b s .________ [email protected] e ttaaaa__________________ «0t

• Brick cbeesa ______________ _ - _ 4 S eet- Beans S«xi- Celery ------------- -------------- I0@17 l-8eto- Lettuce, bnaeh -■ ■ — ....... 15cea. Dread __________________________ 28<les B utter (ereamery) ' 47cla- Eggs •(ranch), d o t . _________ 30®35ri t - Chiekeas ............................... ............. SOeIly Bonad steak ------------ . - j - - ......l i t Baeoa --------------------------------- -— 40.'IX- Baeoa, a lleed ------------------------------6$an- Ham ---------------------------------------- «0a

i-2 Dam, aUeod ----------------------- ___ 60ano Perk c h o p s _____ ____________

' Pork . - i r . . .Pork ta n t a g e ------------------------------80*

•a- T-boae steak .... ........................ ......J 8cga Slrlola steak __________ 8Sf

» O R T i[AVE you tried a K

“Qass-Ad” lately?ssified Advertising in vs costs little and Pv t. You can advertise I md, Position Wanted, ] nted, Por Sale or To he cost of a few pern nine chances out of will get action of s

One cent p e r word for each insertion

<j>Phone The News

3 2

lAY, FEBBUARY,.26,1921


Balloon u d ' l t a Hama, Ownad b ? Plo- '■ n*«r Aeronaut, IXatioyod b r FlroJ. • ’>■ CHICAGO, (flV-TJ'* “ Tl>c

OLieagg" aad an airdnnse aald to be___tho largeit privoto Itirdroao ia the world, wero dctlrojod by firo early

• today. Both were owaod by 0 . A. Cocy,^ in thr, aouth aide suburb o f Worth.!‘ Cctoy and 0 pilot, C aptain '0 . L. Brum- ' ' bougb, flow over tho G reat Lakes aad

l.iiul(-d in Canada, yeara ago, tbo f i n t time tha t feat had boon pcrtbrsied.'

In 1000 Coey aad b it brido spent part of tbelr honeymoon in th e boaket ,of .

:« " T h e Chicago," m aking oae tr ip acrori 4 tbo Bocky monntalB»._ . -

4 PotatoeaCHICAGO, (flV -Potato reeeipa 44

■■ eara; ateady to 6c lower; Northern Whites, sacked $1.20 to U O ewt.; bnlk $1.26 to 1.33 ewt.

BogirNEW YOR«, ~ Sugar future*

eloaed ateady; anles COO tons; Mareb $5.03; May $5.26; Ju ly $3.48;. Septem' ber $3.eO. .•

6 ___________________ • ■

p a i n s q u i c k l y s o o t h e d_ ' 7*IIAT ,da«s!as. ««ul8« btckacba. Oist

^ aoiunr woDcn sa /r» fm a. ts <ril<Uf Ijt oa epsHcslioa of 81ota's UalDn t.

A'a mUhy, muriioccb or skin s u l ^ li 'i r.n<) tor an tiM ftnttr aad al) Itods ot ’'tjt.-raar'aeba »nJ p*lns.'-S5e. TOe.« .« .

i S ld a tjp a f? . L i n i m e n t ^

: |I~J. GDATS MUSIG ANO ; PHDTB COMPANY• Edison, Brantwiek and & aora J . Phonographa

• Photo S tod lo -E odak Finlahlag

; GEOR6E BEVINmoprlalort UB B . U a la P te o a 82S-U

A N TNews

iThe^AYS ,

Lost, IHelp .. II Let, Iinies, If ten Isome -


1. '

Page 5: ^ F A LLS DAIL,Y :NE:WSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...THEoMr AFTERN00l\TWIN

• ilCUIM LmtPis

Schteme of O ork ProfcBBoi U ootB w itb A pproval o f

S inn F e ln e ra

COIIK, (/P>—An origlnii! nr'la'inc-.ol uovi'rnnn'nt tor Irolnnd, IivProfi-imr Alfred O 'fiahilly, rcKuitrai of tho Uolvetdlly Coik,’ U 1,'Tcai intcfoiit in Ireland. Tlic corro npondpnt liofl been Informed fhiil tl« |iliin l iu boi'ii indomrd liy many rni'i;

, I'romiupiil in tlic Hinn Fein movi-mont, ill wUuh l‘roff(mot O'UsiUlUy in t, f t '- iijftiizod lender , •' Ihli'fly . tlic srlinmi- I'nllx'(or nn Irith eonfedrrnUon and, ateordioK fo I'fii fcMor O’nahilly, wlip <Jl«'uiscd it aS IpflRth In an latcrvitiw yiU i ,tl;c ror. rct]iDiiOritt, ll provldni the <inly nohi' tiim uf tho nurthcait U ntvr ()ucitlqn

. I'r/ife«»or O ’Rnlilllv » not opposed tu the idea of parlllidii' "O iir jiruper at' tU udo,” he nald, "iKouM V to InslM nn mnrv partUtoii. ' .Irclniid shnuld bo dividfd not Into t\rn tml into 10 to Kionx. B r trailition, Inxtinct. failli an i rirpumslancM vru naglil to aim a t dr- ceiitrallM llon und fccionaUwn and u v bold tho M vcrclpnty of the twoplo.

" W h a t many ijuito falr'inlnded UJ- stc r liuiilnriA mon fear it llio pouibllity of an all'potrcrful ecntni] pnrliamcnt in Dublin. ' And tu t«)l the truth Cork men ore not really e n th u iiu tir about n Dublin Wwtmlnjttcr, nor are ^onne-

• mara Tifamti* likely in fn-'nr a i-ontra! sovcrelj^o u iicm b t/run lrn llliij ; nil th(> minutiae of IrI«h lifo.

“ I t 's fl m tttaio to think tlieri;' ik• •merely an 01«tcr problem. Thrre nre

about 40 [iroblpmii. Wq nre a hel'troo; Rcni'oiiH pi'ople an(J toj'ri'main Irue fo ourKlvea w(‘ muid bnvo fa r -m o ri /Io ^ lllicrty and regional autonomy than is nllowt-d in the Ideal o f a rentm l'pnr- linment or aM«i)nbl)ei> in 'D «lfa?t u d D ublin.” , ,

In Sw itcorlaad. he pointed ont. tht'^) nre 22 Bovnreims sta te i differing in rc llKinn, lanfTunjfe. lito and cfonomic po- iiitian ailhoujth B.wlhtefland Is'only hnlf the liM of T r e l u l " ^ '^ ■

" E v e ry Irlih couiify,” be wont.oa. " hox flA moph'ri}:ht»^o paxUlton at Countv Down or' Bolfart." The ria l ob- 'jtctloit fo tho partition aet it t i a t it doesn 't fc’ive Ilelfnsl nnd Ulnter cnoujjh loej^ liberty and power.. In an Ijiih eonfederation Ihey ouffht to Ret far

TIio proposed federal iyitteni, Profe^.• Kor O'RahlllT said, mi«ht be pither do­

minion nr repuhlieaij. Th(re would ho a federal aMemhlr conslstinK of a na­tional eouneil and n rniincil of eoun-

• fie*. . _


E a n t u 'O dnalttM A sserts SxperlsMDt ia Stkto SodtUsm Kot 7 t l Socmh

, . . . . . . otPftflar#

8A U N A , K ak . (/P>-W hile -indira- ttom- were th a t tho pommlltee len t to N'orlh ■DaHotn lo InvertVuatt tlw.Ktm-

' partisan teajnie wntiid not hnvo lls re­port r tady fnr the afternoon mass raccttnu hero lodny,'mem bcra of the eommittee wid- it would coataiu the followinir flalMBonU In sufe»tai»tp.

U y allT —Tho slnlo I* loyal, Inelod* inff the leaden of tho Icajrni' a* weli aa fhe rank and fllo. A. C. Townloy

. is loyal to Iho Rovemmcnt •S oeia llm —A»Wi> from th? rtat« '

ownc4 Jndiwlriei, w hirh .make,.up Uio leaRup proirro'm, Ihcrc ia no moro Jus-

. flfication Ihnt socialism domlnafci the leaipio than thn t It dominates the rr- puW lisn 'n KaWM,• rVre Love—TJic rharjro of free b v t

' . has iiean fonnd tn be Imth false and foolish. , -

Thfl try o u t hns n o f yet reached ths point kKmc i t fan provtTi a rtf pew or failure.. Thn ono h ie th ine is tho B ask of Vorth Dnkoln. Arnnnd this bank the baffle wiU rnjre nntil cilhi'r the hank ha* TOovpil a M ttcw « U for«A to ii(]uidate.

T ho repori. il wa* fnrlher said, will eon taia same aharp erltid«m .o f tne leafoo odminlstration.


WABHlNffTON, (/P )-T he forttfiea- tions hill rarrylnif arproximatsl.v 18,-

■ 000.00ft'T iatscd the seaMc today aj 'l now jr«M to ronforenfc. A houM pro­vision requifinp the wnr department fo distribnle nmnnic state hiRliway Je ' partm ents 12.^ tractors now reserved for annv m ntnriiatlon, Vnockpa ou t b r tho *pnntp rommittee, was restored In the (tenotp liy a vote of 2(1 to 81.


flALT LAKB OIT^', I/lali. w UlnRliajr was fonnd piU 'v of iflcoad

■IcffTepMiiurder in ponnee'ion with the s la r in r o f John "F ren c h y ” Barthele- mew. a sJieepherfler. tn P rire . U tah, in

- IOM, hy n Jury Ia the district eourt acPrieo


DALIiAfi. Texa*. (/P)-W illiam 8. Llvesey, president of tho L lttlo Motor K ar company, wns fonnd jrullty l>y a inr\- in federal court hrro today of ni-

. infc Ihc wnll" to defraud In promolinff tlv* ntilomobile company.


W APH lN nTO S. Hoo­ver, who w to be scetetary o f cemmerre a fte r March I, nrrived here to d a r fron, New .York and w n t Info with Scrretarv Alfxnnder tn rttftrou nffa lrs of ihe depnrtmfM nf toTnmetee.

trar.TT^ T SHZFTAEDS •__a n n o u n c e w a q b -out

HALIFAX, N. S., yp)—WnRce of 1,- aoo enploTM of the I la l ifa i Shipyards,

• Limited, -will be redneed pearly ten per cent, T«Klnnlrg next Monday, I t waj am onneed today by General ManaRor .T, M. McClorg.

The f ir tf naliirai h n rW on tho ea*; eoast of Africa \% at Zanzibar.


I Ribbon

a o r


th jwen K w l L x f l 'fl w m! /

s ', .w

a n l


I H rflB H IllM ivi“ y ■ I .cnt • ■ / Vork 1 / - t _ J'Olll H / ... \ J f lme- . ■ ' Jmf-M(ra!the



> '8 ■ ^

rpW O -l'O N U D M tm ribbons. #ld« 1 and nbetced by nnrrower melal

ivM Ur rlhhons. maUt- s«eb Irrenlsllhli Kirdtei av (Imt »'hlrli li-mU olt In tbi array, .of Iiivfl)' dr»>w. am-ssorlci

' which Is p ic ium i b f r r . Tiiow two ,g toned rllibon* provlite imiiiy liirelj

co lor'liarm onies •" u-IMi. am ob- these arc enhanced by tiiciiiltle wenvci ; it tbat add the required I 'ln in rii ) Ihi uf;h cheerful und lively iiiiKti-x nf Hie (.'em [ish Ing sp rin t and suiniiirr. llii'vcvci fo r bright they arc llicy "hnve n" Krar< . In beiuc Ksy" and are fnr from jjarlsh

A girdle. Is rarely « ulniplr nffnir Ir tlieso days; it Ik usually lUKeoinusI] made, oa rcveati-d liy Die model pir

lan- (urcd, where the rlbhnn l» folded nn( finished, with tivo frilla iit the Inp Little meialltc. row s made of rlhboi

■ with buds and petnls, a re set aloni . . the tenglh of the cirdli- snd a largi

rose’tte, with mnny Imu^'hii; loops ant lonf eddJ. flnlshcl 'vlil> ni'-inllli- ruirH

*** m tk o a k’enpn-u- !!>ii-l' n hit o: s


;ou- ______m terM tifif B lstoiloal B tiftsnm nd t . W orld’s l i t t t o r t N ation is B re inh t

!E : , , “j w

nd- WAaHINOTON, (/P > -in sto ric bad firound for^ Motrte Carlo'i national-

ilcy nnd international—place in the cei nomic scheme of thin{t« socmn tn ha\

ivt«. lieen dlscovored a t la st A survey < li,e ths 'M itUesi powers” by tho Nation. Jus- <}i'onrnph^c sociely, ju st pubiishp the ^inds tha t Tlieodoric tho Great wa#- ff. man of ‘‘most deliRhtful tnannera <

dipo.” Ho aJono of Eutopcati <onnuc ovt ors,. it adds, pivc Monaen respite fro and war*

Tlieodorir must nlso be conceded th tho title of "(food ,si>nrl'' oven in thci RSf jnwiem timos, for tlio gTORtapliets hw

found th it eomment. 9n.)kim: of .< if Theodorie ioscs. ho IpuRhi;. f

‘"® is modest and reticent if he w ios.''But thoy eould find no smaller nt

tlon to leplaco . Monaco as tho littlei uiwer of tho world, a t least terrltorie

7? iv «i>caking. I ta etj-ht square mile complotciy covorcd with Kaminc tabli

' in [Hipular fancy, in unm attbed don the scoI d, Us iwpulallon of 53,000 d fifi.-cotoparison. Imports include vi itors, 2,000,000 of ’em In 1013; re' rnncs come from viiiflnff bank roll

•®>: i t appears, and orports are chiefly bul| Inff pocVcls or biaalc3 hopes.

B ao: Maiino eomploUlT • rorroundc ' by !taly , stands next w ith 38 squai

mllcs, the BeoRraphio experts atato, an If roraarkahlo cMofly because Jt hi virtually no police'forco. Beason f( Ihls I* found In tbo retiring and peaci lovinfT dlspoaiUoa of the good eali a fte r whom tho little rcnubilfl 1# name for havinjt fmished holping opprease Christians to wall ia the c ity o f Blm nl, 8»n Marino, retired to th if epot, i the iegoad goes, to •olltudo and droii living nnd taugh t hts people to mal

f ' f w ar only b self defcaso.’ i" Aniiorrs, a b it of Bnain, 191 iquai ’ miles in site and 10,000 foot In tl

a ir in Uio heart 6 f the Pyreoeos, Is ei rolled with tho little powers- I t ruled liy a f ln f syndicate and emu|

' , L'iing U the national fopie of conve .ntion, . t is aaserted, nnd this route b Tween Franco and Spain is said to ha»

*' “ been much pntronlred during the wi ,"*■ in tha t w ar.

Then thoro le Lleehtonstcia, ( "riuare miles, surrounded liy flwiiro land nnd A m tria. whirfi finds it n: ncre«.ory lo hnve any nrmy af all. iii

P , |n re IflSfi.Ltiiemliiirir.' well and favorah

known to the American soldiers wl ftnmpled thrnuBb it en routo fo t! Hhinr: Ihe oerupiod tone alone tl Rrrnt Oominn river nnd Turkoyln-E

. rope, rnliiped lo tho environs ^ o s t i Constanlinople. also nro noted amoi

• powihle ‘ 'l i t t l e pow ers” ; h n t oi ^ nnme hns heon dropped from tho ro

Montenecro, now pa rt of tho klngdo of flerbt, Croata ana eiovOne-v

per ■'■ ■ — --------------'T he Pottsr.

T !« potter forma w hat be please with aoft day . «o t man Bccompllihc his worka by .hta oxn»• net.—Hllopi d m . . - •


1 H a r m o n i e s |


■ n m H '

1 "%hli^ p i ■ 2 ^ r w

Ided gorgwus tinery. ' ;elai* Below ilie Elrdte a boudoir rap OfUhlc laee ond tlUbon cmplos* wide to d Bar-

tbe row iiumtn'ra i o . light co lo n .ao d tsirles liiirili nHl wUli a iloiible frill—one oftw o '' plalliKl, ribbon nnd one of narrowr e ly lare. Little chllTnn roses ]olned by Iheand tiniest of follnge. make a w rratb for

nves 11. Just ubore nn» two pairs of par-Ihe ters In which satlit rllibou Is shirred

.•om- over lint elssllr, due pair has iiosetlcsever of very uatrow ribbon sWrreil o wroro ibrcuil •tire nnd ihe nllier rosettes ofrisli. a wider salln rlhbon.r In Fimc buRS. in us mnny good deslgos,usir pn-scnt new Ideas lu ibc mosl popularplf- of all rlWiou'ilres.<! necessorlea.' Eachnnd of thcQi employs two klods of ribbonInp. nnd a meidl luounilng, hot iwo of

ibou Iliein bn»<- handle*


' ” I ccniM taRV B wranM sgN ak

' b s I * murtaugh

M u m u o i r , Idaho - James II d to Boyd w ji transacting business in Twh Ih t Foils P riJay.

Mr. and Mrs. U-' L. Betterly spen P rliay » Twin Palls,

back- H arrr Dtiolap is.reported to bo ser, nal— ously ill.

ero- Mr. and Mrs. Joss Strong and ohil have dren arc v isiting a t tbe bome o f Mr !V of etroRR'a paien ts la Twia .PaJii. tonal Tbo remains of Charlei LockFOoJ shc<l, who died corir Monday morning froi. rni- a j-nvumoola oad’ complieations, woro hu ra a t ried a t Albion, Wednesday aflernoon. auer- ra»lu SommciB spent ^ ’cdncaday a from Twin t’alls. - ^

Mrs. B. P . Ja in visited a t the L- M 1 the •fnln homo in Twin Poilr Wcdnosday these Mrs. M. J . Btrlngtuun of Duboie bave W»ho, who Uaa been visltlnj} a t th'

John Bomion homo, loft Thunday ove i. hi. niflir for Hoybum to visit sovoral day In beforo griing to her home. Sho waa ae . companled l.y Mrs. Bomscn. ,

. A. M. Hoover haa p-irehaied tho oii “A” , ' Julian Johnson bomo of J . L. Betlcrl’

and will tako possosalen seen.American Leglos members aro ro

hearalDg for a play ” Tbe Danger Sic

■ M ra Charles M atthews and ehlldroi ' of Book Greek ip en t Thursday and Frl

day w ith relatives hero.Jh io Ladiea' Aid of the U . E . ehure!

met a t tho homo of &{n. Alfred lloove indod Thursday afternoon. Mrs. P. J . f ^ e j juaro wag eleeted president of tho orgaaita > tion. A t tho dose of . Ihe afteraooj • refrcshmonta wero aorved . , . . .» '0^ Miss Ehmcho Worrell hae takah .

podtioo a t fho Booth Mercantile eom “ ‘“1 pany a t Twin Fills.

M r.'and M ra 'William Uolt, who bav' tearing tho country ia a ear, lef

Blml' Thursday evening for their home- li )t, « PiiJ-otfO.l®l]*f Tho children and grandchildren o

Mrs. Jons Nielson met s t bor hom, Tuesday afternoon in honor of her six

quare ty-firat birthday anniversary. A pleaiI the Ant hour-wos n e a t . Befroshmenta oII en- fruit, cako and coffee were serreil I t i l Mrs. J . W. W alker o f »rwln,Palls wa imug- nn ont of lown guest-nver- ■ " *e bo M I880U BI HOUBB PABSBS; hive a m . TO PHNBIQN BLOT

JKFFEBSON CITY, Mo., (/P)-Tli , hoQM today, by & unoalmoiAs vole, pasr I,' , , the blind pension bill which provide . ft »tafo pension for de« rv iag bllni [ adults of tho stato.

... a to rk Uultcrmllk. lo per RaJloi who yoiir-containerji. Sterling Cren';i

,, (h"n-E-j- Money Value of .Home.Maklng.■st of Swedish women haTe evidently sut monR eeeded in giving housework and laklQ

on} care of the babies a Qnaoclol volQ roll, aofl standlOB before 'the law of th

tand. Saya the law : "If tho wlf i Itcs all ber work to the. bome ah«-i considered by the law es baring co: tributed In the »flnie d epeo 08 be hnshnnd. who fironirCT the fnn'da.”

ISDCS •French railroads rafferod a $900,000

000 deficit In 1020.

-I m i o u B l j i r J n n ill mii

D ire c to r o f B ailw ays C onfidentt b a l Q overnm ent w ill M ain ­

ta in Sohcdalcs

lllLM CO f i i r y T yP h -a n fid en c c lUftt til? govcromvat TfOuJd bo nWe to walntnift railroad schedules w ith volun­teer help until the workmen who struck yesterday morning decWe to rciumo Ibcir pouts wns exprcMcd by Ffiin.'i:eo I’cM i, national- dircttor of rnllwi*s, last night. Ho asscrle'd the worklaR personnel would be reiluccd s t least £3 per ecnt when Ihe finnl settlement w u rm rhi'd.

IWayed triiios on nil line* was thp only nppareni rcsutl of the strike durinn

1 Its firsl dny. No trains were annulled I und frelRht nml oxpress shipments Were ' <ln[mtchcci ns uminl.

Amerli-nn riiilrunilprs muy be brouj-lif tl. Moxiro to help man the roads, If iieprssnry, aeeording to an official rO' l>nrt made public last nighl.

Rumors of Ihe wildest character were current bere yesterday and laat nifibt, and i t was stated government troopi hnd clashed with the strikers, but none

. - o f thrs^sreporls were coaflrmej.

■ i i l EElJEl

[ N e a r E a s te rn C onforonco T akea I U p I s sa c s Tonohing A rm en ia

and T u rk e s ta n

LONIKtN, yi*)—Ariiii'iilun r«-].re>i'ii- , latlvcs were hrard thm ftirenooii by iil ; lied rujircsijnlatlves gathered hero’ fot

J of Il'O .Vear Eastern rnnfi'renre. M lcr Bat- *\'ie*ll(in« offeetinK Aroietiiti ami Ku» J I, ilisfnn were faltrn Up wilh T urkhh del- , of egnicB to the eonferenrv.■ Nt'wspnpcm here piiblinhcd today n ™ m illed nppenl from plliiens of varlmn

locolitirs around Smyrna, comptoinlni; fer of Turkish nalionoliii cniclties lo nn

par- tlve Ctirlstinns.rred Oreek delegalen wiire still nwaitlng ties today n reply from Athens regardir.i: jver proposal flint n commissian, df gatlicr information relotlvo to Oreek

• and Turkish claims in Smymo nnd Thraee. Belief wo* expressed here thnl inducements, sudi as ree^gnltion nf Kln(*.,Conitnntino and financial aisist- anee, had been offered them.


I’AIUS. (/P)—Tlio French delegatioi. • Rt the iiltled confetente Iti London wljl

be rcinforpoil e.-vrly next week by Wof H in istrr BoHhou. He will leavo for London Monday to jaia Premier Briand

' ' in the British capital.


I NEW YOBK, (/P )-T he actual condi­tion nf clvoring house banks and trust flomponlea for the week ehows tliat Uiey

] | hold (14,340,060 reserve In exeess of Pwln legal requirementa. This is ao increaae - , - ef t s ,018,010 ftom last week.

Stock butw rallV . le bb'Ioh Bring .your eontaioers. Sterling Cream e rr.—adv.


rood, 'froi.i ) hu-

M my - 1 %, M. ' I V f I

JLathe "

eve- / .days ; I a ae- I

s eld .terly H \ f t iV f f l

I re- I r bH v \ V § \ NiSw I\ W v i

^ . ^ 1Idron \ fPri- \

■aber N -a ita-sooo

»h J - .

J TSINGtoom T ff U in g is thee • '» feflures in bakini

' Mazola gives i avcdds spgginess

mj! .Because you; less of Mazola

ing than butter, Dounds..-The ^

, economy. It nak. cake-yetalighti

digested. Crisp, flaky pie crasts

'sufr a re lik e w iseiklQi mint ’ th«w lfi ^ •

h«-U coo- ber

1,000,.I , - - <


j i i s iG irI IISLiBILLi

Approves Legislative Provision for P artial P^i3rmont8 to I

. t'l Bailroads 'tun-l -------uck WABHINOTON, (/P > -rre siden t Wil- “ le K,n signi'd today tho Winslow bill, au-

thoririni: partial pnynieuts to rotlroad4. IiqiI under prnvislons of tho traniporrntion

£3 w t. , was Tlie men-iiro ‘ b»-<-omeB effeplive in.-

mediately nnd its offect will Ik.' I..- Il)p iiinkr. nvuilnble Ki the roods nbou'

rinjf *400,000,000 of the upproximnlely lied 1000,000,000 duo them from the goveni .ero ment on guaraiilec iiccoUnts' fur the

first six monthi o f jirivate opcratlnn. iglit '■j; p re d ic ts m artens re tu rn

Baaslan T h u Ia ^ T o jr In Oossttatlnople PorecMta SoT ltt More*

’®P* C0N8TANTIN0PLB, y P ^ i r r y i n g *■’ II pnuiiK)rt with n British vise grazvtod

At Tiflis, Bronislnu Eoodish, a eoa* mercinl ilelej.'ate from Mosrnw, nrrived in Conitnnlinople Friday. He s ta te i thnt he ri-pretenled thu Kussian co-op'

-'<-rativo trmlo ouoeiatious fo r Turkey I nnd ths Balkans, with full powers toj

> grant permits for im ports inlo Bussia.I M. Knndish asaerted th a t Ludifig

D Martens, the soviet repfiW ntativo re­cently deported from Iho United Stales, { would soon return to tho t country and| nisi, thnl a soviet diplomatli' envov tn CuristanlinDpIe, U . Kousnietxnuv, wIm<

1 lexiK'pted lo arrive here In the near fu-

BPAIN TAKES BTBP8 TO ''j’j O H B A ^ HOUSINO 00ST8for MADini), (/P) - Legislation eni'

Her bodying the plans of tho government Cut toward Becurlng chootier bousing faeit- dpi. Ities tliriiujihout Bpalii was Introdueed

by the minlnlpr of Inbnr In the eliaiiibci f n (if deiiulii-s here Friday. Under If^ inin ]iravl)[ons Ihe goveriiiupiii and muniri- .Ini; pat aulhoritiet would be .luthoriwd lo na ^ell chenpIy,..or givo away, land on

which smaU bouses would be built.|>ig ....... ......



' . P A S T E S A N D U Q U m S ' THD P. r. D A lU r COtlOaATIOHS^l

I Afaqy e

much shorten- made witbcause of most an inexpei

ing. made hers richness and pi0 crustS3. Mazola. u use Vi to Vi Mazola ia for shorten- fet It is ar, lard or com- —from an <

contains n<IS more ihan aUtat-lOff means a rich Once you

itcake—easi/y king cakes[p , I ** ™ ' " ■■■ ■ ' ■

i t s i ^ i i ^ t r a t e d C o r a P r o d u c t s C o o k •Uookcoatain* 64 page* o fp ra e tlo il ^ t e K t d n d p t t by « P « r t coola. Free, w ri te today. C o m I^oductsIl&>

O. Box lil.N cw Y otk .

J0 H N S 0N 4JG B E S C 0M P A m t B . l»

DAY, FEBRUARY 26,19212 1 ' , ™ - '

''liiwlSf''OGmpilFSIiTokio Ig n o res U nited S tates*

Qnoation in N oto on D e a th ,n o f L angdon

TpKIO, Hofercnce to flio ques­tion of Japanese wcupution of tbo moritimo province of Siberia waa omit*

il- ted io tho recent noto from Tokio to u. Washiogton rclativa to the death of . IJeutenani Ijmgdon, who waa sliot and

killed a t Vladivoitok by a Japanese sootry. In the original communfeatioa reganling death of-LieufenAnt Lang- dun, the presence of Jnianeso foreea

I,, in oastern Siberia waa ono of the sig- 11- niflcani fentures of the United S tates’■ly posltio'^ -» The Idea nf witlnlrawing Japanese he fortes from the mainland of Siberia Is 'tl- Raining ground in official crelei, d*-

clarw fhe Knkumlu Shimbun.N Althopgh Viscount Uchida, foralgo ''

minister, recently di'clnrcd before the ,le 'Japanese diet that the government had

.no lolcntloa a t present to withdraw Ita forees, the Kokumia- Sbimbun saya

ng aem bers o f the cabinet are beginning- Jd to believe thnt cither Ihe Langdon af- a . fair or the creation of the Cbitn gov-

ernment, or botb, sbonid be solwd upon e j ns on exease for evacuation.


CIIKVF.NNK, Wyo,, y p )-D r . Oeorgo ig (U lla f tr r , kni.irn throughout tbe weat e- fnr nenrly half a century as reotor, and 's. Inter os rector encriliit of HL M ark's id Kpiscnpal rhuri'h o f Clieycnne, died tn lii-ru early lodny. Dr, Ilnftcr wn.« 83 Its years old.


TlILflA, Okla., {/P>-Ttio Oklaliomo ™ Texna I’roduclng ami Ilefining company ii. brought ^H4,700 in a r<'ceivcrshi|i sale i t hero today. Mra. A. Barr, acting it- fnr Iho A tom Pctruloum company, N ew ' rd Yprk Cil.v, w u tbo purcliaser. Liabili- e. tiea of tho company were listed a t U *80,000.

In ' Htork buttermilk.- Ie |>er ealloa.>n Bring your ennfa inen Sterling Cream-

e ry .-*4» .


B tTTX, BUn'/lO.-N; Y. *

L Acoofea can’t ,.make

'.ghticahe rich or a

cake light

th MazoIaC- Many erienced housewife r first successful : when she tried

is not an animal a pure vegetable oil 1 edible source. It no moisture Init is 1 0 % . .

lUtryMa^olaforma- s and pie crusts you T willnevergoback .5 to butter, lard I or compounds. k.

Page 6: ^ F A LLS DAIL,Y :NE:WSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...THEoMr AFTERN00l\TWIN

I m td m r r ftR tnooa tsM vt BuAc

Tvin 'TiU* N t n PoblUhUt Co.. bst (BiUbUtti«d IMO

• ROT a! JIBAD ...................... P r^ d « ajn ilN C HAnVTT ............... Tm*8T*

Entered u Moosd cUm i u U Ba » « «prU I, t i l l . Kt tha po«tofflM » t Twt rnllf, Idaho, under Ih i Aot of lO reb Iim .

#U08CRIPTION n A T IIOne yoar............................................. U*

■t monlhi ........................................... l iI monlhi ............ ................... t lI monlh ....................................... J

MBiniBR o r ASSOCIATED PIUSS Thi* AMoelated Pt«m u •toltulTelj M

(UM to (he UM tor republloatton of «l nxwi dUpatche* credited to ( t Or M Dilierwbe eredlted. ta thla paper, and alai the local newa pnbllahed herein. AI rtahii of republlcatlon of tpeelal dlapalob m ti«r«ln am alao rveerred.

Nn rofponntbllUr la aatumed for ibi tn rr of unaollelled minuKrlpi. pbote KniiiliB or other contrlbuied mattar, Ar (Idm aubmltted for publication will b<

or not a t the dlacrtllon of the edlloi tn 4 no minuKrIpt will t> returned un- lea* Bccompanlwj b r the neceaaarr poet'

Urniber Audit- Bureau ar Clrculatloai

BAflTERN REPIIMBNTATIVB8;' >J*om H. David Co.. lao.. 171 Uadlaoi

4v*:. New Torki A. R. Keaior. H ll Bart- > for<l BuMlng. Chieago

I SHALL -BB 8ATZBFIEI):-Ab ro: 'm e, I wlU b«boU tlijr f tc a ia rl|ttaDU» n e s : I Oall be n tti f le d , v tum ]

T ltb U17 UkcBiMB.—P u lm 17.16.

6M0KB WBSATHSA purt iiltuj{i-lhur fruni (|u’ui>iiiin iil

l«noD al liLorly invadml, 8un#tu llill .So. 134, known u Iho “ aDtl-clRWott« Ijill," wlilcb wns po«Hil }Tc«t«rday b ; the llouw of Hciiroacntatlvei, ahould be vetoed hy Oovernor Davla.- W batofcr ma}' tio tho ootloaa u f .iti

spofltorf witb roipect to purpoaos bousIiI, it Is certnlu thn( ttie litll, as drawn anil ndopled by tho L cfiilalu rr, can work to the benefit of ono Intorcal alone— and tha t l i ttio wail ordor tobacM deal-

Tbo bill probibiti tho ialo of ciffu- - 1,'tlet in Idalio, nnd th a t i i about a ll th a t

vAD be aald for it, I t th« idftlio c igarette Uenlor uul o f bualiii'u, tiut it dura not put a atop (u the olKarette bu> in r i^ it itmiily (livorbt it tn ilualors in itaU a that Imve not the i|iicatiiinab|u bi'nofita of aueh U'gialfttinn.

J f for nn iilbrr ronun thnt this dls- rrimioation ni’a tn it Idaliu indualry, ttie Qoveraor dioutil vrtn thia bill.

D ot therr la another rraw u for ilia- apfwoval of tills portlautar m eaaun Unit

I ought to cotnmcBd itaelf to thoao who' arc alocercl/ dealroaa of iniking a s ead

to tbo riRSrvtte traffie. Under laws ulrosdy on tbn sl.ntutu liuokN, minora are prdhiblted from ain'oldng ei({ftrollo8, and aale of tobacro to oilnom is bnn- nod. V/bon a minor la caucht mok* ing <igaroltca, nuthoritli-a wurklai; un­der exirtlDg lawa, not only nii't<' uut

pttniahmont to Ibc KuiH.V Ind but pfM fcd ngainat Ihc tobwcuiiint wtio aotd him bis amoke^ I t muat lie admit- tfd lha t Idaho b jbartu driilrra havo co-«perated p relty (fencnlly wltb tbB autboHtlca in caforecsicnt uf Ihcw lawa.

Under tho |iropoaod law, wliatcvnr osiialanco authorltios hav? roeoivcd from tobacco dealera la diacouragiDK ■mohing among minora wilt be a t no cad. The.youth will not rv rq attempt to bny eigarellea from tho local doalrr, bot, like a srea t maay of hia eldera wbo will buy Ih tir olganltoa outslda tho s ta te M d keep w ithin tho law, be may bo ezpeel(>d. to' mak« known iila w anta a t loog distaiseo to th r mail or-

. . der dealer. ;I t ia idle to rip o ct tha t the mall or­

der n c rchao l will bo auffictentiy lator- vated to o tte o p t to dlarrimlaate u among liia euatotaen or io rei]air« ■ certifica te o f th(> age of tb r applicant fo r bia warra.

The youth wbo now hna firs t to in­duce a tobacco dcairr to bn-ak the law to Mil b in rlgnrctl/-* and thi'n run tbr risk of puniahmrct if caught, will, if thia b ill bccoBscs Inw, see only ono bar­rier tol bla aatisfacUon initead of two.

Thp .Sixteenth Sraaion of the Idaho • Irfgiahtur.- hna proilucnl in thia,bill, a

D oanrp th a l >1 en titled to admistloB to tbe Irc ltla tiv r ctinmlx-r of horrora by untmlmoaa votr,

I t la woak-bralncil and b p aidcd leg- iidaUon auch aa thia adda d^ ly M rcsgth to .the dfmatid fnr the rrfrr- cadoin.

THE SBABON'8 UBOB ■ Thia (a the araiMn whon thn lore e t

the land Is atrong apd .Nntorr'a appeal (0 thl- prim eral man gota In ill moil .-ffrrllve 'w ork. Scoil e ilalopica are

J mnrh in demand and n rrc r Me tholr radiiint prcimlsca more rnRptly accepted.

TtiniK of ua who have turned aa nmotpur liAnd to gardening before, nn^ mindful 'o f past, dUconrag««neata,.,ar9 remodeling onr programs with a Ylew lo cerreetlDg mUtakfis ef e tker aouoni, aod boae o f us who are beflABOn la


rWIN FALLS DAILY NEWS tlu- n rt. will let ao hint of’ pcaaimti eroin our ,vialf>n of tho Heh rowar tliiil will crown our maiden efforts,

All of ua can ln> gurdoncra for t nonre. Soorior or inti'r moat of us w

—^ fnll l.y tho BayalJo and mnny n «ard' fluurlahrs nour in tlii< mind,'a 0;

----- will nover tu- brought ncnrcr 'tu arl^ iillly. IVrlinpn thta ta oa it aliould I* *• Ttie mnrket gar.Irnera muat live. U

It lloes no hnrm, nnd who ahnll any (ti i t doea nut n irry ita own rich rcKut

UIOI jg tu nj>pr<iiicli evpn lliix rlunp to Muth Nnlure.

IiiiiilfsTn p nnniJILL II llili

i PIWHTIProposes Fines, Imprisonmen

and Removal (rom Offiee to “ Official Interference wit = . Free Speechfo r ------- -

on^ WASUINOTON, D. C., (/W -H .nat, a X Uomh, republican, of Idaho, todi . 16. introduced a bill projxialng fiiu'* ir

ITl-tiiimcnlt anil removni fri.in office . itiiv fedcrfrt-Tr«l«laJ fuuiid guiltv 1 uiilawfiilly\lri"KiiaMink (,H t|i(. righ

„r of fri'i- aprcrh. freo nnd asari ,,,,, blage granted hy fho rnn\ttlulm n.

Ijr drafting, ihp bill, i t / a tnlil Hen, e tte tur Itornh hu l the ndv^c nml iiaii!i'

jj- nnro uf law.vc-rs. iiomp.Af^thcm formcrl ronnooted wilh the Oepftrtment u f jn

1 bfl Uro. Tho mcnaum will hu aupiMirtud, was announced, ti.v the Nalioimt I>oj.i lar Oovcrnmrnt Icngup, tJia. .orgruii ti ion whirh recontly alfncked Attorne

ghl, Oonpral Pntmpr for depnrtment o f ju lipi> raids Im i year. .Stntp. nnd munic

. |wl ufneora na well na foiloral (Iffirei would ,-umi' w-ithin Ua terma.

Obargos Blgbts Denied.***• ^ntrodurlng the monauro ' 8«nati;

Uorah aaid:“ Thu liv lt ri((hla uf Iho' prtvnlo c-Ili

M'li havo .of late nftcn l.ocn chnlli-ni;i' ha t Iind many tim et wholly denipd. Tlii jlip coadiliou has boen ineroaaed for Ih

last iiuarler of n ••onliir.v. More ....• moro tbaro haa Icon a dtarcgura of tli us- groat gunranli'on of tho federal coii-'i I- tulion ao fiu- nli tho rlgli’a of Mie [iri

vato citiren aro i-uneornoil. The fii<'» ■’I” in aupport of th it jmlgmoni nro ul hniu - nnd nvorwhflmlnp- Men In nuihority I offli-ors nnd their *gent>.. hnve iiindc

wroal* without wnrrnnt. broken Inl. ;he (iriviite dwottiiig* willmut iiulhurliv

nnd prncticed tirutiilltv loivnrd cilti<‘iii ■ (juilty o f no offcnw. ‘'Tho prlvilte eitl

Mn under aiirh eonditlona i* prai tleiill.' lilt vrithout rvcoiirso. T h k praclicc svem' . to l>o groally on the tncrcaio. Lnwlea.

nraa in piibllp offlci- nnd in puhih Bd plarpi iillona by what U feeda upon, m “ I du nol think wu g t t iinywhorc

• ho«vpvpr. tiy merely rrtlir lring partini tnr inilividunts ur l>v ilonuunctng for r

os, dny a iiarticiilnr 'I'lutitlp offieer. ii fact, whon aurh prartii-oa have beeomi

, ingralnod in our i.vatem, no iinrtifiitni >>'• offlcor i« individually ro-j.onatblo. Tl,< in- alluation doaorvea general -oonaidcrn'

, tlon and ]>ermnnent Irenlmpnt. I hnvt therefore introduced thia bill, which ii

nit ilriiijinril lu protert l,he pr‘vntr e ltiu i |,n -ln hia eonalllullnnnl fighic, particiilnrh .. iinnlnat Ihe nrlntrary and lawleaa neli '7 ' nf nubile officpra. I t avema to me thm .ve It fairly grta at the rituntion nnd wou1r

help g'rpfttly tft remedy th is giowlni evil. In any ovpnl, it will lo rvf na : mriiaure around which possibly n bet Irr meaaitre may be cynslrnetcfl,

,’pr U p to AQthoritl,ea.■f,\ “ Thpre ia llu onp whoao duty it i'a t<

1)0 more MTUpuloua o f the nbligation: “tf of the roiiilitutioo or mnro regnrdfu no of Uie ronalitutional righta of the ritI

Ten thnn llu’ uffioer enlriitlcd for 1* tirief .aeaaon with creat authoritv ‘■''i lAwlpwnfM nmong iho«e who«o dnty i' era 1" to 'enfnire nnd ophold Ihe Inw breed- . . lan'li'mneia. and nol unlv tlinl, U I’O

ce*" dutrual o f nnd (li»iiffo.ellon fO' bp thp government Ilaelf aninne llio j.eo hla P'*" 'I'Jff'* i*"'' *’nterc.;H“

gnrd for law. n ]>mfound reapeot fo. Of- our oon»titullon muat begin wilh thoa.

who nro entrualod with ihe eaecnitloi llf thp liiw- Obodipnpr in the Inw ia tlu primnt plllnr ui«n whieh free laatitu

er- tlona re.1l. Wli(>n this apirli o f obrdi Hf ence .la hruken down. Inw lt><'lf b- ^ comes In a aeBso m ockery."

T .................................................. «1 VALUE OF SlUGE '

” ■ ! “ 1f (Ira* t^D of altftge e tiuali om- {, J mn of (u ea r b fita . . ..j »

t T linv tona of a llete equal oni' ^* Kin of clover hay. ■' J

J- t T h rff and onf*hal£, ton* of «0 i allajw equal OOP ton of lucerne J

>0 i' '’"y- !f Two nnd one*fonrtti tooa of J “ » KllMff e<]U«l onp ton of raamh /

to J hny. {,j * Oiii‘-hatf (nn of altncp (*<iuata *

i line ton of pnmpklni. J"


'J PREPARE FOR SPRING UBORHachlnaa and Im plem enu of All Kinds

Mould Be Ovartiauled and Needed Rapaire Mads.

Better- bring In nil the machinery not In uae and ainrt to gel ready fnr aprtni:., Take-off the pliwa, pnl Ihem

ire wher** ther will be hnndy to icet lo Ihe hlnrkamllh]* and nee ihnt the nil-

, tlvalnr ahorel* nrp m red for. Don't wnll imtll the hln^alnK h la mahe.1 |o

” hntj! itip rtlala.HliarTMnipd. l ie will do in^ a. heller Job If, iII»*vp<1 to lake' lita ire time.

A Chilean mouatain oonalats of a> ni, meet s solid maaa of high grade Iror la cre.



» . r f . ; H O WIs, . . ■ ■

r tho *' ‘

’ T"* / ' / $ \ \ A.arden • / 1 . \

ff l I• lha t Y J

'.V ''S l i l B

rant ' I hT O S ru.S‘’" “"’ Q ilnsi the orlgtnaJ bome of M^ i t h n i t o n , h u w o t « 8 0 k U lu lo ti

a ttend th e ^nf«Illt^«a»l Bilk - pod tlon t t New Y oH l T hii n r e ly llnU n* p t r t and p r tK iit 1

iintiir leeordlsK. to th e natlTe records todnv- CUb*. silk c o l tn c da tes froiL , Im T0 7 r t a o l e period. .T he U d y ce of 81-ling wbo w ai E a p r t i i b « r < B. C did much lo advaaee the, I /'''■■ d ttitiy , e i r f o f fo r sflk-wonna wi

her own bands. Tradition x\ ■ o e d iU b e r w ith ba-da* invent

the b o a for weavinjr th s silk threads.

J"!'’'-'' G reat strides have- beea n a Jiia- through tbe se e s in th e m a tta r

> 1 !Jilzii ta w eavinc the floss, b a t th e t l >rnpy « v r a lirea and dlea and (pina 1

ju j- borlal shrood—the prodous coee inici- ^ the same old le iia te ly way ’Irert did 6,000 y e a n ago.

B ow erer, new methods of ?: aerrlDg eggs and caring for I

dav there a re countless mlllioni ailk'w orm eggs kep t In cold s t age. Wht3i needed they a re Uk frt)m Ito rage , sobjeeted to a u

i ii ia form te ap e m lu re of 70 degrees Ihe ra tf l h a t r e d 'n e n eosues a be .... I

i r X H E NEWS’: SUNI2 ; B y C H A R L E S G L

R e c to r , C h u r c h o[ ;lh'

ii’iia 'eitl THE a iN o r OOVBTOUaNESS 'iiliy Exodus 20: 17: "T bon sbalt not;em> covoi____ .anytblng th a t Is tbylca»- nnlghbor’s.”

n " ‘' Ttiia oommnndment Im;. to, du with ■ere, tho nioal eninmun ain in the world. Sume

of the lliiiiga c>|iri'aaly mohtioucd in Iho ciiiniiiiir Im-nl '.ruuia uot apply tii

, tho nvi'riigo Ainorii-un Indn.v. O irn aro uaed very litlle in .our modern agricul- turp, mill In moal iif nur homea man- aervnnta iiiid maid-aerviinla aro nol cm-

invi ployoil. The full force of tho commanil- ), |( ment ta in the laat phrase, " o r nnything iu ii Ihiit ta thy nu islibor'a." Thai phrase arlv m.ikea tho I|iw apply erjupjly to. every nda «eiieriilion.thnt ^Vhuu the iUiatur enme Into tho world, ou1rl llo wnriied'humanity pf tho ain of cov- vini; etouancai. Un ono'occnalori a diacipic aa :i u id til Him, "M nator, apeiik Ic. my bpt- r.rollier. thnl he divide the inheritance

■ wilh 'mo.” Whereupon Jeaus rupllcd: ".Mnn, who made mo a judge or a di- vlilor over you! Tnke heed and be- «-nro uf tdvetuuaiiea*; fur n ninn’a life

dfui conaialeth nnl in llu thinga which he I,- poascaaolh."

' ^ Chriict did not eundenin »callh ua a rltv wrong or wtcked in ilaolf, TheV {,' rent hurui enim- lo the IndividunI by hll eed'^ porveraliin 'uf viilue». by llio misuao oJ 1,(1 woullh lo thp delrim rnt u f hla own fo; ehnriiclor. Il ivna nu^ tho irenllh n(

j.po oxen or uf miin-aervunla or mnid-»--r- ..»» viinta tlmV-nicide a mnn trulv rirji, but fo,- it wna Iho «enlth nf the m an ’a Ufo It-

hoa. M lf Ihnl renlly counted, tiou Kiehnvaa o f eharaeter ,«-iin the im|KHt- tlie nnl tiling in Ihe mind, of tho Mnalrr.

:Itu-lTo coTot the mnlerial potaosniona of u >rdi nnlchhor wa* aot onlv ainfni. Imt il

b- wna foollah. I t waa to sh ift tho scale of values entirely away frum real rich- ea and lo aei one'a he.irt un ihlnga rpl-

“* . ntivolv croaa uud inferior.f (I0.I did not tay lo'Uoaua lh.1t it wna* wrung to ponai-aa oxen, nor did thfl 5 M u te r aay to thp diMipIr tha l It wni » «roni; tu nn tnhefit:iii.-r: b” '

'1 J in either inainnro the »In lav In covet- ' t ing suph thinga.

I To the man whoie hp.trt.waa scl ex- ’ t •'Uiatvely on the building of g reat tiarns - f nnd graniirtca, bnl whot<' life waa bar-

J ron of the rlchoa of the sp irit, Clirlat ' t luiid: "T h u n 'fo o l. Ihia night thy amil

J ahall lip rpquirod of thee; then whoae I ahnll thoao lliiriga be whicli thou hnat

p rov ldcdf" Tlie riph young m an'w ho ^ prided himsolf oa keeping the Com-* lonndmenla (aa he thought) waa told

lo yo nnd aell all tbni ho had nnd give to tho puor. In o.-)Ph Inatance Ihe a'M

I P of rovetonaneaa wni the root from whifh the aoul wn* griiwlng moro .and more nwav from Ood'a ideal of valuea. In oaeh eaae the in'If wna widenlni; tu-

I tween auppoapd rMipa nnd real richea. The Maalor rorokjiiiaod tha l thla is a

world uf m.alpfial thinga, and thnt Ihrao ery thlnca mnld lir lioth used nnd almaed. f n r i l i H r hnd not valued thp thing* whieh ien> ‘lieyoung mnn poaicaaod. lie would not

hiivr tolil him to go and aoll whal he „ i had'o tid give to the poor. Tlie trouble

., was, niti with the th lnc i themaeke% hnt , ' wilh tbfe young man who waa nol mak- I 1. '"E prAj>rr use of hla'poiaeaateBS. In ' '*® hi* handa they were harmlBg bls-own I't" rhnractir. ^

I Tlie peril of posaeasians 1* thp peril to individual character—not 'only (hp

a ' character o f the ono possessing them, Iro ritiu t tho ehnracter of thoae who are In

a poslllon to covet them. TTie momrnt

■ ' 1 ;

3AILY NEWS, TWIN FAi;;;;;; c h in e s maidensS w n x S H O W N E W Y O R K E

) W T O U N W I N D C O C O O N S J

i w

f aerl*lion to *’■k - 'r-

nt for I K S U K ^

?Libe in- I wHh

Suref ;------------

tim**>l'je feodins ttma. Ualbetry|: B tUk- leaves, yot^r, in d e r asd finely na Lis ehoppM, are led aerts tiB ca a la y coeooo for- £ 6 first montb, a t th*-«J#' of ray he wfak the worm goes Into, the flr«t

of his five sleeps. P W to fs a n f ?re- diffliniibed between aleepa. A t the tr the end of tbe f e e d i ^ s m a k ^ la s t L To- Ur. W om spbts a cocoeo aboot om ef hlmielf. 1I stor- A t tbe proper sUge the eemoas Uken a rt eoUected and the p m killed to

a unl- prevent its fnrtber derelopment In- ■ees F. to a moth whkb would bnrst ‘>Le a bosT cocoon aad ruin tba ailkeB flla-


;(he Ascension, Episcopal

9 that woallh itself becomes n thing to be o t , vnlupd abovo all olher thinga, ttio mu- ny ment thut il is worshipped nnd covet-

edl tha t moment it ia trnnafbrmcJ -/rom a Meaaing into a curse, Tha cursi^ of ruvolutianea* ' la d lsoonte^ . Notliiilg

lotno .tarvca the auut anil woakona character 1 in no much ua discontent,

til Every time wo grmntile we rovel ore ;>omething lhat unr neighbor jioaaeaaea.

icul-;We mny want nnnthor’s money: we nan-imny wunl niuillior'a position or prea- vm-|tifte; wo mny wnnt nnuther's benuty or

atnl-jchnrm! und we mnko ourflpIiTa niiier- hing able I.ecaiiae we haven’t Iheae IhinR*. rnso lli U the f^rumbling nml complnininc vcryjiii'raon who violates the tenth commnnd-

liiipnl/ Dlaconienl wltb our lot. dissat- orld,:|.fiii'ilou with our poaition nnd envir- cov- uhmpnt, unwilllngnps* tn makp the heat ;iplc poaaiblo nae uf w hat we hnve in our

my greed for bioro—theae nro the real on- nnce <'inle> thnl dialurt) our peace of mind, lied: iloatruy rlinraeler, nnd unfit ua fur Ihe I di- Kii'gduin uf Ood. ,

If un inm v idual/S n lay hnld of ma- lerinl puaaraaioy without stealing

’ ''''|lh em ; if he ran uae thrm nnd nol iibusc . ithom; If he run make thpw his servant “ nml not h!a mnstcrj If he cnn worahlp

1''“'i<init with them nnd nol woraliip Ihem ■ hi* Inatoad of <}ud; if he can colloet thrm •' Kilhout hoiirding Ihem; If he rnn care ‘"'•n fur hia own po.aapsaions withnnl eovet- ' " f t in g thniK- of hla ncichlior; if white hi* •’“■''•lia liuitdiiii: n fortune he i« alao build- t'Utling chnrnclo 'r-then Ood will litraa him

>' It 'l ln hla WP.1UI1, nnd ho will be giving a ICuod.neeount of hla stewardship.

’" 't- ; (Icorgp Waahlngton was probably the "l'’f-irlchpat mnn in Ameriea when he retired

“ jlo hia iilnntatlon In V irginia. At aay t il l rate he was very, very rich, as men ‘‘ “ ''''oMimnted wealth In thoae daya. Yet rlrl'-ino nue ever arcused Wnahlngton of be. f 'l- ; in g no unjoat steward or a profiteer.

[When we atudy hla life and trv tu ra- "''‘■illmnte hla goodness, and greatnoaa aa Uiela man. hia wcnll'h Is the Inat thing thnl “ "■jne taki- Inln .“iceount—whyf Kor the

reason lhat Wnahlngton knew how lo [iiv h!> worldly posacasions in Iho di- Ireelinn nf rharnctpr-lmllding. They helped him to be a be ttor auldier, ii

•rn* ii,oru aupcpMfiil fartnor. but mor,- than IJOf- tlial, u greater public in'rvnnl. W’e rnn- iri’ t liut think thnt W ashington eovoM "'»>1 wealth, for Ila own anke. llo covpIc!\ l>oae onlv the meana bv which he might mak(| l>a"l hia life /Irhi-r nnd stroncor na chureh-' "I'O mnn. cilir.pn nnd pnlriot. lom- , 'told ;i;ive Invitation* Came, All night. |

i-;ilwbi-lirh M-nntil lilrtbilii.v wa.i i<i | l« ca'lobruKil. Wl fiilber C«l Ih f job of |

'"J '' mnllinu i|io lnvlinilim». In bU liurrj \ , . Ill- forjcol In 'lo x a mill' ilropjK-U tlicin |

III thi; mall lioi In T c r r t Hauto. Re- j j '« lumliig tnle tbnl ovenlng. lie loltl hi- ICO wife how lie romi-mbcrcd 10 mail the Ncd. Iiivllnlloiia, but uoi until he was out, ileh of lown. W ith n w ithering glnncc she not aald: "yo u 'iw o r lioob! I guoM you l he didn't noltcc they «'cr« alt marked ,

ible 'City’." Time being i*earcc. sbo nl \ •’"* oiuv.aei in work Ki mnll «' fresh bstcb i ' • f ' of Invltnllnnii.'w lilcirnrrlvcd on th e j

-,ime ninll na llie lli^t. the Tcrrp Unute,; liiittninMoi iiiklni; n .chance .on what lunl hnppened a n d ' sehdlns* iheni to

(bp <be Inilinnnpolls ofnc(>.—Indlnnapolla I icm, ^owv ]s i n . _____irn t BZAD TU B G L A S am Z D AD8..



^ 3 i ^ A ;J '

^'. .j .irV A ^ C O U V E R M f.^

7 im e a U o f w hkh i t Is compoMd. . ly The eocoona a re soaked and ih c f/ ly naw om d and reeled by deft finger- oi ed glrU , th e resn lU nt product b»I t ing raw silk floss whieh Is ezportet

t» eoont harbor by wiiy o f fhi a t E m prew o f Bussia, th a t w onderfo

ocean m y b o c n d which brought os u tu la s t tr ip from the O rient lb< . to C3iinese S & Ulssioo, Inclodlni 'D- th ree expert silk reelers, wbo wil .e dem onstrate tb e k abilities a l t b a- Ezpositico.

- NO MORE GOOD OLD GHOSTSModem Oubilltute, I t Must Be Admlt-

t«d, Is More or Les* FIsbby and Unsstlsfactory.

How lone; la ll xlnco ynu shiviTcd a t ■JT a ghnai HiiiryJ Voii huvo rend .acona'

of them 111 ttie Inat few youra. aibrlcs of "oiincw uml inincfx. of crosa men-

flmqI thpoiigli,'* bui illd a sinele on? huve

thal hsIr-nilMlim, mnrriiw.ebllllog tcr <|iialliy we nre Jusilfled In iluinaniling

frotnui real gtioai atoryT Whut I* the v ( ,tl"» 'ltc r with our mmleni aplrlm, any- ie a .i« n y 1 In n dny when the world hna we|cuQi‘ mnd nn tbe subj(>ct of elUcletiry. rca-j ivtiy do we flml our ghoatn ko utlerly or i ineompcleni. ao unequal to their jiih<1 ’

Tticic gn-ul irriublo la the'lr Int-k of 1"' ilennltf punioao. T h rre I* nn n-nson

whatever fur tholr Iwlng, nnd «>u»ftc- ,■ ai'ontly they nre Inalpld, pu(!rilo, un-

Inlercsllng thinga. They don't even (.,( enll ihemselvea KlioaiH; llicy nn- splr* nur! ll*, n much nobbier term, and the anme on-1 n-nersl rloblllly runa'tbrough tliclr pn­nd, | tin* mnkf-uji. They have no wllla of Iheiilie lrn ivn , They wait reapwiftilly till

jlhoy nr........ . Iiy the very raor-na -|in ta ihry ouKlii n> Icrrlfy. They sn- ioKiaii-or, like lioll boya. 10 the <-nll of B*elaiu-Ii allly ili-vlee<i na 'oulja bounlK.‘" ‘ 1 Can you liiinirlne a Shakcspenrenii ''•’iRhost wnlilni: m tie nummonwl? Tlmae pmi'*'*^^ *pot-icr» w(ih mind* nf th e ir ' -jp 'ow n . They npponriil when ll plousiHl

jtheni to apjionr. iinliivltcit nnd mnre hi> often Ihnn not iindealrcd. You inlcht

iid about ”A vaunt,lhei-l“ Illl you were lim lionritv: you mlcbt enll them "foul : a spirit*" o r nny other uncotaplliuentnry

! term* you could think of, but until 'h e ,(b e lr Job waa. done oot cm* Inrb

■ would they Imdgp. Tlie modem splrll i vanlshtw If you give him balf a chance.

I*" but tbeii he only i-nmr tn the flrat 1 ;. I place to ohilse .vou. out of polltepera , . . ’ !snd wenkmliidiHlneM.—Mnruarel L

' JVrmnd In the N>\v Ynrk Kveriing rout, aa f

lint,l„ ., . Frem Frylno to Flylnfl.to ' Avlntlun la oceiipylni: n crenl (leal

d i- ' nf a tientlon In Cniniiln the«e day*. It leyi N 'hisliiy |ii'.>iinl>1i‘ thnl the heltnm gna

" 'r N l i i t 'lilt <if ilio ground In-Alhvrin " " 'jn n d iiilier |>nrta nf western Cniiniln

nml Hal'd In part* of the eonntry for ! fnmily eookinc will om> day Ih- rftrr>-

r 'j l l-.t: RnRllah llelner-thnn-nlr (lylnc tan- .-blm-a. any* Mmor I.Ifc. It haa-hei-n

‘ ' i ri-p<iried Ibnt. there 1* onouKli'of thla j gaa 10 aiipply the entire flrltlRh cm*I pin- for mnny yenra. It Incka only I 1(1 per cent of the welcht-aupportlng

1.11 nblllly of the hishly Inflnnimable by- o f jd m e e n ond la oiiimlly natlafnrtory.'T> \ ---------------------------nil ;• QwflflU Losing Popularity Ift France.

Prance haa loat Its aweet tooth. Be* ‘I” rent offlelnl aiatlsile* ahow thnt. be- h<“ cauae sugar wna unobiolnahlo during

thl* war. children bom between 101*1 ht* and 1010 h o v e 't'm i oilncnled by their B** I pa rrn ls ool lo i^ u t r e auenr In Ibel^ ^ ’ drlnka and food ;, , nl I Aa a reault tho c«n*cmptlon of aujmr cb i in rranco hna fallen to one-clehth Ihe he 1 pre-war mark.te,' f 'n ince ha* t'eciinio flueb an «nprof|i- at able markpl for One rhocolhtoa Ihnl to ] ncflrty nil the hlc inanufaeiiiron. nn- I* I sending nlne-tcnth« of tbe lr ooipul to

I t io United Stnlea and Sontb Atner.ca.

I lOUaaifM Ada a rs cheap—e»e«tlv«.

AMERICAN'dLEGION®iCopr for TUs Uepsrtmsnt BuppUtd by t the Amerlon L eiltn News aervlce.)

A a LOST SIGHT IN THETOMembers ef Everurflsn .Poet, No. %

American Leglor, EulOQlzed'b/National Cemmander. ' . '

Tbo. spirit of tbe Americnn LefJoo ’ doea not la - In tbo mam'bcrB of Br-

f ergreeo port. No.!S, In flplie o f tbo fact tba t an of tta m em ben are

their sight during Ibe Worid wsr.

Whon r , W. (lalb rtlth , Jr.,.n a. ilonal command­er, beard of Ibe formation of tbe poet recenUy, be Im in i^ately wrote

1 le tte r 111 Cbiiriea Froar, poat coin- ;iiuniiiif. Ur. OalbralUi Intends to vlait he puat In tliu near future.

Tlie national commander's la tter, la mrt, follows:

"I am toucbed beyond o rpnw loa * hat those comrade*'of oura have seen

lit (u associate themnlcve* together In umilntlon w ltb the g reat American U glon for the purpose of roalblog •uore fully tboee Ideala fo r wbicb they .'ouchi. I t Is an Inspiration to know that, acarrcd and innliued to an ez* li'ol which wonld trad many to IceL lhat to-Ibem there ntKild he no fQ^ ther obligation to give to the wield, bul ra the r to live ond receive, tbey sllll feel a <I(»>lre lo give loraelhlng further of acrvlce lu Iheir rouotry and community. Thia la Indeed true no­bility.''

LEGjON OFFICER' IN MaiCOCommander of Departmsnt Also Mei». •

ber of National ExecuUv* Com- ffllttcfl of th s Legion.

= -Altbougli I.etgh 11. I to v n r , eoa- • ^ iiiander of the departmenl of Uexlce

brokiu-aEC Ilnu in -

1“ ijj'enllaied Ih th r nmiy tn rly tn Ihe


as nral lieutenant ^ and~ u|Kiu prdTiiullun to a captaincy. •'■ sen'e<l in Ihe Tblrty-Uiird field artll- ." Iery. remaining with tha t organlsa- '• lion during ItJi serviee ovenoaa. He

wan dlscbnrged from sei^lce a t tbe ; W alter Reed hospital lo. Waahlngton.'* D. O , June -10, 1010, and returned to " his home in U erlco City. ■^ An organiser o f Alan Beeger port of '■ the Legion nt Mexico City. Mr. Bov- 'I u r lira* named e s Ils first commandar.

lie waa recently elected commsnder .* uf hla depnrtnicDt aud a member of ' ' tlie national executive conuDlttee of

the U glon.

;; IS PIONEER LEGION WORKER Washington Man, Field O rganlzar,'

Will Help Supervise NaUonal ' M ovim tnt for Mere Membera.e ____r ' Hebert A. U Roux, why waa oee i of the plnnoer Aniprican U glon work-

*he Ita tet Washington,e r \ liai been appoint-ll '•‘J fl«ld o rg a n li - ,1 V '. er a t nationalil f F ^ j I tieadi|uartara, andh J L - 'W 'eft recently fo r iI Nevada to begin

'vnrk there.I J J r \ Ur* l<e B oni U

" m '<. A X md has hat) tvo-t. ddemhle ezperl*

■ W u m m ence Id the OeldIII ».(,’a.i.A4.i,i... lie served with a (^nndlnii Infantry unit In Franco dur-

il Ins the war. Is ooe of aevi-mliba-II Ilonal field un n in tsm whose duty It* will t)p to Mupervlao apenkera nnd oth- •• u er urgnnlzera In tbe national move-'■ mcni for more memliers fnr Ihe Amer- r loin U glon. Tlie m ombenhlp cam- ' iialRii 10 be i-arrleil out tbls year will '• lie nnllonal In acope.

I OADOYOF LEGION'POPPY DAY'[ Buckeye Major Cr«jlted W ith Ofig-

InatlnB Idea of W earing' BtOMom In Memory ef Heroet. '

M ajor W ado.C. Christy ofjroonr*- town Poet. No.* IB. o f m e Ainerienn ,

’• U glon nl Younen- *^ lown, 0 .. Is said- f to hnve oriRlnnl- '' ed the . Legion’s ' | \

"Poppy dny" nnd* tbe Idea of sell- J H t i t i f l y . g g s i

Inn popides 00' tbe street, to be '•

worn In remom-brancf of onr ] H | | | ^ j J ’

I dead heroes of the

The poppy wa* . 3 Wadopted al the

* Cleveland convesMloq u.' ihe ujg.u,. itha oQlclal flower o'f tbe form er le rr-

»■ »«• men’i orsM lxajlon- ■_________ ..


X j A e

Page 7: ^ F A LLS DAIL,Y :NE:WSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...THEoMr AFTERN00l\TWIN

D a i l yA dvertisem ents


I S Q U I T E I M P O R T A N T------------ llBhed

I t p p. Faclors to Be Considered In

Selecting Receptacles. ' iU 'd'■ [Bg HC


Datkot, C ra n or Carton Should B* J J ' ' "Su lud E tp tclally to Produe* t o . .. j i J r t i '

. Bo M a rtc o U d -D e A , of C i» S J S . tetnera UuASB* Hat.

<Fnp4r*d by th* U nlM BUUi Dtpwt- .m. a w t of Afrteultnrc) .

On# Im portant reqnlrement to r 275,y j, k ttlug farm produce trosi productr f. - direc t to couaaikier ta a p r ^ e r ' and eaUafactory ablpplog container, aay _ \ m arkolln^ apeclflllBta of tbe United r . Btatca D epartnen t of A p le n ltm . A ‘ container ahonld be anited especially „ t to the prodDce to b« ah lpp^ and ripition Ibonld be Bclcctcd only a fte r cooald- Srctiom ering aucb factors aa dorablllty, alia, fitntutc: appenrance and co at ordorcil

Durability. — Much dlwotlafactlon 1|',®.V*" w lih d lrrc t mnrkptlnif Mon been caosed I bv iiMn^ -nntnlnprF ivlileh -v w not


S .U rt.ttO i7 B U k « t . r P M to .. . i ' s ”

anffldcntly atroDf. Tbla ia eapadaUy -BSitenn t n a wbeo cootatneni are sud .D D re t b u ooce. Shipping eontalnera aboold Salary— b* ligbt In welgbt b a t TOlUdenUy dn^ I’re*'!! able to c a n y tbe prodnee;

«**.-i-Il»e alM of * container d*- penda npoQ tb f deslrea of tbe cnttom-. Qi^ehi era. U oat parwnia w lA to obtain email - ^ 5 qttantltiea of each product a t a time. Hydro O ivtalnera dionld be Joft large enongb Extra for tbe prodoce ab lp p ^ . If tbe carton Attomuj If too large or too amall, botb the « prodoeo and the container are likely Otticv 1 to be dainaged, fo r tbe prodnee «wHI , not be kep t tn place and tba container j S wfl] be cnabed: The larger tbe ^san- ll t r of prodoce ahlpped In one parc tl' jialntcni tba low tr be tb* coft p e r '^ o m ' nental t fa r tT anspo^ tloo and tbe lower tb r dltehrl cnetalner c w t per ponnd. Ktiforron

Appaaranca,—A . eootalner ibotilfl ^ .. pre*ent aa a ttrac tlre appearance, both ea. a rrlT tl and wben < ^ e d , aiid ‘ ab'Mld abow the produce t» 'ad n u )ta ^ .Of cosrae, new eontalnera are morr a ttn c tlT e ttaao those which bavf •<£. ' bera nsed ; and only thoae'aeeond' amount 1 band conlalneni w h ic h . are dean u afore aboold be osed again. .

Coat—Tft* « 5 f o f foala/DOT pota a dliU nct lim itation on amall ahlpmeataofl fann prodoce. A ahlpment moat ^ ___ i_hate,considerable .Taloe In order that NOTIOB tbe trBnaporfatlon ehargca and coat of TIME container may not eqnnl r large per­centage of the price. The price which In the ) can be reaaonably paid for a container ^ will depend on’ (ho Taloe of the coli- In tho M tenta. the « » t of trannportatlon. and the price recelred for the prodoce u coobared with the pHce that conld I'l*,® be.recflTPd locally. A roftilrabtn price dny tbo tha t aboiiM be paid cannot be *tated. o 'd w k a aa each oik4> muBt be itedded by atndy* room of Ing all of Ihc f a r in n Involved. In the C

Chenp Rpllnl hnKkola are satlBfa^ Twin FB,) tory for many kind* of prodnee. For time ond prodoct* thnt newi no *prrlal type, ittractlvc nnd MM-fndory containers iften Pnn Ik* nindf' b,r (h(* prodocer a t ' .» low rn«f from Hmii, fllnwnlM pa- "oitamenl >erhhnri| hnT<"< In n'M di m prdtindlw intoi ■in* lipcii "lili'pM, t f i t the 1

------------- -- DatedMIchiKsn offort n rewind for jilant- — " ’’•C

nj; nul Irccii beddo tho bi{;hway. 1

7as Buggies—Things have ch~~ Onf. AOVANTA^C CF Tift OPEN

-/.H —

'‘i-'r,'. \ r GREAT lo v e ly

■ ' 'fl"


N e w gunder th is he

----------------------------------------------- “ I t —Women Now Eligible to V. 0 . - |

L royal nu rran t consolidating and . ending provlalonal royal w am n ta i artllng tho Vlctorln'Cro*a w'iui pnb- i g o led recently In tbe London Qazctte.!• prlndpnl fealuro li thnt women■ now raade pllglbIo.for decoration, -------being ordained tliat matrons, ala- p Q I >. nnrsM anil the alaff of th e nora-

Kcrvlcoa ond Olher Bervlcea ufr- <nv ling to honpltah and nnmlng, and hJghn illana' of elllicr a e i serrlng .regn- batb, y o r letnfwmrlly under the orders, furoac jctlon or ffuperrWon of any of the In bi ied forces c f the crown. abiU b t Ible le the CTM. '

* . ' ■ ‘fn iitho f ln t niceotaful manufacturo o f | j « i2 . in America woa a t Lynn, Moai-.taprlnj .year* ago. ,ng«

■ 'homejN O tlO B .' , good '

ho 'Salm on Blver Caa'al Uoaipauv t(<d, having filed with' the Dppart- i f m I of Redomation It* budpri ahow | ^ estimated ex^Kodltures fo r 'I l ie ir - . | ^ I tion ie a » n of 1021, ax proviilM by m m 1 ions .’lOSVaoafl Idaho Compllcil So thi utcsj the ilcpftrtmont lin«, therefore !» . l l red iia nnblUnlion and haa fixedlimi- nnd plnco of hearlni: .a t t*ii' _____rif t Couftroom, In Tirin" Pnll". t 'o n 10. u t -’lOO flVlock p. m.. March homo;

l.awn.D E IT . OP llECLAMATION',

W. 0 .flwenilsrn, OommiMloncr. POII )i«e. Maho, TVbnmry 25, 1D21. i.orth

nraoniTiON. J”loplpd Poimiftjy 2.1, 1!>21, Iiv tliv ■d of Dirprtorn of fho Pnlmon R lvrr pgjj i) Comjiany. LlmilcJ, approving , cstlmato of rxpcnditurcs for thd 1[)2I, nnd fixInL’ Ihc malntnnaiirt ino tn

wMtni-nt therefor. , -WhcrcM no esliwnU' r( the expon- rOR •e» of the S.-»lrann Hiver Canal milea pan /, LimKcd, for Ihc year 1021, 517R1Ibei-n aubmitled by Suporlntcndeiit ,---------’. Porterfield, and ha* been care KOlt

considered liy the Doard; house;^nw, Therefore, Do I t lleMiIvcd. Ily nico la Donrd of Dirrclnrs flf the Bnlmim fru i t t r Canal Cninpany. Ltd.: Newa.I. Tbal tho fdlowinu itemized — - ment o f proponed i'X}H.'nUitureii, and charge* of such rompony for '

yenr 1021, bo npproved. adopted iralitijUled to Iho Commissioner of ° “ th . inintlon of' Iho State o f Idoho. m •danco w ith the provisions o f Se:- .1

3034-303S Idnhn Compiled Rtnt-TOB

« o e n t of Proposed Expenditure* modern and DiibnnamBnt*. down, 1

y _ care Nssident ............... ............ | l,700.flli poQrrctaiT-Troamrcr „......... l,600.0i) j ^ n . rpcrlntcndent, 0 moi...... .1,000.00 >iv

cate ten d er,..................... H,000.0'i fOBdrographor .................... l,250.0n im q ; <tr a offico h d p ............... 500.00 tnent*.•nuy fee*, court and wit- _ _Jl costa ...........................; • HOO.Oi-I* rent, Jiosfage, fuel, tien er/, equipment, ete. l^OOM B obilea - POBrcha*e, operation and re- keepiaelair .... - ............. ..... ........ 2,800.00 — —lenance of sy»tcm;........ 10,000,0u FOBil telopbane ay*l«m and ~ room n•hridBts’ hou*« ....... l.OHO.On CaU oftrecment o f vincjard dc- . ‘. .... .................................. 150.00 ,luio of warchouie......... ;i50.00 fn rn a «cutlon for tampering

» ..................*34,MO.On

, T hat, in order lo raiao tho 'nl of anld esllmntcd eipondUnres, pQ jt 'oretald, it will bo ncecMary to next totho aum of Ono (« .0 0 ) D ollar'-----------lore or acre on all shares or acrci FOB cd lo water from said irrigation Iy fnrnl n, during Ihe year 102L’’ Main N


m o WILL. BTO. >« Probate Oonrt of Twin PaUa Oonaty, Bt»to of -Idaho. . ,,

I M attar of the E ita te of S t, Jo h r 1,01* * ; klnner, deceaipd; piaeh tfuan t to an order of aaid conrt, ---------on the 28rd day of February, FOB

notice is hereby glvta th a t Turs< f tm d . .be 8th day of M ard . 1021, a t 10 - k a. m. of said dny, nt the eonrt- FOB o f eaid coart^ a t tbe Conrthouie ond av« ) C ity of Twin Fall* Coanty of FBjla, haa beon appointed aa the .,nd plaee for. proving the will of U. John Skinner, deceased, ann Amniem •aring the application c f Eogene j«oB nnrr, 6r., for tbe Iuuanee to blm i , .obn M. Maxwell jointly of letter* _______lonlory when and where any per- poB utoreited may appear and- eon- loninl Abe eame.. • -----------ed Febm ary 23rd, 1021. FOB .

0. P. DUVALL, for ligh Probate. Jndge. ' por wee

’hanged sinee father was’EN-rACE TYPtl |p v m HAP TfiOOBLE



s C l a siead, O ne Cent jB y a c t u a l c o u n t , f o u r o a t c

t h e s e p e o p l e w h a t y o u h a v (

e s f o r s a l e o r r e n t , t h e p o s i

■OR S A L E - R E A L E S T A T E W

TWO ACHES «<lJolnlaB eily on lU lo cupUrrghwn^! 5-room bouso, e i t r water. ___tb, oleelric' light*, cement ba*oaeat, ’ rnaee, coment cave, deep w dl, garag.‘

bam , lU b le for two cow*, larg-i Icken bousoi oleelric light* in ban* f j “ ”® d chicken bon*e; one a tro fenced In

id fo r; will be on paved road thin n,nn,.r ring; tbe mo*t com pete amall acre- e near Twin FalU a n d . aa Ideal mej thia place 1* priced right and on IX)I1od te ra s ;.d o n ’t ovariook this If you This f0 in the market for arrcage. R ndi- ig vermbenieim Bealty Co., 118 8hosbon« fa)j» '

W. 'P hoae 45.. _ - • .......... iX)RrOB S A L B -I f yoQ tb iak KOO t r n-h«atK) land too hlgb, le t n e te ll yvn aa hoy. th a t l l Jo tt as good u d na u ly allalfa lfa fo r 1175.00. Dr. Dwig&t, >0R

ria Falla. I'l'f__________________ __________ - storyTOB 8A L B-Clieap: fine seven room crusl.nme; modern. IDS Toplar ave., Kn«i HHI'

.................. — ........................ “ F o r?X)R 4A L B — 10 acres 1 1-1 milsj t h o fB iih l; $8S por aero; paid ur Prult ( full. E. U. Williams. I'. 0 . Bo*

....................... _____hatchli):'0K 8ALE>-Good fo n r\o o m honsc. ft and sJeepiog porch; imaiJ pay j iv)j> nt down; balance easy term*. Phone

_____________ _________________ iocs, c(m 8 A L E -0 r rent, « aiercs thru.' I’" e* aoatb w eit of town. I’hom.' P " BI C ^ clcclric

■OR 8ALB—Eanlty in aew *-room — ise; partly modemj good location;0 lawn, ploaty of shade and bearing & * It tree*. Addre** “ D *', eare of |**• _______________ ' FOEX)B 8 A L E -1 5 aere* one-balf milem city llniJt* on ia izabeth Dlvd. -O^Rl. IL Thompeon, Phone 014W. 403 “ nXJT

^ .i^-hol.

ment*. C. A. Bickford. <8°-

O B SA L B -O ieap , oew 5-room )ern bungaIow;-ver]^small-paymect - m n - fn,^balanee lika rent. Address C. M.

OB 8 ^ L E -L o t'8 0 * lr3 , Ea*t Uwn'.0; 50x125, Poplar avenue, #850 : 50x , Togo aveaue, |OSO. A ddren E.. J . FOB (gin, 2222 Chapel at., B eikdey, CaT. athan

OB B A LE-Tw b roon bonae;' prisr 0; eaah. MOO, balanee monthly pa}- u . aj It*. £52 Van Dnren i t , Oolden Bole, for Bac ■ ' ing qui

F O R R E N T * - - -_________ _______________________ POBOB BENT-Boom* for Ilgbt boo*e- weight |dn^ 403 Seeond tve . N, . blemleb.

OB’ BENT—Mareh l*t, a aew four> *!^m 1 ha modem bnngalow, fu rn isb ^ , | 4 S . ______. a fle r 2 p- a . 636 Third ave. W. THOE

ob” BEiTT-^FronTroom," furalahel, oroUfil^ laee beat: well loeate-l. 413 f i f th _ —1

N. Pbone 473J. FOB :

OB RBNT—F ron t bedroom, boated; p 0 . B<t to bath- 345 Eighth ave. N J._____ae 203J. FOB

OB BBNT—Boom, fnraace beat.; to bath. 235 F ifth are . E ____

OB BENT—8 room*, suite complete- u d ^ J irnlsbed for ligb t bouBokoeping. 4SS a N.

ATEB — To rent, 40 to 200 tbare*Uie aeaton. Arthur L. Bwim. ________

}B B E N T -16# acre jand», 2^12 , LADY * te u th e u t o f town; all under 1“ ' ; honae, five rooma; stable for 6 genntne e*; maehine shod and nrw iarr. „1 h lAnbeabeim, 118 Mosnone W. «*«•!

■ _______ opportnn)B BENT—B oea, nallM S lB M t- yourself; >d. lULCO per BcatiL P k a t MT. nlar* an----------------- ------------------------------filWinon)B BBNT—Twe room*. 218 Bee- I j ___

_ MEN)B BB N T -O fflce "reom * ''abo 'vo brnkeme e) S&M Blon- Inijnlre Twin PbJlixement Co. Scolcr, S

)B BK JT—Slseping rooms. U J ■Ave. & PbOB* T S tU >

)B RB NT-D ouble a p a r tm e n t. '^ - "T S oN i ,1 A p a Phone 35W. dwelllagi

)B BENT—Nlcely fnmUhed roomi -----------light hou*ekeoplng, with balh, 45 .Cypres week. 402 Second ave. 8, ontact,

as a boy_______________iLE Y(jy MULD EASILY LOW I 'JO AND PIWO f T -^

, j l DONT I

. n * l ' l \ l / \ ^

BWS, TWIN f a l l s , ip a :tAHO, SATORDAY, FEBR

' • A •s s i f i e cp e r w ord p e r ii

t . o f e v e r y f i v e h o m e s i n T \ \

w e t o s e l l , t r a d e , b a r t e r o r (

o s i t i o n y o u w a n t o r t h e h e i ;

IR SALE-MISCELUNEOUS FORPOB 8 ALB—0 . A. C. Burred Itock '' jY in rkrrels. Phone 378W. 2OO ml---------------------------------------------------- Anto 6tX)H 8ALE—Oood young mare* aad — — f*e*, w d l broke, eadi or Urma. U /A I ono (l-B-2. 0 . A. Bailee', Holllftor,

. .. _TOR 8 A LE~Contra«l of *alo; prci- t value IKK);' Twia Pall* re*ldeuct ?' ^oj Dpcrly; will take « 5 0 . Box 072, ~'wTy rome, Idaho. _ _ p j A I

bX)B dALl'> -D ldtlow iecd whoat. is field was thoroughly rogued and . 1 ,1 . very fino quality; aample a t Twin p .* ^ ,

)J» KJevator. Telephoae 602B4.

•X)R HALB-^l‘uro DIeklow tee.l ■« t ot barhr, can use /ew ton* of '"F ,. l>ho». S 1 3 J 8 . ____ ™ ' J "

''OR 8ALE>—Apple*; good koci>er*,JUT box; brinu your boxes; two

ty while hoUM east of tliu ^ c k I'L slH'r in nigb land Vlow Add. F . I).]___________ ____________________ WANT]^ R H A L E -A fow boxes of extra J ” *® iry n].]ile«; renBonnbl.v priced. Karl

___________________________ WANX)R SA L B -W blto’LeBhorn eggi for ching, Heavy laylag itra in . 0. W.Irich, OM n t h Ave. E,

'OR 8 A L B -U av 'ing“ town. Will acll tied i-lierrie*, }>cadies, plum*, toma- s, corn Me por q t.; empty jan^.^0'! 7^ ^

dozen. Potatoes nnd onions SOc a tn w sack; bean* #1.50 ).er sack; neu ‘

:lrie *ewing machine |25. 036 Third WAN • W. Mr*. Ca

'OB BA LB-N ow DlamVnTautTuro.3, *14.00; 30x3 1-2, 117.00, Inqulro WAN Ith Pnrk Orocor)-. to per*c

—• — dress of OB BALE— 175 orrha'rd smudge Baddlfi 1; they will Bav* your fm lt. Phono Rl. . __________________

'OR BALE—An oxcepiioDally goo-l '"‘i y v i r •hole coal range; blue enam«!led, ,.vernal make; very gooo oven*; price ,,ramrtt. Inquire S41 Jaekson. ' X ?

OB SA L E -B arley . Pbone 500JH.

O B l i o U t e i n cowrj Njnable. Pbone 67flB2. . K u n > ^

OB 8 A L E -D arley ll .5 0 ~ w l. | fl7st IDAH in g hay *10 In stack- Call 203J1.

OB SA LB-Bom o Beauty and Jon- fm it.pli u> applet a t Bpaokman'a. Tele- bloom . no 560Ja. IsndKai

- pare aI. and Mr*. Somud Qtearly, agent* gf vour Baeine atoekings, known for wear- Kur»6ri( quality; priee* lowered. Phone

W. Cal| a fte r 4 p. m. OLEH

OB S A L E -T tju n of b v ^ d d ln ^^ experJao [ht 8600, K van (7) y eart old, so tleular* ilab. - Call to ( te them, oae m ilt ^rd (for b and one-half e a tt W uM ngtoa Equltabi ol honae. W. J . F tn to s, B. B. No. S.

SOBObOHBBED red low i; bred perhaagi I tboronghbrtd Daroe boar; very j n U kt ific. H . 0 . OuTtla, H aatea. Idaho tb t tx d

IB 8 iU l - B « U U .n d Merel* and pulleta. Pbooe 6S0B. KOTO'• Box 754._______________________ bring T«

3B 8A L B - 8 pedal (tleetod seedloe*.' Phone 650B. P. 0 . Box » ^ *_______________ I_______________ X X X X

)B SALB—Bleydei. trieyds*, tire i * , M ce*sori^^ W eraer's Repair Bbop, * "J

--------------------:----------------------------- I f«r"'ac

HELPWAHTEDIDY or « nU .m iia agent w inU d ^ ^ ^ lie d ty 0? Twin Falls to sell the ine J . . B. W atkins medlcinei.I*, oxtrai*ta, toilet preparation*. — -

all or apare tim e; a wonderful TO 'Tlrtun lty to get into bn d aeir for lot for '|self; w rite today for free partle- a t 744 S 1 and aample- J . R. Wntkin* Co., „ —I I . I I , M im .________________________ W TI

■ ______________________ car In ^

ON w anted to qualify for firemen, y * S ° w emon; • oxpprienco unnooeejary; iportation funlidied, W rite A. • ir, S u p t , St. Loui*.

MONEY TO LOAN .hoTS:--------------- --------------- Bownrd.

)NB T TO LOAN on modera ----------- 7llaga. A rthnr L. Bwim. Twn-

inounlaln' nn nvernpreaa and w alnut, .when used Inict, 'causo each other to roi. READ


0 YOO ON Y<?yfl W/4Y-

----------------------------- f-l/A>NT IT / ( V t'lOYW I NOTlCEP/1 ^ rWhVWHAT l-OOJE eOtT 5

KSfJ-H THlNKi I / A ‘’“ l y '«*> n 70 MYiEir* I : ‘ V . T p r ^ t'i

• THAT OONT I ------ ^ I

d A di n s e r t i o n , ^ n d \

^ v i n F a l l s r e c e i v e T h e N e w

r e x c h a n g e , a b o u t y o u r r o o

e l p y o u n e e d — O n e Q f i n t P e :

] R S A L E - A U T O M O a lL E S

OE’ S A K ^ N e w F ^ d sedan? ru 1 D l miles; n barjiain. Inquire Morril,

0 eompaax.

ANTED MISCELUNEOUS ^? A N T E ^ ^ e trimming: ' also ibbcry. 0 . A. UolloWay. B. F. D.Box 85.

/ANTED—Work ^ tbe ,bour. — ne 778W.________________________ WAOHl

rA N T E I>-6 .,d»g o r 111 k i l l . , n lk K i d ta and button boles a ipecialty. 'ne 704J. - -

'ANT, TO HEAB from owner hav- farm for atle, i ta te e u b prieo and deacripUon- John J . B laik, Idabo Cblppewa Fall*, Wi»eon*ia. *

A N TE D -D etro it br Toledo eount-lesile*; must be in good eondltion. _____ne 115, B. J . OC

to five M rt tr a e ti ia p to r td prt- - ti. AddrtM D, T ., ta re N tw »

^ T E D —Boarder* aad roomer* io r r r r r r ora home. 347 Fourlb W. Pbon- PIAUO-


ANTED — Yonr ra io r blade* topeo. W eraer'* Bepair Shop, 222-----------ad f t E . OBOZIE ■ ' ■■■». — - . . p^^no A N TEI^-W M k by tk t bear. F h o a t -----------

ANTED - Dresimaking. iaIlorin»>. " P Casto, B 2, Colonial Apts. t’honi>

AN TED -W U i make A of inU tost er*oo who ta a fnmlah pretent ad '. o f Phoebe A. BadcUff or Wm. 2 ,J if f . W rite g T., eare Newt.

W IS C E L U f lE O U S " S '

)R BALB—Contract of aale; pres a 'in n n rvalue •900; Twin Pall* residence -----------erty; wiU take WW, Box P75, H O M Hl me, Idaho. .

......... ............. 8WBBL3ily 40 sleps from posiofflce to the a t law idve paint and wall paper store. Fall*, do 4 BemlUer.-ndv.

— B. M. WAHO'B LARGEST NUBSBRIES 6,ov*i furnish salcct fm it. shade and or- 'Falla, intal troea; perennials and. small . ■ p laate; sbmb* and roset, th s t will J . B . W

a .ill tho snmmer th ro u g h ;. om eolleet •rape servlee departmeat will prt- Booau a dcdgn for the correct nlantm g A Tm

)ur home grounds. Free. Klmbeily _ cries (TNrin Fall* county), Idaho.

JlB K 8-^'{M enrw ^V f>) over”* 17Postal Mail Borrfco, I IM month; -----------rJaoce uaneecssary; fo r free par- D S. O S irs o f examinations, wrilo J . Leon- tor. I former rlvll service rx am b r) 47(i • p o d tt table Bldg,, Waahlngton, D. C. -

LMTED-Tfl do yow I*- f Q .T ,u b t n d kaliO BliliC.S « i l t o t . K n k U * tm tSkt,ix a lu lT t P a l l t M d W «n F i p t r j

------------------------------- ■No; IfiJTOBISTB, h t r t t f t t r w b ta t m .-Jo. G

yonr ear# to na for repair*, we « a r n b t f e n w t i t u t j o t t w kat U e ^ IdBd A rtaa o bflt t t . No- 6


L new pair of Roller Skate*, tke x { monofaetorod given away lo x — gg ry boy or giri In Twin Fall* j

doing two boun of pleaaaat t ' rk. For particnlare write “ O ” , X No. S< s Newa. zt X X X X X X X X X X X X X l

T O T R A D E Ni._____- ____________________ ________ No.

TBADB—A beantlfol retidenee Ne.,r 'good team of hortea. Inqnlre No.4 Seeond ave. E . Bo|

T B A D B -H I8 a n r o i r t to ir iM ,1 A-1 eonditlon for Ford ear- U. imbeek, a t'M errill Anto Oo. 250ave. N . PbWB 706.

L O S T_________ _____________________ _ bonr.3T - B 0II of bedding between Bho- ________

St. S. aad end of surfaced road. _____rd. Phono 1264. 842 Main N.

en t earthquakes in Chile caused a Kn lain* In tho Andes range to ilnk bIjooiIdb •erngo of ICO fe e t |j_ n ,p

ID TH E O L A B a m ro ADS.

lyrigbt, 1020, by New K rt Feataret)

&UT KJOWA-PA'l'S .W ill 'EVERY•rauvz 6 0 T t<j iahe i t - 4 ll

MYSTEf;si? n ------------------------


0 CflANH-SHAFT (fi A d• R — eeARwff HAS lo&T n

t , . — — iN W T lA -r CANTT61n / s tl . T ia I TAKE IT APAfl

. I ^ JO I CAN 5 £ E -

IRUABY 26,1921

P a g eW ORTH IT !IWS, Daily. Tell all loms for rent, hoii^ er Word—Phone 3 2

i issDiirAu t o EEPAiEmG

m s AUTO EBOF-rittd SptdSP I. llave yoor Ford repaired right <y Oeorge." Pboae 768W. m ird ave. &


3 rm 'B '" s U A ^ W b o ie ’ .ikaa, rye, nul, milk aad Vtoana ad. Cako* and pa*try. 2l(j Main !, N. Phone 64' “v

~ OLASB ^ ' ^ L i S i ^ ^ ^ w i n r a h ^ ' ^i work. - Moon’t Shtp. Pboat I.


OOAI8 MDUd 'ATO PHOTO 00.I fjalahtag. Oeo, Berla^ ptesdt>115 E. Mata. Pbaat m £ ■


a TDMTNO^Phone 106." L o m lie Co.


IBB TBAITErEB O O im S T .no 348. ........................................

^ r o f e i S J i o n d l

ATTOEHWBL A-^'OTBTH^Lawyer. Smith t Bnlldiag- . -

I W. OUBfcM—Lawyer, Baak * ft Btdg. Pboat M5-^ ,

b' b T w n jo i r - L M ^ e T .

a s a m Z U -B e y d fieUdtai^ ~

1LBT'*'bWBBIBT — AttMW^SW. Praetie* b all eonru Twia *, Idaho.

W o i n - U w yer, B < ^ T u d

'*,"ia*k°° ”WlBB—Lawyer. 'Fully orgaaiied Mtlos dtpartment Ofnctt — a t « and U n t Twia-FaUa-Baak 'r u t Co., Twin Falls, Idaho.

7. H B m T -B o « I, Pown BU«. -


m 5 S i ' ^ 5 5 i £ ^ 5 d r ^ S «Saaatorino in eenatetloa. Op-

It Pfrriflt Eetal Pho«e U l

ILBOAD T U B TABLB(City or Motntaia Tiat}

BMtbMmd -156-----------Dtpart e ii» a .M .S4___ =—Dtpart Oils p. a .

' w iM kem ii i .... B3—— JJX p e t-l:1 0 p. mi'

IM , • Tkpart 4:45 p. ■.

0BB80H BSAKOB TSAXVt Bosthteud

330_____Depart lt:45 p. m.HertbbooBd

a46....„— -A rr iv e 4iS0 p. a .

MAXLKAOTJ?lil. IBS at 6 «. m.(0. S3 a t aooa. fe. 155 a t 4 p. at.Io. M a tS p .D . togertn braaeb at itea. he ferefoiag ttall m ak m It rative afftetivt n d t r ei« .

I n t e f maOat abont tba regnlar eb ilaf

e it woald be lapotdble to lateh tb* mail on tbe prMite r.

Adeouat* OeftnK.KiinixL-iii>- iiriiii rhorcnl wllta DC 11 n il i1--nlMl Ihnl Iio fired atIP Mill.......... 'n l<1 to bave doabedhiillei <inil impaled blmself opoa

•..... I’linc-h. Undon.

by B«ok

^YTHING COVERfD (JP .L APAtVr 10 i>OLVH £ R V . ...............

Tfio] ' .

' boo — ’ 'HOW LdNcr

f t

I msir

Page 8: ^ F A LLS DAIL,Y :NE:WSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...THEoMr AFTERN00l\TWIN

I M i T ' ; i l l MS'

T a x p a y e r s L e d g n b 'A rz 'ang ;c8 to P u t T w o M o a t o W o r k od

A c c o u n tf l M o n d a y , |

Two export oeoounUDU irUl s t ^ t t work uaJltiRK Uio l>ookn of tli« Twin n F a lli 1iigt)wa}*~dlitrlct noxt UoadaT’. - {

'The> aadltora wiU renrcirn t ibo now r ly form ed.Taxpaye'ri L«a([uc, and will . )>« mplojrod and pali] for .tlieir laliori « Uy. tliat asfodintton. <

Dceiiion to . cngDRO tb r Mrvlces of f 1 arrountaoU to moko ii duM tem tlny n

of nil Ih r ■hl(jliwft/-'illitrlRt .netounti [' WIUI ruoehed followiog orKnnltalloD.Iut p iilKlit of tbo oxoeutlvo board of ths k le a ^ p . T U i nootisK nnn holit in tbo I offieu o f C. D. Thoma* 1b»1 nljjlil. When " rom)ilct«d tbe e ta tm c a t will lio |>rlntp<! for public-infopnfttloa. , • ■ i

PettrcroTQ P re a ld » t - ' {t , Al la it B ight’n mpptlnj:, whirti' wm ^

ordrred hold n( a K<'’' ' ’rnl iniiM axtpm- ^ bly whea tbe leaguo ' wai form ed' on fj

. Thuridny n ijb t , 0 . D. ThomB« wni a/ua- " - '- fd e lftlm a a of the exooulive board,

wilh E. P . W ilton .M cretary of tbe IJ bonrd. To addition to the loleelldn of V

' th tll- l» o of/leoni 'A. K. Vtitjnpore waa named p rftidon l n f Uir teajpie it- i«lf. . , , ,

Tlie f ir ll p rciident of thi*'Tax|»ay- I 'n Leagae o pc ro tu a farm nni> milr louth and oDo.mlle w.rit of lliinu'n and E ll lo ld .to l>e n competent necountnnt. The eieentlvB board l i rompoied of 12 Biemberi. W ith tboie ezceutivci iil- rtadv'm eoU oned oj offieera they o n : fl. a . MeAnlor, 0 . B. Cnrrleo, B. N. Pit- tullo, A. E . PettyRTOve, Joe M onbtll, «n II. H. Drown, B. R. Van Cott, L. a b: Ifaaien, C. B. Blibee nad Floyd Uo- D ouj^ . I

Another m eeliag of the execatlT e;''' lioard w ill.be h o l i in tbe offiee of It. Vbd Ooit OD Uondny oTeBias. Atl**^ th li aeuion a tebednle o f oetlvltlei and '■ iilani for proMontldff tbeie aetiW tlei will he worked o o i - •

Teachenf Fund »i. Rapidly Nears S

Half-way Mark );;;........-..A Illl

O o n t r ib n t io D s . t o ' E m o rji^ A o y im , O atU B B r in ir T o d a y ' s ‘T o . /

t a l t o $ 8 ,7 0 0 : - I Z

Two morr' r h rc k i wore rofplvpil up' to •t*iil iinnn today In nid nf thp Teapbera' He ! I lief fnnd. Tlinup rnntrllnitliiL' nrp nnl ll>S fnlldwi: • liKT'Variety fllnrr ...... ...................._...|lfl().on *«.1Amaljnimated Bujjnr Oo...............fiOO.nojH'l!

■ PrsTloa»lsr AOmowle<lg*d' | _0 . M. Holi ...... ’ i l O M n i j lC, B. MeMart’n ........... ........ 100 flO f I.Harry 8. Cor»lln(r ............. .......... 100,0,)i *Shoe Markot ............................... lOO.OO ■"W. H. W riebt t Som .............. IM.PO rW eitm .A u tn ......... ...... lOO.MF. P. V ftm pv___________ _____ ton.oo L” '

, Henry ?. WnJl .... ................... 100.00T^tirb & W illio n ii.......... ............. inO.HK pI junbert'W ag .................. lOOn i „ f jAllea Oil Co.................................. 100Eldridpf a o lb tn j: (U>..................... ilav-E. P. Dualap .............................. lOn.OO 'I'T. Clyde Bftcon ........................... lOO.On fit

. M \lpitie rb arm n o ’ •— ...............fitriu# * Glauber ......................... lOO.OO pAICharlo* Neely ....... - ...................... lOO.O;- f o r 'Cloi Hook fitoTP ........ .................. lOO.O.'Edward C ooper----------------------- 100.00 Oi8. M. alley * O o .------------------ JOO.OO ardE m eit ■White — ------------------- 100.00 th^ •A. Dormaa J o h w o n --------------- 100.00 JobrW. E. N l« n -------------------------100.00B. J ; O i t r tn d w ______________lOO.W H«Arthor J . P e w e y ___________ 100.00C. E . ’DiMth ______________ lOO.fhl lakeC. A. Boblneon------------------------ 100.00 « tu iA. D. Stafford ____ ----------------lOO.OO b ii t

A Bead ----------------- ------ 100,OOB. A. W o l te n -------------- ---------- 100.00 , ,J . M. M axw ell------------------------- 100.00Mr*. J ta e Beott ---------------- ---- 100.00 ,0 ; W. B lU ___________________ 100.00!|^r"DortOB B. U 0 T » --------------------- 100.00 7J. A. Orom __ _______________ 100.00 « «E L A ib to n _______________ ^ 100.00J . a B o i o e l l ------------------------ V 100.00II, A. M eC tom lpi___ 100.00Mncaoley Broo. 100.00 „EdwiD A. WQjob ------------------ 100.00C .-n . BobblflJ ------------------------ T h i?Twin y « n i N ational B a n k ____ 100.00 *'’2 ,0 J. Hahn ;_________________ 100.00Idabo SU te B a n k ---------- ------ 100.00 -------F. W. Dumke ................................. lOO.Of ^Barber Shoe C o .______________100.00Aiher n . W llio n --------------------- 100.00 JMih^r Dnjtc Co. ______________ 100.00 —

. L T). S lorf ......................

Toi.i .................... ........ t!,;oo.» |« ||» ;. ■ ■ . ----- Unl

TO Q U IET T ITLE. "fieeWnj to obU ln ft clear tUIe to por. (- y^

lain prSJerty In Tw in PnU. rouaty, Hi;rtey An'el T- John-rton lirw Ihe iliotrict pfliirt a«ain»l J . M. M at- fwm well, r ie tu lo r o f the M talp of 0. 0 . vi"it. U agle.r, and othprn. wh-. nllPRP • »«">.• I • .1 rlRht In the property.. -

' ________ .1, 11

j F U H E K A L S n f i^ r j

Fnnernl Mrvir*-* werr ro ftrtii^d al , '• o 'flock th li afternoon in llic I)e WiU >Tior1uar» fhapel. for Mnnliall Cu ip I. th e « rv ire . wpre rondutled C. Tahraey of ,thn Rrelhren rhim b.J . K. T>eWm Wft» in charjic of hnrt#V whirh waa In Twin Pnlli f fw etery. .


I'ORT W O aT H T T exaa. (/Ph-Tbc " I Chrvfotft Motor rompany of T eiaa to ''"P I"'

clfti- Bnnonn<-(sl thn l prodntlion woem ■ ),p'rMiimpd n t lU aoothwertere faelOTj:

hprr en fl itead.v dally ba -ii Mareh 1. >:.,r Thp planl h « l» e a dM fd linee No- w » 1p, w m ber.]. , •, «<*

----------- -- ■— promi>Jtn,k bn llennilk , Je oof reallo

Prinff four roatalaer*. f llf tilo f Cre*a eonrt e rT .-a iir. . ■ '

I • orer.. P I R S T MOBTOAOE ^ N 7 E 8 ^ eqnlly

MENT8., A rthor L . 8wlm^-«dT. no rlir

i ra O H I


, A T B A ^ T G A M EV S c o r e i s 6 0 to 2 6 w h o n F i n a l * ' W h is t le SoQ Q ds— O .o n te s t ,^ . '< O le a n ly S t a g e d

winning. CO tu.26, over tlir Rujx'M high lebool team, Ihe Twin PalU Me ieon - lae t nlghl kept Iheir MMon'x

t boiketbalt alato clean. Tlie ronConl wa^ n miif.'i'il on Rii|«ffl’M I'loor. Thi' Mi'lr ' o n retnm laf; to Twin P a lli tbU after-

11 Aeeordlng lo Coaeh Clint Kvuns thoI contoit U’lin one of llip rlrnnpM ani!

itwlfloet of Ihc MMon, Tlu- M ctoonf plorpil Imp lc»‘ their name throughoul,r making nn eaper.ially irln lilla tlng illvI |ilnv In thl- flml hnlf. Tnrlpr nnd Yn.t rhi'm illMingiilAhpil Ihi-iiiM-lvcn nt bui-e ki-t tnoiing and fienerni nlt nruiiiid jilay0 I.<'wl.« Omi-r, prlnrijml <if tin- Kili-ii9 M:ho(>l. offirinli'ij-] m>e Twin Viillr »<«m-wllK'it-li>J{im

bprlv nn Tiii'mliiy for n [{amp wilh Ih • bleli »rho(.l tenm of tbal i-lnn'. K ei I'r iday (iiii] Hstunlay thp rliNirlrl «oii

, fm-m-p. liiiirnninpMl will bo held in . Twin I-'allii I-.' -Ipfiile whiif l<-um "bull , rfw t’iii'nt Illl- ronfi-ri-iii-i- n t . M««pn\v . Ihln uprlcg.

iiiEiiiil' •M w o n i ___ 1

E s t im a to d C o s t t o F a r m e r s o f j S o n th S id e t o b e M a c h L e s s t

O o m in j 'S e a s o n '

B intLKV. Idahi (Bp<-lal),-«<v.rr- ', tnry nf the Interior John Barion Pnyn.- ‘. haa offielalh* aprirovpd pulillr iinilet-<i '

fnr Ihl' mnlli ifilo iiiimpini; illvlnlnn 'jo f Uie Mlaldokjt pm jprt. und ir whirh I, th r i-liarce for water for llip KPimnn rt >(1921 hn* bppn reduppd from t l In (10 ijfen ta per acre foot for all w nlrr inpil *1 on or iipforp .Tune !>, nnd frotn $l.SO ti- « iti .n o p.-r nrrp fool for nil wafer de> *llvprc.1 iiflpr .luno r, nml on or before 'I

iH i'plnnbiT N . 1I A npn- fpnliin- linn bepii inlrodurpil, iit thp tiii'P'iilIiin (>r tbp; dlrprliirii of tlii< Itiirlpy irrlsrnliim d l i l r lH ’In |>ro- viiliiiif i-lipaner w ntrr nftcr fleptombi-r 1.". Till- |iiiblln nnllci- fixe* the iirif--; fnr thin wiiltr nt 00 priif* |ii-r iirre foi-l liinlpa<l of ll.Nn oa Innl .venr. Tin- niin- imiim' rhiirifp will In- #2 pi-r np'rc iliirUi;' IH2I Inxli-nd i>r «2.f;0 no In' 1020. How- i-v-Pf Uiix miniinuin rnn Ik- uxeil lo »<• , riire waler under thp nnrt- foot rnten J M tb a t it doen nn t inprrnie Un* PbarROi ,

.i-iilllnpil nliovc, . 'II t i l i-*timnt.-d timt tbp-.p rharupii f i. ' I"

11121 will rnl»e n totiil nf »2,7.' jk-. ' (HTI- MX r()iii|inrpd willi niiiirojlmrvtply : * t. |0 IUT nrri- whirh wnn rni*ed bv Ibi- ,1* 11120 ft«p»*mi-nl. ”

I J y a l i 0 r « > - v i i i 9 i i | ; ;

Bcportod IUt -K. Vnn lipiiirrl in ru ported dnnifproimlv Itl n t bln Imme on rpnib avi-niie norih. <n

PaUMit E o co w ln g -M r.. A. ,1- Myi; 'J.' )f Jorutne. Vim nniii-rwfnt a major o)i- ,j» •rntion al a l<iri\l hoipllnl on Wednpf. lay* in reported Improving nlendil.v.

Bobids Tokao to* E oip lU l H. c. J‘' ‘ •rhflde, whl. rp tljp . nr, Third nveni'.''Knl, baa,lii-en taken tu .n loenl honpKnl ’or inn operation for npprndlriiin.'

Onest a t jobaaon Homo-MrH! 'lIo w -i? ‘’ .rd M. Allen of Bnrle.v in vinlting o w r l ' ' ' ’’ he week end nt tbp home nf Mr*. .T.

• — ■ RU«H fltnnu to Twin n iU - r l l . M. Prllum

rhn moved In Iliibl two .venrn iii'u tn [y|| ake a ponillon in tlu- lnnd offire. bni elumed lo Ihin ritv and in oecupyliig i l old renidenre nl nSS Pourlh nvonup u t . _ Tb<

Lloenied to Wed—A mnrriasc llrcnfl.- -an iMued Ihit mnrtiing (o Engone- errivnl Ileaib and Tliclmu Morgarcf .’enver. Iwitb nf Bnhl. T her were mar- ed o t lOiHO oVIoek Judge 0 . P. iivnll In probalo eourt phnmber*.

O aeit« from lo v o —Mrn. Karl Poll hni I hpr uncil* b rr mint. Mrn. Robert iillerlon of Iowa, ami her r<iualn. M r . ■

L. Mon(«^eimrr of Elbcrton.,Wflnl,. lip%' nn- cn route lo Ihelr nomen ftflrr , m'nnlh’n vialt in California. ,,^^1

• --------- n

■ P e r j o n a - l i s i '**• ________ J n lte

- r— Hone It. ir. Moise In in th r rit.v (mm I'orn10 on buninew. lj{ i l<nllp M Tnylor of llain.-n rrg ..- , ed in Twin Falli .vmtrrdn.v. / :iydp K. niai^t arrived Pridnv Ym..,rley for n abort vinit In Twin Fall*. i itr. and M n. If. C. nrorJi nrrived m I^wUton ve»trnlnv for n b rio ' L a S it.V J . Hurl.-y of IWiw- U Ir.inn.n-llti;;Ini-w In Twin t’nIN ami neighbor towns.

, H. Rir!mnl«)n nnd K. T,. Rrvnnt fr„ lli fb r r itv from Cn^tb-ford lookln,-!

•r liiinlnenn nff.nlr*.. lev iIiM Almn Brnnit U nprndma tl.e „ f {h ‘k rm r» l th r hnmc- I'f Mr. nnd Mrr- rial k (limkill al Hurlry. • ei't r(Iw l.nurn Pl.iod mid Mi«. Olady- fn , , jnp'r of Hrrcer tire in Twin Fnlj* (-,n iprnd Hattiribiv nnd Sunday. iu|iini'>r. and Mr*. N*. Havi* nf Kimbcr tonlg wrYi- amoni: thp vitilnrn In Twin ^.nmp

lln v.-ntprdpv iH-tween trnin*. ' T ,riiitrnfl' Dunn of Huhl wr<* a liunlnon ,.„nni ,itor In Twin Fa ll. Fridny. Mr. Dunn i,ri„-, I relum ing from a trip to Bol«i an-l till 1 ipjrd n ff l.etwren Iralnn. mncr

■ I ■ ■ I flnnrSUIT OH MORTOAOB. ,,iay..

V'or 'he piirpo i'eT r’ iirlnglnR al>oiit lilpment on a ebattrl m ortgaje. nSHl ba re Iwen Riven u w n r l ty for •*

omiiaorv note of JWOO, J. a Keel. W Otor, hfli enlen-d in ll In the d litrle l not i r t ogalait 0 . A. Laird. Vivian n.inn. Ird , bU wife, and M anhall 0 , Con- it w, er. • H b la tte r U eald to rlalm an dent il ly In property. Included in fho r e n i rlgage g trea by the Laird*. clreo


“iTsMllir^ PLEiSESmGiEOf;al -------

"Oarden of the Shah" Draws Capacity Honse and Proves

Sth-rlng: Entertainm ent

U No home eomjiaiiy h a i ever beon ae- I'* rorded Iho heart^f reeepllon lha l tbe rat IiIkI> (ebool glee e lubi reeeived a t.th o l<-; l.nvi-rln« Ihcalr,- lo*t nlghl. Thr'.M- "■ rmion j«on Ibp ureaeolallon of "Tlio

Garden of Ihe B liab", a muileal eoai- i-dy of eilraord laary n a r l t botb a t to plot, lyric* and nu iica l worth. The thpalte wnn filled lo eapaelly lim it, and

Ijj.' applaiiiM- for the perfommnce nnd Ihe . porfnnnern w aa .iu iU lned throughout, y . Tho Individual part* were worthily

handled, tbis bi-lng eipneially true of Ihc principal imrl*.

Tltp mu*ieal jiroduelion w ai given in uiiili-r tbp diri'Ctlon o f Carle II. Ollr, ll. Iii-nil of tbi- vneal training dopflrlncnl X n f th e liiKb nehuol. M lii Mar^- G ibbrni ii htid rhnrgo of Ibi- drilling fn ipoken i„ piitt», Min* Winonn Kundquiat bad ill rhnri’r of tbii doneei..w From nlnrl to tho drop of Iho curtain ■

Ibl- play earried on la lively fnibion, I and witli profeisUnal fininli. Tru-, I thi-re wan lome display of ncrvouincM nl thp bi-ginuing, but tb ii pa«aed ai till- plnv ]irorceded.. Tbe alnginn, bolb

Dan lo rlioru* nnd ainRr<- pnrtn. wn* no( nnly well dune luil proved conelusively ] tfrarThp bich neltonl ha i lujmr voealisU of rnrc qunlifienlioni. Minn Vpra Cook,

.* MIm Ogereltn Murray, Mils Mary “ ironti-n, Lawrence Sizer, Willard Den.

tnn, Dale Htnrr, Donald Fivnn and .Mprk-' Ayurn, ull principaln In thp eu*l d of purl* gitve paaaing oxcm plifiealiou s

J. of ilip phararfer* tbey repreienied. Tho „ , , rborua flibtil every ri-quiremeut to a i

nearly pprfei-tion oa coaid ren»nably be ,i t-xperlcd. Tbo general cbaraelpr o f tho

•ll pprfomianre demonstniti-d inloffae dra- p yf mnilr and vuenl iluily, ftlonj{ wilh pro- n10 found and carneit drilling. To thoae n .il in ebnrgo of the produelloa m uit bu |.

arrordi'd hiifhrrt praiae for brlnifing w -. nboiiro iie of tho l» i t plnv* ici'u in g. ■0 Twin Falli.

— = — :i3 IIMIi-.d by Mr«. K, It. Willi*ini .

, Trlpphonp S 'r CTl.r Fnitiiluhllv i-liil. mrt witb Mrn.

L. K. Bnibidny i,u Frldi.y aflernonr., Thp lun- wna MHint witb Iirldge. Mom. Cc • lii-M prevn l wrn- Mr-dnnirn H. R. Bar- , bpr. Ilol 0 . Him-. P. W. Ilroiinueh.* I.’.

11.. KreiiRel, W. II, KldridKc. M., Mllfhi-ll. Kdwnrd Co.iper nnd W. T, • ., b-Hllr. fliipntt of Ihp rlul. wero Mr*. ,it

11.. W, f )niipli.-k; Mr*. W, H. Rtni.lev ,Ip IIII.I Mrn, Lcminrd. ' ’ ' wl

Th.- Slar Hiiplnl rlrrli-.will m rrt nrx- Ko Mniidiiy al llu- hiiiiii- of Mr«. C. A. foiKiiir., '.a-; Fifth nvi-iiiii- ?nM. vrith i l r n e«lI'M'v. Mra. II..1IK nnd Mr-. I.ebmpr n* ’ n->«i>,l»iil hn»ti.*ir*.

Mi-Milirr- nf tlip Hiijhlniid Vipw rliili gjt <n trrln iiin1 liiialinmN nt ihi- lionip of din Mr. luiil Mr^ Aiibr.-v llondorann. Wed- nin np><lny i.vpnlni;. Tin- riNimn were beat:, (nil tifiill.v ilprnratrd in tb r nnjimial rnlorn, ,)[n the nffnir lipiiig given in honor of W nihimjlon’n I.Irthdn'v, C.nmea nppr-i- i.rliiU- tn Ihl- nreanion w rrr played fol lowed bv n dplijfhlfiil hrournm ronnin. . i . InK of I, pb.no -llin l.v Mra. Hrndrrann " » n rrnding bv I.iirlHu Fnulk, nnd n piano <> nnd violin i'UipI l.y Mr«, Fnnik nmi Mr. Glbnnn, In the nl.nenpi- n f thp preai' " di-nl the vire pn-nldpnt. Mr*. I,<Hinnrd.K«ve n vrry Inlpreatinn tnlk, A dell- L _ eiom liuirhi-ciii wnn.nrrvi-d In about .'-O " f l RueM*. _

M IN IS T E R ’S F A R E W E L i

W IL L B E S A ID S U N D A Y' ’ --------- met

Tbe B«v. W. A. Moors to Give L o n Roo Pulpit A ddronei H a n Tomorrow erp(

Tomorrow Gip %»•. " . A, .Mixirr whn hnn brpn pnalnr i.f Ihi- li.rni Chrl* fiaii rhurrh for thi- pa*t tbrei- 'year/, will roneludp hln work in th i- ronimiin' i^^yi itv. Hin laal iprmnn will bp pri-nriied |u.*i tomurrnw niehl and wlil be in the natnrp nf a' farewell mrnnagr lo tb ; „ » i. ronrfrPgntioii. lli- will l,r aurreeded £ hrre by ihe R.-v. \V. \V. Burkn of Beal T ripe. Nrli. fliic Inltrr thin week nrrejit- ■d n rnll ln.iied Innt 8undity nnd !" ex- »■„? |.rrted tn ri-tx.rl nbout April I.

niiring tbe Rrv. Mr. .Monre*- pnnlor- “ itp b rrr. Ihe Chflntinn eburrli rongrr- .■ntiiiii l.n- ...... . iiirri-.i-rd nl.niil ■J-'ln. *'• 'nu- l.ll.lp nr1,i.nl 1u.« -bnwii an nvpmcp iltendnnrp of iH-tivi-m 100 nnd J.IO m rhtonda.v, ROE


.a s t • Clrcnlt Game of Season will be Played on Local w nj°

Oymnasinm Floor

rriinii;bt III.- Twin Fnl'* Amrrlrnn I'’*'.' .'Iflnn '•■,.|-krll.Bll trmii wHI nii.i-i Rnr- ■V in tbp finnl Li-gion lene.io gnmr , r Ibc .eninn on tlu* Inrol floor Ppe- al effort* nre being mjdi- tndny to ■t n mnnntrr rrnwd o f •'pert/ilor- nut .r Ihl* Hit. K'*'"’<’,iiit..in l,avrnd.T rPl.nrln Ihi- lo.-nl

|itnd in |irlme ron.litlon for |h r irn nf “ mlBht. nnd tiioiieh rx[>-<tinK n hardm e 1....... .. ronfidenn- thntwin Fnll* will pni. tbi- lopir rnd of the ,.unl. Tbprr I- ron.|d(-rablp rivnlr^- I-Iwrpn th r Iwn «<iund« nnd a k irn11 I- lnnkp.1 fnr. Thr- rnnlr-.t will |.. ‘ nerd on th r hUh -rhm.l. pymna-liim ' • nnr, wbrn- nil loral gnmi-* hav.- ).fp i la.vnl Ihl- wa-nn.


C0K0BS8I0KB IN Miunco S e d MEXICO c r r r , (flV-Japaae*e bavp Onraj

o t been granted valsable oU coneen- li inn* on tb r ' wi--trm rna*t of Mexiro, a a l l ( wa- drrltvrrd IflM night nt Ihp prr^l- ta Ihi entiol offloeK' T bli ita teauD t, w u a Jacob ecolt o f rrmtsri which bavo been in (Iloud Ircolatlon here' tbe U«t few dayi. ■ W«n


Jovial KildeerIV ia Addition to” ‘ ' the Harbingers

IL If lOltATOBY h u b in g tr , of *I V I .(Mrled arriving hero from

r the H uth land.■nie- lotcel, aeeordlng lo te lw ,

‘®' iihooic eomniunicaUon- to Tbo be Now*' weother departmenl, i i a ho kibleer, whicb wa.i eecn right In

the heart of lown th il momln.?. ■, ■ Till! bird In of fhe plover fam.

ily and when Ibo fira t call ofwinter aounds i t inlgmtes on

to awift pinion toward SonUi A n- be erica. I l i i about 10 inchci nd long; grcyiah brown above ,nnd bo w hile ' below oad ho* tw o | it. blnrk band* on Its neek and c iy breast. . ' ,of • W otrh for bim,. ‘ ‘

Tolling a now atory o f Jprlng’n ** cn arrival tho lompemturo ellmbed * ;r, .to 54 dejtreea for blgb, and did v nl nol recede far In the froat belt.Ml Inat niitbt.' , . »;d Predietinu for Sundhy is fair. Jiid ^ ■ _____________ __ «■

^ ------------- • ♦ l^ '

1 1 BEGIN D R B .

E i i M i m iV D is t r l o t . B o a d s O f f l d a l i ' A n . i

n o n n c e S c h e d o le o f W o r k ju]

y .- t o S t a r t . «J. » — ■ ' 'D '.] O ff ic e n 'o f tho Twiu Fail* hlghwny | ; ll d iit r l r t today announced lha t begin-,)„ Ul ninga noxt Mondny a nyalcroalie lebed- er ® uie of roaa u ro m n g will Ijo put Intnjbi

o|)cration througliout Iho entire 3o; dragging dlatricl*. I t la explained th a t. D>'

° if thv weother cootinun fa ir Iho tu rn - 'th *' pike* will bo in good condition, gener-!>' ally ipcaklug, fo r thla work- I t is aln.< Hi le nnnouneei! iba t in many ict-tioni fanii-!nh 0 ITI bavo already ita rted conditioning a t (r work on the higbwnyi nnd nre m akiagito n Rood progTM*. j

lu mo*t Innlnnrr*. the farmcrt nr.- tn anid to lie eniph.yinit home-made ina | on rhineryi priurii)nlly wooden drags. |.),tb i rarrv (nil Ih li labor. Tho d iatrirt lie i'tb i li doVj-n rx lra drag" nt Ibe Inrnl rn inhw jl" plnnt Ihnt mnv l.e borrowed by otlier». . wbn rnre tn ^ on the rnadi, ’ \Q{


N A V Y P O S T C O N F IR M E D t a

CoL Theodore Boowrelt. Son of Form'.; er .President. Accepts Place a* Aa |

/ . aiitottt 8*cr#ury : ’

• A l'O rSTIN’K. Fin.. (/P)—I>cfin 'rn - Ite nuuoiiarcmenl waa mnde bv Preal-lrtm drnt i'b 'rl Ilnrdlng todnv thnl lip hnd 8p< aplp.trd Kdwin T>cnl.y of Detroit for rrr. .r 'fu-inrv of Ihe nnvy, nnd Thcodore'tioi l.'ooapvi-li. M.n of tl.e former prpnldent.i Iclc for o-IM nnt npprelnry. l^(.|li hnve n r ] eeptcd. I-oei

Tlip niinnunfement folkiwed n lnnj;,fioi '.•onfptrnrr Ik-Iwcpu tbe presidenl.eloct, I’oli and Mr. Denby a t wbleh Iho nnval pro-1 Rrn g ra m 'n f the n e x t ' administration w a i ' I< dinruai<i.d iti i l l poailblr relnlion to th o |" ''’'' movemrtil for world'disarmament. De- tniln of. lli<- dceiiioM reached were nol 11”' ” ' dinrloied bu t Mr. H arding inid after-, wnnl Ibnt he wontrd to lee the p r e i - ;™ (inl iinvtil building program earriod ; ahead until thero bnd.been nomp i l e f i . ' . J ' nit<- dinnnnninonl agreement. ip V

In uok ing knowa tho iclcetlon o{ U r. q" ! I)i-i.l.v. Mr. Ilnrdlng anid tlie Roonovolt|“ ^ appolntoient olio bad beon talked o re r i,., ' nl tbeir nn fercnce and tha t, i t b a d '- llip npprovnl o f tha proapectU'e secre-:

n t y odd th a t I h ive bad a v e r y |g jn |.|irtu."l wl-li tl. rail to the asaiilant ucretnrynhip o{ ^ o aavy, both oul of respect' for hla capaeiljr and boeauio of tbo M alim ealal eoaQection, Oolonol m n Tlim .lorr Ron«uvi-Il. The aolection hnimet with Mr. Denby'n approval aad M r.;___ ;Boosovcit niKi has snid be would no- I e r p t” i

.A-ki-.| nl>oiil Ihe naval huilding pro-; - _ . grnm, Mr. Hording continued: n p \ i

“ I hnvc aaid lo auch members of th e ' , j . -riintp und houso naval commlltoei o j ' , l, hnvo asked mo Uial I wonld be very re-1 w* luctnnl to auspoad our eiyiital eonitrue-:Ilou progrnm until we are in agreement jOIlPj witb Ihe other na lioni on a plan o f, act llian n a m ea l." . . . . m e

I t waa a s asalalanl Kcrplnrv of U-i-j lur layy. th a t Ibe f im Theodore B o o te v e ltiin it ' i m n ttracled natioaal ullention nnd, t . , luring Ihe Wilson administration Iho' lame poii has been filled bv Pranklin “ “ ). Roo-rvrit, 0 rouilu of the form rr /— iresident. j .

iO B B E R S I N F U C r F A T A L L !

IN J U R IE S ON M A IL C L E R K > 0' ' — I . FOI

tandlta a t P lttiba rgh Make Eacap* v w it t Two Poncho* Bellerod to Oon- , nrooc

ta in Mnch Money

PITTSm iRGH, Pa-, L Mr-! FOIliillough, aged 2«, a govrrnmpnt rnll-,unfuri rnv mnil rlerk. wob found benten nn jkrcpit i.narinii- at th r I’enn-vlvanln rnilronl ■ •; Inlion, bv fi'llnw emplo.ves a few m in -' li-» U'fon- the irnin wn* icJiediiled t o / - ■nvo unli.n -tation for Waxhington. e ^ = 'n. Two poucbr* of mall are reported iIm Ioc. - IOi-ofsi' V. Craighcoil. po*tnl insperlor

tid MM'iilloiigh while a t work np r.'. intrrrd mail in bln ror Wa* nttaeked y band it, who sln irk him down wllh enr rnupling p in: He raid Iho itolen

lail pri.bnbir would run tn a high fig-

Nn tm re of tbe robber* hait been m n d .', !MrCullnugh dird in n hoapitfll her.v

ll* afternoon. i


MONTEOfiE, Cblo, W V A mob ofj I ore than SOO miners tmathed down ’ le door to the Gamy cooaty ja il ot a rty , Oolo., la s t n ight and lovaded the! ifl la t a » tt« n p t to lyneh Billy Noglp;i % miner, wbo bad eoafesied, oceordiag^ P

. Ihe Iheriff, Uiat bo had kiUed Pred ' ncobi, inperintendent o f Ihe White jood mine .at Ironton and Hindmoreh UL


HEIsiilTTi m M i B E i i -

O ff ic ia l I n j u r e d I n s t i t n t l b n j,, w i n 'U r g e R e le a s e i f B o n d s ]

a r e B e t o m e d____ _ 1

' SEOAXUB, BL, (/p) — W UUaa * Dalton, «tu> nb b a d tba K ortben i ' T n u t compaajr o t OUctco of 9J72,- 000 to L iberty boads T tortdsy , w u ” civfani t t H erw oith, 28 tnllet Dortlx o f b m , toeoTdlaf to Jock D n i m c ostttb le, to d t j . E o bad a ll t a t 9G00 iroTtb o f th e bonds In )' Ws grip. ^

I CniCAQO, Northern T n n i J'company, from which,Wliliom Dallon, i, 17, took #772,000 In Liberty bond*,,will d urge Iho polioo to reloaao him If'; bo wili roturn the locurltles, W. S. Miller, vice preildent, laid today. '. ,

" I will help him to ilralghlen out , and-get eottled baek in the right road.I f bo will bring back tbo bonds a t b onee, wo will urgo the oity offiria li to

^releiLM. him,” Mr. Miller eaiil. '" W o A Iwill (io all we eanto help him.” |

Two elow* In the flight of Willinm Dalton. 17 yo an old, bonk clerk, who

, e ioipcd from the Notlhem Trust bank ' yealerdav w ith 1772,000 in Liberty -bonds, tho largest bank robbery In i Chicago'« hhioTff were being iraeed jby Iho police today., Tbe youth wbo Tbur»lny night drove I up to a garage in Waukegan, a north- | I cm niiburb, and asked -to’ leave h ii au- I tomobile all nigbt, w u Identified *4 ,-

.:DaUoa. He drove north ' tbo next . morning- I*revioualy a youth nniwrr-

lin g bis deseription had offered lib - ^ erly bonda in payrornt fo t an antomo "I

j li ie a t n Cliipogo sales, agency. • - ■ Investigation of Dalton’* home life .[and o m rla le* threw nb ligh< on tbe •• ithe fl. polieo »ald.' Hln rbum. Evert Dovale, a page in ilhp nmn,- bank, said he nover talki-d . I About g irli, aprnt moit of h ll evenlags ^ a t a’ Y. M. G A. nchool .ond appeared

itn like .b ll work n t Ihe bank. nI Tbe onndo, n f the fourth iMue. werr 'trnipornry e ertifln itr-, without rnuponi ,ond I.ank offirloln said he wrapped them in a brown pa|>er and tucked

Uhem undrr bin nrm when he wenl oui ;ii . luneb T hnnday.


Im pon lb llltr o f 'A cU erlng P ro le to rlft ’ Control 1* B r U a c e d In 'Many

Q n tite n

VIKN'NA, yp)—Oenetol rmulemnn- linn of l.nl*licvj.lm mnrked tlin pro- ri.i-«llngi of Ihe inlernalionol aoelnli-t I rtinfiin-ni-p. In w-ision hore tod iiy r" I 8p<-akohi from many rountries ovinep-l " rorognilinb 'tb itt pre.v-nt world condi'-' tionn'rniikt-'lhi' tnnk nf iphioving-pn.- Irlnriat rniilroi virtually impoisible.

A Runinninii dplegntr declared lbi.1 -ocinliam would aot bave to Intomn- ' tional wi'iipnn iu the easl and weat If . bolahpvum wnn inln.duced in lls 'p ro - Rrnm. -

I t W.IH di-rlnrod Ihol bolshevism would only wenken th r Inl.or mo«-- nirnt, 'whlHi. il was nnerti-d. muni do ju-nd upon revnlullonory aociollam.


CHICAGO, (/p)—Puneml aprvlrfa foi [.yon Cobb,-'of Boise, Idnho, son of 7nlvln Cobb, publisher o f 'th e Bolap lla.te*man, nrp to be held nt .T p, m. , oilnv in the chapel al Groteland crm- ■Irrv. Mr. Cobb died here ye-tordn- n A hn-pitol n fter n longlhy illnen*.'

Stock bnttemallk. le ner unibi-, 1 W ag your contalnnni. Sterling Crejn" Ty/~*dT.


— --------- ^ ------- ------------1 t l

A M U S E M E N T S • I________________________ - _____I «EM—"Ouee to Every W omaa” , l t t ^ . S riag.Doroth}' Phillips- tlso Topics e f ^ the Day, Pathe Berlew and Screen , M a ^ n e . . ' ' ;

RPU JJU M -Tw o feature TandOTllIe , b act*; also fotopUy 'tnd comedy rlo ti - ' m m elodraaia,'“ ]Udie P o b ' i .A dteo " lures from III* Circus L ife ." .. . t a )AnO —D orothy Dalton In "G uilty of b l Ixive” ; also eomedy ta d Pathe Newt. h

............... r - ^ - | . , -R ,

Q l A J j l f i o d


F m ’ ^ U ^ o n t r a c t of m Iv- ‘j.n ',- I value 1900. Twin I'alln residrn.-'- opcrty; will lake XUO, Box 072.

FOR R K N T -^ irec ''fino front roeir-, furnUhod. Suitable for ligh t'huuv - cping, « 5 M a in W e tl . Phono 271R, —

hX)ii SA LB-RurTTaeed poUfoca. .1 * Heatl.v. Phone B7HRI. 1


COAL (Nibtey-Ctiaiinel



.SETTLBB8. Tbo onmial clecliou of diroetor* of liio Balmon lUver' Beltlora Aasoriatlon wiU bo beld iVid^v, Mnrch i, 1921, nt S:00 p.' m., At tbe followlcg place*: i Berger School House for Towasbii.i IM S ; iM ti; 11-17 for 4 dirofltors; Uo: lister School ilouiu for Towaihipi IS­IS; 18-10; 12-17;,13-10 for 3 ilireclorji! Jlogerson;- Idaho, for Township* H -IS; U-iO for 1 dirK tor.

B. M. BEAUCHAMI*.- - . Bocretory Salmon River

Settler* Auoeialiun.“dv. .

■■WABNINO.’*To nil ownorn and drivert of uo tcr

v e Q ie ^ : '' Lie«nies are. now due nn.l I'oyabls a t tho office of tho County Aiacssor. IJponse. plolos must bo op

giod for and on alt con opornting bi' areb 15th. Moke your application * promptly and take no cboncN. I’eriont.

chcvkn W neeepted.H. CLAUD STKWAIST,

ndv. , . County As»(«»or.

No love neenes ure permitteiV lo be sbown in the moviea In Zion City.

.W h y no t h a v e y o u r la s t y e a r s

s u i ^ y e d and r e p a ire d ?


B r a 'o 'u H i' A rt ' Needlework ood supplirs of nil k lnd* -w e-do G ttapiag.

Beautiful Juvenllo-Supplie*.A ttrae tire th lc i;^ ;* /'S to rk Show-

— Art Speciaify Shoppe—aim s. B. b . BBOWN

2nd St. West---------B tck of BUey's


T h e B a t t e r y

M i n u s H a l f

t h e

W ^ d r i n g P a r t s

^ U te a W 'i n d a t k R in tb o W 8 M T b c i id U d I tu b b e r B « t- t o y s m « M in t a y bktterf—

th cce fs oDc d iO erpa ix . W ood t rp^m m wmr o o t) T h re a d e d S t A b c r . b a i a t t e o u tb i t a t b s b « ttx f) r e M fy tk o t .

T b a i d e d . R o b b e r b , . a c k l p iw r f i i x i a t p c n c tu w ' o r c a r t o B iM . I t i s o M o f t f a B t U o p d n t m tk s tbb good b a t t a y i t B b e t te r . Y o a H f io tf*I t f a tb *K a b b v B a C te ty .

Electric Service SlatioiiJ O a E . SHAVBK

l e i 2nd,A re . K , Twia Falls, Id t.

- - ^ P b o D e 16-—

m a t dBatteriesA

L , ■ —

Page 9: ^ F A LLS DAIL,Y :NE:WSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...THEoMr AFTERN00l\TWIN


TWI>W I* 3. HO. S13 ■ ~

f® Si i i i p lES l t f B E lllli,

K e w .y o r k C e n t r a l T r a i n P / u n g . mes In to O e r a l le d M ic h ig a n S

C e n t r a ) C a r s a t I n t e r s e c t i o n f ‘ -

. a t P o r t e r , I n d i a n a ' 1

H E A O L I G H t i i R E W A R N S £

B U r iV O N E J ^ C ^ P H .C R A S H S

^ hM beiw reeaTer*d tod*y from Iho wwek n Jg it wt'jB thfl Caiudian M d

leroM tb« iatenee- *«? Mlchlffan Cantral c an

, M » a 0f e o t tb y lAcra rlgbl •* , Open

M i»o> Block 'Tlio MJcfilgan CcntrftI train hud m iu .

ed bloeV . i s j a , « Jd ,0 );r w ra V ll,” it “ "'1 had beon ilgulled by ths Aato- «/

M It came to n i l aerM i J

•M oguraw pped In OtmJj I * ponJ Till' .Nov^iork Oentn.1 mogul lecumc'.' .i,J^

« ilh IJ eloud of duit tliHl w itnMjci llk 'l )„7m«m-d ta n„ „ p j« .b n . „'!v, J ?rMl p ^ n R m . w «e enrrlfd ...............l£>comoti»fl M d burled bendnlh I t J

- I mtlw ard tl«i «» tJ» u n d CawdlaH I r a l n . i f l i r Tliclr cAra «flr« ti6< mueh damftgea. The j | U | Nrw York Irnln w«« bound for Cliieosn,; _

B U tsaesta %i v* rtin « f]A «»at«nont by Ib»ereiun J . C. t 'o o k j . f

on duty a t the crosninj’. iloclnri'd ihu,’ I j.loek two rnllc* aw«y waa lot nijalnil] tlu- Mlehignn Ccntrnl irftin wlille t h o 'w ^ ' , trnek wa* left d e a r for tl.c No«- Ybrkl*®®'^! Ccniral train . BaKroad offieiali a t t(ioI Am<ipcho cf Hie wrcck Mid EnRincw W. r . l ------ itongf o l Jaekion, illeh., wbo w a p c d ; unliurt, dednrtd bo had received a clear I

.ilgnol and had.ehcekrd it wilh his fire. WAB n a n . Hfl loft today for h li homo. < nti- Iat

All exeoft the two b a ^a g o and mnil <''»crcc car* of tho New York Central train, maincJ upriRht, allhouRh b ill of the rroodea toaehet o t tho Hlehl/^nn Cin- trol train wore BcattfreJ for fifty;"^™ ’* ya rd* . PsMongflra in tho four eoaehea':?” '' of Iho Mfehlgan Central tra in behlml'* * the tw o , death u r a wero unhurt cx- eepi for (ho *bakoup, and a lt i>( lli<~— — pnnwnRcra un tbo Now York Ci-nlral ^ c»fftpcd. W

U o rt 'Wonndj i s Haftd IFor DO T tm a tbo t r a lJ m d of/)c3alji____—

oould BUlftn, alm oit'O il of Ihc drad ] taken to Iho litllo morgue ftt Clicnicrton,’ Jn fjj

. 8cro»a thn track i from Porter; roecivod thiM tholr fata) w ogndi’Iij^tho head.’ Some*

tC o n t l t i^ M

S M f i l l i i y ' =

^ l l l S l f M l l l l i i r a

Brief is FDcd In Snpremo Court . by WjBconaln and 41 A s- i •

Boclatos !■ g

w A 8 u iN 0 fro N ''( /f^ n r rv .. iid itv ,.s:th f tran»porf»Uon net. wai attacked ^ liitlnf In ft brief filed fn tbe nuprcmo <«urt hy 4i (ta te i nnd defended hy. 1 '-t.iinacl for fho rnltwnv*. ' . n '

The w it. tbo nr* t o f levcral flmlfar! ^ imoi to rra rb t ip b J^ b n t rourt wof ‘ ^ filpij by Ihr u la tr of WiKoniin. but the ]**“’ iillomry* urnprnl and railw ar nnd lU il-'.'if. uHlflfi'!! roinmlPi»lon« of 'll other, sliiti-i wrrp permitted to bflromr p a r tln

Oral nrRument will bo heard lomr time thin week If tho court move* HARI tliroHch- 11* nolendnr with the normal .

^ 0 brinf tlcfM rrd-thaf a* nnw nit- miniilerrd Ihr act, by renlcrtnjj all n n v rr ovrr rnfe« In Ihf Intcralnle pom- mcwe fommlninn, took ftWaY from the •Ifttci ri(tht* ipc riflca lly irtc rvcd t o ! ) , , ” tt-''ni b r th r frd rra l rnnitlluHon. , .

Thr pmvUinns for a Hsrd Tftnm on I“, ", r.-jiln-flf ii'vr^imrnt w u raade the ba iJ i I ''’'" ’-

fcr nltflrk n« "nnoeonnmi'c and *"„^rnn»titlltlnnal.’ ' •'■''Ivf i

Kn'phnili nlrn wa* dirrr'pd to tbe to '■ <iii‘rrm rnl thnt th r fomml*lnn. group Tl“‘

w n-ra l rortd* toaether nnd raaki* n»tM "hick thnl wnn'd yirld an ncirreifotc fi*rd »*cht, return to nil mnd* In the trroiip; Thi>. '" 'i wn« nlleged tn plarr n "don ld r bnr • Tam d r n " on nhippcn in .th a t ll compelle-1 Hnrldi them to luppoH "p o o r a n d 'w o rth ien furnlni ronda" n< well a t thote which rendrr^1 brtter M tJ ra a le »em e«. ' • : > ------- h r jpft


M FA i F A l^osta^icanArmy

Surrender Averts _ War with Panama•anaman Ohargo d’Affaires in

Washington Announcos a ■ Change in Sitnalion

WABIIINQTON,’ (flV-Thrratcn:, cd war belfrcoD Panam a and Ootta IJico woa n r tr tcd early today with ' tho turrendor of tho Cotta Bican PY( army in Coin, according to word re- . c ilred here by J r E . LefeTrc, th« I chargo de'affulroii o f hio Panaman i legation. . J

Mr. U fevre cnilcd on,i8flcrolary f of Slnto Colby and lufomfid him ‘ ot the changeil a ipcet o f the litua- ’Uon. Tho legation d ltpatahci, whiro . MAIgivbff no detaili. Indicated tha t tho , Coita BIcan force# had capllulated U in lbe proarace of tbe PanoniB vol­unteer army which m anhrd 'out to ,v mrot them from David, b tho pro- vinec of Chlrlqul. W h e th e r/ ijh t- Ing occurred w ni not ita tcd . here

ontest for Batum fiT Br'mgs Soviet and Turks to War Brink


IBDlllf o l H oB tm U oB f o r B lo o li S " ' S e a P o r t i i .D o o b r o d

Im minent ' - nV -- — |pn, V

WNSTAKTINOPLE UPi - Ho*.between niiMlan n o lih c v ik i'

md T^rkl-h fo rc ti fo r the poMct' i ” *'' lon of Batum In drrlared to U lm* * ulnent in advipcu rorolvcd be rt

Jh..iuand Ti.rkJ.h toldlrr* f " '‘ r nder Km Io K aarul.eklr, rommnnd- r or Ihe fifteenth Turkwh dlvitlon rc na Iho outiklrffl of Batuui and *■ t It believed Itiat If the Bolsheviki hould rapluri' (ll.. c ity ; Turkish ■ fcunation of Armenia would not be ' oMiiilr. yi-iforTho Uolihrvlki ar.' racing down '•nndri

l<c emit m ast o f the Blark nea nwnrd Datum mnl w rre thclird by

„f the PrriiHi flee t nl Suk- Dill iim Knlc. whifh, hnwever. the *0 ' lion i Id ff>rn*s enpiiiTOl la te r . . fo rk i

- • ________ )in*'sii

PffiSSEHEs------ Edwaj

lergoncy Tariff Measnro, as m fit. Unondod, Ooes Now to tbe •- White House '

— WA^ABHINfiOO.V. D. a , y p J-T h e len Caroy late todav npproved the Totdncy pcrlwc

■rgcncy la riff bill a" amotidcd In in- thi fprrnrc with the hoiw- The mran- j j r in now ROM lo the preS^deM. tliSi e

he vntc wai 40 tn 3(1, F.lovcn dem- ils voird with ih^ ro|mbllrnnt whiht r Ti-pnhlirnn« werr ^rrordcd ngnin« mcMurr. ^

FLASHES FROMMANILA, l/p^Tvro mipinoa were kUl»

1 (igtita over bomp porcbasee. In the Itbnds i m bnndred oU ei too thm at of here, accord

OHIOAOO. C»thorlao Sontck.3 death iho rtir After two men had been toei oUca say ttae yoong v lfo w u .gagged, beio im l '

DBNVEE, Oolo, (/P )-^oab tu “ JehoTt m e n and eartb, wbo lo ft ye ttw day for fl*i Ighteen inontbi’ aent«nc« fo r obstnctiog m » d to I>enTar today. K e bad a n o ttw ' rab a t Ohsyama.

jmmAXr, AUak*. (/P h -stu d y of the rt n U keo by United S U te t goTenAieiit txpi teo oiUbUilied recently a t trnalakleet, vet idndeor country. Dr. B. W. NoIaoo, who it U t A itcOy hAt been oude of the panatte s i Im d y meant of prolonging U ret o f tbo an

BTASt o UD- UNIVEBSTTY,' Oai., (/?h tOsr u d bearler. Dr. ClaUfc-Duol Mother, ■taaford U nlrortlty , h « announced a f tt r eo: rho h a « enured tba on lven lty during tbe i ont and b c rta te d physical Activity tmong be bcw atea. Tbe preacnt rtyle*. Dr. Mot ibytieal growth aa did tho sty let o f Qther g<


isldent-fllect Betnm lng for Farewell Bapn from Marion beforo InAuguratdon , K

IN DOARD PBF.SIDENT'BLFXn' WJ.RD lK a’8 flPECIAI. TBA IN. U P>- jpvvlith hiii'pre]iaratlo*» for the launch- ,

nf his ailmlnlitratlon about rom- , lo. I’rrsiileot-cK'fl llardlRR wan on

wiiy bnrk to Mnrion todny to rc- courtIP li formal farewell fro'm h it iom e ta iHrn before cnlerlog Ihe W hile IToom . ^•111- nrciident-clcct’s ipcclal train,IfK lefl Ru A upiitloc, Flo., ifcitlit, it to reach Cincinnati thlijfm ii< »hir1 nnii'Marion tomorrow m om liJ.V '-.- Ken}'

Panned by five weeks luilfer. th r wnii'■rlda sun. tho prctldcM-olcet i t re- pnny,ning northward apparently In mneh «tntp Ifr physical trim than h e .w u w hciliifir < Irft Ohio."' • 'been


iLLS__________ TWIH P A L ia EDAHO. MOW

m milEBPff Is ilTHLiSfOBHiBIIIiH

E x e c u tio n o f - S i x I r i s h R e p u b ­

l i c a n s T a k e s P l a c e In C o rk

J a i l y a r d D e s p i te C o r p o r a -

t io n s A p p e a l f o r C le m e n c y - «

M K E S D E E p T m I^R E S S IO N

U P O N _ P E O P L E O F D U B L IN

C O H K ,'W V D etp 'ilo tho appeal foi b A 'l lemoacy nado recently by tlui Cort re ttit orporatlon, the abt Irishmen in ja il PO ni cro, whow death was fixed for todav mmei a chnrget of lovybfr war agalnit the «f Tt w n , forret, were duly execuW "by hv th ie m iH tarr.th la mornlnR. ‘The ni«n bnth ■cro iho t In batchcs of two oacli a l in- nfe, - j m l t of 15 minutei.- ^ e men executed wore Timothy M e r.mim arty, Thoma* O 'Brleb. Pa trlrk Ma- i|v o jney, John Lyona, 1)80101 Callaghan are e; id John Alien. : <0The f irs t , five wcro condemned for ed toI nttaek upon Iho-crown forcet a ; hind r lp ..y , C .a»ly c . r i , 1. J m u u y . Al-n, wiinso home wm b Tipperary, waa 71,^ , n ienrrd for poaicatlng a revolver and i.ili« i nmiinillnn. f t wna hla tcnlcnce which ,nrv I r khi<'« hrnph confirmed nn Fobni- Thi. y In .locidlno lh a t a sta te of wnr jn .1 Itfed in Jreland. g iv b g Ihe m ilitary „ ^ i nII power to net wllhoBt intcrforcnco fjrn , ’ Ihr elvlt court.. . •. , " , ’ Thr rlrmrney appeal wn« adopted by r eorporation Thursdoy nnd a copy , , nl to a rnernl p ir Kevll Uaereadv,

itonlay prayrra were i-nld for tho nilemnrd inrn. Iloii

--------- ford I• DUBLIN IB SITRBBD -rlixA

DlinLIN*, of Ih r .'x rni-in of the «ix Irith repiihlirnn* a t 0, rk thin ninriiiiiit made a profound In.- [.tsinn upon the Ninnlntlnn of th i

'* , rpNlln


LONDON, (/P)-V iaeount Milner, tho Tn rrir :cntly retired icerotnry of sfato for who h J coloniri, wna married todny lo Lady n lio n .ward Cccll, widow of Colonol Lord rimn. :ward Coril. The marriage orcurrrd "le i t Bt. Jnm rs church, Paddington. •■'•r

I t , I («r tUiAYBOM IS B B U B V E D FBOM

ATTENDANOB OH PBB8IDE1IT WABfilNGTON, ( f f ) -n c a r Admiral roy T. Ornyaon, Preeldent W ilton 't * rJwaal physician, wns ordered today the navy drparlm cnt to duty a t offl- Idcns

r in charge of tho luvnl di»|)cniftr>- In nllrrni1. til ... , '• l.v vol

IDAHO W EATHEE. J fTonight nnd Tucsdav fnir. her.

____________________ ________ _ wrlfe '^ rd lo

VI THE WIRL'Ihdlltd aod 'ton Ohlnoao storot burned ii|> foi n d » o f 8A nuirAnd'Leyto,m or#thAn Oovi o rdlag to Advices received today. nfee 01___ Z . agnltisek . Ag#d.sl«w iv w as foond choked MU. v aoen to entor t e r ho n * today. Tho ber U gs'w oro dad , and bor neck

----------- WINDlOVAhV' Sykes, aelf-ityled king of Bin PtAudtco to begin serrlng an

!ng tha d ra ft dnrlng. tb* war, t r ■■«Mon". ha said. And lef« tho


« reindeer of Alaaka b u heon nn- ,txpcrta At A WologlcAl to rro y it* - * ; 'near St. HKduels, l a the w e s te a , i t in charge of th s ftstlon . reports te s a n d d la e u u o f tb s re b d o e r a s d . '.I anlmabi h u b««n f o n n l ABOE

;?>—American womon a r i ge tting 1 ,ter, medleal advlaer fo r wtm eii j t t I ntTr comparing reeorda o f 4,003 womea 1 .„ r rnhe p u t t h ^ years. Modem faah- :;ipd 1 ng women are glTea u reasona fo r 1 tnl o| Mosher aald, do n o t tn te rfe rs w ith rtlr^ r gentntlona. Tlie <- I 3 SS-B-— a -a -j3 —SS====S=====»


ipreme Oourt Boles A dvertely Upon; Kentucky Lovy on W ithdrawal* ,

WASHINGTON, (/fV-K entucky la w ijj |’“ “ vying n »j>»elnV m x on Uqnors w lth - lj)„„ , rnwn f^ m le ad e d warehoitiei 'wore I nnd v ?ld lavnlld trday by the mjpreme!''^ mrt. Several n lllio n t of doljart ixH nlrendy eollcptcd by the state; r r , . . i n , , ,Tlie ronrt tu iln inrd . lowrr conrttllV M J hirh hn.rgrantpd nn Injunrllnn lo thi-: • icnfticVy lUntlllcries nml Wnrehmiip inii'unv nnd Ihp J , A. Frlrhert cnrt-| . my, prrvcnllng Intorferenre b r the . ' nte nuthorltiet to withdrawnU of licg-J , ' ■ir on whieh Ihe special tnx had n o t’





H o u s e H e e d s G o v e m o

s a g e o f I r r i g a t i o n

R e l i e f I n d o r s e m

n p iS B , Idaho (Specia! to The Ncwi) H r -T h e tenato today pawed tbp pJur.v J L iiJnai eommltteo bill to move tho Al- I f lion tla ie aormal ichool lo Durley, The W L olo w u 25 to 11. /Hjo bill Wlll be ent lo -the houao IhU afternoon.

H esds ExscnU rs plea.Oivon the {m petu « r a raonagit real

r tlio povomor to both houaet in iolm Pttlon th il morning, houao bills No. „I) nnd No. 123, offered by Ihc houio S e o ti m m ittee on irrigation of which MUIer C

Tl," 1 P»*wiV Iho houso today. I t i i liclieTod tba t olll llllls will he Indoncd by tho ' tea-

irousp lull No. DO, providing tha t a ’mmlMion ihnll pnsi upon lbe feailbll- . ' y o f irrigttlloo projcrt* before tboy « entered ^ a , was pns«od h r vote ' « In fi. Houte bill No. 123,'deiign- te itii i.I to plaee the c re d it’o f eountlei bo- nd irrigation p ro iee t. w ithin tW i- lundarlei, paaaed the house. 41 to 0.;r governor urged panage of both .II* hrrnunc. ho aald, th e r wcro nccei-n- for (hp promotion of reclnmafion. *'*The houso alto paated by Vote of 41

-1. hoimr bill No. M2, dctiimcd t<. *■ milnle the apportionment o f irriga- m wnter among w ater o te n In set- ' '" '‘ "U' ni of wftlcr ihortagr, hu t tho m enm e ”1':"^ ® is pnllrd for lOMniidomtion brrau te '

n defect in il» tUlo resnltlns In r. ■•'•''fCe. i"»ndoDilandlBg nmnng meml>eri nnd *'* ' will lip .voted on again. ' pound,

School Belief BUI Up. ,iloiiM- bill No, ISl. dr-icned tr. nf- '. r " - ! ! rd lempornry relief to Indrpcndrnl 'lool dU trlrfs in finanrinl ntralts, w ai i,„n,ri„ lirdiUod to come up In Iho senate for ml nrtlniT thin nfternoon nml the in- ,,,,1 i,. 'nlinnn w rrr th r l It wniild'lie im««ril.i.»,|,,, r bnu>«. bill erentlnc Ihr I 'lrvm ll, i,p,'

W h . i ^ t ’Mmn i,| rt n ' ulln<' thl»-nflernnon. ' ' [,',n.In Ihe •.'iii't' Ihln nflernoon flnnl nr- 71,,. - ,n wn« >■' lir InVen on linii«r lilll Nn. ..mntln H enrrviii,- on npproorintlon of ,\ . |iv i trpiml.ii'«f «-tller» nn Cnrrv net Intut* 1,,^ (j,, 10 hn'-e brrn unnhlr tn obtain Irri' fnfrmi; lion '^•■I.T dellvrrlef. Thp nni'roi'r '- mn. wmld rrlmlnirsp sufb srtMi>r« | i r u | | I- I.rt..nri* of th r fillntr fees p ild .-o r U L l l l r..nt> f.n n rrr. A drtrrmine,) fichi i l L l l l

r thp bill 'wB« bring mndo bv W nlrr^ ,II oiliPM nf the. Twin Pall^ cnuni,.’ | lp<mtl<in bemuse nf I t . l.rarln? irpor. \} (■ Rnlmon rlv rr projref sllimlinn.

Honae P lck t on Election BU I.' ' jfiennte bill No, W i embodying Ihr ^ -as nf Ihe tcriate with rcspcet to " irrntlon of tho fxinllng olrrlion law*. _ dfb Balurdny passed in tbe scnnt.'

vote 2.1 to 17, W.1S lodny nmpnde.l \v,\H Ibl- hnu'o lo nn extent where prn-- icyni |,

■nllv Ihe only thing le ft Is lls m in - .n . if„, r. ‘ Tlir hoii«e look nreaiion lo rr- Hio lO' ■Ue th!f* bill im thpt when il Is rrtu rn ,vhn wi

lo the 'senntp it will be prnrtlenliy „f rr-rmbodimi-nt of the direel p rim ar- n,, 1 whi"h Ihe upper hoi|f.r last week n,p fHi tpd ilo«n. I t was Ind'eiitrd thnt tb r ,,r.'mr iriid"'l bill wnnld be rnwed in Ihr Tlw? ii«r bv voir of 40 In 20 w hrn it enme irnlion

for flnnl netlon .th i" nfternftnn. |,y thr flovernor Dav.is ii rerri'-ing nn nvrr* ,.f ihp e o f M frlecram s n dav r ro trs tin e ^ r r r I alnat sig n b g of the nnti-cigBretto pvidcnr I. wh'ph hns nnt vel rnnii- to blm. i|,p ^oi noTNc tVe t>nv*c«t» nr" i?iwy from T h e ' iirrlenn I/eijInn members. . . ..r the.

• « -- ------- - . fldnvliINNEMUOOA OHXBF OF ____ *>'<■


WINNTIMTJOOA, Nev., of Thrillrr J . n . Nelson was »hnt nnd P e r-n /flrp s p« fntallv wounded by a negm whom 1 rlvolc was atlempllnir to orrest fo r roWnry bpiag

rp Inilav. but b fnrr fnllina Nclion The il ot nml killed th r ncffro. The negrc nsndi ns rati(!ht l .r NeUnn a fte r entering i. Waihii r« |ern I’nrifir box enr. th r pollrr ‘riu>enl Id. • to lie

_________ ^ _____ fird inBOBNTIKE MOTOBIBTB U N ITE

TO LOOSU PBOrXTEBBa' OWV 'lUTENOR A IB R’. ( /P l-P riv a le m«- ^ r rn r owners hrre 'lisve formed n llm ;rd llnbllllv roriH-ralion wilb n enpi 1 o f l.OOfi.OOO peso*, in order lo .r^ .ndcr«,<VnA. of the profiteers l,e orv-nnirntion will furniM. garage rvire, oil, .cnsoline and .'m ber. nl rost prier". . • •

IirokriTO.SON APPBOVE0 M T I ^ . lire,

o r BOME, A JJEN "PEOPEBTYWARHINOTON, yP J-P rc fiden l Wll- . a tig ieil today a bill provldinR for M d J. rrtu rn bv tho alien property cutto- M-X\ inn of proporlT aelr.fd during th r war id whirh l)flongcd to women citUena ’ the United e ta te i nnd Ihe allies whc. nrrled enemy subje,«ts brforo Ihr dec- r a tio n o fw a r. -

* “ 7 lumors Say Soviet

in Petrdgrad Falls forme•.____ :> JToii.l

TIIA. l i i t ih r .,,! -v e t niiUu'rlMcs In Peir<i"r.‘>d have . I'e rn 'iivertb ro '-n nre in elr-ulnlion , J " In Mos'ow. SM'. A report from the RuMliin eapltal reerivcd here tO' ^ d si-


I MTO removeI d0 0 BBRLEY (itor’s Plea for Pas- n Bills; School ‘ ment Likely. T r ib i

I s l i i r i .sFOOIililL-

-------- WA£JOtions of Lever A c t'a re Held *

Unconstitotlonal by 8 n . ““‘"y p r i ^ o n r t ■

IVASm.VOTOS . f i l .ver food conirol aet uador'wblcb tbo '■irtmcnt of Justle* b u brought many . a dsc l«ni.for alleged profitccriag b no- —wUcJ ■iliet were declared UHonstltutloaal ^ «y by the supreme court. Chlnf 'tiee .While read Ihc cou rt'! opInlOil. .'iinv;r|loii o f the L. Cohea Grocery fnadj ipany of SI, Lnult, In bavln|i: rbarg* lOAS' an uarcawnablo profit on la lc t oi’ , ut was sri aside V 'he court, decrees n taking this nclion the court aui- inu, bt leil d r rr r r i .uf lower courts which tha t co .•utUined a demurrer to tbo indict- n o o t tl u or tho groccry conrom. TIio ipe> .h S .8 eJmrjw was tb a t the dePendan' t h I rged »10.70 for ,'50 founds of sirgar H o W , Mt^lhr rale of mnre th.in 1*0 ren ts i Jm tlrri

’hr .'.invirtion of the firm of Weed*. £ [ , ‘5I'l- Hriniilinmtiin, N. V;, also w rt within ,

a»l<l.-. Chief .fusti.i* WhllP salil ' «M«to wm ••n* n» li«mar,

................. p | i | | i i [in (I'l- opinion, lull dissenllnj; from

If ri'ntonlni: l.y whirh i f w.is

o( llvhiR nrr affi^cfcii'by.'.tlie.'ppfn

In 'Voiirt sUNtnined lower rourls !■> - E lo t ntlnif to l.l retail m rrrhants of iviT. Colo., nn Iniiinrtton restmii'- '

ll.r federal i,ii|horlf!us from en •ini! >rovi.ii.iiii-of the. Lever nrt. ,»A 8

■ ■■ '■ ■■ I«wor t

m ilE S F I B I I T

l l P l S l E i M m l l

ja l Battle for Freedom of I- *n» grs W. W. Members Enters :

■ Hna! Phase J l f i " ,' - trea ty

I’AHIIINOTON, D. C.. (/p) — .The tbe NUll bntllr for ihe freedom of WiltinTn Hade irnywuod nnd TH other memlieri of jmilen

IndiiKtrinl Workers nf Ihe W orld largcmo1 werr ronvlrlrd In Chirago In 101H crease 1 'Iin»pirn-y In iihstnirt tho wnr d raft <00,C enlcrrd i*s finnl pharr today wilh ^ fllinc nf n petitlnu nsking IJie sn- « ru gru

;iir I'ciurt t.i review tlie trials, 1‘owcrV petlllon wn« based on the con- j iv t r t i :ion tbnt. Ihe senrrh w nrrnnti used (he hca Ihr federal ngcnli In ol.talning most ,mdor a Ihe pvtdrnre oRninst Iho defendantk ||o |, to r invnlld nnd tbnt therefore the rtplda. icnrr .w a t 'n o t legttlly nvailablo t j i i t ,,,, Kov.'tnment. plleatlo he twntcntlon wns mnde Ibtit neltb- develop lbe, warrants nnr thJ. tapnortlng af t|,<, jju ivli" "adenuate lr dctcribrd ' either .(he po,

plsrci to bp fft'idcd, nor did they involvit I'e nnv fnrls showing probable cnuso >lir isminnre of the snld w a r r a n t * . - r t . n i -hr plarcf raided Ineloded all Iho S O V ii Irps of tbe I. W. W. mid seyeml I'Ole rriidenrrs. more thnn Wl ellira . , ng Inrludcd in the a rja o f netlvUy.’ ilonimrat« seUfd. weighed thou- Ltfcal < dl of pouads aad will be seat to Bo! .ihington. Those inle*e«ted-la the , v-nl «nid th r bulk of Ihc evidence ' be siibmllird would scl n ' new re-'

in siipreme court proeednre.

t T m a o r f o u b o n t b i a lFOB DEATH O F YOUNO WOMAN hmi',, r iHKRMAN. Texas, y P } -M n ,.T e n - l in in g

Miirrii, 30, mother o f four ehildren it is in iTRTd with the murder o f Mr*. lyeh govrrni rrar, 20’ vcnrs old, was plnefrd 1 nr. Tlie, \\ here today. Mrs. Farrar wns sboi ejaimed drnlh nn a street nl DenUon on ftbojiiV U . 1020. Mrs. M orrli, who sur- end a i'drrr.1, said Ihr dead woman hnd| Man; ikrii up her homr. arenrdinR ’to pi.-1 regime *. ■ re tt ar

louston Checks. Foreign Loans

WAHIllNC.TON, D. C.. f/P>-flrnq*o Sen. ll'-lary rominllloo lnvi-"tigni‘on of drelar reign,l(>an« nnd credits m ri,w ilh * I'e cl cek lodnv when Cbalrmau Nelson In. senate rmed |he m mm itle.' thnt 8eerrtnr>- «ce ir nusUn' hnd siibpilltcd. Irenniry fiW Immet

hnd bern nrdered tn prodnrr to Bi-e ence, tarv Cnlbr of the s la te departmenl fore t r nilvifp as to thoae which it wontd '.‘Tl ■ compalihle wdlh publir interests I'l from psent before the commlllee.' ' holdln

m c iA T E D PRESS

5 W S" . PBIOB m a O B S T l

f mlilDECISi 'lELOSESlGESUifiiebunal Divides, 6 to 2, in ttie Opinion on Legislation Unier WJiich-Land Ranks o t Es- laWlslied to Extend Loans


ASHINGTON. .(fl»)-Tho f e d a r t l ;» loan act wa* held coutitatleD nl y by tho luprtmc court, Thla b sot’ under , which laod baak t w m »lUho4 tQ M tend jo a n a tb farm-

MUUona e f dollAra tn toAU t« m a n k a rs b e o hald qb psndln«Isdkoa of th* oouit la tiUj caae 1 w u teoM ht b f o b id M w ! ' nth, A itockholdcr Is ttM lbasw 7 n t i s A d d . T n i t c D > S £ S r ^; |h t aa lajoncttoa te .iNtrain yt {uUtotloa ftom bT sttax its Ids in boads iMnsd by the fsna a -biak*.' ,e court in tu ita b ln g federal coart !Ct dltmlstiag w ituetloa p r o c ^ - ' brought by Mr, Bmlth, a lto b g ld . coagroit had tbo authority lo e i- tbo bonds of tbo .bank from tax-

e court dirldad,' 0 to 2, Juatlcet los and MeReynoldi d U ie a tb ;.’ c n Holme* aad MeBcynoldi btfd the " c a a ie '' ihoold have bofln

w ed by the court as belag tololy n the leope of tho ^ i tw u r i courta.

i i i i i s E s - "oif^ p l i c a S o n ^ f Jr*'[ e o tr ie , D e v o lo p in e n t 'I n '

S o u t h e r n O a l k o m ia '

ISHiN'OTON, {/P)--Tho /e d e r a ' ' r oommitiion.voted today to g rant ■ caliua .of tho Bouthorn CAlIfomiu ID ciimpai'iy 'fo r a 200,000 horao- r hydro*oiectri»' dovolopmeni on }an Joaquin xlver, Callfomia, p e n ,»100MOOO- JtroJoct coatem plstM '10 comjwny.B NUwtA i’alls Power compnny iranlcd a 80-ycar liccijc loday by fodehil power commUilon. to nu0 piiblie feet B'lecoiid o f 2( ,0W-----

(col of water pem ittod by ny witb Canada 10 Co liiveiUfl m m s'lagara river, abovo Niagara fnll* der, tho nermit the company must n oilcBitve improvemtatt oad ea monta bf I tt pUnta which will ia- e the ^ a n f t output from flOOOOO

prcllm inary^^rm ll for two’ yosrt iruated ' > the lower Niagara Bivoi :r and W ater Supply rompany to t 20,000 cubic feet per iccond from icad of whirl pool ra rid i to be oae>l r an elgbty-foot head a t powvr iU - t(i be erected a t the foot of thn1 •0 eommittloh alto anproved nn ap- tiaa by Itcnry Ford for a, poww lopment p ro jtr t n l Tioy. U. x~ on •, iludton river lo cort « ^ 00^ w< lower toureo for n factory projfct v ing #7,500,000.

f lE T A G A IN F U IL E S .


1 Oommnnlitt Begin L o o tb f wbsn BoUbtvlk Troopt Enter TUUt;

Bed* Control, Erivan. •

INHTANTIN0PM3. (/P) - HoUho- Iroopi aanjberlng abou* 2.'»,000 ea- I T ihis F rldar ereaiac, It U taid diipatrb reeelved h*rc. For a few J on Friilav ihrre wa* rtaildcrablo ng ,n Ihe city by lornl rnmmunltt!, said, but tnte in Ihe dfty tho lovio; rnment brgnn to rrsli.re order, - le,onll'nolshevlk sovemment pro ' led in Erivan. cjiplUl of Armetila.;( Iwo weokt ago hftt been ousted a aoviot republic ■re tilablished.

any membera of the nhti-Bnliherlk ne bave been imprisoned nnd the are talA to be fleeing.

InquiiT/ In land Creditseniit.w' Reed, democml, Mltsouri, larod Seeretnrr Ilouiton “ ought lo clleil far enatcmpt.” U le r Ihe

Ito r said th a t,n n |e i i the eommit; ibmmonrd Mr. H oniton to appMIr . . ,

nedlatcly ^rllb tho full corretpond- r , ho would “ take the matter M 'M he irnsle .'* - -i :V . ’■Tho scercUry’l • whole a ttllndo ) '

n thfl beginning h u beoa one o f i . . ling back ," i*W-8«aalor •

Page 10: ^ F A LLS DAIL,Y :NE:WSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...THEoMr AFTERN00l\TWIN

p H T f i l l m

T a x p a y e r s L e d ^ b A r r a n g e s ' t P a t T w o M o n to W o r k o n

A ccoQ Q to M o n d a y

Two e rp c rt ‘accountnjita will r t f work a n d itin j Uic books of Iho Tw FaIIs I^Jgbway d istrirt next Moadnf.

'T hp aad lto rt will rtnrrBont llie aoi ly formed.TBipaye'fi Lcatruc, ond wi i/r i-miiJofei Afli) psiil tor tlielr labo by. ih'ftl auoelstlon.

Deeiilon to cRBdRi' tho »orvIcci < . a rroiintaaU to ajali«-a cli>» »crutin

ill rtif t l i p 'M g l i i r n x n e e o u a l wnn rvaebed folloirlaif nrsnnlroitlaQja] iiijjlit of the oxooutlve board of tli

T h il mr«tla{( nan bold in tb offico ot C. V. tbemaji Jaut W le comi'lcted tlio itntftiicBl will In- [irlntp fnr putilk la'fopaaUoo. ,

PcttyyoT e P n s ld ra t

A t.la* t night'* itH'pl'nK, whirli vrn <irdr»d held at a Krn<’rnl maw 1)ly when the IfajpiP forjnoil' o. Thur*day nfght, 0. V. Thmat »'«* nom ed e h ^ m a n of th s oideutivr hoard with B, r . Wallon JoerrUry of th Inard. In addlllos to tho loioctloa o thcM two cfflte ri A. E. Pettfgnr,

■ waa named prfaliltnl of tlie Irajfue Jt •fllf. . , .

Tlie f ln t president of the Tnx|my o n League operate* « faroi one tnlfi •outh and onu nille west nf Kiinion an^ il said to t>e ft ooniiKitent accountant Tho eseetitlve hoard <i romposed of 12 jnemberi. 'With thow csccuUtjii a2 realty mentioned a i ofCieers they a n ;

' R. 0 . UeAoley, 0 . B. CarrUo, 8 . N. tullo, A. B. Pettygrove, Joo MaishiD (}. ir . Brown, B. R. Von Cott, L. 8 iratMQ, C. H. Blibee and Floyd Me DoQgiil.

A aother a ee tlsg of the oueu tiv t lioard will lbe hold in the office o f E, R. Van Oott ea Uonday evealnic. At thia K sdon tt Khedole of oe tlrlU ei ani plan* for proseeutlag these lu tlvitlei will he worked out.

Teachers^ Futtd Rapidly Nears

Half-way MarkO o n tr ib o t io n s to ' E m o rg f ln c y

O a W e B r in ? T o d a y ’s T o ., ' t a l t o J 5 . 7 0 0 ’ )

T no more eheeki *rrre reroivrd up to iinnn lodny in ntd o f ih e TeacLem’ Re-1 Hef fnnd. Thnnc onflfrHtiiflnif nro ««.'

.follows: . ;' Vnrlet.v fltore _______ ___I„_...*10l>.001

AinalgiiBiBtcd flugar Co. ..,.1...... Bflo.ooj

P m loa* ly At)uiBWl«dt*d’ |0 . « . Hall ..........................*100,in ;

■ R. fl. JleM art'ii ...... ..........10000Uany 8 . Cowling ...................... I'OO.n.hBhoe Market ............................... lOO.OnW. H. Wright 4 Son* Co.............. IOO.OOWe*lemiAiito (’n ...... ................... lOO.M

, r. P. V an t^y ...... ........ ........ ....... Iflfl.M. llcarv I. Wall ........... ________ 100,00

I^elseh t William* .................. lOO.OcIjim b e rt K in g ............................. 100 0»A»en 0 « Co......... .................. ....... JOOW' ,Eldridge a o th ln g ................. 100 Of. ,E. I>. D u aU R > A .---------- ;........ 100.00 ,T. a j r d . B u o n T K . .................. lOll.nC

. M^le«lle I'btrmn- ..... ............... 100.00 !1 f llrau i * Q laiiher'..........*............. 100,00 i

Charlei Neely ......... ..................... IW.o;- iClos Book Bfore ...................... 100,0.'Edward C ooper______________ JOD.M8. M. BUey * Oo. ----------------- 100.00 rE rnest White —-------------------- 100.00 tA. D orB tn J o h w n / , ----- ------ 100.00W. E. N I r o n ------1--------------- 100.00

• B. J . O itr M d w --------- r-'.-------- IW-OOA rthnr J . P#»Tey ----------------- 100.00 'C. E . Booth ______________ :... lOO.OO tC. A. B ob law a_______________ 100.00 rA. D. a ta f f e r d ----------------------- 100,00 ^

• B o r A. Eeftd ----------------------- 100.00 fa A. W a lte r s .................... ..........100.00J . sr; K axw eH ----------------------- 100.00M rt. J»M S e o t t_____________ 100.00 J'Q; W. Ble« __________ _______ 100.00Burton E . H o n e --------------------- 100.00 ‘ ‘J. A. Orom ---------------------- 1 - lOO.OOff,

. E .L . A ih to n ------------------------ -lOO.Oo PJ . a B onell ____________ 100.00-

" ‘ iC 'A . M eO oraick-------------- lOO.OOMneauley Droi. ---------------------100.00 „W w in A. WDjob ------------------ 100.00 'C. n . Bobbins .4,.------------------- 100.00 “ •Twin T ans NaUeuai B a n k ------ 100.00 *C J . Hahn ;_________________ 100.00 ^Idaho State Baak --------- :------ 100.00 -P. W. D um ke----------------- -------Barber Shoe C o .---------------------100.00Aaher B. W liao a ---------------------100.00lish iT Drug O o ._____________ 100.00L D, Store ............. ............... - ..... S00.0<l

Total ______________ __- »5,700.0# fol

t o QTOST TITLE.6«fkJa^ to obtain n clear title lo eor- »

ta i s property la Twin FftUi roun tr . UirAr>-el.T,. Johnson hw brniight *»U In >the (IlKtrict court agalnsl -I. M. Max- frowell, i 'iw o to r of the w tnte o f 0. 0 . 't *U agloT, nnd other., wh'. allrtre *omo ‘ Tight in the property..

• .1

I 7 U N E B A L 8 «n . I ________ :------- ^— „ ■ I ■

Fnnerftl »ervlr« were. rgnJueted »t• h o ’eloek th li aftcrnuon In Uie De W ilt

^nortuary chapel for Mt»r»hBll Cm »M,- The «>rvlfc« wore tonduele.l liy.F.lder

C. ? ah m er o f t i r fJrelhrea c in n h . , J . E . DeW nt wan In charge-of’linrlal. whleh waa In Twin Fall* eemBtcry.


FORT W OB T lI^T exai. (/P)—Thc , ' Chevrolet Motor e.ompany of Texaa to

,)av annnnne?,! lhat l„.-r««m ed a t It* »n(hwe.tern

. here on a ateftAy dally b w ii Marth 1. fThe r ’ont '•»**\-ctnber 1. ' *«

p rHInrk buttermilk, le ' per J il lo n . « i

P r ln s vi,iir roaU lnen. a tn lia g O reta- f x , r . - ^ T . , ^

F I R S T MOBTOAOE tKVEST. eqi 1TENT8, A tthor L, Swlfl^— no

Hioni '


R T Scoro is 50 to 26 wboa Fli l \U I Wbistio Sonnds— O.ontcst

Oloanly fltagod s' to . - ')D Wlhnln;,'. CO to 2C, over chi- Huj

MfJt jciioot team, J io Twin >’a ^ i j teon-. laat alght kept the ir iea*o

s tf r t baaketball lU lo clean. Tlie eontoK i Twin »,uh^•il on B u , . r r t I 'lo o r . Tlio M< a r or» returning to Twin Falls thU afl

1^1 A cwrdlng (u Coach Clint Kviins nbors contoit wim nnr of tin- elenno'l :

iw if to it of the "eiuion. Tlu‘ Kfeto II o f plajTd true t»- their nnme llirougho ;itiny makiag nn eipoeiolly itrliitillating 'I luntJ ]>lav In llu< f in t hnlf. ( 'nrler nml ’’ , la it rhiiDi illntliigul'hi'd thi-niM'lv('« nl b

the l e t tow ing aad genernl nll-nromul pl, 1 the Omer. prinri|i!i1 of (lio Ei!Vlen Hchoiil. offlrinloJ- nted Twin Vnll>. li-nni will gn In Ki

lirrlv (in Tiio«iluv for a ganic w ith t • liljfli ».-huiil leara nf that Jilnfi-.' Ki

PrUay aiiJ flntunlur tlio di*trlel c< fon-ni'i' liiiirnnmrnt will lio held Twin ’all* In .loride wlml' It-uin »h

i T a t '" ’ ronforonro nt Mo.e.thU uprlog.

: MliORflWllEmil* - —and Estim ated Cost ^ Farm ers •

South Side to be Hnob Less OomiDg'SoaaoR

ftUHLBy, rdnho (B|>ooial).-8<NAr ban, tary o f tho Interior John Barton Pay , g . haa offJelallr approvnl juiMIr no{(c U e. fnr tho u n til ililo |iiiiii|ilntr 'llvixii

jo f thfl Minidoka prnjoet. n n d n whi. tire i**"' ‘■barge for wator for the neaunn I hn* hecn rfrfiieeil from #J In (' »« ]ron ta per nore foot fnr all wnter ii»i „ j i n n or'liefore .Time nnd from $l,aO •u-iH .HO p.T nero fnol fnr nil w ater d

Jivoro.! n fter .rime an.J nn or hefo. Hoptoinbor l4.

A ne>r fentnro hn» been inlrodnn nt tlio 'iiuu'i'xtinii nf the 'lirortora i (J«* Hofle.i- lrrJgTi<ii-in lUtCrlrf In jir vlilInK i-hi-ni>rr w nlrr nflor Reptomhi

- fc I.'.. Tho luililir, milln. fixes tho |.ri( ^ for thin «vnlcr nt 00 r.'iilr p ir nrre fo<

of H.m a* I«ifl yrar. Tb^ tnh jcy imum rhiirffe will bo 12 l»'r nm- >|iiriii > l!»"l iiiMo/1.1 nf »2,.-;0 ft* In 1020. lln* I I'viT llliM mluiniiiin ran bo uxeil lo m

rnrp traJer under fbe /irr<* f««f rate no tliat it doei nnt Inerenno the charge

to iiiitlineil nlmf-r.^e-l I t ia ontlmntcd tlmt theue Vhargc* fn flU.'lWf «-HJ « ! « . « t»M „f |:'.7.7 IH- • Inori- im rnmiinroil with nmitnxlmnte!'

.001*1.in |HT nrf(. whlrh wn* rni»e(l bv thi oojip^o a.».e.i.monl.

to| (J o c a lQ ro v i - t io jon[ — I ...— ,. . —

!)!;| Rflported m - K , Vnu Iloin<-rt is r« ported .InnKi-miialy 111 n t hi* li.ime on

l,'(|jTenlI. iivonue north.

P u ta n t Bocorerlng—SirN ^ .1. Myr J ' Ilf Jornino, whn iiniterwi'nl a major op- J^Jornlfnn at a tural lioijilfa; ou Wcdaer- 'jjjilay i U reimrted Improving ulonilll.v. ■

Ifi ■ Schade .Takes to A p l t a l t - ' H. C. )0 SrhaiJe, *lw reiidw <m Third nvoni-.'10 onnt. ha*.Ill-on taken to n loenl hoapitnl

fo r nn operation for appendlrltlk

0 One»t a t JoluiKm Horn*—MT^ How- 0 nrd U . Allen of Barley 1* vi-iUing ov.’r '0 Ihe weok end nt the home of Mrn, ,T. K.

0 ■ — ------0 B atom i to Twin r f t l la - l l . M. Pellu.n0 who moved t., Bnhl tw.i year* ngn In0 take a |>o*itl<in In the Innd offiee, bai0 n<lurni'd lo thi* r lly and I* oeriipTinga hU old reslilenre a t MS Fmirth nvenno0 ■ ,0 L lcnued to Wed—A marriage llrenn.’ ) WM iMiued Ihit morning to Eugene IVreival Heath and Tlielmii Margaret

5 Weavor. both nf Bnlil. T her were mar- ju ried Bt lOinO oVJoek by Jndge O .'P .J Duvall In jiroba^o court ebamheni.

11 Oue*t« from low *~M m . Karl Folfha*1 n* hor gnonlo her a u n t.. Mt*. Boborl I Fullerton of Iowa, and her coiiiin, Mr..

J . L. Monti^eimer nf Elberton. Wa*l.. Th'"'- an* rn mute to Ibeir nome* after n month'* visit In California.

p e r j o a x a . l i

• --------■ !It. ir. Moiie f« in tho rity fmm, l“,ira

foITo on iiui»Jnr»«. ' ^I.o*llp M Tavlor of Hnnton .rreU

lered in Twin Falh yi-.lrnlay.Clydo K. n iark nrrived Fridnv fr.m.

riiirfey for ft short rlult In Ttrin FaJN.Mr. aiid Mr*. « . C. Hearh arrivr.l

from l,owi»t4.n .vrMerdn.v for n brier ] vl*lt.

I'. J . Hurfe.v o f M*** !» IraTfMolJ;),! bn*tno»» in TVtn fMlU^a'i'l neighbor im town*. '

.1 II. RirhartlKon nnd K. I.. Brvnnl nre m tho eJfy frrim Cn-cHefor/J f/w kinj i. a fle r lin»lne!w affnlr*, . Ir

Mim Alm.i Bninit N njiondins tl.e „ woek ond III the homo i.f Mr. and Mrr. ,! ,fnek (Innkiri nf ncirley. g,

MlM l.nurp ^^Mnd nnd Mi-.' O lady. f, Uegner of n -rj-er are In Twin 'Fab* to »iiend Raturdiiv and flundav, m

Ilr. and Mr*, .f. X, Dnvi* o f Kimbcr f, ' r -were among the vUilnr* In Twin Knit* voMerilar l.elwoen train*. x- , W Dunn tif Rtihl wnf a bu»lne»-. .•l*H<if In O V b Fall* J^ri'la.r, Mr. Dunn wa* retum lnc from a tr ip tn Bol*n an-1 tl Mnpped nff between trab* .

- I . . . fSUIT OH MOfttQAQB. ,

Pnr Mir piirpone "nFhrlnglnR almiit _ aettlement on a chattel mortffage, uT l to haT«i beon g lrea fti w enrity for a r,nna»**or\- note o’f ♦WOO. J. 8. Keel, rea lto r, h is entered in lt In the district r conit agala it 0 . A. Laird. V lr lin > Laird, hU wife, and M anhall 0 . Con- I o rer. T ie fatter- fs aafd to flaJm aa d equity In property Ineluded in the r fflorfftage giren by the L tlrd i. e

i gj TWIN f a l l s D

7w M liirPlEllSESKITiCBil

Final -------ost ' ‘OordoQ of the Sbah" Dra'

Capacity Hoaso and ProTCs S tirring Entertainm ent

Hupi'ri » ;------ J;|« Jf* 1‘00’f eoapuy bss aver h«en ■aaon's corded tho hearty reception lhat I i« wai high sclionl glee eliibi recoivod a t 1

Mrt.-' l.nvi'ritif theatre la it nighl. Tlie ru*ioii «u» tho iireBcatallon of “ 1 Garden nf tho Slinh", a'm uaical co

a* tfio ody of extraordinary merit both a< r'-, plof, lyrics aad rautkal worth. 7

Ihrnlro waa filled to capacity limit, a e d lv “1']’' “.“ '“ ' porfortiianee^aaii t111 Yo- l'i‘f^n™i'f" waa auitalned- througho' I ban- individual fiarta were worfhi I iilnv hiindloil. thi* being especially truo

Kden priiiBlpal part*.Tlu- muaieal ]iroduclina wns giv

, Ki,n undiT (he rlln-ctlon o f Carle H . 0(i II, I),, Iirnil nf tho vncnl tralnlag depttrtme

Xex of the high arhool. MUs Mary Olbbe I cOK hnd rhnrge of thp drilling In *pnk; lid In p'ir(>, .Mim Wlnonu Knndqulit hi

«hu!i rliiifjif of-thu dnne*-i, nornw Frmn *tnrl to tho d rc / of the curta

Iho pluy carried on la llvolv fn*hlo und with profoulcmnl finlali. Tru thrre wa« ionic dliplay of nervouine nf »io heginaln*', hul tb li p j i v d . .

I tlu- |ilny priireeded. The ainglng. boi

e ln* tu ehoru* nnd single part*, wa* m only n-cll (lone Inil proved concluiivel that Iho high aehool has aonio vnealli of rnre qunllficotloaa. Mla* Vera Coo

. M lu O gerettn Murray, Mi»s Maj ® f'ontm, I^awrence 8 l« r , Willard Dci iss tnn, Dnle flfarr, Donald Plyan ar

.Mi'tle Ayers, till principal* in the cni nf part* gnvo p au lug oxcmpllflcatlot nf the ehBracferi they rcnrcicnted. T^

p y chnru* flllnd evory roqulremciit to « oflci's ' “‘'"Jy P'Tfei-tion nx could reawnably 1 k-i*ion expoctod. The general character of tli whirh I'orformanee demntntriitod Intenie dri

rt nintlo ami vncnl iludy. along wilh pn In df) found and earn ril drilling. To th n

iiseil in charge of tho produetloo mrnt h .HO to nrrtirdod highest praiie fo r.b rlng in r de* abont oik- of thu licit plays tcon i reform Tn-ln FalJi.

„ „ „ j , ................ ................ ................. .................

' c l ^ o ' c i a l j ' f o i e sI'riei'l *

i;-ll‘"d b r Mr*, E, H WjHlim* , S ' ; T e le _ j^ c ^ T

n".T ’T '" ''f ' ''’'tiiii;hll.v club met ivilli’ M u pfflM* ^ '’lln'b'.'’ nil Pridny aflornooi-

The tiiin’ wns »i'cnl with bridge. Mom brri. tiri-^cnl wen- Mo«danics II. F. Bar

, . , brr, Dal 0 . Ulnr, F. W. llrmiaoKh,' (.• , ‘' ] l l . KroiiRol. W, II, Kldrhljrc, M. i;

A ' Mlleholl. fMwnrd <'ooi.or »n<l W. T '7 ,; . L '-lln. fliio.ti of. tho rlub were Mrs.

II, W. Hlniirlii-k, Mrs, W’. II. Rlnnlev mill M.rs, l.cnnard-

The Sinr Knrini Mrrlo n-lll moot liexr I Mc.ii.hiy at Ihr Immr of Mrs. C. A,

Kim-s, -Jl- F ifth IIV.-nnr en-t. with MrN J lv.«-. Mr*. IIoiic nnil Mr«. I.rhmer n»

n.sliliiiil hoslossrs.

on Mi-mbrrs of tlu- lliuhhind View elnb.................. I l,nslian.|. n t iho hnme nf

, Mr. and Mr«, Aul.n-c lli'ndorsnn. Wed- noMlny ..voning. T hr rnnms Wore lieai!-

“!’■ tifully .Iri-orntnl in the niilio'iial rolurfi, Ihe ftffiiir boliijr'g iven fu hnnnr of W nihinijtnii‘s birthdav, finnu-s ftp|ir-.-

.. lirluto >11 tb r occasion wcro jdayed fol ;; lowed by u ilollghtfnl i-rnurnm VonMst-

itni “ r ' ' ........ .. bv iff*- Itomlrrs'in' a rending by Liirillo Fnnlk. nud a pinnii

' and violin duet hy Mrs. Fnulk nmi Mr. fllliwin. Tn Ihe alisenro nf tho preil'

..,,^ (|•u^ th.- vice protliri-iil, .Mr» Lennanf. p lg n v e a v rrv inlore*lin« tnlk. A dell- '■ einiit Imirhonn wns «<-rvril tn nbnut .'10 - guests.


The B er. W . A. Moore to O lre Last Pn lp it Addresses Here Tomorrow

. 'Tomnrrnw the U<iy. \ \ . A. Mnnn-

who hn* been paslnr'n f th r Incnl flirl* "T' tlaii rhureh fnr the past thm - 'yoari'

wilt roneluie lil* wnrk in Ihls rduiniiin- Itv. Ills Ia*t *ermnn will bo prmelied - tomnrrnw olelit nnd will be in the naluro nf a' fnrexToll tneanage to Ih ; . roBrffogaJiniw H r will bo micreeded , here by Ihe Rov. W. W. Bnrk* of Best rleo. SVb. rriie In llrr this week, nri-epl- , od u rnll Is-iied la*i Hiind.iy nnd is ex- pcrled In rojHirt nbnnt A|ifil 7.

Diiriue tho Rev..Mr. Monre'* pnstor- ate herr. ihe Christian ehnreh eonjm- , I’atiiiM li»* bri'u inrrrnsed nboiit 2''". Tlir bibir s<-lu’(il hns shnwK an avemce nttouilnnre o flie tw rrn lOO nnd-ir.O meh . i^imda.v. t

' LEGION LEAGUE ' FINISHES WITH ^:: BURLEY TONIGHT.1 ■ ---------' L nst Oironit Oame of Season

will be Played on Local » Q3TnnasInm Floor • '

t fTnnlijlit' th r Tw h.' Pal's Anirrii-an !' : f,.-elfirt fM.lfrfl.nI/ 'e/nH trill jm-cf Jlur jl

lev in Ihr final Legion lenmio pimi> nf tho semon on Hie lornl Hnor. f?|ie- ” ■ rial effort* nrr boing rasdr today to

erf n nn tril n f iperlflfor* out‘ fnr this til t. f

• 'n l'ti'in l.nvrhilcr re|>nrl« Ihr Inrnl • si|iiad in prime rnndllinn fnr ihe iro nf fnnJirhf, nrrl Jfiniieh expKliJi^ n hnr-l

‘ cnine hr e*pn‘»sc« ronfidenn- th.-it Twin Falls will roi< llir lorij m d of the

■- rniinl. Jh e re !« rnii.idornlilo rivnlry “ 1 he(irr<-n flu* two nml a \irii .I till Js lonke.1 fnr. T hr rntllrsi will b<

«lflgrd on tbe hlsh srhoni gynina.iiiin. fiftnr.-wliorr nil lo<-al irhmr» hnvo brr:! "

, j.Uee,) thJ« wflsnn,

DCK1E8 TAPANESB blV S K „n coN O B saroN s n r m a n o o u,». JfBXTOO e n r . (^ J -J a p a n e ie ' hare O t no t beon granted valoable oU eonce.v J» n sinns nn Ibp weslcni rnasl of Mexico, ft I* Il was deelared la»i ninfil a t the preil- to o dffB({a| offioecJ T2iU lU tesieat wu a Ji e r e n I t o f n a o r s which ha re been in m

eircnlatlon hers the U«t fow days, B


f Jovial Kildeer Ifny ' is Addition to

the m rbingers) r a w s - - JOBAfrORY h u b ln g trs ol TOB ' V l b e in g .re .4 ported u r lv io g here fwm.^ thp Muth land. , '

The la to it, nccordlair to tele- B ta ic « ™ u o l ..U o » I . - n .

at the Nfiwf' weather department, U a a t tho kltileer, whleh wa-i »cen right In' iiB «/■. the' henrt of town thla morjjIn(j. am , TIili bird fl o f the plover fam-

The ilv aad when the f i r i t call of ' w inter iwunds it migrates nn

*• aw ift pinion tow ard Soath Am- The erica. I t « about 10 Inchet

It, and long; greyish brown above nnd )d the while l>e1ow and haa tw n ghout. black band* oa it* ncck and irfhlly breast, ruo of • W atch for him.

Tolling a now *tory of ipringV given a rr lra l the temperature climbed

. O ltf, .to 54 (Jegreei fo r high, and dIJ 'Iment not recede far in the frost oeli Ibbens ,lft*t nlitht.'ipnkpa W edietinii for Sunday I* fair.. H ll ^ '

SiifliiiiNBll raiysiiiiiilveu- D i s t r i c t B o a d s . O f f ld a l s A na lisu n o n n c e S c b e d n le o f W o rkS * ; ' to S t a r tDen- • “ 'nnd O ffiecn of tho Twin Falla hlghwa

• enii d is lrjr t today announced th a t.b eg lt itlona slag* next Monday a *yslematle sched• uie of roaa uragging will be put Int 1 ?* operntlon througliout tho enlire 3

7 ." ® drajcgiog dittrieU. I t l i cxphiioed tha if the jf tho w eulber continue*'fair tho turn ! dra- niiee* will bo In good condition, goner I pro- ally spoaklog, fo r thU work- I l l i al> thoae nnnouneed that Ja many acfUent /om: ■t bo vr* huvo already atarted condltlonin; nglng work on the highways and are makini •II in good progrcaa.

Ill JiiMt Jnsfftnee". Ihr> farmerj nr *nid to be cmplnviug home-made mi<

■— V ehinery; prlnrljwliy wooden drags. I.enrry oul Ihl* labor. The .district hm

1,5 ft ihxi'ii oxtM drag* n t the loeal rni^hn j.lnut.lliiit mny lm borrowed by olheri

J wbo rnro tn wnrk on Ihe road*. ^

” CHOICE OF DENBY FOR ,M«.____NAVY POST CONFIRMED100I-, ---------lom- CoL Thoodoro EooMrelt. Son of Form- Bar- or Prerident. Accept* Place a* A*1* (.’. dita& t' 8#c«t» iy

-’ T.' ,^T. ArOirKTIN'E. Fln.. ( /R -P e f in Mrs. lie unnoiinfefflmt was mmle by T're"'- nley 'doul cli-cl H nr^ng tndny llint h r hn.l

*ele<fe(l Kdwln Denliy n f Detroll fo: .rrro tn rv of thp navy. anil. Theodore

liexr lionsrvrlt, «ou o f tbe fnrinrr president.. A, fo r-nfrlitnn t neeretnr.v. Ik lb hnve no

^*r» * * ^ 0 'nnnouneement foUowed n long rnnfrrrnro botwern tho precidont-elect and Mr. Denby a t which tho naral pro-

i-bib j^rnm of the noxt'adnilnlitratlon was of diseus»rd in it* jiossilkU.relntion to (ho;

^ed- movomei;t for world disarmament. De-, ‘O'!' ta ils 'o f tlic decisions reached w err-not;

di*closed bu t U r. H arding aaU after-, ward Hint ho wanted to a tr- th e pres-' ont nuvill building program carried

J'’' ahead until there hnd beea aome defi-‘ nito‘'di»jirmainonl agreement. j

In m aking known tho lelectlon of Mr. I J" ‘‘ Denby. Mr. Unrtllng iinld ihe llooiovolt!

tppolatm ent aUo h td been talked orer; '' '! ai th r lr ronfereaee aad (hat i t bad pl|! Ihe npjirovnl of (he pro*peetlve secre-:

.* * ^ i m ay add th a t I b»vo bad a very | oanirst wish (n call to tlie a iiiitaa t locretaryshlp of )he navy, both out of respect fo r a l l capacity and becauie of i

i y the aentlmental connection, Ooloael ' Tlnii.liiT,. lliHisovelt. The'iolection haa ' met w ith Mr. Denby ’a approval aad M r.;

“ t llooaovcK alio haa said hit would nc- I c e p t " j

.\xlir>l alxiitt tho iinvsl buildin;,' pn>-' gram, Mr. Hording contlaucd: L

I* ’ “ t hiive *aid tu auch memliers of the ' " M-nulo nnd hou*e naval committees a i |

havo oiked mo lhat I wooW bo very ro-l luctant to suspend our cApUal conitruc-l

{''' tlo'i progrnm unlll wc nre in agreement;C with Ihe olher nations oa a plaa of,

,7 d lw r n i ia w t . "I t waa aa a*ii*lant lecrotnrv'nC tl-pl

na ry th a t the f l r i t Th'eodoro IlootVvelt’T f i n t nttraeted natioaal a ttention and, Ju rin g tbe Wilson admlnufrstioR fh?' aame ]>ost haa been filled by Franklia » D. Roosevelt, a rouiin of the former prealdent.


Bandits a t .P ltU bargh U ake Bacape- w ttb !Ewo PonehM Bellered to Oon- > m ^ ta in Much Money, ' j5 |

_ I’lTTSBURGH. I'a .. O P)-.l, L Mr.; Cullough, aged L’S, a government rail-.tf wny mall rIerk. waa found beaten iin jk< rninriou. a t the I’ennsvhftnla rnllrna.lj • slntinn, tiy frllnw omplnyea a,few min- lit.-.. iK-fi.ro Ibe train wn* leJicduled to ,^ ’'

. Irnvo uni.in Mation for Wa*hingtnn, = ' I’a. T*'n jmuehe* nf mail.are reported!—

miMing. <- flonrco V. Crnlgheail. po«lnl Insperlori

said MHIiillniigh while a t work on ro- eistored mnil in his rar- wa* attaeked

I by bandits who ainiek him down with f a 'c o r miipUng pin. l ie *ald the stolen ,| mall prolmbly wo;ild run to a high fitf- , uro. • —

Ko tm ro of (he robber* hai boen ,. foand. !

MeCulIniigh died in n hnipilAl hef.'I th la nftem oon. [


M Ol^TBbaE, Oslo., W ^ A mob ofl no re than 200 minera smashed down

) the door to th e O aray eoaaty ja il a t i. Onray, Oolo., la i t n!gbt Aad lnvade<i th?- . j a f l ln i n attem pt to lynch Billy Nogle.i I, ft miner, who bad tonfeaied, according' i- to the aheriff,. th a t he had killed Fred 1 J n n h t , taperlnlendeat o f the llTiUo I) Olond mine a t Ironton and HIndmarch

B tIL ^



O ff ic ia l jp f I n J n r o d . I n s t i t n t i o r e . w f l l 'lT r g e B e le a s e I f B o n d s ®“*' a r e B e tu m e d '

!'■ B H J A ir o , i 5 T » - ■ m iiiio, . D altoa, Vho nb b « d tba N ortb tmIn' T n u t to m p u 7 of O U aco e f tTTS,-' . 000 ta U b c x t r boadi T hD iaday .vua,. caiftBTtd a t Jierw tatb , 28 w t i iof no itb e f here, a e c a r tln ; to Jack ,nn D r a ^ , eonitable, today. B * badB,; a l lb o tw o o w o r th -e f t l i t t b o n d itoict i l l gzin

rn OIlIOAOb, ( f l ^ T h e N orthed Tri. nd company, from w hich,W illiam Dalt^

ir ; took i772,000 la Liberty bondi, ,,wi urgo -tho polleo to rtleaao bldi. lf \h

ed will rcturo tfao securlUoa, W. 8. MUle i;j r ico jircilijoot, laid-todny.<11. “ I will be in 'h im to straighten ou

and got aeltled back In the* right roa< If. I f ho will bring back the bonds s

once, wo will urge th r w ty offieiali t - ♦ r e le i» biro,” Mr. Miller lald. “ W

will do all we canto helii h la u ^Two clown to (he flight of WllHai

Dolton. 17 yoors old, bnnk dork , wh - I I I esemped from the Kotthern T ttist ban! n iV iy c s te rd a r w ith •772,000 in Libert, [ / / l l boDdft. fhe {orgest bank robbery i;

iC b ica j^ 'i hb tory , wero being (race< ;by the police loday.I Tho youth who Thuraday n ight drovi

k I up to a garago sn Waukegan, a north lom Miburb, and aiked-to leave hit au

- Itomobllo (UI nlgbt,. waa idontUied a 'D alton. He drove nortb tho nen

, - morning, i'revlouily a youth answer >Sl°'iiiig his description had offered Lib ihed-1 erty bonds In payment fo^ an notbmo Intoiblle a l a Clilrago sales agency. •

, 3.)>. ,Inve*tigatlon of Dalto'n’a home Iif* th a t’®'’'! ns*oeIate» threw nh Ught on th< lurn-’thefi. polleo said, m er-' HI* chum, Evert Dovale, n page Is ai}„iiho Miino bank, said he nover lalkud

ami-jnbout sirl*. *prnt moat of hi* evcniagi niag^nt a Y- M. C. A. school and appeared kinCjtn like his work a t the bank.

; The nonda, of Ihe fourth laiue, were nr..‘somjmrary oerllficalei, without- roupot" mil j and bnnk official* said be Wrapped , t.) them in n brnwn paper and luekod hn* them under hi* arm when he wenl nu!

sh irjtn lunch Tliursday.


ED iiQposalhllltT of "Achierlng Pnietarlat Control is Srldeoced I s Many

,rm.. . Qaartnw I- ; --------

; VIKS'N'A, (/p)-Oenoral onn.lomnn- itinn nf liolshovism msrked tlio pro-

Hn Vc«l(np. Ilf {he IfiterBatloBal w elallif fsi.jrnnfcrenco. In setslon hero today, hn.l fipoakor* from many rountrle* ovmce.l fo: rerognltion Hint presenl world eondi- ore f'liiw mftk*" fho fnuk of lehlovloff pf«- -nl.jle tarla t rdu lm ' virtually impossible, no t A liumaniftn delegate dcctarod tbii<

■soclalbim would nnt have an intemn- ing,fl«n'il wcnfion In fhe eaij and .w e« if Pct.lmlshevum w v inlriMlured Jn l(s prn- ■ro. gram.m i ' I t w.>i derlnred thal bolsheviini i/,p.B-0HJd only nvnkrn thr labor mov- jg .'m en t. whieli. 1( woa awerfed. musi d.- ^ tip o n d upon T ev n lu llo n ^ *oclall8m._

"■irUNBBAl-SBBVIOBfl FOB ,,.‘ B0I6B POBLISHBB'B BOKI CinCAOO. (/p>-runem l service* fm

'.L yon Cobb, of Bolae, Idaho, aon n(,, JCaJrln C'obb. fjubllabor of the Bniw ,:lsia.tesninn, nrr to be held a t n p. m.

todnv in tho chapel at Oraceland cem- “rio trry . Mr. Cobb died here veKtorde,- “ ,5h ,■> himpllal iiflcr n longthy illnM*.

I Stock battermllk, )<> per irallo?. ■7|Brlng your container*. Bterllng Cre»o'

e ry .-H iir.

of «20M« TO LBND OK BBAL B8 TATE el HBNBY J. WALL—adT.aa ........ ... .1.

' jl ■ A M 0 S B H E H T 8 I----------------------------------------------- ---1 .

|OEM—“ Ouce to Every W om aa", s ta r ‘®( ring Dorothy Philllpsj alio Topics of “ l the Day, Pathe Berlew aad Screen , ®'[ Magarfae. . , ' . . [t!OBFlIEUM—Two feature' rauderllle ,f* act*; aUo fotoplay and comedy rlo ti '

! ineJD dra»a,,"E ddl* P ok i 'i /Adven p| lu rei frem TUa Clteu* L ife ."

'‘ ’ID A H O -D orotby Dalton In " a u l l ty of, " t Love” ;a liocom edy tD dP athe,N ow s. ,

Q l d i j j l i l e d

; I (TOO LATB PO B C L A flsm O A I'O A

I FOU SA IiB -C ontract of *a lcrim 'j- > eat value « 0 0 . Twla Falli.rcsldpn.-- [property; will (ake M50. Dox B72.J Jerome. Idaho-

,: ' f OH K E N T -^ iro e fmo from room*, . tn fu rn iih o d . Suitable for llgbt-hoiiv- jkeeplriK- 445 Main Weil. I 'h o n e ^ ll t .

'* p o i i S A L K -R u ta l seed potAtoe*. .1 I C, D ra(ty, Phone nTHRI.

fl z

Nibley-ChanneltU K B B B 0 0 » A B T

}DAY,.FEBRUARY^, 19i’ HOTIOB‘ 1 0 a A lU O i: BIVBB

. SBTTZiEBS ■. Tho ahniial election of diroetori of

Ir n (he Salmon iUvcr' Setdera Aaioriallon Y n *< 1921, at

2:00 p. in., a t (ho foliowiag places:Berger tichool House fo r Towashipi

<on IM S ; IM U; JM 7 for 4 directors; Uo'.Ilater School House for Townshipi 12-

£ 15; 12-10; lS-17; 13-lS fur 3 d lrecton; Kogenen; Jdaho, for Townshipe 14-lS: U-10 for 1 director.

Ja . . • R. M. BEAUOBAMl*._ Socrotary Salmon River ->. . Settlera Aaaoeiatlon,-

- . .2 "W A aH iN a .” .

To all owners and dVIven o fm o U r ~ vebi.eje*; '-License*., are now due an.l - “ • { « j-ib ir“a( the office of tho Oouaty

Assessor. IJeense. pla(«s niuit.,b« op • piled for and on all cbt* ojiornting b r

March 15th. Make your ap[ilieatioa ‘ It^n, jiromptly and take no chancee. I’erioA*. wili check* nnf neeepted.' t,u - H. C U U D STKWAltfT,I'ler County Assessor.

So love *cenes nre perm itteit fo he aad movie* In J^ion t t ty .

a t -■ ' , u ■

We 4 inpillU |||l|||||II M

S .W h y n o a .v ;y . „ r l. . ,y „ r '. su it dyed a n d r e p a i r e d ? '

f^ n l i n i r r

' w H I ^

I - : j ; L A D I E S 'in - W E' OAN XNreBBST "^00

Jgi BEB o im : ••ed ' Ar't Needlework and supplirs ol

nl! klndi»~«'e' ilo Stanplng. sre BcnuUful_ Juvciillo ^uppliea. m* A tlrac llrb thIng»'-for'8tork Show-

• > 'p i . ■— Art Specialty Shoppe—

MBS. E C. ^ W K ■2nd a t. West---------Back of RUey’i

w ■ — : •

a t " M M ’

T h e & t t e r y

M i n u s H a l f

t h e

W e a r i o i 'P a r t s

la d ia* tbaWBMd i t m M ’liiibbct B«t- t o y m m i s h aay b«ttei7 — but t t e n 't coe dtScFes^ Wood ■c f iM i u w vear ciA; Threaded » i * e r h w h d m ootleits th e b a li tf f « m y tfaaa.

: f tf C M iW R n b b e r rn w U tfa o , , l f ,« d d proo/ p a a c tu ra' o r c a ib o iB t e . k f a o M o f t h a -

t b i n p : Chat m a les tfc b good b a t t c r r a t B b c t e r . Y o t tH f io d i t ^ b th a W n » d T h re a d e d S o b b a r B a t t o r .

Electric Service Slation308. H . fiBATBK

IBI 2ad;A Tt. N., Twin FalU. Ida.


cviMaajm w

X V l a 1 ) Z

921 ,