蓟县四中高一组 王立双. golf badmintonice hockey bowling baseball


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蓟县四中高一组 王立双

rings double bars


2004 年雅典奥运会会徽

2004 年雅典奥运会吉祥物

Blank Filling

Both the summer and winter Olympic Games are held every __ years. The Winter Olympic Games are ______ years before the Summer Olympic Games.

In the early Olympic Games, only ______ were allowed to compete and watch the games. The Games were born in . The _________ and the first Olympics were held there.



Greece ancientmodern

Carl Lewis, who won ______ gold medals in ___________, is one of the best sportsmen in the 20th century.

In 2000, the 27th Olympic Games were held in _______. China won _____ gold medals in the 2000 Olympic Games. The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in ________.


Sydney 28


Para.1: the every-fourth-year

Olympic Games

Para.2: the old Olympic Games

Para.3: the modern Olympic

GamesPara.4: the Olympic motto

Para.5: the preparation for the 29th Olympic Games

Answer the questions:

1.When and where did the ancient Olympic Games begin?

2.When and where did the first modern Olympic Games happen?

3.How many countries and competitors took part in the first Olympic Games?

4.How many countries and competitors took part in the 27th Olympic Games in 2000?

5.What is the Olympic motto?

6.What does the Olympic motto mean?

7.Why do people say that China won another great competition in 2001?

the Olympic Games

do sth.

• Would rather not do sth.

do sth. than do sth.

1. I would rather not tell him the truth.

2. I would rather stay at home than go out. I prefer to stay at home rather than go out. Would rather do sth. than do sth.= prefer to do rather than do

the Olympic Games

• Would rather 过去时表示现在和将来的动作或状态 + 从句 过去完成时表示过去的动作或状态

1. 我宁愿你马上就去。 I would rather you _____ right now.2. 我真希望你昨天在那儿。

I would rather you ___________________ yesterday.


had been there

the Olympic Games every adj. 与数词连用 “每 ... ,每隔…”• every + 基数词 + 复数名词• every + 序数词 + 单数名词 每两年 ( 每隔一年 ): every two years / every second year

每三年 ( 每隔二年 ): every three years / every third year

每四年: every four years / every fourth year

注 : 每隔一 every other + 单数名词 every other day every second day every two days 每隔几 every few + 复数名词 every few metres every few thousand metres

the Olympic Games• The same…as… +n./ pron./ adv. 和 ... 相同 ...

> His car cost the same as mine.> This is the same wallet as I lost the other day.

这个钱包和我前几天丢的那个一模一样。> This is the same wallet that I lost the other day.


> I’m too tired, I can’t go any ________ .

> He has been longing to go abroad for ________ study.



further furthest 程度上“进一步”• far

farther farthest 具体距离的“较远”、“最远”


the Olympic Games

• In Sydney the Chinese team got 28 gold medals, ranking the third of all the competing countries.( 结果状语)

1.Hearing the news,he jumped with joy.( 时间状语)

2.Not knowing her telephone number, I can’t ring her.( 原因状语)

3.He came running towards us.( 伴随状语)

the Olympic Games

1. I’d rather _____ the game than _____ the other player.

A. lose, hurt. B. to lose, to hurt. C. lose, hurting. D. losing, hurt.

2. — John wants to see you today.

— I would rather he ____ tomorrow than today.

A. come. B. came. C. should come. D. has come.

3. He preferred ____ the letter ____ by hand.

A. to typing, to writing it. B. Typing,than type it.

C. to type, than writing it. D. to type, rather than write it.

4. He went back home ____ and never failed to do that.

A. every another day. B. every two day.

C. every other day. D. every second days.





the Olympic Games5. He promised me to make a phone call to me _____ .

A. every five day. B. every-five-day.

C. every fifth day. D. every fifth days.

6. The secretary worked late into the night, ____ a long speech for the


A. to prepare. B. preparing. C. prepared. D. was preparing.

7. Her hair’s the same colour ____ .

A. of her mother. B. as her mother.

C. with her mother’s. D. as her mother’s.

8. If you wish for any ____ explanation, you had better apply in

person to the chief of police.

A. further. B. farther. C. farthest. D. furthest.





hat will be done in preparation for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing