1 傳播學 ( Communication Theory ) 第一週 教師專業發展研究所 蔡文榮老師講授...


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傳播學( Communication Theory )





傳播學之教學目標 instructional goals

• 學生能瞭解傳播學的範疇、內涵、與傳播應用的現況。 Students will be able to understand the scope, content, and application of communication theory.

• 學生能廣泛蒐集各式媒體素材,並整合成一有意義之傳播媒體專題報告。 Students will be able to collect extensively all kinds of media materials and integrate into a meaningful report as your final project.


本學期基本要求 requirements

• Attendance( 出席率 ) : You will be flunked if you fail to show up without formal excuse. 點名不到 4 次,一律死當。點名時機約在 7 點至7 點半之間。 20%

• Evaluation( 評分機制 ) :1. midterm exam( 期中考 ) : open-book exam. 40 %2. final report( 期末報告 ) : group report, powerpoint

• Download related videos / files/ pictures from websites: www.youtube.com , www.google.com圖片 , etc. 40%

• Textbook( 教科書 ) :錢玉芬編著 (2007),傳播心理學,台北縣深坑:威仕曼文化。 02-26647780, $450


教學內容1. 傳播心理學的組成要素 The components of communication psychology

2. 傳播者的影響 The influences of communicators3. 語文訊息 Verbal messages4. 非語文資訊的刺激歷程 The impacts of non-verbal message5. 傳播媒體的影響力 The impacts of communication media6. 傳播環境對閱聽人的影響力 The impacts of communication envir

onment on audience7. 閱聽人的訊息處理歷程 How audiences handle messages8. 閱聽人認知基模的作用 The schemata of audience9. 閱聽人與性格 The audience and personality10.閱聽人與動機 The audience and motivation11.閱聽人的情緒 The audience and emotions12.媒介效果 The effects of media13.態度本質與說服歷程 Nature of attitude and persuasion process14.閱聽人的接收行為 The reception of audiences



Components of Communication




Foreword( 前言 ) 1 of 2

• Communication( 傳播 ) is an important issue in psychological research.

• Psychology is an important approach in communication research.

• It has been a long time that different domains have less interaction than you can imagine.

• The purpose of this book is intended to construct a psychological approach for communication on the one hand, and to extend a richer field for psychological research on the other hand.


Foreword ( 前言 ) 2 of 2• In order to understand what communication psych

ology( 傳播心理學 ) is all about, we need to look at the basic range of these two domains (communication and psychology) as our entry point.

1. Basic elements of psychology 心理學基本元素2. Basic models of communication 傳播學基本模式3. Screening from abovementioned information in or

der to distinguish the major domain of communication psychology. 過濾上述以得傳播心理學主要領域


Ch 0. Section 1: Elements of psychology

• Simple definition of psychology: “Psychology is a science to study human behavior”. (研究人類行為的科學)

• 4 basic elements of psychology

1. Individual / Organism ( 個體 ) ,簡稱 O

2. Behavior ( 行為 ) ,簡稱 B

3. Stimulus( 刺激 ) ,簡稱 S

4. Response( 反應 ) ,簡稱 R

• See Pavlov video and Skinner Box video


Ch 0. 1-1 Individual / Organism 個體• Human being is the subject to be studied in psychol

ogy.– It is the individual, not corporate people, as the research s

ubject.– All the research results and theories constructed are to ap

plied and referred to individuals.– Synonym: organism( 有機體 ) , refers to individual with

life( 有生命本體的個人 ) 。– Nothing to do with superstition( 怪力亂神 ) 超自然現象

• vs. 台大李嗣涔教授申請國科會氣功研究• How to cast demons


Ch 0. 1-2 Behavior ( 行為 )

• Broad definition of behavior: overt behaviors and inner behavior (reflection activities)

• Precise definition of behavior: all the overt behaviors that can be directly observed, measured, and recorded.– Walking speed, breathing frequency, blink frequency,

heart beat, audio capability can be measured.– Attitudinal change, emotional fluctuation, motivational

change (weak or strong) cannot be measured.– Body language (non-verbal): e.g. 輕傷 / 重傷 / 陣亡 in

a speech.


Ch 0. 1-3 Stimulus( 刺激 ) • The initiating factor of a given behavior is called sti

mulus.– External environment: temperature, lightness, color, soun

d, … etc.– Internal environment: menstrual / monthly period, hormo

ne change, stomach cramp, … will influence emotional reaction and work performance.

– 有效刺激:立即引起個體採取行動之刺激,快車奔來– 潛能刺激:對個體影響非立即的,日後才顯出。學父親抽煙、學上一代的管教方式。

– Cultivication theory 涵化理論:媒體內容對觀眾的價值觀有長期之影響。 Long-term effect of media upon audience’s value system


Ch 0. 1-4 Response ( 反應 )

• 因刺激而引發的行為是被個體所選取的活動,心理學稱之為反應。

• 例如:觀察上課專心之行為,是要觀察老師講課時,學生所因應的相關活動(注視老師時間的長短、寫筆記的次數、張望的頻率)。

• Why some of you sitting there doing nothing or daydreaming, whereas a few of you taking notes? Given that the professor is trying very hard to teach you.


Ch 0. Section 1: Conclusion

• Psychology is to study the process of S-O-R.

• An individual in order to cope with a given internal and/or external stimulus will produce a response. 個體因應內外在刺激而產生的反應。


Classical communication models


Classical communication models


Ch0. Section 2: Basic model of communication傳播的基本模式

• Lasswell (1949) proposed 5Ws communication process:

1. Who

2. Says what

3. By what channel

4. To whom

5. With what effects Also known as linear model


Ch 0. 2-1 Lasswell model’s Who

• “WHO” = communicator

1. Individual level 個人層面 : Those individuals who communicate messages. (news collector/editor, news sources, …etc.)

2. Organization level 組織層面 : regulations, system, organizational culture, …etc. within a given media.

• Since individuals are hired by media organization.

3. Professional level 行業層面 : something to do with related organization (e.g.NCC, 新聞局 , 警總 ), society, and culture. (environmental dimension)


Ch 0. 2-2 Lasswell model’s Says What

• Says What = messages to be carried/communicated

1. Verbal message 語文信息 : Since verbal message can best represent the core of content of message, thus many researcher apply content analysis technique to study the core meaning of a given message.

(1) oral message口語 :

(2) written message 書面 :

2. Non-verbal message 非語文信息 : • Often being ignored

• Having critical influence on meaning of a given message ( 如:tune, speed, background music 說話聲調、速度、背景音樂)


Ch 0. 2-3 Lasswell model’s To Whom• Message receiver = audience = individual who recei

ves message. 閱聽人 / 觀眾 / 聽眾• Researches on audience have become a popular issu

e in communication education in recent years. apply psychological knowledge/theory directly to such researches.– Feeling, sense, cognition, motivation, emotion, personalit

y, …etc. – e.g., 5 levels of attitudinal change.

• Receiving/attending, responding, valuing, organization, characterization by a value or value system.


Ch 0. 2-4 Lasswell model’s By what channel

• Media channels which carry messages.– Print(平面媒體 ) : Newspapers, magazines– Electronic(電子媒體 ) : radio, TV, cable TV– Internal(網路媒體 ) : internet, cell phone (i-phone)– Others(其他 ) : outdoor bulletin board, bus, MRT

• Different media has different nature in itself, and thus causes different effects.


Ch 0. 2-5 Lasswell model’s with what effects

• = communication results/effects= Has the attitude or behavior of a given audience been changed? = Has the audiences been persuaded? 統戰部暑期大專營– Long term effect: e.g. 認同功效與價值而購買直銷產品– Short term effect: e.g. 因情面買直銷產品– Individual audience micro level – Group audience macro level e.g.慈濟

• Last station of this linear communication model, and the most attractive factor for many researchers.


Ch 0. 3-1 Range of communication psychology

S O RCombined model of communication and psychology


Ch 0. 3-1 Range of communication psychology

• Stimulus in communication psychology– Includes first 3 Ws in Lasswell’s model

• Communicator, message, media are all sources of stimulus

– One audience (O) wakes up in the morning, opens his TV (media), watches a scandal-making news reporter 璩美鳳 (communicator) , commenting on one politician’s love-affair scandal (message)(章孝嚴王筱嬋 ) . Then this audience belittle. Why he has such a response? 3 factors.

– 傳播者 + 傳播訊息 + 傳播媒體(單一作用 or 合併作用)

– Which reporter you disgust?– Which channels you trust or distrust?– Which message you believe or don’t believe?


Ch 0. 3-2 Range of communication psychology

• Organism 個體 in communication psychology

• Individual level = individual = an audience 閱聽人• Factors that affect the cognition and interpretation

of a given stimulus:

1. Audience’s characteristics: sex, age, education, etc.

2. Audience’s internal process: cognitive process, schema, feeling and senses, motive and emotions.



• 因為我是住鄉下,所以,常會聽家人或是一些老人家,聽一些鄉土的賣藥電台就去買啥藥品保養品之類的,一些老人家因為有老人病,又不識字,他們就會常聽電台廣告去買藥來吃。說真的,我不喜歡看到他們這樣,可是,又無法去阻止他們,因為他們的病痛我們也沒辦法去幫他們啊,只能勸他們有病痛要去看醫生啊 ...

• The abovementioned message comes from this website: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/a661112/post/4412681


Ch 0. 3-3 Range of communication psychology

• Response 反應 in communication psychology

• Response = effects of communication– Audience’s attitude

• 選舉時的抹黑 /負面廣告:走路工、 2004 年大選 2顆子彈– Audience’s behavior

• 負面效果:逃避廣告行為(轉台 / 與親友聊天 / 上廁所 /… )


Ch 0 傳播心理學組成要素 Conclusion

• 傳播學 + 心理學– 將心理學 S-O-R 模式融合傳播歷程的基本模式1. 傳播的刺激歷程 the stimulus process of communicatio


2. 閱聽人的內在歷程 the inner process of audience

3. 傳播效果的反應歷程 the reactive process of communication effects
