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‧全國首創詞彙得分大力丸單元──Word File




‧於每課課文右上角的Reading Task單元教學生怎麼讀課文,怎麼抓文章重點。小小方格蘊藏閱讀文章的大智慧!



‧課文頁後尚有Reading Comprehension單元,供學生立即檢視文章吸收程度,助學生review該篇課文重點。

(針對Reading Task的問題或提示設計簡單不費時的題目,動動腦作答,增加學生對學習英文的信心,又能達到學習英文的效果!

(針對課文內容設計選擇題,並融入大考常見閱讀測驗題型,如主旨題(main idea)、細節題(which of the following statements is true)、推論題(inference)等,及早練習,及早上手!


‧Sentence Patterns單元以基礎句型堆疊而上,循序漸進介紹進階句型,輔以練習題提供學生活用的機會。有了句型單元的加持,翻譯可以翻出好句子!





1. Nowadays many companies adopt a ______ work schedule which allows their employees to decide when to arrive at work—from as early as 6 a.m. to as late as 11 a.m.

(A) relative(B) severe(C) primitive(D) flexible




2. To teach children right from wrong, some parents will ______ their children when they behave well and punish them when they misbehave.

(A) settle(B) declare(C) reward(D) neglect



【解析】由對等連接詞and可推知兩個動詞片語為對等的情形,當孩子們表現良好時得到獎賞,舉止失當時則受到懲罰,故選(C) reward。

【補充】 from有表示區別或比較之意。例:tell A from B 辨別A與B;know right from wrong 辨別是非

3. To stick to a tight budget, Robert bought a more ______ LED TV instead of a fancy, expensive 3D TV.

(A) technical(B) significant(C) affordable(D) expressive



【解析】由關鍵詞tight budget得知,Robert買不起昂貴的3D電視,只能負擔較便宜的LED電視,所以本題選(C) affordable。


tight schedule 緊湊的行程;tight squeeze 擁擠的空間

4. David’s new book made it to the best-seller list because of its beautiful ______ and amusing stories.

(A) operations(B) illustrations(C) engagements(D) accomplishment



【解析】有精美插圖與有趣故事的書能受到讀者的喜愛,可推知答案選(B) illustrations。

5. The airport was closed because of the snowstorm, and our ______ for Paris had to be delayed until the following day.

(A) movement(B) registration(C) tendency(D) departure



【解析】( 由文意機場關閉,前往各地的行程都會延遲,可知答案應選(D) departure。

( 也可由空格後的介系詞for推知應搭配departure。

【補充】departure for:前往某地

6. The moment the students felt the earthquake, they ran ______ out of the classroom to an open area outside.

(A) swiftly(B) nearly(C) loosely(D) formally



【解析】依據常理,地震一發生,人們必定會迅速逃至空曠處避難,因此答案應選(A) swiftly。

【補充】The moment = The instant = The minute = As soon as:一…就…

7. The ______ capacity of this elevator is 400 kilograms. For safety reasons, it shouldn’t be overloaded.

(A) delicate(B) automatic(C) essential(D) maximum



【解析】由後句「電梯不應超載」可反推前句指的是電梯的最大承載量,故選(D) maximum。

8. An open display of ______ behavior between men and women, such as hugging and kissing, is not allowed in some conservative societies.

(A) intimate(B) ashamed(C) earnest(D) urgent



【解析】由擁抱與親吻可推知指的是親密行為,故選(A) intimate。

9. When taking medicine, we should read the instructions on the ______ carefully because they provide important information such as how and when to take it.

(A) medals(B) quotes(C) labels(D) recipes



【解析】由常理可知,藥品的標籤會提供該藥物的重要資訊,故應選(C) label。

10. The angry passengers argued ______ with the airline staff because their flight was cancelled without any reason.

(A) evidently(B) furiously(C) obediently(D) suspiciously



【解析】從形容詞angry與文意「班機莫名取消」,可知乘客們必定怒不可遏,故選(B) furiously。

11. To ______ the new product, the company offered some free samples before they officially launched it.

(A) contribute(B) impress(C) promote(D) estimate



【解析】根據文意,提供試用品是常見的促銷手法之一,可知應選(C) promote。

12. I was worried about my first overseas trip, but my father ______ me that he would help plan the trip so that nothing would go wrong.

(A) rescued(B) assured(C) inspired(D) conveyed



【解析】由句意得知,為了讓孩子能放心出國,父親保證會協助,故選(B) assured。

13. The recent cooking oil scandals have led to calls for tougher ______ of sales of food products.

(A) tolerance(B) guarantee(C) regulation(D) distribution



【解析】根據時事,食用油問題披露了食安的重要性,讓民眾要求更嚴格的規定,可知應選(C) regulation。

14. John should ______ more often with his friends and family after work, instead of staying in his room to play computer games.

(A) explore (B) interact(C) negotiate(D) participate



【解析】由文意推知,John常待在房間裡打電玩,必定很少與親友交流或互動,故選(B) interact。

15. To prevent the spread of the Ebola virus from West Africa to the rest of the world, many airports have begun Ebola ______ for passengers from the infected areas.

(A) screenings(B) listings(C) clippings(D) blockings



【解析】為了不讓病毒擴散,必須篩檢感染高危險的入境者,可推知答案為(A) screenings。




Tai Chi Chuan is a type of ancient Chinese martial art. People 16 Tai Chi mainly for its health benefits. This centuries-old Chinese mind-body exercise is now gaining popularity in the United States.

The most familiar aspect of Tai Chi Chuan is the hand form, which is a series of slow-flowing movements with poetic names 17 “dragons stirring up the wind” and “wave hands like clouds.” These movements, forming an exercise system, 18 one to effortlessly experience the vital life force, or the Qi energy, in one’s body.

Tai Chi Chuan is not only a physical but also a 19 exercise. Psychologically, this exercise may increase communication between the body and the mind and enable one to deal with other people more effectively. It 20 stress and creates calmness and confidence. Relaxation and a feeling of joy are among the first noticeable differences in a Tai Chi student.




16. (A) practice(B) consult

(C) display (D) manage



【解析】本題測驗字義。由文意可知,練習太極拳的人主要為了健康利益,故選(A) practice。

17. (A) from

(B) like

(C) between (D) regarding



【解析】本題評量介系詞的用法。由上下文推論,空格前提及太極拳最聞名的是它的掌勢,而這些掌勢均被賦予頗具詩意的名稱,可知空格後的引號內應為掌勢名稱的舉例,故選(B) like。

18. (A) allow

(B) allows (C) allowed (D) allowing

【解析】本題測驗句構分析的能力。本句的主詞為These movements,而forming an exercise system為分詞片語修飾主詞,故空格應為主要動詞,又主詞為複數形,故選(A) allow。

19. (A) formal (B) mental

(C) social

(D) global


【解析】本題測驗對等連接詞not only . . . but also的用法與形容詞文意。由not only . . . but also得知其連接的形容詞文意對等,由字義可知應選與physical對等的(B) mental。

20. (A) imposes (B) offends

(C) reduces

(D) disturbs

(A)把…強加於 (B)冒犯(C)減少 (D)打擾

【解析】本題測驗字彙與文意理解。後句提及學習太極可幫助放鬆,可推知本句指的是太極拳有減壓效果,因此選(C) reduce。


Much like the dove and robin, the bluebird is considered a very lucky sign in most cultures, particularly when seen in the spring. 21 , a woodpecker, when seen near the home, is regarded as a good sign. In contrast, the peacock is not 22 seen as lucky. In places like India, the peacock is considered lucky because the great many “eyes” on its feathers are said to alert it to 23 evil. Peacocks are also highly valued in China and Japan, where they are kept as symbols by the ruling families to 24 their status and wealth. However, the peacock receives only scorn from the rest of the world. The feathers of peacocks are considered the most 25 part of the bird because the eye-shaped markings on them are associated with “evil eyes.” To bring the evil eye into the home is thus believed to invite trouble and sorrow.


21. (A) Therefore (B) Nevertheless(C) Roughly

(D) Similarly

(A)因此 (B)然而 (C)大約 (D)同樣地

【解析】本題轉折語用法。前句提及青鳥被視為吉祥物,空格後表示啄木鳥亦被視為好運的象徵,兩者同為正面意思,故答案選(D) Similarly。

22. (A) officially (B) mutually

(C) universally (D) eventually

(A)正式地(B)相互地 (C)普遍地 (D)最後

【解析】本題測驗字彙與文意判斷。後句提及孔雀在印度、中國、日本等地被視為吉祥物,但隨後又指出孔雀在世界其他地區並不受歡迎,可推知孔雀並非普遍被視為吉祥物,故答案選(C) universally。

23. (A) approach  (B) approaching (C) approached   (D) be approaching

【解析】本題測驗片語alert sb to sth/V-ing(使警覺)的用法,答案為動名詞(B) approaching。

24. (A) replace   (B) disguise  (C) distinguish    (D) represent


【解析】本題測驗字義。由文意得知,在中國與日本,孔雀被掌權者的家族飼養來代表地位與財富,故選(D) represent。

25. (A) unlucky (B) illogical

(C) impossible    (D) unnecessary


【解析】本題測驗文意理解。由文意得知,孔雀羽毛上的眼睛圖樣被視為邪惡之眼,將此物帶入家中將會引來麻煩與不幸,故知答案應選與此意呼應的(A) unlucky。


Nutritional products that can be collected from trees include fruits, nuts, seeds, leaves, and bark. Tree products have been an important part of diets for thousands of years, from early humans 26 fruits and nuts to the first cultivation of important trees, such as mango and apple.

The apple is one of the world’s most cultivated fruit trees, 27 over 7,000 different kinds in existence. Despite their great 28 , however, most domesticated apples can be traced back to a common ancestor, the wild apple of Central Asia, Malus sieversii. Apples have been grown for thousands of years in Asia and Europe, and 29 to North America by European colonists in the 17th century. Today, apples are 30 eaten the world over and form the basis for multi-million dollar industries. In 2005, at least 55 million tons of apples were grown worldwide, which generated a value of about $10 billion.



26. (A) to gather (B) gather

(C) gathered

(D) gathering

【解析】本題測驗分詞片語的用法。原句為from early humans that gather

fruits and nuts,以關係子句修飾humans,省略關係代名詞後,將


分詞(D) gathering。

27. (A) all

(B) with (C) around (D) still


(B)表附帶狀況 (C)大約 (D)仍然

【解析】本題測驗with的用法。由結構來看,空格後為O + OC。四個選項中,只有with可接續O + OC,表示附帶狀況,故選(B) with。

28. (A) variety (B) harvest

(C) condition

(D) discovery

(A)種類 (B)收成 (C)情況 (D)發現

【解析】本題測驗字義與文意理解。前句指出現存的蘋果有超過七千種,本句表示儘管蘋果的品種繁多,大部分均是源自中亞的野生蘋果,可回推空格是呼應前句蘋果有眾多品種,故答案應選(A) variety。

29. (A) bring

(B) have brought (C) were brought (D) have been brought

【解析】本題測驗動詞的時態和語態。由文意可知,蘋果在十七世紀時被歐洲殖民者帶至北美,故應選表示被動語態的複數動詞(C) were brought。

30. (A) regularly (B) particularly (C) permanently (D) barely

(A)經常地 (B)特別 (C)永久地 (D)幾乎沒有


現今蘋果已是全球經常食用的水果,故選(A) regularly。




A paperclip, made of steel wire bent into a hooped shape, is an instrument used to hold sheets of paper together. This common 31 is a wonder of simplicity and function. But where did this simple, cheap, and indispensable invention come from?

In the late 19th century, the most common way to hold papers together was by using a pin. Although the pin was an inexpensive tool and was easily 32 , it would leave holes in the paper. Later, as steel wire became more common, inventors began to notice its elastic feature. With this feature, it could be stretched and 33 various clip-like objects. In the years just prior to 1900, quite a few paperclip designs emerged. The name most frequently 34 the paperclip invention is Johan Vaaler, a Norwegian inventor. However, Vaaler’s clips were not the same as the paperclips currently in use. Specifically, they did not have the interior loop we see today. The

35 looped design was invented by Gem Manufacturing Ltd. in England. This clip is therefore sometimes 36 the Gem clip.

Because of Vaaler, the paperclip played an important 37 role in Norway. During World War II, Norway was occupied by the Nazis. Norwegians were prohibited from wearing any 38 of their national unity, such as buttons with the initials of their king. Thus, in 39 , they started wearing paperclips to show their solidarity. The reason for doing this was simple: Paperclips were a Norwegian invention whose original function was to bind together. After the war, a giant paperclip statue was erected in Oslo to 40 Vaaler—even though his design was never actually manufactured.


十九世紀晚期裝訂紙張最常見的方式是使用別針,雖然別針便宜且32.移除容易,但會穿破紙張。之後當鐵圈較為普及,發明家開始注意到它的彈性,彈性使其能伸展並33.扭轉成各式夾子狀的形體。接近1900年,一些迴紋針的設計出現了。最常34.與迴紋針發明聯想在一起的名字是挪威發明家Johan Vaaler。然而Vaaler發明的迴紋針與今日常用的迴紋針不同,具體地說,Vaaler的迴紋針沒有我們今日所見的內圈。我們所35.熟悉的迴圈設計由英國Gem製造公司發明,因此這個迴紋針有時也36.稱作Gem迴紋針。


(A) familiar (B) honor (C) device (D) removable (E) known as (F) protest (G) symbol (H) twisted into (I) associated with (J) historical

(A)熟悉的 adj. (B)給…榮譽 vt. (C)設備 n. [C] (D)可去掉的 adj.

(E)以…而聞名 v. (F)抗議 n. [U] (G)象徵 n. [C] (H)扭彎成 v.

(I)與…有關 v. (J)歷史的 adj.


31. This common _____ is a wonder of simplicity and function,空格位於形容詞


又實用的設備,所以選(C) device。

32. was easily _____,本格位於副詞後,可知應填入形容詞,前後子句以Although連接,可知前後意思相對。依句意雖然別針既便宜又容易移除,它會穿破紙張,故選(D) removable。

33. it could be stretched and _____ various clip-like objects,由對等連接詞and可知,前後的字詞應為同詞性,所以本格應填入與stretched相同詞性的過去分詞twisted into或associated with,依句意判斷,可確定答案為(H) twisted into。

34. The name most frequently _____ the paperclip invention is Johan Vaaler,本句

的主詞為The name,動詞為is,主詞以most frequently . . . 修飾。本格後接

名詞,可知應選及物動詞變化的分詞或含介系詞的片語:known as或

associated with。由句意最常被聯想到迴紋針的名字是Johan Vaaler,故選(I)

associated with。

35. The _____ looped design,本格後為名詞,故應選形容詞:familiar與historical,由句意我們熟悉的迴圈設計是由Gem Manufacturing Ltd.所發明,可知應選(A) familiar。

36. This clip is therefore sometimes _____ the Gem clip. 本格前有be動詞,後

有名詞,故應填過去分詞或含介系詞的過去分詞,故答案為(E) known as。

37. the paperclip played an important _____ role in Norway,本格位於名詞前,應填入形容詞,答案選(J) historical。

38. wearing any _____ of their national unity,本格前有any,後有of,可知應填入名詞,由protest與symbol選擇,依句意可知應選(G) symbol。

39. in _____, they started wearing paperclips,本格在介系詞後,答案應為名詞,選(F) protest。in protest:作為抗議。

40. a giant paperclip statue was erected in Oslo to _____ Vaaler,本格在不定詞to之後,可知應選原形動詞(B) honor。




In 2009, the Taiwu Elementary School Folk Singers were invited to perform in Belgium, France, Germany, and Luxemburg. In 2011, they were voted as one of the world’s top five performance groups by audiences of Japan Broadcasting Corporation’s Amazing Voice program.

Recalling the group’s first tour in Europe, Camake Valaule, a physical education teacher and the founder of the Taiwu Elementary School Folk Singers, admitted that he felt very nervous. He was worried that the audience would fall asleep since most of the 75-minute performance was a cappella, that is, singing without instrumental sound. Surprisingly, the audience listened with full focus and high spirits. Camake said, “They told me afterward that through our performance, they had a vision of our country, our village, without having to visit it. This experience greatly boosted our confidence.”

According to Camake Valaule, singing traditional ballads has helped students and their parents to re-understand their culture. “It used to be that the only ones who could sing these songs were tribal elders aged between 50 and 60. Now with the children performing the pieces, parents are beginning to ask, ‘Why do we not know how to sing these ballads?’ Many times nowadays, it is the children who teach the songs to their parents, putting back the pieces of a blurred memory.”

Winning international fame, however, was neither the original intention nor the main reason why Camake founded the group in 2006. The most important thing was to make children understand why they sing these songs and to preserve and pass on their culture. Referring to the relocation of Taiwu Elementary School and Taiwu Village following Typhoon Morakot in August 2009, Camake said, “We could not take the forest or our houses in the mountains with us; but we were able to bring our culture along. As long as the children are willing to sing, I will always be there for them, singing with them and leading them to experience the meaning of the ballads.”





41. Which of the following is true about Taiwu Elementary School Folk Singers?

(A) The group was first established in 2009.

(B) The group was founded by a PE teacher.

(C) The singers usually sing popular folk songs.

(D) The singers learn to sing from their parents.







( 由最後一段的第一句可知傳唱隊創立於2006年。

( 第二段第一句提及傳唱隊的創立者是體育老師查馬克‧法拉屋樂,故選(B)。

( 第三段第一句提及傳唱隊員唱的是古謠。

( 第三段最後一句提及是傳唱隊員教父母唱古謠。

42. On his first trip to Europe, why did Camake think the audience might fall asleep?

(A) The average age of the audience was between fifty and sixty.

(B) Most of the performance was not accompanied by any instrument.

(C) Nobody could understand the language and the meaning of the songs.

(D) The audience could not visualize the theme sung by the school children.







( 本文未提及觀眾的年齡。

( 第二段第二句提及查馬克擔心長達75分鐘無樂器伴奏的表演會讓觀眾睡著,故選(B)。

( 本文未提及此論點。

( 第二段倒數第二句提及觀眾從傳唱隊的表演中得以想像學童們家鄉的面貌。

43. What does “the pieces of a blurred memory” in the third paragraph most likely refer to?

(A) The children’s ignorance of their own culture.

(B) The fading memories about old tribal people.

(C) The broken pieces of knowledge taught at school.

(D) The parents’ vague understanding of their own tradition.







44. What did Camake realize after the incident of Typhoon Morakot?

(A) The significance of the relocation of Taiwu Elementary School.

(B) The need to respect nature to avoid being destroyed by it.

(C) The importance of passing on the traditional culture.

(D) The consequence of building houses in the forest.








When it comes to medical care, many patients and doctors believe “more is better.” But what they do not realize is that overtreatment—too many scans, too many blood tests, too many procedures—may pose harm. Sometimes a test leads you down a path to more and more testing, some of which may be invasive, or to treatment for things that should be left alone.

Terrence Power, for example, complained that after his wife learned she had Wegener’s disease, an uncommon disorder of the immune system, they found it difficult to refuse testing recommended by her physician. The doctor insisted on office visits every three weeks, even when she was feeling well. He frequently ordered blood tests and X-rays, and repeatedly referred her to specialists for even minor complaints. Even when tests came back negative, more were ordered, and she was hospitalized as a precaution when she developed a cold. She had as many as 25 doctor visits during one six-month period. The couple was spending about $30,000 a year for her care.

After several years of physical suffering and near financial ruin from the medical costs, the couple began questioning the treatment after consulting with other patients in online support groups. “It’s a really hard thing to determine when they’ve crossed the line,” Mr. Power said. “You think she’s getting the best care in the world, but after a while you start to wonder: What is the objective?” Mr. Power then spoke with his own primary care doctor, who advised him to find a new specialist to oversee Mrs. Power’s care. Under the new doctor’s care, the regular testing stopped and Mrs. Power’s condition stabilized. Now she sees the doctor only four or five times a year.


以Terrence Power為例。他抱怨在他妻子被檢查出罹患韋格納肉芽腫——一種免疫系統的少見疾病——後,他們就被迫接受醫生所建議的各種檢查。即便他妻子覺得身體狀況良好,醫生仍堅持他們必須每三週回診一次;醫生也經常安排抽血檢驗與X光掃瞄檢查;只要他妻子有一點不適就將她轉診到其他專科;甚至就算檢查報告的結果正常,醫生仍為她安排更多檢查;然後一當感冒就要她住院觀察以防萬一。他的妻子每半年間就必須複診多達25次,醫療費用一年就要花約3萬元美金。


45. What is the main idea of this passage?

(A) Treatments do not always cause harmful side effects.

(B) Patients tend to believe more testing is better treatment.

(C) Too much medical care may not be beneficial to patients.

(D) Doctors generally recommend office visits that are necessary.






【說明】第一段第二句“ . . . overtreatment . . . may pose harm.”點出主旨,表示過度的醫療可能有害,故選(C)。

46. Which of the following was a problem for Mrs. Power during her medical treatment?

(A) She had to be hospitalized for three weeks whenever she had a cold.

(B) She didn’t have any insurance, so she went broke because of her illness.

(C) When test results showed she was fine, her doctor still ordered more tests.

(D) Her doctor asked her to consult other specialists due to her constant complaints.







( 本文未提及她被要求住院多久。

( 本文未提及這點。

( 第二段倒數第三句的前段提及即使Power太太檢查的結果正常,醫生仍安排她做更多檢查,故選(C)。

( 本文未提及這點。

47. Who does “they” in the third paragraph most likely refer to?

(A) Physicians.

(B) Other patients.

(C) Mr. and Mrs. Power.

(D) The online support groups.






【說明】由第三段可知Power夫婦開始質疑這些年來他們是否都被施以過度醫療,而Power先生所指逾越分寸(cross the line)的「他們」自然是Power太太的主治醫生們,故選(A)。

48. Which of the following best describes the author’s attitude toward medical tests?

(A) More tests than necessary are too much.

(B) Medical tests are essential for disease prevention.

(C) Many tests are needed for confirmation of diagnosis.

(D) Doctors’ interpretations of test results are seldom wrong.






【說明】 由本文主旨“ . . . overtreatment—too many scans, too many blood tests, too many procedures—may pose harm.”可知作者認為過多的檢查程序即為過度醫療,故選(A)。其他選項在本文均未提及。


Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908–2004) is one of the most original and influential figures in the history of photography. His humane, spontaneous photographs helped establish photojournalism as an art form.

Cartier-Bresson’s family was wealthy—his father made a fortune as a textile manufacturer—but Cartier-Bresson later joked that due to his parents’ frugal ways, it often seemed as though his family was poor.

Educated in Paris, Cartier-Bresson developed an early love for literature and the arts. As a teenager, Cartier-Bresson rebelled against his parents’ formal ways of education. In his early adulthood, he even drifted toward communism. But it was art that remained at the center of his life.

Cartier-Bresson traveled to Africa in 1931 to hunt antelope and boar. And Africa fueled another interest in him: photography. He then wandered around the world with his camera, using a handheld camera to catch images from fleeting moments of everyday life.

Not long after World War II, Cartier-Bresson traveled east, spending considerable time in India, where he met and photographed Gandhi shortly before his assassination in 1948. Cartier-Bresson’s subsequent work to document Gandhi’s death and its immediate impact on the country became one of Life Magazine’s most prized photo essays.

Cartier-Bresson’s approach to photography remained much the same throughout his life. He made clear his dislike of images that had been improved by artificial light, darkroom effects, and even cropping. The naturalist in Cartier-Bresson believed that all editing should be done when the photo is taken. In 1952, his first book, The Decisive Moment, a rich collection of his work spanning two decades, was published. “There is nothing in this world that does not have a decisive moment,” he said.

In 1968, he began to turn away from photography and returned to his passion for drawing and painting.

Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908–2004)是攝影史上最具原創性及影響力的人物。他人道且具自發性的攝影作品有助新聞攝影此類藝術形式的成立。

Cartier-Bresson的家族十分富有——他的父親以紡織商的身分大發利市——不過Henri Cartier-Bresson笑道因為他雙親節儉的生活方式,他的家庭常予人家徒四壁的印象。






49. Which of the following best describes Cartier-Bresson’s family background?

(A) His family was rich but was very economical.

(B) His father went to Paris to open a textile factory.

(C) His wealthy family went bankrupt and became poor.

(D) His parents were very liberal in their ways of education.






【說明】( 第二段描述他的父親因開設紡織廠而致富,但他父母節儉得彷彿家徒四壁,故答案選(A)。

( 文章並未明確指出該紡織廠設於巴黎,故(B)不可選。

( 文中未提及。

( 文中未提及。

50. Which of the following is true about Cartier-Bresson’s career in photography?

(A) He devoted himself to photography all his life.

(B) He developed a passion for photography when he traveled to Africa.

(C) He quit photography right after the publication of The Decisive Moment.

(D) During World War II, he documented the everyday life of the Indian people.






【說明】( 第三段的第一句指出,Cartier-Bresson早年喜愛文學和藝術。

( 由第四段的第二句“And Africa fueled another interest in him: photography.”可知是非洲之旅激發了Cartier-Bresson對攝影的興趣,故(B)為答案。

( 由最後一段可知,Cartier-Bresson在1952年出版《決定性瞬間》,而在1968年放棄攝影;兩者相隔16年,並非在出版該書後隨即放棄攝影。

( 第五段指出Cartier-Bresson曾在二次大戰後的印度居住一段時間,並以其攝影作品證明甘地之死對印度的影響。

51. What significance did Cartier-Bresson have to Gandhi of India?

(A) He witnessed Gandhi’s assassination in 1948.

(B) He was the first photographer to take Gandhi’s photo.

(C) He used photos to document the effect of Gandhi’s death on India.

(D) His photos told the world who was guilty of assassinating Gandhi.







52. Which of the following is true about Cartier-Bresson’s approach to photography?

(A) He never waited for a decisive moment to shoot photos.

(B) He preferred to edit his images carefully in his darkroom.

(C) Most of his photos described things that happen every day.

(D) He experimented with different ways and settled on being a naturalist.






【說明】第四段的最後一句“using a handheld camera to catch images from fleeting moments of everyday life” 指出Cartier-Bresson拍攝的多為日常生活中的事物,故選(C)。


You’ve most likely heard the news by now: A car-commuting, desk-bound, TV-watching lifestyle can be harmful to our health. All the time that we spend rooted in the chair is linked to increased risks of so many deadly diseases that experts have named this modern-day health epidemic the “sitting disease.”

Sitting for too long slows down the body’s metabolism and the way enzymes break down our fat reserves, raising both blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Small amounts of regular activity, even just standing and moving around, throughout the day is enough to bring the increased levels back down. And those small amounts of activity add up—30 minutes of light activity in two or three-minute bursts can be just as effective as a half-hour block of exercise. But without that activity, blood sugar levels and blood pressure keep creeping up, steadily damaging the inside of the arteries and increasing the risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other serious diseases. In essence, fundamental changes in biology occur if you sit for too long.

But wait, you’re a runner. You needn’t worry about the harm of a sedentary lifestyle because you exercise regularly, right? Well, not so fast. Recent studies show that people spend an average of 64 hours a week sitting, whether or not they exercise 150 minutes a week as recommended by World Health Organization (WHO). Regular exercisers, furthermore, are found to be about 30 percent less active on days when they exercise. Overall, most people simply aren’t exercising or moving around enough to counteract all the harm that can result from sitting nine hours or more a day.

Scared straight out of your chair? Good. The remedy is as simple as standing up and taking activity breaks.





53. What is the purpose of this passage?

(A) To point out the challenges of the modern lifestyle.

(B) To discuss how a modern epidemic may spread quickly.

(C) To explore the effects of regular exercise to our body.

(D) To explain the threat to our health from long hours of sitting.







54. What does the word “sedentary” in the third paragraph most likely mean?

(A) Modern.

(B) Risky.

(C) Inactive.

(D) Epidemic.







55. What is the best way to bring down high blood sugar level and blood pressure?

(A) Exercising for 150 minutes or more every week.

(B) Getting rid of the habit of car commuting and TV watching.

(C) Interrupting sitting time with light activity as often as possible.

(D) Standing or moving around for at least two or three minutes every day.







56. Which of the following may be inferred about those who do serious exercise?

(A) They often live longer than those who don’t exercise.

(B) They tend to stand or move around less on days they work out.

(C) They generally spend less time sitting than those who are inactive.

(D) They usually do not meet the standard of exercise recommended by WHO.






【說明】( 文中未提及。

( 第四段的第五句“Regular exercisers, furthermore, are found to be about 30 percent less active on days when they exercise.”指出規律運動者反而在運動的日子更少做其他活動,故答案選(B)。

( 文中未提及。

( 文中未提及。






1. 一個成功的企業不應該把獲利當作最主要的目標。


(參考句型:S + V + O + OC

S + V + O1 + as + O2

(企業 enterprise

(把A當作B (1) make + A + B

(2) see/view/take/regard/think of/look upon + A + as B

(獲利 make/earn profits

(主要的目標 main/primary objective/goal


(1) A successful enterprise should not make earning profits its main/primary objective/goal.

(2) A successful enterprise should not see/view/take/regard/think of/look upon earning/making profits as its main/primary objective/goal.

2. 它應該負起社會責任,以增進大眾的福祉。


(參考句型:S + V + O + to + V + O

(負起社會責任 take on its social responsibility

(增進 increase

(大眾的福祉 public well-being


It should take on its social responsibility to increase public well-being.






I would choose the book LEADERSHIP IS A CHOICE: Conquer Your Fears & You Can Be a Leader Too. Since the target readers of this book might all have the intention of being leaders, they must be fearless. As a result, I suppose the author might open his chapters by providing several self-assessment quizzes about self-fear, allowing readers to look into their hearts. He might also exemplify with several plausible scenarios where potential leaders are faced with fear. What follows might be the different types of fears as well as the theories of how human fears are generated and the analysis of what leads to these dreadful feelings. Then, in the final chapters, it is highly likely that the author provides good useful tips on how to help readers conquer these fears and how to be a good leader.


I decide to choose this book because I would like to be a good leader in the future. Shy and introvert as I am, I actually admire those who are brave and competent enough to direct or lead a group. The American President Barack Obama and the late Prime minister of United Kingdom Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher are my idols. Their fearless attitude, decisive characters, and charisma are what I would like to develop inside myself. After reading this book, I am sure I would strengthen my mind. I would like to put what the author conveys and teaches into practice by seeking an opportunity to serve as the leader of my dance club. Despite the inner fears and nervousness that trouble me at this moment, I will follow the author’s tips, conquer my fears, and be a leader, too.


◎第一部份 選擇題



1. 15題中考動詞4題,名詞5題,形容詞4題,副詞2題,選項的單字都在4500字範圍內,學生在準備學測時務必要熟悉4500字。

2. 15題中有8題屬於線索推論,需由文意推敲答案(flexible、illustrations、swiftly、maximum、furiously、assure

、screening、regulation),2題屬於常識判斷題(label、promote),1題屬於字詞搭配(departure for),1題舉例題 (intimate)、3題對比題(reward、affordable、interact)。

3. 特別的是,今年僅有一題字詞搭配題,多數題目需要從文意融合常識與邏輯聯想作答,所以學生在單字學習中要多加搭配句子以求理解文意。

4. 與往年相同,今年主題取材仍求貼近考生的生活經驗,並需多注意時事。學生平時應多留意生活化主題的英文單字,如(3)LED電視、(6)地震、(9)服藥說明,與新聞事件的英文單字,如(13) 黑心油品事件、(15)伊波拉病毒。



1. 第一篇為太極拳的介紹,第二篇討論鳥類在不同文化中的象徵,第三篇淺談蘋果的種類與栽種,主題多元,故學生平時應多閱讀不同主題的文章。

2. 15題中有介系詞1題(17)、片語1題(23),文法或句型題4題(18、26、27、29),轉折語1題 (21),其餘為單字題與需由上下文推論的題目。

3. 15題的難度中上,大部分題目只要能理解文意,均容易作答。

4. 今年出題仍舊著重字義與文意的理解,文法與句型題雖有4題,均不難作答。由此可知閱讀理解力仍是測驗的重點,學生平時宜多涉獵不同題材的文章,擴充字彙庫,並培養從上下文意推論聯想的能力。



1. 主題為介紹迴紋針的發明與改良,文章大致上依時間順序寫成,段落分明,結構清楚易懂,可由每段的主題句掌握內容。

2. 全文10格都是實詞,而honor與protest有二個以上的詞性,學生作答時必須留意判斷。此外,有3格測驗片語,並以分詞形呈現(known as、twisted into、associated with),學生必須運用文法或句型概念才能正確作答。

3. 此篇文章測驗的方向多元,有4題需融合文法觀念,與對等連接詞相關的是(33),與分詞片語相關的是(34),與分詞相關的是(36),(40)則是測驗不定詞的概念,其中以(34)題較難。其餘均容易作答。

4. 教師可提醒學生多練習文意選填的答題技巧,先瀏覽過選項的字詞,答題時由結構判斷空格所需要的詞性,再由符合詞性的選項中挑選符合文意的選項。教師可鼓勵學生記憶單字時要注意詞性,並多學習搭配詞與基本句型的用法。



1. 第一篇介紹泰武國小古謠傳唱隊,第二篇探討過度醫療對病人的負面影響,第三篇介紹著名攝影師Henri Cartier-Bresson,第四篇警告讀者久坐不動將帶來的負面影響。

2. 四篇文章都算中長文,字數分別為329字、288字、296字和290字,單字多在4500字範圍內,雖有出現較難的字彙(第一篇的a cappella,第二篇的Wegener’s disease),但只要學生能仔細閱讀,熟悉同位語等語法句構,即可從上下文意推敲出文意。

3. 在本次閱測中,第一篇對於泰武國小古謠傳唱隊的介紹段落分明,學生若能善用閱讀主題句的技巧即能快速找出答案,43題定義題較難,需要清楚掌握文意才能作答。第二篇探討過度醫療的問題,雖出現較難的單字Wegener’s disease、immune system,但主題清楚,答題不難。47題較特別,所測驗的代名詞they無法由前面出現過的主詞對應,須仰賴上下段落文意的理解判斷。第三篇介紹著名攝影師Henri Cartier-Bresson,大致以順敘法寫成,學生若能掌握時間脈絡與主題句重點,即可找出答案,僅52題專考細節稍難。第四篇警告現代人久坐不動將導致的疾病,文章中雖出現metabolism、enzymes等難字,主題清晰易懂,閱讀不須費力。54、56題較難,均須深入細節。

4. 本次閱讀測驗仍以主旨題、細節題、推論題和指示題為主要方向,教師平時可讓學生多加練習此類題目。

5. 教師可鼓勵學生平時閱讀遇到生字時多練習從上下文猜測意思,以應付測驗語意的題目。

6. 教師可提醒學生在答題前先掃瞄題型,判斷何者需用略讀技巧,何者需要閱讀全文,善用策略以便縮短答題時間。

◎第二部份 非選擇題


1. 二題均可以單句寫成。二句均陳述事實,使用現在簡單式。

2. 第一句以「一個成功的企業」作為主詞,「把A當作B」可用make + O + OC或see + A + as + B的結構表示。第二句後半部份以不定詞to表示。

3. 本題呼應時事,近年來有許多黑心企業,將營利設為營業目標,罔顧大眾健康與安全。學生平時需多留意社會現象或時事報導。

4. 本次翻譯題句構不難,較困難之處在於單字,如第一句的企業enterprise、獲利make/earn profits,第二句的負起責任take on the responsibility、大眾福祉public well-being。



Topic sentence: 先開門見山點明會選哪一本書。

I would choose the book ________.

Supporting idea: 接著說明該書的內容大概為何。建議可依照想像的章節描述較有條理。


Topic sentence: 說明選擇該書的理由。

I decide to choose this book because _______.

Supporting idea: 選書的理由可與自身經驗連結。

Conclusion: 以閱讀該書後會有何收穫作結論。





Reading Task單元好實用!




