2 意译法 —— 对难译的辞格:尽可能加工



2 意译法 —— 对难译的辞格:尽可能加工. 拟声; 对偶; 断取; 脚韵 析数; 同字; 双关; 顶真 统括; 列锦; 拈连; 精警 借代; 倒装; 摹形; 反复. 拟声 ( Onomatopoeia ) 1) 卜卜卜 —— 机关枪的声音跟着又来。(茅盾: 《 子夜 》 ) The staccato chatter of a machine-gun was heard again. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • Onomatopoeia1) The staccato chatter of a machine-gun was heard again.2) He knocked twice at the gatehis heart thudding violently.

  • 3) A hammering clatter of hoofs beating the hard road.4) White jagged lightningfollowed by the brazen clash and deep rumble of thunder. V

  • 123 clatter 4 clash rumble1 pu-pu-pu clatter2 tu-tu thudding3 chatter 4 clash rumble

  • Antithesis 1) The pathways red with cherry blossomsThe lakeside green with willow leaves.2) Beautystrengthyouthare flowers but fading seenDutyfaithloveare rootsand ever green.from a sonnet by George Peele

  • 1) 2)

  • 1) At the time of the Three KingdomsCao Cao led his huge army to the Yangtse River to attack the Kingdom of Wu in eastern China. Zhou Yuwho was then a Youth League memberin agewas appointed commanding general of the Wu army. Cheng Pu and other battle-seasoned generals protested but were later persuaded into accepting his commandand in the end the battle was won.2) Just now you said its a tiring job to do a big sale. It is the first time Ive heard this.

  • Rhyme1) have only to open ones mouth to be fedand hold out ones hands to be dressed---- lead an easy life2) The age-old moon still shines oer the ancient Great WallBut our frontier guardsmen have not come back at all.

  • 3) When the cats awaythe mice will play. 4) health and wealth fair and square high flyer low blow

  • 1) A-Shu is twice eightFor laziness he has no equal.2) Mid-autumns fifteenth night is here again.As on the Feast of Lanterns we stroll round.

  • 3) Nowof my threescore years and ten Twenty will not come again. A. E. Housman4) Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation. Abraham Lincoln

  • 1) PANMrs Guyoure the most sentimental woman in the world!GU gratifiedThats the reason why Im most tragicmost distressedmost passionatemost helpless.2) ! GU She watches Pan jauntily departthen looks round again and launches into another torrent of wordsI do admire youBailu! I really dont know how to do justice to you. Youre a chef doeuvre! Charmingbeautifulromanticvoluptuous.

  • Pun1) Between the willows green the river flows alongMy beloved in a boatis heard singing a song.The west is veiled in rainthe east basks in sunshineMy beloved is as deep in loveas the day is fine.

  • 2) The silkworm till its death spins silk from love-sick heartThe candle only when burnt has no tears to shed.

  • 3) Second to None None

  • 4 A Farewell to Arms arms arms

  • 5 Vainly facing the hermit in sparkling snow-clad hillsI forget not the fairy in lone woods beyond the world.(

  • 6)

  • 7) When a woman complained to her butcher that his sausages tasted like meat at one endbut like bread at the otherhe repliedMadamin times like these no butcher can make both ends meat. meat make both ends meet

  • 8) The professor rapped on his desk and shoutedGentlemenorder! The entire class yelledBeer! order

  • Anadiplosis1) There was a village called Zhangjia Villagewhere lived Carpenter Zhangwho had a good wifenicknamed Little Mothwho gave birth to a girl called Aiai.

  • 2) Having exchanged some polite remarks upon meeting he observed that I was fatterand having observed that I was fatter launched into a violent attack on the reformists.

  • 3) Still he sought for fame ... famethat last infirmity of noble mind. 4) He gave his lifelife was all he could give.

  • 1) My mother is rigidly conservative. Shes very particular about the Three Obediences and the Four Virtues.

  • The session has also decided to propose to the National Peoples Congress the deletion of the provision in Article 45 of the Constitution concerning the si dathat isspeaking out freelyairing ones views fullywriting big-character posters and holding great debates. Si daThis is a shorthand way of referring to the provision in Article 45 of the Constitution of 1978 concerning speaking out freelyairing ones views fullywriting big-character posters and holding great debates. Since in Chinese each of these expressions contains the character da or bigthey have come to be known as the si daor four bigs.

  • 1) ! The blue skythe green landand the long path. Here she was coming along.2) Honourangervalourfire A love that life could never tire Death quench or evil stir The mighty master Gave to her. R. L. Stevenson

  • : , , ,

  • Zeugma1) ! ! Humph! My ears are deafbut my mind is not.2) The little train and the hearts of all its passengerstogethersped merrily homeward.

  • 3) The blood stained her honour and her new brocade. zeugmahonourheartbrocadenecklace4) She lost her heart and necklace at a ball.

  • . ParadoxOxymoron1) He meditated upon their recent pleasant experiences. Each time he indulged in such meditationhe felt heart-broken. But he was eager to taste this kind of sweet bitterness.2) Hard upwe manage to get over it each yearHomelesswe try to make home everywhere.

  • 3) The land did not movebut moved. The sea was not stillyet was still. Paradox flowed into paradoxstillness mixed with stillnesssound with sound. E. Ray Bradbury: The Vacation

  • 4) WhythenO brawling love! O loving hate!O any thingof nothing first created!O heavy lightness! serious vanity!Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms!Feather of leadbright smokecold firesick health!Still-waking sleep that is not what it is! -----This love feel Ithat feel no love in this.William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet!!!

  • paradox 3 oxymoron 4

  • Antonomasia1) Still another Chinese proverb says three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind. Zhuge Liang by himself can never be perfecthe has his limitations.2) This young couple is not well matchedone is a Xi Shi --- a famous Chinese beautywhile the other is a Zhang Fei --- a well-known ill-tempered brute.

  • 3) He is a modern Samson. Samson4) We have enrolled every local Cicero. Cicero5) Our village Hercules has come. Hercules

  • Anastrophe1) ! ! ! ! QU YUANBlowwind! Rollthunder! Flashlightning! Destroy all things that slumber in darknessdestroy them utterly!2) I wantif I canto record my remorse and grieffor Zijuns sake as well as for my own.

  • 3) Fine and sunny it was when we started on our way. 4) So beautifully did she sing that the audience burst into applause.

  • C. Graphic1) With a T square in his handthe teacher of geometry came into the classroom.2) Old Zhang went into the room and saw his daughter lying on the bed in the shape of the Chinese character .3) It was just impossible for him to get into this I-shaped hole. 4) What they need now is a large quantity of Z iron.

  • T I Z

  • Repetition1) ? Dont you knowDont you knowThe red should languish and the green must grow?2) I struggled and struggled out of the tangle.I thus alarmed a beach of herons and gulls.

  • 3) AprilApril Laugh thy girlish laughter. W. Watson4) A thin man in a thin overcoat watched them out of thinemotionless eyes. James Thurber: One Is A Wanderer

  • 3 1) 2

  • 5)

  • ? alliteration

  • 7) hem and haw [h] 8) weal and woe [w]

  • Alliteration1) Dumb dogs are dangerous. 2) Sarah sits by six sick city slickers.3) Four fat friars fanned flickering flames.4) Round the rough and rugged rock the ragged rascal rudely ran.

  • fair and foul safe and sound bed and board bag and baggage forgive and forget time and tide tit for tat sink or swim

  • tan te kang kai fen fang kan ke chi cheng lin lang

    ping ting yao rao wang yang cuo tuo pang huang can lan

  • Enallage1) ! !too warlord This company commander is too much of a warlord. Though hes younghe easily gets into a fit of temper.2) Hes been clerked all his life. He's been an office clerk all his life.

  • 3) The sight of the happy children warmed his heart. 4) You can never fox me. 5) You have no right to boss me.

  • enallage

  • 1) ! Im incapable of running things. Im too ignorantblunt and tactlessalways getting hold of the wrong end of the stick. And I'm so soft-heartedanyone can get round me.

  • 2) !BAILUlighting a cigaretteIts not me thats hooked Panhe comes here of his own free willwhat can I do about it!GU making an effort to please herAnywayit's a case ofWhen Greek meets Greek.

  • 12

  • 1 be as nosy as a dog trying to catch a rat 2 be like a blind man holding a candle -- a sheer waste of wax

  • PalindromeChiasmus1) 2) 3)

  • 4) ?

  • Science is in need of socialismwhile socialism is in greater need of science. Their liveliness is very appealing. I like themand they like me.

  • A. MadamIm Adam. B. SirI'm Iris.Mad? Am I? madam? ? ?No X in Nixon.

  • Ma is as selfless as I am. Ma is a nunas I am. You can cage a swallowcant you? But you cant swallow a cagecan you? ? ?

  • Strong in attackand in defense unrivalled.The melody was oldold also were the words.

  • palindrome chiasmus palindrome palindrome chiasmus

  • Misinterpretation1) 197921042) ? ? ? ?

  • 3) midwifethe second wife of a man who marries three times4) SophomoreBut I dont think I deserve quite a zero on this paper.TeacherNeither do Ibut its the lowest mark I can give.

  • Meaning Shift1) 2) 3) Mr. Hooligan is more than a hooligan while Mr. Fox is more than a fox.4) A man has two handsbut a clock has three hands.

  • embodied word heroine heherhero therein thethereheherhereerereinin word of vowel pattern aeiou dialogue unsociable authorize subordinateequation tenaciouscauliflower precarious

  • Anagram1) ! Handle it as you think bestWhiskers. If you pull it offI'll not fail to thank you.As if I wanted thanks from you!...

  • T-h-a-n-kBut I veto i-c-e-c-r-e-a-m!

  • The custom in Nanjing is for all brides to invite good luck by going to the kitchenon the third day and cooking a fishwhich stands for fortune.

  • 5) committeescost me time6) a mother-in-lawa woman Hitler / 7) desperationA rope ends it.8) softheartednessoften sheds tears9) familieslifes aim10) William ShakespeareWe all make his praise

  • Hendiadys1) 2) 1987326

  • 3) Tom looked at her with eyes and envy = with envious eyes.4) They drank from goblets and from gold = from gold goblets. Virgil

  • 1) I see but seek in vainI search and search againI feel so sadso drearSo lonelywithout cheer.

  • 14again and again more and more on and on neck and neck

  • 1) ... no matter whether you are resorting to civilization or war.2) I hope all of us will give zealous support to the reform of our writing systempromote the reform and not counterwork the reform.

  • 3) There are some who keep clamouring for transformation to a mass style but cannot speak three sentences in the language of the common people. It shows they are not really determined to learn from the masses. Their minds are still confined to their own small circle.4)

  • AbbreviationAcronym1) science and technologyculture and educationN.P.C. National Peoples CongressC.P.P.C.C.Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference

  • 2) labad exam flu3) U.S.A. NATO IOC OPEC UNESCO

  • 2) lab laboratoryad advertisementexam examinationflu influenza

  • 3) U.S.A. the United States of America NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization IOC International Olympic Committee OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting CountriesUNESCO United Nations EducationalScientific and Cultural Organization

  • 1 abbreviation 2 acronym 3 abbreviation acronym C.P.P.C.C.flu3

  • 1Alliteration He is all fire and fight.2Oxymoron Changelessly changing.

  • 3LitotesI am not quite too late, I see. not a few 4Zeugma 1She lost her heart and necklace at the ball. 2He took photographs and other things.

  • 3-R guarantees: repair, replacement and refundThe three Ps: patience, persistence, and perseverance

  • Customer satisfactionAffordable pricesReliable qualityEfficient delivery

  • In the steep sky cold waves are swiftly sweeping by;On the vast earth warm winds gradually growing high.
