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    Stefano Mirtis

    facebook wall



    timeline archive:

    a personal collectionof curiosities

    Stefano Mirtis

    facebook wall


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    Stefanos facebook timeline 38/52 2013


    One consequence of the economic downturn that

    has gone largely unreported is the struggle Italian

    men now face to woo women with the care and

    attention - and the financial outlay - they were

    once renowned for.

    In the queue at the ice cream parlour the two

    businessmen jiggled anxiously and salivated like

    school boys as they stared at the myriad flavours

    of coloured gelato.

    When it came to their turn though they looked a

    little deflated, even a little ashamed as they

    asked the impatient waitress in small voices for a

    "gelato piccolo".

    "Yeah, everything's downsized here," said the

    taller man ruefully, looking down at his modest

    single scoop of chocolate ice cream.

    "No money for anything now - not even for

    women," he added as he licked his spoon

    thoughtfully. "The day of Casanova is over. One

    Italy's Casanovas hit where

    it hurts.

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    Singapore, Singapore

    The Comfort Zone

    Thanks to Anita Silvafor sharing this link.


    It is a lovely project, very special, very nice, very

    woman only - and that's already too expensive."

    His colleague scraped his tub cleansearching out

    the last drops of sorbet. He flashed me a winning


    "The good time's finished," he announced. And

    then, shrugging his shoulders, he whispered

    confidentially, "I'm an ex-Casanova."

    Keep reading the interesting report from BBC at:


    Thanks to Rachaporn Choochueyfor the link.

    Image above, Federico Fellini, La Dolce Vita

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    National Gallery

    -from: How to recognize the artists of paintings-

    A lovely guide, courtesy of Paula Rial:


    How to recognize the artists of paintings

    Image above: Jan Van Eyck, The Arnolfini

    Wedding, 1434.

    If everyone - including the

    women - looks like Putin,

    then it's van Eyck.


    Here some more about ms Ella Zheng (who

    masterminds the whole game/play): http://www.


    Here their group on Facebook (this as well, very

    nice): http://www.facebook.com/groups/THE.


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    Last Call!


    Mancano solo 3 giorni per fare richiesta dei

    voucher dell'Alta Formazione in Rete



    HURRY UP!-

    Per maggiori informazioni > Lucia Giuliano+

    Gianni Romano

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    Kawasaki-shi, Japan

    When Hong Kong's Kowloon Walled City was razed

    in the late 1980s, it was an infamously

    untouchable haven for drugs, crime, and

    prostitutiona place few locals would dare tovisit. Now, a theme park outside of Tokyo is selling

    tickets to explore a painstakingly modeled replica

    of the Walled Cityright down to its trash, which

    was imported from Hong Kong.

    Keep reading at: http://gizmodo.com/hong-kongs-


    Watch an (impressive) video from the original

    Walled City: http://io9.com/.../incredible-claustrophobic-footage-from...

    Hong Kong's Infamous

    Kowloon Walled City Rebuilt

    as Amusement Park

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    Flagstaff, AZ, United States

    James Turrell's Roden Crater



    At Roden Crater I was interested in taking the

    cultural artifice of art out into the natural

    surround. I did not want the work to be a mark

    upon nature, but I wanted the work to be enfolded

    in nature in such a way that light from the sun,

    moon and stars empowered the spaces I wanted

    an area where you had a sense of standing on the

    planet. I wanted an area of exposed geology like

    the Grand Canyon or the Painted Desert, where

    you could feel geologic time. Then in this stage set

    of geologic time, I wanted to make spaces that

    engaged celestial events in light so that the spaces

    performed a music of the spheres in light. The

    sequence of spaces, leading up to the final large

    space at the top of the crater, magnifies events.

    The work I do intensifies the experience of light by

    isolating it and occluding light from events not

    looked at. I have selected different portions of the

    sky and a limited number of events for each of the

    spaces. This is a reason for the large number of


    (James Turrell)

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    Tonight, special event in Milan.

    Francesco Jodice organize a special drive-in movie


    A real " drive in" set up in the former space Alfa

    shed, starting at 21.

    For this fourth edition of Tender To Young Art ,

    Francesco Jodice has produced a real Drive In,

    because the public will be invited to see from

    their own cars the film made for the event : "I like

    working on a piece of Milan, imagine the impulses

    that these suburbs expressed in the 70's . The idea

    of drive-in was created as homage to an industrial

    space , linked to the production of the cars , so

    the possibility of bringing cars within these spaces

    at a distance of forty years seems to me an

    interesting operation. The

    La notte del drive in:

    Milano spara

    Here a folder with some images: http://www.


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    Parco delle Risaie

    Risaie Survival Signal Mirror

    From the 23rd to the 27th of September, a very

    nice workshop on mirrors, rice paddies and

    communication systems.

    reference to the movie" the night of the drive-in :

    Milan shoots " it's kind poliziottesco of the

    Seventies is not only a tribute to the genre

    cinema, so alive in that decade, but also a way to

    remember the social tensions that were also an

    expression of a company vital, intense, never

    stands still and animated by contrasts and


    keep reading at: http://www.francescojodice.


    In Italian: http://www.undo.



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    Antarctica / Stellar Axis

    In December 2006, artist Lita Albuquerque, whose

    work questions our place in the enormity of

    infinite space and eternal time, led an expedition

    to one of the purest and uninhabited places on


    The expedition journeyed to the farthest reaches

    of Antarctica, across the Ross Ice Shelf (800 miles

    north of the South Pole) to create Stellar Axis:

    Antarctica, the first installment of Albuqurque's

    global project Stellar Axis (which also includes 90

    Degrees North at the North Pole).

    The installation consisted of 99 blue spherical

    The whole thing is led by Massimo Cutini and

    ToMake at Cascina San Marco in Milan.

    More (in Italian) at: http://www.culturame.


    Image above: Robert Smithson, Incidents of Mirror-

    Travel in the Yucatan, 1969.

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    San Pedro, California

    Lawnchair Larry

    Thanks to Anna Barbara, for reminding me about

    Lawnchair Larry.

    Who is Lawnchair Larry?

    structures arranged on the polar ice in exact,

    calculated alignment with 99 stars. Each sphere's

    diameter correlated to the relative brightness of

    its unique, corresponding star. The resulting work

    created a large-scale stellar map on the Antarctic


    As the planet rotated on its axis and continued to

    orbit around the sun, the relationship between the

    spheres and stars began to shift out of alignment,

    creating an imperceptible spiral of motion at the

    South Pole.

    Keep reading at: http://www.domusweb.it/...


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    Lawrence Richard Walters, nicknamed "Lawnchair

    Larry" or the "Lawn Chair Pilot", (1949 /1993) was

    an American truck driver who took flight on July 2,

    1982, in a homemade airship.

    The "flying machine" consisted of an ordinary patio

    chair with 45 helium-filled weather balloons

    attached to it.

    Walters rose to an altitude of over 15,000 feet

    (4,600 m) and floated from his point of origin in

    San Pedro, California, into controlled airspace

    near Los Angeles International Airport. His flight

    was widely reported.

    Keep reading at: http://en.wikipedia.


    Here a whole website dedicated to him: http:



    The Peculiar History of

    Foot Binding in China

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    Yesterday she came in a delicate blue satin of a

    more fashionable cut than I had ever seen; her

    feet were unbound and in little clumping, square,

    black-leather foreign shoes. She was evidently

    very proud of them; they looked like shoes for a

    very rough little American boy, and had steel taps

    on the heels. They stuck out most oddly from her

    exquisite brocaded skirt.

    After we had exchanged polite remarks, and had

    taken our first sip of tea, she was so evidently

    conscious of her feet that I could not but comment

    on her unusual footgear.

    It is the very latest fashion, she replied with

    great satisfaction. You know that, of course, in

    the big cities like Peking and Shanghai, the really

    fashionable girls do not bind their feet any more.

    At the boarding-school they dont either; and so,

    when I came home, I cried for three days, without

    food, until for peace they unbound my feet so that

    I might wear these beautiful American shoes. My

    feet are still too small, but I stuff cotton in the


    (Pearl Buck, The Good Earth)


    Keep reading at: http://www.theatlantic.com/...


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    Metropolitana Linea 2

    >Minuti 2

    Me Too (imparo a disegnare)Un giorno nella linea 2 della metropolitana di

    milano, a imparare a disegnare.

    Si inizia la giornata che non si sa disegnare, si

    finisce che si capaci (programma

    apparentemente semplice, in verit moltoambizioso).

    >lunedi 7 ottobre 2013.


    stefano-mirti/M2, TAM TAMStefano Mirti Tam Tam

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    Stefanos facebook timeline 38/52 2013

    London Underground

    Very nice article from Brainpicker:

    The London Underground is renowned around the

    world for its iconic map, which has sprouted a

    number of creative derivatives and parodies, andits formidable legacy of graphic design.

    But most legendary and celebrated of all is its bar-

    and-circle logo also known as the bulls-eye or

    the roundel which celebrates its 150th birthdayin 2013 and which is comparable only to an

    international icon like INY.

    Keep reading at: http://www.brainpickings.org/...


    Image above: drawing of the proportions for

    Edward Johnston's roundel, ca. 1925.

    Lessons from the Visual

    History of the London

    Underground Logo

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    Nella Caffaratti

    Yesterday in Torino, I met Nella Caffaratti.

    She does all kind of beautiful and sepcial things

    (well, actually, she always did).

    Here above one image from her beautiful "la

    bonne humeur" book: a complete story made out

    of prints and nice hand drawings



    More about Nella's things at: http:


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    Kon Tum, Vietnam

    I've already reported on Vo Trong Nghia Architects

    (they do very nice and special architecture, in


    Here a new building.

    ..the three banquet halls feature three different

    natural materials; stone, bamboo, and wood.

    Walls and columns of the Stone Hall, located on

    the ground floor and capable of 800 guests,

    Kontum Indochine Wedding


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    are composed of Basalt stone slabs. These stone

    slabs have different surfaces; pitch-faced,

    polished or hammered, creating both dignified and

    delicate spatial characteristics, which are well

    suited to festive ceremonies.

    Both the Bamboo Hall and Wooden Hall are

    located on the second level, each having capacity

    for 400 guests. The materials vary between the

    two halls, giving different characteristics of each


    Keep reading at: http://www.archdaily.com/...


    More about their work: http://votrongnghia.com/

    Washington, DC, United States

    You have to love the US! In what other countryaround the globe can you become statistically

    The American Economy Grew

    by $560 Billion in a Blink

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    Stefanos facebook timeline 38/52 2013

    richer by a whopping 1,750 US dollars in the blink

    of an eye? This is what happened to me and

    everyone else living here on Wednesday, 31 July,

    when the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced

    its first Gross Domestic Product (GDP) estimate for

    2Q 2013.

    The announcement was accompanied by the 14th

    benchmark GDP revision since 1929, one of the

    most profound in the way the US computes this

    statistic. It added some USD 560bn to the 2012

    GDP estimate, or 3.6% of the old GDP, the rough

    equivalent of a state like New Jersey or a country

    like Belgium or Norway.

    The lions share of this upward revision is for

    research and development expenditures of

    businesses, government and nonprofit


    These expenses are newly recognized as fixed

    investments. According to the revised National

    Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) tables , this

    post alone added roughly USD 270bn to private

    investments and roughly another USD 90bn to

    government investments (federal, state and local)

    in 2012.

    A second sizable revision stems from expenditures

    by business for the creation of entertainment,

    literary, and artistic originals, which are now also

    considered as fixed investments and hence added

    another USD 74bn in 2012.

    Andy Warhol, who consistently labeled his ateliers

    as factories, would be happy to know that his

    famous painted dollar sign is now indeed also

    contributing hard US dollars to the US GDP. And so

    is every franchise in film, TV and literature. Or as

    one economist stated, commenting on the revision

    for the New York Times, Thats right, Seinfeld,

    the ultimate show about nothing will now add

    billions to GDP.

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    La Vache / Cocco / Ondulino

    I've spent some more time browsing Nella

    Caffaratti's imaginary worlds.


    I really like the things she does.

    Here for instance, a link to a great stop-motion

    video she did some time ago:


    Keep reading at: http://www.ubs.com/.../how-


    And here another very interesting article on the

    subject: http://www.nytimes.com/.../what-is-



    Thanks toGiannino Malossi for the links!

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    Gallery S O

    A very nice work by Carl Clerkin.

    More of his stuff at: http://www.dezeen.com/...


    Website: http://www.carlclerkin.co.uk/

    Furniture for People

    without Attics

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    Gallery S O

    Here the first preview (for the time being in

    Italian only) of this book I wrote during thesummer.

    Il mondo nuovo

    Una guida tascabile

    #design #socialmedia #alterazioni

    Soon in the bookshops (and soon in its digital form

    and soontranslated inEnglish). Thanks to Gianni

    Romano& postmediabooks.

    Here thelink: http://www.postmediabooks.




    1. Introduzione

    2. Il mondo nuovo

    3. The community is the message

    Il Mondo Nuovo (aka,

    The Brave New World)...

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    4. Alcune avvertenze

    5. Una bibliografia? Diciamo una playlist

    6. Absolute Beginners / Holiday in Cambodia

    7. Lambigua intimit fotografica di Instagram

    8. Sullimportanza di Twitter

    9. #tweetville(anche: @twt_ville)

    10. Multiversi e piramidi rovesciate

    11. Todos Caballeros!

    12. In tenda o in camper?

    13. Il Gran Tour, via Facebook. Detto anche, i

    flneur digitali

    14. Un postscriptum su Gran Touristas

    15. Sulla socievolezza digitale

    16. Un dialogo impossibile

    17. Un progetto pirata e un corso (letteralmente)

    in movimento

    18. Vecchi media, nuovi media

    19. Crowdfunding. Everybody knows

    20. I paesaggi del limite

    21. I fratelli Collyer, Ferdinand Cheval e Andr


    22. Grande la confusione sotto il cielo

    23. Data di scadenza

    24. Appendice: ...io sono la camminata di Tony


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    New York, NY, United States

    You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and

    you know that the President drinks Coke, Liz

    Taylor drinks Coke, and just think, you can drink

    Coke, too. A Coke is a Coke and no amount of

    money can get you a better Coke than the one the

    bum on the corner is drinking. All the Cokes are

    the same and all the Cokes are good. Liz Taylor

    knows it, the President knows it, the bum knows

    it, and you know it.

    (Andy Warhol)

    Image above: Andy Warhol, Coca Cola Bottles,


    You can be watching TV

    and see Coca-Cola.

