2020 華語研習營 · 2019-12-12 · 暑 華語研習營 2020 期 國語日報語文中心...


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報名資格:6 ~ 15 歲海外的兒童與青少年。


班別 週一至週五A梯次

2020/06/10~07/02B 梯次

2020/07/08~07/28C 梯次



每天 4.5 小時中文課+1 堂文化課

TWD 36,000


每天 1 堂文化課+2 小時中文課

TWD 22,000

* 2020 年 5 月以前曾參加本中心春 /夏 /冬季營隊,可享 9折優惠 ( 單班課除外 )。

華語單班課(僅上中文課 )

09:30~12:00 TWD 15,000

13:00~14:50 TWD 13,000

15:00~16:50 TWD 13,000


注意事項: 報名前必讀!報名後,視同同意以下規定。

◆ 本中心保留單班課學生上課時段調整與調動權利。

◆ 本營隊為團體課程,若學員請假或缺課,無法另行補課。

◆ 6 月 25 日、26 日 ( 星期四、五 ) 為端午節假日,該兩日不上課亦不補課。

◆ 若因天災等不可抗拒因素而停課(如颱風假),依本中心排定日期補課,各梯次補課日如下:

A 梯次:7 月 3 日、6 日或 7 日;B 梯次 7 月 29 日、30 日或 31 日;C 梯次 8 月 24 日、25 日或 26 日。


◆ 完成報名手續後,因故無法如期參加本營隊者,需以書面 email 或傳真申請退費。退費辦法依照「台北市教 育

局退費規定」申請辦理(如報名表上所列)。退費過程中所產生的全部費用 ( 如銀行轉帳手續費或匯差 ),需



◆ 電話 +886-2-2391-5134 / +886-2-2392-1133( 分機 1002-1004)

◆  電子信箱 mandarin@mdnkids.com

◆  地址 台北市中正區福州街 2 號 2 樓(古亭捷運站 7 號出口)

◆  網站 https://study.mdnkids.com/CH/home/

財團法人國語日報社附設臺北市私立國語短期補習班 北市補習班證字第 1993 號




❶ 報名表

❷ 生活公約

❸ 家長同意書

❹ 學生護照




◆ Email報名表至mandarin@mdnkids.com◆ 傳真至(02)2391-2008



◆ 親臨櫃臺(週一至週五)繳交文


銀行:華南銀行 南門分行  戶名:財團法人國語日報社  帳號:117160028408

國際匯款相關資訊請參考英文版 payment 內容,國際匯款手續費需由學員自行負擔



Program Feature

Mandarin classes are based on the student’s age and level of Chinese. A Chinese immersion learning environment provided in which students can improve their listening,

speaking, reading and writing skills.

Qualification Students, whose age is between 6 - 15 years old and eager to learn Mandarin, are welcome to join us.

Class Time&


Monday~ Friday

Term A2020/06/10~07/02

Term B2020/07/08~07/28

Term C2020/08/03~08/21

Full day09:30-16:30 36,000

Half day13:00-16:50 22,000

«Textbooks are included to all course. Lunches are provided for full-day course.«Returning students, who joined our full/half day course before 2020, May, have 10% discount.

Unit per day Chinese course (only Chinese class, no cultural activity)«Textbooks are included

Monday~ Friday

Term A2020/06/10~07/02

Term B2020/07/08~07/28

Term C2020/08/03~08/21

09:30~12:00 15,000

13:00~14:50 13,000

15:00~16:50 13,000



«Registration form, program rules, waiver and an e-copy of student passport are required.«Register in person: please come to MDN Language Center front desk on the 2nd floor over

office hour: 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.«Register by E-mail: send all the required document to mandarin@mdnkids.com, and pay the tuition after receiving payment notice.

International Wire (in TWD or USD): Beneficiary: MANDARIN DAILY NEWS Account Number: 117160028408

Beneficiary Address: No.2, Fu Zhou St., Taipei City, Taiwan R.O.C. Beneficiary Bank Name : HUA NAN COMMERCIAL BANK, NAN MEN BRANCH Bank Address: No 11, Sec. 2, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C SWIFT Code: HNBKTWTP117Fax(+886-2-2391-2008) or Email the receipt with student’s name on it to MDN.Complete the online assessment after receiving the link from MDN email (excluding beginner).

Remarks(Must Read)

«The language center reserves the right to alter the class time for students of unit per day class.«All the courses are group courses. No make up class available if stuedents miss any classes.«June 25 - 26 is the national holiday of Dragon Boat Festival, no class arranged for these 2 days.«Any cancellation of class due to natural disasters, like typhoons, will be postponed to the following

dates, Term A: 2020/7/3, 7/6 or 7/7, Term B: 2020/7/29, 7/30, or 7/31 Term C: 2020/8/24, 8/25, or 8/26. Students who are unable to take the makeup class are deemed as a waiver.

«To withdraw and apply for the refund, please submit the request in writing and email to mandarin@mdnkids.com. Our refund policy is according to the regulations of the Department of Education of the Taipei City Government, which is listed on the registration form. For people who ask to have the refund through wire transfers, have to take over all the expenses, which were happened over the refunding process, such as T/T banking charges and exchange rate differences.

Contact us

TEL   +886-2-2391-5134, +886-2-2392-1133 (Ext. 1002-1004) EMAIL   mandarin@mdnkids.com Address  2F, No 2, Fu zhou St., Taipei City, TaiwanWEBSITE  https://study.mdnkids.com/EN/home/

2020 Mandarin Learning Summer Program

MDN Language Center MAP
