


如何写学术论文. How to start. 确定学术思想: 研究目标  新,集中,突出,重要性 组织内容材料: materials and methods. 写作过程. 样板:决定格式与风格 format and style 初稿:先把想法写出 修改成文:基本成文 编辑:内容与格式 定稿。. 样板---选择期刊. 期刊的发表论文领域  Scope of the journal 衡量自己工作水平,选择与水平相当的期刊 太高:退稿 太低:可惜 略高:合适 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How to start

确定学术思想:研究目标 新,集中,突出,重要性

组织内容材料: materials and methods

写作过程样板:决定格式与风格 format and style


样板---选择期刊 期刊的发表论文领域 Scope of the journal

衡量自己工作水平,选择与水平相当的期刊 太高:退稿 太低:可惜 略高:合适

按照所选期刊的要求着手 communication

full paper

short note

Model or Template

MODEL: a paper in the journal that you wish to publish, better by English speaking author

Get help from the language, not the science 3 basic characteristics: *Journal must be good; *Within the last 2-3 years; *At least one author is a native speaker of


INOCHE scope

“Inorganic Chemistry Communications is an international journal dedicated to the rapid publication of short communications in the major areas of inorganic, organometallic and supramolecular chemistry.”

About Elsevier

29% of Chinese science papers in ISI with Elsevier currently

Elsevier has 1800+ journals in 50+

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America ChemicalSociety

Taylor & Francis


• Elsevier 25%

• Springer 7.70%

• Blackwell 5.30%

• Wiley 4.60%

• ACS 3.00%

• Taylor & Francis 3.00%

• Others 51.40%

American ChemicalSociety

ISI Market Shares Of Different Publishers (2004) Articles (all subjects)

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Scientific disciplines for Elsevier

Types of contributions

Short Communications important reports of unusual urgency or original advances in inorganic and organometallic chemistry for which rapid publication is justified.

the Introduction, Experimental, Results and Discussion sections combined into a single untitled section

Mini Reviews generally upon invitation


学术思想 aim of research ; significance 内容: introduction :切题 experimental :准确,完整,能重复 results and discussion references :按所选期刊要求 figures and tables acknowledgement :经费来源,帮助的人、室


Basics :下笔之前要注意基本要求

Editors of science journals want all ideas in language that is directly:

§ to-the-point

§ straightforward

§ in as few words as possible In the voice of science

§ clarity is crucial: clear, precise, accurate

简单 扼要 准确

First draft 初稿 Need not be in English Just to establish the skeleton, the bones of the

article Get all ideas down and establish the sequence of

ideas on index cards Arrange and rearrange the index cards for the

most logical order A sequence which is clean, precise, and without


Introduction 前言 Start broadly: background Narrow down: related to your project and the

specific question your aim How you have tackled the question

experimentally lead the reader into your results

Include a review of the literature: newest, most recent, high listing journals

Experimental 实验RepeatableCompleteWeight, mole, volume, ….data in

correct unit expression as the journal required

Instruments: company, model

Results & discussionStart with your findings, reverse to i

ntroductionhow the results have addressed yo

ur aim :如何从结果获得结论对前言所述研究领域的影响如何



Conclusion or Summary不是摘要的重复 ;重点指出该工作的学术贡献 ;对今后工作的理论指导意义或继续工作的方向 .

Acknowledgement经费来源 funding, financial supp

ort协助实验者 experimental assista

nceState Key Laboratory 致谢不够

Supplementary materials所有不在正文中的有关数据、 图表、照片等;审稿人的参考;数据库要求

References Do as the journal requires: follow the model:

§author list: last name first or last?

§ year, volume, page or volume, page, year?

§ 标点符号很重要 good referencing --- Avoid plagiarism Up to date 近年,知名期刊 必须读过 Use a consistent style 格式一致

例一: J. Am. Chem. Soc. ACS

4. (a) Miao, Q.; Chi, X.; Xiao, S.; Zeis, R.; Lefenfeld, M.; Siegrist, T.; Steigerwald, M. L.; Nuckolls, C. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 1340-1345. (b) Aujard, I.; Baltaze, J.-P.; Baudin, J.-B.; Cogné, E.; Ferrage, F.; Jullien, L.; Perez, É.; Prévost, V.; Qian, L. M.; Ruel, O. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 8177-8188.

例二: A book reference

Lin, G.-Q., Li, Y.-M., Chan, A. S. C. Principles & Applications of Asymmetric Synthesis, Wiley: New York, 2001.

书名 编辑 出版社,所在城市出版年份

例三: J. Fluorine Chemistry Elsevier

[5] E. Castagnino, S. Corsano, B. Serena, Gazz. Chim. Ital. 113 (1983) 97-99.

FigureShould include the following: The graphical display The annotation: axes, scale, unit, label, arrow,

numbers, letters………. The figure title and legend

title first , then a, b, c…in legend Do not reiterate the contents of a figure legen

d in the text



Fore leg


Hind leg



Fig. 1

No title, legend, or annotation

Badly placed labels, too small



Fore leg

Hind leg



Fig. 1 A dog. The essential external anatomy of a dog is shown; the stomach is an internal organ.

A much clearer figure with proper annotation, legend and a title

Graph A type of figure that provides summary of

numerical data More direct than data in a table Useful for showing distribution of data,

highlighting trends, summarizing relationships,

Characters must be proportional.




与其它不成比例 太粗


Colour illustrations

Illustrations can be printed in colour when they are judged by the Editor to be essential to the presentation.

Some journals: no charge for the 1st page No charge for electronic version

Tips for Achieving High-Quality Published Artwork

Submit originals ; Use dark black ink on high-quality, smooth, opaque white paper; Use lettering that will be no smaller than 5 points at final

reduction. Helvetica or Arial works well for lettering; Use lines no thinner than 1 point; When possible, submit artwork that does not have to be reduced

to fit a single column in the journal (3.25 in. across); Use the best resolution available (graphics plotter, 600 or higher

dpi laser printer); Avoid textures and shadings.

TableThree-line table formatAlign to the left: for wordsAlign to the right: for numbersAlign according to the decimal poin

t: for non-intergals


Common mistakes

Not referring to a figure or table in the text Referring to data in the text but not

illustrating it with a figure or table No scales or scale bars in figures Too much data in one graph or table

Safety notes

emphasize any unexpected or new hazards encountered in experimental work reported.

Perchlorate salts of metal complexes with organic ligands are potentially explosive. Authors are requested to place a cautionary note

Chemicals that have to be dealt with in a hood: fuming, poisonous, toxic,….

abstractAn extract of the essence of your

worka short statement of what was

discovered, how it was done, how it fits with other research

for a communication, 1-2 sentences

for full paper, brief account of the results Less than 100 words

Graphical Abstractpictogram and synopsis:

§a synopsis of maximum 50 words

§ a drawing or reaction scheme (pictogram) illustrating their work. The pictogram should measure 55x50 mm for direct reproduction. If reduction is needed, please make sure that the illustration is still informative upon reduction.

Keywords A maximum of six keywords should be

indicated below the abstract to describe the contents of the manuscript.

Keywords should be selected from the following classes: theoretical methods, experimental methods, phenomena, materials, and applications.

Justification for rapid publication

Usually for communicationsA description of the novelty and

explanation of the reason for rapid publication

Real New findings not reported beforeUnusual results

editing Work in team: no one writes or edits well enough to

work alone, the English language is too slippery, you need other eyes and minds to help you

Avoid repetition: 无论多重要,多复杂,多创新,只说一次! The only acceptable repetition is in the final summary

Plagiarism: NEVER copy anything from others without fully acknowledging and referencing

850 words for two-column page 4 illustrations per page

Main reasons for rejection Language; Scope too broad; Claim goes beyond the given data; Too lengthy with unnecessary details; such as:

§ introduction not to the point

§ discussion of obvious results Failed to give appropriate credit to others:

§ good references are important and essential

Things to avoid while editing

Repeated vocabularyUnnecessary explanation or description

*too much background or history

*too many details about what was done, or details about unsuccessful work

*information about research irrelevant to the topic

Avoid using terms like: “Novel” “In our laboratory” “By us” “During the research” “In this group” “Really, actually, truly,”—ambiguous intensifiers “Very” worse than highly, strongly, surprisingly “A lot, many” “Fascinating, interesting, important” etc

Editing verb tense 时态

Simple present tense: all results, as the finding is an all-time truth 事实

Present progressive tense: 尽量少用Present perfect tense: 可用,但小心Simple past tense: for experimental 常用主动多于被动


不正确 正确

Sodium reacted with water Sodium reacts with water

The results are showing that The results show that

Results showed that Results show that

Our group has been proposing that

We propose that

The reaction was continued The reaction continued

Quick Check List for Authors Submit to the right journal (scope and prestige) Submit to one journal only Submit 1/1 article(1 full article is better than 2

incomplete articles) Be specific; mind the process Pay attention to structure Pay attention to journal requirements Check the English! Be honest!

Quick Check List for Authors

Paper Submission Platform for Authors

Author Gateway http://authors.elsevier.comAuthor Gateway http://authors.elsevier.com

Track your process

Jnls in terms of subject

Guide for publishing your paper

Global author support

• Submit your article• Track the status• Personalize your



P. Young, Writing and Presenting in English: The Rosetta Stone of Science, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006

D. Holtom and E. Fisher, Enjoy Writing Your Science Thesis or Dissertation, Imperial College Press, London, 1999


谢谢 !谢谢 !
