A6 unveiling the k-16 national chinese standards - dali tan




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Unveiling the K–16 National Chinese Standards

Dali TanNCLC, Boston, MA

April 8th, 2013


位於河北唐山麻龍灣的泥雕藝術園以北宋名家張擇端傳世名畫 《清明上河圖》為藍本,以泥塑藝術再現北宋都城汴京汴河兩

岸的繁華盛景 。

Qīngmíng ShànghéTú 清明上河圖 Arts of Chinese Painting Intermediate mid/ high Grade 12 ( AP Level ) Students in Dr. Tan’s class watch a Youtube video interview of Yu Zheng, the chief designer of the animated Qīngmíng Shànghétú 清明上河圖 at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo to pique their interest in this famous painting from China and the use of technology to make is come to life.

Teacher then briefly introduces different styles of Chinese painting, such as 山水畫、花鳥畫、人物畫、動物畫、風俗畫 and provides ample examples for students to name/identify the styles of those paintings and their key features and characteristics. Teacher then introduces a multimedia Qīngmíng Shànghétú 清明上河圖 visually and encourages students make keen observations and to interpret the visual information. Teacher then guides students in reading an article 《一幅名揚中外的畫》 (authentic material) to help students further understand 清明上河圖 .

Students then in small groups (each group is assigned a different portion of the painting) and work together to come up with the description of their part of the painting and make presentation to the whole class.

Students play 20 questions by choosing one group of characters or animals from their portion of the painting and write a detailed description of their actions and locations and submit it to the teacher beforehand. The rest of the class ask the group questions and try to find out what characters or the animals the group has in mind (only Yes or No questions allowed). The group that has asked the fewest questions before getting the correct answer wins.

Students imagine and recreate the lives of characters shown on the painting through thought and speech bubbles. They can use free software to dub their voices into multi-media picture stories. They can also imagine themselves as a time traveler who just arrived and spent a spring day in the capital city and write a letter to his/her Chinese business partner who lives in the Southern China and has never been to the capital city.


Students form into small interest groups, conduct research in one of the following areas--to do more detailed interpretation of the painting compare and contrast 清明上河图 with another art work from other parts of the world, to do research on the life in the Northern Song capital as captured in the Qīngmíng Shànghétú.

Such as urban planning aspect, (students compare and contrast key features of a Chinese architecture as shown in the painting, gardens, bridges, home and official office buildings), means of transportation (variety kinds animal drawn carts, ships and boats), economic activities (shops, hotels and so on), fashion and entertainments and so on.

They have to find evidence in the painting itself as well as other disciplines (such as history, science, arts, economics and so son). They make a presentation on their research to the whole class.  As the final project of this unit, students are ask to be Zhang Zeduan of Washington DC or their own home town to design a poster that reflect the lives of own community (city/town) and promote the harmonious relationship among its residents and between nature and human beings.

They can use multimedia software, paint, do a collage or write their own “ 风俗画” in words and post their art work and Chinese introduction of their art work and collage or their written description of the their own community and send their work to local Chinese newspaper if there is one, to their Chinese exchange school e-pals for feedback and to exhibit their posters in the local public library. 

ReflectionStudents viewed the interview of the designer of animated Qīngmíng Shànghétú 清明河上圖and listened to different styles of Chinese painting explained by the teacher. Students further their interpretive communication through the viewing of 清明上河圖 and reading of 《一幅名揚中外的畫》 . Students, in small groups, discuss their assignment in details about what was depicted in the painting first, and prepare for their recreation of contemporary life based on the painting to accomplish interpersonal communication.

Students will use their creativity to recreate a context of ‘modern’ life based on the life of 清明河上圖 . In these activities, the skills of collaborations, and creative skills are incorporated along with media and technology skills of the 21st Century Skills.

清明上河图 (Qingming Shanghe Tu) “Along the River During Qing Ming Festival”

As you see these different portions of the painting in the following slides, please focus on the following items as depiction of urban life presented in the painting . Feel free to find and use other version of Qingming Shanghe Tu if you like as these slides are not very detailed. You can find a lot of other free resources on the painting in the internet.

1.Custom and etiquette—games, activities, businesses and shops and their signs and so on.

2.Buildings and architectures—huts, palaces, temples, houses, bridges, gardens, arches and so on.

3.Means of transportations: all kinds of boats, sampans, ferries, vehicles, sedans, animal drawn carts and so on.

4.Human relationship as depicted: different walks of life, people from different classes and so on.

Task 1:

•Name people, animals, clothings, trees, variety of shops, means of transportation ,different architecture/building and structures and activities ;

•Describe scenes from the paintings and people’s activities.

Task 1: Sample Student Work (# 1)

• Name people, animals, clothings, trees, variety of shops, means of transportation ,different architecture/building and structures and activities ;

• 男人, 女人,农民, 地位高的人,田畑,木,大河,山, 骆驼和马,花,船, 商店,桥,很多人们的家,城,有帽沿的大帽子,穿黑和茶色的衣服的男人, 穿橘子色和桃色的衣服的女人

• Describe scenes from the paintings and people’s activities.

搬着东西走的人,上桥去的人, 下桥来的人,聊天的人,有很多绿叶的木,有很多水的大河,在大河划船的人,骑着骆驼和马的人,桃色的花,

在桥的商店,在家前面聊天的人们, 在商店买东西的人,在商店卖东西的商人,好像开始开的花,进城去的人,进城来的人,出城来的人,在桥上看着远处站起来的人,

Task 2:

Create speech bubbles and thought bubbles for at least 15 characters in the painting and justify your decision.

Task 2: Sample Student Work (# 1)

店家的茶馆说:“我希望卖很多的茶!” 店家想赚很多钱因为他要成富翁。



富翁女人在花园里说:“我想到市场去因为我要看别的人和商店。 我很无聊!” 富翁的女人那时候没有自由。



了! 其实,我把你的午饭吃了。











Rome 的桥像这个桥





先生,对不起,请问书店在哪儿? 那栋楼的前面



今天晚上,你想做什么? 我想睡觉,这工作把我累坏了。庙宇









Task 2: Sample Student Work (# 3)

8. 哲学家讨论孔子的教导 : “ 生活真的很简单 , 但我们变的复杂”9. 一位农夫说 : “ 税务员 , 今年的收成不好 , 请有同情心”

10. 一个人准备午睡想 : “ 这是我每天最喜欢的部分”11. 店主说 : “ 进来 , 我们有最好的丝在这里”12. 一位售货员在街道喊 : “ 来吃热的猪肉包子”13. 儿童和成人聚集在一起听一位老先生讲故事”

Task 3:Compare and contrast key features of Chinese architecture as shown in the painting (gardens, bridges, buildings and so on ) with those from other parts of the world.

Task 3: Sample Student Work (#1) 建筑学

我觉得中国的建筑学跟欧洲的建筑学不一样。 在中国楼宇又富色彩又弯曲。 哪像欧洲的楼宇又白色的又几何线。中国用木, 欧洲用石。



但是我看一些中国的楼宇跟一些欧洲的楼宇一样。 比如说它们都四合院。



Task 4:

Compare and contrast urban life in ancient time in China and urban life in the West during the same historical period.

我觉得那时间中国跟欧洲的生活一样。 各种各样的人都城市来想买或者卖东西和动物, 玩儿,散步。都是怅恨热闹。

Task 4: Sample Student Work (#1)

Task 5:

Analyze the composition of the paintings and compare them with Western style painting, such as the School of Athens and others.

我觉得西式的艺术跟和中国时的艺术不一样。西式的艺术是规整,有中焦点, 比如数一个人,一个大楼,山,等等。 。 。中国的艺术没有中焦点, 是行云流水, 很写实。


Task 5: Sample Student Work (#1)

Other Resources:

 http://www.courses.fas.harvard.edu/~icgzmod/qingming.htmlthe version of the Qingming Scroll found at Harvard University. It allowed viewers to zoom in and also had descriptions and history for most of the objects in the painting. 


 http://depts.washington.edu/chinaciv/painting/4ptgqmsh.htmdifferent images depicting urban life in /qingming shanghe tu http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/6266828.html?from=likehttp://weberland.tripod.com/river/r01.htm A digital image of the paintinghttp://video.sina.com.cn/v/b/66840318-1867606492.html


Animated qingming shanghe tu


Many thanks for joining us today!
