Abstrak JAK V6N1, April 2007


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TERAKREDITASI. SK Nomor: 26 / DIKTI / Kep / 2005 ISSN 1411-6510

DAFTAR ISI Volume 6, No. 1, April 2007

Analisis Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan Bank pada PD. BPR BKK Sragen Kota Kabupaten Sragen Tahun 2003-2005

Agustin Dwi Hastuti & Kussudyarsana 1 - 17

Variabel Pertimbangan Moral, Authoritarian dan Gender Memoderasi Pengaruh Tekanan Kepatuhan dengan Judgement Auditor

Y. Anni Aryani & Rahmawati

18 - 38

Pengukuran Kinerja Keuangan BUMD dengan Metode DEA

Anton Agus Setyawan & Wahyono 39 - 56 Harga Saham dan Nilai Tukar dalam Vector Error Correction Model Kasus Indonesia dalam Masa Krisis Ekonomi

Firman Pribadi 57 - 72

Kegunaan Informasi Laba Akuntansi dan Arus Kas Operasi: Pengaruh Faktor-faktor Kontekstual

Triyono 73 - 99

Persepsi Akuntan Pendidik dan Pengguna Jasa Akuntan (User) terhadap Kualifikasi Entry Level Accountant

Sri Murni & Jaka Winarna 100 - 116

Telaah Pengembangan Sistem Informasi dalam Perspektif Bisnis

Mujiyati 117 - 135

Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan

JURNAL AKUNTANSI DAN KEUANGAN Volume 6, No. 1, April 2007 Halaman 1 - 17


TAHUN 2003-2005

Agustin Dwi Hastuti & Kussudyarsana Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

E-mail: uud_ums@yahoo.com

Finance problem represent one aspect which need to get serious attention by company. Financial statement of vital importance for internal side and external side in company, because it is applicable to determine policy of strategy to company to take a decision in performing a relation work.

This research has location in PD BPR BKK Sragen Kota Kabupaten Sragen. In this research used financial statement in the form of balance report and loss profit report year 2003-2005. Pursuant to this financial statement, will be able to analyse health level by using CAMEL analysis. This CAMEL analysis consists of Capital, Assets Quality, Management, Earnings and Liquidity. This research aims is to know health level of bank at BPR BKK Sragen Kota year period 2003-2005 according to CAMEL analysis.

Health level of bank at BPR BKK Sragen Kota from year 2003-2005 having mean 97,2%. This indicates that health level PD. BPR BKK Sragen Kota is Health. Keywords: Analysis Camel, health level of bank

JURNAL AKUNTANSI DAN KEUANGAN Volume 6, No. 1, April 2007 Halaman 18 - 38



Y. Anni Aryani & Rahmawati Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

E-mail: anaryani@yahoo.com.ph

The purpose of this research is the first, to know what is consideration of moral, gender, and authoritarianism moderate influence compliance pressure with judgment auditor or as independent variable that influence them. The second purpose, to know level compliance of auditor to imprecise instruction of superior in a firm of accountant public office.

From result of data analysis can be concluded that in general compliance pressure influence judgment auditor, become there is difference for sample which do not experience of pressure and natural of pressure. But, difference pressure do not be founded by do that pressure coming from manager or partner. Gender influence pressure compliance of auditor in giving judgment as a whole, its meaning between man auditor and moment woman auditor reside in hard pressedly of compliance give judgment different of significant. Authoritarianism do not influence auditor in making judgment. But consideration of moral by significant influence auditor judgment both for getting manajer pressure or of partner or which is not at all get pressure. Variable consideration of moral, gender and authoritarianism not moderate influence compliance pressure with judgment auditor but as independent variable. Keywords: compliance pressure, gender, consideration of moral,

authoritarianism, auditor judgment.

JURNAL AKUNTANSI DAN KEUANGAN Volume 6, No. 1, April 2007 Halaman 39 - 56


Anton Agus Setyawan & Wahyono Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

E-mail: anton_agus@ums.ac.id

At the present, BUMD plays an important role in regional economic development. As a business institutions owned by local governance, BUMD has two certain goals, they are public servant and profit resource. Many BUMDs in Indonesia have very poor performance. They could not contribute high enough for local government’s budget. Unfortunately, they become a cost center institution instead of profit center. Then again, BUMD has many hidden resources which has not been explored. This research aim is too analyze the financial performance of BUMD. It uses Data Envelopment Analyses (DEA) to measure financial efficiency in BUMD at Sragen.

This research analyses four BKKs (a form of BUMD financial institution) in Sragen. They are BKK of Kalijambe, BKK of Gemolong, BKK of Plupuh and BKK of Miri. The result shows that BKK of Gemolong and BKK of Plupuh are inefficient. DEA analyses of BKK of Gemolong shows objection value 0,8597199 while the objection value of BKK of Plupuh is 0,6939977. The managerial implication of this research is BKK of Gemolong and BKK of Plupuh has to increase their output. BKK of Gemolong should increase their output by increasing credits, while BKK of Plupuh should increase their current assets. Keywords: BUMD, DEA, efficiency, credits, current asset

JURNAL AKUNTANSI DAN KEUANGAN Volume 6, No. 1, April 2007 Halaman 57 - 72



Firman Pribadi Universitas Islam Batik Surakarta

E-mail: firmofpribadi@yahoo.com.sg

This paper uses an vector error correction model to explore the asymmetric effects of two different exchange rate on Indonesia stock price and the effects sensitivity to economic in crisis period. Depreciation rupiah vis a vis the US dollar and Japanese yen lead to a long run increase in stock price. In short run response stock price to US dollar exchange rate is clearly important during the crisis period. Keywords: stock market, exchange rate, financial

JURNAL AKUNTANSI DAN KEUANGAN Volume 6, No. 1, April 2007 Halaman 73 - 99



Triyono Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

E-mail: triyon@yahoo.com

The objective of this research is to empirically examine the usefulness information of earnings and cash flow from operation using contextual factors as moderating variables. Contextual factors are interaction sign of earnings and cash flow from operation, earnings permanence, and firm size. That may add to an understanding of the relative usefulness earnings and cash flow from operation in explaining future cash flow from operation, if it use together.

As much as 94 manufacturing firms listed in the Jakarta Stock Exchange (BEJ) at end 2003 were taken as a sample using a purposive sampling method. Data are analyzed using multiple regressions with four models. First model as benchmarking and second until fourth models as hypothesis testing.

The result shows that, first and third hypothesis are not supported by data. Second hypothesis is supported by data. This study indicates that usefulness earnings and cash flow from operation in explaining future cash flow from operation depend on contextual factors.

Our conclusion is that further progress in this line of research will require a better understanding of the economic context in which the implications of detailed earnings and cash flow from operation are interpreted. We suggest that it is possible that the links between detailed earnings, cash flow from operation and valuation are so highly contextual that no parsimonious model could ever capture more than a small portion of story. Keywords: contextual factors, earnings, cash flow from operation

JURNAL AKUNTANSI DAN KEUANGAN Volume 6, No. 1, April 2007 Halaman 100 - 116



Sri Murni & Jaka Winarna Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

E-mail: jakawinarna@yahoo.com

This is an explanatory research done in a survey method to examine whether or not there’s a significant difference in the perception of educational accountant and user toward the qualification of entry level accountant. The questionnaire used in this research to collect data is the modification model from the Novin and Tucker (1993) and Harsono and Untoro (2004) was adapted from Goleman (1995) research questionnaire. The survey is distributed in Central Java and Yogyakarta-Indonesia. Data are sent through mail questionnaire and directly. Using the Independent Sample T-Test method, the results indicate that there is significant difference in the perception of educational accountant and user toward the qualification of entry level accountant.

Keywords: qualification, entry level accountant, educational accountant

JURNAL AKUNTANSI DAN KEUANGAN Volume 6, No. 1, April 2007 Halaman 117 - 135



Mujiyati Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

E-mail: wir@uns.ac.id

Step in forming development process of information system based on requirement of business which always change and replace quickly. This matter trigger and push the developing of information system in company. A division manager of information system which have understood existing cycle will be able to planning well. So that he will be able to anticipate all changes in that happened without abundant release big expense. In other word, it have to be built a correct strategy so that information system which have owned flexible can adapt with all changes in. Strategy which need to be paid attention is development scenario of information system, implementation strategy and strategy levying of application software because this matter relate to successfulness of company in applying information system to win business. Keywords: business strategy, information system


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JAK Volume 6, No. 1, April 2007


c. Satu sumber kutipan dengan lebih dua penulis: (Bowen et al., 1990) atau (Bowen dkk., 1990)

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9. Setiap artikel harus ada daftar referensi yang menjadi sumber kutipan dengan ketentuan penulisan: a) daftar referensi disusun urut alphabet sesuai dengan nama penulis atau institusi. b) susunan setiap referensi: nama penulis, tahun publikasi, judul artikel atau buku teks, nama jurnal, kota penerbit, penerbit, nomor halaman. Contoh: Alter, Steven. 1996. Information System: A Management Perspective.

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Griffith, A.I. 1995. Coordinating Family and School: Mothering for Schooling. Education Policy Analysis Archives, (Online), Vol. 3, No.1, (http://olam.ed.asu.edu/epaa/, diakses 12 Februari 1997).

Indriantoro, N. 1993. The Effect of Participating Budgeting on Job Performance and Job Satisfaction with Locus of Control and Cultural Dimension as Moderating Variables. PhD. Dissertation. Lexington: University of Kentucky.

Wilson, P.G. 1986. The Relative Information Content of Accruals and Cash Flow: Combined Evidence at the Earnings Announcement and Annual Report Release Date. The Accounting Research 24:165-200.

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