Agyeman & Evans 2002b


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  • 8/13/2019 Agyeman & Evans 2002b


    Local Environment, Vol. 7, No. 2, 117118, 2002


    Local Action Moves the World?

    This February in Vancouver, at one of the nal local government meetings priorto the World Summit on Sustainable Development, the International Council forLocal Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) drove home their variant on the thinkglobally, act locally theme: Local Action Moves the World. This is of coursea core theme of our journal; one of our fundamental beliefs. Even on globalissues, we take the local route to their resolution. For instance, in Vol. 3, No.

    3, our Greenhouse Gases Special, our editorial noted that the actions taken ingreenhouse gas abatement are never really global. They are, and will continueto be, mostly local, the result of efforts by local institutions , communities andindividual consumers (Agyeman et al., 1998). We still believe this, and applaudthe vision, leadership and resolve of those cities participating in ICLEIs Citiesfor Climate Protection campaign, but our optimism about local action movingthe world has suffered a recent blow.

    In March, an ice shelf the size of the country of Wales, or the US state ofRhode Island, collapsed and broke off the Antarctic continent, shattering into

    thousands of icebergs in one of the most dramatic examples yet of the effects ofclimate change. The shelf, called Larsen B, was 200 metres thick with a surfacearea of 3250 sq km, and, according to scientists from the British AntarcticSurvey (BAS), was thought to weigh almost 500 billion tonnes. The nal breakup of the whole shelf took only 31 days, shocking glaciologists with its sheerscale and speed.

    The collapse is thought to have dumped more ice into the Southern Oceanthan all of the previous half centurys icebergs combined. Both the BAS and theUS governments Ice Center consider this, and the 5500 sq km Iceberg B22,

    which broke off from the Thwaites ice tongue into the southern Amundsen Sea,as rm evidence of climate change.

    And what of the political response? The British Minister for the Environment,Michael Meacher, said the collapse of the Larsen B shelf was a great cause ofconcern and a wake-up signal to the whole world. When an ice-shelf of suchenormous proportions can break up, that shows the effect that we are having.The rapid warming at the Antarctic Peninsula is broadly consistent with globalwarming but it is not understood why its rate of warming is so much greater thanthe global average. The silence among US politicians immediately following

    the 19 March collapse was deafening.The international agreements from the UN Framework Convention on Climate

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    decade ago. However, it has been estimated that the UK will need to secure an80% cut over the next 100 years if global targets for both GHGs and develop-ment in Southern countries are to be achieved.

    This is no small task, and it is clear that national governments cannot deliverthis alone. This was the impetus behind the launch of the Cities for Climate

    Protection (CCP) Campaign by ICLEI in 1993. Under the CCP, nationalcampaigns have been established in the US, Australia, Canada and Japan, withfurther programmes under development in Finland, France, Italy, Mexico and thePhilippines, with a new initiative, CCP-Europe, developing partnerships withinthe European Union.

    Local action can indeed move the world. But we also need global action aswell. And fast.



    Agyeman, J., Evans, B. & Kates, R.W. (1998) Thinking locally in science, practice and policy, Greenhouse

    Gases Special Issue, Local Environment, 3(3), pp. 245246

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