Big Data and IoT Utilization in · Data,...


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Big Data and IoT Utilization in Japan

IoT Big Data 2017.2.7

Dr.Masahiro Ide

スラマ ソレ Perkenalkan (プルクナルカン), Nama saya (ナマ サヤ) Masahiro Ide. Thanks for the introduction. I am a consultant of Big Data, Analytics services and CIO support services

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Who am I? (Profile)

Dr. Masahiro IDE

Business Experience • Engaged in analytics/big data, IoT

utilization of consulting • Management of Qunie's Digital Business

Laboratory and conduct research on digital business

• Part-time lecturer in Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Area of expertise/Key Skills • Big Data Analytics, IoT, AI utilization • Business model design • Software Engineering/Requirements


Qualifications • Ph.D in Mathematics and Information


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1. Big Data Basic Theory

2. Usage of Big Data and IoT in Japan

3. Big Data and IoT Solution services in Qunie

4. Conclusion

“My presentation is divided into the following parts.” “First, I will introduce the issues.” “Then, the causes.” “Followed by presentation of my solutions and actual examples.” “Lastly, I will conclude with a summary.”

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1. Big Data and IoT Basic Theory

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Data Explosion in the world

Reference:The Digital Universe of Opportunities: Rich Data and the Increasing Value of the Internet of Things April 2014

The digital universe – the data we create and copy annually –is growing 40% a year into the next decade. Internet of Things(IoT) is unleashing a new wave of opportunities for businesses and people around the world.

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Evolution of computer technology makes it possible to store huge data

1980‘s hard drive 2015 hard disc

*Reference:IBM 3380 direct access storage device

1/2,000,000 1gigabyte: Approx 5 yen

1gigabyte: Approx 10 million yen

The cost of data storage became 1/2,000,000 over these past 30 years in Japan.

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Changes in the usage of data

Limited amount of data was used in the company.

We couldn’t know customers opinions in the past due to a limitation of data usage.

Point of sales Shop front

Daily sales Call center

(complaints、FAQs、etc) Demographics

Phsychographics Member registration


<CRM分野においては・・・ / 過去> ・ 実際、CRM分野においても、同様の変化が起きていると認識 しています。 ・ 例えば、CRMの分野では、伝統的にこのようなデータを扱うこと が多かったかと思います。

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Changes in the usage of data

New data can now be obtained that was unattainable before

We can actively review customer data and opinions

WEB/EC site (view history・

purchase history)

electronic money transaction(payment information)

Smart phone、IC card, etc

(GPS、station information、etc)

M2M、censor (machine generated)

SNS、blogs (feedback、comments、


Customer buy <CRM分野においては… / 現在> ・ それが現在においては、自社サービス・商品の利用行動データや これまで間接的にしか収集できていなかった顧客の声をよりダイ レクトにかつ網羅的に収集できるようになりました。 ・ 実際、このようなデータを分析させて頂く機会が増えましたが、 これまで見えなかった顧客の顔というものがよりリアリティを持って 把握することができるようになったなー、という印象を受けています。

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We can utilize 3 data for business activities

Consumer-generated data Business-generated data

The data generated from products and services

given to Consumers by Businesses

Product Service

How effectively can we utilize these 3 data for business activities?

The amount of data in the world rapidly increases and stocks up as big data. There are more companies that want to utilize it on business.

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What does Big Data mean to the Internet of Things (IoT) ?

People (more than 7 billion people)

Things/Devices (More than 30 billion Devices)

Data in the Real World

Sensing Data Lifelog Data RFID Transportation of something

Various Sensors Machine status And diagnostics

Remote Sensing Environmental Hazard

HEMS Energy Consumption History

SNS, Blog Personal Data Comments

EC Product Search Process

Pro-traffic IC Card Tracking train rides

GPS Location of a Car or Person

IB/ATM Account History

Health Care Device Health condition

Big Data

Big Data is utilized as a valuable resource to enhance values for business management and operation. One of the ways for data utilization is IoT.

The amount of data has been rapidly increasing due to the use of new technology IoT (Internet of Things). It depends on the company as to whether collected and stored Big Data can be useful for business. There are 3 characteristics of Bid Data. Volume, the ability to store and process a large amount of data Velocity, the ability to process high-speed and real-time data. Variety, the ability to process various kinds of data. Based on these 3 characters we utilize data in order to create values for the customer and address using data. with IoT 【50秒/1分40秒】

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Current status of Big Data and IoT utilization in Japan


Current status and 3 years later of Big Data utilization in Japan (current status/2014 3years later/2016)

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

future(3 years later)(n=1111)

current status(n=1118)













utilized in testing considering

considering cancellation unreviewed(in need) unreviewed(not in need)

※n is company number

Currently, only about 10 percent of companies are using big data But the need to use big data is very high.

As you can see,in 3 years time 50 to 60 percent of companies will be utilizing big data. That means a 10 percent increase in the number of companies using big data

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The problems with Big Data and IoT utilization

The biggest problem with big data utilization is not having a clear purpose of usage. Once the objectives have been clarified, the next step is to find human resources to analyze the data.

0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0































The problems with Big Data utilization

Clarify the objectives for utilization

Development of organizational framework for Analytics

How to obtain skills and knowledge for technology

Human resources development (data scientist)

Appeal of Cost-effectiveness

Find subject for analysis

Data collection

Understanding of utilization by management

Understanding of utilization by other employees

Presently, there are several companies searching for data scientists though there are few in Japan.

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2. Usage of Big Data and IoT in Japan

Next, I’d like to explain about case studies of Big Data, Analytics and IoT that we consulted in Japan. 【10秒/1分50秒】

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Changing of Customer Requirements

Visualization Prediction

Batch Real-time

SI Vendor (Outsourcing)

In System (Automatic learning)

Before Now

1. Purpose

4. Algorithm

3. Process

Customer’s Expectations of Big Data, Analytics and IoT Services

The customer need for Big Data and IoT is changing these days.

2. Object Select everything Shallow analysis

Select one thing Deep analysis

First, requests of Big Data from Japanese companies have changed dynamically. One of the purposes for using it is that. Big Data expanded from visualization to prediction and optimization. Predictions for Machines or Product line Failure ,and Predictions of customer behavior have improved And the scope of Bid Data also changed to a unit. 【30秒/2分20秒】 日系企業がBig Data,Analytics IoTサービスに求める内容は変わってきています。 The Japanese Company Requires Rebuilding and the Prediction of the unit from the Algorithm in Real-time

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Use Cases Map of Big Data and IoT Services for Manufacturing

There are variety of Analytics themes throughout the value-chain.



Activates Activities of Value-C


Purchasing Logistics Manufacturing Sales & CRM After Service

Parts depletion prediction Product

Monitoring & failure prediction Customer DNA

(by personal) demand


Transportation volume


predictive Equipment operation


Real-time Prediction of

process control

Yield-Improving Analysis

Dispatch Scheduling Resource


Production planning and inventory Optimization & Simulation


Internal control (Fraud detection)

Cost Management & Environmental


Preventive maintenance of


Labor & productivity management by

location data

Corporate Performance


Value calculation by Product use analysis

Patent asset valuation

Equipment renewal & Asset Management

Material Traceability Real-time Management of Loading & unloading

Global SCM S&OP

Design & Dev

Yield rate simulation

Design quality Monitoring

Function Value Quantification

Product planning

Real-time Recommend Prevention of disaffection

Demand analysis & prediction

Call Center / Machine Log /

Demand extraction from Internet Data

Recall/design deficiency prediction

SNS index Monitoring

Optimization of Call Center

Design quality Simulation

Persona derivation

(Data Driven) Real-time In-door locating

general management

HR management

capital investment management

This slide shows the case map of Big Data, Analytics and IoT that was realized as a value-chain for manufacturing. It shows that we can create value by using Big Data with various activities of the value-chain. 【30秒/2分50秒】

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Case study of Big Data and IoT

There are many examples of use support (Remote monitoring and state visualization) based on sensor data in case of Big Data and IoT utilization.

Design & Dev

Purchasing Manufacturing Logistics Sales &

CRM use After Service

Customer data

sensor data

Operation data

Other company The data

Width of utilization data

4th Step

1th Step

2th Step 3th Step 1

5th Step


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Examples of Cases successfully performed by Qunie

#1 Evaluation and Important factor


#2 Targeting

#3 Anomaly Detection

#4 Portent

#5 Risk scoring

#6 Prediction and Control

#7 Context Awareness

#8 Merchandising

#9 Process Trace

Healthcare Insurance Banking Utilities Retail Manufacture Telco

demand forecast from past sales


Monitoring of Production Quality

preventing diagnosis and prescription outside the

standard pattern

Detection of error or incorrect application

Detection Money laundering

Real-time anomaly detection

of bridge

Preventive Maintenance of

NW Devices

Extract the lifestyle-related

diseases wannabees

Extraction good customers, prospective customers

enable to run efficient campaign

Promotion of customer segments

Evaluation of the potential sale of

the agency

Automobile route information

analysis Pay-easy user trends analysis

Products sentiment analysis of POS data and


Quality evaluation network

Inventory management optimization

prediction of medical cost savings with

health promotion

Driving advice from the accident rate of the route

predicting the real estate price index

Traffic volume prediction based on information in

the past

demand forecast from past sales

data Telegram demand


Scoring risk of lifestyle related


The scoring churn risk from the history and attributes of the


scoring churn risk from the history and attributes of

the customer

scored the churn risk from the history and

attributes of the customer

Extract severe process of lifestyle


Product recommendation using personal


Bottleneck detection of

Internet banking when opening

Analyzing the process of

purchasing from the click stream

Electronic power consumption


ordering management analyzing the sales situation

Purchase Analysis for EC

Health promotion to adapted to the life pattern of the


Plan recommendation

EBM(Event Based Marketing)

Coupon delivery to analyze

customer history

Clustering of sales revenue per person and recommend

The discovery of severe illness

from prescription history

Extraction of churn risk

potential from customer usage

Crime prediction of dangerous


finding signs of the spread of

goods and services

Marketing Campaign

Management System

Analytics Purpose

We have more consulting experiences than some of I explained today. As this slide shows, we succeed and designed Big Data, Analytics and IoT for various industries. 【20秒/7分00秒】

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3. Big Data and IoT Solution Services In Qunie

I will explain about solution services of Big Data, Analytics and IoT. 【10秒/7分10秒】

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Qunie’s Approach of Big Data and IoT Service Delivery

Begin with small start to save the cost Develop your business with our stage-based support Apply our methods from QUNIE Consulting

Data Utilization

and Analytics

IT System

Planning Phase

Conceptual Planning

Detailed Planning

Proof of Concept (Trial)

Basic Functions

Data Utilization (Partly)

Add more functions you need

Developing Phase

Data Utilization (Real-time)

Full Functions

Producing Phase


•We recommend to start Big Data Analytics with small cost based on the extensive experience/knowledge with NTT DATA group.

•In the planning phase, we clarify the CONCEPT of Data Utilization (for what/what to do) and minimize the base system for data analytics.

•We implement the required functions based on the cost-effectiveness to realize a waste-free investment with minimal risks.




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Big Data and IoT Solution Services

One Stop Service



Human Organization


Service Layer

(a)Planning strategy of Big Data and IoT, Design Big Data and IoT Business model and Service

(b)Design how to use Big Data and IoT (Design a Business Process Analytics Using a Big Data)

(c)Big Data and IoT Risk Management Services (Design a Big Data Governance)

(g)Big Data Analytics / Proof of Concept (PoC) Analytical models development

(e)Design a Big Data and IoT Platform Architecture

(f)Implement a Big Data and IoT Platform, Big Data and IoT Cloud Service (Big Data as a Service)

(A) Con-


(B) IT


Service Menu

(d)Training of Data Scientists, Organizing Data Science Teams

Netika and QUNIE Consulting provide one stop service of utilizing Big Data, Analytics and IoT in Indonesia based on our methodology and know-how. Starting from planning strategy, designing business model to design architecture of Big Data and IoT platform, Business analysis, and also to educate human resources to be data-scientists. 【30秒/7分40秒】

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4. Conclusion

I will explain about solution services of Big Data, Analytics and IoT. 【10秒/7分10秒】

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Conclusions Four values that Big Data and IoT use bring The value obtained by utilizing Big Data and IoT has four major values of optimization, billing flexibility, operation, expansion. Business model design incorporating these four values is important.

① Optimization

② Billing flexibility

③ Operation

④ Wxpansion

Connect machine to the Internet, collect and monitor data, optimize its function

Monitors the amount of usage and time zone of machine and carries out the usage-based billing

Provide services that can be remotely controlled by connecting machine and facilities to the Internet

Implement upgrade via the Internet when machine needs new software

Classification of value

• Digital content distribution • Software upgrade

• Remote control • Remote advice / support • Remote lock / release /


• Pay-per-use • Charging by time zone • Convert goods into service

• machine optimization and monitoring

• Predictive maintenance • Traffic management

Usage model of value (example)




Enormous data has been generated so far and is going to be increased everyday. Therefore, It is inevitable that the big data for business will further be utilized. We've already provided big data consulting business to our clients. And with our expertise, we hope to expand its capability to Asian countries. ------------------------------------------------------------------- I explained case studies of Big Data, Analytics and IoT that we consulted in Japan. So that, Netika and QUNIE Consulting provide Big Data, Analytics and IoT services in Indonesia based on QUNIE Consulting methodology and know-how . Netika and QUNIE Consulting are going to educate digital business experts human resources in Indonesia. We are going to work together with universities and companies in Indonesia. And we consider Qunie lab as a hub. Qunie lab is a research center for research and development consulting services utilizing of new Information Technology. We will make it happen to achieve digital transformation using IT with collaboration of these digital business experts in Indonesia. 【70秒/10分00秒】

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Services with a combination of Big Data and IoT Amazon Go

Amazon Go

・インターネットショッピングをメインとしているAmazonがリアルの店舗に進出していく ・「センサーとAIの組み合わせ」で実現した完全な店員なし/レジなし体験ができる。 ・来年シアトルで1号店をオープン予定 ・POSシステム、セルフレジなどの導入が進んでいるリアル店舗であるが、 現在でも平均5分以上というレジでの行列は解消されておらず、 Amazonが提案する「待たない(=待ちようがない)」店舗の形は、 Eコマース同様消費者に急速に受け入れられる可能性を秘めている。 So that, Netika and QUNIE Consulting provide Big Data, Analytics and IoT services in Indonesia based on QUNIE Consulting methodology and know-how . Netika and QUNIE Consulting are going to educate digital business experts human resources in Indonesia. We are going to work together with universities and companies in Indonesia. And we consider Qunie lab as a hub. Qunie lab is a research center for research and development consulting services utilizing of new Information Technology. We will make it happen to achieve digital transformation using IT with collaboration of these digital business experts in Indonesia. 【70秒/10分00秒】

© 2017 QUNIE CORPORATION. All rights reserved. 24

Conclusions The world will be filled with a substantial amount of data. Therefore, Big Data and IoT utilization has become much more popular than ever before in Japan. Qunie provides consulting services specializing in Big Data Utilization, IoT for Japanese companies. We are also planning to expand our services in countries around Asia.

QUNIE Consulting (Qunie Labs) University Company

Digital Marketing IoT Connected Car

Digital Transformation in Indonesia

AI Big Data

Digital Business Experts

Enormous data has been generated so far and is going to be increased everyday. Therefore, It is inevitable that the big data for business will further be utilized. We've already provided big data consulting business to our clients. And with our expertise, we hope to expand its capability to Asian countries. ------------------------------------------------------------------- I explained case studies of Big Data, Analytics and IoT that we consulted in Japan. So that, Netika and QUNIE Consulting provide Big Data, Analytics and IoT services in Indonesia based on QUNIE Consulting methodology and know-how . Netika and QUNIE Consulting are going to educate digital business experts human resources in Indonesia. We are going to work together with universities and companies in Indonesia. And we consider Qunie lab as a hub. Qunie lab is a research center for research and development consulting services utilizing of new Information Technology. We will make it happen to achieve digital transformation using IT with collaboration of these digital business experts in Indonesia. 【70秒/10分00秒】


Thank you for your attention. テラマカシ 【10秒/9分40秒】
