bio bru 2


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  • 8/6/2019 bio bru 2


    For instance if population of blue jay is remove from the

    ecosystem, will be the whole food chain be affected? When

    one trophic level of a food chain is removing, it will affect the

    population of others. Thus, when blue jay is taken out from

    the ecosystem, the population of others will also change to

    adapt with the new situation. The population of the caterpillar

    will shows a gradual increase as the predator that prey on it

    has extinct from the ecosystem. The upper trophic level also

    been affected by the removal of blue jay. The pack of fox will

    decreases in population as they has limited supply of food.

    The must compete with other consumers in order to survive.

    The producer also will decrease in size as the caterpillars

    depend on the grass for food. As the blue jay has been

    removed, caterpillar will growth its population and grass

    decrease as one of the consequences of the rapid growth of the

    population of the caterpillar.

  • 8/6/2019 bio bru 2


    The consequence will be differing if the top consumer of a

    pyramid is removed. For example if a fox is removed, the

    entire lower consumer such blue jay will increase in

    population as they are not hunted by predators for food.

    Instead, the lower rate of growth can be observed for grass as

    it is one of the main sources of food that lower consumers

    consume on. Eventually the population of this lower

    consumer will decrease in size as grass will come to an end

    supply is they keep on holding to this source of produce.

  • 8/6/2019 bio bru 2


    Decomposers are the organisms that eat on dead organism to

    reproduce and keep them alive. They help the process of

    decaying of organic material into inorganic materials that can

    be used back as nutrients for the producer to keep the growth

    stabilise. When the absence of decomposers happens, this will

    affect the growth of producer to supply food for the upper

    trophic organism. Ecosystem will be interrupted by the lack of

    supply of inorganic substance by the decomposers. Thus a

    gradual decline in growth of other organism will upset the

    balance in the ecosystem. This scenario will happen without

    excluding any ecosystem. This is because they are linking

    together in a cycle. One affected the other.

  • 8/6/2019 bio bru 2



    A wetland is a land area whose soil is saturated with moisture

    either permanently or seasonally. This area usually may also

    cover with shallow pools of water. Technically, wetlands have

    been categorized both as biomes and ecosystems. It is not just

    simply defined as a patch that develops a pool of water after a


    Wetlands have unique characteristics. Wetlands are generally

    distinguished from other landforms based on their water levels

    and the types of plants that thrive within them. In detail,

    wetlands are a type of land that having a water table that

    stands at or near the land surface for a long enough season to

    support aquatic plants. Basically, wetlands are lands that are

    made up of hydric soil. Hydric soil is a soil that forms under

    condition of saturation, flooding or ponding long

  • 8/6/2019 bio bru 2


    enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic

    condition in the upper part.

    Wetlands include swamp, marshes and bogs. The water found

    in wetlands can be wetlands can be saltwater, freshwater or


    There are some plants on the land such as cottonwood and

    willow. There are also plants near the edge of the ponds like

    sedge, rush, cattail and reed plants. Some common insects

    presence at the wetland areas are dragonflies and damselflies.

    Right below the water surface some other insects can be seen

    such as water scorpions, mosquito larvae and pupae, water

    boatmen and backswimmers.

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    Sea ducks, swans and geese are the most common birds

    species presence there. Plankton algae are the most abundance

    microscopic, free-floating algae that make the water looks

    green or brown.

    One of the symbiotic relationships that can be seen is a

    character displacement where most of the plants are pollinated

    with the help of flying critters.

  • 8/6/2019 bio bru 2



    Temperate grasslands are defined as a land that can be

    characterized by the presence of herbaceous vegetation, in

    zones, where the rainfall is insufficient for the development of

    forests. This area is most affected by the change of climate,

    especially the presence of water. This is because the annual

    average temperature is 100 F. The plants are adapted to

    climate change so some grow in the warm station and others

    in autumn and spring.

    Plants of temperate grasslands breed in different places. For

    example, shrubs do not grow in grasslands biomes while trees

    grow in stream and river basin. There are several types of

    grasses that grow in the grassland biomes such as buffalo

    grass, ryegrass foxtail, wild oats and purple needle grass.

    There are also some types of wild flowers growing in there

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    such as wild indigos, clovers, sunflowers, golden nods,

    blazing stars and asters.

    Temperate grasslands animals have some unique

    characteristics. Large-sized grazers like bison used to reach

    the grasslands. Other than that, the herbivores of grasslands

    have long legs and hoofs, like deer and horses which enable

    them to outrun from their predators. The others are like

    eagles, gray wolves and wild turkey.

  • 8/6/2019 bio bru 2


    Some symbiotic interaction occurs in this grassland

    ecosystem. An Oxpecker rests on a African buffalo, picking

    of f the parasites from its body while the buffalo allows the

    Oxpecker rests on him. This interaction is called

    commensalism, where one organism benefits while the other

    gains nothing.

    Parasitism interaction is shown when Mistletoe relies on the

    Silver Birch tree mainly for the water and mineral nutrients it

    carries. It can eventually prove fatal to them where infestation

    is heavy; though damage more commonly only result in Next,

    egrets are generally seen near the Rhinoceros as they feed on

    the parasitic insects found on the mammals body. This is an

    example of mutualism as both organisms get benefits. growth

    reduction of the Silver Birch tree.

  • 8/6/2019 bio bru 2


    If one of the trophic level is removed, the ecosystem will

    having an imbalance and it will upset the mother nature. For

    example, a biralves is one of the primary consumer in the

    web. Thus, if the biralves has come to a point that this

    population is rather extinct , both producer amd the secondary

    tertiary will affected. As we can see from the food web,

    biralves eat phytoplankton as their main source of food to

    obtain energy. By the time biralves extinct , the production of

    phytoplankton will increase as the consumer competing for

    the same type of food is lesser. A gradual increase can be

    observed by the growth of benthic vertebrate and small

    planktivorous fish increase. On the other hand, the secondary

    consumer which prey on biralves will decrease in number.

    The sea duck decrease in number as well as tundra swan that

    only prey on biralves. But in a longer period of time, benthic

    vertebrate will also decrease as sea duck has limited supply of


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    When a top consumer is removed most of the lower

    consumers will come to an increase in number. For an

    instance, as tundra swan is removed in this ecosystem the

    lower consumer is less vulnerable towards the predator. As a

    result they will increase in number. But eventually, they will

    to a point where they in return decrease in number. When

    there is a removal of consumer it will affect the whole system.

    The other consequences that are possible to happen be the

    secondary consumer will increase in size as they have fewer

    competitors to compete for food. The population of the

    primary producer will have a change as increase of in the

    lower trophic level consumer will rely on the producer for the

    need to survive.

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    Food web usually consists of a few food chains with a

    similar or different type of species. The more species

    the less they will depending on each other or they will

    resilient. This is because when ecosystems have

    different type of producers, the primary producers will

    not have to compete for the same type producer. Thus

    less competition will happen in the ecosystem. By

    having a diverse type of species will have in co

    evolution in many aspects. They species can adapt

    themselves better in their fundamental niche and they

    will have a better physical appearance.

  • 8/6/2019 bio bru 2


    Ecology is the interactions among living things and

    their environments. The interactions in an

    ecosystem can be expressed in form web. From this

    web we can see all the trophics level related to the

    way they eat. The ecosystem such as temperate

    grasslands and wetlands are the example of

    ecosystem that has vast food web. We can analysis

    different kind of interaction and discover type of

    organism belong to which trophic level in a food

    web. As we can see the web is link together. But

    what will happen if one of the structure or

    organism is interrupt by declined or inclined of it.

    In this section we will see the up and down in the

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    population of organism due to the interaction occur

    within their ecosystem.