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BULETIN APLINDO N0.44/2015, April - Mei 2015

Asosiasi Industri Pengecoran Logam Indonesia

Gedung Manggala Wanabakti Blok IV Lantai 3 Ruang 303A

Jl. Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Jakarta 10270

Telp. 021.573 3832 ; 571 0486; Fax : 021.572 1328

Email : hapli@indosat.net.id Web Site : www.aplindo.web.id





No. Uraian Halaman

1. Pengantar Redaksi 2

2. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Menurun 3

3. Tarif Listrik (adjustmen) 8

4. Kewajiban Penggunaan Mata Uang Rupiah 1 Juli 2015 9

5. Adapting to survive in a global environment 21

7. Investment Casting Metal Matrix Composites 26

8. Penghapusan sanksi administrasi pajak tahun 2015 29

9. World Casting Production 30

10. Data Kendaraan Bermotor 1. Data kendaraan bermotor roda 4 Di Indonesia & ASEAN 2. Data kendaraan bermotor roda 2 Di Indonesia & ASEAN

33 33

11. Informasi Umum dan Pameran 1. Website pemerintah yang dapat diakses 2. Website Asosiasi Industri Pengecoran Logam Indonesia 3. Website Himpunan Ahli Pengecoran Logam Indonesia 4. Pameran dan Seminar

39 39 39 39



Pengantar Redaksi

Pada edisi 44/2015 ini, membahas mengenai pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia 2015 sebesar

5,7 persen, jauh lebih tinggi dari realisasi pertumbuhan ekonomi yang hanya mencapai 4,7

persen. berdasarkan data Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS) dari berbagai sektor industri selama

triwulan pertama 2015, pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia secara umum menunjukkan

pelambatan yang cukup serius.

Ekspor Impor Indonesia mengalami penurunan ini yang drastis, terutama penurunan yang

terjadi pada bahan baku/penolong yang merefleksikan produksi dalam negeri anjlok, dimana

tengah terjadi penurunan aktifitas produksi disebabkan pelaku industri pengolahan mulai

menurunkan aktivitas produksi.

Untuk itu Pemerintah seharusnya fokus melakukan reorientasi kebijakan industri pada

pengolahan bahan baku (misal : besi dan alumunium) dan meningkatkan ketersediaan

sumber energi yang murah dan dukungan lainnya.

Dalam edisi ini dimuat data produk casting di dunia yang menggambarkan perkembangan

dan pertumbuhan produk casting dari 31 negara dan data kendaraan bermotor di Indonesia

dan ASEAN.

Selanjutnya kami mengharapkan agar buletin ini menjadi media antar anggota maupun

antar industri pengecoran didalam negeri dan diluar negeri. Harapan kami, seluruh anggota

dapat mengisi buletin ini menjadi kenyataan.

Redaksi buletin APLINDO menghimbau anggota APLINDO berpartisipasi dalam mengisi

tulisan/artikel, data maupun informasi lain yang berhubungan dengan industri pengecoran

logam. Naskah tulisan/artikel dapat dikirim ke sekretariat APLINDO, melalui email ataupun







Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Menurun

Pemerintah menargetkan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia 2015 sebesar 5,7 persen, jauh

lebih tinggi dari realisasi pertumbuhan ekonomi yang hanya mencapai 4,71 persen.

berdasarkan data Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS) dari berbagai sektor industri selama triwulan

pertama 2015, pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia secara umum menunjukkan pelambatan

yang cukup serius. Bahkan beberapa sektor industri mengalami penurunan kinerja yang

cukup tajam, dan dikhawatirkan dapat memicu krisis ekonomi.

Adapun data yang dimaksud adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Pajak

Penerimaan pajak pada triwulan I 2015 hanya mencapai Rp 198.23 triliun saja, jauh

dibawah realisasi penerimaan pajak pada triwulan I 2014 yang mencapai Rp 210,06

triliun, atau turun sekitar 5,63 persen. Dibandingkan dengan target penerimaan pajak

tahun 2015, realisasi penerimaan pajak pada triwulan I 2015 ini hanya mencapai 15,32

persen dari target penerimaan pajak 2015 yang dicanangkan yatu Rp.1.294,-Triliun. Hal

ini mencerminkan terjadi penurunan (bukan hanya perlambatan) pada aktivitas

ekonomi sepanjang triwulan I 2015.

2. Inflasi

Pada Mei 2015 terjadi inflasi sebesar 0,50 persen. Inflasi tahun kalender 2015 sebesar

- 0,42 persen dan tingkat inflasi Mei 2015 terhadap Mei 2014 (tahun ke tahun) sebesar

7,15 persen.

Tingkat Inflasi Beberapa Negara



3. Pertumbuhan PDB

Ekonomi Indonesia triwulan I-2015 terhadap triwulan I-2014 (y-on-y) tumbuh 4,71

persen melambat dibandingkan pertumbuhan periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya

sebesar 5,14 persen.

Ekonomi Indonesia triwulan I-2015 dibanding triwulan sebelumnya mengalami kontraksi

sebesar 0,18 persen (q-to-q).

4. Ekspor

Nilai ekspor Indonesia pada Mei 2015 mengalami penurunan sebesar 4,11 persen

dibanding ekspor April 2015 yaitu dari USD 13.107,7 juta menjadi USD 12.564,6 juta

dan dibanding Mei 2014 mengalami penurunan ekspor sebesar 15,24 persen.

Penurunan ekspor tersebut dipicu oleh menurunnya ekspor non-migas sebesar 3,87

persen dari USD 11.645,4 juta menjadi USD 11.194.3 juta dan ekspor migas sebesar

6,03 persen dari USD 1.458,2 juta menjadi USD 1.370,3 juta.

Dilihat dari kontribusinya terhadap ekspor komulatif Januari – Mei 2015, ekspor produk

pengolahan 70,18 persen, produk pertambangan 13,23 persen dan produk pertanian

meningkat 3,41 persen.

Peranan dan perkembangan ekspor nonmigas Indonesia menurut sektor untuk Januari-

Mei 2015 dapat dilihat tabel dibawah.



Tabel : Nilai Ekspor Indonesia Menurut Sektor Januari – Mei 2015


Nilai FOB (Juta USD) Perubahan

Jan-Mei 2015 thdp 2014 (%)

Peran thdp Total

Jan-Mei 2015 (%) Jan-Mei 2014 Jan-Mei 2015

Total Ekspor 73.415,1 64.720,2 -11,84 100,00

Migas 12.899,2 8.529,7 -33,87 13,18

Non Migas 60.515,9 56.190,5 -7,15 86,82

- Pertanian 2.170,0 2.204,4 1,58 3,41

- Industri Pengolahan 48.706,5 45.424,4 -6,74 70,18

- Pertambangan dan lainnya 9.639,4 8.561,7 -11,18 13,23

Grafik : Perbandingan Nilai Ekspor Indonesia Menurut Sektor

Jan–Apr 2015 terhadap Jan-Apr 2014

5. Impor

Nilai impor Indonesia Mei 2015 turun 8,05 persen dibanding April 2015 yaitu dari USD

12.626,3 juta menjadi USD 11.609,6 juta atau turun USD 1.106,6 juta. Dari nilai impor

tersebut impor barang konsumsi sebesar USD 944,6 juta, bahan baku/penolong USD

8.711,9 juta, dan barang modal USD 1.953,2 juta. Demikian pula bila dibandingkan

dengan periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya.

Penurunan ini yang drastis terjadi pada impor bahan baku/penolong 18,91 persen (USD

10.750,8 juta) yang merefleksikan produksi dalam negeri anjlok, dimana tengah terjadi

penurunan aktifitas produksi disebabkan pelaku industri pengolahan mulai menurunkan

aktivitas produksi antara lain industri logam, petrokimia, keramik dan kaca mengalami



penurunan produksi 30%- 50% bahkan sebagian industri baja telah melakukan

pengurangan ribuan (lihat table dan grafik dibawah).

Kondisi tersebut disebabkan akibat melemah daya saing industri, melemahnya

permintaan baik dari dalam negeri maupun ekspor, melemahnya nilai tukar rupiah

terhadap dolar yang saat ini tembus diangka Rp.13.341,- dan naiknya Tarif listrik.

Untuk itu Pemerintah seharusnya mulai fokus melakukan reorientasi kebijakan

industri pada pengolahan bahan baku (misal : besi dan alumunium) dan

meningkatkan ketersediaan sumber energi yang murah dan dukungan lainnya.

Tabel : Nilai Impor Indonesia Menurut Golongan Penggunaan Barang Januari – April 2015

Golongan Penggunaan Barang

Nilai CIF (Juta USD) Perubahan (%)

Peran terhadap total Impor

Jan-Mei 2015 (%)

April 2015

Mei 2015

Jan-Mei 2014

Jan-Mei 2015

Mei 2015 Thd

Apr 2015

Jan-Mei 2015 Thd

Jan-Mei 2014

Total Impor 12.626,3 11.609,6 74.255,9 60.967,3 -8,05 -17,90 100,00

Barang Konsumsi 910,4 944,6 5.141,3 4.395,4 3,76 -14,51 7,21

Bahan Baku/Penolong 9.680,9 8.711,8 56.855,7 46.104,9 -10,01 -18,91 75,62

Barang Modal 2.035.0 1.953,2 12.258,9 10.467,0 -4,02 -14,62 17,17

Grafik : Perbandingan Nilai Impor Indonesia Menurut Golongan Penggunaan Barang

Jan–Mei 2015 terhadap Jan-Mei 2014



TARIF LISTRIK (adjustmen)

Penyesuaian tarif tenaga berlangsung setiap bulan menjadi jangka waktu atas tiga faktor

yaitu nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat, Indonesia crude price, dan inflasi

menyulitkan industri melakukan perencanaan bisnis dan anggaran. kebijakan ini akan

memberatkan industri. Minimal tarif listrik industri dapat stabil dalam waktu enam bulan.

Dengan fluktuasi tarif listrik yang saat ini terjadi, dunia usaha kesulitan melakukan

perencanaan di seluruh aspek, yakni produksi, penjualan dan pengembangan bisnis.

Listrik sebagai kebutuhan dasar harga harus diatur pemerintah, tidak dibiarkan sesuai

mekanisme pasar. Jika hal ini terus berlangsung, daya saing industri produk dalam negeri

yang semakin lemah dan semakin tergerus ketika agenda masyarakat ekonomi Asean (MEA)

diberlakukan akhir 2015. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah harus menjaga kestabilan harga.

Kondisi nilai tukar mata uang, fluktuasi harga minyak mentah yang mempengaruhi ongkos

produksi listrik, juga dialami oleh negara lain tetapi sejumlah negara memiliki

kebijakan dalam menciptakan kestabilan harga untuk industri.

Table : tariff adjustmen

No. Bulan Batas Daya Biaya Pemakaian (Rp/kVArh)

I3 I4 I3 I4

1. Januari 200 kVA 30.000 kVA 1.159,30 1.011,99

2. Februari 200 kVA 30.000 kVA 1.137,76 993,19

3. Maret 200 kVA 30.000 kVA 1.105,47 965

4. April 200 kVA 30.000 kVA 1.135,93 991,60

5. Mei 200 kVA 30.000 kVA 1.193,22 1.063,80

6. Juni 200 kVA 30.000 kVA 1.200,65 1.070,42 Sumber PLN

Penggunaan energi untuk industri pengecoran logam ferro mencapai 20% dan industri

pengecoran logam non ferro (die casting) mencapai 25% dari beban produksi (15% dari

listrik dan 10% dari gas). Industri pengecoran logam yang didorong oleh industri otomotif,

cukup berpengaruh terhadap penurunan penjualan otomotif sepanjang 4 bulan terakhir

tahun 2015 yang turun sekitas 14% yaitu 344.264 unit dibanding tahun 2014 sebesar

402.405 unit.

APLINDO, terus menyuarakan kepada Pemerintah untuk memberikan tarif energi

khusus industri, baik gas dan listrik agar lebih kompetitif dari Negara lain,

apalagi lndonesia akan menghadapi pasar bebas Asean, dibutuhkan ketahanan

industri dalam menghadapi persaingan.



Kewajiban Penggunaan Mata Uang Rupiah 1 Juli 2015

Bank Indonesia (BI) mengeluarkan Surat Edaran (SE) Nomor 17/3/PBI/2015 perihal

kewajiban penggunaan Rupiah di wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) yang

menegaskan bahwa transaksi dan pembayaran baik tunai maupun non tunai harus dilakukan

menggunakan mata uang rupiah.

Kewajiban penggunaan Rupiah di wilayah NKRI menganut asas territorial, maka setiap

transaksi yang dilakukan di NKRI, baik dilakukan oleh penduduk maupun bukan penduduk,

transaksi tunai maupun nontunai wajib menggunakan Rupiah.

Jika korporasi maupun perorangan melanggar ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan BI dalam

aturan tersebut, maka bank sentral akan memberikan sanksi kepada pihak pelanggar dan

mulai berlaku per 1 Juli 2015, dimana setiap pelanggar aturan BI terkait seluruh transaksi

yang tidak menggunakan Rupiah di Indonesia itu sanksi 1% dari transaksi atau maksimal

denda sebesar Rp.1 miliar.

Ketentuan ini juga mengakomodir pengecualian agar transaksi yang berhubungan dengan

negara lain tetap berjalan seperti kebutuhan pembangunan infrastruktur, anggaran negara,

perdagangan internasional, aktivitas perbankan seperti kredit valas, interbank (transksi valas

antar bank) dan transaksi valas surat utang.

Terkait transaksi jual beli, pelaku usaha wajib mencantumkan harga produk dalam mata

uang rupiah dan melarang mencantumkan harga dalam dua mata uang yakni rupiah dan

valuta asing. Kewajiban dan larangan ini berlaku untuk label harga, biaya jasa, biaya sea

menyewa, tarif seperti bongkar muat dipelabuhan dan kargo di Bandara udara, kontrak,

dokumen penawaran dan bukti pembayaran.

Dengan mendorong masyarakat Indonesia baik pribadi maupun korporasi untuk

menggunakan Rupiah di dalam transaksinya, maka akan meningkatkan kestabilan nilai tukar

Rupiah, akan mendorong tingkat konsumsi masyarakat, pemerintah menciptakan iklim

investasi yang kondusif. Kondisi ini akan berdampak kepada perekonomian nasional.

























Adapting to survive in a global environment

The European foundry industry accounts for 15 per cent of the world‟s casting production,

second only to China on 43 percent (1). With its deep rooted tradition for quality

components and cutting edge technology, the European foundry industry has seen its

market attacked over the years from emerging nations which are quick to respond to the

demand for cast products in what is, thankfully, an ever-widening customer market-place –

most notably the automotive industry.

So what is the current situation? It has taken strong will and experienced resilience to

bounce back from a hard-hitting downturn seven years ago across western and eastern

Europe and future performance will surely have much to do with the region‟s ability to adapt

and survive in a changing world with more detailed demands.

Foundry Trade Journal editor Lynn Postle considers the current state of the European

foundry industry based on the available statistical data and her travels in recent months.

Positive growth rates

There is a growing need for castings following the further development of the automotive

industry, the energy sector and the construction sector and the signs are there for increased

optimism in the European foundry industry, says Heiko Lickfett of The European Foundry

Association, CAEF.

Speaking on behalf of 20 European nations, his report at the International Foundry Forum in

September 2014 noted that whilst positive growth rates were being driven by the

automotive industry, other sectors were also witnessing a change of fortune to help the

casting industry move forward.

According to figures calculated by the National Association of the German foundry industry,

a good 50 per cent of the castings manufactured in Germany are, for example, supplied to

the automotive industry, while just under 25 per cent are used in machine manufacturing.

It seems that the non-ferrous sector has witnessed a more stable recovery since the

economic downturn in 2008/2009 with the ferrous sector experiencing a slower climb out of

the doldrums, partly due to the slow recovery of customers in the steel sector. Indeed the

volume of non-ferrous casting production has almost returned to the levels prior to the

crisis. A comparison of production figures from 2000 to 2012 shows that European ferrous

foundries experienced a minus eight per cent drop in this period but non-ferrous foundry

production levels were up twelve per cent since the start of the new millennium.

Dr Ioannis Ioannidis, vice-president of the European Foundry Equipment Suppliers



Association CEMAFON and chairman of the board of the VDMA Foundry Machine Association,

shares this view, emphasising in December 2014: “Business is slower at steel and iron

foundries, whereas it is developing more positively at die and permanent mould casting


Dr Heinz Büchner from IKB Industriebank expects demand for castings from the automotive

industry to increase in general over the next decade. Rising prosperity in the emerging

markets is likely to drive growth on the car market, while stricter legal regulations about

energy efficiency and emissions should lead to higher sales in the European market. From

2018 onwards, there is also likely to be substitution of iron and steel castings with light alloy

metal castings for certain parts when a switch is made to new car models(3).

The IKB market survey reveals that the markets for the European foundry industry will be

shifting to a larger extent towards Eastern Europe and East Asia. China has become a more

significant sales market for foundry machines again, which is associated with the anticipated

expansion of casting capacities.

Although European castings are bound for use throughout the world it is noteworthy that

whilst European nations export 36 per cent of their castings this is primarily to their

neighbouring nations, only 14 per cent are directly exported outside of Europe. This very

much follows the mantra of „producing castings where they are needed‟.

One thing European foundries are known for is per plant production, where Germany is a

world-leader. As an example an average company‟s gross production value is €198,300 per

employee. The amount of material (43.4 per cent of GPO)(4) used is €86,000 per employee

and the gross profit is around €75,600 per employee.

Size and range

According to CAEF(5), in 2013 there were 1,992 ferrous foundries in Europe, employing

134,780 people and 2,767 non-ferrous plants employing 96,845. Note that these figures

include Turkey.

Production levels are approximately 15.2m tons (11.6m ferrous, 3.6m non-ferrous) with an

estimated value of €41.3bn (€22.2bn ferrous, €19.1bn non ferrous).

Geo-political turmoil

For the foundry equipment sector, uncertainty and trading bans have added another

dimension to an already complex issue of selling equipment to countries around the world –

one prime example of this being Russia. Although much of the concern has subsided

recently, there is always another „political‟ issue waiting to erupt, in our current rich



landscape. Indeed much of Europe has been swept with election fever and that in itself

brings uncertainty and instability into the market.

Gabriele Gallante of moulding manufacturer IMF in Italy is a supporter of turning

international co-operation into the next step of actual production in emerging nations. “We

have to re-think what we have learned,” he said. “The emerging market is establishing

„benchmark‟ prices and we European suppliers have to commit ourselves to exchanging

information openly. Knowledge is our most important asset but the tendency to build where

you sell is changing the situation.”

Europe is currently playing „catch up‟ with many other regions in terms of competitiveness –

with energy expenses being twice that of the US and China it is understandable that this

may take some time. Marco Felisati, deputy director for industrial affairs at Confindustria in

Italy said: “We need to find resources to boost the economy. Growth in Europe is lagging

behind. A strong Europe does not help our exports. Certainly in Italy business confidence is


Recovering from the recent past

It is perhaps in France and Spain where the greatest effect of the economic downturn was

felt. There have been low levels of investment in the past three years in Spain with energy

costs increasing significantly. With a significant amount of the industry reliant on the wind

energy sector, the slump in this market had catastrophic impact on many foundries in Spain.

Unemployment levels are still at an all time high.

Speaking at the World Foundry Organization general assembly meeting in 2014, Pierre Marie

Cabanne from Rio Tinto considered the situation in the French foundry industry: “The

outlook is not so good for the coming few months,” he told attendees from global foundry

associations. “The automotive sector is the main customer for the majority of French

foundries. The foundries are facing decisions about whether to remain local or to delocalise.

The current bankruptcy rate is around ten foundries a year.

“The same levels of volumes of casting are no longer seen as they were before the

economic crisis and there is a slight decrease in such levels year on year.”

He said that whilst the industry was fairly stable it is suffering from a very short order book.

For the UK, it really is a tale of two parts – whilst aluminium foundries were generally busy

in 2014 there was still some fluctuation from quarter to quarter with die casters faring better

than sand foundries. The requirement for added value parts continued to grow, with more

companies looking at new arrangements for in-house or sub-contract machining. Ferrous

founders reported improvement in order books and whilst there were exceptions, most



appeared to be generally happy with their current workload. Foundries supplying the

automotive sector reported good demand for castings destined for commercial vehicles and

premium car brands.

However steel foundries only witnessed marginal improvement in business activity during

the first quarter of 2014, many foundries remained subdued and some described the current

business climate as “tough.”(6)

The Turkish foundry industry saw a 7 per cent growth in output in 2013 with a small drop in

ferrous casting production but a massive increase in non-ferrous (60 per cent) hence there

has been significant investment in high pressure diecasting facilities.

There was a near 25 per cent fall in automotive orders in 2013 for grey and SG iron castings

but this made some recovery in 2014.

The situation for steel castings is very volatile with orders on short lead times becoming the


Signs in the non-ferrous sector are encouraging due to new and high demand from new

producers based in Turkey.

The future is advanced

Other than competition from different materials and casting processes, the main trends at

present where European foundries can have a significant impact are: substitution of a

component formed in a different manner for a casting, additive manufacturing, and smart

castings produced by smart production.

3D printing technology is developing at a rapid pace, which is something foundries need to

embrace to see how their customers can benefit from this additive manufacturing process.

Being smart

Traceability and coding are words we are all becoming very familiar with and this is a

particular breakthrough for the metal casting industry. Equipment communicating

throughout the process is nothing new for some industries but there are still some

improvements which can be made in this matter for the foundry industry. A manufacturing

process where equipment is interactively connected is one that should operate in a more

precise and efficient manner.

It is not just about production processes, a smart foundry is a sharp business unit, which is

where data mining can really help. This is a process of analysing data from different

perspectives and summarising it into useful information to increase revenue and cut costs.

Software is available to help with this continuous process.



Communication is also a key factor moving forward – it‟s no longer about having a user-

friendly website, foundries now need to capture information about who is visiting the site,

what they are searching on and what their individual needs are.

An excellent track record Perhaps the greatest advantage for European foundries – certainly in western Europe – is

the many years of experience in terms of the production process and the changing business

climate. Downturns, increased legislation and difficult trading conditions are not new

phenomena to the European metal casting industry. It is possible to draw on past

experiences to help with future developments.

Things are changing and this has been recognised – in 2001 49 per cent of the vehicles

produced in Germany were sold worldwide, by 2013 this had dropped to 35 per cent. VW

has announced plans to build four new plants in emerging markets up to 2017, the total

supplier network for Audi has been set up in China to allow for customising vehicles to suit

local needs. Future production capacity expansions will take place outside Germany, warns

Dr Ralph Niederdrenk of PricewaterhouseCoopers with main automotive plants migrating to

the US and China. This will result in the automotive value chain in Europe stagnating(5).

One answer in Europe is to learn how to work globally and co-operate with lower cost

economies; many European companies are setting up production facilities in other parts of

the world. Further down the supply chain, for foundries, the answer will be to differentiate

what they can offer from the competition. Critical issues will be the concentration of highly

skilled workforces. Thankfully, strong manufacturing bases and a recent resurgence by

many European countries to recognise the importance of the sector and its impact on overall

economies provides optimism for the future.

It is also possible to learn from neighbouring economies, thus developing a more robust

industry. Change is not new but the ability to adapt is fundamental for a sustainable future.

References 1. CAEF, moderncasting national association, Data 2012. 2. Estimation by CAEF and BDG 2012, in per cent of GPO (raw materials and supplies,

without energy). 3. www.caef.org/statistics 4. www.thewfo.com 5. International Foundry Forum 2014



Investment Casting Metal Matrix Composites This entry was posted in Features and tagged Alloys Aluminium North America on Friday

April 17th, 2015 by Global Casting Magazine.

The design freedoms inherent in investment casting help keep aluminum metal matrix composites cost effective.

Paul Mikkola, Retired, Hitchiner Manufacturing, Milford, New Hampshire, and Bruce Willson, O‟Fallon Casting, O‟Fallon, Missouri

The particulate silicon carbide reinforcement in aluminum alloy metal matrix composite (MMC) enhances this lightweight material with improved mechanical property attributes for stiffness, vibration dampening, wear resistance, high thermal conductivity and low coefficient of thermal expansion. With its unique set of properties, MMC has been employed in diverse applications such as moving structures in high speed equipment for manufacturing, brake rotors for vehicles, heat sinks for electronics, and housings and mirrors for optics.

This housing and mirror set was cast in MMC for a lightweight optical reflecting telescope. The housing is cast in 20% MMC and measures 17 x 16 x 14 in. with a base 0.08 in. wall thickness. The three mirror castings are cast in 30% MMC and after machining, plating and polishing, fit into the housing to form the telescope.

In the 1980s and 1990s, casting shapes from MMC ingot was envisioned to be a major enabling technology for manufacturing MMC metal components. This perception prompted the development of metalcasting processes and specialized techniques to overcome the natural tendency of the silicon carbide particles to clump or precipitate from the aluminum matrix. The inherent abrasiveness of the silicon carbide particulates in the alloy also gave MMC a reputation, perhaps unfairly, for being difficult and expensive to machine. For myriad reasons, a broad market for cast and other process shapes has not developed, and so, despite its many attributes, MMC remains an underutilized material option.

As with other materials that are difficult to machine, the near-net-shape capability of investment casting is an effective counterbalance to help mitigate the cost of machining aluminum MMC. With effective casting designs, this capability, combined with refinements in the alloy and in secondary machining, makes investment cast aluminum alloy/silicon carbide



particulates a viable and affordable option for engineers to incorporate lightweight MMC shapes into their products.

Cast Metal Matrix Composites

Although increasing development activities have led to system solutions using metal composite materials, the use of especially innovative systems, particularly in the area of light metals, has not been realized. The reason for this is insufficient process stability and reliability. Combined with production and processing problems, it results in inadequate economic efficiency. Application areas are cost orientated and conservative. Often, the industry is not willing to face additional costs for the use of such materials. For all these reasons, metal matrix composites are only at the beginning of the evolution curve of modern materials. As lightweight, stiff, wear-resistant applications become of greater value to transportation and other industries, more high volume uses will evolve; brake rotors, pistons and drive yokes are examples.

MMC production melting metallurgy and pouring presently are of greater technical importance than using powder metallurgy composite material. Casting is more economical and has the advantage of being able to use well proven processes such as investment casting. Casting also offers the engineer more freedom than other processes.

An objective in the development of light metal composite materials may be to increase the modulus of elasticity (Young‟s modulus). Using the universally accepted linear and inverse rule of mixtures, this potential increase can be estimated whereby the well-known border cases apply only to certain geometric alignments of the components in the composite materials. As the percentage of SiCp increases, the modulus moves linearly in the direction of the SiCp modulus and away from the aluminum alloy. This reaction is similar in other properties such as thermal conductivity and expansion.

Aluminum alloy/silicon carbide MMC castings can be produced in 20%, 30% and 40% concentrations of silicon carbide by volume and heat treatable, commonly being furnished to a T77P heat treatment.

This enables engineers to design components to their desired operating environment. For instance, the property of wear resistance can be understood easily because the aluminum alloys are relatively soft compared to the hard carbide particles, enhancing the wear properties with increased silicon carbide particulate (SiCp). Bonding between the SiCp particles and the aluminum matrix is an important consideration. Purchasing pre-alloyed ingot stock with the percent reinforcement desired and metallurgical bond between the parent metal and particles is recommended. The base alloy of currently produced MMC is Aluminum 359, which can be heat treated for specific applications. In addition, the particle size of the SiCp can be varied for more design freedom.

Although elongation and fracture toughness decrease with the SiCp in the MMC, the values often are better than other alternative methods to achieve stiffness and thermal properties. This is because as the higher particle contents are cast, the material takes on more of a ceramic character with lower fatigue life and brittle failure without plastic deformation.

The fluidity of aluminum MMC alloys decreases as the concentration of SiCp increases; the difficulty of successfully casting higher SiCp concentrations increases. The tendency of aluminum alloy MMC to form shrinkage and gas porosity also becomes a greater concern with higher densities of SiCp. It is essential to minimize turbulence within the melt and during mold filling. Hot isostatic pressing higher percent SiCp MMCs sometimes is necessary to eliminate subsurface gas voids.

The reinforcement of metals can have many different objectives and opens up the possibility for application of these materials in areas where weight reduction is the top priority. The



precondition here is the improvement of the component properties. The objectives for light metal composite materials are:

Increase in yield strength and tensile strength at room temperature and above while maintaining the minimum ductility or component toughness.

Increase in creep resistance at higher temperatures compared to that of conventional alloys.

Increase in fatigue strength, especially at higher temperatures. Improvement of thermal shock resistance. Improvement of corrosion resistance. Increase in Young‟s modulus. Reduction of thermal elongation and engineering thermal conductivity.

Investment Casting Design Considerations

As it is with other hard alloys such as inconel or even stainless steel, the secondary machining of MMC castings is a significant cost consideration. The near-net-shape advantage and the greater freedom of design that is inherent with the investment casting process provide opportunities to greatly reduce or eliminate machining. The successful implementation of cast MMC can depend on possessing the necessary engineering skills to design products that take advantage of the investment casting process.

For engineers, the near-net-shape advantage means only critical surfaces need be machined. Raised pads and undercuts can be employed to relieve the surrounding area of the part. Only minimal amounts of machine stock must be added to these machined features to assure cleanup.

Investment casting also can take advantage of part count reduction. This capability is particularly beneficial when designing for MMC because the fewer assembly points of a unitized structure also correlates to a reduction in the cost for machining.

The special properties of aluminum/silicon carbide MMCs can be of benefit and are available to solve a myriad of design challenges for weight reduction, stiffness, vibration, heat transfer, wear and/or thermal expansion. The investment casting process offers a unique capability for the economical manufacture of MMCs.



Penghapusan sanksi administrasi pajak tahun 2015

Dirjen Pajak tengah mensosialisasi pencanangan program Tahun Pembinaan Wajib Pajak

2015, yang salah satunya adalh pengurangan atau penghapusan sanksi administrasi berupa

bunga, denda dan kenaikan yang terutang sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan

perpajakan karena kekhilafan wajib pajak atau bukan karena kesalahannya. Kebijakan ini

dituangkan dalam Peraturan Menteri Keuangan No.91/PMK.03/2015 tentang Pengurangan

atau Penghapusan Sanksi Administrasi atas keterlambatan penyampaian surat

pemberitahuan, pembetulan surat pemberitahuan dan keterlambatan pembayaran atau

penyetoran pajak.

Jenis SPT yang dapat dilaporkan atau dibetulkan dalam PMK ini adalah :

1. SPT Tahunan PPH Badan tahun 2014 dan sebelumnya.

2. SPT Tahunan Orang Pribadi tahun 2014 atau sebelumnya

3. SPT Masa PPH Masa Pajak Desember 2014 dan sebelumnya

4. SPT Masa PPN Masa Pajak Desember 2014 dan sebelumnya

5. SPT Masa PPN Masa Bagi Pemungut PPN Masa Pajak Desember 2014 dan sebelumnya

Penghapusan sanksi administrasi ini diberikan dengan ketentuan bahwa sanksi administrasi

dalam STP belum dibayar atau sudah dibayarkan sebagian oleh wajib pajak dengan

persyaratan :

A. Surat permohonan,

B. Surat pernyataan,

C. Fotocopy SPT atau SPT pembetulan,

D. Fotocopy SSP atau sarana administrasi lain sebagai bukti pelunasan kurang bayar

dalam SPT atau SPT pembetulan dan

E. Fotocopy STP.

Pengajuan pengurangan atau penghapusan ini akan diproses paling lama 6 bulan sejak

permohonan diterima dan apabila wajib pajak tidak memenuhi persyaratan dan dokumen

yang harus dilampirkan, wajib pajak dapat mengajukan permohonan kembali.

Ketentuan ini hanya berlaku untuk tahun 2015, bagi perusahaan anggota yang belum jelas

dapat menghubungi kantor pajak sesuai dengan lokasi dan tempat perusahaan.









Data Kendaraan Bermotor

1. Data Kendaran Roda 4

a. Penjualan Kendaraan roda 4 (unit) tahun 2011-2015 di Indonesia

No. Bulan Penjualan (Unit)

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

1 Januari 73,990 76.427 96.718 103.609 94.194

2 Februari 69,591 86.486 103.278 111.824 88.741

3 Maret 82,166 87.917 95.996 113.067 99.410

4 April 60,728 87.144 102.257 106.124 81.600

5 Mei 61,055 95.541 99.697 96.872 72.296

6 Juni 70,157 101.746 104.268 110.614

7 Juli 89,056 102.511 112.178 91.334

8 Agustus 73,276 76.445 77.964 96.652

9 September 79,835 102.100 115.974 102.572

10 Oktober 86,342 106.754 112.039 105.222

11 Nopember 67,643 103.703 111841 91.327

12 Desember 80,325 89.456 97.691 78.802

Total 894,164 1.116.230 1.229.901 1.208.019 436.241 Sumber : Gaikindo

b. Produksi Kendaraan roda 4 (unit) tahun 2011-2015 di Indonesia

No. Bulan Produksi (Unit)

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

1 Januari 70,715 77.036 97.793 104.728 98.872

2 Februari 63,928 86.469 100.491 112.501 92.867

3 Maret 74,308 85.507 89.073 123.007 107.823

4 April 54,556 84.426 101.805 121.114 97.364

5 Mei 54,637 97.367 99.661 94.353 89.246

6 Juni 64,454 94.400 97.939 117.309

7 Juli 83,591 97.330 106.519 93.613

8 Agustus 69,107 71.113 77.354 105.259

9 September 77,349 94.488 116.974 119.346

10 Oktober 81,265 100.298 115.533 116.654

11 Nopember 65,686 99.168 110.570 102.423

12 Desember 78,352 77.955 94.499 88.216

Total 837.948 1.065.557 1.208.211 1.298.523 489.762



c. Penjualan Kendaraan roda 4 (unit) tahun 2010-2014 di ASEAN

No. Bulan

Penjualan (Unit)

2011 2012 2013 2014 Jan-April


1 Brunai 14.555 18.634 18.642 18.114 5.357

2 Indonesia 894.164 1.116.230 1.229.901 1.208.019 363.945

3 Malaysia 600.123 627.753 655.793 666.465 213.493

4 Philipina 141.616 156.654 181.738 234.747 84.141

5 Singapura 39.570 37.247 34.111 47.443 19.619

6 Thailand 794.081 1.436.335 1.330.672 881.832 251.645

7 Vietnam 109.660 80.453 98.649 133.588 57.561

sumber : AAF Diolah

d. Produksi Kendaraan roda 4 (unit) tahun 2010-2014 di ASEAN

No. Bulan Produksi (Unit)

2011 2012 2013 2014 Jan-April 2015

1 Indonesia 837.948 1.065.557 1.208.211 1.298.523 396.664

2 Malaysia 533.515 569.620 601.407 596.418 225.331

3 Philipina 64.906 75.413 79.169 88.845 28.891

4 Thailand 1.457.795 2.453.717 2.457.057 1.880.007 648.508

5 Vietnam 100.465 73.673 93.630 121.084 47.523

Total 2.994.629 4.237.980 4.439.474 3.984.877 1.346.917

sumber : AAF Diolah

2. Data Kendaraan Roda 2 / Sepeda Motor

a. Penjualan sepeda motor 2011-2015 Di Indonesia

No. Bulan Penjualan (Unit)

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

1 Januari 667,124 652.601 649.983 580.288 513.816 2 Februari 613,449 670.757 653.357 681.267 570.524 3 Maret 713,672 626.689 657.483 728.820 562.185 4 April 709,177 622.929 660.505 729.279 538.746 5 Mei 709,122 619.540 647.215 734.030 469.630 6 Juni 661,304 550.468 661.282 753.789 7 Juli 740,121 585.658 704.019 539.171 8 Agustus 681,444 433.741 490.824 599.250 9 September 723,906 628.739 678.139 706.938 10 Oktober 717,514 634.575 717.272 675.962 11 Nopember 643,271 627.048 688.527 592.635 12 Desember 463,431 488.841 552.408 556.586

Total 8,043,535 7.141.586 7.771.014 7.908.014 2.654.901

sumber : AISI Diolah



b. Produksi sepeda motor 2011-2015 Di Indonesia

No. Bulan Produksi (Unit)

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

1 Januari 677,356 685.688 662.920 595.636 524.368

2 Februari 621,988 665.570 659.417 659.258 552.543

3 Maret 720,284 606.984 654.760 729.476 593.592

4 April 715,864 619.839 672.370 748.401 563.566

5 Mei 698,427 619.829 644.881 722.192 507.209

6 Juni 645,975 535.621 653.384 761.117

7 Juli 722,184 577.488 694.492 553.626

8 Agustus 671,506 428.662 484.428 611.235

9 September 713,061 620.250 683.066 747.992

10 Oktober 725,036 627.352 729.876 686.101

11 Nopember 646,510 625.865 691.115 598.560

12 Desember 446,102 466.573 549.586 512.510

Total 8,006,293 7.079.721 7.780.295 7.926.104 2.741.278

sumber : AISI Diolah

c. Penjualan sepeda motor 2010-2014 di ASEAN

No. Bulan

Penjualan (Unit)

2011 2012 2013 2014 Jan- Apr


1 Indonesia 8,043,535 7.141.586 7.771.014 7.908.014 2.185.271

2 Malaysia 494.586 537.753 546.719 442.749 138.947

3 Philipina 731.130 702.599 752.835 790.245 253.129

4 Singapura 8.046 9.923 11.650 8.145 2.430

5 Thailand 2.007.383 2.130.067 2.004.498 1.701.535 585.256

Total 11.284.680 10.521.928 11.086.716 10.851.615 3.165.033

sumber : AAF Diolah

d. Produksi sepeda motor 2010-2014 Di ASEAN

No. Bulan

Produksi (Unit)

2011 2012 2013 2014 Jan- Apr


1 Indonesia 8,006,293 7.079.721 7.780.295 7.926.104 2.234.069

2 Malaysia 498.076 543.088 549.244 439.907 140.905

3 Philipina 762.947 588.292 729.480 755.184 271.623

4 Thailand 2.043.039 2.606.161 2.218.625 1.842.708 670.037

Total 11.310.355 10.817.262 11.277.644 10.963.903 3.316.634

sumber : AAF Diolah









Informasi Umum & Pameran

A. Web site Pemerintah yang dapat diakses :

1. www.setneg.go.id (Sekretariat Negara)

2. www.kemenperin.go.id (Kementerian Perindustrian)

3. www.kemenkeu.go.id (Kementerian Keuangan)

4. www.kemendag.go.id (Kementerian Perdagangan)

5. www.beacukai.go.id (Direktorat Bea & Cukai, Kementerian Keuangan)

6. www.esdm.go.id (Kementerian ESDM)

7. www.bkpm.go.id (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal)

8. www.bps.go.id (Biro Pusat Statistik)

B. Web site Asosiasi Industri Pengecoran Logam Indonesia (APLINDO)

Kini APLINDO telah tersedia Web site sendiri :

www.aplindo.web.id, mohon dukungan partisipasi aktif Bapak-bapak sekalian dan

diharapkan saran, masukan, permasalahan dan perkembangan yang terjadi di industri

pengecoran logam di Indonesia. Saran dan masukan anda dapat berupa artikel ke

alamat hapli@indosat.net.id

C. Web site Himpunan Ahli Pengecoran Logam Indonesia

Kini HAPLI telah tersedia Web-site sendiri :

http://hapli.wordpress.com/ , mohon dukungan partisipasi aktif Bapak-bapak

sekalian dan diharapkan saran serta masukan anda berupa artikel sesuai page yang

tersedia dalam format *.doc ke alamat erwidodo@polman-bandung.ac.id untuk

diupload, ataupun komentar langsung anda pada Blog.

D. Pameran dan Seminar

1. 2 Jun – 4 Jun 2015

Subcom 2015

NEC, Birmingham, UK Exhibition and accompanying conferences for all your subcontracting requirements. The exhibition includes the UK castings pavilion. www.subconshow.co.uk

2. 13 Jun 2015 WFO Technical Forum Hall 13, Messe Dusseldorf, Germany



Held during GIFA 2015, the WFO Technical Forum will include eight papers presented by key industry personnel in a drop-in session format. There is no need to pre-book and there is no charge to attend. www.thewfo.com

3. 16 – 18 June 2015 16th Guangzhou international Tube & Pipe Industry Exhibition hina Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex B Area First Floor - Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China Organizado por: Julang Exhibition Design CO.,LTD

4. 16-20 June 2015 GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS and NEWCAST Düsseldorf, Germany Websites: www.gifa.de, www.metec.de, www.thermprocess.de and www.newcast.de.

5. 29 – 30 June 2015 Die Disegn Workshop ,Jakarta – Indonesia Bidakara, Jakarta, Indonesia

6. 4 – 7 August 2015 MTT Expo 2015, Indonesia The 7th specialised Exhibition on Machine Tools, Metalworking & Precision, automotive Engineering and Related Manufacturing Technologies for Indonesia

7. 8-10 September 2015 11th China (Beijing) International Foundry Industry Expo (CIFE2015) New China International Exhibition Centre - Beijing

8. 8-10 September 2015 Non-Ferrous Metals and Minerals International Congress and Exhibition the very heart of Russia, Congress & Exhibition “Non-Ferrous Metals and Minerals” (NFM) including the XXI Conference & Exhibition “Aluminium of Siberia”, XI Symposium “Gold of Siberia”, IX Conference “Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous and Rare Metals” and Mineral and Raw Materials Sources Forum will open their gates to the world industrial community. These meetings are devoted to the whole production chain in minerals and metals production. Gathering elites from the global community and facilitating world class trading, networking and educational activities in the world's most dynamic metallurgy market, the event will showcase the latest innovations in products and cutting-edge technologies to meet the large demand in Russia

9. 16 Sep 2015 - 18 Sep 2015 International Foundry Conference Portoroz, Slovenia Two days of technical sessions and networking opportunities

10. 16-18 September 2015 55th International Foundry Conference 2014 Portorož (Slovenia)ation :

11. 27-29 September 2015 5th International Foundry Technical Conference & Exhibition, Teheran, Iran Scope of the Conference and Exhibition: Raw material, Foundry plants, Melting



furnaces & accessories, Refractories, Molding, Pattern & core making, Sand preparation, Treatment & reclamation, Casting Machines & accessories, Die cast machine & accessories, Knock out & finishing, Surface treatment, Heat treatment & drying, Measuring, Testing, Process control instrument, Material handling, Machining, Automation, Foundry service, Casting manufactures, Robotics, Scrap management, Transferring melt, mold & parts, Welding, Sandblast & shot peening, Air scrubber, Saving Energy and Environmental Management, Ferroalloy & non ferroalloy, Inoculant, Filtration, Skimming slag, Investment casting, Centrifugal casting Expandable casting, Permanent casting, Vacuum molding, High pressure casting, Degassing system, Die cast, Ceramic molding, Kiln casting, Graphite casting, lost wax, Hot & cold chamber die casting, Lost foam casting, Metallurgy powder, silica sand, Olivine sand, Chromite sand, Zircon sand, Chamotte sand, Resin, Foundry simulation & software, Inspection, Melting flow control, Foundry & Market, Foundry development and optimizing the efficiency, Automobile industries, Jewelry, Pipe producer, Valve, Casting radiator, Ball mill, Cast iron, Steel, Pig iron, Aluminium, Copper, Zinc, Lead, ingot, Billet, Bucket tooth, Casting parts ,Sculpture, Export, Companies Presentation

12. 29 September – 01 October 2015 FENAF 2015 - 16ª Feira Latino-americana de Fundição, Brazil Fenaf is the largest trade show ot the foundry sector in America, bringing together the entire production chain of the foundry industry, national and international, and its customers. Over 400 exhibitors and 30,000 vistantes are expected for this next edition, to be held at Expo Center Norte, Brazil.

13. October 2015 WFO International Forum on Moulding Materials and Casting Technologies, China, The WFO Moulding Materials Commission will host the Forum where the world-leading researchers in the area of moulding materials will meet. Papers are sought for the event, see the relevant commission page or email: zcy@163.com ; ldf@foundrynations.com

14 21-25 May, 2016

The 72nd World Foundry Congress 2016, Nagoya, Japan, This intellectually and professionally stimulating biennial congress offers you a golden

opportunity to meet fellow foundrymen from all over the world and exchange ideas in

order to develop a common vision for the future of the global foundry industry.

The WFC2016 will have presentations of technical papers and meetings as well as

enjoyable social events.through which you can learn more about traditional Japanese


The WFC2016 will be held in Nagoya,Japan‟s third largest metropolitan region located

on central Honshu. Nagoya is known as one of the centres of the manufacturing

industry and also for its famous historical castle. Nagoya Castle, built by the first

shougun of the Tokugawa shougunate, has a pair of golden shachihoko (carp-like

mythical animals) on its roof, and they have become the symbol of Nagoya.
