· 2015-01-21 ·...


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Vocabulary & Idioms 1st Day Review : times

1 recklessly 무모하게, 부주의하게(=carelessly, thoughtlessly, heedlessly, incautiously, rashly)

2 offend 기분상하게 하다(=displeased, hurt sbd`s feelings, give offence to, affront)

3 go broke 파산하다, 빈털터리가 되다(=run out of money, become[go] bankrupt[insolvent])

4 let down 실망시키다(=disappointed, comedown, dishearten, dispirit, depress)

5 arrange 배열하다(=put in order, set out, lay out), 조립하다(=put together, assemble)

6 germane 접한 관련이 있는(=relevant, pertinent, applicable, apposite, appropriate)

7 go by 의지하다, 믿다, 따르다(=depend upon, rely on, trust, count on, hinge on)

8 get far 성공하다(=succeed, triumph, do well, make good, prosper, flourish)

9 sojourn 머무름, 체류(=stay, stopover, visit, residence)

10 come down with 병에 걸리다(=contracted, become ill[sick], fall victim to, take sick with)

11 late 최근에 죽은, 고[故](=recently dead, deceased, departed, lamented, passed on[away])

12 in return for 보답으로, 답례로(=as repayment for)

13 in spite of ~에도 불구하고(=notwithstanding, despite, regardless of)

14 redoubtable 무시무시한, 가공할 만한(=formidable, awe-inspiring, fearsome, mighty)

15 perforate 구멍을 뚫다(=pierce, make a hole in, punch, penetrate, puncture)

16 for the life of me 아무리 해도[부정문에서 강조 어구로 쓰임](=for the world)

17 harbor 항구(=port, haven, quay, dock, wharf, marina)

18 avert [얼굴을] 돌리다, 비키다(=turn aside, turn away, turn to one side)

19 grow 재배하다, 경작하다, 기르다(=cultivate, raise, rear, bring up[on])

20 meet 충족시키다, 만족하게 하다(=satisfied, content, happy, pleased)

21 stand 참다, 견디다(=put up with, tolerate, endure, bear, abide, undergo, stomach)

Vocabulary & Idioms 2nd Day

22 recognize 구별하다, 인식하다(=distinguish, discern, perceive, make out, notice, see)

23 substantial 중요한, 실질적인, 상당한(=important, considerable, significant, notable)

24 tip off 고하다(=tell, reveal, show, disclose, divulge, let out[slip], give away)

25 down and out 가난한, 빈궁한(=destitute, impoverished, impecunious, poor, penniless)

26 stand for 상징하다, 나타내다(=represent, symbolize, be a symbol of, exemplify, denote)

27 with ~때문에(=because of, owing to, on account of, due to)

28 reckon 고려하다(=consider, regard as, judge), 생각하다(=believe, think)

29 stop 멈추다(=pull up, cease, halt, discontinue, end, finish, come to an end)

30 take it easy 휴식하다, 서두르지 않다(=relax, rest, unwind, loosen up, repose, take a rest)

31 attend on 시중들다(=serve, work for, be in the service of, be obedient to, obey)

32 catch up with 따라잡다(=overtake, pass, go by, overhaul, get[pull] ahead of, leave behind)

33 walks of life 신분, 계층(=occupation, position, status, rank, state, grade, level, echelon)

34 out of one’s mind 미친(=insane, mad, crazy, deranged, mentally ill, certifiable, demented)

35 what is more 게다가, 덧붙여(=besides, furthermore, in addition to, moreover, as well as)

36 take up 차지하다(=occupy, fill [up], cover, extend over, use up, utilize)

37 for nothing 공짜로(=without no payment, have no charge, free of charge, gratuitous, gratis)

38 pay out 벌을 주다(=punish, penalize, discipline, mete out punishment to, reprimand)

39 belligerent 호전적인, 교전중인(=warlike, quarrelsome, pugnacious, combative, aggressive, antagonistic)

40 pointless 무의미한, 효과가 없는(=meaningless, senseless, futile, useless, worthless)

41 at times 때때로, 종종(=once in a while, sometimes, from time to time, on occasion)

42 have nothing to do with 관련이 없다(=have no relation to)

Vocabulary & Idioms 3rd Day

43 keep up with 따라잡다, 보조를 맞추다(=keep abreast of, stay beside, keep pace with)

44 callous 무감각한, 냉정한(=unfeeling, aloof, heartless, insensitive, indifferent)

45 give in[up] 굴복하다(=acknowledge[admit] defeat, surrender, capitulate, yield, submit)

46 bring up 기르다, 양육하다, 교육하다(=educate and train, rear, foster, mother, parent)

47 come up with 생산하다, 만들어 내다(=produce, manufacture, make, create)

48 drudgery 단조롭고 고된 일(=unpleasant[hard, menial, donkey] work, labor, slavery)

49 give up 포기하다(=abandon, relinquish, renounce, surrender, hand over)

50 come through 입수되다(=be received), 견디다, 참다(=withstand, endure, overcome, survive)

51 clog 방해하다(=obstruct, block, impede, hinder, interfere with, interrupt)

52 come to 의식을 회복하다(=regain[recover] consciousness, come round, come to life)

53 put off 연기하다(=postpone, delay, defer, put back, adjourn, hold over, reschedule)

54 get at 의도하다(=imply, insinuate, hint, suggest, intimate, mean, intend, lead up)

55 carry on 수행[종사]하다(=engage in, participate in, take part in, join in, be involved in)

56 sublimity 장엄, 숭고, 절정(=grandeur, magnificence, splendor, impressiveness, glory)

57 clean out 완전히 비우다(=empty [out], vacate, evacuate, void, drain, clear)

58 make up of 구성하다(=consist of, comprise, be made up of, be composed of, contain)

59 do away with 폐지하다, 제거하다(=abolish, put an end to, get rid of, scrap, terminate, eliminate, repeal)

60 under the weather 아픈(=sick, ill, out of sorts, on sick list, unwell, indisposed, ailing, poorly)

61 locomotion 이동, 운동력(=movement, motion, moving, activity)

62 get across 알게 하다, 이해시키다, 알리다(=make understand, put across, put[get] over)

63 alternate 체하는, 번갈아 하는(=other, alternative, another), 리인(=replacement, proxy)

Vocabulary & Idioms 4th Day

64 escape 도망치다(=get away, runaway, flee, abscond, run off, break out[free], bolt)

65 comprehend 이해하다(=grasp, understand, see, apprehend, take in, fathom, make out)

66 give out 발표하다(=announce, make public, report, make known, state)

67 give off 방출하다, 내뿜다(=emit, discharge, send out, release, exude, exhale, vent)

68 run out of ~을 다 써버리다(=finished the supply of, exhaust, use up, deplete, consume)

69 lay out 정리하다(=arrange, put in order, array, set out, display, spread out)

70 respect 존경하다(=look up to, esteem, admire, prize, revere, regard, adulate, extol)

71 leave out 배제하다(=exclude from, omit, miss out, fail to include, bar, disbar)

72 lay by[up] 저축하다(=lay aside, save up, store up, put[set] by[aside])

73 look over 조사하다(=inspect, examine, survey, scrutinize, investigate)

74 get through with ~을 끝마치다(=finish, complete, end, conclude, finalize, wind up)

75 tie up ~을 정체시키다, 방해하다(=hinder, hamper, impede, obstruct, baffle, curb)

76 blanch 희게 하다, 표백하다, 바래다(=prominent, make[turn] pale, whiten, blench)

77 tool 도구, 기구(=implement, instrument, utensil, appliance, means)

78 make up 해결하다(=settle, resolve, solve, clear up, bring to an end, find a solution to)

79 the apple of the eye 아주 소중한 것(=something precious)

80 run over [차가]~을 치다(=knock down and pass over, crush, collide with, hit, squash)

81 all at sea 어쩔 줄 모르는(=perplexed, puzzled, baffled, mystified, bemused, bewildered)

82 hand in 제출하다(=submit, give in, put in, turn in, hand over)

83 hand out 분배하다, 나누어 주다(=distribute, give out, deal out, dole out, share out)

84 get somewhere 성공하다(=succeed, triumph, get far, do well, be successful, make it)

Vocabulary & Idioms 5th Day

85 disparaging 깔보는 듯한, 비난하는(=belittling, derogatory, deprecating, slighting, critical)

86 continue 계속하다(=get[carry, go] on with, go on, maintain, keep up, persist, prolong)

87 get even with 보복[복수]하다(=repay, reward, revenge, retaliate, hit[fight, strike] back)

88 promiscuous 뒤죽박죽인, 무차별한(=indiscriminate, miscellaneous, mixed, confused)

89 rule out 배제[제거]하다(=reject, exclude, remove, eliminate, factor out, preclude)

90 revere 존경하다(=loved, respect, venerate, worship, admire, reverence, adulate)

91 pick on 괴롭히다, 화나게 하다(=annoy, vex, bother, upset, irritate, infuriate, irk)

92 pull off 떨어져 나가다(=torn away)

93 despotism 독재, 전제정치(=tyranny, absolutism, autocracy, dictatorship, authoritarianism, repression)

94 dispose of 처분하다(=get rid of, throw away[out], discard, clear out, cast out, do away with)

95 hold back[in] 억제하다(=restrain, prevent, curb, keep back, repress, control, rein in)

96 set off 착수하다(=begin, start, commence, initiate, originate, get under way, set up)

97 pick up 우연히 입수하다(=learned by chance)

98 gradually 점차로, 서서히(=by degrees, little by little, bit by bit, steadily, step by step)

99 bring about ~을 제기하다(=introduce, propose, suggest), 야기하다(=cause, produce, result in)

100 gratis 무료로(=gratuitously, complimentary, for nothing, without payment, free of charge)

101 show up 나타나다(=appear, come, arrive, get here, put in an appearance)

102 send for ~을 부르러 보내다(=send a man to fetch, pick up, collect, call for, fetch)

103 shed light on 설명하다(=explain, account for, elucidate, give an explanation for, make clear)

104 clear away ~을 치우다, 없애다(=remove, take away, get rid of, eliminate, do away with)

105 take after 닮다(=resemble, look like, be similar with, be like, bear a resemblance to, remind you of)

Vocabulary & Idioms 6th Day

106 look after 돌보다(=take care of, care for, attend to, tend, mind, minister to, see to)

107 put by 저축하다(=save [up], deposit, bank, pay in, keep [in reserve])

108 take off 벗다(=remove, doff, discard, strip off, peel of, throw off), 이륙하다(=get off)

109 stress 강조하다(=emphasize, put the stress, accent, force on)

110 take on ~을 띠다, 나타내다(=assume), 가정하다(=presume, suppose, take it)

111 take over 인수받다(=succeed to, gaining of control, change of ownership, acquisition)

112 make do with 임시변통하다, 이럭저럭 살아가다(=manage with, make shift, temporize)

113 steal away 몰래 떠나다(=leave furtively, sneak out, slip out, slip away, leave)

114 out of the question 불가능한(=impossible, not possible, beyond the bounds of possibility)

115 look into 조사하다(=investigate, enquire into, scrutinize, research, examine, study)

116 take in 속이다(=deceive, delude, hoodwink, trick, dupe, fool, cheat, defraud, swindle)

117 take into account 고려하다(=count in, include, take into consideration, make allowances for one’s age)

118 get over 극복하다(=recover from, recuperate from, get better after, pull through)

119 make up for 보충하다(=compensate for, atone for, make amends, make good, recompense)

120 turn up 나타나다(=show up, appear, arrive, get here, put in an appearance)

121 turn over 뒤집다(=capsize, overturn, turn upside, upset, knock over, upend)

122 write off 가치를 줄이다(=reduce the value of, consider unimportant), 무시하다(=disregard)

123 account for 설명하다(=examine, explain, give an explanation for, shed light on)

124 call off 취소하다(=postpone, abandon, cancel, scrap, drop, scrub)

125 call for 요구하다(=require, demand, ask for, request, insist on, need, necessitate)

126 make up 구성하다(=constitute, compose, form, comprise, account for, add up to)

Vocabulary & Idioms 7th Day

127 draw up 작성하다(=draft, write out[down], put in writing, put down[on paper])

128 drop in 우연히 방문하다(=pay an unexpected visit, call in, look in, stop by)

129 pull through 극복하다(=recover from, recuperate, get better, overcome, outmaneuver)

130 too hard to read 읽기 어려운(=illegible, unreadable, indecipherable, scribbled, scrawled)

131 at odds 의견이 일치하지 않은(=in serious disagreement, in conflict, on bad terms)

132 try out 시험하다(=test, trial, examine, check, evaluate, experiment with, pilot)

133 keep an eye on 지키다, 경계하다(=guard, protect, defend, watch over, look after, patrol)

134 polish the apple 아부하다, 아첨하다(=do things to please his boss, flatter, fawn, praise)

135 hold good 유효하다(=remain in effect, validate, authenticate, confirm, verify, endorse)

136 get around [법 등의] 빠질 구멍을 찾아내다(=avoid, go around, evade, circumvent)

137 put an end to 끝내다(=terminate, bring to an end, finish, put a stop to, wind up)

138 step down 사임하다(=leave an important position, give up work, retire, resign)

139 fool around [빈둥빈둥] 시간을 낭비하다(=waste much time, squander, dissipate, fritter away)

140 sit in 참가하다, 관여하다(=participate in, engage in, take part in, involve in)

141 what a steal 참 싸게 샀는데요!(=what a bargain)

142 under the black dog 우울한(=melancholy, sad, gloomy, depressed, lugubrious, desolate, pensive)

143 on pins and needles 매우 근심하는(=very anxious, worry, concerned, nervous, on edge, tense)

144 used up 고갈시키다(=deplete, exhaust, consume, drain, empty, expend)

145 through thick and thin 언제나, 항상(=always, every time, at all time, on every occasion)

146 off color 안색이 좋지 않은(=unwell, ill, under the weather, out of sorts, peaky)

147 in a nutshell 간단히 말해서(=briefly, in short[brief], in a word, to sum up, in essence)

Vocabulary & Idioms 8th Day

148 double-cross 배반하다(=betray, break one’s promise to, be disloyal to, cheat, defraud)

149 cut in[on](=butt in) 끼어들다, 방해하다(=interrupt, interfere with, intrude on, break in[on])

150 let alone ~은 말할 것도 없이(=not to mention), ~을 피하다(=keep away from, shun, avoid)

151 catch on to 이해하다(=understand, comprehend, grasp, see, take in, perceive), 인기를 얻다

152 poke your nose into 간섭하다, 끼어들다(=take an unwelcome interest, interfere with, step in, cut in, intrude, intervene)

153 have a sweet tooth 단것을 좋아하다(=like sweet things)

154 on the nail 즉시(=at once, promptly, right away, immediately, without delay, instantly, directly)

155 in so many words 분명히, 간결하게(=plainly, briefly, in short, in brief, to sum up)

156 cross out [줄을 그어] 지우다(=delete, strike out, put a line through, wipe out, obliterate)

157 a piece of cake 식은 죽 먹기(=very easy), 아주 쉬운 일(=an easy thing, a simple task, nothing)

158 turn over a new leaf [마음을 고쳐 먹고]새롭게 시작하다(=make a new and better start)

159 catch on ~을 붙잡다(=be with you, follow you), 적응하다(=adapt, adjust), 이해하다

160 jack up 올리다(=elevate, raise, lift [up], lever up, prop up, increase, put up)

161 in the neighborhood of 략(=approximately, roughly, [just] about, or so, more or less)

162 in a fix(=in a blind) 곤경에 처한(=in a dilemma, in a jam, in a pinch, in a distress, in a hot water, in a stalemate)

163 tantamount 동등한, 비슷한(=equivalent, equal, same, as good as, identical)

164 lose track of ~와 소식이 끊어지다(=cease having information about)

165 as luck would have it 운 나쁘게도(=unluckily, unfortunately, unhappily, fatefully, unfavorably)

166 lead on 꾀다, 유혹하다, ~을 ~으로 이끌다(=induce, persuade, coax[wheedle, cajole] into)

167 concern oneself with 관심을 갖다(=pay attention to, take[have] interest in, be interested in)

168 incapacitate 무능력하게 하다, 못하게 하다(=disable, impair, deactivate, hamstring)

Vocabulary & Idioms 9th Day

169 get across ~을 이해시키다, ~을 알게 하다(=convey, communicate, make understand)

170 see into 조사하다(=investigate, enquire into, look into, scrutinize, examine, inspect)

171 as far as I am concerned 나로서는(=in my opinion, for my part)

172 maul 혹평하다, 거칠게 다루다(=beat, savage, criticize, denigrate, attack, censure, condemn)

173 hold with 동의하다(=agree with, consent, assent, concur, accord, see eye to eye)

174 neutral 중립의, 공정한(=uncommitted, impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced, fair)

175 sole 유일한, 독특한(=only, unique, singular, solitary, single, one and only, lone)

176 grasp 이해(=comprehension, understanding, perception, apprehension, awareness)

177 boil down to 요약하면 ~이다(=have as its essence, amount to, point to, add up to, mean)

178 let up 그치다, 중단하다(=stop, pause, respite, break, put an end to, halt, terminate, wind up)

179 stray 길을 잃은, 헤매는(=homeless, lost, wander away[off], lose your way, drift)

180 abide by 고수하다(=stick to, adhere to, hold to, stand by, keep, comply with)

181 charge ~탓으로 하다, 비난하다(=accuse, blame for, condemn, criticize, denounce [for])

182 brag about 자랑하다(=boast, crow, swagger, bluster, sing one’s own praises)

183 make for 향하여 가다(=try to reach, head for, head towards, go towards)

184 be acquainted with ~을 잘 알고 있다(=be informed about, be aware of, know, be familiar with)

185 across the board 적으로, 전 품목에 걸쳐서(=on every item, wide-ranging, wholesale, extensive)

186 to look quickly through 처음부터 끝까지 빨리 읽다(=skim, glance, flick, flip, leaf [through], scan)

187 at the behest of ~의 요청으로(=at the request[demand, command] of, on the order of)

188 at once 즉시(=immediately, straight away, right away, promptly, directly)

189 behind schedule 예정보다 늦게(=later than planned, behindhand, late, slow, progressing slowly)

Vocabulary & Idioms 10th Day

190 break down 세분화하다, 분할하다(=subdivide, divide, separate, segregate, partition, detach)

191 cross one’s mind 문득 떠오르다(=occur to one, enter one’s mind, come[spring] to mind)

192 be equal to 감당할 능력이 있다(=have the ability to handle, capable of, fit for, up to)

193 draw forth[out] 끌어내다, 얻어내다(=elicit, extract, obtain, bring about, evoke)

194 drive out 추방하다(=expel, banish, exile, deport, evict, throw out, force out, eject, oust)

195 every two years 매 2 년마다(=biennial) cf. biannual : 1 년에 두 번씩

196 difficult, perplexing situation 어렵고 당황스런 상황(=dilemma, quandary, predicament, difficulty, puzzle, poser)

197 suspend 일시적으로 중단하다(=stop temporarily, come to an end, halt, pause, break off)

198 at that eleventh hour 순간에, 아슬아슬한 순간에(=at that last possible hour)

199 in profusion 풍부하게(=abundantly, plentifully, copiously, amply, profusely, lavishly, richly)

200 diverse 다양한(=different, various, a variety of, miscellaneous, assorted, varied, sundry)

201 pandemonium 아수라장, 혼란(=a wild uproar, bedlam, chaos, havoc, racket, hubbub)

202 rumple 구기다(=crumple, crease, wrinkle, crinkle, pucker, corrugate, crimp)

203 in line with 의견이 일치하는(=in agreement with, consonant with, at one with, in harmony with)

204 off-hand 즉시(=at once, out of hand, immediately, straight[right] away, instantly, now)

205 saw 격언, 금언, 속담(=maxim, proverb, saying, axiom, adage, dictum, aphorism)

206 mark off 구별하다(=distinguish, tell A from B, differentiate, discriminate, discern)

207 coax [달콤한 말로] 설득하다(=attempt to persuade, wheedle, cajole, seduce)

208 indignation 분노, 노여움(=anger, vexation, irritation, rage, fury, annoyance, wrath)

209 crest 꼭 기, 정상(=top, summit, peak, zenith, acme, pinnacle, apex, crown)

210 gloat 만족스럽게 응시하다(=gaze with great satisfaction, delight in, relish, revel in)

Vocabulary & Idioms 11th Day

211 feasible 실행할 수 있는(=practicable, practical, workable, possible, viable, realistic)

212 meager 부족한(=small, poor, scanty, inadequate, slight, insufficient, paltry, destitute)

213 hold on 기다리다(=wait, wait a minute, just a moment[second], stay here[put])

214 sweeping 포괄적인, 광범위한(=broad, wide, extensive, vast, spacious)

215 mercurial 변덕스러운(=quick-changing, capricious, whimsical, fickle, changeable)

216 emissary 사, 사자(=messenger, envoy, delegate, proxy, ambassador)

217 for my soul 아무리 해도[강조 어구](=clearly, for the soul of me, to save my soul)

218 much of a fellow for talking 이야기하는 것을 좋아하는, 수다스러운(=fond of talking, chattering, babbling, gabbling, jabbering)

219 miserly 인색한, 구두쇠의(=stingy, penny-pinching, parsimonious, mean, penurious)

220 untamed 길들여지지 않은, 야생의(=wild, fierce, ferocious, savage, barbarian, feral)

221 on hand 수중에 가지고 있는(=in my possession, readily available, handy, to hand)

222 call one’s name ~을 욕하다(=speak ill of, revile, abuse, malign, blacken one’s name, scorn, condemn)

223 second to none 최고의(=the best, next to none), 비교가 안되는, 완벽한(=incomparable, perfect)

224 put down 기록하다(=make note of it, record, write[note] down, put in writing)

225 give a hand 돕다(=help, assist, aid, lend a hand to, give assistance to, do someone a favor)

226 liability 부담, 책임(=responsibility), 채무(=debt, financial obligation, debit), 불이익(=disadvantage)

227 affect ~에 영향을 미치다(=touch, influence on, impact on, impinge on)

228 by turn 교 로, 번갈아(=one after the other, take turns, alternate with)

229 rule out 배제하다(=exclude, preclude, eliminate, factor out, shut out)

230 clothe in ~을 입고 있다(=wearing, put on) cf. clothe[~에게 옷을 입히다]-clad-clad

231 in a turmoil 혼란 상태에 있는(=in a state of agitation and upheaval, in a whirl, at sixes and sevens)

Vocabulary & Idioms 12th Day

232 pass away[on] 죽다(=die, lose one’s life, depart this life, expire, breathe one’s last)

233 be equal to the needs of ~을 감당할 능력이 있다(=have the ability to handle)

234 vie for 경쟁하다(=compete for, content, contend, contest, fight, struggle, challenge)

235 on the wane 쇠퇴하다(=dwindle, decrease, degenerate, deteriorate, decline, fail, ebb)

236 hide 숨기다, 감추다(=conceal, secret, put out of sight, screen, cover, obscure)

237 in vogue 인기 있는, 유행하는(=popular, [well] liked, in favor, in fashion, fashionable)

238 apply oneself to 전념하다(=work hard at, give[devout] oneself to, be absorbed in, concentrate one’s mind)

239 reliant [on] ~에 의존하는(=dependent on, relying on, counting on, leaning on)

240 brush up on 향상시키다(=improve, make[get] better, upgrade, enhance, boost, advance)

241 head for 향하여 가다(=going to, make for, go towards, approach, aim for)

242 hold over 연기하다, 미루다(=postpone, put off, delay, defer, push back, adjourn)

243 ill at ease 불편한(=uncomfortable, uneasy, awkward, nervous, unhandy, on edge)

244 in the long run 결국, 마침내(=in the end, ultimately, finally, eventually, at length, lastly)

245 make of with ~을 가지고 도망치다(=steal, purloin, thieve, rob, snatch, pilfer, abscond with)

246 turn over 전복되다, 뒤집다(=flip, overturn, tip[roll, keel] over, upturn, capsize, turn turtle)

247 work out ~을 풀다, ~을 해결하다(=solve, find an[the] answer[solution] to, resolve)

248 keep one’s head 침착하다(=remain calm, recover one’s composure, regain one’s presence of mind)

249 intact 본래 로의, 완전한(=whole, entire, complete, full, in one piece, unbroken)

250 prognosticate 예지하다, 예언하다(=forecast, predict, presage, prophesy, foretell, foresee)

251 be cut out for 적합하다(=be [naturally] suited for)

252 beside the point 핵심에서 벗어난, 관련 없는(=off the subject, irrelevant, not significant)

Vocabulary & Idioms 13th Day

253 an old hand 숙련공(=a skilled worker)

254 hit the ceiling[roof] 화내다(=get angry), 꾸짖다(=scold, rebuke, reproach, reprimand, reprove)

255 out of the blue 뜻밖에(=unexpectedly, without warning, all of a sudden, suddenly, surprisingly)

256 fall through 수포가 되다, 실패하다(=come to nothing, fail, founder, go wrong[amiss])

257 for the present 당분간(=for the time being, for now, for the moment)

258 take to 좋아하다, 습관에 달라붙다(=like, enjoy, be fond of, warm to, get on with)

259 out of one’s wits 당황하는(=into bewilderment, baffled, mystified, bemused, perplexed)

260 on the air 방송하다(=broadcast, transmit, relay, air, beam, send[put] out, televise)

261 for good and all 영원히(=permanently, forever, for all time, for good, for always, lastingly)

262 in the bargain 게다가, 덤으로(=besides)

263 cut it rather fine [시간, 돈]을 줄이다, 정확하게 계산하다(=to calculate with exactness)

264 surreptitious 내 한, 비 의, 은 한(=clandestine, secret, stealthy, hidden, concealed)

265 make head or tail of 이해하다(=understand, grasp, comprehend, apprehend, see)

266 make allowances for 고려하다(=take into consideration, consider, take into account)

267 topsy-turvy 거꾸로(=head over heels, upside down, wrong side up, inverted, reversed)

268 keep close tabs on 경계하다(=watch closely, keep strict[close] watch on, watch and ward)

269 affiliate with 제휴하다(=associate with, ally, relate, unite, combine, join, coalesce [with])

270 swallow one’s pride 자존심을 죽이다(=try to ignore one’s own ego)

271 well off 부유한(=rich, abundant, plentiful, copious, ample, profuse, superabundant)

272 ups and downs 흥망성쇠(=good and bad period, the ebb and flow, the rise and fall)

273 at a loss 당황하는(=puzzle, perplex, confuse, bewilder, embarrass, mystify, stump)

Vocabulary & Idioms 14th Day

274 feel like a wet rag 몹시 피곤하다(=feel very tired)

275 potable 마실 수 있는(=drinkable, palatable, fit to drink)

276 on purpose 고의로(=intentionally, by design, deliberately, purposely, purposefully)

277 heyday 전성기(=golden age, prime of life, best days, salad days, halcyon days, glory days, peak)

278 take one’s time 천천히 하다(=be slow)

279 poise 균형을 잡다(=balance, steady, stabilize)

280 take place 개최하다, 일어나다(=occur, be held, happen, come about, crop up, arise)

281 concur 동의하다(=agree, accord, go along, fall in, see eye to eye, be of the same mind)

282 fall out with 싸우다(=quarrel with, fight, battle, brawl, exchange blows, attack each other)

283 take part in 참가하다(=participate, engage in, join, get involved, take a part)

284 by the skin of one’s teeth 가까스로, 겨우(=barely, hardly, scarcely, by a hair’s breadth, by a nose)

285 taking 매력적인(=charming, attractive, prepossessing, good-looking, tempting)

286 see eye to eye 의견에 일치하다, 동의하다(=agree, accord, be of the same mind, concur)

287 on the sly 은 히, 비 리에(=secretly, covertly, stealthily, furtively, privately)

288 activate[활성화 하다] 폭파시키다(=detonate, go[set] off, explode, trigger, blow up)

289 overdue 지불 기한이 지난(=unpaid), 지연된(=late, not on time, behind schedule)

290 plaintive 애처로운, 슬픈듯한(=melancholy, mournful, sad, pitiful, piteous)

291 insinuate 넌지시 비추다(=imply, hint, intimate, indicate, convey the impression)

292 take up 시작하다(=begin, start, commence, set[go] about, embark on, launch into)

293 teem with ~으로 충만하다(=swarm with, bristle with, be alive with, be full of, abound with)

294 thrive on 번성하다(=do well on, flourish, prosper, burgeon, bloom, blossom, succeed)

Vocabulary & Idioms 15th Day

295 explain in detail 상세하게 설명하다(=expound upon, present, spell out, describe, elucidate)

296 expression of regret 사과, 변명(=apology, one’s regrets, explanation[변명])

297 get along 이럭저럭 살아가다(=manage, survive, get by, cope, make do, carry on, live)

298 get back 회수하다(=retrieve, recover, regain, win back, repossess, recoup, reclaim)

299 hard to deal with 다루기가 어려운, 고집 센, 완고한(=stubborn, intractable, unmanageable, uncontrollable)

300 insight into ~을 간파하다, 통찰하다(=understanding of, appreciation of)

301 to the life 실물 그 로, 정확히(=exactly, accurately, precisely, correctly, perfectly)

302 trenchant 통렬한, 신랄한(=incisive, penetrating, acute, sharp-witted, astute)

303 go over[into] 조사하다(=examine, investigate, enquire into, look into, scrutinize)

304 go with 어울리다(=match, coordinate with, harmonize with, blend with, tone with)

305 figure on 예측하다, 추정하다(=estimate, forecast, predict, speculate, expect)

306 fill out 완성하다, ~에 기입하다(=complete, fill in[up], answer, write out)

307 figure out 해결하다(=solve, resolve, find a solution, work out), 이해하다(=understand)

308 fraught with ~으로 가득한, ~이 내포된(=charge with, full of, filled with, swarming with)

309 make ends meet 수지 균형을 맞추다, 빚지지 않고 살아가다(=succeed in paying one’s own way)

310 on the spur of the moment 즉석에서, 사전 생각 없이(=without previous thought), 충동적으로(=impulsively)

311 on the whole 일반적으로(=generally, in general, normally, routinely, regularly, as a rule)

312 be gone 죽다(=die, pass away[on], lose one’s life, depart this life, expire)

313 pass out of existence 사라지다(=disappear, vanish, pass from sight, cease to be visible, fade)

314 proscribe 인권을 박탈하다, 금지하다(=ban, prohibit, forbid, embargo, disallow)

315 prior to ~전에(=before, previous to, earlier than, preparatory to)

Vocabulary & Idioms 16th Day

316 root in ~에 근원[뿌리]를 두다(=base on, originate in, derive from)

317 opulent 부유한, 화려한, 풍족한(=wealthy, luxurious, lavish, sumptuous, affluent)

318 spurn 경멸하다, 퇴짜 놓다(=reject, refuse, decline, say no to, scorn, turn down)

319 to boot 그 위에, 게다가, 덤으로(=into the bargain, as well, in addition, on top of that)

320 make one’s name 이름을 날리다(=succeed in life, get[win] oneself a name)

321 the man in the street 보통 사람들(=the ordinary man, the rank and file)

322 impiety 신앙심이 없음, 불경(=irreverence, godlessness, disrespect, sin, vice)

323 the other way around 반 로, 거꾸로(=adversely, reversely)

324 cumbersome 성가신, 귀찮은(=difficult to carry, unwieldy, unmanageable, inconvenient)

325 sagacious 현명한, 영리한(=wise, clever, intelligent, sage, judicious, sensible, agile)

326 a master of ~의 가이다, ~에 능숙하다(=very good at, excel, stand out, have a gift for)

327 have a good time 좋은 시간을 보내다(=enjoy oneself, let oneself go, party, have fun)

328 marginal 가장자리의, 중요하지 않은(=unimportant, insignificant, slight, trivial), 수지가 맞는, 최저한의

329 sabotage 고의로 방해[파괴]하다(=destroy, wreck, disrupt, damage, spoil, ruin)

330 have no notion of 알지 못하다(=have no idea, don’t know)

331 [can, cannot]help 피하다(=avoid, shun, duck, dodge, evade, sidestep, keep away from)

332 hand down 물려주다, 전해주다(=transmit, turn[hand, make] over, transfer)

333 impasse 막다름, 곤경, 난국(=deadlock, stalemate, checkmate, stand-off, gridlock)

334 in the face of ~에도 불구하고(=in spite of, nevertheless, nonetheless, despite)

335 all eyes and ear 매우 주의 깊은(=very attentive, alert, awake, wideawake, aware, watchful)

336 at one`s elbow 손 닿는 곳에(=within easy reach)

Vocabulary & Idioms 17th Day

337 of no consequence 중요하지 않은(=not important, not significant, unimportant, irrelevant)

338 take to one’s heels 부리나케 도망치다(=run away[off], escape, flee, get away, abscond, decamp)

339 maladroit 서투른(=clumsy, awkward, bungling, inept, incompetent, unskillful)

340 abstruse 난해한, 이해하기 어려운, 모호한(=hard to understand, difficult, obscure)

341 impatience 성급함, 안달, 조바심(=lack of tolerance, restlessness, irritability)

342 legitimate 합법적인, 정당한(=legal, lawful, licit, upright, authorized, permitted)

343 come upon 우연히 만나다(=meet, encounter), 문득 ~을 생각해내다(=find unexpectedly)

344 in spite of oneself 자신도 모르게, 무심코(=unconsciously, insensibly, instinctively)

345 at random 닥치는 로, 되는 로(=aimlessly, haphazardly, randomly, accidentally)

346 out of the question 불가능한(=unthinkable, impossible, unimaginable, unfeasible, impractical)

347 to the quick 깊이, 절실히, 철저하게(=deeply, profoundly, intensely, greatly, enormously, extremely)

348 bark [동물이] 짖다(=howl, woof, growl, snarl, yap, yelp, bay)

349 lucrative 수지맞는, 돈이 벌리는(=profitable, beneficial, gainful, moneymaking, remunerative)

350 brake the ice 어색한 분위기를 깨다(=put end an awkward situation)

351 temper 기질, 성질, 성향(=disposition, fit of rage, anger, fury, annoyance)

352 run out of the mill 보통의, 평범한(=ordinary, usual, normal, standard, typical, common)

353 call a spade a spade 사실 로 말하다(=speak plainly, be direct, be blunt, speak your mind)

354 as a result of ~의 결과로, ~때문에(=because of, owing to[전치사] cf. because, since, as, for[접속사])

355 support ~을 옹호하다, 변호하다(=stand up for, advocate, promote, defend)

356 irrespective of 관계없이, ~에도 불구하고(=without regard to, regardless of, notwithstanding)

357 head off 막다, 방해하다(=block, hinder, hamper, obstruct, impede, curb, interrupt)

Vocabulary & Idioms 18th Day

358 in no time 즉시, 곧(=soon, in a short time, shortly, in the near future, presently, very quickly)

359 pin down 명확하게 정의하다(=define exactly, explain, expound, clarify, describe)

360 monitor 감독하다(=oversee, observe, watch, keep an eye on, supervise, superintend)

361 impose upon 악용하다, 이용하다(=take advantage of, misuse, abuse, exploit)

362 have words with ~와 말다툼하다(=quarrel, fight, wrangle, dispute, argue, bicker, disagree)

363 such as they are[it is] 단한 것은 못되지만, 훌륭하진 않지만(=though they are not excellent)

364 take leave of 작별하다(=say goodbye to, bid farewell to, part [from, with])

365 make good 성공하다(succeed, triumph, be victorious, do well, make it, become successful)

366 boil down to ~로 요약되다(=be briefly, come down to, mean, add up to, amount to)

367 grimly 잔인하게, 엄하게(=sternly, severely, harshly, cruelly, strictly, callously)

368 set store by 높이 평가하다, 중히 여기다(=place value on, deem important, regard highly)

369 major in ~을 전공하다(=take up, specialize in, special study, make a specialty of)

370 meet a person halfway ~와 타협하다(=compromise with, make[effect, reach] a compromise)

371 mindless of 개의치 않고(=pay no attention to)

372 portal 정문, 현관, 입구(=beginning, doorway, gateway, entrance, way in[out])

373 like a shot 지체 없이, 빨리(=without hesitation, without delay, at once, quickly)

374 out of breath 숨을 헐떡이며(=panting, breathless, puffed, wheezing, gasping, winded)

375 on no account 결코 ~이 아니다(=for no reason, by no reason, never, in no way)

376 dress up 옷을 잘 차려 입다(=put on one’s best clothes, wear dressy clothes)

377 walk out on ~을 버리다, 저버리다(=desert, forsake, dump, abandon, leave in the lurch)

378 by dint of ~때문에(=by means of, because of, owing to, by use of, as a result of)

Vocabulary & Idioms 19th Day

379 be closeted with ~와 담을 나누다(=hold a private interview)

380 in place of ~ 신에(=instead of, on behalf of, in lieu of, representing, to make up for)

381 in token of ~의 징표로, ~을 위하여(=as a sign of)

382 be lost in ~에 몰두하다(=be absorbed in)

383 out of this world 매우 뛰어난(=exceptional, outstanding, excellent, brilliant, special, extraordinary)

384 lose face 체면이 손상되다, 창피당하다(=suffer disgrace)

385 rank second to none 어느 것에도 뒤지지 않는(=be first in rank)

386 indiscriminate 무차별적인(=unselective, haphazard, random, wholesale, blanket, arbitrary)

387 bargain for 기 하다, 고려하다(=expect to get, anticipate, reckon with, take into account, consider)

388 in due course 적당한 때에(=at the right and proper time, in good time, in the fullness of time)

389 at the outset 시초부터(=from the beginning, at first, initially, originally)

390 administer to ~에 도움이 되다(=be helpful to)

391 be booked up ~에 예약되어 있다, 바쁘다(=be engaged with the tight schedule)

392 to the letter 엄 히, 문자 그 로(=exactly, literally, precisely, faithfully, accurately)

393 rise up 봉기하다(=rebel, revolt, riot, mutiny, take up arms, arise against)

394 paterfamilias 호주, 가부장(=head of a house hold)

395 take one’s tip ~의 충고를 듣다(=accept one’s advice)

396 dwell on 곰곰이 생각하다(=brood over, consider, think about[over], contemplate, sleep on, ponder)

397 a host of 많은(= a large number of, a lot of, numerous, countless, several)

398 in no time 즉시, 순식간에(=very quickly, soon, in a short time, shortly, in the near future, presently)

399 tie up 바쁜(=busy, full of activity, hectic, eventful, very active, restless)

Vocabulary & Idioms 20th Day

400 into the bargain 게다가, 역시, 또한(=as well, too, in turn, in addition, moreover)

401 take [in] turns 교 로 하다(=alternate, rotate, replace)

402 to one’s hearts` content 마음껏, 진심으로(=heartily, wholeheartedly, sincerely, with all your heart)

403 without other’s help 다른 사람의 도움 없이, 스스로(=for yourself)

404 nepotism 친족등용, 족벌주의(=favoritism toward relatives)

405 surprise 놀라다(=astound, amaze, astonish, stagger, shock)

406 never fail to V 꼭 V 하다, 항상 V 하다(=always V ~) cf. always(=every time, at all times)

407 criterion[pl. criteria] 표준, 기준(=standards, basis, norm, formula, principle)

408 specific 특별한, 한정된, 명확한(=particular, special, especial, remarkable, definite, precise)

409 discard 버리다(=throw away[out], dispose of, get rid of, toss out, reject, remove)

410 come up to ~에 달하다(=equal, match, reach, parallel, be level with)

411 refer to 언급하다(=speak about, mention, talk of[about], allude to)

412 set store by 중시하다(=consider important, make much of, regard highly, deem important)

413 show off 자랑하다(=boaster, brag, swagger, bluster, sing one’s own praises)

414 sterile(=futile) 불모의, 무익한(=infertile, unproductive, unfruitful, childless, barren)

415 bring about 일어나게 하다, 일으키다(=produce, cause, result in, make happen, generate)

416 demolish 헐다, 파괴하다(=destroy, knock down, pull down, tear down, flatten)

417 be fed up 질리다(=be disgusted, tired of, be sick of)

418 tenet 교의, 주의(=doctrine, principle, belief, precept, dogma, theory)

419 fall back on 의지하다(=rely on, trust in, put your faith in, depend on, count on)

420 frenzied 몹시 흥분한, 광기 어린(=outburst, frantic, frenetic, feverish, excited)

Vocabulary & Idioms 21st Day

421 render ~이 하게 하다(=make, cause to be[become], leave)

422 run across 우연히 만나다(=happen to meet)

423 tenuous 비현실적인, 하찮은, 불명확한(=insubstantial, slight, indefinite, vague)

424 go without ~없이 살아가다(=endure the lack of, not have, do without, be without)

425 throw a fit 깜짝 놀라다, 노발 발하다(=become upset, lose your temper, hit the roof)

426 make-do 일시적인, 임시변통의(=temporary, not-permanent, provisional, short-term)

427 cope with 다루다, 처하다(=manage, deal with, handle, tackle, contend with)

428 cross one’s mind 문득 떠오르다(=occur to, dawn on, register with, become clear to)

429 take down 기록하다(=record, write down, set down, put in writing, document, note)

430 take for 착각하다(=confuse with, mistake, mix up with, confound)

431 hold back 감추다, 숨기다(=conceal, hide, obscure, screen, secrete, cover)

432 reprimand 꾸짖다, 질책하다(=reproach, rebuke, admonish, upbraid, scold, castigate)

433 be up to 계획이다(=be planning)

434 stand out 두드러지다, 두각을 나타내다(=be readily distinguishable, be obvious, be noticeable, show up, be prominent)

435 fix up 수리[설치]하다(=install, put in, set up, establish, mount)

436 worn out 완전히 낡은[지친], 고갈된(=no longer usable, exhausted, used up, useless, depleted, washed-out)

437 pompous 거만한(=think oneself to be important, imperious, overbearing, arrogant, haughty, snobbish)

438 lay off 해고하다(=dismiss, fire, sack, discharge, release, send home, suspend)

439 take off 이륙하다(=depart, get off)

440 feed on 먹다(=eat, be nourished by, be fuelled by, fuel up on, survive on)

441 get nowhere 성공하지 못하다(=were unsuccessful)

Vocabulary & Idioms 22nd Day

442 succumb to 굴복하다(=yield, give in[away], surrender, capitulate, submit)

443 to the point 적절한(=to the purpose, pertinent, relevant, germane, appropriate)

444 become of ~이 되다(=happen to, become, befall)

445 hit it off 사이 좋게 지내다(=friendly, make friends, get on well, connect, click)

446 brake out 갑자기 일어나다(=begin, occur to, take place, come about)

447 look forward to 기 하다(=expect with pleasure, anticipate, hope for, wait for)

448 look out on ~에 직면하다, ~을 바라보다(=face, front on to, look towards)

449 concern about ~에 관하여 걱정하다(=worry about, be afraid of, be anxious, panic about)

450 as good as 사실상 ~과 다름없는(=practically, no better than, equal to, the same as, comparable with)

451 call down 꾸짖다, 비난하다(=scold, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, admonish, upbraid)

452 in hot water 곤경에 처한(=in trouble, in the soup, up the creek, in difficulties, in a fix, in a jam)

453 well-rounded 다재 다능한, 융통성 있는(=versatile, all-round, multifaceted, multitalented, flexible, adaptable)

454 play up to 아첨하다, 칭찬하다(=flatter, fawn, eulogize, extol, praise, laud)

455 defer 연기하다(=postpone, put back[off], suspend), ~에 따르다(=yield, submit, surrender)

456 crucial 중 한, 치명적인(=critical, vital, essential, important, significant, key)

457 at large 체포되지 않은, 도주 중인(=not caught yet, unconfined, free), 일반적으로(=generally)

458 delete from 삭제하다(=remove from, cut out, cross out, erase)

459 feel for 동정하다(=sympathize with, empathize with, relate to, have sympathy for)

460 construe 해석하다, 통역하다(=interpret, take to mean, read, understand by)

461 repudiate 거절하다(=reject, turn down, refuse, decline, say no to, dismiss, spurn)

462 fickle 변덕스러운(=capricious, changeable, unstable, inconstant, whimsical)

Vocabulary & Idioms 23rd Day

463 leave nothing to be desired 더 이상 바랄 것이 없다(=be perfect)

464 pay back 도로 갚다, 돌려주다(=return, give[hand, send, take] back, repay, remit)

465 out of place 불편한(=uncomfortable, uneasy, awkward), 부적당한(=inappropriate, unsuitable, unfitting)

466 to tone in with 조화를 이루는(=to harmonize with, match, look good with, fit with)

467 so much for ~은 그만하고, ~은 그 정도로 하고(=enough has been said about)

468 on the alert 경계하는(=watchful, observant, wary, cautious, attentive, on your guard)

469 make much of 중시하다(=respect, value, esteem, appreciate, attach importance to)

470 for ~에 비하여, ~치고는(=considering, in proportion to)

471 in a rage 화가 난(=outraged, annoyed, irritated, fury, fuming, irate, furious, angry)

472 make up one’s mind 결심하다(=resolve, determine, decide, take a decision, conclude)

473 of course 당연히, 물론(=naturally, certainly, sure, no problem, obviously)

474 set apart 구별하다(=differentiate, distinguish, tell apart[between], discriminate, discern)

475 ephemeral 덧없는, 일시적인(=transient, transitory, temporary, impermanent, momentary)

476 at stake 위험한(=in danger, in the balance, at risk, in jeopardy, threatened)

477 jump on 호되게 꾸짖다(=scold severely, rebuke, reprimand, reprove, upbraid)

478 exonerate 무죄를 증명하다(=acquit, absolve, clear, exculpate, vindicate)

479 fatuous 어리석은, 무의미한(=inane, silly, foolish, stupid, childish, idiotic)

480 take part with ~의 편을 들다(=take side with, take the part of, stand by one’s side)

481 aperture 틈, 구멍(=orifice, hole, opening, gap, puncture, chasm)

482 the ins and outs 모든 내용, 자세히(=all the details, the reasons, the full picture)

483 malevolent 악의 있는, 심술궂은(=wicked, malicious, spiteful, nasty, hostile, vicious, malign[ant])

Vocabulary & Idioms 24th Day

484 enthrall 매혹하다(=captivate, charm, enchant, fascinate, tempt, attract, bewitch)

485 be cost down 낙담하다(=be discouraged, disheartened, dispirited, demoralized, deterred)

486 on edge 신경이 날카로운(=nervous, anxious, worried, apprehensive, tense, jittery, uneasy)

487 at feud with ~와 사이가 안 좋다(=on bad terms with)

488 make any difference 중요하다, ~차이를 낳다(=matter, be importance, be of consequence, signify)

489 see about 준비하다, 마련하다(=arrange for, prepare for, get ready, organize, put in order)

490 in kind 물품으로, 현물로(=in goods)

491 make light of 무시하다, 경시하다(=disregard, neglect, ignore, take no notice[account] of)

492 regardless of ~와 관련 없이, ~에도 불구하고(=irrespective of, despite, notwithstanding, no matter)

493 back up 지원하다, 어주다(=support, help, encourage, endorse, maintain)

494 akin to 유사한(=similar to, like, resembling, bordering on, close to)

495 commence 시작하다, 착수하다(=start, embark, initiate, originate, get under way, set up)

496 impartial 공평한, 편견 없는(=unbiased, unprejudiced, neutral, non-partisan)

497 at first hand 직접적으로(=from a person who knows it, directly)

498 lead off 시작하다(=start, begin, commence, initiate, set about, embark on)

499 hit the ceiling[roof] 매우 화나다(=become very angry, get angry, blow up, fly into a rage)

500 such as it is 비록 변변치 않지만(=poor though it is)

501 for nothing 헛되이(=without success, in vain, unsuccessfully, fruitlessly, uselessly)

502 in large measure 게(=mostly, mainly, on the whole, usually, generally, for the most part)

503 in a muddle 당황하여(=confused mess, confused, in a mess, puzzled, perplexed)

504 be engrossed in ~에 몰두하다(=be absorbed in, be indulged in)

Vocabulary & Idioms 25th Day

505 on your knee 굴욕적으로(=humiliatingly)

506 allow for 고려하다(=make allowance for, take into account, consider)

507 get a grip on ~을 이해하다(=make out, understand, comprehend, grasp, see)

508 tenor 방침, 경향, 본질, 취지(=nature, sense, meaning, theme, intend)

509 by leaps and bounds 매우 빠르게(=very rapidly, fast, quickly, speedily)

510 brake the ice 시작하다(=begin, start, commence, initiate, lead off), 어색한 분위기를 깨다

511 come up with 제안하다(=propose, suggest, put forward, submit, prefer, recommend)

512 wither 시들다(=wilt, become limp, dry up, shrivel, shrink, droop, fade)

513 behold 바라보다(=see, look at, observe, view, watch, gaze at, witness)

514 keep in mind 명심하다(=remember, memorize, bear ~ in mind, learn ~ by heart)

515 keep up with 따라잡다(=to keep pace with, overtake, catch up with)

516 lay down 규정하다(=prescribe, set down, fix, stipulate, order)

517 let on ~인 체하다(=pretend, assume, put on an act, play act, bluff, impersonate)

518 formally accept 비준하다(=ratify, confirm, approve, sanction, endorse, consent[assent] to)

519 look down on 업신여기다(=despise, scorn, disdain, slight, sneer at, contempt, disregard)

520 look over ~을 조사하다, 검토하다(=examine, survey, scrutinize, scan, investigate)

521 incense 성나게 하다(=enrage, infuriate, make angry, madden, provoke, anger)

522 abruptly 갑자기(=suddenly, unexpectedly, all of a sudden, in an instance, out of the blue)

523 abolish(=repeal) 폐지하다, 제거하다(=eliminate, put an end to, close down, get rid of, terminate)

524 superfluous 여분의, 지나친(=excessive, surplus, extra, redundant, unnecessary, plethora)

525 ferocious 사나운, 악명 높은, 잔인한(=savage, fierce, wild, cruel, feral, barbarian)

Vocabulary & Idioms 26th Day

526 vague 애매한(=not clear, nebulous, blurry, indistinct, uncertain, ambiguous, imprecise)

527 illicit 불법의(=unlawful, illegal, illegitimate, prohibited, criminal, outlawed)

528 adequate 충분한(=sufficient, ample, enough, requisite, appropriate, suitable)

529 infamous 악명 높은, 사악한(=notorious, wicked, nefarious, iniquitous, impious, disreputable)

530 adorn 장식하다(=decorate, embellish, ornament, trim, garnish)

531 in a roundabout way 우회적으로, 간접적으로(=circuitously, obliquely, indirectly)

532 supersede 신하다, 체하다(=take the place of, displace, replace, put back)

533 mock 비웃다, 무시하다(=scorn, contempt, disdain, disrespect, derision)

534 token 징표, 표시, 상징(=memento, sign, mark, manifestation, symbol, reminder, emblem)

535 shield 보호하다(=protect, defend, guard, look after, care for, shelter)

536 ambivalence 감정양립, 갈등(=conflicting feelings, clash, opposition)

537 hazard 위험(=risk, danger, menace), 우연한 일(=chance, probability), 위험을 무릅쓰고 하다

538 ambitious 야망 있는(=enterprising, aspiring, determined), 개혁적인(=innovative, inventive, creative)

539 dexterity 능숙함, 교묘함(=skillfulnsess, deftness, adroitness, nimbleness, ability, agility)

540 adolescent 청년기의(=growing, youth, teenager, pubescent, juvenile)

541 abhorrent 싫어하는(=distasteful, loath, hateful, dislike, repugnant, disgusting, repulsive)

542 inexorable 무자비한, 냉혹한(=relentless, persistent, harsh, insensitive, callous, ruthless, cruel, pitiless)

543 avert 피하다(=prevent, turn away, avoid, forestall, evade, shun, duck, dodge, elude)

544 survive ~보다 오래 살다(=outlive, live longer than, outlast)

545 contrary 반 의(=opposite, reverse, converse, counter, inverse, contrariwise)

546 abduction 유괴, 납치(=kidnapping, seizure)

Vocabulary & Idioms 27th Day

547 impetus 충동, 자극(=incentive, motivation, stimulus, incitement, inducement)

548 imprudent 신중하지 못한, 경솔한(=unwise, injudicious, incautious, unwary)

549 unfeeling 무감각한, 무의미한(=callous, heartless, uncaring, cold, insensitive)

550 indefatigable 지칠 줄 모르는(=tireless, untiring, unwearied, unflagging, unremitting)

551 constrict 수축시키다(=contract, narrow, shrink, draw in, make[become] narrower, compress)

552 conjectural 추측의(=plausible, speculative, suppositional, theoretical, hypothetical)

553 admirable 훌륭한, 칭찬할 만한(=fine, commendable, praiseworthy, laudable, estimable)

554 abstract 요약, 발췌(=summary, synopsis, precis, outline, summation, excerpt)

555 antagonist 적 자, 반 자(=opponent, adversary, rival, competitor, enemy)

556 enchant 매혹시키다(=attract, charm, tempt, allure, lure, fascinate, rivet, captivate)

557 interrogate 심문하다, 질문하다(=question, ask, quiz, cross-question, cross-examine)

558 intervene 끼어들다, 간섭하다(=intercede in, interfere with, step in, cut in, intrude)

559 mislay 잊어버리다, 잘못 두다(=lose, misplace, forget, miss, put in the wrong place)

560 considerate 사려 깊은(=thoughtful, attentive, concerned, mindful, solicitous, heedful)

561 obliterate 지우다, 제거하다(=blot out, delete, eliminate, erase, eradicate, efface)

562 dilute 묽게 하다, 연하게 하다(=weaken, thin out, make weaker, water down)

563 divulge 누설하다, 폭로하다(=disclose, reveal, make known, expose, uncover, make public)

564 convene 모이다, 소집하다(=meet, gather, get together, assemble, collect, summon)

565 head off 저지, 방해하다(=forestall, obstruct, impede, block, hinder, hamper)

566 contrariwise 반 의(=opposite, reverse, converse, counter, inverse, contrary)

567 inure 익숙하게 하다, ~을 단련하다(=accustom, habituate, familiarize, harden)

Vocabulary & Idioms 28th Day

568 antidote 해독제, 항독소, 면역소(=antitoxin, antiserum, cure, remedy)

569 outmoded 구식의(=obsolete, out of date, outdated, old-fashioned, no longer in use)

570 decelerate 속도를 줄이다(=decrease the speed of, slow down, reduce speed)

571 deception 사기, 속임수(=hoax, deceit, cheating, trick, stratagem, device, scheme, chicanery)

572 decree 포고하다, 명령하다(=order, command, rule, dictate, lay down, instruct, adjure)

573 delusion 현혹, 오류, 환영(=fallacy, illusion, hallucination, mirage, phantom, vision, fantasy)

574 meager 부족한(=scanty, not enough, insufficient, inadequate, scant, paltry, destitute)

575 broadcasting 방송(=transmission, relaying, sending out, airing, telecasting, publication)

576 major 주요한, 주된(=sizable, prime, best, crucial, paramount, chief, main, utmost)

577 motivation 동기, 자극(=incentive, motive, stimulus, inspiration, impulse, inducement)

578 early 초기의(=initial, beginning, opening, commencing, inceptive, first)

579 inept 부적당한, 적절치 못한(=incompetent, inappropriate, unsuitable, unfitting)

580 contemporary 현 의(=modern, present-day[time], present, current)

581 antipathy 반감(=aversion, hostility, antagonism, animosity, animus, opposition, enmity)

582 colleague 동료(=associate, fellow worker, workmate, teammate, co-worker, partner)

583 collision 충돌(=crash, accident, smash, bump, impact, hit, strike, clash, conflict)

584 derange 방해하다(=disturb, obstruct, hinder, hamper, hold up, disrupt, interfere with)

585 detect 탐지하다, 발견하다(=discover, uncover, find [out], dig up, dredge up)

586 devour [게걸스럽게]먹다(=consume, voracious, eat hungrily[quickly, greedily], gobble, guzzle)

587 emission [빛, 열, 향기 등의]방사, 발산, 방출(=release, discharge, outpouring, ejection)

588 disgraced 수치가 되다, 욕보이다(=ashamed, shamed, discredited, humiliated, dishonored)

Vocabulary & Idioms 29th Day

589 dispense 분배하다, 할당하다(=allot, distribute, hand[deal, divide] out, allocate)

590 disregard 무시하다(=ignore, take no notice of, neglect, pay no attention)

591 potential 잠재적인, 가능성 있는(=possible, likely, prospective, probable, future)

592 external 외부의(=outer, outside, outermost, outward, exterior)

593 efface 지우다, 말살하다(=erase, delete, remove, eliminate, expunge, blot out, rub out, wipe out)

594 evidence 증거(=proof, conformation, verification, substantiation)

595 embellish 장식하다(=adorn, decorate, ornament, dress [up], furnish, trim, garnish)

596 enhance 강화시키다, 증진시키다(=augment, increase, improve, boost, enrich, aggrandize, intensify, buttress)

597 exhaustively 철저하게(=thoroughly, rigorously, in depth, closely, in detail, from top to bottom)

598 expire 만기가 되다(=cease, run out, become invalid, end, terminate), 죽다(=die, pass away[on])

599 outlandish 이국적인, 색다른(=queer, weird, offbeat, far out, freakish, grotesque, alien, foreign, bizarre)

600 exclusive 유일한, 독점적인(=sole, unique, only, single, especial, undivided, unshared)

601 extraneous 관련이 없는(=irrelevant, immaterial, beside the point, inapposite, not pertinent, not germane)

602 chubby 포동포동한, 살이 찐(=plump, tubby, roly-poly, rotund, portly, stout, dumpy, fat)

603 amateur 비전문가의(=nonprofessional, non-specialist, layman, layperson)

604 amicable 다정한, 우호적인(=friendly, good-natured, cordial, courteous, polite)

605 destitute 가난한(=impoverished, poor, impecunious, indigent, penniless, penurious)

606 retaliate 보복하다(=take[get, have] revenge, fight[strike, hit] back, get even, react)

607 distinguished 유망한, 뛰어난(=eminent, famous, famed, prominent, well known, renowned)

608 mortify 굴욕감을 느끼게 하다(=humiliate, embarrass, chagrin, shame, abash)

609 fracture 골절되다(=crack, brake, snap, cleave, rupture, shatter, smash, splinter)

Vocabulary & Idioms 30th Day

610 in a comma 혼수상태(=unconscious, knocked out, comatose, insensible, senseless)

611 inborn 타고난, 선천적인(=innate, congenital, existing from birth, inherent, natural)

612 brevity 간결함(=conciseness, concision, laconism, succinctness, shortness, briefness)

613 emblem 상징, 표상(=symbol, token, sign, mark, manifestation, memento, reminder)

614 moist 습기 있는, 축축한(=damp, humid, dank, dampish, steamy, muggy)

615 currency 통화(=money, legal tender, medium of exchange, cash, banknotes)

616 mar 손상시키다, 망치다(=spoil, ruin, impair, damage, disfigure)

617 deplete 고갈시키다(=exhaust, use up, consume, drain, empty, expend)

618 deteriorate 악화되다, 쇠퇴하다(=become[get] worse, aggravate, deprave, degenerate, decay)

619 destroy 파괴하다(=raze, demolish, knock[pull, tear] down, fell, dismantle, level)

620 tilt 경사, 기울기(=inclination, acclivity, descent, declivity, slant, gradient)

621 analogy 유사, 유추, 닮음(=parallel[ism], similarity, correspondence, likeness, resemblance)

622 interrupt 방해하다, 중단시키다(=stop, prevent, hinder, obstruct, hamper, disrupt, retard, interfere with)

623 surmount 극복하다(=overcome, conquer, get over, prevail over, triumph over, outmaneuver)

624 extend 늘리다, 확 하다(=lengthen, expand, enlarge, widen, increase, make large, broaden)

625 disintegration 분해, 분열(=decomposition, separation, division, dissolution, break up[down], atomization)

626 prescription 처방(=A doctor’s written direction for the preparation and use of medicine)

627 anticipate 예상하다(=suspect, expect, foresee, predict, forecast, foretell)

628 posthumously 사후에(=following one’s death)

629 obsolete 구식의, 시 에 뒤진(=out-of-date, outdated, outmoded, old-fashioned, no longer in use)

630 ostensible 겉치레의, 표면상의, 명백한(=pretended, apparent, seeming, outward, surface)

Vocabulary & Idioms 31st Day

631 proportionate ~과 비례하는(=commensurate with, corresponding, comparable, equivalent, in proportion)

632 prognosis 예언, 예측(=prediction, forecast, projection, prophecy, augury, divination)

633 retard 지연시키다, 느리게 하다(=slow [down, up], delay, hold back, decelerate)

634 omnipotent 전지전능한(=almighty, all-powerful, supreme, most high, pre-eminent)

635 in retrospect 돌이켜 볼 때, 회상할 때(=looking back, with hindsight, retrospectively, on second thoughts)

636 imply 암시하다, 의미하다(=suggest, insinuate, hint, intimate, implicate, indicate)

637 few and far between 드문(=rare, infrequent, scarce, sparse, scattered, thin on the ground)

638 ennui 권태(=boredom, tedium, listlessness, lethargy, lassitude, monotony)

639 the equivalent of 동등한, 같은(=the same as, equal, equivalent, identical, similar, alike)

640 equanimity 평온, 침착(=composure, calmness, self-control, equilibrium, coolness)

641 equivocal 애매한(=ambiguous, ambivalent, vague, unclear, open to debate, oblique)

642 detrimental 해로운(=damaging, harmful, injurious, hurtful, inimical, deleterious, ruinous)

643 extravagance 사치(=wasteful habit, profligacy, spendthrift, lack of thrift, over-spending, lavishness)

644 antique 고 의, 오래된(=old, antiquarian, collectable, vintage, classic)

645 reciprocal 서로간의, 상호간의(=mutual, reciprocated, corresponding, give-and-take, correlative)

646 reduction 감축, 축소(=cutback, cut, decrease, retrenchment, trimming, diminution)

647 insignificant 중요하지 않은(=unimportant, irrelevant, immaterial, inconsequential, of no consequence)

648 synthetic 인공의, 합성의(=artificial, man-made, pseudo, fake, imitation, mock)

649 acquiesce 묵인하다, 동의하다(=agree to, permit, consent to, allow, assent to)

650 warily 주의 깊게, 신중하게(=prudently, carefully, cautiously, gingerly, circumspectly, charily)

651 defer 연기하다(=delay, postpone, put off[back], adjourn, hold over[off], carry over)

Vocabulary & Idioms 32nd Day

652 obstinate 고집 센, 완고한(=stubborn, headstrong, willful, mulish, obdurate, strong-willed)

653 once in a while 종종, 이따금(=occasionally, sometimes, from time to time, now and then)

654 punctuality 시간엄수(=being on time, promptness, reliability, regularity, timekeeping)

655 encompass 둘러싸다, 포위하다(=encircle, enclose, surround, ring, circumscribe)

656 imperative 중요한, 임박한, 긴급한(=vitally important, crucial, exigent, urgent, pressing, imminent, impending)

657 pressing 긴급한, 중요한(=urgent, vital, imperative, burning, critical, acute, crucial)

658 rarely 거의 ~가 아니다, 드물게(=hardly [ever], seldom, infrequently, scarcely [ever])

659 from now on 지금부터 계속(=henceforth, as of now, after this, in the future)

660 prudent 신중한, 사려 깊은(=sensible, cautious, careful, wise, wary, shrewd)

661 characteristic 특징(=distinguishing feature, attribute, trait, quality, typical)

662 stoically 냉담하게, 금욕적으로(=impassively, unemotionally, blankly, coolly)

663 cordial 진심에서 우러나는, 인정 있는(=pleasant, friendly, warm, genial, affable, amiable)

664 all-round 다재 다능한(=versatile, well-rounded, multifaceted, multitalented, flexible, adaptable)

665 tumble 넘어지다, 쓰러지다(=to fall suddenly, fall [over, down], topple over)

666 bough [나무]가지(=a large branch, limb, arm, twig, sprig, offshoot, spur)

667 genial 온화한(=cheerful and friendly, friendly, warm, affable, amiable, congenial)

668 emerge 나타나다, 나오다(=come forth[out, into view], appear, become visible)

669 provident 선견지명이 있는, 사려 깊은(=have foresight, prudent, far-sighted, judicious, shrewd, circumspect, sagacious)

670 sporadic 간헐적인, 때때로 일어나는(=occasional, infrequent, irregular, periodical)

671 impediment 장애, 방해(=obstacle, hindrance, obstruction, barrier, bar, block, curb)

672 requisite 필요한(=necessary, required, prerequisite, essential, needed, indispensable)

Vocabulary & Idioms 33rd Day

673 hard up 궁해서, 돈이 없는(=short of money, poor, strapped, impoverished, impecunious)

674 implicit 내포된(=meant though not plainly expressed, implied, indirect, inferred, inherent)

675 veritable 진짜의, 실제의(=real, genuine, absolute, authentic, true, actual, out-and-out)

676 secular 세속의(=not[non] religious, profane, temporal, worldly, material)

677 rashly 무모하게, 분별없게(=recklessly, hastily, impulsively, impetuously, thoughtlessly)

678 established 기존의, 기성의(=conventional, accepted, usual, typical, mainstream, prevailing)

679 scrupulous 양심적인, 거짓 없는(=conscientious, honest, upright, righteous, virtuous, incorruptible)

680 a multitude of 많은, 다수의(=many, a lot of, numerous, several, various, scores of)

681 dilate 팽창하다(=expand, expatiate, expound, enlarge, elaborate, widen, become larger)

682 appease 누그러뜨리다, 완화하다(=make quiet or calm, conciliate, placate, mollify, soothe)

683 stroller 산책하는 사람(=walker, hiker, rambler)

684 eligible 자격이 있는, 적임의(=entitled, qualified, acceptable, suitable, appropriate)

685 battle 전투, 투쟁(=struggle, fight, conflict, skirmish, war, clash, combat)

686 turbulent 격렬한, 사나운(=violent, brutal, vicious, savage, harsh, aggressive, vehement)

687 curb 억제하다, 구속하다(=control, restrain, limit, restrict, constrain, force)

688 migrate 이주하다(=move from one place to another, relocate, resettle, move, emigrate)

689 succulent 즙이 많은(=juicy, tender, moist, sappy, luscious, ripe)

690 eat quickly and hungrily 게걸스럽게 먹다(=devour, voracious, gobble)

691 the bulk 부분(=most, nearly all, almost all, the majority, the mass, the lion’s share)

692 fluctuate [물가, 열 등이]오르다, 변동하다(=change, vary, differ, shift, alter, waver)

693 sinister 사악한(=evil, wicked, nefarious, malicious, malign, bad, criminal, corrupt)

Vocabulary & Idioms 34th Day

694 deftly 능숙하게(=skillfully, dexterously, adeptly, expertly, adroitly, proficiently)

695 dissent from 의견을 달리하다(=disagree with, differ from, diverge from, fail to agree, be in dispute)

696 clandestine 비 의, 은 한(=secret, covert, furtive, surreptitious, stealthy, cloak-and-dagger)

697 uniformly 지속적으로, 한결같이(=consistently, regularly, equivalently, constantly)

698 laterally 옆으로(=sideways, to the size, crabwise, athwart)

699 a duplicate 사본(=a copy, transcript, carbon copy, carbon, replica, clone)

700 tough 튼튼한(=hard, firm, solid, dense, rigid, stiff, resistant, inflexible)

701 squander 낭비하다(=waste, fritter away, misspend, spend recklessly, lavish, spendthrift)

702 miserly 인색한(=stingy, penny-pinching, mean, parsimonious, niggardly, penurious)

703 eradicate 뿌리째 뽑다, 근절하다(=put an end to, get rid of, eliminate, exterminate, do away with, remove)

704 staple 주요 식품(=basic part) cf.주요한, 중요한(=main, principal, chief, major, primary, leading)

705 concur in 동의하다, 일치하다(=united in, agree, be in agreement, be in accord, go along)

706 intrepid 용감한, 두려움이 없는(=fearless, unafraid, bold, audacious, brave, stalwart, plucky)

707 criminal 범인(=culprit, guilty party, offender, malefactor, wrongdoer, felon)

708 show up 나타나다, 도착하다(=arrive, come [up], get here[there], appear, approach)

709 attest ~을 증명하다, 입증하다(=prove, demonstrate, certify, clarify, verify, confirm)

710 adapt oneself 적응하다(=adjust, become accustomed, get used, accommodate)

711 adjacent 이웃의, 인근의(=neighboring, adjoining, next door to, close to, abutting)

712 adequate 충분한, 적당한(=ample, sufficient, enough, requisite, apposite, appropriate, suitable)

713 appropriate 착복하다, 훔치다[vi](=steal, purloin, thieve, take) cf. adj. 적당한, 타당한(=fit)

714 accommodate 수용하다(=have space for, lodge, house, put up, billet, quarter)

Vocabulary & Idioms 35th Day

715 aspiration 열망, 갈망, 포부(=ambition, desire, aim, longing, hope, hankering)

716 contagious 전염성의(=communicable, infectious, transferable, epidemic)

717 endorse 찬성하다, 배서하다(=approve, support, advocate, authorize, affirm, confirm, vouch)

718 with open arms 진심으로(=cordially, friendly, warmly, genially, affably, affectionately)

719 amoral 도덕과 관련 없는(=nonmoral, unprincipled, without standard, unscrupulous)

720 anonymous 작자미상의, 익명의(=nameless, unnamed, unknown, incognito, unidentified)

721 substantial 실질적인(=real, true, actual), 폭적인, 상당한(=considerable, significant)

722 absolved 용서하다(=forgive, pardon, excuse) [혐의 등]을 풀다(=exonerate, exculpate, discharge)

723 abstain 못하게 하다(=keep oneself, refrain, desist, hold back, forbear)

724 lend a hand 돕다(=help [out], assist, aid, give assistance to, succor)

725 nullify 무효화 하다(=invalidate, annul, abolish, declare null and void, repeal)

726 get under one’s skin 화나게 하다(=enrage, annoy, irritate, anger, infuriate, madden, incense, inflame)

727 equilibrium 균형, 평형(=balance, stability, steadiness, symmetry)

728 impede 방해하다(=hinder, hamper, obstruct, retard, interfere with, disrupt)

729 insolent 오만한, 무례한(=rude, impertinent, impudent, cheeky, impolite)

730 confiscate 압수하다, 몰수하다(=seize, impound, commandeer, requisition, expropriate)

731 futile 무익한, 쓸모 없는(=useless, fruitless, vain, pointless, worthless, ineffective)

732 intrepid 용기 있는, 담한(=fearless, unafraid, bold, audacious, brave, stalwart, plucky)

733 insinuate 암시하다(=suggest indirectly, imply, hint, intimate, whisper, indicate)

734 affluent 부유한(=wealthy, rich, prosperous, opulent, well-off, moneyed)

735 functional 실용적인, 기능적인(=practical, useful, utility, handy, purposeful)

Vocabulary & Idioms 36th Day

736 ferocious 야비한, 잔인한(=mean, brutal, brutish, vicious, violent, barbarous, savage)

737 all thumbs 손재주가 없다, 서투른(=clumsy, awkward, inept, maladroit, gauche, gawky)

738 irate 노한, 성난(=angry, furious, infuriated, incensed, enraged, incandescent)

739 obscure 애매한(=faint, vague, unclear) 눈에 보이지 않는(=hidden, concealed, out of sight, veiled)

740 astounded 놀라는(=amazed, astonished, surprised, flabbergast, stunned, bewildered)

741 by ear 악보 없이(=without dependence on written music)

742 gorgeous 멋진, 아름다운(=beautiful, splendid, good-looking, attractive, wonderful, stunning)

743 negligible 보잘 것 없는, 하찮은(=marginal, trivial, insignificant, minor, trifling, petty)

744 armistice 휴전(=truce, ceasefire, break, suspension[cessation] of hostilities)

745 augment 증가시키다, 늘리다(=increase, make larger, add to, supplement, enlarge, expand, extent)

746 mundane 현세의(=earthly, worldly, temporal), 평범한(=everyday, routine, ordinary)

747 harsh 거친, 황량한(=cruel, inexorable, relentless, persistent, insensitive, callous, ruthless, dreary)

748 see to it that 확실히 하다, 주의를 기울이다, 책임지다(=make sure that)

749 foggy 안개가 낀, 흐릿한(=misty, smoggy, hazy, overcast, murky, gloomy, smoky)

750 surpass ~을 능가하다, ~보다 뛰어나다(=exceed, excel, be better than, be superior to, transcend, outdo)

751 fallacious 그릇된, 불합리한(=faulty, erroneous, false, untrue, wrong, incorrect, inaccurate)

752 vicious 악덕의, 심술궂은(=wicked, malicious, mean, cruel, brutal, ferocious, savage)

753 blunt 무딘, 무뚝뚝한, 둔감한(=dull, not sharp, unsharpened, worn down, edgeless)

754 lavish 사치스러운(=prodigal, sumptuous, luxurious, luxuriant, lush, gorgeous)

755 pave the way for ~에 길을 열다, ~을 가능하게 하다(=make possible)

756 apprehensive 두려워하는, 걱정하는(=fearful, afraid, frightened, scared, nervous, anxious, uneasy)

Vocabulary & Idioms 37th Day

757 judicious 현명한(=wise, prudent, shrewd, sagacious, rational, sensible, astute)

758 make believe ~인 체하다, 가장하다(=pretend, put on an act, play at, act, impersonate)

759 chronic 만성적인, 상습적인(=persistent, long-standing, long-term, constant, continuing)

760 atrocity 흉악, 잔인(=brutality, barbarity, barbarism, savagery, inhumanity, cruelty)

761 persist in ~을 지속하다(=keep on[up], continue, carry on, go on, be persistent, persevere)

762 flaw 결점, 흠, 결함(=fault, defect, shortcoming, blemish, imperfection, deficiency)

763 cultivate 재배[경작]하다, 배양하다, [아이를]기르다(=raise, grow, rear, bring on, farm, plant)

764 incontrovertible 논쟁의 여지가 없는(=indisputable, incontestable, undeniable, irrefutable)

765 from top to toe 철두철미하게, 완전히(=completely, totally, thoroughly, absolutely, entirely, wholly)

766 get in touch with ~와 접촉[연락]하다(=communicate with, keep in contact with, correspond with)

767 turn down 거절하다(=reject, refuse, decline, say no to, spurn, dismiss, veto, throw out)

768 oblivious 잊기 쉬운, 멍청한(=unheeding, unaware, unconscious, insensible, ignorant)

769 intriguing 흥미를 자아내는(=interesting, fascinating, absorbing, compelling, captivating)

770 cut down [길이, 치수]줄이다, [값, 비용]삭감하다(=reduce, decrease, chop down)

771 get-up 몸차림, 의상 일습(=outfit, costume, suit, ensemble, attire, dress, uniform)

772 do up ~을 수리하다(=repair, mend, fix [up], put[set] right, overhaul, patch up)

773 drop[send] a line 몇 줄 써 보내다(=write a letter)

774 resign oneself to ~에 따르다, ~에 맡기다(=accept, come to terms with, learn to live with)

775 stoned 술 취한(=intoxicated, drunk[en], inebriated, tipsy)

776 set free 석방하다, 풀어주다(=release, let go, liberate, set[let, turn] loose, let out)

777 stand a chance of ~의 가능성이 있다, ~할 것 같다(=be likely to, be inclined to, be liable to)

Vocabulary & Idioms 38th Day

778 stand up for ~을 옹호[변호]하다(=defend, support, back, advocate, champion)

779 stem from 유래하다, 생기다(=come from, arise from, originate from, derive from, spring from)

780 suffer from bad fortune 재정이 안 좋은(=down-and-out, destitute, penniless, broke)

781 live from hand to mouth 그날 벌어 그날 살다, 간신히 지내다(=enjoy foods and drinks)

782 lose one’s heart 기운[용기]을 잃다, 의기 소침하다(=become discouraged, disheartened, dispirited)

783 lost one’s temper[head] 화를 내다(=get angry, bristle, bridle, become annoyed, become infuriated)

784 make a clean breast of ~을 죄다 털어놓다, 모든 것을 고백하다(=confess, acknowledge, avow, reveal)

785 make sense of ~의 뜻을 이해하다(=understand, comprehend, apprehend, make out, figure out)

786 plight 곤경, 궁지(=hardship, predicament, trouble, difficulty, dilemma, quandary)

787 next to 거의(=almost, nearly, [just] about, more or less, all but, close to, near)

788 not a bit 조금도 ~않다(=not at all, not any, nothing, not an iota, not a hint)

789 not a little 적지 않게, 크게, 많이(=much, quite a little, a lot of, a great[good] deal of)

790 off and on 때때로, 불규칙적으로(=irregularly, occasionally, sporadically, from time to time)

791 of one’s own accord 자발적으로(=voluntarily, of one’s own free will, of one’s own volition[choice])

792 hit upon 우연히 생각나다(=come upon)

793 drafty 바람이 틈으로 새어 들어오는, 통풍이 잘 되는(=full of unwanted currents of air)

794 by and large 전반적으로, 체로(=in general, on the whole, in the main, roughly, as a rule, normally, usually)

795 It rained cats and dogs 비가 억수같이 퍼부었다(=It rained very heavily)

796 perplex 당황케 하다(=puzzle, baffle, mystify, bemuse, bewilder, confound, confuse)

797 lavatory 세면소, 화장실(=toilet, bathroom, restroom, water closet)

798 shrewd 영리한, 약삭빠른(=clever and sharp, astute, acute, sharp-witted, intelligent)

Vocabulary & Idioms 39th Day

799 rife [질병]유행하는(=widespread, pandemic, epidemic), [소문]자자한, 풍부한(=abounding in, abundant in)

800 conciliator 조정자, 중재인(=mediator, arbitrator, negotiator, intercessor, arbiter)

801 shrink 줄다, 오그라들다, 작아지다(=become[get] smaller, contract, diminish, lessen)

802 barren 불모의(=unproductive, infertile, unfruitful, sterile, desolate, desert)

803 timber 목재, 산림(=wood, logs, firewood, lumber, forest, woodland)

804 humble 겸손한, 신중한, 온순한(=modest, unassuming, meek, deferential, respectful)

805 copious 풍부한, 매우 많은(=abundant, superabundant, plentiful, ample, profuse)

806 little short of ~에 가까운, 거의~한(=almost, nearly, just about, approximately, close to)

807 live beyond one’s means 분수에 넘치게 생활하다, 수입이상의 생활을 하다(=spend more than one’s income)

808 fall into servitude 예속되다(=become enslave, make into a slave, subjugate, sell into slavery)

809 for good 영원히(=forever, permanently, for all time, for always, for good and all)

810 concentrated one’s attention on ~에 주의를 집중하다

811 pecuniary 금전상의, 재정상의(=monetary, financial, money, fiscal, economic, capital)

812 get 이해하다, 알아듣다(=understand, grasp, comprehend, apprehend, see)

813 conviction 신념, 확신(=strong belief, certainty, certitude, assurance, confidence)

814 complex 복잡한, 어려운(=complicated, involved, intricate, convoluted, tangled)

815 intricate 복잡한, 어려운(=complicated, complex, convoluted, raveled, twisted, tangled)

816 every second day 하루걸러, 이틀마다(=every other day)

817 self-possessed 침착한, 냉정한(=cool, poised, self-assured, calm, collected)

818 between ourselves 우리끼리 얘기지만, 비 이야기인데(=speaking in confidence)

819 be fed up with ~에 싫증나다(=be bored with, be tired of, be weary of, be sick of, be disgust of)

Vocabulary & Idioms 40th Day

820 all but 거의(=almost, nearly, [just] about, more or less, approximately, roughly)

821 resolve 결심하다(=determine, decide, take a decision, conclude, make one’s mind)

822 physical 육체의(=bodily, corporeal, corporal, fleshly, material)

823 punctually 시간을 엄수하여(=on time, promptly, at the proper[right] time, on the dot[nail])

824 trait 특성, 특색(=characteristic, distinguishing feature, attribute, quality, typical)

825 stunt 발육을 방해하다(=hinder, inhibit, impede, hamper, restrict, retard, slow)

826 in the teeth of ~에도 불구하고(=in spite of, despite, notwithstanding, regardless of, in the face of)

827 impetuous 격렬한, 충동적인(=impulsive, rash, hasty, heedless, precipitate, brash)

828 take into account ~을 고려하다(=consider, take into consideration, bear in mind, respect)

829 take the place of ~을 신하다(=replace, be a replacement for, take over from, stand in for)

830 tell A from B A 와 B 를 구별하다(=distinguish, differentiate, tell apart[between], discern)

831 sardonic 조소적인, 냉소하는(=satirizing, sarcastic, mocking, satirical, cynical, scornful)

832 have one’s hand full 매우 바쁘다(=be extremely busy)

833 dispense with ~없이 지내다(=do[go] without, do away with, cope without)

834 in honor of ~을 기념하여(=in celebration of)

835 put through [전화를]연결하다(=connect, link, join), 성취하다(=accomplish, achieve, do)

836 sober 침착한, 진지한(=serious, sensible, solemn, thoughtful, grave, severe)

837 overt 명백한, 공공연한(=not hidden, undisguised, unconcealed, clear, apparent)

838 binary 두 번의, 둘의(=double, dual, duplex, twin, duplicate, in pairs, coupled)

839 far between 드문(=rare, infrequent, scarce, sparse, scattered, few and far between)

840 take a dim view of ~에 하여 비관적이다(=have little confidence in)

Vocabulary & Idioms 41st Day

841 elope 남녀가 눈이 맞아 달아나다(=run away [to marry], slip[steal] away, sneak off)

842 extract 꺼내다(=take out, draw out, bring out, pull out, withdraw, fish out)

843 heart and soul 열심히(=ardently, passionately, enthusiastically, keenly, fervently, zealously, eagerly)

844 hit home 급소를 찌르다, 정곡을 찌르다(=strike home, have the intended effect, hit the mark)

845 sweat out 조바심을 가지고 기다리다(=wait nervously)

846 at large 전체적으로, 일반적으로(=as a whole, as a body, generally, in general, in the main)

847 at length 마침내, 충분히(=finally, after long time, at last, eventually, in the end)

848 ruminate on 숙고하다, 깊이 생각하다(=meditate, contemplate, cogitate, muse, ponder, dwell on, sleep on)

849 in deep waters 매우 어려워, 난처해져서(=undergoing difficulties)

850 with half a heart 마지못해(=reluctantly, unwillingly, unenthusiastically, halfhearted, grudgingly)

851 affability 상냥함, 사근사근함(=pleasantness, amiability, geniality, niceness, congeniality)

852 viable 실행 가능한, 실용적인(=feasible, workable, practicable, usable, operable)

853 lukewarm 미지근한, 미온적인(=tepid, slightly warm, warmish, blood-hot[warm])

854 tart 신, 시큼한(=sour, tangy, sharp[-tasting], bitter, acid, acidic)

855 ravage 파괴하다, 유린하다(=ruin, destroy, demolish, lay waste, devastate, wreak havoc on)

856 verdict 평결, 판단, 결정(=decision, judgement, adjudication, pronouncement, finding)

857 redundant 잉여의, 과다한, 장황한(=superfluous, surplus, excessive, extra, too much[many])

858 furtively 은 하게, 비 로(=secretly, stealthily, sneakily, secretively, slyly)

859 rampant 사나운(=wild), 자유분방한(=out of control), 만연하는(=flourishing, widespread)

860 gloomy 어두운(=dark, ill-lit, shadowy, dim), 암울한, 우울한(=despondent, melancholy)

861 indict 고발하다, 기소하다(=charge, accuse, arraign, take to court for, impeach, prosecute, summons)

Vocabulary & Idioms 42nd Day

862 ajar 조금 열려 있는(=slightly open, half[partly] open, agape, half closed)

863 haughtiness 거만, 오만(=arrogance, pride, conceit, hubris, self-importance, swagger)

864 splendor 화려함, 장관(=magnificence, grandeur, sumptuousness, resplendence)

865 put the issue on the back burner [어떤 일을]뒤로 미루다(=leave the issue behind)

866 on the quiet 암암리에, 비 리에(=secretly, covertly, furtively, stealthily, on the sly)

867 on the horns of a dilemma 진퇴양난에 처한(=in a quandary, between a rock and a hard place, at a stalemate, in a predicament, in a blind)

868 lay bare 노출시키다(=expose, reveal, uncover, bare, leave unprotected)

869 go down with 병에 걸리다(=contract, become infected with, fall victim to)

870 round up 체포하다, 검거하다(=arrest, apprehend, take into custody, seize, take in)

871 singular 유일한, 독특한(=extraordinary, peculiar, remarkable, outstanding, strange, odd)

872 alien to 서로 용납하지 않는, 반하는(=opposed to, incompatible with, unusual for, contrary to)

873 in the wake of ~의 뒤에, ~의 결과로(=following, after, at the back of, at the rear of)

874 marginal 가장자리의, 중요하지 않은(=unimportant, insignificant, minor, trivial)

875 grudge 악의, 원한, 적의(=unfriendly[bad, hard] feelings, malice, animosity, spitefulness, malevolence)

876 generic 일반적인, 포괄적인(=general, common, collective, non-specific, inclusive)

877 sequestered 외딴, 깊숙한, 은퇴한(=remote, secluded, cloistered, isolated, cut off)

878 call it a night[day] 오늘밤은 이것으로 끝내다, 하루를 마무리하다(=stop working)

879 unwittingly 자신도 모르게(=unconsciously, unintentionally, accidentally, inadvertently)

880 grin 씨익 웃었다(=smile [broadly], beam, smile from ear to ear, smirk)

881 cosmetic 표면적인(=superficial, surface, skin-deep, outward, exterior, external)

882 fraught ~으로 충만하다(=fill, full of, filled with, swarming with, rife with, thick with)

Vocabulary & Idioms 43rd Day

883 take your time 천천히 하다(=be slow, go slowly, not hurry, be leisurely, drag your feet)

884 set on 결심하다, 착수하다(=determine about, settle on, establish, resolve)

885 on the sly 은 히, 비 리에(=secretly, covertly, stealthily, furtively, privately)

886 fall out 사이가 틀어지다, 싸우다(=quarrel, argue, have a row[fight], disagree, squabble)

887 for nuts 조금도, 아무리 해도(=at all)

888 catch on 이해하다(=understand, comprehend, apprehend, grasp, see, take in)

889 tight 술 취한(=intoxicated, drunk, drunken, inebriated, befuddled, tipsy)

890 fool away 헛되이 쓰다, 낭비하다(=take impolitely, waste, squander, misspend, dissipate)

891 cocksure 확신하는, 자신만만한(=very[quiet] sure, arrogant, conceited, overconfident)

892 cocky 잘난 체하는, 으쓱 는(=arrogant, conceited, impudent, haughty, smug, overweening)

893 take off 흉내 내다(=mimic [another], imitate, copy, impersonate, mock, do an impression of)

894 singular 유일한, 비범한, 독특한(=extraordinary, remarkable, outstanding, strange, odd)

895 border on 근접하다(=be very much like, verge on, approach, come close to, similar to)

896 give vent to 나타내다, 발산하다(=express, vent, find expression for, emit, utter)

897 ecologically 생태학적으로(=environmentally)

898 become reconciled 화해하다(=make up, be friends again, declare a truce, bury the hatchet, make peace)

899 exterminate 박멸하다(=destroy, kill, put to death, eliminate, eradicate, annihilate, extirpate)

900 ingest [음식물을]섭취하다(=swallow, consume, gulp down, eat, drink, sip)

901 surplus 나머지, 과잉, 초과액(=excess, surfeit, overabundance, plethora, remainder)

902 gregarious 사교[회]성 있는, 군집성의(=sociable, social, companionable, convivial, outgoing)

903 justly 바르게, 정당하게(=clearly, fairly, equitably, impartially, objectively, rightly)

Vocabulary & Idioms 44th Day

904 wave 물결치다(=move up and down, ripple), 손을 흔들다(=give a greeting, gesture)

905 odds and ends 나머지, 잡동사니(=miscellaneous task, bits and pieces, remnants, leftovers)

906 impose upon ~에 편승하다, 악용하다(=take advantage of, make use of, exploit, cash in on)

907 go in for 참가하다, ~에 종사하다, 열중하다(=take part in, participate in, enter into, join in)

908 count for nothing 하잘 것 없다, 중요하지 않다(=be of no use)

909 fall out 사이가 틀어지다, 다투다(=quarrel, argue, row, fight, squabble, disagree)

910 straight from the shoulder 정면에서, 솔직하게(=frankly, candidly, directly, forthrightly, straightforwardly)

911 on edge(=edgy) 흥분하여, 불안하여(=nervous, anxious, worried, apprehensive, tense, strained)

912 get across 이해시키다(=make understood)

913 at all cost 어떤 일이 있어도(=regardless of difficulties or consequences)

914 make over 개조하다(=make anew, renovate, change, alter, make different, convert, reform)

915 haul 수송하다, 끌어당기다(=pull, drag, tug, heave, hump, trail, draw, tow)

916 guise 외관, 몸차림(=appearance, likeness, semblance, shape, outward form)

917 tap 개발하다(=exploit, develop), 두드리다(=strike lightly, touch, pat, nudge, jab)

918 gingerly 조심스럽게, 주의 깊게(=cautiously, carefully, with caution[care], circumspectly, delicately)

919 congruous 일치하는, 어울리는(=harmonious, coordinated, matching), 적절한(=appropriate)

920 indict for 기소하다(=charge with, accuse of, arraign for, take to court for, prosecute for)

921 indigenous 타고난, 고유의(=native, endemic, aboriginal, original, inherent, first, earliest)

922 indolence 게으름, 나태(=laziness, idleness, slothfulness, inactivity, negligence)

923 infringe 침해하다, 위반하다(=encroach, contravene, violate, transgress, break)

924 insolent 거만한, 오만한, 무례한(=rude, impertinent, impudent, cheeky, impolite)

Vocabulary & Idioms 45th Day

925 installment 분할분, 월부, 할부(=monthly payment, part payment, partial payment)

926 insulate 절연하다, 고립시키다(=isolate, separate, set apart, segregate, detach, cut off)

927 intact 손상되지 않은, 완전한(=unimpaired, whole, entire, complete, unbroken, undamaged)

928 interminable 끝없는, 중단 없는(=unceasing, endless, incessant, perpetual, everlasting)

929 introspective 내성적인(=contemplative, inward-looking, thoughtful, pensive, reflective)

930 juncture 시점(=moment, moment in time, point, point in time, stage, period, phase)

931 juvenile 어린, 연소한(=children’s, young, teenager, adolescent, junior, under age)

932 lassitude 피곤, 나른함(=languor, lethargy, fatigue, torpidity, sluggishness, exhaustion)

933 lenient 관 한, 인정많은(=merciful, clement, sparing, forgiving, tolerant, moderate)

934 lethal 치명적인, 치사의(=deadly, fatal, mortal, causing death, toxic, dangerous)

935 lethargic 느린, 둔감한(=sluggish, inert, inactive, slow, torpid, languid, indolent)

936 litigant 소송당사자(=parties in a lawsuit, litigator, opponent [in law], contestant)

937 logistic 병참의(=tactical), 변통수에 능한, 약삭빠른(=calculated, planned, strategic)

938 makeshift 일시적인, 임시변통의(=temporary, make-do, provisional, stopgap, standby)

939 mesmerize 최면을 걸다, 매혹하다(=hypnotize, send into a trance, put under, put out, put to sleep)

940 monumental 기념비적인(=commemorative, memorial) 훌륭한(=outstanding, impressive, striking, remarkable)

941 mundane 세속의, 우주의(=worldly, earthly, terrestrial, material, temporal, secular, profane)

942 nibble 조금씩 갉아먹다(=take little bites of, pick, gnaw, peck, eat listlessly)

943 nonchalant 무관심한, 냉담한(=unconcerned, calm, cool, indifferent, dispassionate)

944 obese 뚱뚱한(=corpulent, fat, overweight, gross, plump, chubby, paunchy, stout)

945 ominous 심상치 않은, 불길한(=inauspicious, threatening, menacing, baleful, sinister)

Vocabulary & Idioms 46th Day

946 ostensible 표면상의, 겉치레의(=pretending, seeming, outward, surface, superficial)

947 panaceas 만병통치약(=remedy for all diseases, care[heal] all, universal cure, nostrum, elixir)

948 penury 가난, 빈곤(=poverty, indigence, beggary, pennilessness, privation)

949 perjury 위증, 거짓(=lying under oath, violation of an oath, giving false evidence)

950 petty 사소한, 보잘 것 없는(=unimportant, trivial, trifling, minor, small, slight)

951 phenomenal 놀라운, 주목할 만한(=extraordinary, exceptional, remarkable, outstanding)

952 be on the edge of 균형을 유지하다(=poise, balance, hold steady, steady oneself, be suspended)

953 posterity 후세, 자손(=descendants, heirs, successors, offspring, future generations)

954 potent 강력한, 유력한(=very strong, powerful, vigorous, mighty, formidable, influential)

955 precipitation 강수량(=rain, rainfall, raindrops, rainwater, wet weather)

956 predicament 곤경, 궁지(=dilemma, quandary, fix, jam, pickle, mess, difficulty, plight, hole)

957 prescribe 처방하다, 규정하다(=write a prescription for, advise, authorize, order, direct)

958 prevalent 유행하는, 우세한(=widespread, prevailing, frequent, usual, current, popular)

959 pugnacious 호전적인(=quarrelsome, belligerent, combative, aggressive, antagonistic)

960 random 되는 로의, 무작위의(=unplanned, unsystematic, arbitrary, haphazard)

961 render 공급하다, 바치다(=provide, supply, give, issue, furnish, lay out, come up with)

962 renounce(=forsake) 포기하다, 버리다(=give up, relinquish, abandon, resign, abdicate, surrender)

963 resentment 분노, 분개(=indignation, bitterness, anger, irritation, pique, umbrage, rage)

964 retaliate 복수하다(=fight[strike/hit] back, revenge, avenge, reciprocate, requite)

965 revenue 세입, 수입(=income, taking, receipts, proceed, earnings, profit, returns)

966 scan 자세히 조사하다(=examine, scrutinize, study, inspect, survey, search)

Vocabulary & Idioms 47th Day

967 second-hand 간접적인(=indirectly, secondary, derivative), 중고의(=used, old, worn)

968 shortcomings 단점, 결함(=defect, drawback, fault, flaw, imperfection, deficiency, limitation)

969 stupendous 놀라운, 엄청난(=tremendous, marvelous, amazing, astonishing, extraordinary, remarkable)

970 supplant 신하다(=replace, supersede, displace, take the place of, substitute)

971 tepid 미지근한, 열의가 없는(=slightly worm, lukewarm, warmish, halfhearted)

972 tractable 다루기 쉬운, 길들이기 쉬운(=pliant, controllable, manageable, docile, malleable)

973 unquenchable 끌 수 없는, 억누를 수 없는(=insatiable, unappeasable, uncontrollable, voracious)

974 vanquish ~을 정복하다(=defeat, subdue, conquer, beat, trounce, annihilate, triumph over)

975 vex 괴롭히다(=irritate, annoy, irk, infuriate, anger, provoke, disturb, upset)

976 veto 거부하다(=reject, turn down, dismiss, throw out, refuse, decline, say no to)

977 precarious 불안한, 불확실한(=uncertain, insecure, unreliable, unsure, shaky)

978 menace 위협, 협박(=threat, danger, risk, peril, hazard, jeopardy, intimidation, warning)

979 relinquish 포기하다(=give up[away], renounce, part with, hand[turn] over, abandon, surrender)

980 trivial 중요하지 않은, 하찮은(=not important, insignificant, inconsequential, minor)

981 resolutely 단호하게, 확고하게(=determinedly, decisively, stubbornly, definitely, purposefully)

982 misdemeanor 비행, 경범죄(=wrong doing, evil deed, crime, violation, peccadillo, misconduct)

983 legible 읽기 쉬운(=readable, easily read, easy to read, decipherable, understandable)

984 by the skin of my teeth 가까스로, 겨우, 간신이(=with the narrow margin of safety, barely, hardly)

985 be hard to outgrow 없애기가 어려운(=be difficult to get rid of)

986 instill 서서히 주입하다, 불어넣다(=impart gradually, imbue, inspire, infuse, inculcate)

987 cut a fine figure 두각을 나타내다(=get good results in one’s study)

Vocabulary & Idioms 48th Day

988 immutable 결코 변치 않는, 불변의(=unchangeable, unable to be changed, fixed, set, rigid, inflexible)

989 indolence 게으름, 나태(=laziness, idleness, sluggishness, sloth, inactivity, inaction)

990 make sense 이치에 맞다, 조리에 맞다(=add up, fit, seem right, seem sensible)

991 forestall 선수치다, 앞지르다, 선점하다(=prevent, pre-empt, get ahead of, preclude, avert, obviate)

992 trigger 유발시키다(=set off, precipitate, prompt, spark [off], touch off, stimulate)

993 eligible 적합한, 자격이 있는(=fit, entitled, permitted, qualified, acceptable, suitable)

994 get a heat start 먼저 출발[시작]하다(=start earlier)

995 set back 좌절시키다, 방해하다(=hinder, delay, impede, hold up, slow down, retard)

996 run-of-the-mill 보통의, 평범한(=ordinary, usual, normal, standard, typical, common, regular)

997 call a spade a spade 꾸미지 않고 똑바로 말하다, 사실 로 말하다(=speak plainly)

998 abrogate 취소하다, 폐지하다(=revoke, repudiate, repeal, rescind, overturn, overrule)

999 hyperbole 과장(=exaggeration, overstatement, magnification, amplification, embroidery)

1000 handpick 엄선하다, 고르다(=select, pick [out], single-out, sort out, take, opt for, decide on)

1001 through the mill 고생하여, 경험이 많은(=experienced, skilled, knowledgeable, skilful, expert)

1002 hypocritical 위선의, 위선적인(=deceiving, sanctimonious, pious, pietistic, insincere)

1003 cozy 아늑한, 편안한(=comfortable, snug, warm, pleasant, enjoyable, homelike)

1004 fictitious 가짜의, 상징적인(=false, fake, counterfeit, fabricated, untrue, invented)

1005 glossy 윤이 나는, 반들반들한(=shiny, shining, gleaming, lustrous, bright, brilliant)

1006 gratis 무료로(=gratuitously, free of charge, free[ly], without charge, for nothing)

1007 guile 속임수, 간계(=deceit, cunning, trick, deception, artifice, crafty, slyness)

1008 draw upon [자료로] 이용하다(=make use of, use, exploit, utilize, take advantage of)

Vocabulary & Idioms 49th Day

1009 set oneself apart 고립되다(=isolate, separate, set[keep] apart, segregate, detach, cut off)

1010 take out 삭제하다, 지우다(=delete, remove, cut out, edit out, expunge, erase, efface)

1011 take offence 기분 상하다, 화내다(=be[feel] annoyed[upset, angry, offended], take exception)

1012 fortuitous 뜻밖의, 우연한(=accidental, chance, contingent, coincidental, incidental)

1013 in the wake of ~의 뒤에, ~의 결과로(=following, after, at the back of, at the rear of)

1014 serve one’s turn ~의 소용에 닿다(=suit one’s purpose)

1015 in question [논의되고 있는]문제(=under consideration[discussion], at issue, being discussed)

1016 providential 천우신조로, 행운의(=fortunate, lucky, opportune, auspicious, propitious)

1017 cast down 기가 죽다(=be depressed), 의기소침한, 기가 죽은(=depressed, downcast, discourage)

1018 make one’s name 이름을 날리다(=succeed in life, get[win] oneself a name)

1019 undermine 서서히 악화시키다, 해치다(=destroy gradually, wear away, impair)

1020 the rank and file 하졸, 사병, 서민(=ordinary[common] people, the crowd, lower ranks)

1021 to boot 그 위에, 게다가, 덤으로(=in addition, into the bargain, furthermore, besides)

1022 ablaze 불타는, 밝게 빛나는(=radiant, lit up, alight, gleaming, brilliant, bright, shining)

1023 agitate [사람을]선동하다, [마음을]교란하다(=stir up, disturb, rustle, shake)

1024 boost 후원하다, 어주다(=promote, help, assist, aid, support, foster, advance)

1025 coalition 정치상의 연합, 연립, 제휴(=temporary union, alliance, partnership, affiliation)

1026 complacency 자아만족(=content, smugness, self-satisfaction, pride, triumph)

1027 be addicted to ~에 중독되다(=be[get] poisoned, get hooked)

1028 bring to right 폭로하다, 알리다(=make known[public], reveal, divulge, disclose, unveil)

1029 desert(=forsake) [사람]버리다, 돌보지 않다(=abandon, leave), [신념]버리다, 포기하다(=renounce, relinquish)

Vocabulary & Idioms 50th Day

1030 catch on which ~을 붙잡다, 인기를 얻다, 유행하다(=become popular, take off, become fashionable)

1031 hazardous 모험적인, 위험한(=dangerous, risky, jeopardous, precarious, perilous, insecure)

1032 imperative 절 필요한, 명령적인(=necessary, vital, crucial, essential, vitally important)

1033 nullify [법적으로]무효로 하다, 파기하다, 취소하다(=annul, rescind, invalid, repeal)

1034 of moment 중요한(=of importance)

1035 out of the blue 갑자기, 즉시(=all of sudden, immediately, unexpectedly, instantly)

1036 put heart and soul into training ~에 열중[몰두]하다(=train fervently)

1037 siblings 형제자매들(=brother and[or] sister)

1038 see eye to eye ~와 견해가 완전히 일치하다(=agree, concur, be of the same mind[opinion])

1039 turn down 거절하다(=reject, refuse, decline, dismiss, spurn, say no to, rebuff)

1040 weave [직물 등을]짜다, 뜨다(=cloth making, entwine, lace)

1041 work 일을 계속하다, ~에 효험이 있다(=improve)

1042 pivotal 중요한(=important, central, crucial, vital, essential, focal, key)

1043 cross one’s mind [우연히] 생각나다(=come into one’s thought)

1044 quietly 조용히, 고요히, 은 히(=secretly, covertly, furtively, stealthily, on the sly)

1045 process 진행, 경과, 과정(=procedure, course, method, way, approach, route)

1046 be in one’s shoes ~의 입장에 서다(=put myself in one’s position)

1047 hand out 나누어 주다(=distribute, give out, circulate, pass out, share out, deal out)

1048 in the nick of time 꼭 알맞은 때에(=just in time, eleventh-hour, last-minute)

1049 into the bargain 게다가, 뿐만 아니라(=as well, in addition, to boost, furthermore, besides)

1050 on the house 공짜로(=without no payment, free of charge, for nothing, free[ly], gratuitous, gratis)

Vocabulary & Idioms 51st Day

1051 remiss 태만한, 부주의한(=lax, negligent, slack, slipshod, neglectful, careless, heedless)

1052 phase out 점진적으로 폐지하다(=remove over time, eliminate[withdraw/replace] gradually)

1053 stick to ~에 달라붙다, ~을 고수하다(=attach to, adhere to, abide by, hold to, stand by)

1054 play it by ear 임기응변으로 처리하다(=fit the situation, ad lib, improvise, extemporize, speak impromptu)

1055 pull a long face 침울한 얼굴을 하다, 시무룩해지다(=look disappointed)

1056 put it on 허풍을 떨다, ~인체하다(=pretend, put on an act, make believe, play act, impersonate)

1057 pull one’s leg ~을 조롱하다, 괴롭히다(=tease, make fun of, chaff, rag, mock, laugh at, taunt)

1058 sporadic 산발적인, 때때로 일어나는(=infrequent, occasional, periodic, irregular)

1059 unsophisticated 소박한, 순진한(=naive, unworldly, simple, green, innocent, artless, basic)

1060 be good ~에 유익하다(=useful, helpful, advantageous, practical, of use)

1061 give in 굴복하다(=capitulate, admit[concede] defeat, give up, surrender, yield)

1062 give up 포기하다(=relinquish, discontinue, abandon, cease, renounce, hand over)

1063 call on 방문하다(=visit, pay a visit to, pay a call on, go and see, look in on)

1064 run over 충 훑어보다(=look through, look over, read through)

1065 to no purpose 헛된(=in vain, futile, useless, pointless, worthless, nugatory, ineffective)

1066 distinguish 구별하다(=know, differentiate, tell [apart], discern, see, perceive, make out)

1067 round up 모으다(=collect, assemble, gather together, herd together)

1068 let up 누설하다(=disclose, divulge, reveal, make known, blurt [out], let [out, slip, drop])

1069 turn out 생산하다, 입증되다(=prove[to be the case], transpire, emerge, come to light)

1070 illiterate 문맹의(=ignorant, uneducated, unknowledgeable, untaught, unable to read or write)

1071 bring up 기르다, 양육하다(=educate, train, instruct, rear, raise, care for, parent)

Vocabulary & Idioms 52nd Day

1072 come by 얻다(=obtain, get, acquire, gain, achieve, secure, procure, derive, earn)

1073 make out 이해하다(=understand, comprehend, apprehend, grasp, see, take in, perceive)

1074 put on 체중이 늘다(=gain, increase in, add on, pick up, build up)

1075 put over 성취하다(=achieve, attain, accomplish, fulfill, succeed in, manage)

1076 preside over ~의 사회를 보다, 임무를 맡다(=be in charge of, be responsible for, govern, administer)

1077 run on 운행하다(=operate, service)

1078 hold up 강탈하다(=rob, burgle, steal from, break into, mug, loot, plunder, rifle, sack)

1079 pull through 극복하다(=conquer, overcome, get better, recover, vanquish)

1080 hold up 지연시키다(=delay, detain, retard, postpone, slow down, put off, defer)

1081 stand up to ~에 항하여 싸우다(=quarrel, battle, fight, combat, contend, struggle)

1082 stick out 끝까지 견디다(=endure, bear, tolerate, undergo, go through, put up with)

1083 set aside 따로 정해두다(=save, put by[aside, away], put to one side, reserve, store)

1084 be taken aback 깜짝 놀라다(=surprise, astonish, amaze, nonplus, shock, startle, astound)

1085 run into 우연히 만나다(=come[run] across, meet[by chance], chance on, stumble on)

1086 pick out 고르다, 선택하다(=select, choose, hand-pick, single[sort] out, take, opt for)

1087 take over 인수받다(=undertake, take[gain] control of, assume responsibility for, gain)

1088 take up 배우다(=learn, grasp, master, acquire a knowledge of, gain an understanding of)

1089 fill out 완성하다, 채우다(=complete, fill in, fill up, answer)

1090 take pride in 자랑하다(=be proud of, pride oneself on, take satisfaction in, congratulate oneself on)

1091 call up 전화하다(=telephone, phone, ring up, get on the phone to, buzz)

1092 break off 중단하다(=stop, discontinue, put an end to, halt, cease, come to a standstill)

Vocabulary & Idioms 53rd Day

1093 die away 사라져가다(=faint, disappear, fade [away], fall away, dwindle, melt away)

1094 prescription 처방(=medicine, drug, medication, remedy, cure, dose, treatment, preparation)

1095 sue 고소하다(=accuse, charge, indict, litigate, take to court for, prosecute for)

1096 jot down 메모하다(=write down, note down, make a note of, take down, set down)

1097 break in 간섭하다, 끼어들다(=interfere with, interrupt, butt in, cut in, interject, interpose)

1098 out of season 제철이 아닌(=not easily available because it’s not the right time of year for them)

1099 keep back 감추다, 숨기다(=hide, conceal, secret, keep secret, put in a hiding place)

1100 fool around [빈둥빈둥 거리며]시간을 낭비하다(=waste time, squander, misspend)

1101 grace period 지불유예기간 cf. 지불유예(=postponement, a moratorium)

1102 sensible 분별 있는(=practical, rational, reasonable, realistic, responsible, logical)

1103 to the minute 분까지도 cf. minute[main(j)u:t] adj. 미소한(=little), 사소한, 하찮은, 세심한

1104 in person 몸소(=in yourself), 물질적, 실제적으로(=physically, personally, actually, in the flesh)

1105 use up 고갈되다(=drain, exhaust, deplete, consume, go[run] through, finish, expend)

1106 fractured 골절된, 쪼개지다(=split, cracked, broken, fissured, splintered, ruptured)

1107 exchange seats 자리를 바꾸다

1108 settle down 진정하다(=calm down, relax, quiet down, slow down, take it easy)

1109 short of money 가난한(=poor, impecunious, impoverished, penniless, indigent, insolvent)

1110 beat about the bush 간접적으로 언급하다, 얼버무리다(=prevaricate, vacillate, evade[dodge] the issue)

1111 the rank and file 보통 사람들(=the ordinary people, the common people, the man in the street)

1112 around the clock 24 시간 내내, 쉬지 않고(=day and night, continuous, constant, endless)

1113 to end 계속해서(=continuous, continual, continuing, constant, ongoing, endless)

Vocabulary & Idioms 54th Day

1114 on sbd’s advice ~의 충고로

1115 on the whole 일반적으로, 체로(=generally, normally, in general, widely, routinely)

1116 free of charge 무료로(=gratuitous, gratis, free[ly], without charge, for nothing)

1117 out of print 절판된(=no longer published[printed])

1118 by the way 그런데(=incidentally, by the by(e), in passing, en passant)

1119 make sense 이치에 닿다(=add up, seem right[sensible, plausible], fit, stand to reason)

1120 feel blue 우울하다(=sad, melancholy, melancholic, gloomy, sorrowful, desolate)

1121 blatantly 주제넘게, 뻔뻔스레(=impudent, assuming, impertinent, insolent, brazen, audacious)

1122 when it comes to ~ing ~하는 거라면, ~데 있어서는

1123 for lack of ~의 부족으로(=by lack of, from lack of, through lack of)

1124 leave out ~을 빠뜨리다, 생략하다(=miss out, omit, exclude, except, pass over)

1125 in my judgement 내 판단에 따르면(=in my opinion, to my mind, in my view, I think)

1126 on one’s own 자력으로(=unaided, unassisted, without help), 홀로(=alone, by oneself)

1127 sure enough 예상했던 로(=as be expected), 당연한(=naturally, not surprisingly, needless to say)

1128 up and running 잘 작동하는(=working well)

1129 bring sth home to sbd ~을 절실히 느끼게 하다(=make sbd realize[understand, aware of], drive home, press home)

1130 make for ~로 향해 가다, 나아가다(=head for, leave for, head towards, go towards)

1131 out of the reach of ~의 손이 닿지 않는

1132 play a role in ~에서 역할을 하다, 참가하다(=partake in, play a part in, be part of, participate in)

1133 blow out 펑크나다, 폭파하다(=burst, explode, split, rupture, crack, fly open, puncture)

1134 go over 복습하다, 다시 하다(=review, repeat, do again, rehearse, replicate, perform again)

Vocabulary & Idioms 55th Day

1135 help out 돕다(=assist, lend a hand to, give assistance to, aid, abet, be of use to)

1136 turn to 의지하다(=depend on, be dependent, rely on, lean on, place reliance on)

1137 set up 세우다, 설립하다(=establish, institute, initiate, found, start, begin, get going)

1138 set about 착수하다(=start, begin, go about, embark on, launch into, commence)

1139 take it for granted that 당연하게 받아들이다

1140 pull together 협력하다(=cooperate, collaborate, get[come, band] together, join [force], unite)

1141 fill out 완성하다, 가득 채우다(=complete, fill in[up], answer, write out)

1142 ambidextrous 능숙한(=skilful, skilled, experienced, talented, deft, dexterous), 양손을 다 쓰는

1143 tangible 유형의, 만질 수 있는(=touchable, real, material, concrete, palpable, physical)

1144 illegible 읽을 수 없는(=unreadable, hard to read, indecipherable, unintelligible, scribbled)

1145 abscond 몰래 도망치다(=run away, escape, flee, blot, clear out, make[run] off)

1146 admonish 훈계하다, 타이르다(=reprimand, rebuke, scold, reproach, advise, upbraid)

1147 attribute ~의 것이다, ~에 탓으로 하다(=ascribe, assign, impute, accredit, credit)

1148 malicious 악의가 있는(=spiteful, malevolent, mischievous, wicked, bad, nefarious)

1149 curtail 단축시키다(=cut short[down, back], shorten, reduce, break off, truncate)

1150 attribute ~의 탓으로 돌리다(=ascribe, impute, hold responsible for)

1151 cautious 신중한, 조심성 있는(=prudent, careful, wary, aware, alert, watchful)

1152 beneficiary 수혜자, 유산수령자(=heir, recipient, receiver, donee, legatee, grantee, devisee)

1153 contraband 수품(=smuggled goods, black marketeering, illegal imports)

1154 audible 들리는(=hearable, perceptible, detectable, capable of being heard)

1155 improvise 즉석에서 행하다(=extemporize, ad lib, speak impromptu)

Vocabulary & Idioms 56th Day

1156 counterfeit 모조품, 위조품(=fake, forgery, imitation, copy, reproduction, phony, sham, hoax)

1157 avocation 취미, 부업(=hobby, amateur interest) 놀이, 유희(=recreation, sideline, pastime)

1158 ridiculous 어리석은(=foolish, absurd, ludicrous, preposterous, silly, unreasonable)

1159 assignee 할당을 받은 사람(=heir, inheritor, legatee, beneficiary)

1160 adjourn 연기하다(=postpone, put off[back], delay, defer, hold over[off])

1161 derision 비웃음(=mockery, ridicule, lampoon, scorn, contempt, disdain)

1162 psychology 심리학 cf. physiology(생리학), gynecology(부인의학), biology(생물학)

1163 eulogy 찬사, 칭송(=praise, speech of praise, accolade, panegyric, encomium, testimonial)

1164 inherent 고유한, 타고난(=intrinsic, innate, inborn, built-in, inbuilt, natural)

1165 exorbitant 터무니없는, 엄청난(=extortionate, excessive, inordinate, ridiculous, immoderate)

1166 elucidate 상세하게 설명하다(=explain, make clear, clarify, explicate, expound)

1167 nonsensical 무의미한(=meaningless, worthless, pointless, futile, hollow, insignificant)

1168 posterity 후손(=descendant, successor, scion, offspring, progeny, offshoot, heir)

1169 obliterate 지우다, 삭제하다(=erase, delete, blot out, eliminate, eradicate, efface)

1170 transitory 일시적인(=temporary, impermanent, provisional, momentary, short-term)

1171 rebuke 비난하다, 나무라다(=reproach, reprimand, reprove, scold, chide, admonish)

1172 exploit 착취하다, 이용하다(=take advantage of, make use of, abuse, manipulate)

1173 decipher 해독하다, 판독하다(=decode, make out, interpret, translate, crack, solve)

1174 enumerate 열거하다(=list, catalog, itemize, detail, index, inventory)

1175 synonymous 동의어로, 동등한, 같은(=identical, equal, tantamount)

1176 homonym 동음이의어

Vocabulary & Idioms 57th Day

1177 prevail 유행하는(=prevalent, widespread, current, common, rife, popular, accepted)

1178 simultaneously 동시에(=at the same time, concurrently, in chorus, at once, all together)

1179 hypocrite 위선자(=sanctimonious person, humbug, pretender, deceiver, dissembler)

1180 occupant 점유자(=resident, tenant, owner, inhabitant, dweller, lodger)

1181 negligent 태만한, 부주의한(=remiss, careless, lax, inattentive, slack, slipshod, sloppy)

1182 slovenly 단정치 못한(=scruffy, untidy, unkempt, slatternly, shabby, messy)

1183 scrutinize 조사하다(=examine carefully, inspect, investigate, survey, scan, look into)

1184 insolent 무례한, 오만한(=impertinent, impudent, rude, impolite, audacious, cheeky)

1185 paradox 역설, 모순(=irony, contradiction, inconsistency)

1186 flush 상기하다, 얼굴을 붉히다(=blush, redden, turn[go] pink[red, crimson, scarlet])

1187 phlegmatic 무감각한, 냉담한(=self-controlled, uninterested, calm, cool, indifferent, impassive)

1188 garrulous 수다스러운(=talkative, loquacious, voluble, verbose, chatty, babbling)

1189 capricious 변덕스러운(=fickle, changeable, impulsive, whimsical, erratic, variable)

1190 encompass 에워싸다(=surround, enclose, encircle, cover, ring, circumscribe, gird)

1191 jaunt 소풍(=trip, pleasure trip, outing, excursion, expedition, journey, voyage)

1192 defalcation 횡령[액](=usurpation, seizure, dispossession, assumption, embezzlement)

1193 culprit 범인(=criminal, offender, convict, lawbreaker, villain, malefactor, delinquent)

1194 beginner 초보자(=novice, starter, learner, newcomer, inexperienced person)

1195 consent 동의, 승낙(=agreement, assent, concurrence, accord, consensus, concord)

1196 incoherent 일관성이 없는, 비논리적인(=unclear, confused, unintelligible)

1197 conform 따르다(=comply with, obey, observe, follow, be conventional, be traditional)

Vocabulary & Idioms 58th Day

1198 stale 싱싱치 못한, 상한(=un-fresh, decayed, sour, dry, dried out, hard, old)

1199 a lullaby 자장가(=a nursery song, a cradle song, soothing[gentle, quiet] song)

1200 reluctantly 꺼리끼게, 달갑지 않게(=unwillingly, loathly, hesitantly, grudgingly)

1201 convert 전환하다, 바꾸다(=change, turn, transform, alter, revise, modify, reform)

1202 accumulate 축적하다, 모으다(=gather, collect, assemble, amass, get together, garner)

1203 negotiation 협상(=working out, arrangement, discussion, talks, consultation, settlement)

1204 fine 벌금(=penalty, punishment, forfeit, forfeiture, sanction, fee, charge, penance)

1205 ten to one 십중팔구(=in nine cases out of ten, most likely, in all probability, probably)

1206 touch upon [어떤 화제에 해] 잠깐 언급하다(=refer to, mention, comment on, remark on)

1207 do A good[harm] A 에게 이익[해]이 되다(=do good[harm] to A)

1208 show off [실력, 학식 등을]자랑해 보이다(=make a vain display of, boast, brag, crow)

1209 yawn 하품하다(=gape)

1210 compulsory 강제적인, 필수의(=obligatory, mandatory, imperative, enforced, prescribed)

1211 in token of ~의 표시[증거]로서(=token, sign, mark, manifestation, memento, symbol, reminder, emblem)

1212 turnover 거래액, [상품(자금)의] 회전(율)(=rate of replacement, coming and going, revenue)

1213 automation [기계, 조직의]자동화, 자동조작[제어](=mechanization, computerization)

1214 treasurer 회계원, 출납원

1215 worship 숭배하다, 예찬하다(=revere, venerate, adulate, reverence, idolize, honor)

1216 flexible 구부러지기 쉬운, 유연한(=pliable, pliant, limber, supple, lithe, elastic, bendable)

1217 excluded 제외된, 소외된(=alienated, estranged, separated, divided)

1218 and the like 기타 등등(=and so on, and so forth, and the rest, etcetera, and [all]that)

Vocabulary & Idioms 59th Day

1219 as usual 평소와 다름없이, 일상 적인(=typically, normally, routinely, naturally)

1220 Memorial Day 현충일, 전몰 장병 기념일(=Decoration Day, Remembrance Sunday, Veterans Day)

1221 dress 옷을 입다, 정장하다(=clothe, attire, grab, fit out, turn out, deck [out], costume)

1222 extravagant 낭비하는, 사치스러운(=lavish, sumptuous, luxurious, gorgeous)

1223 telescope 망원경(=spyglass, glass, scope)

1224 lung 폐, 허파

1225 diet 음식물, 식이요법(=dietary regime[regimen], restricted diet, crash diet)

1226 fertile 비옥한, 풍작의(=fecund, prolific, fruitful, productive, fructuous)

1227 turn down [라디오의]소리를 줄이다, [가스, 불꽃을]줄이다(=reduce, lower, decrease, lessen)

1228 epidemic 유행병, 전염병(=plague, contagion), 유행의, 널리퍼진(=prevalent, rife, widespread)

1229 corn 티눈, 물집, 못 cf. 옥수수, 곡물

1230 How come? 왜?(=why)

1231 be successful in 계승하다(=succeed to)

1232 i.e. (id est) 즉, 다시 말해서(=that is)

1233 all for the bad 전적으로 나쁜

1234 apparent 명백한, 외관상의, 겉보기의(=unequivocal, clear, evident, obvious, noticeable)

Vocabulary & Idioms 60th Day

1235 commotion 소동, 동요, 폭동(=disturbance, uproar, stir, fuss, turmoil, upheaval, disorder)

1236 hang up 전화를 끊다, ~을 걸다[매달다], ~을 지체시키다, 시간을 끌게 하다

1237 transcript 사본(=carbon, copy, written version) ↔ original(원본, 원작, 원형)

1238 dismiss 해고하다(=sack, fire, discharge, lay off, release) ↔ employ(고용하다)

1239 temporal 일시적인 ↔ 영구적인(=permanent, abiding, long-term, lasting, continuing)

1240 biography 전기, 일 기(=life story, life history, story of your life, memoir)

1241 privilege 특권, 특혜(=advantage, right, benefit, opportunity, concession, dispensation)

1242 eccentric 이상한, 괴상한(=abnormal, extraordinary, offbeat, uncommon, irregular, odd)

1243 horn [소, 양, 무소 등의]뿔, 호른[관악기]

1244 monk 수도사, 성직자(=priest, cleric, preacher, vicar, rector, parson, reverend, nun)

1245 doubt 의심, 의혹(=distrust, skepticism, unbelief, suspicion, misgiving, qualm)

1246 editor 편집자

1247 optimist 낙천가, 이상주의자(=idealist, romanticist, utopian, wishful thinker)

1248 famous 유명한, 잘 알려진(=well-known, celebrated, eminent, renowned)

1249 homonym 동음이의어

1250 terms 용어(=conditions, stipulations), 말(=word, language, mode of expression)

- The End - Edited by 辛구급