Ch 6 Lecture Slides


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  • 8/12/2019 Ch 6 Lecture Slides


    Copyright 2013 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for

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    Chapter 6

    The Operational


  • 8/12/2019 Ch 6 Lecture Slides


    Copyright 2013 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for

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    The operational amplifier oropamp for short,

    finds daily usage in a large variety of

    electronic applications.

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    Copyright 2013 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for

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    op amps have three principal terminals:

    the outputthe non-inverting input



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    Ideal Op Amp Rules

    No current ever flows into either

    input terminal. There is no voltage difference

    between the two input terminals.

    The op amp actsto make this


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    reproduction or display. 4

  • 8/12/2019 Ch 6 Lecture Slides


    Apply KVL, Ohms

    law, and the ideal op

    amp rules to find

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    vout Rf


    v in

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    Example: vin(t)=5sin3tmV,Rf=47 k,R1=4.7 k

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    (t) = -50sin3tmV

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    Copyright 2013 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required forreproduction or display. 7

    vout 1Rf


    v in

    To solve, use KVL, KCL,and op amp rules.

    Suggested circuit variables to

    perform the circuit analysis

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    Example: vin(t)=5sin3tmV,Rf=47 k,R1=4.7 k

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    (t) = 55sin3tmV

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    vout(t) =vin(t)

    this design allows connection of apractical voltage source to a load without

    experiencing voltage droop!Copyright 2013 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required forreproduction or display. 9

  • 8/12/2019 Ch 6 Lecture Slides


    Copyright 2013 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required forreproduction or display. 10

    vout Rf

    R(v1 v2 v3)

    This amplifier performs the operationof adding.

    It also introduces a gain ofRf/R

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    Copyright 2013 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required forreproduction or display. 11






    (v1 v

    2) This voltage is notaffected by thecircuit on the right.

    Op amps can be combined in stages to create the

    desired relationship between the outputs and the inputs.

  • 8/12/2019 Ch 6 Lecture Slides


    Zener diode: i=0 if v

  • 8/12/2019 Ch 6 Lecture Slides


    With a reference voltage source Vref, we candrive a constant currentIs=Vref/ Rrefthrough

    any loadRL.

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  • 8/12/2019 Ch 6 Lecture Slides


    The op amp can be modeled as a dependent

    voltage source, with the following components

    as shown: input resistanceRi output resistanceRo open loop gainA

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    Rf=47 k,

    R1=4.7 k

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    For a 741op amp (A=200,000, Ri=2M, Ro=75

    vout(t) = -49.997 sin 3t mV.

    An ideal op amp produces vout(t) = -50 sin 3t mV.[Analyze the detailed op amp model using nodal analysis.]

  • 8/12/2019 Ch 6 Lecture Slides


    When A=,Ro=0 , and Ri= , the op amp

    behaves according to the ideal op amp rules.

    (vd=0 and iin=0)

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  • 8/12/2019 Ch 6 Lecture Slides


    Whenv1= v2= vCM, the output should be zero,

    but real op amps produce a small common

    mode voltage voCM. ACM=| voCM / vCM |

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  • 8/12/2019 Ch 6 Lecture Slides


    The enormous but unpredictable gain of the op amp is made

    usable through negative feedback.

    When vingoes up, vdgoes down, and the op amp reacts by

    lowering voutuntil the unwanted non-zero vdis pushed backto zero.

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    this feedback

    resistor allows the

    output to affect the

    input terminal.

  • 8/12/2019 Ch 6 Lecture Slides


    An op amp requires power supplies.

    Usually, equal and opposite

    voltages are connect to the V+


    Typical values are 5 to 24 volts.

    The power supply ground must be

    the same as the signal ground.

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    in this example +18V is connected to V+

    and -18 V is connected to V-

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    vout=10vin,but only up to the18 V supplies

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    Non-zero output offsets can be removed:

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    Slew rate is the maximum V/s for output.

    examples: input (green) and output (red)

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  • 8/12/2019 Ch 6 Lecture Slides


    Op amps in open loop can be used to make

    decisions. In this case, is vin>2.5 V?

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  • 8/12/2019 Ch 6 Lecture Slides


    Design a circuit that provides a logic 1 5 V output if a

    certain voltage signal drops below 3 V, and zero volts



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  • 8/12/2019 Ch 6 Lecture Slides


    This device allows precise amplification of

    small voltage differences:


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