EDEL453 Spring2013 GregWINIEWICZ Unit 4 LESSON 1 History Day 5


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  • 7/30/2019 EDEL453 Spring2013 GregWINIEWICZ Unit 4 LESSON 1 History Day 5


    Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2013 Karen Powell- Instructor page 1


    Unit Plan #4: Peoples of the East Submitted By: Gregory Winiewicz

    EDEL 453: Teaching Elementary School Social Science

    Nevada State College Spring 2013

    Instructor: Karen Powell

  • 7/30/2019 EDEL453 Spring2013 GregWINIEWICZ Unit 4 LESSON 1 History Day 5


    Title of Unit: The First Americans

    Title of Lesson: People of the East Submitted By: Greg Winiewicz

    Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2013 Karen Powell- Instructor page 2

    A. Summary of the Lesson Plan :This social studies lesson is designed for 5th grade students to learn about the American

    Indians in the Eastern Woodlands and how some of their nations united and workedtogether. This lesson uses the 5 th grade Houghton Mifflin Social Studi es textbook, UnitedStates History . (Pages 68-71)

    B. Target Population: Grade Level: 5 th Grade Skill Level: Students at all learning levels Grouping: whole group reading & discussions, independent for activity and assessment

    C. Materials: D. Vocabulary & Study Guide (Unit Resources pg. 71)- 30 copiesE. Reteach Mini lesson (Graphic Organizer pg. 71)-30 copiesF. Houghton Mifflin 5th grade social studies book: United States History (68-71)G. Paper and pencils

    H. Objectives: NV State Social Studies Standards

    H1.5.2 Identify and describe the attributes of Native American nations in the

    local region and North America . H1.5.4 Identify the contributions of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africansto North American beliefs and traditions.

    Student-Friendly Standards H1.5.4 Students will identify positive Native Americans shared with one another

    and came together to form a large confederation (groups joining together)

    I. Procedure: Refer to notes on TE 68- Get Set to Read.

    Explain the attached Study Guide students will complete as we read. Call students attention to the map on pg. 69 showing the Eastern cultural

    Woodland Indians. The Great Lakes made traveling and trading easy for theWoodland Indians.

    Discuss how when you team up with other people, you can do more than whenyou work alone.

    Introduce vocabulary (longhouse, confederation, wampum, barter)

    As a class, read pg. 68-71 together, stopping to ask questions as indicated in themargins of TE (pg. 69,70)

  • 7/30/2019 EDEL453 Spring2013 GregWINIEWICZ Unit 4 LESSON 1 History Day 5


    Title of Unit: The First Americans

    Title of Lesson: People of the East Submitted By: Greg Winiewicz

    Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2013 Karen Powell- Instructor page 3

    Students should take notes and record information on their Study Guide while we read;they can continue working on their Study Guide when we complete reading the

    selection. Ask questions listed in the margins of the TE as an ongoing check for understanding.

    (TE69) Where were the Eastern Woodlands? (TE69) What types of resources were found in the Eastern Woodlands? (TE 69) In what ways did homes in the Southern Woodlands differ from homes

    in the Northern Woodlands? (TE 70) What type of government did the Haudenosaunee form? (TE 70) How were decisions reached at League meetings? (TE70) Where do some Haudenosaunee live today?

    Discuss with your group-Critical Thinking. Decision Making-The Haudenosaunee tribesshared a common language. Why would this make it easier for their confederacy?

    CLOSURE: Discuss the state ments on Review/Assess (TE 71 )

    J. Assessment: What will you use to measure student understanding?

    Students will write a short essay explaining how the some of the nations united andworked together. Include how working in teams makes a project easier to complete.

    Explain how you will know students understand the concepts from the lesson. I will have the students complete the lesson review with a partner. (TE71)

    K. Reflection:

    1. Which part of the lesson do you think will be the easiest for you to teach?

    I think the easiest part of this lesson to teach will be teaching about the People ogthe East and the rich land and opportunities.

    2. Which part will be most challenging for you to teach?

    The most challenging part will be discussing how all these nations joined together toform the Haudenosaunee. They were often fighting each other which made themweak. When the five nations made peace and each had a chief.

    3. How will you follow up or extend this lesson? I would have the students research the different tribes that united.

    4. What will you do for stude nts who dont grasp the concepts ?

  • 7/30/2019 EDEL453 Spring2013 GregWINIEWICZ Unit 4 LESSON 1 History Day 5


    Title of Unit: The First Americans

    Title of Lesson: People of the East Submitted By: Greg Winiewicz

    Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2013 Karen Powell- Instructor page 4

    For the students who are having a difficult time with the concepts, we will work in asmall group at my back table and discuss the important parts of the lesson.

    5. Which part of the lesson, if any, do you think might need to change?I do not think I would change anything.

    6. When you were writing this lesson plan, what was the most difficult part?

    The most difficult part of writing the lesson was making sure the students wouldunderstand the many concepts taught in this lesson.

