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!1(@lb 1J1rackuille walts~~~ ?- \ ~~ {::: ~ l

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~~~ Frackville had severeil restaurants each week and unloaded at the freight:.:- located here in the good old days. station. The men "drove" the cattle down

;::.!:~.·f.~.. by~~~~uB~:~~:b:; 2~h~o~~~t~~h~~~:~~~~ tLheeh~~:u~~~:~eh~n~~e~hecattle yards behind. Lehrman's Mens Store is now located. It :::

.'. was . later owned .by Oscar. Wagner and The steers were pulled in by a "Steam ~~~:;;:' after him, the Splendid Restaurant owned tugger" machine, knocked unconscious by::::~: by Peter Classen. a blow on the forehead and "sticked". ~:~

,.~.:.:•.•:.::.•••;:.: (Their throats were slit and bled.) .:~.::Bill Davis' restaurant was on the site of

They were then "dressed" and hung in ~~~:the present Hoffman Gas Station and Harry .the ice refrigerator. These were small ::~:

:.: Walsh's restaurant was located on the site walk in rooms, packed with ice to keep the :.~:.:.:. of Sophie's Jewel ry Store.~.~~.: meat cold but not frozen. :.:~..:.::.,

Elias Nahas' restaurant at 38 South~~~Lehigh Avenue was later dismantled and No meat was bought frozen as it is today. ~~~:~~fScharadin's Pharmacy was built here. The ice kept the meat only cold enough to ::::.', The Hazle Maid at 15 South Lehigh keep from spoiling .

.~.;:.~Avenue was in existence for many years. Another slau.ghter house was owned by

The Meyer Apparel Shop is on this site. Frank Deitrich, at 504South Lehigh Avenue~~~ where Mike Roman resides.•-, The Altamont Restaurant at Altamont:~: Boulevard was another restaurant They were famous for home made::: sausage" bologna, pudding and, minced

•~"':~.;.remem bered by many townspeople. ham.'

Lil Shadel's 31 South Lehigh Avenue The butcher wagons were equipped with~:~ where Andrew Bender's Store is located hooks on which the meat was hung and a

':.:~.:.:was a favorites of manh

y hPeAoPleas was chopping block, where the meat was cutSwade's at 48 outh Le ig venue. right off the steer as you wanted it. No meat

::: Did you know that Frackville had several was packaged as it is today.::: slaughter houses? b h S t hl .'.~::".~:'Wagner's at 16West Spring Street is still No ute ering was done on a urday-t IS ~:~.~::.

was delivery day and Mr. Deitrich, Sr.,.'. remembered by the older residents. drove his butcher wagon in town, Mr. Boeh- ~~~

••':;'::.:.::~Brothers Carl, Gus and Willie wagnher mer delivered down the valley and Frank :~:

were fhe owners and Bill Orth drove t e Deitrich conducted the butcher shop at 14 :.:. butcher wagon and delivered in Frackville South Lehigh Avenue where the Home ~~~

.~~~,and Lewis Seltzer delivered to Mahanoy Savings and Loan Association is located. :'~..::.:'~':'::'~':':.:.'. Plane. Sam Barrett was the butcher and A steer's horn or a large seashell was~:.'.;~:Al?by Wagner worked in the butcher, shop. . used as a "butcher horn" wh ich the driver

The cattle were brought in by cattle car' blew as he approached each house.

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Milk wagons, baker wagons, farm huckster wagons and butcher wagons werefamiliar sights on the streets of Frackville in the good old days. This photo showsCarl Wagner with his butcher wagon in front of 127 South Balliet street, theresidence of Mrs. Elmer Sanner.


Remember Wagner's butcher wagon?
