iPS Cells 0³0í0Êy> - コロナ社...cells exist in humans as well, serving to replace damaged...


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ii   Preface




ることはできない。これは生物学においてもしかり4 4 4


各章の Exercisesでは,単純に知見を英語で理解するだけではなく,知見の社







著 者 






Chapter 1 Discovery of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

(iPS Cells) 1

Chapter 2 Extermination of Malaria 11

Chapter 3 New Types of Influenza: Fear of Pandemics 20

Chapter 4 The Science of Seeing:

A Perspective from the World of Neuroscience 31

Chapter 5 Did You Sleep Well?:

The Increasing Severity of Sleep Disorders 40

Chapter 6 Japan’s National Disease: Hay Fever 52

Chapter 7 Will Biomass Save the World? 65

Chapter 8 An Uninvited Guest:

Echizen Kurage (Nomura’s Jellyfish) 76

Chapter 9 And Then There Were No Bees 90

Chapter 10 The Avian Ark: Save Our Endangered Species! 100

Chapter 11 Battling by Deception:

The Wondrous Mimicry of Creatures 117

Chapter 12 What the Medaka (Oryzias latipes) Genome

Tells Us? 129

Answers to Exercises 141

Index 155





Chapter 1Discovery of Induced Pluripotent

Stem Cells (iPS Cells)

Many of you have probably learned about planarians in a biology

class. A planarian is an aquatic organism about 1 cm long that lives in

cold water. Interestingly as in Figure 1, if you cut a planarian into

four equal parts, the parts will regenerate to produce four planarians!

In other organisms too, such as lizards or newts, regeneration occurs

at areas where they have been cut. Even in humans, if you scratch

your hand, the bleeding eventually stops and the scratched area

slowly regenerates back to its original form. Among cells, the birth of

these new cells results from the action of stem cells.

Stem cells are present in a variety of organisms. In a planarian,

stem cells aggregate at wound openings and repair begins, after which

a planarian completely identical to the original one is formed. Stem

cells exist in humans as well, serving to replace damaged or aged cells

or to newly replenish cells lost as a result of disease or injury. The only

difference between stem cells in humans and those in planarians is

that although human stem cells can regenerate, they are limited to

producing only certain types of cells. Although a simple hand skin

injury can be repaired, the restoration of large and complex parts such

as whole arms and legs is impossible. These cells are known as adult

stem cells.

In contrast to these adult stem cells, artificially created stem

cells have also emerged on the scene. These cells, unlike adult stem

cells, can turn into all manner of cell types. In 2006, a cohort of

Japanese researchers generated the world’s first iPS cells (induced

pluripotent stem cells) from mice. These iPS cells, which were





2  Chapter 1 Discovery of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPS Cells)


Planarian Newt







Adding 4factors

Human body

Regenerationin human


Removing skin cells


iPS cells

NeuronCardio myocyte

HepatocytePancreatic cells

Figure 1 An idea for creating iPS cell production.





Chapter 1 Discovery of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPS Cells)  3

cultured from skin cells (fibroblasts) in mice, differentiated into

cardiac muscle cells that beat in cell clusters. Two years later, the

same technique was applied to cells obtained from human skin. News

of this raced around the world in a flash.

These iPS stem cells differed greatly from the embryonic stem

cells (ES cells) that had been used up until that time. Because

fertilized eggs are not used to create iPS cells, the ethical barriers to

their use are very low. In addition, immunological rejection is assumed

not to occur because an individual’s (the patient’s own) skin cells are


A major catalyst for the discovery of iPS cells was the birth of

Dolly the sheep in 1996. The nucleus taken from a mature udder cell

of a sheep was inserted into an egg whose nuclei had been removed.

When this egg was placed into the uterus of a different sheep, the

newborn was completely identical to Dolly’s genetic mother. This

mysterious art produces what is known as a cloned embryo. This

technique spectacularly overturned the conventional view until then

that in mammals, cells that had differentiated would never rewind

(become initialized). Four years later, in 2000, ES cells were produced.

A lizard’s tail regenerates beautifully even if it is cut off. A

newt’s arm regenerates not only skin tissue but also bone when it is

severed. Furthermore, as for planarians, they regenerate even after

being cut into small pieces. In contrast, in mammals, starting from the

time the egg is fertilized, cells become increasingly differentiated,

finally turning into different organs, and it was thought that going in

reverse was impossible; that is, that cells, once differentiated, could

not possibly return to the initial egg cell, and that the process was a

one-way street (irreversible). Nonetheless, the birth of Dolly and the

production of ES cells demonstrated that this process could be

rewound. Thus, the path toward the birth of iPS cells had begun.





4  Chapter 1 Discovery of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPS Cells)

The method of producing iPS cells is surprisingly simple. It is

said that anyone with experience in basic genetic manipulation

techniques and culturing may be able to produce them. However, it is

taking time for this method to become established. Particularly

important aspects are the genes that need to be introduced into non-

pluripotent cells to force them to become iPS cells. Studies on ES cells

thus far provided numerous hints, and the to-be-introduced genes

were ultimately narrowed down to four (the Yamanaka factors) : those that 1) build the body, 2) play a key role in expression, 3) play

an important role during regeneration, and 4) control transcription.

Each of these genes is introduced into the cell via a retrovirus. Genes

for 3) can carry a risk of causing cancer, but these can now be avoided.

Although the method of using retroviruses to introduce genes

has great advantages, some genes cause adverse effects on the body,

particularly in gene therapy. Hence, methods to directly produce iPS

cells without the insertion of genes are also being explored.

The most innovative aspect of iPS cells is that they can be used

for transplants and regenerative medicine. Given that iPS cells are

cultured from the patient ’s own skin, there is unlikely to be

immunological rejection. Currently, ideas such as preparing pools of

cells according to the type of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) are

being considered so that they can be used immediately when needed.

These iPS cells could be applied to the treatment of various diseases.

In mice, researchers have succeeded in producing blood stem cells

from iPS cells and applying them to the treatment of sickle-cell

anemia. There are also reports that transplanting neural stem cells

derived from iPS cells into mice artificially given spinal injuries

Notes:retrovirus「レトロウイルス」,human leukocyte antigen (HLA)「ヒト白血球抗原」

sickle-cell anemia「鎌型赤血球症」





Chapter 1 Discovery of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPS Cells)  5

reduced the symptoms by 20 %. iPS cells, which are capable of

becoming various tissues, are being considered for practical use in the

treatment of diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, muscular dystrophy,

myocardial infarction, and diabetes, and positive outcomes of such

work have been confirmed. Research is being advanced at core

universities in Japan, beginning with experimental animals such as

mice and working toward eventual application in humans.

Conversely, iPS cells can also help reveal the causes of various

diseases. By producing stem cells from the cells of diseased patients, it

will become possible to study how and why diseases occur when they

do. Until now, tissues have been directly taken from diseased patients

and cultured; but such cells hardly ever proliferate, and this is also a

great burden for the patients. However, by using iPS cells derived

from the cells of diseased patients, we are about to understand how

pathogenesis occurs. For example, the increasingly rapid cell loss that

occurs in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) has been revealed

visually as well.

iPS cells are also expected to bring about ground-breaking

progress in drug research. In the past, candidate drugs were first

screened in experimental animals such as mice, monkeys, or pigs and

their effects were then tested by experimentally administering them

to humans. However, a drug that was highly effective in animal

experiments might show a reduced effect, a rejection response, or

toxicity when administered to people. An enormous amount of time

and effort is considered necessary in order to discover just one drug in

the conventional way; however, if iPS cells are used, animal

experiments will become unnecessary. By transforming the cells into

Notes:Parkinson’s disease「パーキンソンン病」

muscular dystrophy「筋ジストロフィー」,myocardial infarction「心筋梗塞」

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)「筋萎縮性側索硬化症」





6  Chapter 1 Discovery of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPS Cells)

the desired tissue, the effects and toxicity of a drug can be confirmed.

Looking ahead, the day we can culture iPS cells in three

dimensions and replace organs that have weakened or stopped

functioning is not so far off. And though efforts to create human

organs in the bodies of pigs have begun, there are many more

problems that yet remain. To this end, there are many remaining

challenges to be addressed concerning research on stem cells

(including iPS cells), such as the consideration of ethical issues,

establishment of systems and guidelines, financial support, and the

understanding of the patients and general public.


1. Books 1) 山中伸弥,畑中正一:iPS細胞ができた! ひろがる人類の夢(集英社文庫)(2008),ISBN978-4-08-781395-1

2) 山中伸弥,中内啓光 編:再生医療へ進む最先端の幹細胞研究,実験医学増刊26-5,羊土社(2008),ISBN978-4-758-10289-6

3) 田中幹人:iPS細胞 ヒトはどこまで再生できるか?,日本実業出版社(2008),ISBN978-4-534-04384-9

4) 升井伸治:SUPERサイエンス iPS細胞が再生医療の扉を開く,シーアンドアール研究所(2009),ISBN978-4-86354-039-2

5) 山中伸弥:iPS細胞の産業的応用技術,シーエムシー(2009),ISBN 978-4-7813-0122-8

6) 中辻憲夫ほか監,梅澤明弘ほか編:再生医療の最前線 2010-ES・iPS・組織幹細胞の特性の理解と分化誘導,創薬・臨床応用に向けた品質管理,安全の基盤技術(実験医学増刊 Vol. 28-2).羊土社(2010),ISBN978-4-7581-0304-6

7) 杉本正信,帯刀益夫:細胞寿命を乗り越える ES細胞・iPS細胞,その先へ,(岩波科学ライブラリー 164),(2009),ISBN 978-4-00-029564-2

8) 阿形清和,中内啓光,山中伸弥,岡野栄之,大和雅之:再生医療生物学(現代生物科学入門 第 7巻).岩波書店(2009),ISBN978-4-00-006967-0

2. Journal 1) K. Takahashi, K. Tanabe, M. Ohnuki, M. Narita, T. Ichisaka, K. Tomoda and S.





【 A 】abdomen 129abdominal 46, 106abduction 92abortive 104acaricide 92acceleration 70acclimatize 56, 103accompanied by 65acquire 92acquisition 31act 42adhere 129administer 5aerial photograph 70affliction 46African clawed frog 129aggregate 1, 84ailment 46alien 92alight 14allele 55allergic 52allergic rhinitis 52Alzheimer’s disease 60ameliorate 56amid 122Amorphophallus

titanum 123amphibian 129Amur River basin 103amyotrophic lateral

sclerosis(ALS) 5analyze 93ancient 20Anopheles 11

antagonist 56antibacterial 84antibiotic 20antigen-antibody

reaction 54antioxidant 90anxiety 47apnea 46apoptosis 123appetite 53aqueous 133Arabidopsis thaliana 129arginine 25ark 100arrhythmia 46arthritis 85arthropod 92artificial 1asexual generation 77asexual reproduction 11Aspergillus oryzae 129assimilation 117asthma 52astounding 80atopic dermatitis 54atopic disposition 55Aurelia 77Australian hammer

orchid 118automobile 66autonomic 55autonomous 77autopsy 104avian 20awake 40

【 B 】backdrop 129banned 106bear 90beekeeper 90bind 55biodegradable 68bioluminescent 76biotope 105Biston betularia 121bitten 11black scraper 83blank amazement 58bleed 1bless 65blindness 31blink 84blocker 56bloodstream 11bolas spider 123bottleneck 84bountiful 83bout 44brackish water 129brain 24branch 117breakneck 24brink 100bronchitis 53brood cell 92brook 129bug monger 118built-in 92bumper crop 83burn 65






156 Index

【 C 】camouflage 117captivity 100capture 54, 76carbon dioxide 65carcass 102carcinogenicity 59cardiac muscle 3carnivorou 103cascade 134casualty 21cat-and-mouse 92catalyst 3cataplexy 44cataract 31cedar 52cell culture 58cerebrospinal fluid 45Cervus nippon 110Cervus nippon yesoensis 110characteristics 92checkup 47cholera 20chromosome 130chrysalis 120Chrysanthemum

cinerariaefolium 14cichlid 133Ciconia boyciana 103cilia 77circulate 11, 23circulation 56classify 22clinical trial 13clone 3clue 134cluster 3coal 65coastline 80collagen 84collapse 70Cololabis saira 84colony 93combination 23

comfortable 40commercialization 68common mormon

butterfly 120common rose butterfly 118conclude 93concomitant 94confer 68congregating 118conjunctivitis 52connection 35conservationist 102consistent 56constitutive 31contamination 80contemplat 82continuous positive

airway pressure 47contribute 67Convention on Biological

Diversity 100convert 68copulate 92corneal opacity 31corpse 104cough 24, 52countenance 129countermeasure 13countless 94crane 103create 1creature 132crisis 111cross-fertilization 90crucial 70crucian carp 103crush 66cryptic 121culprit 93culture 5current 79cytokine 56

【 D 】dawn 15

debate 15deceive 118deception 117deceptive 122decipher 93deciphering 134decisive 94decline 20, 31, 100decompose 68decoy 106defect 32deforestation 70, 104deform 32degeneration 31depressive 46dermatitis 53description 25desensitization 56designate 23detrimental 35devise 82DHA 84diabete 5diabetic retinopathy 31diagnose 46diarrhea 24, 53dichromatic 132dietary supplement 84differentiate 3dimension 33Diomedea albatrus 106disappear 68discard 35discover 22disease 1disorder 40dispose of 68disruption 44distinguish 33docosahexaenoic acid 84dominant 55donate 32dorsal 129dragonfly 105Drakaea spp. 118





Index 157

drastically 100drift 23, 52drug 5duress 95dysfunction 24

【 E 】earthquake 107ecdysteroid 123eclosion 105ecosystem 70edible 58eelgrass 82efficacy 15, 20eicosapentaenoic acid 84elderly 22eliminate 105embankment 79embryo 130embryonic 3embryonic stem 35emergence 22, 70emit 76, 124emulate 117encephalopathy 24endangered 100endocrine 132endow 32engage 35enthusiasm 102envelope 23EPA 84epidemic 22episode 46equator 106eradicate 15, 92erroneous 41eruption 108ES 35estimate 22estrogen 130estuary 79eternal 25etymology 65European honeybee 90

eutrophication 79, 82examination 44exceed 54excel 118exert 107expansion 24expel 92explode 65extermination 11extinction 100eyebrow 33eyespot 120

【 F 】facilitate 45fact 22fate 25feature 42feral 109ferment 66fertilize 3, 77, 130fertilizer 85fibroblast 3filefish 83fluctuation 66, 133foraging 102foreign currency 66fossil 65fossilize 65fragment 123friction 83fruit fly 129function 31fusion 24

【 G 】Gallirallus okinawae 109gametocyte 11garner 65gastrointestinal 24, 53gene 23, 55gene expression 121genetic 3, 55genetic duplication 133

genetically modified organisms 76

genital primordium 130genome 129germ cell 130glaucoma 31global warming 65globule 123glycoprotein 84gonadal somatic cell 130gorge 92grasshopper 117greenhouse 14greenhouse effect 65

【 H 】HA 23Haliaeetus pelagicus 110halt 93hatch 92hatchling 104haul 81hay fever 52hazard 124hemagglutinin 23hemisphere 90hepatocyte 11hesitate 118hibernate 129histamine 56hive 92HLA 44, 55Hokkaido sika deer 110holometabolism 120hospitable 80hoverfly 118human leukocyte

antigen 44, 55human leukocyte antigen (HLA) 4

humorous 129Hyla japonica 105Hymenopus coronatus 122hypertension 46hypopnea 46





158 Index

hyposensitization 59

【 I 】identical 3identity 23immeasurable 81, 103immense 76immunity 22immunoglobulin E 55immunological rejection 3impaire 31implant 31implement 100implementation 58implication 133imply 42incidence 52incurable 20indicator 47indigenous 107indigestion 108indispensable 76induced pluripotent stem (iPS)cell 35

industrial melanism 121infant 13infect 11infection 55infertile 104infiltrate 103inflammation 53influenza 20ingenious 82ingest 11, 42ingredient 14inhabit 106inhalation 56inhale 55inherit 55inhibitor 56injury 1innocuous 14insect-pollinated 53, 90insect-repelling 14insecticide 14, 93

insert 23insertion 4insomnia 53instar 120internal 22International Union for

Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 106

intertwine 58intimately 80invade 81invisible 32iPS cell 1ironically 100irritability 53ischemic heart disease 46itchiness 52itchy eyes 52

【 J 】Japanese brown frog 105Japanese crested ibis 100Japanese cypress 55Japanese deer 110Japanese monkey 110Japanese tree frog 105jawbone 46jellyfish 76juvenile 120

【 L 】lagopus muta 109land reform 104landslide 107larvae 77layperson 130lays eggs 77lens 31leopard frog 105liberate 20lichen 121lifespan 129limelight 76lineage 133liquid nitrogen 93

lizard 1longitudinally 134lure 123

【M】Macaca fuscata 110macroalgae 82macular 31male sterile 58malfunction 83mammal 132manipulate 15manipulation 4mankind 65marsh 104marten 103masculinized 132massive 79Mastophora 123mature 3, 76measles 54mediator 56medusoid 77melanism 121membrane 23memorize 41mercurial 104metamorphosis 120metastasis 60meteorological 56mice 3microorganism 68microscope 130microsporidian 94Milesia undulata 118mimicry 117miniscule 80mitochondrial DNA 102model organism 129moisturize 84molasse 66molt 120mongoose 109monomer 68moon jellies 76





Index 159

mortality 20, 81mouth breathing 52mouthpiece 47mucin 84mucosa 24mucous membrane 54mugwort 55multiply 11mumps 54muscular dystrophy 5mutation 23myocardial infarction 5myocarditis 24

【 N 】NA 23napping 42narcolepsy 42nasal congestion 52nasal discharge 53nasal passage 57nausea 11, 53nematocyst 77nest 103neural 4neuraminidase 23neuron 32neuroplasticity 32neuroscience 31newt 1night-oriented 40Nipponia nippon 100non-REM sleep 43nose bleed 53nose-blowing 53Nosema apis 94nucleotide sequence 93nucleus 3nutritionally 90

【 O 】obstacle 124obstructive 46Okinawa rail 109olfaction 123

omnivorous 103, 129onchocerciasis 31Oplegnathus fasciatus 83optic 32orchard 94orchid mantis 122orexin 45organ 3organism 1organophosphate 93oriental white stork 103oronasal 46OSAS 46outbreak 53outpatient clinic 47output-input 66ova 132ovary 130overturn 3overturne 132overwhelming 52overwinter 13ovum 130

【 P 】Pachliopta aristolochiae 120pacific saury 84paddy 100Pagrus major 81pandemics 20Papilio polytes 120Papilio troilus 120paralysis 44, 93parasite 11parasitize 20Parkinson’s disease 5parrot bass 83PCBs 104pectoral and pelvic fins 129Pelophylax

nigromaculatus 105penetrate 11penicillin 20peppered moth 121perceive 32, 132

perform 41pertain 13pesticide 95petrochemical 67petroleum 65phenomena 40, 122phenomenon 90pheromone 123phlegm 52Phoebastria albatrus 106photoreceptor 32Photuris 124physiological 55phytoplankton 129pier 79pigment 120pilchard 83pistil 90PLA 68plague 20, 85planarian 1planulae 77Plasmodium falciparum 11plastic 35plasticity 68plug 81pneumonia 24pollen 52pollinate 90pollinosis 55pollute 121pollution 55polylactic acid 68polymer 68polymerize 68polyp 77pomace 66popularize 14population 65praying mantis 117predation 83predator 102, 117prediction 56predominate 121prefrontal cortex 41





160 Index

pregnancy 105pregnant 22prematurely 104prepupal 123preserve 102prevalence 31prevention 67prey 103, 117prey on 83primates 129principle 70probability 93produce 1profit 83prohibition 82proliferate 5proliferation 21, 80prolific 70pronounce 31propagate 58property 24, 35protein 22, 23protrude 46psychostimulant 45pulsation 85purify lectin 84putrid 123

【 R 】radiation 92ragweed 55Rana japonica 105Rana nigromaculata 105re-aggregation 23reap 70receptor 55recessive 55reclaim 40recollect 76recover 35red blood cell 11red sea breams 81red tides 79reduction 67regain 92

regenerate 1rehabilitation 32reintroduce 102reintroduction station 102rejection response 5release 42relieve 59REM sleep 43remain 66render 15renewable 68replenish 1reproductive 80resistance 55, 93respiratory 24, 46restoration 1restore 35retina 32retrieval 41retrogression 133retrovirus 4reveal 94, 121revetment 79revolution 65rewound 3Rhesus macaque 129rock ptarmigan 109rotate 33runny nose 53

【 S 】saccharified 68sag 46Sakhalin 110salivary gland 11sanctuarie 110sanitation 108Sargassum muticum 82scaffolding 123scale 123scatter 44scorch 65scratch 1sea squirt 129seawall 77

seaweed 66secret 123self-incompatible 94sensation 76sense 31sewage 66sexual 11sexual differentiation 130shift 23short-tailed albatross 106shred 82sickle-cell anemia 4silkworm 134sinusitis 53skeletal 46skill 33sleep apnea syndrome 45sludge 66smallpox 20sneezing 52solidify 123span 13spawn 80, 129specimen 102speculation 55sperm 132Spicebush swallowtail 120spin 123spinal 4, 77spread 24, 90squeeze 66stabilize 41stalk 66stamen 90staple 58steamboat 106Steller’s sea eagle 110stem cell 1stemming 85Stephanolepis cirrhifer 83steroid 56, 130stimulate 54stink 123stinkbug 122stomachache 53





Index 161

strangle 43strength 68stressful 95structure 23stuffed 102stung 76sub-Saharan region 15subsequent 79subsidy 14substantial 42subtype 23sucked in 83suppress 56surgery 57surround 117survive 22suspicion 93sustainable 68swine 24symptom 5, 22syndrome 45synthetic 67syphilis 20

【 T 】tactic 117tail fins 129teeter 100terrify 42testes 130testify 42testosterone 130Thamnaconus modestus 83therapy 56thoracic 46

thread 13threadsail filefish 83titan arum 123tonsil 46toxicity 5, 59trachoma 31tragedy 103trampling 107transcription 4translocate 107transplant 4transplantation 32transportation 24treatment 5, 56treetop 132tremble 93trend 57trial-and-error 82trichromatic 132trigger 22, 54tuberculosis 20turbidity 133twig 117

【 U 】udder cell 3underly 22, 44undifferentiated 123uninvited 76unison 121unprecedent 13uterus 3

【 V 】variegated 133

Varroa 92vector 11vegetation 107venom 77verge 15verify 121vertebrate 133virulence 22virus 20viscous 123visible 76vision 31vocalization 107volcanic 107volcanically 107

【W】wakefulness 44walking stick 117wane 102widespread 20, 100wildfire 24wind-pollinated 53, 90wingspan 106wither 81withstand 95witness 42wondrous 117

【 Y 】Yersinia pestis 20

【 Z 】zebrafish 129zooplankton 79, 129





続 英語で学ぶ生物学─生物科学の新しい挑戦─The Second Volume of Endeavors in Biological Sciences─ New Challenges in Biological Sciences─

Ⓒ Kazuo Watanabe, Junko Watanabe 2013

2013年 11月 8日 初版第 1刷発行 ★

検印省略編 著 者 渡  邉  和  男著  者 渡  邉  純  子発 行 者 株式会社 コロナ社 代 表 者 牛来真也印 刷 所 萩原印刷株式会社

112⊖0011 東京都文京区千石 4⊖46⊖10

発行所 株式会社 コ ロ ナ 社CORONA PUBLISHING CO., LTD.

Tokyo Japan振替 00140⊖8⊖14844・電話(03)3941⊖3131(代)

ホームページ http://www.coronasha.co.jp

ISBN 978⊖4⊖339⊖07795⊖7 (高橋)  (製本:愛千製本所)Printed in Japan


渡邉 和男(わたなべ かずお)1983 年 神戸大学農学部園芸農学科卒業1985 年 神戸大学大学院修士課程修了1988 年 ウィスコンシン大学大学院博士課程

修了(遺伝育種学専攻) Ph.D.(ウィスコンシン大学)1988 年 国際ポテトセンター主任研究員1991 年 コーネル大学助教授1996 年 近畿大学助教授,国際植物遺伝資源

研究所(IPGRI)名誉研究員2001 年 筑波大学教授,コーネル大学在外特

別教授2004 年 筑波大学大学院教授 現在に至る

渡邉 純子(わたなべ じゅんこ)1986 年 神戸大学教育学部初等教育学科卒業1986 年 兵庫県立須磨東高等学校教諭1995 年 コーネル大学大学院修士課程修了

(園芸,植物生理学専攻)1997 年 近畿大学非常勤講師2001 年 筑波大学遺伝子実験センター研究

推進員2005 年 農業生物資源研究所非常勤職員2007 年 科学作家 現在に至る






