Islam is Not a Political System



Islam is not a Political System

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  • ecaferP

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  • So preach! You are not but a preacher. Not over

    them are you a warden (88:21-22)

    Allah makes plain throughout the Suhufan

    Mutahharah that not only this Prophet

    but every single Messenger of God is sent

    only for the purpose of warning their people

    about the imminent end of the world, and to give

    glad tidings to the believers from among them

    (6:48). The Suhufan Mutahharah, like the Torah

    and other Scriptures that were revealed before it,

    contains a purely apocalyptic message. It is by no

    means a manifesto for establishing a state or

    bringing about some kind of revolution.

    Yet in our time a political ideology has

  • emerged among the Muslims, which has brought

    with it nothing but disorder and tribulation. The

    political movements and parties that claim to be

    Islamic all exhibit the characteristic of

    desiring power and elevation in the land. But look

    what Allah says:

    That home of the end have We made for those

    who do not desire elevation in the land, nor

    corruption. And the end is for the righteous.


    This blessed Ayah was revealed in the context of

    the story of Qarun. When some of the people of

  • Moses who were afflicted with the disease of

    worldliness saw that Qarun had been given the

    treasures of the Earth, they expressed their desire

    that they too should be granted its similitude,


    Woe to us! That we had been given the like of

    what was given to Qarun. Verily, he is one of

    great fortune. (28:79)

    The present-day political movements among the

    Muslims are suffering from the same spiritual

    disease of the aforementioned people of Moses.

    Impressed with the glitter of this world and the

  • great political authority and might that the

    nations of Gog and Magog wield over the Earth,

    certain Muslims are pained in their hearts and

    openly call for the like of it to be given to them.

    A careful study of the story of Qarun (Surah

    28:76-83) will unveil for the seeker of truth the

    reality of the political ideology which has been

    the vehicle of nothing but mayhem and

    destruction for the Muslims. Regarding Qarun,

    Allah says:

    We bestowed upon him from the treasures whose

    very keys would have been a burden for a body of

  • strong people (28:76)

    That is to say, it was Allah Himself who

    granted Qarun the treasures of the Earth, and

    established him therein with might and wealth.

    How is it possible for any political movement

    to take away of their own prerogative that which

    Allah has personally granted to anyone?

    And your Lord creates and chooses as He pleases.

    They have no choice in the matter. Holy and

    exalted is Allah from that which they ascribe as

    partners. (28:68)

    And the Prophet destroyed the

  • entire edifice of the political thought espoused by

    the so called Islamists when he said to his

    companion Abdur Rahman bin Samurah:

    Do not seek government (Bukhari)

    Allah has already described elevation in

    the land as a burden which even a body of strong

    people cannot bear. The Prophet

    not only elaborated on this burden by stating how

    it would be a means of deep regret and sorrow on

    Judgment Day, but explicitly discouraged his own

    followers from even seeking it, as is evident from

    the Hadith of Abdur Rahman bin Samurah. This

    is not to say that Islam, as in the case of

  • Christianity, does not contain any guidance

    whatsoever concerning political and social issues.

    Nor can it be said that if the Muslims are

    granted, due to their faithfulness and piety,

    Khilafah upon the Earth that they should

    disavow it thus proving themselves ungrateful.

    The truth is that Muslims have been guided in no

    uncertain terms in the Book and Sunnah to avoid

    seeking, aspiring and above all struggling for

    political authority. The so called Islamist

    political parties and sects have strayed from the

    path of the Sunnah and innovated a dangerous

    idea into Islam which can only be the cause of

    humiliation and disgrace. They actively seek to

  • establish themselves upon the Earth and seize the

    reins of power. Their erroneous understanding of

    Islam is due to the materialist thought under

    whose spell they have fallen. They see the war

    between Heaven and the Satanic forces as a mere

    political struggle for domination of the Earth.

    Influenced by the materialist ideas of communism

    and other revolutionary ideologies, they seek to

    rob Religion of its devotional and spiritual

    aspects, so they can delude ordinary people into

    understanding Islam in political terms only. The

    question which the reader should ask is whether

    this is the Islam brought by the ancient Prophets

    and practiced by the early generation of Muslims?

  • The Opium of Politics

    Karl Marx famously said: Religion is the opium

    of the masses. He was expressing his frustration

    with religion as the primary obstacle blocking the

    way of political movements in acquiring influence

    among the general public. In his view, the

    industrialists, aristocracy, etc., had sedated the

    public with religion so that they would never pose

    a threat to their hegemony. Of course, this is to

    be expected of an avowed materialist who regard

    this temporal world as the only reality. The

    ancient Prophets preached an entirely

    different message that this world and its order

    would soon fall into chaos and there would be

  • such a divine intervention in its affairs that would

    result in nothing short of the dead coming back to

    life! The essence of Islam is to prepare for the

    impending apocalypse and the coming of Allah

    Himself in person. This is why belief in the

    Akhirah (end of the world and the world that is to

    come in the end) is one of the six cardinal

    doctrines of our Religion, along with belief in

    Allah, His Angels, His Scriptures, His Apostles,

    and the Pre-Decree.

    From the Islamic perspective, the real opium

    which clouds the mind and deceives the heart is

    the opium of political ideology. Throughout the

    Suhufan Mutahharah, Allah has described

  • the desire for political power as being a deception

    by the world, and even as denial of Judgment Day

    and the resurrection. These are Qur'anic phrases

    which must be restored to their original

    significance. For example, He says:

    Know that verily the life of this world is nothing

    but play and amusement, glitter and boasting

    among yourselves, and piling up of wealth and

    children. Like the produce of the rain which is

  • the delight of the tillers, soon it whithers and you

    see it turn yellow, then it becomes straw. But in

    the end is a severe punishment, and also (for the

    believers) forgiveness from Allah and happiness.

    And the life of this world is nothing but a

    material of delusion. (57:20)

    How beautifully Allah has described the

    reality of this temporal world with the parable of

    the produce brought about by the rain. In the

    end, all of the produce and vegetation whithers

    away, turning yellow until it is nothing more

    than dried up straw. What then is the wisdom of

    chasing after the glitter of this world the focus

    of the so called Islamist political movement?

  • Describing this movement and its people, Allah

    instructs the true believers:

    Leave alone those who take their Religion as play

    and amusement, having been deluded by the life

    of this world (6:70)
