John!Vail!Farr,!Ph.D.,!P.E.! - Farr.pdf• Certificate(of(Appreciation,(USArmy(Engineering...


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Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          1                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  




John  Vail  Farr,  Ph.D.,  P.E.  Professor  of  Engineering  Management  and  

Director  of  the  Center  for  Nation  Reconstruction  and    Capacity  Development,  United  States  Military  Academy  



Office:  Department  of  Systems  Engineering  Room  403A,  MaHan  Hall  United  States  Military  Academy  West  Point,  New  York  10996  Tel:  845-­‐938-­‐5206  (W)  Email:  

  Home:  4  Braden  Place  Cornwall-­‐On-­‐Hudson,  NY  12520  Tel:  845-­‐534-­‐7142  (H)                845-­‐667-­‐9573  (C)  Email:        

 I.  Education,  Registration,  Societies,  and  Awards  


• University  of  Michigan,  Ann  Arbor,  MI;  1986,  Ph.D.  Civil  Engineering  • Purdue   University,   West   Lafayette,   IN;   1981,   M.S.   Civil   Engineering,   Major   –   Geotechnical  

Engineering  • Mississippi   State   University,   Starkville,   MS;   1979,   B.S.   Civil   Engineering,   Major   –   Structural  

Engineering  • Hinds  Junior  College,  Raymond,  MS;  1975,  A.A.S.  Drafting  and  Design  Technology  • U.  S.  Army  Command  and  General  Staff  College   (Correspondence  Program),  Fort  Leavenworth,  KS;  

1991    Professional  Registration  and/or  Certification    

• Engineer  In  Training,  State  of  Mississippi,  1980  • Registered  Civil  Engineer  in  the  State  of  Mississippi,  1985,  Registration  No:  09388  • Registered  Civil  Engineer  in  the  State  of  New  York,  1996,  Registration  No:  073921  

 Professional  or  Technical  Societies/Organizations  

• International  Council  on  Systems  Engineering  (INCOSE),  Member  (since  1999)  • American  Society  for  Engineering  Education  (ASEE),  Member  (since  1994)  • American   Society   for   Engineering  Management   (ASEM),   Fellow   (since   2002),   President   (2002-­‐

2003),  Member  (since  1994)  • Military  Operations  Research  Society,  Member  (since  1994)  • American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers  (ASCE),  Fellow  (since  1999),  Member  (since  1978)  • International  Society  of  Logistics  (SOLE),  Member  Board  of  Advisors  (2002-­‐2003)  

 Honorary,  Scientific,  and  Engineering  Societies  Awards  and  Special  Recognition  

• Certificate   of   Appreciation,   US   Army   Engineering   Research   and  Development   Center,   February  2013  ,  2014  

• Fulbright  Scholar,  2013-­‐2018,  selected  under  the  Specialist  Program  o Vietnam,  Summer  2013,  helping  with  assessment  and  engineering  curriculum  reform  at  

Ho  Chi  Minh  Technical  University  • First  ABET  Commissioner  to  represent  INCOSE,  2010  –  Present  

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          2                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

• Meritorious  Service  Award,  ASEM,  2009,  2010  • Chosen   by   the   INCOSE   to   be   their   first   ABET   sponsored   program   evaluator   (PEV)   in   systems  

engineering  (SE),  2009  • Henry  Morton  Distinguished  Teaching  Professor  Award,  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology,  2007  –  

2008  • Bernard  R.  Sarchet  Award,  Engineering  Management  Division,  ASEE,  2006  • Appointment  of  Membership  to  the  Air  Force  Studies  Board  of  the  National  Academies,  2006  • Franklin  W.  B.  Woodbury  Service  Award,  ASEM,  2005  • Appointment  of  Membership  to  the  Army  Science  Board,  2004  • Bernard  R.  Sarchet  Award,  ASEM,  2004  • Merl  Baker  Award,  Engineering  Management  Division,  ASEE,  2004  • President  ASEM,  2003  • Founding  Member  Epsilon  Mu  Eta  (honorary  Engineering  Management),  2002    • Fellow,  ASEM,  2002  • Appointment  as  a  consultant  to  the  Army  Science  Board,  2002  • Founding  Director,  Department  of   Systems  Engineering   and  Engineering  Management,   Stevens  

Institute  of  Technology,  2000  • Meritorious  Civilian  Service  Award,  2000  • Commanders  Award  for  Civil  Service,  1999  • Fellow,  ASCE,  1999  • Superior  Civilian  Service  Award,  1997  • Phi  Kappa  Phi  (national  honor  society),  West  Point,  1994  • President  of  Chi  Epsilon  Fraternity  (Civil  Engineering  honor  society),  Mississippi  State  University,  

1979    • Chi  Epsilon,  Mississippi  State  University,  1978  

 Security  Clearance  

• Secret  (since  1983)  • Top  Secret,  SBI  (1990  –  2002,  2011  –  present),  SCI  (2012  –  present)  


Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          3                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

II.  Work  Experience    

Academic    7/2010  to  Present.    Professor  of  Engineering  Management  and  Founding  Director  of  the  Center  for  Nation  Reconstruction   and   Capacity   Development,   Department   of   Systems   Engineering,   United   States   Military  Academy,  West  Point,  New  York    Position  Description  Teaches  undergraduate  courses  in  engineering  management  and  systems  engineering  to  future  Army  leaders  at  West  Point.    Serves  as  program  advisor  for  the  engineering  and  systems  design  and  management  programs.    Also   teaches   capstones   and   conducts   and   supervises   research.    Manages   a   nationally   recognized   center   in  nation   reconstruction   and   capacity   develop  with   research   areas   including   economic   development,   complex  systems,  life  cycle  costing,  and  infrastructure.    Achievements  

• Developed  and  leads  a  new  center  focused  on  nation  reconstruction  and  capacity  development  that  cuts  across  departments,   federal  agencies,  and  universities  tackling  research  on  governance,  policy,  and  infrastructure.    This  interdisciplinary  center  involves  multiple  universities,  government  agencies,  non-­‐government  agencies.    Supported  the  development  of  an  interdisciplinary  study  abroad  program  focused  on  cultural  immersion  for  mainly  engineering  students.  

• Responsible  for  an  annual  reimbursable  budget  of  approximately  $250k  to  $500k.      • Funds  one  full   time  research  professor.    Typically,  between  3  and  7  faculty  support  center  research  

activities  on  an  annual  basis  to  include  reimbursable  and  regular  faculty  and  post  doctorates.    

Courses  Taught  • SE  300  Introduction  to  Systems  Engineering  • EM  381  Engineering  Economics  • EM/SE  402  Systems  and  Engineering  Management  Design  I  • EM/SE  403  Systems  and  Engineering  Management  Design  II  • SM  401  Systems  Management  Capstone  

 3/2007   to   7/2010.     Associate  Dean   for   Academics   and   Professor   of   Systems   Engineering   and   Engineering  Management,  School  of  Systems  and  Enterprises  (SSE),  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology,  Castle  Point  on  the  Hudson,  Hoboken,  New  Jersey    Position  Description  Evolved  the  Department  of  Systems  Engineering  and  Engineering  Management  (SEEM)  into  a  new  school  for  focused   on   systems   and   enterprise   solutions.   Responsible   for   all   academic   (undergraduate   and   graduate)  programs   for   the   new   school.     As   Associate   Dean   was   responsible   for   the   professional   development   and  supervision   of   all   tenured   and   tenure   track   faculty.     Oversees   all   aspects   of   program   content,   admissions,  curricula  content,  assessment,  accreditation  (ABET  and  Middle  States)  etc.,  for  the  new  school.  Also  serves  as  program  director   for   the  Engineering  Management   (EM)   family  of  programs.    Also  served  on   the   leadership  team  and  involved  in  all  operational  and  business  development  aspects  of  a  50  plus  person  organization  with  research  and  graduate  revenue  in  excess  of  $18M  annually.    Achievements  

• Integrated  new  graduate  degrees  at  both  the  masters  and  PhD  levels  to  include  Enterprise  Systems,  Infrastructure  Systems,  Space  Systems  Engineering,  and  Financial  and  Software  Engineering  into  the  SSE  family  of  programs,  

• Responsible  for  all  undergraduate  and  graduate  program  content  and  assessment  in  the  new  school,  • Oversaw  the  supervision  and  professional  development  and  hiring  of  tenure  and  tenure  track  faculty,    

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          4                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

• Helped  develop  new  processes,  web,  literature,  etc.,  for  the  SSE,    • Served  as  the  primary  point  of  contact  for  all  international  and  dual  degree  programs,    • Developed  support  infrastructure,  positions,  and  processes  for  over  1000  graduate  students,    • Led  all  accreditation  efforts  for  the  new  school  to  include  Middle  States  (2008)  and  ABET  (2009),    • Oversaw  the  business  operations  of   the  school   to   include  developing  a  student  and  faculty  support  

center,  admissions,  billing,  etc.,  and  • Served  as  the  Henry  Morton  Distinguished  Teaching  Professor  for  2007  –  2008.  

 Courses  Taught  

• E  101  Engineering  Seminar  • E  421  Engineering  Economic  Design  • EM  270  Management  of  Engineering  and  Technology  • EM  620  Engineering  Cost  Management  (web,  executive,  and  traditional  formats)  

 7/2000  to  3/2007.    Professor  of  Systems  Engineering  and  Engineering  Management  and  Founding  Director  of  the  Department  of  SEEM,  Charles  V.  Schaefer,  Jr.  School  of  Engineering,  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology,  Castle  Point  on  the  Hudson,  Hoboken,  New  Jersey    Position  Description  Served  as  the  founding  director  for  a  new  department  focused  on  systems  engineering  (SE)  and  engineering  management  (EM).    Duties  include  coordinating  curriculum  content,  research,  counseling,  assessment,  faculty  and   support   staff   hiring   and   supervision,   accreditation,   and   developing   new   graduate   programs   for   the  telecommunications,   financial   services,   chemical,   and   consulting   companies   regionally,   nationally,   and  internationally.        Achievements  

• Led  the  design  and  development  of  the  curriculum  and  marketed  six  new  graduate  certificates,  two  new  masters,  and  two  PhD  programs  in  SEEM  including  web,  regional,  and  executive  versions  of  the  programs,  

• Oversaw  the  hiring  of  thirty  new  diverse  faculty  and  the  recruiting  of  about  twenty  adjuncts/research  faculty,    

• Developed  marketing  material  to  include  printed  and  department  web  site,  • Developed  nationally  and  internationally  recognized  programs  in  SE  (currently  the  largest  program  in  

the  U.S)  and  EM1,  • Received  6-­‐year  ABET  accreditation  and  ASEM  certification  of  EM  graduate  programs  in  2004,  • Transformed   the   undergraduate   EM   program   from   a   manufacturing   theme   to   one   focused   on  

services  by  introducing  five  new  courses,  • Led   the   development   of   an   interdisciplinary   undergraduate   program   in   Information   Systems  

Engineering,  • Helped  raise  over  $2M  in  funding  for  new  office  facilities,  • Developed  executive  education,  web,  regional,  and  on  campus  graduate  programs  that  grew  from  0  

to  over  $6M  in  six  years,  • Received   the   ASEM   award   for   Academic   Excellence   for   Leadership   of   Engineering   and   Technical  

Management   for  Undergraduate  Programs   (Best  Undergraduate  Program   in  2001,   2003,   runner  up  2005),  ASEM  award  for  the  Outstanding  Student  Chapter  (2001,  2005,  2006),  and  

• Department   received   the   Presidential   Merit   Award   for   Excellence   in   Logistics   Education   from   the  International  Society  of  Logistics  (2002).  

 Courses  Taught   1  From  September  2001  through  the  spring  of  2005  over  600  students  have  been  enrolled  in  graduate  programs  or  training  classes.      

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          5                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

• E  101  Engineering  Seminar  • E  421  Engineering  Economic  Design  • EM  302  Management  of  Engineering  Design  II    • EM  355  Engineering  Economics  • H  184  Research  Seminar  II  • EM/SYS  611  Modeling  and  Simulation  (executive,  web,  and  traditional  formats)  • EM/SYS  612  Project  Management  of  Complex  Systems  (executive  format)  

 7/97   to   7/2000.     Professor   (promoted   2000)   and   Associate   Professor   (promoted   1994)   of   Engineering  Management  and  Director,  Engineering  Management  Program,  Department  of  Systems  Engineering,  United  States  Military  Academy,  West  Point,  New  York      Position  Description  Performed  professional  functions  to  include  coordinating  curriculum  content,  research,  and  academic  student  evaluations   and   counseling.     Planned,   developed,   evaluated,   and   taught  upper-­‐level   courses   in   SE,   EM,   and  operations   research.     Program  Director‘s  duties   include   responsibility   for  accreditation,   course   content,   and  supervision  of  the  faculty.    Achievements  

• Served  in  the  rating  chain  for  up  to  eleven  military  officers  between  the  rank  of  CPT  and  LTC,  • Developed   and   funded   real-­‐world   capstone   experiences   for   the   Engineering  Management   Program  

(EMP)  majors  with  private  and  government  clients,  • Enrollments  doubled  from  around  20  in  1996  to  graduating  between  40  and  60  majors  a  year  by  2000  

–  the  largest  undergraduate  major  at  USMA  during  2000,    • Student  evaluations  of   teaching  exceeded  department  and  Academy  average   for  all   courses   taught  

since  1992,  • Served  on  the  USMA  admissions  committee  and  was  responsible  for  admissions  for  the  U.S  Military  

Academy  Preparatory  School,  • Actively   involved   in   athletics   to   include   recruiting,   served   as   Vice   President   of   the   Army   Hockey  

Association,  and  served  as  the  academic  officer  for  the  Army  Lightweight  Football  Team,  and  • Received   the   ASEM   award   for   Academic   Excellence   for   Leadership   of   Engineering   and   Technical  

Management  for  Undergraduate  Programs  (1999).    Courses  Taught  

• SE381  Engineering  Economy  • SE387  Deterministic  Models  • SE388  Probabilistic  Models  • SE421  Engineering  Management  Applications  and  Practices  

 9/92  to  7/97.    Assistant  (9/92  to  7/95)  and  Associate  Professor  of  Engineering  Management,  Department  of  Systems  Engineering,  United  States  Military  Academy,  West  Point,  New  York    Position  Description  Performed   professional   functions   to   include   curriculum   and   course   development,   research,   and   academic  student  evaluations  and  counseling.    Planned,  developed,  evaluated,  and  taught  upper-­‐level  courses  in  SE,  EM,  and  operations  research.    Assisted  in  accreditation  and  program  content  for  the  EMP.  Conducted  curriculum  development,  research,  academic  student  evaluations,  and  counseling.        Achievements  

• The  appointment  in  1992  resulted  in  being  the  first  permanent  civilian  professor  in  the  Departments  of  Engineering  and  Systems  Engineering  at  the  U.  S.  Military  Academy  at  West  Point,  

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          6                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

• Received   ASEM   Award   for   Academic   Excellence   for   Leadership   of   Engineering   and   Technical  Management  for  undergraduate  programs  (1992),  

• Participated  in  the  civilianization  of  the  USMA  faculty  to  include  contributing  to  the  development  of  criteria  for  promotion  and  tenure,  sabbatical  criteria,  etc.  

• Helped  establish  an  ASEM  student  chapter,  • Conceived  and  funded  a  facility  to  conduct  infrastructure  research  to  support  the  EMP,    • Actively  involved  in  the  Middle  States  accreditation  process,  • Served  on  the  USMA  and  U.S.  Military  Academy  Prep  School  admissions  committees,  • Actively   involved   in   athletics   to   include   recruiting   and   serving   as   the   academic  officer   for   the   Judo  

club,  and  • Participated  in  a  successful  ABET  study  in  1996.  

 Courses  Taught  

• SE381  Engineering  Economy  • SE387  Deterministic  Models  • SE388  Probabilistic  Models  • SE420  Production  Operations  and  Systems  • SE421  Engineering  Management  Applications  and  Practices  • SE489  Advanced  Individual  Study  in  Systems  Engineering  • SE491  Research  Project  in  Systems  Engineering  

 8/82  to  5/83.      Graduate  Teaching  Assistant,  Department  of  Civil  Engineering,  University  of  Michigan,  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan    Position  Description  Served   as   laboratory   instructor   for   undergraduate   courses   in   Civil   Engineering.     Duties   included   designing  laboratory  experiments,  maintaining  equipment,  teaching,  and  student  evaluations.    Courses  Taught  

• Field  Sampling  and  Laboratory  Testing  • Civil  Engineering  and  Dynamic  Measurements  

 1/80   to   8/81.       Graduate   Teaching   Assistant,   Department   of   Civil   Engineering,   Purdue   University,   West  Lafayette,  Indiana    Position  Description  Served  as  a  grader  for  undergraduate  courses  in  Civil  Engineering.        

Other  Teaching  Positions    

2009   to  Present.  Principal   Investigator,  University   Transportation  Research  Center,   The  City  College  of  New  York,  New  York,  New  York    10/2009   to   Present.     Adjunct   Professor   and   Member   of   the   Graduate   Faculty,   Department   of   Industrial  Engineering   and  Management   Systems,   University   of   Central   Florida,   Orlando,   Florida,   teaching   a   graduate  level  executive  education  class  in  engineering  economy  to  a  wide  variety  of  corporate  and  government  clients  and  serving  on  dissertation  committees.    8/2010  to  8/2011.       Industry  Professor,  Engineering  Management  Program,  Stevens   Institute  of  Technology,  Hoboken,  New  Jersey,  teaching  a  graduate  level  online  class  in  life  cycle  costing.    

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          7                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

8/1991   to   9/1992.     Adjunct   Professor   and  Associate  Member   of   the  Graduate   Faculty,   Department   of   Civil  Engineering,  Mississippi  State  University.  

Industrial    8/98  to  Present.    Farr  Engineering  and  Management  Consulting,  Cornwall  On  Hudson,  NY  Conducts   education   and   analysis   life   cycle   costing,   large   data   analysis,   and   decision   supports   systems   for   a  wide  variety  of  corporate,  educational,  and  government  clients.    Clients  have  included  Toffler  and  Associates,  Jefferson  Insurance  Group,  West  Point  Underwriters,  Beacon  Insurance,  and  the  University  of  Central  Florida.  Also  associated  with  Assett  Inc.,  Bayonet  Forward,  and  Innovative  Decision  Inc.  

 5/98  to  8/98.  U.S.  Army  Chief   Information  Office,  Strategic  and  Advanced  Computing  Center,  Washington,  DC  Conducted   research   to   develop   models   to   quantify   and   assess   the   physical   and   telecommunications  infrastructure  for  the  Department  of  the  Army.    These  models  were  used  in  a  large  decision  support  system  to  study  resource  tradeoffs.    5/93  to  8/93.      Office  of  the  Secretary  of  Defense,  Program  Analysis  and  Evaluation,  Washington,  DC  Conducted   research   to   develop   optimization   techniques   for   evaluating   joint   force   structure   for   resource  allocation  studies  and  force  design.    10/88  to  9/92.    Team  Leader,  Combat  Engineering  and  Simulations  Group,  Mobility  Systems  Division,  U.  S.  Army  Engineer  Waterways  Experiment  Station,  Vicksburg,  Mississippi  Responsible   for   the  marketing,   planning,   direction,   and   conducting   of  major   studies   in   the   field   of   combat  modeling   and   computer   simulations.    Managerial   efforts   involved   the   technical   supervision   of   eight   to   ten  professionals.    Other  duties  included  marketing  programs  to  senior  Army  management,  responsible  for  a  $2M  budget   for   the   organization,   and   technical   oversight   of   a   $1.7M   direct   allotted   basic   and   applied   research  program  in  the  area  of  mobility.    Typical  work  included  the  development  and  modifications  of  existing  combat  simulation  models  and  mobility  analysis  of  military  equipment.    12/84   to   10/88.     Research   Civil   Engineer,   Geomechanics   Division,   U.   S.   Army   Engineer   Waterways  Experiment  Station,  Vicksburg,  Mississippi  Worked  as  a  senior  project  engineer  in  the  research,  development,  and  application  studies  in  the  field  of  soil  dynamics   as   related   to   the   response   of   the   earth   and   buried   structures   under   explosive   loading.     Typical  assignments   were   to   design   and   direct   material   properties   investigations   and   develop   theoretical   and/or  computer  codes  to  model  the  response  of  the  earth  or  structures  to  dynamic   loadings  from  conventional  or  nuclear  sources.    5/83  to  12/84.    Civil  Engineer,  Vicksburg  District,  U.  S.  Army  Corps  of  Engineers,  Vicksburg,  Mississippi  Worked   as   a   project   geotechnical   engineer   in   the   design,   evaluation,   and   construction   of   flood   control  structures.    Performed  cost  and  economic  analysis  and  design  work  in  the  area  of  earthquake  engineering  of  earthen  dams.      8/82  to  5/83.      Consulting  Engineer,  University  of  Michigan,  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan  Employed   by   several   local   engineering   firms   on   a   part-­‐time   basis   to   perform   consulting   services   such   as  machine  vibration  analysis  and  laboratory  testing.    7/81  to  8/82.    Project  Engineer,  McClelland  Engineers  Inc.,  Houston,  Texas  Worked  as  a  project  geotechnical  engineer   in   the  offshore  division.    Duties   included  penetration  studies   for  offshore  jackup  rigs  and  foundation  analysis  for  fixed  offshore  structures.    Served  in  a  supervisory  capacity  for  up  to  20  employees  in  both  the  U.  S.  and  Saudi  Arabia.    Marketed  and  supervised  projects  that  typically  cost  clients  between  $20k  to  $100k  per  day  (1983  dollars).    5/80  to  8/80.    Civil  Engineer,  Northern  Testing  Laboratories,  Boise,  Idaho  

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          8                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

Worked  as  a  summer  employee  with  duties  that  included  supervision  of  field  investigation  and  the  design  of  conventional  foundations  and  earth  dams.    Performed  supervisory  functions  for  two  employees.    1/76  to  12/79.      Student  Trainee,  Vicksburg  District,  U.  S.  Army  Corps  of  Engineers,  Vicksburg,  Mississippi  Worked   as   a   student   trainee   in   the   cooperative   education   program.     Duties   included   structural   design,  construction  inspection,  evaluation  of  existing  structures,  construction  management,  and  the  review  of  plans  and  specifications.        

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          9                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

III.  Professional  Publications      Books  1. Farr,   John   V.   and   Faber,   Isaac   J.,   “Financial   Aspects   of   Engineering   Techniques   for   Economic   Analysis,  

Management,   and   Decision   Making,”   open   source   ebook   for   undergraduate   engineering   economics,  August  2016    

2. Farr,   John   V.,   Systems   Life   Cycle   Costing:   Economic   Analysis,   Estimation,   and  Management,   CRC   Press,  June,  2011    

3. Merino,  Donald  M.,  and  Farr,  John  V.,  Engineering  Management  Handbook,  Editors,  Published  by  ASEM,  Edition  1.0,  December,  2010  

 4. Griffis,  Fletcher  H.,  and  Farr,  John  V.,  Construction  Planning  for  Engineers,  McGraw  Hill  Inc.,  October,  1999    Book  Chapters  5. Farr,   John  V.,  Enos,   James  R.,  and  McCarthy,  Daniel   J.,   “An  Application  of  System  Dynamics   to  Quantify  

Investments  in  Stability  and  Reconstruction  Operations  by  the  Department  of  Defense,”  from  Case  Studies  in  System  of  Systems,  Enterprises,  and  Complex  Systems  Engineering,  Ireland,  V.,  and  White,  B.E.,  editors,  Taylor  &  Francis/CRC  Press,  expected  July,  2014    

6. Farr,   John   V.,   “Chapter   5,   Life   Cycle   Cost   Considerations   for   Complex   Systems,”   Systems   Engineering,  Intech   Publishing,   Edited   by   Dr.   Boris   Cogan,   December,   2011,   accessed   at­‐engineering-­‐practice-­‐and-­‐theory  

 7. Kotnour,  Timothy,  and  Farr,   John  V.,  “Chapter  1:  Engineering  Management  –  Past,  Present  and  Future,”  

ASEM  Handbook  on  Engineering  Management,  December,  2010    8. Farr,  John  V.,  and  Down,  Benjamin,  “Chapter  11:  Project  Management’s  Role  in  Life  Cycle  Costing,”    ASEM  

Handbook  on  Engineering  Management,  December,  2010    

9. Kljajić,  Miroljub,  and  Farr,  John  V.,  “The  Role  of  Systems  Engineering  in  the  Development  of  Information  Systems,“   Strategic   Information   Systems:   Concepts,   Methodologies,   Tools,   and   Applications,   Edited   M.  Gordon  Hunter,  4  Volumes,  IGI  Global,  Hershey,  PA,  June,  2009  

 10. Jiang,   Wei,   and   Farr,   John   V.,   “Chapter   3:   Process   Control   for   Quality   Improvement,”   Handbook   of  

Industrial  &  Systems  Engineering,  Editor,  Adedeji  B.  Badiru,  CRC  Press,  December,  2005    

Refereed  Publications  in  Journals  of  Professional  or  Technical  Societies    Infrastructure  Systems  and  Resource  Prioritization  11. Farr,  John  V.  and  McDonald,  Kenneth  W.,  “  Strategic  Resource  Investment  Methodology  For  Developing  

Countries,”  International  Journal  of  Diplomacy  and  Economy,  Vol.  1,  Issue  3/4,  pages  329-­‐348,  2013    12. Julian,   Cotye   S.*2,   Lucy,   Tana   B.*,   and   Farr,   John  V.,   “Commercial-­‐Off-­‐The-­‐Shelf   Component   Evaluation  

and  Selection  Process,”  Engineering  Management  Journal,  American  Society  of  Engineering  Management,  Volume  23,  Number  2,  pp  63  –  71,  June,  2011  

 13. Day,   Thomas   J.*,   Farr,   John   V.,   and   Koeller,   C.   Timothy,   “Screening   and   Analysis   Methodology   for  

Outsourcing   of   Publicly   Owned   Treatment  Works,”   Special   Issue   on   Critical   Infrastructure   Systems   and  Enterprises,  American  Journal  of  Engineering  and  Applied  Science,  accepted  March  2010  


2  *  Indicates  a  student  author  

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          10                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

 14. Ramirez-­‐Marquez,   Jose   Emmanuel,   and   Farr,   John   V.,   “Decision-­‐making   Approach   for   Catastrophic  

Scenario  Selection   in  Disaster  Recovery  Planning,”   International   Journal  of  Decision  Support  and  System  Technology,  Volume  1,  Number  2,  pp  36-­‐51,  April  -­‐  June,  2009  

 15. Carroll,  Lora  M.*,  Farr,  John  V.,  and  Trainor,  Timothy,  “Weighted  Scoring  Model  for  Resource  Allocation  in  

Post-­‐Conflict   Reconstruction.”   Journal   of   Infrastructure   Systems,   American   Society   of   Civil   Engineers,  Volume  14,  No.  3,  pp  169-­‐177,  September  2008  

 16. Ezell,   Barry   C.   and,   Farr,   John   V.,   “An   Infrastructure   Risk   Analysis   of   a   Municipal   Water   Distribution  

System,”  Journal  of  Infrastructure  Systems,  American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers,  Volume  6,  No.  3,  pp  114-­‐117,  September  2000  

 17. Ezell,   Barry   C.,   Farr,   John   V.,   and   Wiese,   Ian   D.,   “The   Infrastructure   Risk   Analysis   Model,”   Journal   of  

Infrastructure  Systems,  American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers,  Volume  6,  No.  3,  pp  118-­‐122,  September  2000    18. Lind,   Elizabeth   A.,   Farr,   John   V.,   and   James   L.   Kays,   “Resource   Allocation   for   Army   Installation  

Management,”  Journal  of  Infrastructure  Systems,  American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers,  Volume  3,  No.  2,  pp  87-­‐92,  December,  1997  

 19. O’Hara,   Thomas   E.,   Kays,   James   L.,   and   Farr,   John   V.,   “The   Installation   Status   Report,”   Journal   of  

Infrastructure  Systems,  American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers,  Volume  3,  No.  2,  pp  87-­‐92,  June,  1997    

Education  and  Training  20. Farr,   John   V.   and   Brazil,   Donna   M.,   “Developing   the   Leadership   Skills   Needed   for   Technical   Based  

Organizations  in  the  Global  Economy,”  Engineering  Management  Journal,  American  Society  of  Engineering  Management,   Invited   Paper   for   Special   Edition   on   Engineering   Leadership,   Volume21,   No.   1,   pp   9-­‐14,  March  2009  

 21. Kotnour,   Timothy,   and   Farr,   John   V.,   ”Engineering   Management   –   History,   Trends,   and   Professional  

Issues,”  IEEE  Engineering  Management  Review3,  Volume  33,  Number  3,  pp  39-­‐52,  3rd  Quarter,  2005    22. Verma,  Dinesh,  Farr,   John  V.,  and   Johannesen,   Line  H.,   “System  Training  Metrics   and  Measures:   A   Key  

Operational  Effectiveness  Imperative,”  INCOSE  Journal  on  Systems  Engineering,  Volume  6,  No.  4,  pp  238  -­‐  248,  2003  

 23. Farr,   John   V.,   and   Buede,   Dennis,   “Systems   Engineering   and   Engineering   Management:   Keys   to   the  

Efficient  Development  of  Products  and  Services,”  Engineering  Management  Journal,  American  Society  of  Engineering  Management,  Volume  15,  No.  3,  pp  3  –  11,  September  2003  

 24. Farr,   John   V.,   and   Buede,   Dennis,   “Systems   Engineering   and   Engineering   Management:   Keys   to   the  

Efficient   Development   of   Products   and   Services,”   IEEE   Engineering   Management   Review,   Volume   32,  Number  1,  First  Quarter,  pgs  49-­‐56,  2004  

 25. Farr,   John   V.,   and   Merino,   Donald   M.,   “Educating   Entry   Level   Engineers:     Are   Broad-­‐based  

Business/Management   Skills   a   Key   to   Sustaining   the   U.S.   Innovation   Based   Economy?”   International  Journal  of  Engineering  Education,  Volume  19,  No.  2,  pp  252  -­‐  259,  2003  

 26. Farr,   John   V.,   and   Verma,   Dinesh,   “Training   Issues   Associated  With   COTS-­‐Based   Information   Intensive  

Systems,”  Journal  of  European  Industrial  Training,  Volume  26,  No.  9,  pp  442-­‐452,  2002   3  The  IEEE  Engineering  Management  Review  (EMR)  is  a  collection  of  the  best  papers  from  refereed  journals  on  engineering  management.    A  committee  reviews  all  of  the  relevant  publications  and  chooses  the  best  refereed  articles  for  publication.    The  two  IEEE,  EMR  articles  referenced  are  essentially  reproductions  of  the  similarly  named  articles.    

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          11                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

 27. Farr,   John   V.,   Lee,  Marc   A.,  Metro,   Richard   P.,   and   Sutton,   James   P.,   “Using   a   Systematic   Engineering  

Design   Process   to   Conduct   Engineering  Management   Capstone   Projects,”   Educational   Brief,   Journal   of  Engineering  Education,  American  Society  of  Engineering  Education,  Volume  90,  No.  2,  pp  193–197,  April,  2001  

 28. Bowman,  Bruce  A.,  and  Farr,  John  V.,  “Embedding  Leadership  In  Civil  Engineering  Education,”  Journal  of  

Professional  Issues  and  Engineering  Education,  American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers,  Volume  126,  No.  1,  pp  16-­‐20,  January,  2000  

 29. Farr,  John  V.,  and  Bowman,  Bruce  A.,  “Why  ABET  Accredited  Programs  are  Important  to  the  Engineering  

Management   Profession,”   Engineering   Management   Journal,   American   Society   of   Engineering  Management,  Volume  11,  No.  4,  pp  7-­‐13,  December,  1999  

 30. Farr,   John   V.,   Walesh,   Stuart   G.,   and   Forsythe,   George   B.,   “Leadership   Development   for   Engineering  

Managers”  Journal  of  Management  in  Engineering,  American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers,  Volume  13,  No.  4,  pp  38-­‐41,  May,  1997  

 31. Farr,   John   V.,   and   Sullivan,   James   F.,   “Re-­‐Thinking   Training   in   the   90s,”   Journal   of   Management   in  

Engineering,  American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers,  Volume  12,  No.  3,  pp  29-­‐33,  May/June,  1996    General  Engineering  Management/Systems  Engineering  32. Kljajić,  Miroljub,   and  Farr,   John  V.,   “A   System  View  of   Systems   Engineering   and   a   System  Approach   to  

Information  Systems  Development,”   Invited  Paper  for  the  Inaugural   Issue  of  the  International  Journal  of  Information  Technology  and  Systems  Analysis,  Volume  1(1),  49-­‐63,  January-­‐June  2008  

 33. Jain,  Rashmi,  Farr,  John  V.,  and  Verma,  Dinesh,  “A  Taxonomy  and  Holistic  Approach  to  Risk  Assessment  of  

Network-­‐Centric  Systems,”  Journal  of  the  Operational  Research  Society  of   India,  Volume  42,  No.  2,  June  2005  

 34. Kotnour,   Timothy,   and   Farr,   John   V.,   ”Engineering   Management   –   History,   Trends,   and   Professional  

Issues,”  Engineering  Management  Journal,  American  Society  of  Engineering  Management,  Volume  17,  No.  1,  pp  15-­‐26,  March  2005  

 35. Farr,   John   V.,   Johnson,   William,   R.,   Birmingham,   Robert   P.,   “A   Multi   Tiered   Approach   to   Army  

Acquisition.”    Defense  Acquisition  Review  Journal,  pp  234-­‐246,  April  -­‐  July,  2005    36. Farr,  John  V.,  “Commodities  and  Value  Based  Pricing  of  Engineering  Services,”  Journal  of  Management  in  

Engineering,  American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers,  Volume  17,  No.  4,  pp  224-­‐228,  October,  2001    

37. Farr,   John  V.,   and  LeBoeuf,  Eugene   J.,   “Simple  Services   Inc:  A  Case  Study   in  Ownership  Transition   for  a  Small  Consulting  Company,”  Journal  of  Management  in  Engineering,  American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers,  Volume  16,  No.  3,  pp  68-­‐77,  May  2000  

 Quantitative    38. Lennon,   Elizabeth   A.*,   Farr,   John   V.,   Besser,   Ronald   S.,   “Evaluation   of   multi-­‐attribute   decision  making  

systems  applied  during  the  concept  design  of  new  microplasma  devices,”  Journal  of  Expert  Systems  with  Applications,  accepted  for  publication  May,  2013  

 39. Cataruozolo,   Patricia   E.   *,   and   Farr,   John   V.,   “A   Systems  Dynamics   Approach   to  Modeling  Multivariate  

Data  as  Exhibited  in  Suicide  in  the  Army,”  Issues  in  Clinical  Research,  Volume  25,  Issue  2,  pp  54-­‐59,  June  2011  


Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          12                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

40. Kobylski,  Gerald  C.  *,  Buede,  Dennis  M,  and  Farr,   John  V.,  and  Peters,  Douglas,  “The  Use  of  Dynamic  Decision  Networks  to  Increase  Situational  Awareness  in  a  Networked  Battle  Command,”  Journal  of   Military   Operations   Research,   Accepted   for   the   Special   Issue   on   Value-­‐Focused   Thinking  Applied  to  the  Challenges  of  the  Long  War,  Volume  12,  Number  2,  November,  2007  

 41. Jiang,  Wei  and  Farr,  John  V.,  “Integration  of  Statistical  Process  Control  and  Engineering  Process  

Control   for   Quality   Improvement”,   Journal   of   Quality   Technology   and   Quantitative  Management,  Volume  4,  No.  3,  pp.  345  -­‐  363,  2007  

 42. Farr,   John  V.,   "Evaluating  One-­‐Dimensional   Loading   Rate   Effects,"   Journal   of   Geotechnical   Engineering,  

American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers,  Volume  16,  No.  1,  pp.  119-­‐135,  January,  1990    43. Farr,   John   V.,   and  Woods,   Richard   D.,   "A   Device   for   Evaluating   One-­‐Dimensional   Compression   Loading  

Rate  Effects,"  American  Society  for  Testing  and  Materials,  Geotechnical  Testing  Journal,  Volume  11,  No.  4,  pp.  269-­‐275,  December,  1988  

 Product  Development  44. Smith,  Margret,   Farr,   John   V.,   and   Sauser,   Brian   J.,   “Using   Process   Simulation   to  Manage  New   Product  

Development  Pipeline  Throughput,”   Engineering  Management   Journal,  Volume  ??,   Issue   ?,   pp.   ???-­‐???,  March,  2012  

 45. Ganguly,   Anirban*,   Nilchiani,   Roshanak   and   Farr,   John,   V.,   “Defining   a   Set   of   Metrics   to   Evaluate   the  

Potential  Disruptiveness  of  a  Technology,”  Engineering  Management  Journal,  Volume  22,  Issue  1,  pp.  34-­‐44,  March  2010  

 46. Ganguly,  Anirban*,  Nilchiani,  Roshanak  and  Farr,  John,  V.,  “Quantifying  Agility  in  Corporate  Enterprises,”  

International  Journal  of  Production  Economics,  Volume  118,  pp.  410–423,  January,  2009    

47. Ganguly,  Anirban*,  Nilchiani,  Roshanak  and  Farr,  John  V.,  “Identification,  Classification  and  Prioritization  of   Risks   Associated   with   a   Disruptive   Technology   Process”   International   Journal   of   Innovation   and  Technology  Management,  Vol.  8,  No.  2,  273–283,  August,  2011  

 Studies  of  Significant  National  Interest4  48. National   Research   Council   of   the   National   Academies,   “Pre-­‐Milestone   A   Systems   Engineering   -­‐   A  

Retrospective  Review  and  Benefits  for  Future  Air  Force  Systems  Acquisition,”  Air  Force  Studies  Board,  Co-­‐Lead  Author  for  Chapter  1  and  Appendix  C,  August  2007    

49. National  Research  Council  of   the  National  Academies,   “Graduate  Education  Needs  of  DoD   In  STEM  and  Management,”  Lead  Author  for  Chapter  3,  July  2014  

 Publications  in  Refereed  Conference  Proceedings    50. Farr,  John  V.,  Harris,  Jacqueline  A.,  O’Conner,  Gregory  J.,  “Cost  Benefit  Analysis  Methodology  for  Strategic  

Investments   in   Industrial   Base   Support,”   35th   Annual   American   Society   of   Engineering   Management  Conference,  Old  Dominion  University,  Virginia  Beach,  VA,  October  15-­‐18,  2014      

51. Ward,   Kyle*,   Newman,   Allan*,   Gleason,   Jacob*,   Lee,   Hyunseok*,   Saltysiak,   Thomas,   and   Farr,   John   V.,  “Complex   Systems   Architecture   Analysis   of   Nation   State   Disaster   Response,”   Proceedings   of   the   2014  Industrial  and  Systems  Engineering  Research  Conference  Y.  Guan  and  H.  Liao,  eds,  Montreal,  Canada,  May  2014  

4  The  NRC  reports  are  extensively  peer  reviewed  before  publication  by  a  nationally  recognized  panel  of  subject  matter  experts  

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          13                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

52. Dabkowski,   Matthew,   Valerdia,   Ricardo,   and   Farr,   John,   “Identifying   and   Exploiting   Architectural  Communities   in   Early   Life   Cycle   Cost   Estimation,”   Conference   on   Systems   Engineering   Research   (CSER  2014),  California  Institute  of  Technology,  Procedia  Computer  Science  28  (2014  ),  pgs  95  –  102,  March  21-­‐22,  2014    

53. Dehghani,   Pouya,   Young,   Leone*,   Ghandi,   Jimmy,   and   Farr,   John   V.,   “An   Evaluation   of   Curriculums   of  Graduate   Engineering   Management   Programs,”   34th   Annual   American   Society   of   Engineering  Management  Conference,  Old  Dominion  University,  Bloomington,  Minnesota,  October  2-­‐5,  2013      

54. Lane,  William*,  Pak,  Wayne*,  Prakel,  Mary*,  Rocha,  Cheyne*,  Faber,  Isaac,  and  Farr,  John  V.,  “The  Role  of  Micro   Energy   Grids   and   Consumer   Preferences   on   Power   Reliability,   Quality,   and   Environmental  Considerations,”   The   Infrastructure   Security   Partnership,   2013   Critical   Infrastructure   Symposium,  West  Point,  NY,  15  April  2013  

 55. Farr,   John   V.,   Alsfelder,   George*,   Hartong,   Timothy*,   and   Rodriguez,   Michael*,   “Methodology   for  

Prioritization   of   Investments   to   Support   Energy   Security   and   NetZero   Investments   for   Military  Installations,”   33th   Annual   American   Society   of   Engineering   Management   Conference,   Old   Dominion  University,  Virginia  Beach,  Virginia,  October  17-­‐20,  2012    

56. Young,  Leone*,  Ganguly,  Anirban,  and  Farr,  John  V.,  “Project  Management  Processes   in  an  Agile  Project  Environment,”   33th   Annual   American   Society   of   Engineering   Management   Conference,   Old   Dominion  University,  Virginia  Beach,  Virginia,  October  17-­‐20,  2012  

 57. Alsfelder,   George*,   Rodriguez,   Michael*,   Hartong,   Timothy*,   and   Farr,   John   V.,   “Methodology   for  

Prioritization   of   Investments   to   Support   the   Army   Energy   Strategy   for   Installations,”   The   Infrastructure  Security  Partnership,  2012  Critical  Infrastructure  Symposium,  Arlington,  VA,  23  April  2012  

 58. Elgort,   Greg*,   Jones,   Eric*,   Kim,   Eric*,   Mosera,   Taylor*,   and   Farr,   John   V.,   “Evaluation   of   Assessment  

Methodology  to  Support  Combined  Joint  Task  Force-­‐Horn  Of  Africa,”  17th  Cornwallis  Group,  West  Point,  New  York,  4  April  2012  

 59. Han,   Steven*,  Melson,   Nolan*,   Stephens,   Joshua*,   Turner,   Derek*,   Farr,   John   V.,   and   Graham,   Kristin,  

“Methodology   to   Model   and   Understand   the   Complexities   of   Social,   Economic,   and   Governance  Interactions  for  Regional  Assessment  in  Africa,”  17th  Cornwallis  Group,  West  Point,  New  York,  4  April  2012  

 60. Farr,   John   V.,   Sawser,   Brian,   and   McDonald,   Kenneth   W.,   “Strategic   Resource   Identification   and  

Prioritization   Methodology   for   Nation   Reconstruction,”   32th   Annual   American   Society   of   Engineering  Management  Conference,  Session  Chair  for  Logistics  and  Strategy,  Texas  Tech  University  Lubbock,  Texas,  October  19-­‐22,  2011  

 61. Young,   Leone*   Ganguly,   Anirban,   Farr,   John   V.,   and   Wade,   Jon   “Ranking   of   Project   Risks   Based   on   a  

Systems  Life  Cycle  Perspective,”  32th  Annual  American  Society  of  Engineering  Management  Conference,  Texas  Tech  University  Lubbock,  Texas,  October  19-­‐22,  2011  

62. Young,   Leone   Z.*,  Wade,   Jon,  Farr,   John  V.,   Valerdi,   Ricardo,   and  Kwak,   Young  Hoon,   “An  Approach   to  

Estimate  the  Life  Cycle  Cost  and  Effort  of  Project  Management  for  Systems  Centric  Projects,”  International  Society   of   Parametric   Analysts   (ISPA)   and   the   Society   of   Cost   Estimating   and   Analysis   (SCEA)2011  ISPA/SCEA  Joint  Annual  Conference  and  Training  Workshop,  Albuquerque,  New  Mexico,  June  7  -­‐  10,  2011  

 63. Lennon,  Elizabeth*,  Besser,  Ronald  S.,   and  Farr,   John  V.,   “Definition  and  Determination  of  Effectiveness  

Metrics   for  Multi-­‐Attribute  Decision  Analysis   (MADA)  Tools  Applied  during   the  Concept  Design  of  Novel  Technologies,”    9th  Conference  on  Systems  Engineering  Research  Redondo  Beach,  CA,  April,  2011  


Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          14                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

64. Ganguly,   Anirban*,  Mansouri,  Mo,   and  Farr,   John  V,   “Exploring   the  Risks  Associated  with   Supply   Chain  Agility,”  31th  Annual  American  Society  of  Engineering  Management  Conference,  Rogers,  AK,  October,  2010  

 65. Young,  Leone  Z.*,  Farr,  John  V.,  Valerdi,  Ricardo,  and  Kwak,  Young  Hoon,  “A  Framework  for  Evaluating  Life  

Cycle   Project   Management   Costs   on   Systems   Centric   Projects,”31th   Annual   American   Society   of  Engineering  Management  Conference,  Rogers,  AK,  October,  2010  

 66. Young,   Leone   Z.*,   Farr,   John   V.,   and   Valerdi,   Ricardo,   “The   Role   of   Influential   Complexities   in   Systems  

Engineering  Cost  Estimating  Processes,”  8th  Conference  on  Systems  Engineering  Research,  Hoboken,  NJ,  March,  2010  

 67. Lennon,  Elizabeth*,  Besser,  Ronald  S.,  and  Farr,   John  V.,  “Efficiency  Metrics   for  Multi-­‐Attribute  Decision  

Analysis  Methods  Used  during   the  Concept  Design  of  Novel   Technologies,”   8th  Conference  on   Systems  Engineering  Research,  Hoboken,  NJ,  March,  2010  

 68. Day,   Thomas   J.*,   Farr,   John   V.,   Koeller,   C.   Timothy,   and   Mansouri,   Mo,   Screening   and   Analysis  

Methodology   for   Outsourcing   of   Publicly   Owned   Treatment   Works,   1st   Annual   Global   Conference   on  Systems  and  Enterprises,  Washington,  DC,  December  3-­‐4,  2009  

 69. Farr,  John  V.,  Young,  Leone  Z.*,  and  Ganguly,  Anirban,  “Determining  Input  Cost  Variations  for  Simulation-­‐

based  Risk  Assessment  of  Life  Cycle  Costing,”  30th  Annual  American  Society  of  Engineering  Management  Conference,  Springfield,  MO,  October,  2009  

 70. Ganguly,   Anirban*,   Nilchiani,   Roshanak,   and   Farr,   John   V.,   “Using   a   Systems   Process   to   Access   the  

Potential  for  Disruptive  Technology,  Conference  on  Systems  Engineering  Research,  University  of  Southern  California,  October,  2008  

 71. Ganguly,  Anirban*,  Henry,  Devanandham*,   and  Farr,   John  V.,   ”Evaluating  Attributed  of  Business  Agility  

for   a   Service-­‐Oriented   Organization,”   29th   Annual   American   Society   of   Engineering   Management  Conference,  West  Point,  NY,  October  2008  

 72. Ganguly,  Anirban*,  Nilchiani,  Roshanak,  and  Farr,  John  V.,  “Using  Metrics  to  Assess  the  Disruptiveness  of  

a  Technology,”  28th  Annual  American  Society  of  Engineering  Management  Conference,  Chattanooga,  TN,  October,  2007  

 73. Farr,   John  V.,  Hole,  Eirik,  and  Gully,   John,  “Systems  Approach  to  the  Army’s  Evolving  Role   in  Support  of  

Civil  Authorities,”  27th  Annual  American  Society  of  Engineering  Management  Conference,  Session  Chair  for  Systems  Engineering  Management,  Huntsville,  AL,  October,  2006  

 74. Farr,   John  V.,   Sauser,  Brian   J.,   Jain,  Rashmi,   and  Verma,  Dinesh,   “Engineering  Management  Education   -­‐  

Technology   Integration,  Manufacturing,   or   the  Management   of   Engineers   and   Scientists?”,   26th   Annual  American   Society   of   Engineering  Management   Conference,   Session   Chair   for   Engineering  Management  Education,  Virginia  Beach,  VA,  October,  2005    

 75. Farr,   John   V.,   Verma,   Dinesh,   and   McFadden,   Willie,   “Technology   Insertion   Strategies   for   Spiral  

Development  of  Complex  Weapon  Systems,”  25th  Annual  American  Society  of  Engineering  Management  Conference,  Washington,  D.C.,  pp  541  -­‐  546,  October,  2004  

 76. Dey,   Sujoy*,   Kloeber,   Jack   M.,   and   Farr,   John   V.       “Using   Simulation   to   Understand   the   Effect   of  

Uncertainties   in   the   Drug   Development   Process,”   25th   Annual   American   Society   of   Engineering  Management  Conference,  Washington,  D.C.,  pp  389  -­‐  396,  October,  2004  


Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          15                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

77. Osipenko,  Leeza*,  and  Farr,   John  V.,   “System  Dynamics  and  Dynamic  Systems   Integration   in  Regulatory  Environments,”   22nd   Annual   International   Conference   on   Systems   Dynamics,   Oxford,   United   Kingdom,,  2004  

 78. Barr,   Paul,   Vickers,   Lucas*,   Jiang,   Wei,   and   Farr,   John   V.,   “Real-­‐Time   Enterprise   Stream-­‐Oriented   C2  

Decision   Making   Architecture,”   2nd   Annual   Conference   on   Systems   Engineering   Research   (CSER)5,  University  of  Southern  California,  March,  2004  

 79. West,  Paul*,  Farr,  John,  Verma,  Dinesh,  Buede,  Dennis,  and  Merino,  Donald  M.  “Reliability  Taxonomy  for  

Network-­‐Centric   Systems,”   24th   Annual   American   Society   of   Engineering   Management   Conference,   St.  Louis,  MO,  pp  110  -­‐  114,  October,  2003  

 80. Verma,  Dinesh,  Pennotti,  Michael,  Buede,  Dennis,  and  Farr,  John  V.,  “The  System  Design  and  Operational  

Effectiveness   (SDOE)   Program:   Experiences   and   Lessons   Learned,”   4th   International   Conference   on  Engineering  Design  (ICED  03),  Stockholm,  Sweden,  August  19,  2003  

 81. Buede,  Dennis  M.,  Farr,  John  V.,  Powell,  Robert*,  and  Verma,  Dinesh,  “Considerations  in  the  Design  of  an  

Air  Traffic  Management  Systems,”  21st  Digital  Avionics  Systems  Conference,  Irvine,  CA,  best  paper  award  in  the  Session  and  the  Systems  Track  and  a  Finalist  for  Best  Conference  Paper,  October,  2002    

 82. Farr,  John  V.,  and  Verma,  Dinesh,  “Involving  Industry  in  the  Design  of  Courses,  Programs,  and  a  Systems  

Engineering  and  Engineering  Management  Department,”  ASEE  Annual  Conference,  Session  Chair  for  Focus  on  Undergraduate  Impact  Montreal,  Quebec,  June  16-­‐19,  2002  

 83. Merino,  Donald  M.,  and  Farr,  John  V.,  “Commercializing  Technology  –  What  Do  Engineers  Need  to  Know  

and   When   Do   They   Need   to   Know   It?”   Twenty   Second   Annual   American   Society   of   Engineering  Management  Conference,  Huntsville,  AL,  pp  454  -­‐459,  October,  2001  

 84. Farr,   John  V.,  and  Parnell,  Gregory  S.,   “A  Comparison  of  Portfolio  Analysis  Techniques   for  Research  and  

Development   Program,”   21st   Annual   American   Society   of   Engineering  Management   Conference,   finalist  for  the  Merritt  Williamson  best  paper  award,  Washington,  DC,  pp  293-­‐304,  October,  2000  

 85. Kewley,   Robert  H.,   Jr.,   and  Farr,   John  V.,   “Performance   Based  Management   for  Military   and  Municipal  

Services,”   20th   Annual   American   Society   of   Engineering   Management   Conference,   Session   Chair   for  Engineering  Management  Issues,  Virginia  Beach,  VA,  pp  367-­‐374,  October,  1999  

 86. Bowman,  Bruce  A.,  and  Farr,  John  V.,  “Learning  to  Lead:  A  Lifelong  Pursuit,”  19th  Annual  American  Society  

of  Engineering  Management  Conference,  Virginia  Beach,  VA,  pp  158-­‐163,  October,  1998    87. Farr,   John   V.,   West,   Paul   D.,   and   McGinnis,   Michael   L.,   “PLOWSHARES:   Transferring   Military   Combat  

Simulation   Technology   to   Civilian   Emergency   Management   Training,”   18th   Annual   American   Society   of  Engineering  Management   Conference,   Session   Chair   for   Environment   and   Technological   Issues,  Virginia  Beach,  VA,  pp  237-­‐244,  October,  1997    

 88. Kays,  James  L.,  Thomas,  David  A.,  and  Farr,  John  V.,  “Lessons  Learned  From  ABET  Accreditation  Process,”  

17th  Annual  American  Society  of  Engineering  Management  Conference,  Dallas,  TX,  pp  125-­‐132,  October,  1996  


5  The  CSER  was   founded  at  Stevens  with   the   first   conference   in  March  2003.     It  was  originally   titled   the  Conference  on  Systems   Integration   (CSI)   but   the   name  was   later   changed   to   the   CSER.     I   served   as   the   first   conference   co   chair.   The  conference   rotates   annually   between   the   University   of   Southern   California   and   Stevens.     For   2005,   over   300   people  attended  the  conference  at  Stevens.  

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          16                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

89. Olsen,  Richard  S.,  and  Farr,  John  V.,  "Site  Characterization  Using  the  Cone  Penetrometer,"  ASCE  Specialty  Conference,  Use  of  In-­‐Situ  Testing  in  Geotechnical  Engineering,  Blacksburg,  VA,  pp  854-­‐869,  June,  1986  

 Publications  in  Proceedings  of  Non  Refereed  Professional  Conferences  and/or  Symposia    90. Dabkowski,  Matthew,  Valerdia,  Ricardo,  and  Farr,   John,   “Leveraging  DoDAF  Artifacts   in  Pre-­‐Milestone  A  

Cost  Estimation"82nd  MORS  Symposium,  Washington,  DC,  16-­‐19  June,  2014    91. Han,   Steven*,  Melson,   Nolan*,   Stephens,   Joshua*,   Turner,   Derek*,   Farr,   John   V.,   and   Graham,   Kristin,  

“Methodology   to   Model   and   Understand   the   Complexities   of   Social,   Economic,   and   Governance  Interactions   for   Regional   Assessment   in  Africa,”   6th   Annual  Network   Science  Workshop,   Poster   Session,  West  Point,  New  York,  22  April  2012  

 92. Charbonneau,   Steven  M.,   Thomas,   David   A.,   and   Farr,   John   V.,   “   Traditional   Versus   Technology   Based  

Education:  Lessons  Learned  from  Re-­‐engineering  a  Quantitative  Methods  Course”,  Zone  I  Spring  Meeting,  American  Society  of  Engineering  Education,  United  States  Military  Academy,  West  Point,  NY,  April,  1997  

 93. Wood,   Douglas   D.,   Farr,   John   V.,   Horsley,   Michele,   and   Petty,   Mikel   D.,   “PLOWSHARES:   Hurricane,  

Tornado,  and  Fire  Modeling  In  TERRA”,  Southeastern  Simulation  Conference,  Orlando,  FL,  October,  1995    94. Farr,   John   V.,   Dunn,   William   H.,   and   Ratzenberger,   Annette   C.,   "A   Verification,   Validation,   and  

Accreditation   Methodology   for   Distributed   Interactive   Simulations,"   Army   Operations   Research  Symposium,  Ft  Lee,  VA,  October,  1993  

 95. Farr,   John   V.,   Dunn,   William   H.,   and   Ratzenberger,   Annette   C.,   "A   Verification,   Validation,   and  

Accreditation  Methodology  for  Distributed  Interactive  Simulations,"  The  9th  Workshop  on  the  Standards  for  the  Interoperability  of  Defense  Simulations,  Orlando,  FL,  September,  1993  

 96. Griffis,  F.  H.,  Farr,  John  V.,  and  Pagdadis,  Sotiris,  “Design  of  Urban  Construction  Processes,”  Joint  Triennial  

Conference,  Kent,  United  Kingdom,  September,  1993    97. Loental,  David  A.  and  Farr,  John  V.,  "Verification,  Validation,  and  Accreditation  of  the  Engineer  Functional  

Area  Model,"  Army  Operations  Research  Symposium,  Fort  Lee,  VA,  November  1992    98. Farr,  John  V.,  Cain,  Mark  J.,  and  Oliver,  Kim  M.,  "Mine  Plowing  Performance  and  Combat  Effectiveness  in  

Support  of  the  Combat  Mobility  Vehicle  (CMV)  Cost  and  Operational  Effectiveness  Analysis  (COEA),"  Army  Operations  Research  Symposium,  Fort  Lee,  VA,  November  1991  

 99. Farr,   John   V.,   "Strength   Properties   from   Cone   Index   Tests,"   5th   International   Conference   on   Terrain-­‐

Vehicle  Systems,  Budapest,  Hungary,  September  1991    100. Copes,   John  G.,   Pijor,   Thomas  D.,  Meier,   Roger  W.,   and  Farr,   John  V.,     "Minefield  Attrition,  Delay,   and  

Mobility  Model,"  Army  Operations  Research  Symposium,  Fort  Lee,  VA,  October  1989    101. Meier,  Roger  W.,  and  Farr,  John  V.,  "Enhancing  Mine  Warfare  in  Vector-­‐In-­‐Commander,"  Army  Operations  

Research  Symposium,  Fort  Lee,  VA,  October  1989      

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          17                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

 Technical  Reports  6  102. Fugate,  Peter  M.*,  Gill,  Elaine  T.  *,  Hamilton,  Grace  A.*,  Jolly,  Robert    M.*,  Farr,  John  V.,  Larson,  Steven  L.,  

Johnson,  Jared  L.,  Felt,  Deborah  R.,  and  Nestler,  Catherine,  “Life  Cycle  Cost  Models  for   IMX  Wastewater  Treatment,”  Environmental  Laboratory,  U.S.  Army  Engineer  Research  and  Development  Center,  Vicksburg,  Mississippi,  ERDC/EL  TR-­‐13-­‐X,  July  2014    

103. Lane,  William*,   Pak,  Wayne*,   Prakel,  Mary*,   Rocha,   Cheyne*,   Faber,   Isaac,   and  Farr,   John  V.,   “Costing  Consumer   Preferences   for   Micro   Energy   Markets,”   Center   for   Nation   Reconstruction   and   Capacity  Development  Technical  Report,  Report  2013-­‐1,  August,  2013    

104. Walters,  Joseph,*  Mackey,  Jarrett,*  Maki,  Kahlan,*  Northcutt,  Raymond,*  Farr,  John  V.,  Martin,  W.  Andy  Larson,   Steven   L.,   Ballard,   John   H.,   and   Nestler,   Catherine,   “Cost   Analysis   of   Remediation   Systems   for  Depleted  Uranium,”   Environmental   Laboratory,  U.S.   Army   Engineer   Research   and  Development   Center,  Vicksburg,  Mississippi,  ERDC/EL  TR-­‐13-­‐X,  April  2013    

105. Han,  Steven,*  Melson,  Nolan,*  Stephens,  Joshua,*  Turner,  Derrick,*  Farr,  John  V.  and  Graham,  Kristin  C.,  “Methodology   to   Model   and   Understand   the   Complexities   of   Social,   Economic,   and   Governance  Interactions   for   Regional   Assessment   in   Kenya,”   Center   for   Nation   Reconstruction   and   Capacity  Development  Technical  Report,  Report  2012-­‐1,  August,  2012      

106. Elgort,  Gregory,*  Jones,  Eric,*  Kim,  Eric,*  Mosera,  Taylor*  and,  Farr,  John  V.,  “Evaluation  of  Assessment  Methodology   to   Support   Combined   Joint   Task   Force-­‐Horn  Of   Africa,”   Center   for  Nation   Reconstruction  and  Capacity  Development  Technical  Report,  Report  2012-­‐2,  August,  20112  

 107. Alsfelder,   George,*   Hartong,   Timothy,*   Rodriguez,   Michael*   and   Farr,   John   V.,   “Methodology   for  

Prioritization   of   Investments   to   Support   the   Army   Energy   Strategy   for   Installations,”   Center   for   Nation  Reconstruction   and   Capacity   Development   Technical   Report,   Report   2012-­‐3,   DTIC:   AXXXXXXX,   August  2012  

 108. Farr,   John   V.,   Sawser,   Brian   D.,   McDonald,   Kenneth   W,   and   Hoskins,   Jamie,   “Afghanistan   Sustainable  

Infrastructure   Plan:   Strategic   Resource   Investment  Methodology   for   Developing   Countries,”   Center   for  Nation  Reconstruction  and  Capacity  Development,  Technical  Report  2011-­‐3,  August,  2011  

 109. Sawser,  Brian  D.  Farr,  John  V.  and  Rieper,  Bill,  “Resource  Prioritization  Methodology  to  Support  Strategic  

Investments   in   Afghanistan,”   Center   for   Nation   Reconstruction   and   Capacity   Development,   Technical  Report  2011-­‐3,  August,  2011  

 110. Farr,  John  V.,  “Claims  Data  and  Policy  Holder  Characteristics  for  Calendar  Years  2002  –  2004,”  West  Point  

Federal  Credit  Underwriters,  Farr  Engineering  and  Management  Consulting  Technical  Report,  July  2005    

111. Farr,  John  V.,  “Training  IPT  Report,”  Acoustic-­‐Rapid  COTS  Insertion  Guaranteed  Operational  Effectiveness  (A-­‐RCI  GOE)  Pilot,  Final  Report,  Lockheed  Martin,  Manassas,  Virginia,  2001  

 112. Farr,  John  V.,  Duracinsky,  Joseph  M.*,  Ivanova,  Elena  I.*,  and  Parranto,  Gregory  B.,  Jr.*,  “Examination  and  

Standardization  of  the  Loss  Pick  Credit  Program  of  AIGC,  Inc.,”  Department  of  Systems  Engineering,  United  States  Military  Academy,  West  Point,  NY,  Technical  Report  No.  99/2,  July  1999  


6  Many  of  these  reports  represent  funded  research  or  consulting  projects  from  government  or  industry  each  funded  in  amounts  from  a  few  to  several  hundred  thousand  dollars.    Many  underwent  significant  internal  and  external  peer  review.    Much  of  the  material  is  proprietary  or  sensitive  in  nature  and  not  publishable  in  open  sources.        

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          18                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

113. Farr,  John  V.,  Stinson,  Gregory  K.,  Keys,  Ryan  D.*,  Surrey,  Nathan  S.*,  Taylor,  Robert  W.*,  and  Wanzeck,  Matthew   J.*,   “Conceptual   Representation   of   the   Infrastructure   Functional   Area   for   the   Army   Flow  Model,”  Department  of  Systems  Engineering,  United  States  Military  Academy,  West  Point,  NY,  Technical  Report  No.  99/1,  January  1999  

 114. Goldberg,  Jeffrey  B.,  Farr,  John  V.,  Robinson,  Stephen  R.  and  Davis,  David  F.,  “Force  Allocation  Modeling  In  

Support   of   Contingency   Operations,”   Department   of   Systems   Engineering,   United   States   Military  Academy,  West  Point,  NY,  Technical  Report  No.  97/2,  January  1997  

 115. West,  Paul  D.,  Farr,  John  V.,  Fortier,  Gregory  S.*,  Lilly,  Kevin  A.*,  Ingalls,  Gerald  D.*,  “The  Effects  of  Cold  

Weather  on  Tactical  Operations,”  Department  of   Systems  Engineering,  United  States  Military  Academy,  West  Point,  NY,  Technical  Report  No.  97/1,  January  1997  

 116. Farr,   John   V.,   West,   Paul   D.,   and   Melendez,   John   A.,   “Summary   of   USMA   PLOWSHARES   Initiative,”  

Department  of   Systems  Engineering,  United   States  Military  Academy,  West  Point,  NY,   Technical   Report  No.  96/1,  October  1995  

 117. Gade,  Patton  S.*,  Petty,  John  R.*,  McIntyre  Stephen  R.*,  Farr,  John  V.,  and  Barr,  Donald  R.,  “Detectability  

and   Effectiveness   of   the  Wide   Area  Mine,”   Department   of   Systems   Engineering,   United   States  Military  Academy,  West  Point,  NY,  Technical  Report  No.  FY94/2,  July  1994  

 118. Farr,   John   V.,   Nelson,  Michael   S.,   and   Diaz,   Alfonso   A.,   “Resource   Allocation  Methodology   to   Support  

Mission  Area  Analysis,”  Department  of  Systems  Engineering,  United  States  Military  Academy,  West  Point,  NY,  Technical  Report  No.  FY94/1,  July  1994  

 119. Green,  John  G.,  Farr,  John  V.,  and  Mason,  George  L.,  "Engineer  Model  Improvement  Program,  Report  9,  

Enhancements   to   the   Road   Networks   for   the   Vector-­‐In-­‐Commander   and   Engineer   Functional   Area  Models,"  U.  S.  Army  Engineer  Waterways  Experiment  Station,  Vicksburg,  MS,  Technical  Report  GL-­‐90-­‐8,  August  1992  

 120. Perkins,   William   E.,   Meier,   Roger   W.,   and   Farr,   John   V.,   "Strength   Property   Estimation   For   Dry,  

Cohesionless   Soils  Using  The  Military  Cone  Penetrometer,"  U.   S.  Army  Engineer  Waterways  Experiment  Station,  Vicksburg,  MS,  Technical  Report  GL-­‐92-­‐5,  May,  1992  

 121. Farr,  John  V.,  Ahlvin,  Richard  B.,  and  Drinkard,  Rhonda  M.,  "Evaluation  of  Skipped  Zones  for  the  Combat  

Engineer   Vehicle   Mine   Rake,"   U.   S.   Army   Engineer   Waterways   Experiment   Station,   Vicksburg,   MS,  Miscellaneous  Paper  GL-­‐91-­‐10,  March,  1991  

 122. Farr,   John  V.,  Rabalais,  Conrad  P.,  Underwood,  Robert  B.,  and  Ahlvin,  Richard  B.,  "Mobility  and  Plowing  

Capabilities  of  Combat  Mobility  Vehicle,"  U.  S.  Army  Engineer  Waterways  Experiment  Station,  Vicksburg,  MS,  Technical  Report  GL-­‐91-­‐6,  April,  1991  

 123. Baylot,   Erwin  A.,  Dickson,  Walton  C.,  Green,   John  G.,   and   Farr,   John  V.,   "Engineer  Model   Improvement  

Program,  Report  10,  User's  Guide  for  the  Vector-­‐In-­‐Commander  Based  Engineer  Functional  Area  Model,"  U.   S.  Army  Engineer  Waterways  Experiment  Station,  Vicksburg,  MS,  Technical  Report  GL-­‐90-­‐8,   February  1990  

 124. Meier,  Roger  W.,  Farr,   John  V.,   and  Green,   John  G.,   "Engineer  Model   Improvement  Program,  Report  2,  

Enhanced  Representation  of  Minefield  Effects  for  the  Vector-­‐In-­‐Commander  and  Engineer  Functional  Area  Models,"  U.  S.  Army  Engineer  Waterways  Experiment  Station,  Vicksburg,  MS,  Technical  Report  GL-­‐90-­‐8,  September  1990  


Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          19                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

125. Mason,  George  L.,  Dean,  Tommy  C.,  and  Farr,  John  V.,  "Engineer  Model  Improvement  Program,  Report  1,  Standardization  of  Terrain  Data  for  the  Vector-­‐In-­‐Commander  and  Engineer  Functional  Area  Models,"  U.  S.   Army   Engineer  Waterways   Experiment   Station,   Vicksburg,  MS,   Technical   Report   GL-­‐90-­‐8,   September  1990  

 126. Farr,   John   V.,   "MINUTEMAN   Hardness   Assessment   Program,   Report   3,   Estimated   Groundwater   Table  

Depths   at   Each   Launch   Control   Center   (LCC)   and   Launch   Facility   (LF),"   U.   S.   Army   Engineer  Waterways  Experiment  Station,  Vicksburg,  MS,  Technical  Report  SL-­‐87-­‐17,  February,  1989  

 127. Andersen,   John  M.,  Farr,   John  V.,  Meier,  Roger  W.,  and  Mosher,  Reed  M.,    "Analysis  of  Pile  Load  Tests,  

Olmsted  Lock  and  Dam,"  Letter  Report  to  Louisville  District,  Corps  of  Engineers,  Louisville,  KY,  U.  S.  Army  Engineer  Waterways  Experiment  Station,  Vicksburg  MS,  October,  1988  

 128. Farr,  John  V.,  "Results  of  Laboratory  Tests  on  Subgrade  Samples  From  Malmstrom  Air  Force  Base,"  Letter  

Report  to  Ballistic  Missile  Office,  Norton  Air  Force  Base,  CA,  U.  S.  Army  Engineer  Waterways  Experiment  Station,  Vicksburg,  MS,  June,  1988  

 129. Farr,  John  V.  and  Jackson,  Andrew  E.  Jr.,  "Research  Studies  on  the  Behavior  of  NTS  Tuffs  and  Containment  

Grouts,  Report  2,  Results  from  FY  87  Laboratory  Tests  on  DSRM-­‐2,  HSSL-­‐50/50,  and  ME8-­‐05  Grouts,"  U.  S.  Army  Engineer  Waterways  Experiment  Station,  Vicksburg,  MS,  Technical  Report  SL-­‐88-­‐27,  May,  1988  

 130. Farr,   John   V.,   "Fort   Riley   Earth   Penetration   Program:   Materials   Properties   Investigation,"   U.   S.   Army  

Engineer  Waterways  Experiment  Station,  Vicksburg,  MS,  Technical  Report  SL-­‐88-­‐26,  April,  1988    131. Farr,  John  V.,  "Installation  and  Rehabilitation  of  Groundwater  Monitoring  Wells  at  Selected  MINUTEMAN  

Sites,"  U.  S.  Army  Engineer  Waterways  Experiment  Station,  Vicksburg,  MS,  Miscellaneous  Paper  SL-­‐87-­‐2,  May,  1987  

 132. Farr,   John  V.,  "Loading  Rate  Effects  on   the  One-­‐Dimensional  Compressibility  of   Four  Partially   Saturated  

Soils,"   U.   S.   Army   Engineer   Waterways   Experiment   Station,   Vicksburg,   MS,   Technical   Report   SL-­‐86-­‐46,  December,  1986  

 133. Bieganousky,   Wayne   A.,   and   Farr,   John   V.,   "The   Sardis   Earthquake   Study,   Design   Memorandum   1,  

Introduction,  Geology,   Seismology  and  Selection  of  Design  Earthquake,"  U.   S.  Army  Corps  of   Engineers,  Vicksburg  District,  Vicksburg,  MS,  November,  1984  

 134. Farr,   John  V.,  "Jack-­‐Up  Rig  Site   Investigation,  Boring  2,  Block  32  4424'  FSL  &  7292'  FEL,  Grand   Isle  Area,  

Gulf  of  Mexico,”  Report  No.  0182-­‐0514  to  CONOCO,  McClelland  Engineers,  Inc.,  Houston,  TX,  March,  1982    135. Farr,  John  V.,  "Geotechnical  Investigation,  Boring  2,  Block  438  L,  528'  FNL  &  2020'  FEL,  Brazos  Area,  Gulf  

of  Mexico,"  Report  No.  0182-­‐0514  to  Champlain  Petroleum,  Co.,  McClelland  Engineers,  Inc.,  Houston,  TX,  March,  1982  

 136. Farr,  John  V.,  “Wave  Equation  Analysis  of  Piles,”  Purdue  University,  Geotechnical  Engineering  Report,  July  

8,  1981.    Other  Miscellaneous  Publications  137. Farr,  John  V.,  Ganguly,  Anirban*  and  Verma,  Dinesh,  “Developing  Systems  Engineering  Technical  Leaders,  

Volume  I  -­‐  Competency  Definitions  and  Development,”  Draft  SERC  Technical  Report,  March  1,  2010   138. Farr,   John  V.  “Special   Issue  on  Systems  of  Systems”  Engineering  Management  Journal,  served  as  special  

edition  editor,  Volume  20,  No.  4,  December  2008    

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          20                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

139. Farr,  John  V.  “Preparing  a  Curriculum  Vitae  for  Entry  Level  Academic  Position”  ASEM  Practice  Periodical,  Volume  VIII,  Number  1,  Fall/Winter  2008  

 140. Farr,   John   V.   “Visibility,   Perception,   and   Technical   Competence   –   Keys   to   Success?”   ASEM   Practice  

Periodical,  Volume  VI,  Number  2,  pp  7  -­‐  9,  Fall/Winter  2007    141. Farr,  John  V.  “A  Formal  Leadership  Program  for  Young  Engineers?”  ASEM  Practice  Periodical,  Volume  V,  

pp  7  -­‐  9,  Fall/Winter  2006    

142. Farr,  John  V.  “Are  Dollars  the  Most  Important  Measure  of  Job  Compensation?”  ASEM  Practice  Periodical,  Volume  II,  pp  10  -­‐  11,  Fall  2004  

 143. Buede,  Dennis  M.,  Farr,  John  V.,  Powell,  Robert,  and  Verma,  Dinesh,  “Considerations  in  the  Design  of  an  

Air  Traffic  Management  Systems,”  IEEE  Aerospace  and  Electronic  Systems  Magazine,  Volume  18,  Number  10,  pp  3-­‐8,  (Invited  Paper),  2003      

 144. Farr,   John   V.,   “Book   Review   of   Building   a   Project-­‐Driven   Enterprise   -­‐   How   to   Slash   and   Boost   Profits  

Through   Lean   Project   Management,"   written   by   Ronald   Mascitelli,   Engineering   Management   Journal,  American  Society  of  Engineering  Management,  pp  40-­‐41,  September,  2002  

 145. Farr,  John  V.,  “How  to  Measure  Total  Job  Compensation,”  Feature  Article,  Leadership  and  Management  in  

Engineering,  ASCE,  Special  Issue  on  Compensation,  January,  2002    146. Farr,   John   V.,   “Develop   you   Oral   Communication   Skills,”   Forum   Article,   Journal   of   Management   in  

Engineering,  ASCE,  Nov/Dec,  2000    147. Farr,  John  V.,  “Visibility,  Perception,  and  Technical  Competence  -­‐  Keys  to  Success”  Forum  Article,  Journal  

of  Management  in  Engineering,  ASCE,  Nov/Dec,  1999    148. Farr,   John   V.,   “An   On-­‐line   Education,”   Forum   Article,   Journal   of   Management   in   Engineering,   ASCE,  

Sept/Oct,  1999    149. Farr,   John   V.,   “Education   Reform:   Pros   and   Cons”   Feature   Editorial,   Journal   of   Management   in  

Engineering,   ASCE,   Vol.   13,   No.   6,   pp.   34-­‐36,   Nov/Dec,   1997   (served   editor   for   a   special   edition   on  engineering  education)  

 150. Farr,   John   V.,   “The   Impacts   of   Technology   on   Engineering   Education,”   Feature   Editorial,   Journal   of  

Management  in  Engineering,  ASCE,  Nov/Dec,  1996    151. United  States  Military  Academy,  “Curriculum  2000  -­‐  A  Study  of  the  Mathematics,  Science,  and  Engineering  

Curriculum”  (One  of  seven  authors),  United  States  Military  Academy,  West  Point,  NY,  June  1995    152. Colby,   Anthony   H.,   and   Farr,   John   V.,   “Report   Writing   Handbook:   A   Basic   Guide   to   Writing   Effective  

Reports  for  a  Decision  Maker,”  Department  of  Systems  Engineering  Report,  West  Point,  NY,  August,  1994    153. Engineers   Strategic   Study   Center,   "Analysis   of   the   Engineer   Training   Aspects   of   the   JANUS   Combat  

Simulation,"   Report   CETEC-­‐ES-­‐R-­‐92-­‐3,   Fort   Belvoir,   VA   (Wrote   Annex   D   Entitled   U.   S.   Army   Engineer  Waterways   Experiment   Station   Analysis   of   the   Engineering   Representation   of   the   JANUS(A)   Combat  Simulation  Model),  1992  

 154. Farr,   John   V.,   "Terrain   Representation   Research   Analysis   Supports   Engineer   Model   Improvement  

Program,”   Digital   Data   Digest,   Volume   2,   Number   1,   published   by   U.   S.   Army   Corps   of   Engineers  Topographic  Engineering  Center,  Fall,  1991  

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          21                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

 155. Farr,   John  V.,   "Loading  Rate  Effects  on   the  One-­‐Dimensional  Compressibility  of   Four  Partially   Saturated  

Soils,"  Dissertation  Submitted  in  Partial  Requirements  for  the  Degree  of  Doctor  of  Philosophy,  University  of  Michigan,  Ann  Arbor,  MI,  1986  

 Professional  Conferences  in  Which  Papers  and/or  Presentations  Were  Presented  Without  Published  Proceedings    156. Kobylski,   Gerald   C.*,   Buede,   Dennis   M.,   and   Farr,   John   V.,   “Optimizing   Time   Sensitive   Decisions   in   a  

Networked   Battle   Command”,   73rd   Military   Operations   Research   Symposium,   United   States   Military  Academy,  West  Point,  New  York,  2005  

 157. Kobylski,  Gerald  C.*,  Buede,  Dennis  M.,  and  Farr,  John  V.,  “A  Theoretic  Approach  for  Comparing  Heuristics  

to  Dynamic  Programming”,  INFORMS  Conference,  2004    

158. Farr,   John   V.,   and   Parnell,   Gregory   S.,   “A   Comparison   of   Research   and  Development   Portfolio   Analysis  Techniques,”  68th  Military  Operations  Research  Symposium,  U.S.  Air  Force  Academy,  June,  2000  

 159. Farr,   John   V.,   Entner,   Mark,   West,   Paul,   Williams,   Mike*,   and   Delapena,   James*,   “Measures   of  

Effectiveness  for  Civil  Emergency  Management  Planning  and  Peacekeeping,”  Military  Operations  Research  Symposium,  U.S.  Naval  Academy,  June,  1995  

 160. Diaz,   Alfonso   A.,   and   Farr,   John   V.,   “Mission   Area   Analysis   (MAA)   A   Tradeoff   for   Making   DoD   -­‐  Wide  

Tradeoff  Decisions,”  62nd  Military  Operations  Research  Symposium,  U.S.  Air  Force  Academy,  June,  1994    

161. Farr,   John   V.,   and   Meier,   Roger   W.,   “Conventional   Minefield   Play   in   VIC,”   Mobility/Countermobility  Simulation  and  Analysis  Symposium,  Fort  Leonard  Wood,  MO,  1992  

 162. Farr,   John   V.,   and   Blanchard,   David   R.,   “Proposed   Enhancements   to   the   BREACH   Model,”  

Mobility/Countermobility  Simulation  and  Analysis  Symposium,  Fort  Leonard  Wood,  MO,  1992    163. Farr,  John  V.,  “Terrain  Representation  in  VIC,”  Special  Working  Party  on  Combat  Modeling  of  the  Effects  

of  Terrain  (SWP/CMET),”  Vicksburg,  Mississippi,  January,  1991    

164. Farr,  John  V.,  and  Meier,  Roger  W.,  “Mine  Warfare  in  Aggregated  Combat  Simulation  Model,”  Operations  Research   Society   of   America/The   Institute   of  Management   Science   (ORSA/TIMS)   annual  meeting,   New  York  City,  NY,  1989  

 White  Papers    165. Farr,   John  V.,  and  Prakel,  Mary*,  “Methodology   for  Conducting  Cost  Benefit  Analysis   to  Support  Energy  

Security  Investments,”  Center  for  Nation  Reconstruction  and  Capacity  Development  White  Paper  2013-­‐1  January,  2013    

166. Farr,   John  V.   and  McDonald,  Kenneth  W.,   “Strategic  Resource   Investment  Methodology  For  Developing  Countries,”  Center  for  Nation  Reconstruction  and  Capacity  Development  White  Paper  2012-­‐2,  July  2012    

 167.  Farr,  John  V.,  Enos,  James  R.,  and  McCarthy,  Daniel   J.,  “An  Application  of  System  Dynamics  to  Quantify  

Investments  in  Stability  and  Reconstruction  Operations  by  the  Department  of  Defense,”  Center  for  Nation  Reconstruction  and  Capacity  Development  White  Paper  2012-­‐2,  August  2012      

168. Chack,  Andrew*,  Farr,   John  V.,  and  Schreiner,   James  H.,  “A  Systems  Perspective  of  Foreign   Intervention  with   Regards   to   the   Democratic   Peoples   Republic   of   Korea,”   Center   for   Nation   Reconstruction   and  Capacity  Development  White  Paper,  June,  2012  


Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          22                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

Publications  Currently  Under  Review  or  Being  Revised  169. Farr,  John  V.,  Cloutier,  Robert,  and  Saltysiak,  Thomas  I.,  “An  Architectural  Framework  for  Nation  States  in  

Support   of   Peace   Building   Operations,”   accepted   and   under   revision   for   the   Journal   of   Enterprise  Transformation,  December,  2013  

170. Farr,   John   V.,   Faber,   Isaac   J.,   Ganguly,   Anirban,   Larson,   Steven   L.,   and   Martin,   W.   Andy,   “The   Use   of  Simulation  Based  Costing  for  Determining  Life  Cycle  Costs  and  Risks  for  Army  Environmental  Remediation  Programs,”  submitted  to  the  Engineering  Economist,  May  26,  2014  

171.  Faber,   Isaac,   Lane,  William*,   Pak,  Wayne*,   Prakel,  Mary*,   Rocha,   Cheyne*,   and   Farr,   John   V.   "Micro-­‐Energy  Markets:  The  Role  of  a  Consumer  Preference  Pricing  Strategy  on  Micro-­‐grid  Energy   Investment,"  submitted  to  Energy,  May  12,  2014  

 IV.  Graduate  Students      Dissertation  Advisor  (Served  as  Chair  or  Co-­‐chair)  1. Gerald  Charles  Koblyski,  “Comparing  Dynamic  Decision  Networks  to  Dynamic  Programming,”  Dissertation  

Submitted  in  Partial  Requirements  for  a  Doctor  of  Philosophy  -­‐  Interdisciplinary  (Systems  Engineering  and  Statistics),  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology,  May,  2005  

 2. Sujoy   Dey,   “Managing   Process   Uncertainties   for   Increased   Productivity   in   Pharmaceutical   Drug  

Development   Using   Modeling   and   Simulation,”   Dissertation   Submitted   in   Partial   Requirements   for   a  Doctor  of  Philosophy  -­‐  Systems  Engineering,  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology,  May,  2005  

 3. Apichart   Choopavang,   “Integration   of   the   Dominant   Node   Identification   and   Separation   Processes   into  

Conditional  Probability  Distribution  Elicitation  Process   in  Bayesian  Networks,”  Dissertation  Submitted   in  Partial  Requirements   for  a  Doctor  of  Philosophy  -­‐  Systems  Engineering,  Stevens   Institute  of  Technology,  August,  2005  

 4. Leeza   Osipenko,   “Systems   Dynamics   Models   of   the   ELI-­‐P   Test,”   Dissertation   Submitted   in   Partial  

Requirements   for   a   Doctor   of   Philosophy   -­‐   Systems   Engineering,   Stevens   Institute   of   Technology,  September,  2005  

 5. Thomas   J.   Day,   “A   Systems   Approach   to   Privatization   and   Outsourcing   of   Publicly   Owned   Treatment  

Works,”   Dissertation   Submitted   in   Partial   Requirements   for   a   Doctor   of   Philosophy   –   Engineering  Management,  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology,  May,  2007  

 6. Mitchell   C.   Kerman,   “The   Application   of   Robust  Metamodel   for   Salinity   Uncertainty   Quantification   and  

Event   Detection   Confirmation   with   New   York   Harbor   Oceanographic   Data,”   Dissertation   Submitted   in  Partial  Requirements   for  a  Doctor  of  Philosophy  -­‐  Systems  Engineering,  Stevens   Institute  of  Technology,  May,  2009  

 7. Tod  M.  Schuck,  “Processing  Information  for  Compact  Combat  Identification  Knowledge  Representation  in  

Distributed  Tactical  Military   Information  Systems,”  Dissertation  Submitted   in  Partial  Requirements   for  a  Doctor  of  Philosophy  -­‐  Systems  Engineering,  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology,  May,  2010  

 8. Patricia  E.  Cataruozolo,  “A  Systems-­‐Approach  to  Modeling  Suicide  in  the  Army,”  Dissertation  Submitted  in  

Partial   Requirements   for   a   Doctor   of   Philosophy   –   Engineering   Management,   Stevens   Institute   of  Technology,  May,  2010  

 9. Margret   Smith,   “Using  Process   Simulation   to  Manage  New  Product  Development  Pipeline  Throughput,”  

Dissertation   Submitted   in   Partial   Requirements   for   a  Doctor   of   Philosophy   –   Engineering  Management,  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology,  October,  2010  


Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          23                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

10. Elizabeth   Lennon,   “A   Systems   Engineering  Approach   to  Microplasma  Reforming   if   Acetylene   (C2H2)   for  Air-­‐Independent  Solid  Oxide  Fuel  Cell  Power  Systems,”  Dissertation  Submitted  in  Partial  Requirements  for  a   Doctor   of   Philosophy   -­‐   Interdisciplinary   (Systems   Engineering   and   Chemical   Engineering),   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology,  June,  2011  

 Thesis  Advisor  1. Lora   M.   Carroll,   “A   Decision   Support   Model   for   Nation   Reconstruction,”   Thesis   Submitted   in   Partial  

Requirements   for   a   Masters   of   Engineering   in   Systems   Engineering,   Stevens   Institute   of   Technology,  serves  as  thesis  advisor,  December,  2005  

 2. George   L.   Mason,   “Effects   of   Road   Degradation   on   Convoy   Movement,"   Thesis   Submitted   in   Partial  

Requirements   for   a   Master's   Degree   of   Civil   Engineering,   Mississippi   State   University,   Served   as   co-­‐advisor,  1990  

 Thesis  Reader  7  1. Arpit   Kotak,   “Identification   and   Repriorization   of   System   Failures   Using   Failure   Mode   and   Effects   and  

Analysis  and  Classification  Trees,”  Thesis  Submitted  in  Partial  Requirements  for  a  Masters  of  Engineering  in  Engineering  Management,  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology,  May,  2009  

 2. William  Carr,  "Examining  the  Use  of  Air  Traffic  Control  Procedures  for  Exit  Utilization  to  Reduce  Runway  

Occupancy  Times,"  Thesis  Submitted  in  Partial  Requirements  for  a  Masters  of  Engineering  in  Engineering  Management,  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology,  May,  2009  

 3. Dhanashri   Sathaye,   “Detecting   Disease   Outbreaks   Using   Wavelets   and   CUSUM,”   Thesis   Submitted   in  

Partial   Requirements   for   a   Masters   of   Engineering   in   Engineering   Management,   Stevens   Institute   of  Technology,  December,  2008  

 4. Elizabeth  Ann  Lennon,  "Systematic  Design  of  Hydrogen  Peroxide  (H2O2)  Decomposition  Microreactors  for  

Oxidant   Supply   to  Air-­‐Independent   Solid  Oxide   Fuel  Cell   (SOFC)   for  Unmanned  Undersea  Vehicle   (UUV)  Power  Applications,"   Thesis   Submitted   in  Partial  Requirements   for   a  Masters  of   Engineering   in   Systems  Engineering,  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology,  December,  2007  

 5. Ozge   Doguc,   “A   Bayesian   Network   Framework   for   System   Operational   Effectiveness   Assessment   and  

Analysis,”  Thesis  Submitted  in  Partial  Requirements  for  a  Masters  of  Engineering  in  Systems  Engineering,  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology,  May,  2006  

 Masters  Degree  Special  Project  1. Jonathan  Fratello,  “E-­‐2C  Aircraft  Subsystem  Operating  and  Support  Cost  Trending  Via  Linear  Regression,”  

Special   Project   Submitted   in  Partial  Requirements   for   a  Masters  of   Engineering   in   Systems  Engineering,  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology,  May,  2009  

 2. Anthony   Lombardo,   “Commercial-­‐Off-­‐The-­‐Shelf   (COTS)   Software   Evaluation   and   Selection   Process,”  

Special   Project   Submitted   in  Partial  Requirements   for   a  Masters  of   Engineering   in   Systems  Engineering,  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology,  May,  2009  

 3. Joseph   Darney,   “The   Constructive   Systems   Engineering   Cost   Model   (COSYSMO)   and   its   Application   in  

Future   Combat   Systems   (FCS),”   Special   Project   Submitted   in   Partial   Requirements   for   a   Masters   of  Engineering  in  Systems  Engineering,  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology,  May,  2009  


7  Stevens  uses  a  two-­‐advisor  system  for  a  master’s  degree.    One  serves  as  the  primary  advisor  and  is  responsible  for  the  content  of  the  thesis.    Another  faculty  member  servers  as  a  reader  and  also  serves  as  a  secondary  or  co  advisor.  

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          24                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

4. Cotye  S.  Julian  and  Tana  B.  Lucy,  “Commercial-­‐Off-­‐The-­‐Shelf  (COTS)  Component  Evaluation  and  Selection  Process,”   Special   Project   Submitted   in   Partial   Requirements   for   a   Masters   of   Engineering   in   Systems  Engineering,  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology,  December,  2009  

 5. Bruce   Wight,   “Simulating   Received   Signal   Performance   for   Systems   Employing   Frequency   Diversity,”  

Special   Project   Submitted   in  Partial  Requirements   for   a  Masters  of   Engineering   in   Systems  Engineering,  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology,  May,  2009  

 6. LaRon   Wagener,   “Data   Center   Operational   Cost   Guide   Sheet,”   Special   Project   Submitted   in   Partial  

Requirements   for   a   Masters   of   Engineering   in   Systems   Engineering,   Stevens   Institute   of   Technology,  August,  2009  


Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          25                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

Served  on  the  Following  PhD  Committees    

Name   University   Date  John  Escobar   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   November  2001  

COL  Robert  Powell   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   June  2002  Fred  Chang   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   January  2003  Paul  West   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   May  2003  Tom  Herald   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   May  2006  Fangyi  He   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   September  2007  Jason  Cook   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   May  2008  

Michael  DiMarino   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   May  2009  Zhen  Sullivan   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   May  2010  Abhro  Ganguly   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   May  2009  John  Wirbinski   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   May  2009  Pierre  Brice   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   December  2010  Patrick  Eigbe   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   May  2010  

Anita  Chandrasekaran   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   May  2010  Ozge  Doguc   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   May  2010  

Shereazad  Gandhi   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   May  2010  Ilona  Murynets   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   May  2010  Romulo  Magnaye   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   June  2010  Alice  Squires   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   May  2011  Larry  Earnest   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   May  2011  Janet  Oren   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   May  2012  Brig  Bjorn   University  of  Central  Florida   May  2012  

Robert  Barnett   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   July  2012  Leone  Young   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   Expected  2014  

Edward  Teague   University  of  Virginia   May  2013  Greg  O’Connor   Stevens  Institute  of  Technology   May  2014  


Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          26                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

 V.  Research  Funding  –  Academic      Funded  

Agency  and  Description   Amount  Center  for  Nation  Reconstruction  and  Capacity  Development,  United  States  Military  Academy  (2010  –  Present)  


• U.S.  Army  Research  Development  and  Engineering  Center  to  conduct  a  study  on  the  optimum   strategy   for   the   Army’s   investment   in   the   ammunition   manufacturing  industrial  base    (PI,  2014)  


• Defense  Threat  Reduction  Agency  to  develop  an  architectural  framework  in  support  of   consequence   management   in   Thailand   in   response   to   a   nuclear   incident   (PI,  2013)  


• U.S.  Army  Corps   of   Engineers   to   develop   an   economic  model   for   cost   benefits   of  IMX  explosives  and  waste  treatment  processes  (PI,  2013)  


• Assistant   Chief   of   Staff   for   Installation   Management   (ACSIM)   for   research   into  architecture  and  pricing  strategies  for  energy  specifically  for  micro  grid  applications  (Co  PI,  2012)  


• U.S.  Army  Corps   of   Engineers   to   develop   an   economic  model   for   cost   benefits   of  treating  depleted  uranium  soils  (PI,  2012)  


• U.S.   Army   Corps   of   Engineers   to   develop   a   system   dynamics   and   an   analytical  model  for  regional  instability  for  Kenya  (PI,  2011)  


• ACSIM   for   research   into   resource   prioritization   and   allocation   for   energy   security  (PI,  2011)  


• ACSIM   for   research   and   operational   support   of   the   Center   for   Nation  Reconstruction  and  Capacity  Development  (PI,  2010)  


• U.S.   Army   Corps   of   Engineers   to   develop   a   decision   support   system   for   use   in  Afghanistan   for   resource   allocation   in   support   of   nation   reconstruction.     Joint  project  with  the  University  of  Virginia  (PI,  2010)  


• U.S.   Army   Research   and   Development   Engineering   Center   to   develop   a   decision  system  of  systems  diagram  and  a  high-­‐resolution  model   for   resource  allocation   in  support  of  counterdrug  activities  (Co  PI,  2010)  


Total   $805,750  

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          27                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

Stevens  Institute  of  Technology  (2000-­‐2010)    • Defense  Acquisition  University/Systems  Engineering  Research  Center  to  develop  a  

curriculum   for   senior   leadership   program   for   systems   engineering   and   technical  leaders  (PI,  2009)  

$860,000  over  2  years  

• Definition,   and   construction   of   a   Systems   Engineering   Laboratory,   U.S.   Army  Research  Development  and  Engineering  Center    (PI,  2006)  


• Simulation  Model   for   Drug   Pipeline   Costs,   Johnson   and   Johnson   Pharmaceutical  Research  and  Development  –  Part  II  (PI,  2005)  


• Simulation  Model   for   Drug   Pipeline   Costs,   Johnson   and   Johnson   Pharmaceutical  Research  and  Development  –  Part  I  (PI,  2004)  


• Dynamical  Decision  Networks   as   a  Decision   Support   Tool   for   the   Future  Combat  Systems,  DARPA  (Co  PI  with  LTC  Gerald  C.  Kobylski,  2003)  


• Simulation  Model   for   Drug   Pipeline   Costs,   Johnson   and   Johnson   Pharmaceutical  Research  and  Development  (PI,  2003)  


• Probabilistic   Decision   Support   for   Evaluating   Technology   Insertion   and   Assessing  Aviation  Safety  System  Risk,  subcontractor  to  Rutgers  and  NASA  (PI,  2003)  


• Performance  Based  Logistics  Strategies   (subcontractor   to  Decisive  Analytics   from  the  Assistant  Deputy  Secretary  of  Defense  for  Logistics,  Plans,  and  Programs  (Co-­‐PI  with  Dr.  Dinesh  Verma,  2002)  


• NASA  as  a   subcontractor   to  Rutgers   to  develop   reliability  models   for  human  and  hardware  (PI,  2002)  


• United   Defense   titled   “Assessment   of   the   Crusader   Technology  Refreshment/Obsolesce  Avoidance  Strategy  and  Suggest  a  Plan  Framework,”  (Co-­‐PI  with  Dr.  Dinesh  Verma,  2001)  


• Lockheed   Martin   Corporation,   to   develop   training   procedures   and   metrics   for  using  commercial  of  the  shelf  software  (COTS)  for  the  next  generation  submarines  sonar  systems  (Co-­‐PI  with  Dr.  Dinesh  Verma,  2000)  


• Lockheed  Martin  Corporation,  to  develop  an  assessment  and  evaluation  methodology  for  COTS-­‐intensive  open  systems  architecture    (Co-­‐PI  with  Dr.  Dinesh  Verma,  2000)  


Total   $1,726,462  

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          28                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

United  States  Military  Academy  (1992  –  2000)    • Assistant   Secretary   of   the   Army   Financial   Management   and   Comptroller  

(ASAFM&C)   for   installation   support   in   the   areas   of   BPR   and   critical   infrastructure  protection,  (PI,  1999)  


• American   International   Group,   Consultants   (AIGC),   Inc.,   to   document   and  recommend   improvement   for   loss   pick   credit   methodology   for   general   causality  insurance,  (PI,  1999)  


• ASAFM&C  for  developing  minimal  sets  of  service  standards  and  predictive  models  for  Army  installations,  (PI,  1999)  


• AIGC,  Inc.,  to  develop  decision  support  systems  for  construction  industry  insurance  assessment,  (PI,  1998)  


• U.S.  Army  Artificial  Intelligence  Center  to  develop  an  infrastructure  model  as  part  of  decision  support  systems  for  cross-­‐functional  analysis  of  Army  funding,  (PI,  1998)  


• ASAFM&C   for   installation   support   in   BPR   and   environmental   management,   (PI,  1998)  


• ASAFM&C  for  an  ABC  measures  of  effectiveness  study,  (PI,  1998)   $35,000  • ASAFM&C  for  installation  decision  support  system,  (PI,  1997)   $57,800  • Cold  Regions  Research  Engineering  Laboratory  for  studying  cold  weather  effects  on  

the  modern  battlefield  using  computer  simulation,  (PI,  1997)  $15,000  

• Cold  Regions  Research  Engineering  Laboratory  for  studying  cold  weather  effects  on  the  modern  battlefield  using  computer  simulations,  (PI,  1996)  


• ASAFM&C  for  installation  re-­‐engineering,  (PI,  1996)   $95,000  • Office   of   the   Secretary   of   Defense,   Program   Analysis   and   Evaluation   to   conduct  

joint  force  structure  analysis  for  various  roles  and  mission,  (PI,  1996)  $25,000  

• Simulation  Training  and  Instrumentation  Command  (STRICOM)  to  develop  a  civilian  emergency  management  simulation,  (PI,  1995)  


• Office  of  the  Secretary  of  Defense,  Program  Analysis  and  Evaluation  to  analyze  joint  force  structure  for  various  roles  and  mission,  (PI,  1994)  


• Program   Manager,   Combat   Mobility   Vehicle   to   perform   analysis   of   minefield  breaching,  (PI,  1993)  


Total     $672,600    Proposals  Written  and  Under  Consideration  

Agency  and  Description   Amount  • None    


Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          29                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

Research  Proposals  Written  and  Not  Funded  Agency  and  Description   Amount  

• U.  S.  Agency  for  International  Development,  to  develop  potential  conflict  indicators  for  the  water  allocation  problem  for  the  Nile  River  (Co  PI,  2012)  

$300,000  over  2  years  

• U.  S.  Army  AFRICOM,  to  develop  potential  conflict  indicators  in  partnership  with  Addis  Ababa  University  for  the  water  allocation  problem  for  the  Nile  River  (Co  PI,  2012)  


• U.  S.  Department  of  State,  to  establish  a  study  abroad  program  that  is  mainly  focused  on  engineering  students  (Co  PI,  2012)  

$400,000  over  2  years  

• Market  Survey  for  NextGen  Systems  Engineering  and  Environmental  (NSEE)  Public-­‐Private  Academic  Partnership  with  the  Federal  Aviation  Administration  (Lead  Proposal  Writer,  2009)  

$140,000,000  over  10  years  

• Support  Services  for  the  Weapons  and  Software  Engineering  Center,  Weapon  System  and  Technology  Directorate,  related  and  supporting  elements  of  WSEC  and  ARDEC  located  at  Picatinny  Arsenal  (part  of  a  team  led  by  HPTi,  PI  for  all  Stevens  work  and  proposal  development,  2009)  

$10,000,000  over  5  years  

• National  Science  Foundation,  Developing  System  of  Systems-­‐based  Resilience  and  Sustainability  Frameworks  and  Metrics  for  Interconnected  Infrastructure  Systems  Design,  Operation  and  Management  (Co  PI,  2007)  


• New  Jersey  Department  of  Transportation,  Comprehensive   Impact  Assessment  of  Transportation  Infrastructure  Investments  on  the  New  Jersey  State  Economy  (Co  PI,  2007)  


• Ford   Foundation,   to   study   the   historical   and   engineering   aspects   of   postwar  reconstruction  (PI,  2005)  


• James  S.  McDonnell  Foundation,  to  study  the  historical  and  engineering  aspects  of  postwar  reconstruction  (PI,  2004)  


• U.S.   Navy,   Earle   Facility,   New   Jersey   title   “Simulation   of   the   Ship-­‐to-­‐Ship  Weapons  Supply  Chain,”  (PI,  2004)  


• United  Defense  titled  “Cost  Modeling,  Technology  Refreshment  Template,  and                                Concepts  for  Operations  Architecture  for  the  COTS  Service  Center                              In  Support  of  the  Advanced  Gun  System,”  (Co  PI,  2001)  


• Winstar  Corporation  titled  “Strategic  Resource  Planning  Using  Simulation  for  Financial  Reporting,”  (PI,  2001)  



Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          30                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

 VI.  Service    


 United  States  Military  Academy  (2010-­‐Present)  

Committee   Level   From   To  Advisor,  Systems  Management  Program   Department   2012   Present  Advisor,  Engineering  Management  Program   Department   2010   2012  Academic  Research  Council   Academy   2011   2012  Faculty  Council,  Subcommittee  on  Interdisciplinary  Efforts   Academy   2010   2011  Faculty  Council   Academy   2010   Present  Faculty  Representative,  Wrestling   Academy   2010   2014  ABET  Credit  Hours  Subcommittee   Academy   2010   Present  Core  Curriculum  Think  Tank   Academy   2013   2013  Core  Curriculum  Working  Group   Academy   2013   2014    Stevens  Institute  of  Technology  (2000-­‐2010)  

Committee   Level   From   To  Academic  Planning  and  Resource  (APAR)  Committee  of  the  Faculty  Senate    

University   2005  2008  

2007    2010  

Educational  Assessment  Committee   University   2008   2010  Institute  Software  Selection  Committee   University   2008   2010  Middle  States  –  Planning  and  Resources  Committee   University   2007   2008  Faculty  Representative  to  the  Wrestling  Team   University   2007   2010  Associate  Dean  for  Academics   University   2007   2010  SSE  Promotion  and  Tenure  (Chair  from  2007-­‐2010)   School   2007   2010  PhD  Committee  (Chair)   School   2007   2010  SSE  Admissions  Committee  (Chair)   School   2007   2010  SSE  Programs  Committee   School   2007   2010  Bachelor  of  Engineering  in  Engineering  Management  Academic  Committee  

Department   2001   2010  

Chair,  Bachelor  of  Engineering  in  Engineering  Management  Academic  Committee  

Department   2000   2001  

Committee  on  Education/Research  and  Global  Preparedness   University   2005   2006  Committee  to  Develop  the  2002  Strategic  Plan  for  the  School  of  Engineering  

School   2002   2002  

Committee  to  Re-­‐engineer  the  PhD  Process   School   2001   2001  Corporate  Outreach  Team   University   2000   2002  Dean  of  Engineering  Search  Committee   University   2002   2006  Department  Director   University   2000   2007  Director,  Engineering  Management  Program   Department/  

School  2001   2009  

Faculty  Representative  to  Annual  Giving  Council   University   2000   2003  Graduate  Committee   University   2000   2006  Infrastructure  Committee,  Board  of  Trustees   University   2006   2010  Integrated  Product  Development  Advisory  Committee   School   2000   2001  Planning,  Resource  Allocation,  Institutional  Renewal,  and  Institutional  Resources  Committee  for  Middle  States  Self  Study  

University   2006   2008  

School  of  Engineering  Awards  Committee   School   2004   2005  School  of  Engineering  Executive  Committee   School   2000   2007  Systems  Engineering  Program  Committee   Department   2003   2007  

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          31                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

 United  States  Military  Academy  (1992-­‐2000)  

Committee   Level            From   To  ABET  Committee  Representative   Academy   1999   2000  Vice  President,  Army  Hockey  Association   National   1998   2000  Director,  Engineering  Management  Program   Academy   1997   2000  Admissions  Committee   Academy   1996   2000  Admissions  Committee  –  Prep  School   Academy   1997   2000  Freshman  Mentor  Program   Academy   1996   2000  USMA  Faculty  Council   Academy   1994   2000  Phi  Kappa  Phi  Representative   Department   1994   2000  Chair,  Phi  Kappa  Scholarship  Awards   Academy   1998   1999  Middle  States  Accreditation  Subcommittee  –  USMAPS   Academy   1997   1999  Phi  Kappa  Phi  Scholarship  Awards   Academy   1997   1999  Faculty  Representative,  Army  Lightweight  Football   Academy   1996   1999  MaHan  Hall  Renovation   Academy   1996   1999  Chair,  Systems  Engineering  Award  for  Excellence   Department   1996   1999  Chair,  Civilian  Faculty  Hiring   Department   1998   1998  Chair,  Budget     Department   1996   1997  Executive  Committee  of  Phi  Kappa  Phi   Academy   1994   1996  ABET  Accreditation   Department   1993   1996  Faculty  Representative,  Army  Judo   Academy   1994   1995  Curriculum  2000   Academy   1993   1995  Admissions  Review   Academy   1993   1994  Design  Review   Department   1993   1993                                      

Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          32                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

Professional    Technical  Societies  Organization   Committee   From   To  

ASCE   Corresponding  Member,  TCAP3  –  Task  Committee  on  Academic  Prerequisites  in  Professional  Practice  

2001   2004  

  Corresponding  Member,  Task  Committee  on  Publications  (TCP),  Committee  on  Professional  Practice  (CPP)  

2001   2004  

  Member,  Task  Committee  on  Publications  (TCP),  Committee  on  Professional  Practice  (CPP)  

1997   2001  

  Chairman,  TCP,  CPP   1997   1999     Member,  Publications  Committee  of  the  Engineering  

Management  Division  (EMD)  1994   1997  

  Secretary,  Publications  Committee  of  the  EMD   1995   1996     Member,  Soil  Properties  Committee   1987   1991  ASEM   Member  of  the  Board  of  Directors   2004   2009     Past  President  and  Member  of  the  Board  of  Directors   2003   2004     President   2002   2003     President  Elect   2001   2002     Member,  Ad  Hoc  Committee  for  Graduate  Certification   2000   2001     Secretary   2000   2001  Epsilon  Mu  Eta   Board  of  Directors,  Engineering  Management  Honor  Society   2004   2010  SOLE   Board  of  Advisors,  International  Society  of  Logistics  (SOLE)   2002   2004    Active  or  Former  Reviewer  for  the  Following  Journals  

Journal  (Organization)  Computers  and  Industrial  Engineering  Engineering  Management  Journal  (ASEM)  International  Journal  of  Engineering  Education  International  Journal  of  Information  Technology  and  Systems  Analysis  Journal  of  Construction  Engineering  and  Management  (ASCE)  Journal  of  Engineering  Education  (ASEE)  Journal  of  Infrastructure  Systems  (ASCE)  Journal  of  Management  in  Engineering  (ASCE)  Journal  of  Natural  Hazard  Review  Journal  of  Professional  Issues  and  Engineering  Education  (ASCE)  Military  Operations  Research  Journal  (MORS)  Systems,  Man  and  Cybernetics  (IEEE)  Systems  Engineering  Journal  (IEEE)    Journal  Editor  Organization   Committee   From   To  

ASCE   Editor,  Journal  of  Management  in  Engineering  (JME)   2000   2001  ASEM   Founder  and  First  Editor  of  the  Engineering  Management  

Practice  Periodical  (EMPP)  2003   2009  

IJISSA   Senior  Member  of  Editorial  Review  Board,  International  Journal  of  Information  Systems  and  Systems  Approach  

2006   2010  


Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          33                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

Accreditation  Board  of  Engineering  and  Technology  Position   Accomplishments   To  

Commissioner   Study  Chair  or  Co-­‐Chair  • Youngstown  State  University  –  General  Review  • University  of  South  Carolina    -­‐  Interim  Report  • West  Texas  A&M  University  –  Interim  Report    • Lake  Superior  State  University  –  General  Review  • Wayne  State  University  –  General  Review  with  TAC  • Kansas  State  University  –  General  Review  with  CAC                              • University  of  Vermont  –  Interim  Report  • Arkansas  Tech  University  –  Interim  Report  

2011  to  Current  2013  2013  2013  2012  2012  2011  2011  2011  

Evaluator   Naval  Postgraduate  School  –  Program  Evaluator,  Master  of  Science  in  Systems  Engineering  –  Distance  Learning  


Committee  Members  

Training  Mentor  Materials  Committee    Distance  Learning  Assessment  Task  Force  

2009  to  Current  2011  to  Current  2012  to  2013  

 International  and  National  Academic  Advisory  Boards  

Organization   Committee   From   To  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology  

Bachelor  of  Engineering  in  Engineering  Management  Advisory  Committee,  Stevens  Institute  of  Technology  

1998   2000  

Canada   Evaluator  for  Ontario  Council  of  Graduate  Studies,  Appraiser  for  Engineering  and  Technology  Management  Programs  

2005   2006  

Norwich  University   Member  of  the  University  Board  of  Fellows   2007   Present  New  York  State   Evaluator,  Systems  Engineering  Program,  SUNY  Stony  Brook   2005   2005  State  of  Arizona   External  Evaluator,  Department  of  Industrial  and  Systems  

Engineering  Program,  University  of  Arizona  2007   2008  

U.  S.  Army   Board  of  Visitors/Advisors,  Department  of  Systems  Engineering,  United  States  Military  Academy  

2001   2010  


Curriculum  Vitae  -­‐  Farr                                                                                                                                                                          34                                                                                                                                                                                                    5/29/14  

 Government  Advisory  Boards  Organization   Committee   From   To  U.  S.  Army   Member  of  the  Army  Science  Board  

• Member,  Study  on  Reduced  Footprint  and  Logistical  Burden  of  an  Expeditionary  Force,  2010  

• Chair,  Energy  and  Security  Panel,  Installation  2025  Study,  2009  

• Chair,  Functional  Analysis  Panel,  Generating  Force  Census  Study,  2008  

• Chair,  Science  and  Technology  Panel,  Homeland,  Defense  Summer  Study,  2007  

• Co-­‐Chair,  Systems  Architecture  and  Interoperability  Panel,  Homeland  Defense  Summer  Study,  2006  

• Member,  Summer  Study  on  Business  Process  Reengineering,  Installation  Management  Panel,  2005  

• Member,  Summer  Study  on  Spiral  Acquisition,  2004  

2004   2010  

  Consultant  to  the  Army  Science  Board  • Member,  Summer  Study  Panel  Member  for  Reliability  of  

the  Future  Combat  System,  2003  

2002   2004  

  Engineering  Model  Improvement  Program  (EMIP)  Advisory  Group   1991   1992     Steering  Committee  Member,  Battlefield  Environment  and  Semi-­‐

Automated  Forces,  Distributed  Interactive  Simulations  1991   1992  

 Miscellaneous  Advisory  Boards  Organization   Committee   From   To  

National  Academies  

Member  of  the  Air  Force  Studies  Board  • Study  Member  on    “Pre-­‐Milestone  A  and  Early  Phase  

Systems  Engineering:  A  Retrospective  Review  and  Benefits  for  Future  Air  Force  Systems  Acquisition”  

• Study  Member  on  DoD  STEM  Education  Graduate  Study  Needs  

2006  2007  



2012  2008  



 Industry  Advisory  Boards  Organization   Committee   From   To  

Lockheed  Martin  Co.  

Executive  Steering  Committee,  Advanced  Rapid  COTS  Insertion  Initiatives  

2000   2001  

