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Klas 3havo


Wat heb ik in de les nodig?

In deze les gebruik ik ….


Week toetsvorm gewicht Wat moet je leren

50 Schriftelijk 1 schrijfopdracht

3 Schriftelijk 3 Lezen h1 t/m 4

7 Schriftelijk 1 Spelling h1 t/m 3

10 mondeling 1 Leeskring

Vak- en taaldoelen

1 Je kunt de meest voorkomende vaste tekststructuren herkennen en benoemen.

2 Je kunt verschillende argumentatiestructuren herkennen in een tekst en deze

weergeven in een blokjesschema.

3 Je kunt tegenargumenten en bijbehorende weerleggingen aangeven in een


4 Je kent de begrippen metonymie, hyperbool, understatement en eufemisme.

5 Je weet wanneer je een tussen -’n’ moet schrijven en hoe je getallen schrijft.

6 Je kunt je mening geven over een boek en de uitwerking van de begrippen ‘personages’, ‘perspectief’, ‘tijd’, ‘ruimte’, ‘sfeer’, ‘thema’, ‘motieven’, en ‘motto’ gebruiken om je mening te onderbouwen.

EIO Competenties

Activiteit/opdracht competentie Portfolio




Leerjaar 3 havo

periode 2

Vak Nederlands



Week Inhoud Oefeningen Opmerkingen ✓


3 - 9 dec

3 lessen

Schrijfopdracht bij Dilemma of Boos


10 - 16 dec

Verder werken aan schrijfopdracht en

start lezen h3

Inleveren schrijfopdracht


17 -

21 Dec

Afmaken lezen h3 en starten met lezen h4

Leesboek uitkiezen (6 groepen, elke

groep hetzelfde boek)


22 dec - 29 dec


1 Kerstvakantie 31 dec - 6 jan

2 Herhalen lezen h1 t/m 4 en oefenen voor de toets uit


7 - 13 jan

3 16 t/m 25 jan SE week Oefentoets lezen

Proefwerk lezen h1 t/m 4

14 - 20 jan

4 16 t/m 25 jan SE week 21 - 27 jan

5 1 les Bespreken leestoets 1 les herhalen

spelling h1 1 les spelling h2

28 jan - 3 feb

6 1 les spelling h2

2 lessen spelling h3

4 - 10 feb

7 1 les so spelling h1

t/m 3 en lezen in leesboek

1 les bespreken so en uitleg leeskring 1 les voorbereiden

leeskring in groepen

So spelling h1 t/m 3 11 - 17 feb

8 krokusvakantie 18 - 24 feb

9 1 les woordenschat h2

1 les woordenschat h2

1 les woordenschat h3

Leesboek uit 25 feb - 3 mar

10 3 lessen leeskring leeskring 4 - 10 mar


11 - 17 mar

1 les nabespreken leeskring

1 les formuleren h2 1 les formuleren h3


18 - 24 mar

SE-week 18-t/m 25 maart

Test EIO/portfolio Vakantie SE week


What to bring to the lesson?

I need the following items:

- Notebook

- Pens

- Grammar & vocab book Solutions

- Harry Potter 3 (term 1)

- Book of choice (term 2)

- Looking for Alaska (term 3)

- Handout Checkpoint preparation (term 3)


Week Form of test weight What to study?

Term 1 Writing (HP3)

Use of English





HP3 and the notes on writing

Solution units 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7

Non-fiction texts and notes on

conversational English

Term 2 Writing (100 points

book project)


Book of choice


Subject English


CITO HAVO reading

(test week Jan)

Speech (Junior

Speaking Contest)



Reading skills. This school year, make

sure you read a British / American /

Australian / Canadian article every

week to enlarge your reading skills and

your vocabulary. Study the linking

words and what their function is. Make

sure you know how to approach a CITO

HAVO reading test.

Themes studied in class, and your

notes on public speaking and the

structure of a speech

Term 3 Use of English


Literature (Looking for


Pre IB writing

assignment (travel







Checkpoint handout and Solutions units


LFA (setting, plot, characters, themes,

symbols, point of view)

Leisure (create own English-speaking

country and design a travel brochure)

Listening & viewing. Start watching the

BBC news and the BBC channels in

general. Watch Netflix documentaries,

listen to the radio. Anything to hear

many different accents and to hear

people discussing many different topics.

Subject and language aims

Building up to HAVO5 levels (B1 needs to be reached by the end of year 3


Build up to English B, the IB learner profile:

English B HL language goals:

EIO Competences

Activity/assignment Competence Portfolio

Speaking Theme Junior Speaking Contest

from around the world (English-

speaking countries)


Literature Writing styles and storytelling

from around the world (English-

speaking countries), focusing on

American and British High

Schools (HP3 and LFA).


Writing News from around the world

(English-speaking countries,

non-fiction texts)



Wat heb ik in de les nodig?

In deze les gebruik ik ….


Week toetsvorm gewicht Wat moet je leren

Schriftelijk 3x H2+H3

Schriftelijk 3x H3+H4

Schriftlijk 3x H4+H5

Vak- en taaldoelen

1 Je kunt functiewaarden berekenen en een grafiek tekenen bij kwadratische functies

2 Je kunt een kwadratische vergelijking ontbinden in factoren

3 Je kunt een kwadratische vergelijking oplossen

4 Je kunt berekeningen met de kwadratische vergelijking y=a(x-d)(x-e)

5 Je kunt berekeningen met de kwadratische vergelijking y=a(x-p)^2+q

6 Je kunt een parabool verschuiven

7 Je kunt de top van de parabool berekenen bij de vorm y=ax^2+bx+c

8 Je kunt functiewaarden berekenen en een grafiek tekenen bij kwadratische functies

9 Je kunt een kwadratische vergelijking ontbinden in factoren

10 Je kunt een kwadratische vergelijking oplossen

leerjaar Havo 3E

periode 2


docent ROO


Week Inhoud Oefeningen Opmerkingen ✓ 49

3 - 9 dec

60 t/m 80


10 - 16 dec

Pw H2+H3


17 - 21 Dec

Begin H4


22 dec - 29 dec


1 Kerstvakantie 31 dec - 6 jan

2 20 t.m 40 7 - 13 jan

3 16 t/m 25 jan SE week Geen proefwerk 14 - 20 jan

4 16 t/m 25 jan SE week 21 - 27 jan

5 40 t/m 60 28 jan - 3 feb

6 PW H3 + H4 4 - 10 feb

7 Begin H5 11 - 17 feb

8 krokusvakantie 18 - 24 feb

9 20 t/m 40 25 feb - 3 mar

10 40 t/m 60 4 - 10 mar


11 - 17 mar

Begin H6


18 - 24 mar

SE-week 18-t/m 25 maart H4+H5

Test EIO/portfolio Vakantie SE week


Dans cette classe, j’utilise le cahier d’activités, le livre de textes, le livret de grammaire et le petit cahier



Mois Sorte de test Coëfficiënt Ce qu’on apprend

Novembre Production orale « la tribu »

1 Unité 1 et 2

Semaine de test janvier

Compréhension écrite et production écrite « Le petit Nicolas »

2 Les trois histoires du Petit Nicolas

Février Compréhension orale niveau A2

2 À préparer : DELF A2

Mars Grammaire et vocabulaire

1 Unité 3 : la négation, l’interrogation et le vocabulaire.

Avril Production écrite A2

2 Unité 3 et 4 : la maison, donner un conseil, la nourriture, au présent, futur proche et au passé composé.

Juin Production orale 2 À préparer : examen oral individuel A2

Semaine de test juillet

Compréhension écrite niveau A2

2 À préparer : DELF A2

Objectifs linguistiques et généraux

1 Je peux parler de mes activités quotidiennes.

2 Je peux proposer une activité ou inviter quelqu’un.

3 Je peux accepter et refuser une invitation.

4 Je peux décrire mes vêtements.

5 Je peux exprimer mon choix et la possession.

6 Je peux donner des conseils.

7 Je peux parler de mes activités quotidiennes.




Mois Sem. de


Test À préparer (Pixel 2, A2, DELF)

octobre Unité 1

novembre Production orale

présentation « la tribu »

Unité 1 et 2

décembre Le petit Nicolas (chapitre 1, 2 et 3)

janvier X Compréhension écrite et

production écrite « Le

petit Nicolas »

Les trois histoires du Petit Nicolas

février Compréhension orale A2


mars Grammaire et vocabulaire

unité 3 (la négation,

l’interrogation et le voca)

Unité 3

avril Production écrite A2 (la

maison, donner un

conseil, la nourriture, au

présent, futur proche et

au passé composé)

Unité 3 et 4

mai Examen oral individuel A2

juin Production orale A2 Examen oral individuel A2

juillet X Compréhension écrite A2 DELF A2


Kapitel 15:

Rein ins Rampenlicht! Kapitel 16:

Kleine Meister ganz groß!

Woche 20 -


Lernen: Textbuch:

Grammatik Seite 90, 91, 106, 107 Wörterlisten Seite 92, 93, 108, 109

(NL-D/D-NL) Machen: Arbeitsbuch E:

Übung: Landeskunde t/m 3.1 Wörter 3.4, 8.2, 8.4

Grammatik 3.5, 4.3, 10.4 Sehen und Hören: 5.1 Lesen 7.1, 9.1, 10.1, 15.1

Hören 3.2 Sprechen: 12.1, 12.2

Schreiben: 16.1

Machen: Arbeitsbuch F: Übung: Landeskunde t/m 3.1 Wörter: 3.4, 8.2, 8.3

Grammatik: 3.5, 4.3, 10.4 Sehen und Hören: 5.1

Lesen: 7.1, 9.1, 10.1, 15.1, 17.1, CITO-Texte Hören: 3.2

Schreiben: 16.1

Was soll ich machen und lernen?

Kapitel 10:

Ich versteh‘ nur Bahnhof!

Woche 36-40 Lernen: Textbuch:

Schreibecke Seite 14 Grammatik Seite 18

Wörterlisten Seite 19 (NL-D/D-NL) Machen: Arbeitsbuch D:

Übung: Landeskunde t/m 3.1 Wörter 3.4, 8.2, 8.3, 17.3

Grammatik 3.5, 4.3, 9.4, 17.4 Sehen und hören 5.1, Logo TV Lesen 7.1, 8.1, 9.1, 10.1, 15.1

Hören 6.2, 8.4 Sprechen: 12.1, 12.2

Schreiben: 16.1

Kapitel 11: Hals- und Beinbruch!

Woche 41-45 Lernen: Textbuch: Schreibecke Seite 28 Grammatik Seite 32

Wörterlisten Seite 33 (NL-D/D-NL)

Machen: Arbeitsbuch D: Übung: Landeskunde t/m 3.1 Wörter 3.4, 8.2, 17.4

Grammatik 3.5, 4.3, 10.4, 17.5 Sehen und hören: 5.1, Logo TV

Lesen 7.1, 8.1, 8.3, 10.1, 15.1 Hören 3.3, 6.2, 10.2 Sprechen: 12.1, 12.2

Schreiben: 16.1

Kapitel 12: Hier geht die Post ab!

Woche 46-3 Lernen: Textbuch: Schreibecke Seite 42

Grammatik Seite46 Wörterlisten Seite 47 (NL-D/D-NL)

Machen: Arbeitsbuch D: Übung: Landeskunde t/m 3.1

Wörter 3.4, 8.2, 8.4, 17.3 Grammatik 3.5, 4.3, 10.4, 17.4 Sehen und hören: 5.1, Logo TV

Lesen 7.1, 8.1, 10.1, 15.1, Cito-Texte

Hören 3.2, 4.2, 6.2, 8.5, 10.2, 17.2, 'Tage wie diese'

Sprechen: 12.1, 12.2, 14.1,14.2 Schreiben: 16.1, 'Tage wie diese'-



Wat heb ik in de les nodig?

• Boek: Complete Physics for Cambridge IGCSE

• Antwoordenboek: Achterin het boek

• Harde kaft schrift: Aantekeningen/ Oefenopgaven

• Niet grafische rekenmachine

• Geodriehoek, pen, potlood (HB en H), gum, kleurpotloden

• Diverse oefenopgaven worden uitgedeeld op papier en digitaal.

• Er wordt ook gebruik gemaakt van ppt’s. Deze bevatten ook stof die niet in het

boek staat, maar wel bij de te behandelen theorie horen.

Tests (testdata indicatief) Week toetsvorm gewicht Wat moet je leren

41 SO Kinematica I 1 Niet-versnelde bewegingen (Boek: par. 2.01,

2.02, 2.03, syllabus + powerpoint + opgaven)

45 ELO/ Opdracht 2 Groepjes van 2 a 3: toepassing van al het geleerde tot nu toe.

48 PW Kinematica 2 Boek hoofdstuk 2 t/m 2.05, syllabus + powerpoint + opgaven)

50 PW Rekenvaardigheden 2 Eigen materiaal/ Boek hst. 1.01 t/m 1.04 + hst.

14 + opgaven

03 S.O. Elekriciteit (Lading/ stroom/ spanning)

1 Boek:8.01 t/m 8.05/ powerpoint

09 P.O. / ELO Elektriciteit (meer complexe circuits met weerstanden)

2 Boek: Hoofdstuk 8 en powerpoint

11 PW Elektriciteit 2 Boek: Hoofdstuk 8 en powerpoint

16 PW Mechanica I (Wetten van Newton)

2 Boek: Hoofdstuk 2 t/m 2.10 en powerpoint

20 Wiskundige vaardigheden 1 Aangeleverd eigen materiaal/ Hoofdstuk 14 boek

23 PW Mechanica II 2 Hoofdstuk 2 t/m 2.15 / opgaven/ powerpoint

24/ 25 PO Leonardo da Vinci 2 Hoofdstuk 2 + nieuwe stof in theoretisch gedeelte L.da Vinci (wordt aangeleverd)

Vak- en taaldoelen 1 Bewegingen beschrijven en in modellen mee kunnen werken

2 Wetten van Newton begrijpen en er mee kunnen werken in de praktijk

3 Vectoren en krachten in evenwicht begrijpen en uit kunnen werken

4 Basiskennis elektriciteit en schakelingen

5 Kennis van de gevaren van elektriciteit

6 Eenvoudige metingen aan elektrische circuits kunnen doen

7 Elementaire rekenkundige en wiskundige vaardigheden aanleren die in de natuurkunde noodzakelijk zijn

8 Taaldoelen: • Formuleren van beredeneringen in volledige zinnen

• Ontwikkelen lezen in toenemende complexe context • Toenemend begrijpen en kunnen gebruiken van academische taal • Onderling kunnen discussieren over fysische onderwerpen.

leerjaar Havo 3


vak Natuurkunde




EIO Competenties

Activiteit/opdracht competentie Portfolio

ELO Kinematica Toepassen geleerde op nieuwe problemen


ELO elektriciteit Toepassen geleerde op nieuwe




Vak: Natuurkunde

Week Inhoud Oefeningen Opmerkingen ✓

Dear all, Dear all, Dear all, Dear all,


36 03-9* Inleidende lessen/ Gebruik lesmateriaal Onderwerp: Kinematica (Inleiding) Onderwerp: Kinematica (Begrippen/ Bewegingen met constante snelheid)

Boek; aanvullend materiaal (syllabus en ppt); aanvullende opgaven * Di 4 -9 lessen starten *15-9 verkort lesrooster

37 10-9

38 17-9*

39 24-9 Onderwerp: Kinematica (x,t; v,t; oppervlakken) Onderwerp: Kinematica (Oefenopgaven) Onderwerp: Kinematica (Oefenopgaven) Onderwerp: Kinematica (Inleiding versnelde bewegingen)

40 01-10 41 42

08-10 15-10

43 22-10 Herfstvakantie Onderwerp: Kinematica (versnelde bewegingen) Onderwerp: Kinematica (versnelde bewegingen) Oefenopgaven

44 45

29-10 05-11

46 12-11 Werken aan ELO opdracht

47 48 49

19-11 26-11 03-12

Oefenopgaven Uitloop/ wiskundige vaardigheden Rekenvaardigheiden ivm volgende onderwerp

Eigen materiaal

50 10-12 Onderwerp: Elektriciteit (Inleiding) Onderwerp: Elektriciteit (Begrippen)

Boek/ aanvullende materiaal (ppt)

51 17-12

52/01 Kerstvakantie PERIODE 2

02 07-01

Onderwerp: Elektriciteit (Lading/ stroom/ spanning) Onderwerp: Elektriciteit (Stroom/ spanning) Onderwerp: Elektriciteit (Schakelingen, inleiding)

• In deze periode 3 dagen ivm profielkeuze

03 04 05

14-01 21-01 28-01

Onderwerp: Elektriciteit (Rekenen aan schakelingen)

06 07 08 09

04-02 11-02 18-02 25-02

Onderwerp: Elektriciteit (Rekenen aan schakelingen) Onderwerp: Elektriciteit (Schakelingen) Voorjaarsvakantie Onderwerp: Elektriciteit

Extra materiaal

Klein practicum elektriciteit in groepjes van 2-3

10 04-03 PO elektriciteit

11 11-03 Opgaven oefenen electriciteit

12 18-03 PW Week

13 25-03 Onderwerp: Mechanica (Inleiding) Rapportvergaderingen

Periode 3

14 01-04 Onderwerp: Mechanica (Wetten van Newton)

15 08-04 Onderwerp: Mechanica (Wetten van Newton)

16 15-04

17 22-04 Meivakantie

18 29-04 Meivakantie

19 06-05 Uitloop

20 13-05 Wiskunde vaardigheden (Goniometrie) ivm vervolg mechanica

21 20-5 Onderwerp: Mechanica (krachten ontbinden)

22 27-5 Onderwerp: Mechanica (0efenopgaven) 30/31-5: Hemelvaart

23 03-06 Onderwerp: Mechanica (Oefenopgaven)

24 10-06 Practische Opdracht: Leonardo da Vinci 10/6: Pinksteren

25 17-06 Practische Opdracht: Leonardo da Vinci

13-7: R3 uit


What to bring to the lesson?

I need the following items: textbook, notebook, pen, pencil, calculator, triangular



Week Form of test weight What to study?

49 SO 0,5x 3D model ATOM building project

51 Pw 2x Big Chapter test Ch2

3 Pw 3x Big Chapter test Ch1 + Ch2

7 SO 1x Balancing equations § 3.1 + § 3.2

11/12 PW 2x Big Chapter test Ch3

Subject and language aims

C.1 I can explain the law of conservation of mass

C.2 I can calculate how many grams of a substance is produced, using the law of conservation of mass.

C.3 I can balance a chemical equation by adding the correct coefficients.

C.4 I can write a chemical equation for a combustion reaction and a decomposition reaction.

R.1 I can read my chemistry textbook and workbook questions

R.2 I can answer comprehension and application questions

L.1 I can follow instructions in English

L.2 I can understand my classmates when discussing related chemistry topics.

S.1 I can ask my teacher questions in English related to the subject of the lesson.

S.2 I can talk to my fellow students in basic and related academic English.

S.3 I can describe how some detection reactions work.

S.4 I can explain how fire can be extinguished by removing one or more of the three conditions for combustion.

S.5 I can describe the difference between a complete and incomplete combustion.

S.6 I can describe the relationship between combustion of fossil fuels and global


W.1 I can describe three types of decomposition reactions.

W.2 I can explain explain the difference in reaction rates using the particle collision model.

W.4 I can

EIO Competences

Activity/assignment Competence Portfolio

CLIL learning activities Communicate effectively Yes/no

LAB Teamwork, responsibility Yes/no


Year: THV3

Term: 2

Subject: Chemistry

Teacher: KDW


Week Content Exercises/EIO Remarks ✓


Dec 3th - 9th

Chapter 2 §2.1+§2.2 3D model ATOM building project

Students use common household and/or craft materials to create atom parts such as protons, neutrons, and electrons.


Dec 10th - 16th

Chapter 2 §2.3 Molecular and Ionic compounds

Study PowerPoint §2.3 Complete questions: 26,29,31,32 on textbook p.74. 34,36-37 on textbook p.75-76

Students learn how to name molecular and ionic compounds. Students can determine the formulas of ionic compounds.


Dec 17th - 21st

Big Ch2 Test (§2.1+§2.2+§2.3) Hand in lab reports: 1) report lab metals 2) report lab candy cane (optional)

Study PowerPoints (§2.1+§2.2+§2.3) + your notes + book.

Calculator, pen, triangular ruler and math compass are needed for your test! Neatly written lab reports describing your results + conclusion will earn you 0.5 bonus point on your big Test.


Dec 22nd - Jan 30th

Christmas holidays

1 Christmas holidays Dec 31st - Jan 6th

2 Review Chapter 1 + Chapter 2

Diagnostic tests, quizzes Jan 7th - 13 th

3 16 t/m 25 jan SE week Big test Ch1 + Ch2

Jan 14th - 20 th

4 16 t/m 25 jan SE week Jan 21st - 27th

5 Chapter 3 Reactions § 3.1 Conservation of mass and atoms

Balancing equations work sheet Lab/demo 1) Conservation of mass 2) detection reactions

Jan 28th - Feb 3th

6 Chapter 3 Reactions § 3.2 Combustion

Know the difference between complete and incomplete combustion. Read p.108-p.113 Complete the questions: 17, 18, 20,21,22,23,24,26,30,31

Students learn how to write a chemical equation for the complete combustion of compounds.

Feb 4th - 10th

7 Feb 11th

- SO Balancing equations

§ 3.1 + § 3.2

17 th

8 krokusvakantie Feb 18th - 24th

9 Chapter 3 Reactions § 3.3 Decomposition

Lab/demo decomposition

Students can describe three types of decomposition reactions.

Feb 25 - Mar 3th

10 Chapter 3 Reactions § 3.4 Rate of reaction

Lab/demo rate of reaction

Students can explain the difference in reaction rates using the particle collision model.

Mar 4th - 10th


Mar 11th - 17th

Review Chapter 3 Kahoot/Socrative


Mar 18th - 24th

SE-week 18-t/m 25 maart Big Test Chapter 3 § 3.1 - § 3.4 Study PowerPoints (§3.1-§3.4) + your notes + book.

Test EIO/portfolio Vakantie SE week


What to bring to the lesson?

I need the following items: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil, coloured pencils, ruler, scissors, glue.


Week Form of test Weight What to study?

49 Poster assignment 2x Paragraph 3.2

3 or 4 Big test 4x Chapter 1 + 3

10 Small test 2x Paragraphs 4.1-4.3

Subject and language aims

C.1 I can name various types of inheritance.

C.2 I can name examples of traits that are inheritable.

C.3 I can calculate chances of passing on certain traits in families.

C.4 I can complete a DNA and RNA-strand using base-pairing.

R.1 I can read my biology textbook and workbook questions.

R.2 I can answer complex comprehension questions.

L.1 I can follow instructions in English.

L.2 I can understand my classmates when discussing related biology topics.

L.3 I can understand video fragments in which topics about inheritance are explained.

S.1 I can explain the difference between genotype and fenotype.

S.2 I can explain the relation between chromosomes, genes, alleles and passing on certain traits in families.

W.1 I can describe the building blocks of DNA.

W.3 I can describe the process of copying DNA.

EIO Competences

Activity/assignment Competence Portfolio




year 2018-2019

Term 2

Subject Biology

Teacher GLR/WDN


Week Content Exercises/EIO Remarks ✓ 49

Dec 3th - 9th

3.2 How did life develop?

Poster assignment WB

Hand-in poster assignment


Dec 10th - 16th

3.3 What about fossils WB


Dec 17th - 21st

3.4 Our own journey WB Extra: Antibiotics resistance


Dec 22nd - Jan 30th


1 Kerstvakantie Dec 31st - Jan 6th

2 Review Chapter 1 + 3 Jan 7th



3 16 t/m 25 jan Toetsweek Big test Chapter 1 + 3

Jan 14th



4 16 t/m 25 jan Toetsweek Jan 21st - 27th

5 Start Chapter 4 It runs in the family 4.1 Pass it on!

WB Jan 28th - Feb 3th

6 4.2 What are the Chances?

WB Feb 4th - 10th

7 4.3 Genes and DNA WB Feb 11th - 17th

8 Krokusvakantie Feb 18th - 24th

9 4.3 Genes and DNA WB

Feb 25 - Mar 3th

10 4.4 Inheritance SO 4.1 - 4.3 Mar 4th - 10th

11 Mar 11th - 17th

4.4 Inheritance WB

12 Mar 18th - 24th

Projectweek 18 t/m 25 maart

Test EIO/portfolio Vakantie SE week


What to bring to the lesson?

I need the following items….


Week Form of test weight What to study?

50 Glossary word test 0,5 x All the glossary words from chapter 2

Big test chapter 2 2 x Ch2 Par 2,3,4,5,8,9,10(TB,WB & notes)

10 Glossary word test 0,5 x All the glossary words of ch 3 par 3,4,8,9,10

11 S.O. Ch 3 1 x Ch 3 Paragraph 3,4,8,9,10

Subject and language aims

1 Students will become more aware of their role in globalization

2 Students will be able to explain globalization in their own words

3 Students will be able to explain the formation of fossil fuel in steps

4 Students will be able to explain the link between population growth, environment and prosperity

5 Students will be become more aware food, water and energy scarcity

6 Students will be able to come up with solutions for equal distribution

7 Students will be able to explain the importance of sustainability

8 Students will be able to design a sustainable product/house/service



EIO Competences

Activity/assignment Competence Portfolio

Sustainability project Yes/no



Year 3 3 Havo/Vwp

Term 2

Subject Geography

Teacher Hls/ Sie/ Bkx


Week Content Exercises/EIO Remarks ✓


Dec 3th - 9th

Paragraph 9

Paragraph 10

Par 10 ex: 1,2,3,4,7,



Dec 10th - 16th

Glossary word S.O.

End of the year assignment


Study all the term words

of chapter 2

How does globalizations affect your life?


Dec 17th - 21st

End of the year assignment

Globalization Globalization questions. What is the answer?

Share with the group.


Dec 22nd - Jan 30th


1 Kerstvakantie Dec 31st - Jan 6th

2 Chapter 2 recap and

test preparation

Jan 7th - 13 th

3 16 t/m 25 jan SE week Big Test Chapter 2 par 2,3,4,5,8,9,10

Jan 14th - 20 th

4 16 t/m 25 jan SE week Jan 21st - 27th

5 Chapter 3- introduction

to sustainability

Paragraph 3

Par 3 ex: 1,2,3,4,6

Jan 28th - Feb 3th

6 Paragraph 4

Paragraph 4

Par 4 ex: 1,2,4,5,(6)

Feb 4th - 10th

7 Paragraph 8

Paragraph 8

Par 8 ex: 1,2,3,5,(6) Feb 11th - 17 th

8 Krokusvakantie Feb 18th - 24th

9 Paragraph 9

Paragraph 10

Par 9 ex: 1,2,3,5,(6)

Par 10ex: 1,2,4,5

Feb 25 -

Mar 3th

10 Glossary word test

Recap par 3,4,8,9,10

All the words from

chapter 3 par 3,4,8,9,10

Mar 4th - 10th


Mar 11th - 17th

Recap par 3,4,8,9,10

S.O. Chapter 3 par



Mar 18th - 24th

SE-week 18-t/m 25 maart

Test EIO/portfolio Vakantie SE week


What to bring to the lesson?

I need the following items: my textbook, workbook, notebook, pencil case and the

study planners.


Week Form of test weight What to study?

38 Test 2 Inter-War Years:

42 Practical Assignment: essay

1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 and notes

46 Test Documentary 3 Chapter 1

48 Documentary 1 Field Trip Ypres

48-51 Oral Presentations 1 Subject of Chapter 2

2 Test 2 Chapter 2 and notes

Subject and language aims

1 I am able to define the different causes of the First World War and apply this

information to a source question.

2 I can compare the league of nations to the United Nations.

3 I can present a research about a historical subject based on primary sources.

4 I can imagine how a soldier would feel in a trench and describe the different circumstances.

5 I am able to write a comparative commentary about the differences in totalitarian states with the help of sources.

6 I can analyze a source on reliability, usability and representativeness.

Activity/assignment Competence Portfolio

Inter-War Years Presentations Yes/no

Essay writing/Russian Revolution Yes/no

Essay: Who is to blame for WW2? Yes/no

Russian Revolution- Yes/no



Term 2&3

Subject History

Teacher Mrs. Blom or Mrs. Kamphuis


Week Content Exercises/EIO Remarks ✓

2 1.5 Primary Source Analysis

Complete the Treaty Of Versailles &

League Of Nations

Jan 7 - 1.6 11th

3 End Of Chapter 1 Test Workbook exercises Complete workbook exercises chapter 1

Jan 14 - Chapter Inter-War



4 21st - Test Week 25th

5 Inter War Years World War 2 Written Assignment

Explanation of assignment and sources

Written assignment Structured Essay of

800 words

Handout for the written assignment Did the Treaty Of

Versailles cause world war 2?


- 1st Feb

6 2.1 Russian


Workbook Exercises

Presentations based on a subject of Chapter 2 and

primary sources.

Russia Revolution

Freedom Film Written Task Or Student


Feb 4th

- 2.2.The Soviet Union

under Stalin

Workbook Exercises

Student presentations

Collectivisation & The

Great Purge


7 11th

2.3 The Rise Of Mussolini and Hitler

Workbook Exercises Student presentations

Totalitarian State Venn Diagram- Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini

Visit from Durham University Teacher

- 2.4The Great


The Great Depression

Causes and consequences Student presentations




18th - Vacation Vacation 22nd

9 2.5 Hitler’s



exercises/Student presentations



Feb 25 - 1st March



2.6 Nationalism and

Communism in China and Japan

Inter-war year

student presentations Student presentations

-8th Chapter 2 End of

Chapter test Chapter 2 Test

11 Chapter 3. 3.1 Nazi Germany prepares for

war 3.2 Europe at war

Workbook exercises Student presentations

Student presentations Workbook exercises

11th - 15th


18th - 22nd

3.3 War in the Pacific Assignment on the Holocaust and Genocide

Student presentations

Student Class Presentations

3.4 The German

Occupation of the Netherlands


25th - 29th March

Chapter 3 3.6 Founding of the State

of Israel

Student presentations Student Class presentations

Chapter 3 End of

Chapter 3 test

End of Chapter 3 Test Student Class

presentations Essays on the causes of world war 2 to be

uploaded into students digital files


1st April - 5th April

Chapter 4 The Cold War Era Research Projects

Cold War Events from 1945-1990

Workbook exercises

The Cold War Era


8th - 9 12th

Chapter 4.1. The

aftermath of World War 11

Student Research

Project The Yalta Conference

The Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan Iron Curtain

Workbook exercises

Chapter 4.1 The Berlin Wall

Truman Doctrine


15th - 19th

Chapter 4.2

The Cuban Missile Crisis

Historical Source

Analysis Workbook exercises

Workbook exercises


22nd April - 26th April

May Vacation


29th April 3rd May

May Vacation

Test EIO/portfolio Holidays SE week


What do I need to bring to the lesson?

In this lesson I use a textbook, notebook, calculator, pencil, pen and a ruler.


Week Form of test Weight What to study?

3/4 PW 2x Chapter 4 (Section 1, 2, 3 and 5)

7 SO 1x Presentations PO Philips

12 SO 1x Chapter 3 (Section 2 and 3)

Subject and language aims

1 Students know what costs producers face in starting a company

2 Student can draw up a balance sheet for a company

3 Students can draw up a profit & loss statement for a company

4 Students can draw up the changes to balance and P&L statement as well as draw up a new balance sheet and P&L to reflect these changes

5 Students can explain 5 key tasks of a manager of an organisation

6 Students can draw up an organisation chart

EIO Competences

Activity/assignment Competence Portfolio

PO Philips Identifying the best location for

a new Philips factory


year 3HAVO

Term 2

Subject Economics

Teacher Stam

Subject: Economics

Week Content Exercises/EIO Remarks ✓


Dec 3th - 9th

Chapter 4 Section 3:

Profit & Loss account

Chapter 4 Section 3: Profit & Equity

Ex. 1-4

Ex. 5-8


Dec 10th - 16th

‘Voortgangstoets’ Chapter 4 Section 5:

Changes to the balance sheet & P&L

Ex. 1

You can earn a maximum of 0.5 bonus


Dec 17th - 21st

Chapter 4 Section 5: Changes to the

balance sheet & P&L

Ex. 2


Dec 22nd - Jan 30th

Christmas holiday

Christmas holiday

Christmas holiday

1 Christmas holiday

Christmas holiday

Christmas holiday

Dec 31st - Jan 6th

2 Chapter 4 Section 5:

Changes to the balance sheet & P&L

Chapter 4 Section 5: Review

Ex. 3 (4)

Ex. 5

Jan 7th - 13 th

3 Projectweek/testweek


Test Chapter 4


Jan 14th - 20 th




Test back

Jan 21st - 27th

5 PO Philips PO Philips

Find information and divide tasks

Wednesday free (Open Huis)

Jan 28th - Feb 3th

6 PO Philips

PO Philips/presentations

Prepare presentations and practice

Feb 4th - 10th

7 Presentations


Add your presentation to your portfolio!

Feb 11th - 17th

8 Spring break

Spring break

Spring break

Feb 18th - 24th

9 Chapter 3 Section 2: Form of enterprise;

sole trader

Chapter 3 Section 2: Form of enterprise; general partnership,

(public) limited company

Ex. 2-5

Ex. 6-9

Feb 25 - Mar 3th

10 Chapter 3 Section 3: Managing an

organisation Chapter 3 Section 3:

Organisational chart

Ex. 1, 2, 3 and 6

Ex. 7, 10, 11 and 12

Mar 4th - 10th


Mar 11th - 17th


SO Chapter 3

Section 2 + 3


Mar 18th

- 24th




Test EIO/portfolio Holiday Projectweek


What to bring to the lesson?

Dummy book





Week Form of test weight What to study?

40 Practical assignment 1 K: Collage

7 Practical assignment 2 L: Wood Work

16 Practical assignment 2 M: An Artwork Like …

22 Practical assignment 2 N: Printing

24 Practical assignment 1 O: Design (if applicable)

Subject and language aims

1 Can understand the teachers instructions


2 Is able to ask the teacher questions in English related to what is explained in the lesson


3 Can read and understand written assignments or other texts reading

4 Can write short notes describing what he/she has done during a



5 Can write a journal entry following its features (oxford International



6 Can create a descriptive composition at the end of each project in

the first person


7 Student is able to discuss his/her project with the teacher speaking

8 Is able to do an art research and write a descriptive text about their implementation of an art movement.


9 Is able to present to their class their art work describing what, and explaining how and why they have made their work for at least four



10 Student can have informal conversations during working time with

other students in English


11 Can understand the students when discussing ideas in English.


12 Can understand the students participating actively in class


Test EIO/portfolio Holidays SE week


Term 1-2-3

Subject ART


Art and design planning 2018-2019


Mo Tue Wed Thu Fri Sa Su

35 1 2

36 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

37 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

38 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

39 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


Mo Tue Wed Thu Fri Sa Su

40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

41 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

42 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

43 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

44 29 30 31


Mo Tue Wed Thu Fri Sa Su

44 1 2 3 4

45 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

46 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

47 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

48 26 27 28 29 30


Mo Tue Wed


Fri Sa Su

48 1 2

49 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

50 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

51 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

52 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

1 31


Mo Tue Wed Thu Fri Sa Su

1 1 2 3 4 5 6

2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

4 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

5 28 29 30 31


Mo Tue Wed Thu Fri Sa Su

5 1 2 3

6 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

8 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

9 25 26 27 28


Mo Tue Wed Thu Fri Sa Su

9 1 2 3

10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

12 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

13 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


Mo Tue Wed Thu Fri Sa Su

14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

15 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

16 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

17 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

18 29 30


Mo Tue Wed Thu Fri Sa Su

18 1 2 3 4 5

19 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

20 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

21 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

22 27 28 29 30 31


Mo Tue Wed Thu Fri Sa Su

22 1 2

23 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

24 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

26 24 25 26 27 28 28 30


Mo Tue Wed Thu Fri Sa Su

27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

28 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

29 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

30 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

31 29 30 31

Holidays SE week / projects

Assignment K Assignement L Assignement M Assignement N Assignement O


What to bring to the lesson?

I need the following items….


Week Form of test weight What to study?

Subject and language aims











EIO Competences

Activity/assignment Competence Portfolio





Term 2




Week Content Exercises/EIO Remarks ✓ 49

Dec 3th - 9th


Dec 10th - 16th

Smashball tournament class 2


Dec 17th - 21st


Dec 22nd - Jan 30th


1 Kerstvakantie Dec 31st - Jan 6th

2 Jan 7th - 13 th

3 16 t/m 25 jan SE week Jan 14th - 20 th

4 16 t/m 25 jan SE week Jan 21st - 27th

5 Badminton Jan 28th - Feb 3th

6 Feb 4th - 10th

7 Feb 11th - 17 th

8 krokusvakantie Feb 18th - 24th

9 Gymnastics Feb 25 - Mar 3th

10 Mar 4th - 10th


Mar 11th - 17th



Mar 18th - 24th

SE-week 18-t/m 25 maart

Test EIO/portfolio Vakantie SE week
