Nemo Nobody


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  • 8/12/2019 Nemo Nobody


    Nemo Nobody[edit]

    Why am I me and not somebody else?

    I can remember a long time ago. Long before my birth. I was waiting with those who were not yet born. When

    we're not born yet, we know everything. Everything that will happen. When it's your turn, the Angels of

    Oblivion place a finger on your mouth. "Shh..." It leaves a mark on the upper lip. It means that you have

    forgotten everything. But the angels missed me.

    You have to make the right choice. As long as you don't choose, everything remains possible.

    Sometimes people call me Mr. Craft. C-R-A-F-T. Can't Remember A Fucking Thing.

    I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid I haven't been alive enough. It should be written on every school room

    blackboard; 'life is a playground or nothing.'

    I always liked fish. I never thought that one day they would like me too. [narrating while in his car underwater]

    Urgh, you're still here? Did I fall asleep? Sometimes I don't sleep so I think... I think about how it was... and

    all I have left. What do you see when you look at me? A grumpy old man who never answers questions?

    Who mixes everything up? Who's kept busy by getting his meals? That's not me. Me... I wear shorts. I'm nine

    years old. I can run faster than the train. I can't feel my aching back anymore. I'm fifteen. I'm fifteen and I'm in


    Before he was unable to make a choice because he didn't know what would happen. Now that he knows

    what will happen, he is unable to make a choice.


    Jean: Nemo, do I matter to you? I'd just like to ask you one question. Did you do it on purpose? I found

    this on the bedside table. [reads note]There comes a time in l ife where everything seems narrow.

    Choices have been made. I can only continue on. I know myself like the back of my hand. I can predict

    my every reaction. My life has been cast in cement with airbags and seatbelts. I've done everything to

    reach this point and now that I'm here, I'm fucking bored. The hardest thing is knowing whether I'm still


    Nemo adult: [looks at note]It is my handwriting. I don't remember.

    TV host: Now doctor, no trace of his identity has been found in the national records, nothing about his


    Dr. Feldheim: We don't know who Mr. Nobody is, neither does he. Our patient's memories are confused.

    But it is not unusual at a certain stage of illness for very old memories to emerge in great detail.

    Nemo aged 118: I've got nothing to say to you. I'm Mr. Nobody, a man who doesn't exist.

    Young journalist: Do you remember what the world was like before telemerization? Quasi-immortality?

    What was it like when humans were mortals?
  • 8/12/2019 Nemo Nobody


    Nemo aged 118: There were cars that polluted. We smoked cigarettes. We ate meat. We did everything

    we can't do in this dump and it was wonderful! Most of the time nothing happened... like a French movie.

    Young journalist: And, um, sexually? Before sex became obsolete.

    Nemo aged 118: Ha, ha! We screwed! Everybody was always screwing. We fell in love... we fell in love.

    Nemo aged 15: [to Harry]It will happen on a Saturday. You will be behind the wheel of your car, you are

    whistling. You do not see the crossroads. All of a sudden, a train will hit from your left and you will be


    Nemo's mother: You're not funny! [turns to Harry]Nemo thinks he can predict the future.

    Nemo aged 15: I can.

    Nemo's mother: No one can predict the future, no one knows what's going to happen!

    Nemo aged 15: I do.

    Nemo's mother: [slaps his face]Well if you could, you'd know you were going to get that.

    Nemo aged 15: I knew you'd say that.

    Anna aged 15: You wanna go for a swim? Come on, it'll be...

    Nemo aged 15: No, I...

    Anna aged 15: Come swim with us, they're my friends. Come on.

    Nemo aged 15: They're idiots. I don't go swimming with idiots.

    Anna aged 15: Jerk. [leaves]

    Nemo aged 15: [narrating]What on earth made me say I don't go swimming with idiots?

    Nemo adult: [meets by chance at the train station]Anna!

    Anna: Nemo... how have you been?

    Nemo adult: I'm fine, how are you?

    Anna: Yeah, good.

    Nemo adult: Are they your kids?

    Anna: Yeah... [awkward silence]Well, see you around.

    Nemo adult: Yeah, uh... See you around.

    Nemo aged 15: [narrating]What on earth made me say I don't go swimming with idiots?

    Nemo aged 15: Sometimes I can see the future.

    Anna aged 15: Doesn't sound like it'd be much fun to know what's going to happen.

    Nemo aged 15: How did you know my name?

    Elise aged 15: We go to the same school. You never notice me, you never notice anyone. Do you have

    a girlfriend? What, are you queer? Why don't you have a girlfriend?

  • 8/12/2019 Nemo Nobody


    Nemo aged 15: I don't know... I don't want one.

    Elise aged 15: Do you know how to talk? Well say something. [waits then starts to leave]

    Nemo aged 16: Gravity on Mars is 0,38. That's three times less than on Earth. The ground is covered

    with iron-oxide dust.

    Elise aged 15: [turns to face Nemo]You're incr
