圏閣囲田圃醒醒 · Rev. PhiIip Hoppe, Pasto「 - Phone: 320-372-0773 (ceiI〉 320-233-61 38...


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  • 圏閣囲田圃醒醒


    FinIayson, Mimesota

    Rev. PhiIip Hoppe, Pasto「 - Phone: 320-372-0773 (ceiI〉 320-233-61 38 (churoh)

    LuAnn Alleman, Secretary - Phone: 320・233-7361

    肋p佃ms. c○m

    JUNE 2019

    People ofGod raised up by the power ofChrist’s resurrection:

    You often hear people complain in our modem day about the fact that we have so many ways to be

    COmeCted to one another and yet we are often less comected than we have ever been. Somehow, eVen though

    We have phones, teXting and instant messaglng, Video calling, Facebook, and free long distance, many PeOPle

    know their extended family much less than they did when there was only a yearly reunion at which you could

    talk to them. Friends may know less about each other having all those ways to communicate than they did when

    they only had a few minutes after school to get to see each other. Church members may fねless connected to

    One anOther and be less able to support one another than in days when it took quite a bit ofworkjust to get

    everything ready to go to church and phones were not cheap to own or use.

    A similar thing can be said about studying the Word in our day. Again, PastOrS have at their disposal all

    SOrtS OftooIs they can use to teach the truths ofGod. And yet, With a11 ofthose tooli we might ask whether

    PeOPle learn more about the Word ofGod now than in former days. I would think you would be hard-PreSSed toanswer “yes” to that question with any integrity. And yet the fault does not lie with all the many ways that we

    COuld leam, but it lies with us ourselves not making use ofany ofthose ways.

    Ever since I have been here, We have taken a break from weekday Bible Studies (our Sunday moming

    Classes at Peace continue) at church during the summer months since schedules seem to be a11 over the place.

    But that does not mean that we should take a break from studying the Word・

    I would like to encourage you to do so in two ways this summer. First, read the Word in your home and

    talk about it with those God has given to live in your home. Pray together. Memorize the Word together・ Sing

    together. Secondly〕 I would invite you to participate in our online Bible studies that I will produce over the

    Summer・ Unlike in recent years’I am not going to simply pick a book and work our way through that book'

    This summer, I would like to be able to answer some specific questions you might have about the Scriptures,

    faith, life and about our Savior Jesus. So, Please send me suggestions.

    There will be a box in the na血ex to place them in or you can email them (PastOr@ihoppe.com) to me or

    text them (320-372-0773) to me. Is there a verse this very hard for you to understand? Write it down and I will

    Seek to explain it. Is there a topic about which you are not sure what the Bible teaches? Write it down and I will

    COllect together God’s wisdom on the topic and present it to you. Is there an argument your uhbelieving friends

    like to make the you are not sure how to respond to? Write it down, and I wi11 seek to give you guidance from

    the Word. These videos will be produced most weeks when I am not on vacation but will only be produced as

    SuggeStions from you are received.

    Let us make use ofall the means that we have available to us to leam the Word since it reveals to us

    Jesus. Let us leam in the most old-fashioned ways which are openmg uP the Word in our homes and gathering

    together in church around that same Word. But let us also be in the Word using the new technoIogies that exist

    as well. Make suggestions for topics that should be covered and then come to the church website

    (http://pIcms.com) or Facebook page (https‥//w・facebook.com/peacefinlaysonりto see these online Bible


    In Christ, Pastor Philip Hoppe

  • ≒≡萎誓一三AIIeman & Adam B間enstine g旧dua帥g什om

    Hinckley偶nfaryson Hish School, and o… h屯her

    鵠常鯨軸g「如側面We wish them all God,s blessiれgs & giv as

    they pu購ue thei「 future goaI$ & dreams.


    的I haYe南かo肋e帥SO調脚Jのu割田州出動e nol巧

    I血w to鳩e償融5ely and創面a wayso肋ofloW

    7b ma農e創りwoI調/ 〃ve肋a側的e bei瞭rpねce,


    a b償eaく面が書oね○○

    GI加t meねm and co醐

    pu書p叩pose加肋γ頓And show me frow書o seIγe JJ)ee


    So a〃巾y劇的的

    巾y加0噂e and巾γ s佃〃仙雷y棚納噂か伽ue仙脚asI佃a肋の同梱γ肌And請書y l e脚be a∽′e


    an〇両きめm co〃)es初のかⅥ)肌



    We †ake †his oppor†unity †o

    WeIcome Jay Larsoれ†o our


    Affirma†ion of Fai†h. Jay is s†aying with his

    g「andpa「釧†s, Royce & Cd「la Larsoれ†his

    Summer. He attends |owa S†a†e Unive「SilY.

    Jay was bap†ized and confirmed in LCMS

    COngrega†ions. We pray you wilI be

    S†rengthened in γOur fai†h bγ γOur WOrShip

    among us. We welcome You!


    「Dぬk A鵬man who他med 80 yea購young on

    M少25肋・柵e明細肌朋s伽噺edめSha伯h伽s印eくね/くねy and b高嶋画面b存fty

    We〃 wishes m肋oake and co統晦a胤er chuI℃h

    攣se八両ees on肋e 26th.

    - and to Chαy alts or] her低伽omenl

    as a 31「year "a掴ec肋eau書廟an・ C肌dy

    s(ahe油out at Rd押6ts加Mbose [ake as a

    rla掴eくれ的en began sfy働ng hah a few yGP竺-

    伯ter She w肌nowhave加ee伽,e to SPend w肋

    傭Ie Logan. her佃的l C伯方& home pI垂cts and

    細ve伽g wi肋husban寄Jbhn

    鱒細cOng物種的ぬめれsめのゆk亀nd c肋的and

    We伽ay fo′ ○○d七C○億肌ued伽oss肋gs加納〇

    億叩き& y髄教場ahead〃


    器鵠豊潤灘。1tFry was in 2015). 350 people vere served - using

    OVer 300# ofsmelt!! ! M紬ly hands we鵬in to

    helping make血is a sllI∝eSS - those who came to

    Clean狐血e smelt, Set-uP he巾血e servers, fryers,

    and di血washerS,向ble cle劃ers and組oor scrubbers,

    and塾血e kitdun help.珊rmk you to血ose who

    baked and donated cookies as well as血e donatious

    Of o血er food items; to Bev Meus血g & ledies for

    皿king all the pctato saled; tO Ron Osladil for

    donating & making all血e ∞1e s宣aw; to Mike Welna

    劃心髄s b批eリ血F正副叩, CbnぼやI 2均もr

    donating all the delicious breads. It is ALL greatly

    apprceiated! Donatious totaled $2,760

    二‾ ‾‾‾‾ 臆二二一’ 臆二二一    .臆喜   一臆臆臆臆.  臆臆臆

    雪の脚裏Om短めdわa脚肋グ: `1協卿mo虎l佃脇飢

    AllI海中中略めあおbehaveso脇at when

    〆,l思わ〃 〃り, SOn励he碓m加ゐ砺em〆“

    me he wi〃 stわk ou hおdie§t h穂綿ad

    qrhぬめ碓ue. ’’


    Wle will have co簡re

    fel!ow§hips during the

    Summer mOnths a= O:OO

    am, fo‖owing ou「WOrship serv鵬, an W軸be heId

    in the churoh basement. Piease sign up fo「 a

    Sunday to帥ng donuts, breads, PaStries, andIo「

    血」it, PrePare COffee, and cIean up. Plan tojoin us

    for your moming coffee here w肌your feliow

    members. Free山wilI o請erings wiII be taken each

    Sunday and wiII be sent to ou「 tvro Concordia

    Seminaries. We hope we can count on you「

    su pport.

    --∴∴ ‾ ‾‾二二‾‾二二一二二二二‾二二二二二二二二二‾臆喜一臆臆臆臆    臆二一一一一一一一一

    -- The Peace g"i初料have c10Sed

    up shopあr也e s調練. 261

    阜uilts we重e made this last year,

    Which were given to Veteran

    Hoapitals, U血on Gospel Mission in

    Dulu血, Red Cross for免re victims, local benefits,

    WINDOW Victim Services, q印ions for Women,

    Hi如School gra血IateS, Shut-in§, and霊場OPle

    recovering亀om s叫gery or illness. A big thank you

    to all who donated fabric, Shect§, blankets, Other

    SuPPlies - it is greatly appreciated!

    A餌場Cial th劃血you to all血e wil血g workers who

    have helped wi血Monday mom血g quilting血is past

    year. We will resume again in Septemben



    鯉虚二でα惣r† sounds like our 4th of

    Ju時戸od S†α厄屯o ●印の

    o9oih油is Ye耽.ェ膿汁∞d

    Of being in a bu脚ng,

    †en†s & †ob厄s w紺be se† up.

    Within †heれeXt COuPle of weeks,

    SChedules w帥be se† up, and we pray †ha† all

    Ou「 membe「S WilI gladIy give a coupIe hours of

    †hei「 †ime †o †his endcavor and heIp †o ease

    †he bu「den of †he commi††ee members. We a「e

    ols○ ○sk巾∞Ch fo面lγ Of †he con9「?9o†ion †o

    bring 2 pies fo「 †he s†and. Thank You in

    advance fo「 a= your heIp.


    V互CA HON B鯉はE

    SCHOOL A UGひST 5_9

    Is it too early to thi血【 about

    VBS? Abso山ely not! Much

    Planning has already goneY ○○望i!‘‘Y into our program for血is year.

    Peace VBS is for kids age 4血ru

    血ose gpi呼出0 7也餌ade・心・・〃肋c伽的鵬的n:

    J鞍s〃s S合γesかle W切的r kids will discover他店億調血

    alrout Jesus as血ey meet紐ends, eXPIore Bible

    stories, do fun activities, Sing great songs, mcke

    Cralts, Play games, and eat snacks! N哩is血e

    time to praye血Ily co雌ider how匹E Will be

    invoIved in血is wonderf蘭皿inistry QPpe巾mity and

    leam how you too, Can be a part ofmaking VBS

    2019血e be§t year yet!

    We appreciate your prayers in血e planning

    Pro∞SS. Ask God to bring c皿dren to our program

    so血ey can know and grow in Jesus, Our Savior, and

    to provide lenders and helpers for血is impol屯血

    mission. Be watching for fimher infomation soon

    and new diaplays in the na血ex.珊即k You!

    . Mary Nelson, director

    $叫Ⅲ耶連 c曲調 蒜請託精義

    L U榔磁AN雛壇A州か

    C4MP B傭0α「岬We have an ample §uPPly of

    血is summer,s Lethe翻皿

    IsIand Camp brochures.

    op重ro血rity to attend one of

    血e camp weeks. IJC co血bines excellent outdoor

    ac vides wi血sp壷tual nour義hment - a皿in a safe and

    beaudful outdoor envirorment. Tllere are Weekend

    camps for皿e “rm habs,’agcs 3i5 and a

    Pare軸t; “Sheep C劃np,” ages 6-8 and an

    ad山t; Several “Trainhazcr Canps for ages 6-1 1; horse

    Ca東町S, SCience camp, boys suvivor carnp, fiching

    camp, Mo血eJdau如vr re巾eat; fathe可son re億やy

    arrd MANY o血er camping expericnces for血e teen

    kids as weu as Falrily veekend Gctays. Please

    Pick up one of血c LIC brodlureS ffom血e table in

    血e narthex to see血e manv and varied camping

    OPPO血皿ides awal血g our chil血un and famifes.

    Ⅵ旭的ever your ch皿d’s interest,血ere is probably a

    week or weekend camping opportun追y for血em or

    your fandy. ∬you are intere ted, I’m sure we s働I

    have camDerShiD mOnies av壷lable.

  • 側聞′脚脚

    OれSunday, Juれe 9†h, We W川have a

    SPeCial coffee fellowship for †he newly

    bap†ized & communican† members we have

    「eceived in†o our fellowship in †he pas†

    yea「. Those we are recogn-Z‖喝a「e Roland

    & Judγ HenkeI,帥ck NeIson and Jay

    Larson (COmmunicant); John CoIsrud,帥c

    Fredricksoれ, and Vdnessa Meier (れeWly

    Confirmed); Morgan lbnge「soれ. Chris†ophe「

    NeIson, Barre†† Paγne, Kristれa貫o†he「 and

    ChiId「en. Maison, Hailey, KaiIey, ∈mily &

    Dus†in (bap†ized). We hope γOu Will join us.


    二埋1F $tudents wen書to $ch○○I like

    some peopie go to chu能h (When伽ey foeI

    Iike it), they wouId faiI.

    1F an empIoyee went to work Iike

    some peopie go to the也sk of missions

    (ind附きren録y)タ伽ey wouId be剛ed.

    IF a pe購on ate mea書s Iike $ome

    pa鴫ke of伽e Lord’s Suppe「 (irregula巾yh

    伽ey would如arVe.

    iF one paid bills like some support

    伽e chu鵬h (Occasion種IIy), they would have

    no credit.

    1F one neglected his family like

    some do伽e Lo巾,請ey would be cha喝ed

    With desertion.

    1F one spoke to o伽e陶as seidom as

    some pmy to God, they would be branded

    as an筒-sociaI.


    He帥峨S γOur ‖fe

    SCANS γOur PrObIems

    ∈以打S y叩「 †e帖ioo

    DOWNLOADS so山†ions

    o軋ど「ES γ00「 W〇両es α血



    A father is a person who is forced to

    endure ch肘birt11 Witho山an anesthetie.

    A fathe「 is a person who grolMs when

    he feeIs good - and Iaughs very loudly when

    he’s scared to dea仙.

    A father never feeIs entirely worthy of

    WOrSh巾in a ch肘’s eyes・ He’s never quite the

    hero his daughter仙inks - neVe「 qu韓e the man

    his son believI∋S him to be - and伽is wo什ies

    hin, SOmetimes. So, he Works top ha巾to try

    to smoo請the rough places in the road fo「

    伽OSe of his own who w肌fo‖ow him.

    A father is a person who gets very

    angry when the first grades in school aren’t as

    good as he請inks they shou旧be. He sco旧S

    his son, though he knows it’s the teache「S


    Fathers grow oId faster than o鵬e「

    PeOPIe, because仙ey, in othe「 wars, have to

    stand at the t略in station and wave goodbye to

    the unifomed son that cIimbs aboard. And

    WhiIe motherS dilen cry wbere譜shows, fathers

    Stand there and beam outside and die inside.

    Fathers have very stout hearts; SO they

    have to be broken sometimes o「 no one wouId

    know what’s inside" Fathers give daughters

    away to men who aren’t nearIy good enough -

    SO they can have grandchi!dren that a晦

    Smarter than anybody’s.

    Fathers fight dragons - aImost daiIy.

    They huny away什om the breakfast table, O惰to

    the a晦na Which is sometimes caIIed an o師ce

    o「 a shop. There, W軸CalIoused, PraCticed

    hand, they tackIe請e d旧gOn with th晦e heads:

    Weariness, WOrk and monotony. They never

    quite win the fight, but they neve「 give up.

    Knights in shining amor - fathers in shiny

    trousers; there’s l珊e d胴erence as they maroh

    away to each workday.

    And when a fathe「 dies, I’ve an idea

    that he won’t be happy unless there’s work to

    do・ He won’tjust sit around and wa韓fo「仙e gjr!

    he’s Ioved and伽e children she bore. He,li be

    busy there, toO - rePai血g the sねirs, OiIing the

    gates, improving the streets - Sm○○thing the way.


  • 【概肱SSunday, June 2 - Ed Bamick, H.U., Ron Vo叱Jacob Thurber, Å1len Benne請

    Sunday, June 9 - Bruce Pogatchnik, H.U., LeRny Thum, Lowell Pogatohnik, E血an Ålleman

    Sunday, June 16 - Ron Osladil, H.U., Dick Alleman, Steve & Josh Martin

    Sunday, June 23 - Jolm Pi請s, HU., Marcus Pitts, Rnyce Larson, Dwight Hahn

    Sunday, June 30 - BH1 Tvedt, H.U., Leon & Lucas Payne, Wayne Fiero

    瑚岬耽WS皿d叩,九的2 」強心1a機1 & D読むt Ha血

    Sunday, June 23 - John Pitts & Roland Henkel

    J【小四AZ,ZIR G棚脇D - Marian Skaff& LuArm Alleman

    DA 7瞥

    Sun依り, J皿e 2

    Sunday, June 9.

    Sunday, June 16

    S調d香り, J調e 23

    Sunday, June 30

    ACOL YT捌9

    Kemy Ziegler. ,

    Jolm CoIsn嘉d ‥.

    Eric Fredrickson

    Vanessa Mleier‥

    EllaHoppe ‥ ‥


    Stan & Rita Jensen

    Sぬ虹& Ri飴ねnsen

    Craig & Diane Hbward

    Craig & Diane Howard

    .Len & Angie Gangelho鯖


    The Women of Peace met on Wednesday, 15, 2019, With lO members present. Caria ied us in ourBible study, “Ca面喝for the Body of Christ," taken from the LWMしQuarte「ly, The June BibIe study wiIl be“Ruming the Race,当ro血the Spring Quarterly.

    President Jenny AIIeman opened our business meeting by all joining in請eしWML PIedge. Mites &

    donations we晦colIected; COrreSPOnden∞ WaS Shared which included a let[e「 ffom CaroI Ann S倉nde「

    reminding us to Iet her know what we a晦Planning fo「 theしWMしConvention o怖油ng. Motion made & carried

    to send $100 to CaroI Ann for the oife「ing.

    Secretary’s report was read; Treasu調所s baIan∞ $4,955.05 which includes qu鵬ng funds.

    Kitchen cIeaning wiII be done on May 291h at 8‥OO am

    The New Members Coffee Fellowship wiiI be heid Sunday, June 9伽・ Jenny刷I get a list of new

    members and send invitations・ A cake wi‖ be ordered from Chris,; Ba巾ara & Caha刷I be in cha喝e of serving

    Coffee FeiIowships w肌be heId fo‖owing church servi∞S du血g the summer months with donations

    going to the Concordia Seminary food sheIves.July 4th food stand: the ∞mm請ee has met and started planning・ Tents w冊be used. Sign-uP Sheets

    are ready.帥∞S WiII stay the same ex∞Pt for pie, Which wiIl raise from $2.50 to $3.00. Another meeting will

    be heId on June 5th. suppiies will be ordered from Chris'.

    Caria gave a devotion “Make it as Secu晦aS You Can.D

    CIosed with The Lord’s Praye「 and tabIe praye「,

    Ho§teSS WaS日aine. Hostess in June wili be Ma「ian.

    RespectfuIIy Submitted ,

    EIaine Steeg, Secretary


    Tク俄EL次号のイ○ -イん〃悌γ

    A 6-year-OId boy presented his fathe「 with †his

    homemade greeting ca「d for Fa†he「,s D`ry:

    “When | g「ow up, Dad, | waれ† †o bejus† like you

    -色XC色p† youれ9色「!

  • Peace Lutheran Chureh

    QUARTERLY VOTERS, MeetingSu血day, Ap軸28, 2018 - 2:00 p皿

    Present we職: ]蘭Bamick, Quinton Finley, Mange Hae血er, Dwight Hahn, Glen Hemphill, Roland Henkel,

    Pastor Hoppe, DenIds Koやi, Tim Koski, Royce Larson・ Rich Mens血g, Ron Osladil・ Jo血Pitts, Elaine Steeg,

    LeRoy Thun, Bill Tvedt, Ron Volk, Don Weiss.

    Other attendee§: Jan地心n, Carla L狐son, E§telle Ma血, Barban Moen & Ama Ma血Wei§§

    Chaiman Tin Ko§ki called the meeting to order at 2:04 pm. Pastor Hoppe opened with Psa血9l and prayer.

    The minutes of血e January 20, 2019 Am脚l Vcters’Meeting were approved as read.

    The Treasurer.s reporl was presented dy Demis KoIPi which was accep劇.

    P郷のr,s Repo鵬

    . paし§tor Will attend a Pastor’s Conference of血e North & South Districts, May 13-15

    . Pastor will attend meetings regarding the Young Family Group, July 7・10

    ・ The Youth group wHl attend血eir Conference July 16-19

    . Pastor has vacation scheduled for血e following dates: Jurle 6, June 10-16, August 25

    ・ Joint church servi∞ will be on Sunday, August l l, W弛picric to follow.

    ● Pastor needs one more voluntcer to hend up a committee to place plaques under the stained glass

    Windows around血e building.

    -The Voters’Assembly welcomed Erick Nelson as a transferred memben The Voters’Assembly also

    acknowledged血e release of Debra Sears and Jodi Carlson Grebinoski・

    -Motion ty Ron Osladil, SeCOnd dy Marge Haefuer and car轟ed to allow也e Regnar Relay Mimesota race to use

    the chur℃h parking lot from lan to 9 am on August 16-1 7 for a relay station with the understanding血at the race

    group is responsible for all clean up inmediately following use of也e parking lot. The4grouP C紬also bring in

    POrtable toilets for the approved time period.-The Joint Council meeting with Bruno wi11 be May 8血・

    Elde職At血e July Quarterly Voters’Assembly, a list of血ose who have excluded血emselves from church

    activities will be reviewed and action vo鯖rd upon at血e October Qunrtedy mee血g. The new Constitution

    Which Was distributくrd in Janu糾y at the Amual Mee血g, Was apProVed for pas§ing on to the District for

    approval. There were 2 1 vo血g members at the time of血e meeting; 1 8 ofthem in attend紬Ce.

    Trus章ees:珊ere is a shortage ofhot water in血e parsonage. The Voters approved血e installation ofa seeond

    elec轟c water heater on off.peak pover.

    Boa同of Education:珊e last day of Sunday School is May 19血・

    O書d Business: A committee was fomed to as§eSS the securty of也e church building during the week紬d on

    Sunday§. O鯖ces need to be capa心le of being locked, egreSS缶om the pIenises wa§ deemed to be adequate.

    There was discussion regarding lighting, Video monitor§, and access血rough windows. There i§ COnSideration

    for posting one person during services to monitor the premises. Anyone who would Iike to give suggestions to

    血e committee should contact Dwight Hahn or Th Weiss.

    The kitchen s叫noted血at some who have been us血g瓜e kitohen have left water心血e dishwasher. The

    OPerating insmction need to be followed completely.The Audit committee has found the financial books to be in order.

    The血§uranCe Co. has given approval in writing for句心g smelt in血e church basement.

    New Business: The Voters decided to retain the cum孤t method for posting lrymns.

    We may need to put up a large tent to hold the bunger ftying, bake sale弧d eating tabIes at this year’s July 4th

    Celebration in Finlay§on.

    Mee血g adjouned at 3: 1 1 pm. Closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

    Respect餌Iy Submitted,

    Reyce Larson, Council Secretary

  • June2019  sM霊宝 S霊宝‡ 与 6 7 8 9書0宣ま    7 8 ������9宣0宣1宣213

    宣2宣31415宣6書718   1415書6宣7書8書920

    章9ZO2宣2ま23之425   21之之鞠24之52627 262728之93031     28之9303宣

    Sunday �Monday �丁山鋳day �Wednesday �Thursday �帥day �嚢血面ay

    ll 十      t二〇〇二王 ���� � �宣

    ま �3 �4 �雪 �  e 鴫S調「也照れ9daY �  7 脇的誌dayく痛 �8

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