penulisan naskah iklan - · finding ideas that communicate...


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penulisan naskah iklan

creative thinking

creat + active



membuat satu sama lain

mempunyai koneksi


- music : instruments

- gastronomy : the art of cooking

- restaurant

rexona : berani lebih dekat --> detail

berani mendekati ?

berani = percaya diri, bebas berekspresi, pdkt

finding ideas that communicate

kekuatan visual, tanpa / minim kata bisa merepresentasikan USP, product benefit,

bercerita, mengungkapkan situasi dan kondisi.

without words

mixing and matching

bagaimana memadupadankan produk dengan sesuatu untuk memperjelas USP. Asosiasi,

lanturan dan sesuatu yang berhubungan.

comparative juxtaposition

such as before-after, the benefit of product and the problem solution, stimulating

advertising ideas.

repetition and accumulation

emphasizing the product benefit by repetition, how can repetition attract attention,

represent the problem situation in a witty, provocative or exaggerated way?

telling stories

situasi, kondisi dan pengalaman yang bisa digunakan untuk membangun cerita sehingga

product benefit menonjol. menjadi provokatif? mengajak? emotional?

play with words

how can you play with the typography to present the USP in an effective visual image?

how can words, symbols or logos be integrated into the picture without using the usual

typographic techniques? unusual way?

a change of perspective

how can the product be represented from the viewpoint of other creatures,

things or events associated with it ?

how can the product reveal new perspectives to the target audiens?


what exaggeration could represent the benefit more forcefully ?

what reduction, no matter how extreme, could represent the USP more forcefully ?


Lanturan tapi relevan, budiman hakim

creative advertising, Thames & Hudson

how to get ideas, jack foster
