Presentationsmaterial från complianceseminariuim · minst för att fungera inom försäljning, IT...


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  • Tidigare Europeiska

    Presentationsmaterial från complianceseminariuim

    Kära läsare, Nu har det gått några dagar sedan vi hade vårt seminarium om compliance och vi hoppas att all ny information har hunnit sjunka in. Som vi alla vet så är compliance en viktig fråga som alltmer kommer att påverka sättet vi arbetar på och hur vi löser försäkringsfrågor runt om i världen. Här har vi sammanställt en pdf med samtliga presentationer samt även en kort summering av varje föreläsare. Jag skulle personligen vilja tacka alla er som tog er tid och kom till seminariet, jag hoppas att det var välinvesterade timmar. Och ni som inte hade möjlighet att närvara hoppas jag få träffa vid ett annat tillfälle. Du kan klicka dig fram i materialet via knapparna här nedanför. God läsning! Johannes von Hülsen

    Sammanfattning Inledning SEB AXCO Shearman & Sterling Avslutning

  • Tidigare Europeiska


    SEB • Är internationell compliance, regelefterlevnad, viktigt? Vi fick en tydlig indikation på att så är fallet och att kraven konstant skärps. Dessutom går det relativt snabbt. För drygt fem år sedan fanns det ingen dedikerad complianceansvarig på SEB, förutom på papperet. • Det som gäller idag kan vara inaktuellt i morgon. I takt med att kraven skärps och complianceproblematiken i allt större utsträckning diskuteras, ändras lagar och regler i allt större takt. Därför är det viktigt att hålla sig uppdaterad och ständigt följa med i utvecklingen. • Att arbeta med compliance kräver många olika arbetsmoment. Allt från rådgivning, kontroll och uppföljning till riskanalyser, utveckling, underhåll samt utbildning. Ett komplext ämne där det i många fall fortfarande inte finns klara rekommendationer, utan kräver att man själv sätter sig in frågor och ibland driver en ensamarmé. • Kraven från Finansinspektionen ökar vilket sätter företagen under allt starkare press att lösa detta.

    AXCO • AXCOs praktiska exempel betonade att det är en komplex värld vi lever i när vi talar om försäkring för affärsresor och utlandsplaceringar. One size fits all gäller inte längre. • Vi kan inte bara söka i AXCOs databaser och hitta ett svar svart på vitt. Det krävs en hel del arbete med att bland annat översätta information och rekommendationer så att dessa blir applicerbara på verksamheten, inte minst för att fungera inom försäljning, IT etc. • Vi såg att det finns stora skillnader mellan olika länder. I t ex Spanien, Egypten, Australien och Brasilien hanteras compliancefrågan på olika sätt.

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  • Tidigare Europeiska

    Shearman & Sterling • Att vara compliant kan vara ganska kostsamt, men alternativet kan vara ännu dyrare. • Skillnaden är att kostnaderna för att vara compliant går att beräkna, medan vi kan bara gissa vad kostnaderna för att inte vara compliant kan bli. Dr Andreas Löhdefink visade bland annat exempel på kostnader som kan sträcka sig över miljontals USD. • Dr Andreas Löhdefink visade med flera exempel hur du som försäkringsgivare i EU, både måste vara medveten om lokala lagar inom EU, men också ha kunskap om att en flytt till ett land utanför EU innebär i ett antal utmaningar.

    Sammanfattning av Johannes von Hülsen • Riskerna ökar. Vi känner till ett amerikanskt livförsäkringsbolag som har stämts av de brasilianska myndigheterna på ca 32 miljarder SEK. • Motsatsen till compliance är lagöverträdelser och bristande compliance bryter helt enkelt mot lagen. • Företag idag använder många resurser på att vara compliant ur ett nationellt perspektiv – men ser vi även till att vara compliant i de länder vi verkar i internationellt? • ERV är en del av Munich Re Group där vi tillsammans har ca 8 anställda som arbetar med compliance gällande affärsresor och utlandsstationering. De använder olika källor, bl a Axco, advokater, lokala försäkringsförmedlare och/eller lokala advokatbyråer. Men det är även nödvändigt att lägga resurser på att göra informationen och reglerna tillgänglig och fungerande inom bl a försäljning och IT.

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  • Tidigare Europeiska


    Sverige Utlandet

    Issue? “gråzonen”?

    • Rättsliga krav • Tillsynskrav

    • Compliancefunktioner • Juridiska funktioner • Etc.

    • Rättsliga krav • Tillsynskrav


    Gråzonen är, enligt vår uppfattning, ett påhittat begrepp i försäkringsbranschen

    Business Compliance

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  • Tidigare Europeiska

    Vad är skillnaden mellan General compliance och Business compliance?

    General compliance

    • På företagsnivå

    • Ramverk

    • Externt: Lagar och kontroll (försäkringslagstiftning och nya regelverk, pengatvätt, terror, bedrägerier mm)

    • Internt: Riskmedvetenhet

    Business compliance

    • På produktnivå

    • Tillämpning

    • Regulatory Compliance - Regelefterlevnad

    • Tax Compliance - Skatteefterlevnad

    • Consumer Protection Compliance – Konsumentskydd

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  • Tidigare Europeiska

    Varför blir Business compliance den ”Nya Gränsen” för Corporate Travel insurance ?

    Myndigheter och regelverk

    Nya Gränsen

    Försäkringsköpare Nya Gränsen

    Försäkringsbolag Nya Gränsen





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  • Tidigare Europeiska

    Nya gränsen I

    • Att vara non compliant är inte accepterat längre och kan dessutom vara affärskritiskt. Risken för böter har blivit mer påtaglig och kan handla om miljontals kronor.

    • Dom från EU-domstolen påvisar att det inte längre bara är försäkringsbolagets skyldighet att säkerställa att försäkringsskyddet är korrekt. Detta gäller numera även mäklare och försäkringsköpare.

    • Solvency II sätter nya gränser gällande osynlig verksamhetsstyrning/business control och transparens. Verklighet 2016.

    • Finanskrisen I: De globala regulatorerna/tillsynsmyndigheterna har dramatiskt ökat kunskapsutbytet. De globala standardiserade reglerna är ingen science fiction-film, utan verkligheten om 3-5 år

    • Finanskrisen II: Offentliga budgetar under stress kräver nya och osedda intäkter. Försäkringsskatten = den ”bortglömda” skatten. En av de enklaste skatterna att påföra och som kan ge en enorm hävstångseffekt.

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  • Tidigare Europeiska

    Nya gränsen II

    Bra Business compliance är väldigt dyrt och dagens premienivåer kompenserar inte dessa

    kostnader alls. Dagens skadekostnader är redan höga och stiger ytterligare år efter år

    (medicinsk inflation vs. normal inflation)

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  • Tidigare Europeiska

    Nya gränsen II

    • Svenska företag blir alltmer globala eftersom den egna marknaden börjar bli mättad,

    varför Business compliance har blivit en global utmaning.

    • State of the Art Corporate Travel Insurance har blivit nödvändigt för globala aktiva

    företag för att skydda sina mest värdefulla tillgångar, den mänskliga resursen. De reser

    världen runt för att säkerställa framgång och konkurrenskraft.

    • Bra Business Compliance är komplext: Ett hundratal av olika regler, undantag i

    Lagstiftning, Försäkringsrätt, Bolagsrätt och Skatterätt. Varje land är olika och lagar och

    bestämmelser förändras konstant.

    • Bra Business Compliance är tvärvetenskaplig: baseras på global räckvidd, kulturer, språk

    och politiska system, internationella försäkringslagar och skattelagar samt omfattande

    produkt- och kundperpektiv.

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  • Tidigare Europeiska

    Låt oss diskutera med Marknaden idag

    • Vad betyder egentligen Business compliance idag i detalj?

    • I vilken utsträckning och i vilken mån går det egentligen att göra rätt, s.k. Proper Business compliance”?

    • Kan detta anses vara den mest utmanande frågan för den svenska marknaden för Corporate Travel Insurance de nästkommande 3-5 åren?

    • Är den svenska försäkringsbranschen redo att anta utmaningarna?

    • Om inte, vilka är konsekvenserna för:

    • Försäkringstagare

    • Mäklare

    • Företag som köper reseförsäkring

    • Anställda som omfattas (eller inte omfattas)

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  • Compliance i praktiken i SEB Liv

    ERV 2014-01-29

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  • Agenda

    De organisatoriska och teoretiska ramarna för compliance i SEB Liv Praktiken och verkligheten


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  • 13

    SEB Liv - koncernstruktur

    SEB Pensions- forsikring A/S


    SEB Life International Assurance Co Ltd


    SEB Trygg Liv Holding AB

    Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ)

    PrJSC Insurance Company SEB Life Ukraine


    AS SEB Elu- ja Pensionikindlustus


    AAS ”SEB Dzīvības Apdrošināšana”


    UAB “SEB gyvybės draudimas”


    Gamla Livförsäkrings- aktiebolaget

    SEB Trygg Liv



    99,6% Fondförsäkrings-

    aktiebolaget SEB Trygg Liv

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  • 14

    Compliance Retail Banking

    Arne Jansson

    Compliance Baltics

    Ahto Nirgi

    Head of Group Compliance Gent Jansson

    Compliance Life

    Håkan Nyholm

    Compliance Operations

    Karin Heierson

    “CFO-function” Systems

    Support & Administration

    Compliance Monitoring

    Compliance Control Room Karin Heierson, acting

    AML Control Room

    Jan Björkman

    Group Compliance & Governance Organization

    Compliance Group Operations & IT

    Christina Karlén

    Compliance Wealth

    Management Åsa Vilson-Bergstedt

    Compliance Merchant Banking

    Mats Beckman

    GC Office

    Denmark – Anna Svensson Finland – Eva-Maria Broman Germany – Markus Esswein

    Hong Kong – Nicholas Chan Ireland – Annette Angelosante Luxembourg – Falk Naumann

    Norway – Frede Aas Rognlien Poland – Anna Lindholm Shanghai – Yunni Zuo

    Singapore –Wei-Ching Poon Switzerland - Glenn Sealy UK – Harpreet Dhami, acting

    US – Stephen Conwell, acting Russia – Pavel Artamonov Ukraine - Mykhailo Shomin

    Compliance International

    Elisabeth Catalano

    Estonia – Monika Koolmeister

    Latvia – Dace Rusina Lithuania – Vilija Nausedaite

    Head of Group Governance Gent Jansson

    Head of Group Compliance & Governance Gent Jansson

    Governance &


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  • Compliance i praktiken i SEB Liv 15

    Affärsverksamheten ● Riskkontrollfunktionen ● Compliance

    ● Internrevision

    1:a försvarslinjen 2:a försvarslinjen 3:e försvarslinjen

    Förhållandet till andra funktioner

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  • Compliance i praktiken i SEB Liv 16


    Rörelseregler och tillståndsfrågor



    Anti-penningtvätt och terroristfinansiering

    Företagsstyrning och intern kontroll – t.ex. Solvens 2, outsourcing, instruktioner

    Kontaktperson gentemot FI

    Rådgivning, försäljning, kundklagomål



    Etik, intressekonflikter, gåvor/representation

    Know Your Customer (KYC)

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  • Compliance i praktiken i SEB Liv 17

    Arbetsmetoder och verktyg


    Kontroll, uppföljning (monitorering)


    Riskanalys Årsplan

    Följa regelutveckligen

    Utveckla och underhålla interna regler

    Utbilda och informera

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  • Compliance i praktiken i SEB Liv 18

    Praktiken - första tiden

    Omvärlden - Regelmiljön FI:s sanktioner 2008 mot de båda svenska försäkringsbolagen Finanskrisen Solvens 2

    Compliancearbetet Tydlig compliancestruktur på plats ”Ensamarmé” Hantera verktygslådan: Rapportering, riskanalys (Risk

    Assessment), complianceplan Städningen efter FI:s sanktioner Outsourcing

    Solvens 2

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  • Compliance i praktiken i SEB Liv 19

    Praktiken – fortsättningen och nuläget

    Omvärlden - regelmiljön Regeltsunamin

    - EU: Solvens 2, EMIR, Shortselling, MiFID 2 - USA: FATCA Finansinspektionen

    - Fokus: Intern styrning och kontroll, anti-penningtvätt, rådgivning - Styra genom sanktioner

    Compliancearbetet Solvens 2, FATCA, EMIR Anti-penningtvätt och finansiell rådgivning Mer fokus på kontroll och uppföljning

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  • SEB-koncernen och “Business Compliance”

    SEB-koncernen generellt Lokala etableringar i utlandet med lokalt förankrad personal: Dotterbolag

    eller filialer Alltmer vanligt att överväga om internationell affär ska stängas p.g.a. nya

    regleringar i andra länder (EU eller USA)

    SEB Liv Samtliga livbolag utom SEB Life International (Ireland) verkar enbart i

    sina hemländer SEB Life International (Ireland) verkar enbart cross-border (9 EU-länder).

    Business Compliance är helt centralt både för affärsmodell och compliance verksamhet

    2014-02-06 | 20 Tillbaka till start

  • Reflektioner

    Compliancekulturen i SEB Liv. Har den förändrats?

    Hur ska compliance jobba? Rådgivning eller kontroll? Regelutvecklingen: Syns skogen för alla träd? Uppnås syftet med

    regleringarna? Skapas nya risker? Behövs compliance? Hur ser framtiden ut?

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  • 23 023 ABOUT AXCO

    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014

    About Axco

    With over 40 year’s experience in researching and delivering industry intelligence, Axco provides business-critical compliance and market data on non-life, life & benefits and employee benefits markets across the globe.

    Axco information is relied upon by a diverse range of organisations and our client base includes the world’s foremost insurers, reinsurers, brokers, and employee benefits professionals.

    Our unique business model and methods of research have enabled us to develop an extensive suite of products comprising in-depth reports, profiles, Q&A databases and information platforms.

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    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014

    The Axco business model

    Axco operates under a mutualised outsourcing model

    We look to build long term partnerships with both our clients and information and data sources

    We undertake to understand our client’s individual requirements

    We prioritise frequent interaction with our clients

    We are committed to developing new and innovative methods of information delivery.

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  • Axco Database Central Global Industry


    Local Offices

    Other Brokers & Insurers



    Global Users Feedback

    In-house research


    Specialist Compliance

    Research Team Copy of Axco report

    Interviews, Correspondenc


    Copy of Axco report

    Interviews, Correspondence



    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014 Tillbaka till start

  • 026


    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014

    The challenges of international insurance

    International companies, international operations = International risks

    196 countries in the world = Hundreds of jurisdictions, cultures, insurance practices

    Spectrum of insurance market development: Emerging/low expertise to Developed/well-funded

    Aims of regulations: laws designed to protect consumers of insurance and financial systems not international companies

    Accepting grey answers: Complexity (of the world), Ambiguity/Uncertainty (of insurance regulations)

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    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014

    ‘Compliance Abroad’ checklist

    Market environment

    Insurance regulations and supervisory authority

    Is non admitted permitted?

    Local coverage requirements

    Compulsory insurances

    Taxes and charges

    Local underwriting expertise and capacity

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  • 028

    Market Environment

    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014

    Market environment


    Resources 51.9% Urban 25.31 Million



    Events 84% Urban 198.66 Million Natural


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  • 29 029 Market Environment

    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014

    Market environment

















    1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010








    Ghana GDP (mn)

    Written Premiums(mn)























    1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012





    s (m





    GDP (mn)

    Written Premiums(mn)

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  • 030 Specific insurance regulations and supervisory authority

    Ghana Proposed legislation can take years to reach Parliament

    Brazil Four resolutions to just set out the basis of premium and loss reserves

    Rapidly developing insurance and reinsurance market

    Supervisors and Regulators want to protect local companies

    Insurance Law 1989

    Supplemented by Insurance Regulations


    Insurance Act 2006

    CNSP Resolution no. 162 –

    26 December


    CNSP Resolution no. 181 –

    17 December


    CNSP Resolution no. 195 –

    16 December


    CNSP Resolution no. 204 – 28 May


    Market Environment

    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014 Tillbaka till start

  • 031

    On what basis can I write Insurance?

    Four main ways to write international business

    Admitted – Policy is issued locally from a locally registered and based company

    Cross Border Agreements – e.g. Freedom of Services

    Fronting – Local office used and reinsured out

    Non Admitted – Unauthorised Insurer

    Insurance Options

    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014 Tillbaka till start

  • 32 What is Non Admitted?

    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014

    What is meant by non admitted?

    Definition. Non-admitted insurance refers to the placing of insurance outside the regulatory system of the country in which the risk is located. A non-admitted insurance policy is one that may be issued abroad or the risk(s) may be included in a global master policy by an insurer unauthorised in that country. An authorised insurer is one which is permitted to do business in a country (or region) by the local supervisory authority.

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  • 33 International Insurance Programme

    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014 Tillbaka till start

  • 34


    Locally Licensed and Regulated

    International Insurance Programme

    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014 Tillbaka till start

  • 35


    International Agreements

    As if Locally Licensed Taxes and Charges

    International Insurance Programme

    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014 Tillbaka till start

  • 36

    Locally Licensed Office

    High Level of compliance confidence

    Local Broker Policy Wording Policy Issue Premium Payment and

    Terms Local Capacity

    International Insurance Programme

    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014 Tillbaka till start

  • 37

    Non Admitted is Permitted

    Insured’s Initiative Exempt lines of business Compulsory Insurances Taxes and Charges

    Claims management

    International Insurance Programme

    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014 Tillbaka till start

  • 38

    Non Admitted NOT


    Fronting Partner

    Abide by all local regulations

    Long term partnership Local knowledge Not ideal for one time

    placements Exposed to Reinsurance

    taxes Expensive

    International Insurance Programme

    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014 Tillbaka till start

  • 39

    Non Admitted

    NOT permitted

    Penalties Prison Reputational

    Damage Claims payments

    Central Cover DIC/DIL, Financial

    Interest Clause, Master Policy

    International Insurance Programme

    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014 Tillbaka till start

  • 40 International Insurance Programme

    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014 Tillbaka till start

  • 41

    Non Admitted

    NOT permitted

    Central Cover DIC/DIL, Financial

    Interest Clause, Master Policy

    Fronting Partner

    Non Admitted is Permitted

    Locally Licensed Office



    International Insurance Programme

    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014 Tillbaka till start

  • 42 How can Axco help?

    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014


    Critical to have knowledge in order to continue writing compliant programmes

    Axco’s remit is to provide information

    On the ground research: Axco visits 170 + countries

    Avoiding information overload: ‘Less is More’ product development = right information for the right person at the right time

    Integration of information sources and product design: portals, annotations, click-throughs

    Combine that information with your expertise


    Who to talk to

    What questions should you be asking

    What pitfalls should you be looking out for

    Never a straight forward black and white area

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    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014

    Insurance Market Reports Comprehensive country by country insurance market information Non-Life (Property & Casualty) and Life & Benefits.

    Global Statistics Current and historical statistics covering non-life and life & benefits markets in over 180 territories worldwide.

    Regulatory Alerts Monthly e-mail alerts reporting on key developments in regulation, legislation and premium taxation.

    Insight Using Q&A structure, Axco Insight provides a customisable overview of global insurance markets.

    Employee Benefits Reports Comprehensive coverage of worldwide employee benefits markets.

    Clinical Trials Clinical trials insurance information for over 170 territories, including market and compliance data.

    Compliance Point A single “go to place” combining regulatory and tax compliance information.

    Country Benefits Profiles Concise information on state and compulsory benefits and typical employer practice in 69 countries.

    CIMS Market Profiles Focused information on key aspects of the market and compliance requirements in over 170 territories.

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    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014


    Non-Life Insurance Market Reports

    Non-life insurance market information for over 170 countries Essential legislative, insurance regulatory and tax

    compliance information Insurance market overview, distribution channels,

    market size, structure and key players

    All major lines of non-life business Comprehensive appendices containing market statistics,

    company statistics, and directory of key market contacts Create customised reports to facilitate client

    presentations and business tendering

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    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014


    Insight Compliance

    Delivering global non-life (P&C) insurance regulations and taxes at a glance Single point of reference for non-life insurance

    regulatory and tax compliance requirements

    Question & Answer structure, with topics compiled from clients' most frequently asked compliance questions

    Line of business-specific regulation for over 170 territories

    Customise and filter data according to territory, line of

    business and regulatory topic

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    Interactive compliance tool guiding users through multinational insurance programmes calculating all taxes and charges that are applicable.

    A single “go to place” combining

    regulatory and tax compliance information.

    Market solution tailored to user group needs

    Intelligent questioning prompts users for the exact information needed as they progress through the system.

    Up to date, transparent and unbiased information from multiple sources.

    Auditable trail of decisions and results

    © Axco Insurance Information Services 2014

    Compliance Point

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  • 47

    For further information about Axco or for product demonstrations please come and find us afterwards.

    Thank you

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    Axco Insurance Information Services 10 Old Broad Street London UK EC2N 1DW Tel: +44 20 7374 5252 Fax: +44 20 7374 5277 Email:

    Carol Au-Young Ali Mufti

    Teams of London-based in-house research analysts, editors and statisticians ensure that information is maintained and updated to the highest standards. We welcome client enquiries and feedback which are integral to the continued development and enhancement of our products.

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  • International Compliance A Local Challenge Dr. Andreas Löhdefink Stockholm, 29 January 2014

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  • Content Part 1: The Embargo and Sanctions Framework (Overview)

    I. Definitions 6 II. Overview of worldwide embargoes and sanctions 8 III. Example: The Iran sanction regime of the European Union 12 IV. Practical consequences 17

    Part 2: Global Health Insurance Policies – International Legal Considerations I. Commercial background 19 II. Typical structure of sales process and policy underwriters 20 III. Primary issues 21 IV. Violation of local law by insurance company 22 V. Violation of local law by insured person 23 VI. Conflicts of law issues 24 VII. Selected Examples: Turkey 25 VIII. Selected Examples: United Arab Emirates 26 IX. Selected Examples: USA 27 X. Selected Examples: Europe 29 XI. Approach legal review 30

    Back-up: The Iran Sanction Regime of the European Union

    50 29/1/2014 International Compliance – A Local Challenge


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  • Part 1 The Embargo and Sanctions Framework (Overview)

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  • How are you dealing with these guys?

    International Compliance – A Local Challenge 52 29/1/2014 Tillbaka till start

  • From the press

    International Compliance – A Local Challenge 53 29/1/2014 Tillbaka till start

  • I. Definitions (1/2)

    Economic sanctions restrict freedom in foreign trade by prohibiting the trade of certain goods and

    the provisions of certain services are ordered for foreign and security policy reasons against: legal and natural persons ("personal") countries ("country-specific")

    Prohibition of any trade whatsoever with or for the benefit of the addressee full embargo

    International Compliance – A Local Challenge 54 29/1/2014

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  • I. Definitions (2/2)

    Three types of economic sanctions Financial sanctions – freezing of funds and other assets Trade sanctions – products Arms embargoes (e.g. military equipment, nuclear technology) Other goods embargoes (oil of Iranian or Syrian origin, "blood diamonds") Dual-use items

    Trade sanctions – services Prohibition of technical and financial aid Investments Prohibition of fulfillment of claims Transport Travel restrictions Insurance (Iran, Syria)

    International Compliance – A Local Challenge 55 29/1/2014

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  • II. Overview of worldwide embargoes and sanctions (1/4)

    United Nations (UN) stipulate implementation at national level economic sanctions focus mostly on weapons of mass destruction and military

    equipment are based on "restricted lists":

    International Compliance – A Local Challenge 56 29/1/2014 Tillbaka till start

  • II. Overview of worldwide embargoes and sanctions (2/4)

    European Union (EU) direct implementation by regulations extensive list of people whose funds must be frozen (as well as travel

    restrictions for individuals) various types of trade sanctions well-aimed sanctions – no total prohibitions

    United States (USA) implementation by means of Implementing Regulations, legislation or by

    the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) prohibition of dealing with an extensive list of natural and legal persons

    (Specially Designated Nationals List (SDN)) total prohibition to trade with countries (including brokerage) trade sanctions including investments, services, financing of imports/exports

    International Compliance – A Local Challenge 57 29/1/2014 Tillbaka till start

  • 29/1/2014 International Compliance – A Local Challenge 58

    II. Overview of worldwide embargoes and sanctions (3/4)

    Potential legal consequences of a violation Sanctions of a violation depend on applicable national laws Wide range of sanctions, including: penalties and fines imprisonment forfeiture of assets and funds close-down of business

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  • II. Overview of worldwide embargoes and sanctions (4/4)


    International Compliance – A Local Challenge 59 29/1/2014 Tillbaka till start

  • III. Example: The Iran sanction regime of the European Union (1/5)

    Overview The Council Regulation (EU) No. 267/2012 concerning restrictive measures against Iran provides for certain restrictions with respect to economic relationships with Iran:

    Export and import restrictions

    Restrictions on financing of certain


    Restrictions on insurance and re-insurance

    The Council Regulation (EU) No.


    Restrictions on transport

    Freezing of funds and economic


    Restrictions on transfers of funds and on financial


    International Compliance – A Local Challenge 60 29/1/2014 Tillbaka till start

  • III. Example: The Iran sanction regime of the European Union (2/5)

    Latest Developments Suspension of certain sanctions for a period of six months

    (until July 20, 2014) Suspension includes: Prohibition on the provision of insurance and transport in relation to Iranian crude

    oil sales to its current customers Prohibition on the import, purchase or transport of Iranian petrochemical products

    and related services Prohibition on the provision of vessels to enable the transport of Iranian crude oil

    and petrochemical products Ban on trade in gold and precious metals with the Iranian government, its public

    bodies and the Central Bank of Iran Change of thresholds for authorizing financial transfers to and from Iran (increase

    by factor 10)

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  • III. Example: The Iran sanction regime of the European Union (3/5)

    Insurance under Council Regulation (EU) No. 267/2012 General restrictions on insurance and re-insurance (Art. 35): Prohibition of insurance or re-insurance, or to broker the provision of insurance or

    reinsurance This does not apply to the provision or brokering based in the EU to individuals

    acting in their private capacity except for persons listed in the Annexes Detailed restrictions on insurance and re-insurance with respect to certain

    business areas, transactions and customers: export credit insurance for sale, supply, transfer or export of goods or technology

    especially dual-use items insurance for sale, supply, transfer or export of key equipment and technology for

    the petrochemical industry (currently suspended) and nuclear developments insurance for sale, supply, transfer or export of with regard to military goods others, e.g. insurance for import, purchase or transport of crude oil and petroleum

    products of Iranian origin (currently suspended)

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  • III. Example: The Iran sanction regime of the European Union (4/5)

    Restrictions on financing of certain enterprises Prohibition of the granting of any financial loan or credit, acquisition or

    extension of a participation, creation of joint ventures with any Iranian person, entity or body mentioned in one of the Annexes

    Freezing of funds and economic resources All funds and economic resources belonging to, owned, held or controlled by

    the persons, entities and bodies listed in the Annexes of the regulation are frozen

    Restrictions on transfers of funds and on financial services Procedures for Financial transfers if above EUR 10,000 or equivalent → notification by the competent authority if above EUR 400,000 or equivalent → authorization by the competent authority

    (currently increased from EUR 40,000)

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  • III. Example: The Iran sanction regime of the European Union (5/5)

    Addressee of this regulation Iran Iranians Iranian entities as far as listed in any Annex Iranian bodies [European] Enterprises who would like to trade in-/directly with the above mentioned

    International Compliance – A Local Challenge 64 29/1/2014 Tillbaka till start

  • IV. Practical consequences

    Implementation of sanctions compliance program Step 1: Due diligence to determine the status quo, and initial risk assessment of

    existing business with states/persons affected by sanctions. Step 2: Incorporation of the ″sanctions″ issue into internal policies such as the

    Code of Conduct; where appropriate and relevant, creation of an internal ″foreign trade legislation″ guidelines also dealing with any other authorizations and certificates in connection with cross-border transactions.

    Step 3: Creation of internal structures for efficient handling of the issue: Assessment of risk (due diligence) If required implementation of automatic processes Process of (pre-)approval by the responsible bodies (sanctions officer,

    compliance group) Escalation to other practices (management/board)

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  • Part 2 Global Health Insurance Policies – International Legal Considerations

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  • I. Commercial background Numerous insurance companies in Europe offer insurance policies that provide global health insurance coverage

    Typical uses for global health insurance policies Short-term and long-term travel insurance Exchange student / au pair / study abroad insurance Expat insurance Group insurance for employees sent to locations abroad

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  • II. Typical structure of sales process and policy underwriters

    Insurance is usually sold to domestic residents prior to their move to a foreign country, but could also be sold thereafter

    Insurance is typically prepaid for a fixed term or debited on a regular basis from a domestic bank account or otherwise paid by bank transfer to a (domestic) bank account

    Insurance is underwritten by insurer licensed in an EU member state or elsewhere in the European Economic Area

    Underwriting insurer is usually not licensed to conduct insurance business outside European Economic Area Representative offices to facilitate claims process may exist in selected countries,

    particularly in the United States

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  • III. Primary issues Issues related to insurance company Offering worldwide insurance coverage may violate insurance regulatory law of

    affected countries Various countries impose criminal sanctions for insurance company employees

    engaging in unauthorized insurance business Conflicts of law rules of affected country may provide for jurisdiction in foreign

    country and application of substantive foreign law (e.g. contract law or consumer protection laws)

    Issues related to insured person The affected country may have mandatory local insurance requirements that the

    worldwide insurance policy may not satisfy Purchasing insurance from a foreign insurance company may also be a

    punishable violation for the customer in the affected country

    Taxes and Charges

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  • IV. Violation of local law by insurance company

    Merely selling a worldwide health insurance policy to a domestic resident who then moves abroad is usually regarded as permissible by foreign regulators

    Typical problems: Correspondence with customer, collection of premiums, local representatives,

    etc. Amendment of existing policy (minor amendment vs. complete novation,

    compulsory amendments) New policy with customer already located abroad: Is sale only restricted to residents in affected country or to anybody? What are the

    local requirements regarding residency? Does it make a difference if the potential customer proactively contacts the insurance

    company? What measures need to be taken to ensure that policies are not bought online by

    residents of affected country?

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  • V. Violation of local law by insured person

    Certain countries have mandatory local insurance requirements for residents or even temporary visitors Three models have appeared: insurance policy must meet certain minimum coverage levels, or insurance policy must be recognized by local authorities, or insurance policy must be underwritten by locally authorized insurer.

    Violation of insurance requirement may trigger adverse consequences or could be grounds for removal

    Certain countries have made it a (criminal) offence for consumers to buy insurance from non-locally authorized companies

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  • VI. Conflicts of law issues

    Conflicts of law issues tend to be less important than regulatory issues: German law and German courts provide good and efficient protection for

    customers compared to other legal systems

    However, there is the danger that customers could initiate legal action in foreign courts, and foreign courts could apply foreign law to insurance policies.

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  • VII. Selected Examples: Turkey

    Turkish insurance law requires that insurable interests of residents must be insured by insurance company operating in Turkey

    Non-residents can buy foreign insurance which is governed by foreign law Consequences: Persons who conduct insurance business in Turkey without license can be

    sentenced with up to five years of imprisonment Residents who purchase insurance coverage from a foreign insurance company

    can be punished with a judicial fine (no defined amount) “Resident” is not defined under Turkish law and authorities have so far not

    expressed any opinion on the definition of the term (breach of OECD Code?)

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  • VIII. Selected Examples: United Arab Emirates (UAE)

    Correspondence with customers via a UAE address may amount to conducting foreign insurance business; German address should be maintained

    Prohibition on correspondence and transactions with medical service providers: only UAE-licensed insurance companies and UAE-licensed medical insurance

    claims management companies are permitted to directly correspond or transact with local medical service providers

    UAE medical insurance claims management companies may not act for non-UAE licensed insurance companies

    as a result, foreign insurer cannot directly interact with or pay UAE hospitals and physicians

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  • IX. Selected Examples: USA (1/2)

    New Regulatory Framework under Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare") From January 1, 2014 on, US citizens and foreign citizens in the US who are

    considered resident aliens for tax purposes must generally have health insurance coverage, otherwise tax authorities can collect penalty payment

    Insurance policies must satisfy Minimum Essential Coverage requirement Under new rules in effect since August 26, 2013, foreign insurance only

    qualifies as "Minimum Essential Coverage" if insurance policy is specifically recognized by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ("HHS").

    However, according to guidance published by HHS on October 31, 2013, foreign regulated group insurance plans are generally deamed to satisfy the Minimum Essential Coverage requirement.

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  • IX. Selected Examples: USA (2/2)

    For individual health insurance policies the following requirements must be met: Plans must meet "Substantially All" requirements that are set forth in

    guidance, but many of these requirements are not and cannot reasonably be satisfied by insurer that is not operating under US regulatory regime Prohibition on pre-existing condition exclusions Prohibition on, and limits regarding, risk adjusted premiums Full mental health and drug abuse treatment must be provided Many accounting requirements or issues of plan administration are specifically

    tailored to US insurance plans Discussions with HHS indicated that many issues with regard to foreign

    insurance products had not even been considered by US regulators Still unclear how flexible HHS will apply the "Substantially All"-Test to foreign

    insurance products and which documentation it will require. Direct negotiations will be necessary with HHS in interim period until a clear policy has developed 76 International Compliance – A Local Challenge 29/1/2014 Tillbaka till start

  • X. Selected Examples: Europe

    Problem: Conversion of group insurance policy into individual policy after move Insurance licence granted by home regulator applies in the entire European

    Economic Area (EEA) (single-licence-principle), but insurance company must report to regulator if it intends to provide services in other EEA

    Insurance policy concluded in one EEA state continues to apply if policy holder moves to another EEA state

    Person covered under group health insurance policy has a right to have policy converted into individual policy if policy is terminated by policy holder

    What if insured person demands policy conversion into individual policy after moving to another country? Will insurance company be conducting services in another EEA country? Will foreign law apply to insurance policy under Rome I Regulation (conflict of law)? Arguments: Just a conversion; policy will continue with old terms, no new conclusion of a

    contract Insurance company does not intend to provide services in another EEA state, but

    is forced to do so

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  • XI. Approach of legal review

    Risk based approach vs. full compliance review Minimizing legal risks by conducting review in key jurisdictions and adapting

    sales, handling of customer relations and claims process. Selection of key jurisdictions ("heat map"): where are significant numbers of insured persons? which jurisdictions are of a particular importance from a business, company or

    group perspective? which jurisdictions are likely to have specific regulations? which jurisdictions might be particularly eager in taking enforcement actions?

    Development of question catalogue Local surveys, if necessary with assistance of local counsel, in key


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  • Back-up

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  • The Iran Sanction Regime of the European Union

    Export and import restrictions regarding goods or technology especially dual-use items goods and technologies associated with nuclear developments goods and technologies included in the Common Military List of the EU key equipment or technologies especially for the following key sectors: exploration/production of crude oil and natural gas refining liquefaction of natural gas

    key equipment and technology for the petrochemical industry crude oil or petroleum products located or originated in Iran newly printed or unissued Iranian denominated banknotes and minted coinage regulation of required authorizations by the individual member states

    International Compliance – A Local Challenge 80 29/1/2014 Tillbaka till start

  • Curriculum Vitae

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  • Andreas Löhdefink Practice Andreas Löhdefink is a partner in the Mergers & Acquisitions Group in the Frankfurt office of

    Shearman & Sterling. He advises domestic and international clients on M&A, private equity, public takeovers, corporate law, in particular the law of stock corporations and reorganization law, including spin-offs and conversions of companies, insurance and reinsurance (including supervisory law), capital markets and financial supervisory law matters. He also represents clients in corporate, M&A-related and commercial matters before arbitration tribunals and German courts.

    Mr. Löhdefink was admitted as a lawyer in Germany in 2003 and in 2010 as a solicitor of the Senior Courts of England and Wales. In 2005, he received the title Ph.D. (Dr. iur.) from the University of Düsseldorf. He joined Shearman & Sterling in 2010. Prior to joining Shearman & Sterling, Mr. Löhdefink practised corporate law and M&A in the Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and London offices of a leading German law firm. He was named as one of the leading lawyers in Germany (for Insurance & Reinsurance and nomination for M&A) by Who's Who Legal.

    Recent Experience Nokia on its acquisition of Siemens' 50% stake in their joint venture, Nokia Siemens Networks ERGO and DKV Deutsche Krankenversicherung on German, European and international insurance

    regulatory and contract law issues International Chemical Investor Group on the acquisition of Clariants international detergents &

    Intermediates business, the acquisition of the fine chemicals intermediates and specialty chemicals manufacturer Allessa GmbH, the acquisition of pharmaceutical ingredients activities of Tessenderlo, the acquisition of a pharmaceutical plant from Roche, the acquisition of the pharmaceutical intermediates business from Genzyme Corporation, the sale of a production facility for viscose filament yarn to India and in connection with a cross-border plant construction project

    Allianz on the envisaged acquisition of a risk carrier and service companies in the health insurance sector

    Munich Re on insurance supervisory and insolvency law issues

    Andreas Löhdefink Frankfurt T +49.69.9711.1622 F +49.69. 9711.1100 Education University of Freiburg University of Geneva University of Düsseldorf, Dr. iur.

    Bar Admission Germany England and Wales

    Languages German, English, French

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  • Andreas Löhdefink

    Recent Experience (continued) BE Aerospace on the acquisition of Interturbine Sany Heavy Industry on the acquisition of Putzmeister Qatar Holding LLC on on its investments in Volkswagen AG, Porsche Automobil Holding SE and

    Hochtief AG Warburg Pincus on the acquisition of a minority stake in United Internet AG General Electric on an M&A project Silverfleet and Orizon on the corporate restructuring of the Orizon / jobs in time group Barclays Capital in connection with its fairness opinion in the public takeover of EnBW Barclays Capital as investment bank in connection with a contemplated public takeover Conergy on corporate law and corporate governance issues Sasol on German corporate law and financing issues in connection with a joint venture Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder and First Eagle Investment Management on securities trading law and

    discloure issues Swiss Life on the public takeover of AWD Talanx on the acquisition of minority stakes in, and a strategic partnership with, Swiss Life, and

    acquisition of a minority stake in MLP Talanx and Gerling on the sale of its Lloyd’s activities Swiss Life on the acquisition of a qualified minority stake in MLP Swiss Life on the structuring of its German business with respect to corporate and supervisory law Talanx on the acquisition of the primary insurance activities of Gerling Protektor on the acquisition of the life insurance business of Mannheimer and the establishment of the

    German life insurance rescue fund International Compliance – A Local Challenge 83 29/1/2014

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  • Andreas Löhdefink

    Recent Experience (continued) Inmet Mining Corporation on an unsolicited offer to purchase all of the outstanding common shares

    of Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. Silverfleet and Orizon on corporate law issues Grass Valley on its German operations Biocartis NV regarding the worldwide sale and distribution of Molecular Diagnostics Platforms Deutsche Telekom on its merger with T-Online Implementation of leveraged employee stock programs, featuring third-party financing and

    employee investment guarantees International employee stock and option plans Top five private equity firm on the attempted acquisition of a German blue chip British private equity firm on the public takeover of a German provider of precision optics and

    optomechanics Various private equity firms and sovereign wealth funds on the (envisaged or completed) acquisition

    of stakes in, or public takeover of, publicly listed German corporates, and the financing of such acquisitions. Clients include Warburg Pincus, Advent, Allianz Capital Partners, Apollo, Bain Capital, Candover, EQT, Goldman Sachs, KKR, Qatar Investment Authority/Qatar Holding LLC

    German-based international software company on the public takeover of another German-based software company

    Leading global supplier of technology and services on the public takeover of a solar energy company

    German-based leading international market research group on an attempted "merger of equals" with a UK based international market research group

    Car component supplier on a debt and equity restructuring International Compliance – A Local Challenge 84 29/1/2014 Tillbaka till start

  • Andreas Löhdefink

    Recent Experience (continued) Large German publicly listed utility company in the context of the establishment of a utility

    investment fund by a German bank and on the sale of participations in utilities to the fund German publicly owned bank on the establishment of a “Bad Bank” International investment bank on a cash-settled total return swap for a qualified minority stake in

    a German DAX-30 company in connection with a public takeover Administrator of German entity of an insolvent international banking group with regard to financial

    reporting and disclosure obligations and the delisting of securities in various European jurisdictions

    International banking group on the acquisition of a German depositary bank Large German publicly listed utility company in connection with litigation regarding a minority

    participation in a local utility supplier

    Professional Affiliations Gesellschaftsrechtliche Vereinigung (VGR) Deutsch-Amerikanische Juristen-Vereinigung e.V. (DAJV) Deutsch-Britische Juristenvereinigung e.V. American Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V.

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    Presentationsmaterial från complianceseminariuimSummeringBildnummer 3Bildnummer 4Vad är skillnaden mellan �General compliance och Business compliance?Varför blir Business compliance den �”Nya Gränsen” för Corporate Travel insurance ?Nya gränsen I Nya gränsen II Nya gränsen IILåt oss diskutera med Marknaden idagCompliance�i praktiken i SEB LivAgendaBildnummer 13Bildnummer 14Förhållandet till andra funktioner�AnsvarsområdenBildnummer 17Praktiken - första tidenPraktiken – fortsättningen och nulägetSEB-koncernen och “Business Compliance”Reflektioner�AxcoABOUT AXCO THE AXCO BUSINESS MODELBildnummer 25INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE REQUIREMENTSCOMPLIANCE ABROAD CHECKLISTMarket EnvironmentMarket EnvironmentBildnummer 30Bildnummer 31What is Non Admitted?Bildnummer 33Bildnummer 34Bildnummer 35Bildnummer 36Bildnummer 37Bildnummer 38Bildnummer 39Bildnummer 40Bildnummer 41How can Axco help?Axco ProductsNon-Life INSURANCE MARKET REPORTS (IMR)Insight ComplianceAxco Compliance PointBildnummer 47Bildnummer 48International Compliance�A Local ChallengeContentPart 1How are you dealing with these guys?From the pressI. Definitions (1/2)I. Definitions (2/2)II. Overview of worldwide embargoes and sanctions (1/4)II. Overview of worldwide embargoes and sanctions (2/4) II. Overview of worldwide embargoes and sanctions (3/4) II. Overview of worldwide embargoes and sanctions (4/4) III. Example: The Iran sanction regime of the European Union (1/5)III. Example: The Iran sanction regime of the European Union (2/5)III. Example: The Iran sanction regime of the European Union (3/5)III. Example: The Iran sanction regime of the European Union (4/5)III. Example: The Iran sanction regime of the European Union (5/5)IV. Practical consequencesPart 2I. Commercial backgroundII. Typical structure of sales process and policy underwritersIII. Primary issuesIV. Violation of local law by insurance companyV. Violation of local law by insured personVI. Conflicts of law issuesVII. Selected Examples: TurkeyVIII. Selected Examples: United Arab Emirates (UAE)IX. Selected Examples: USA (1/2)IX. Selected Examples: USA (2/2)X. Selected Examples: EuropeXI. Approach of legal reviewBack-upThe Iran Sanction Regime of the European UnionCurriculum VitaeAndreas LöhdefinkAndreas LöhdefinkAndreas LöhdefinkAndreas LöhdefinkBildnummer 86
