Redistributive Politics with Distortionary...


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Redistributive Politics with DistortionaryTaxation�

Benoit S Y Crutzenyand Nicolas Sahuguetz


This paper proposes a �rst step towards a positive theory of tax instru-

ments. We present a model that extends models of redistributive politics

by Myerson (1993) and Lizzeri and Persico (2001). Two politicians compete

in terms of targeted redistributive promises �nanced through distortionary

taxes. We solve for the case of both targetable and non-targetable taxes. We

prove that there is an imperfect e¢ ciency-targetability trade o¤ on the tax

side. Politicians prefer targetable taxes over non-targetable ones, especially

when the latter are less e¢ cient. Yet, targetable taxation is always used even

when it is very ine¢ cient compared to non-targetable taxes.

Keywords: Redistributive Politics, Distortionary Taxation

JEL classi�cation: D72, D78, H23, H31

�We would like to thank the editor and two anonymous referees for insightful comments thatimproved the quality of the paper.

yErasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Department of Economics �H8-11, Erasmus School of Eco-nomics and Business Economics, P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

zInstitut d�Economie Appliquée, HEC Montréal, CEPR and CIRPEE - 3000 chemin de la CôteSainte- Catherine, Montréal (Québec) H3T 2A7 Canada Email:


1 Introduction

The questions of the tax level and of the size of government are at the center of

the study of political institutions. However, the economic literature on taxes and

redistribution is more developed on the normative side, that is the analysis of the

optimal tax structure, than on the positive side, that is the study of the tax structure

that would arise as an equilibrium of the political process. The main reason is

that voting over taxes and redistribution is an example of a vote on a (possibly)

multidimensional space, in which case it is not possible to use single dimensional

voting equilibrium concepts, such as the median voter theorem.

The positive literature on taxation, starting with Meltzer and Richards (1981),

has circumvented this di¢ culty by studying an environment in which the median

voter theorem applies. In their model, the choice of tax is reduced to a country-wide

tax rate1 that applies to everybody and taxes are redistributed uniformly across all

citizens. In this environment, the median income citizen is pivotal and chooses the

tax rates that he prefers. Yet, since the main insight of the positive theory of income

taxation is that politicians use taxes and redistribution to improve their electoral

success, it seems odd to leave strategic targeting of individual voters completely out

of the picture. Redistribution is clearly used by politicians to target speci�c groups

of voters. Tax exemptions are also very commonly used for the same reason.

In this paper, we propose a model of taxation and redistribution in which politi-

cians behave strategically on both sides of the policy game. Furthermore, we wish to

investigate how changes in the distortionary cost of taxation and in its targetability

a¤ect the equilibrium.

Whereas the literature on tax policy as an instrument to win elections is scant,2

the incentives to redistribute to gain electoral success have been studied in some

depth. In particular, two strands of the literature have emerged following the sem-

inal contributions of Lindbeck and Weibull (1987)3 on the one hand and Myerson

(1993) on the other. In the �rst strand of the literature, the so-called probabilistic

voting models, some speci�c type of heterogeneity in voter preferences is imposed

to get a continuous and di¤erentiable mapping from policy proposals to vote shares.

Equilibria are in pure strategies.

1The main results of Meltzer and Richards have been extended since then to somewhat morerealistic settings in which the choice of tax instruments is wider. See Section 1.2 .

2Recent contributions include Gouveia and David (1996) and Carbonell-Nicolau and Ok (2007).3The probabilitic voting model was �rst introduced by Hinich, Ledyard and Ordershook (1972).


Instead in models following Myerson (1993), voetrs are all ex-ante identical. This

allows to disentangle the welfare e¤ects of strategic policy promises from those that

derive from any di¤erences in preferences among voters. The counterpart is that the

equilibrium is typically in terms of mixed strategies.

This paper belongs to this second strand of the literature. The model features

two candidates competing for a continuum of voters. The two candidates o¤er

individual, binding, credible campaign promises in terms of the level of taxation

and a targeted transfer.4 Taxation is distortionary in the sense that the budget

politicians have at their disposal to make transfers is lower than the total of income

that is taxed away. Taxation can also be targetable or not.

When taxes are distortionary, the relation between the e¢ ciency of the tax sys-

tem and the actions of politicians becomes intricate. Indeed, without distortions,

it is optimal to fully tax citizens and thus maximize the amount of strategic redis-

tribution.5 The presence of distortions implies that candidates have incentives to

leave voters with part of their income. Viewing the choice of the level of taxation as

an index of government size, our analysis also sheds some light on the relationship

between the distortionary cost of taxation and the size of government.

Targeting can come through two channels. When taxes are non-targetable, the

only channel is targeted redistribution. But when taxes are targetable, both taxes

and redistribution are used to target voters and can be interpreted as substitute

tools. We �rst solve for the equilibrium when taxation is not targetable. Politicians

choose a tax rate for all citizens and use the collected budget to win votes through

targeted redistribution. In equilibrium, politicians randomize over tax rates. Dis-

tortions have an impact on the distribution of tax rates. The higher the distortions,

the more weight politicians put on low tax rates. Redistributive promises made for

a given tax rate are simple: politicians promise nothing to half of the voters �these

voters are thus taxed and receive no transfers � and promise the same after-tax

transfer to the other half �these voters are also taxed but receive the full per-capita

proceeds of taxation.

There is therefore a central trade-o¤ between e¢ ciency and targetability. Taxes

are ine¢ cient but give candidates the possibility to target some voters. This is

reminiscent of the models of Lizzeri and Persico (2001 and 2005). They analyze

4Throughout the paper, we maintain the assumption that redistribution is targetable, as inMyerson (1993).

5This is one way to rationalize Myerson�s (1993) decision to propose a model of full taxationwith redistribution. In a way, taxes can then be interpreted as negative redistributive promises.


the trade-o¤ between targetability and e¢ ciency in an environment on which the

provision of a public good is the e¢ cient policy choice but targeted redistribution can

be favored by politicians for its targetability. Given the distortions associated with

taxation, the e¢ cient policy in our model when taxes are non-targetable is not to

tax anyone (it is similar to providing a public good; a policy that bene�ts everybody

but that is not targetable). Taxation is ine¢ cient but enables politicians to have a

budget from which they can make targeted promises. The indivisible aspect of public

good provision leads in Lizzeri and Persico�s analysis to the natural assumption that

politicians face a binary choice between full redistribution and provision of a public

good. Distortionary taxation is, in this respect, di¤erent from public good provision.

To account for this di¤erence we extend their analysis to study the equilibrium of

the game with a continuous choice set on the tax side too: politicians can choose

any tax rate between zero and 100%.

When taxation is targetable, redistribution and taxation become very similar

in the sense that, if it was not for distortions, a tax is just a form of negative

redistribution. The game is thus best understood as a game of net redistribution.

The equilibrium is very closely related to that of Myerson (1993). In equilibrium tax

proceeds are constant and independent of the level of distortions and redistribution

follows an o¤er distribution that is very close to Myerson�s uniform distribution,

Myerson�s equilibrium being a special case of it (in which taxes are set to 100% and

there are no distortions)

Comparing the equilibrium with targetable taxes to the one with non-targetable

taxes is a �rst step towards a positive theory of tax instruments. The main trade-o¤

we highlight is that between the e¢ ciency and the targetability of tax instruments.

In particular, our analysis shows that when taxation is not targetable, there are two

sources of ine¢ ciency. Taxes are distortionary, but also unavoidable: the voters who

are net bene�ciaries of redistribution also pay taxes. In contrast, with targetable

taxes, politicians do not need to tax the voters they want to promise more than

their initial income. Since in equilibrium, 50% of the voters are net bene�ciaries,

the ine¢ ciencies linked to non-targetable taxation are twice as large in the case

of non-targetable taxation. As a consequence, if the non-targetable instrument is

only marginally more e¢ cient, only targetable taxation is used in equilibrium. Tar-

getability can thus be interpreted as a substitute for e¢ ciency. We show, however,

that the converse is not true: unless non-targetable taxation if completely e¢ cient,

politicians use the targetable tax instrument regardless of its e¢ ciency.


Related Literature

The present paper belongs to the current strand of literature of positive models

of redistributive politics. This literature starts with Myerson (1993).

He models redistributive politics as an electoral game between two candidates

that make simultaneous, independent and binding redistribution promises to voters.

This game is very similar to the well-known Colonel Blotto game6, that is a game

between two players that have to decide simultaneously how to divide their troops

among n battle �elds. Myerson simpli�ed the analysis by allowing for an in�nite

number of voters. This simpli�cation made it possible to address the e¤ect of elec-

toral rules on redistribution and inequality. Following Myerson, Lizzeri (1999) used

a similar model to explain the persistence of budget de�cits. Sahuguet and Persico

(2006) and Kovenock and Roberson (2006) built on this model of pure redistribu-

tion to analyze situation in which voters�loyalties vary across parties. Laslier and

Picard (2002) and Roberson (2006a) study in depth the same game but let number

of voters be �nite.

Lizzeri and Persico (2001 and 2005) extend Myerson�s model of redistributive

politics to give politicians the possibility of using the taxed income to provide an

economy-wide public good. They focus on the trade-o¤ between an e¢ cient public

project (in the sense that its return is greater than unity) but that cannot be tar-

geted to speci�c voters and pure, targeted, redistribution, whose return is equal to

unity. They analyze the ine¢ ciency that arises when redistributive policies targeted

to particular subsets of the population are overprovided at the expense of the e¢ -

cient public good provision. The key determinant of this overprovision is that the

targetability of redistribution is valuable to candidates who seek election. Roberson

(2006b) develops a similar model in the context of a federal economy with a �nite

number of voters. In all these models, there is a binary choice between redistribution

and public good provisions. Our model can be readily reinterpreted as an extension

of these models to allow politicians to choose how much budget to use on a public

good project and how much to use on targeted redistribution.

Another related paper is Dekel, Jackson, Wolinsky (2006a)7. They analyze a

dynamic, alternating o¤ers electoral game between two parties and a population of

voters which may have a preference for one of the two parties. The two candidates

compete for votes by making alternative public o¤ers. Each candidate can make

6The classic on the Colonel Blotto game is Gross and Wagner (1950).7See also Dekel, Jackson and Wolinsky (2006b)


o¤ers only up to the budget it has at its disposal. The main di¤erence is thus that

promises are not made in a simultaneous way. They show that the outcome of the

game involves substantial spending by parties and that this outcome is a¤ected by

the voters�preferences. The key behind the derivation of this equilibrium is that each

candidate, when called to make a new o¤er, is constrained to make an o¤er that is

higher or equal to the one he made in his previous round. This immediately implies

that the extension of their game to one like the one analyzed in this paper, in which

parties compete in terms of both spending promises and tax rates is problematic,

as the authors acknowledge themselves (Dekel et al. 2006a, p. 15)

Our paper also contributes to the strand of the literature that analyzes the

relationship between the size of government and the e¢ ciency of taxation. As we

said above, this strand is relatively narrow. The literature on the determinants

and the composition of government spending is relatively larger,8 but has typically

relegated to the sidelines the e¤ects of changes in the e¢ ciency of the government�s

instruments. Very few papers focus explicitly on the relationship between e¢ ciency

and the characteristics of government.

Becker and Mulligan (2003) provide a model that shows that increases in the

e¢ ciency of taxation lead to less pressure against the growth of government. Our

result about the positive relationship between the e¢ ciency of taxation and the

probability that candidates select higher tax rates is consistent with their view.

More importantly, Becker and Mulligan use a political economy model with pressure

groups to derive the result that an increase in the e¢ ciency of taxation may be

welfare reducing (at least for those taxpayers that are unorganized). We do not

need to assume the existence of two di¤erent types of voters to obtain that increases

in the e¢ ciency of taxation are welfare-reducing.

Outline of the paper

Section 2 solves the model with non-targetable taxation. Section 3 analyzes

the case with fully targetable taxes. Section 4 analyzes the model in which two

instruments can be used by the politician. Section 5 concludes.

8Papers in this area include Kau and Rubin (1981), Grossman (1987), Wilson (1990), Perssonand Tabellini (1999), Persson, Roland and Tabellini (2000) and Milesi-Ferretti, Rostagno andPerrotti (2002).


2 Non-targetable taxes

2.1 Economy and players

There are two candidates, 1 and 2: The electorate is made of a continuum E of

total mass 1. Each voter is endowed with one unit of money. Candidates can tax

voters�endowment and make redistributive promises. These promises are subject to

an economy-wide budget constraint: candidates must make balanced-budget policy

pledges. These promises are binding.

The basic premises of the model are twofold. First, a candidate has to tax

everybody the same way (by setting a nation-wide tax rate) but can use the money

collected to make individual promises. Second, taxation is distortionary. There is

a cost to collect taxes: only part of the taxed income is available for redistribution.

When a candidate chooses a tax rate t, every voter is left with (1�t) and the budgetfor redistribution is �t � t:9

The timing of the game is as follows:

1. Candidates, simultaneously and independently, choose a tax rate and make

binding and credible promises to voters with the money collected;

2. After observing the two candidates� o¤ers, voters cast their ballot for the

candidate that has o¤ered them the highest utility;

3. Vote shares determine the electoral outcome and payo¤s are realized.

We use a reduced-form mapping from the legislature to the executive: the prob-

ability that the policy chosen by a candidate is the implemented one is an increasing

function of the vote share of that candidate. This justi�es in turn the fact that each

voter votes sincerely, that is, casts his ballot in favor of the candidate who promises

him the greatest utility. We solve the game under proportional representation (PR):

candidates maximize their total vote share.

2.2 Game and candidates�strategies

A pure strategy for a candidate speci�es the tax rate he chooses, and in the event

he chooses a positive tax rate, it also speci�es a promise of a transfer to each voter.9� can be interpreted as collection costs. Other distortions due to taxation, such as those

arising from incentive problems impacting individual labor supply decisions, are also of interest.See Crutzen and Sahuguet (2006) for an extension to the case of non-linear distortions.


Formally a pure strategy is a tax rate t and a function X : E ! [0;+1), whereX (e) represents the consumption promised to voter e. The function X must satisfy

the following balanced budget condition.ReX (e) de = (1� t)+�t andX (e) � 1�t,

(in that case, X (e)� (1� t) represents the transfer promised to voter e after taxes).

We focus on the case of distortions that are not too large, i.e. 12< � � 1.

Indeed, for � � 1=2; politicians would not tax voters. For � = 1, politicians wouldtax all of the voters�income and we the game is similar to Myerson (1993). For the

distortions that we are interested in, i.e. � 2�12; 1�, there is no equilibrium in pure

strategies.10 The intuition for this is as follows. Suppose one candidate were to play

a pure strategy, that is, select a tax rate and an associated redistribution plan with

probability 1. Then the other candidate, knowing this, could easily propose a plan

that gives him more than half of the vote. In equilibrium candidates are therefore

randomizing over tax rates and associated redistribution plans.

We study symmetric mixed strategies in which candidates choose a tax rate

according to distribution function �(t), and then redistribute the money collected,

net of distortions. The o¤er made to voter e, X (e) is the realization of a draw

from a common distribution function with cdf Ft : R+ ! [0; 1], that depends on

the chosen tax rate. Ft represents the empirical distribution of net transfers by

candidate i to voters11. The tax rate is thus the same for all voters, and voters are

getting on average the same amount of money. This does not mean however that

all the voters get the same amount of money ex-post: individual promises depend

on the realization of an individual random draw from the distribution Ft.

2.3 Equilibrium

We now show that candidates randomize between tax rates according to the contin-

uous distribution function �(t) = t2��1� . The redistribution function Ft turns out

to be very simple: its support contains only two points. For a given tax rate and

a corresponding budget, a candidate promises no additional transfer to 50% of the

voters (they are thus promised 1�t) and promises to the other 50% twice the money10Whereas candidates randomize in equilibrium, voters observe their realized promise by each

candidate. Voter e thus votes for candidate i if and only if

Xi (e) > X�i (e) :

11Since redistribution schemes need to balance the budget given a tax-rate, there is a link betweenthe choice of tax rate and the choice of promises and this is an easy way to describe admissiblestrategies.


collected per capita (these voters are promised 1� t+ 2�t).

Proposition 1 Assume that candidates can choose any tax rate t 2 [0; 1], and thenredistribute the revenue from taxation �t among the voters. Then the following

strategies constitute an equilibrium of the electoral game:

Candidates randomize across tax rates using the distribution function �(t) =

t2��1� :

For a tax rate t, the candidate promises (1� t) to 50% of the voters and (1� t)+2�t to the remaining 50% of the voters.

Ft (x) =

8><>:0 for x < 1� t

1=2 for 1� t � x < 1� t+ 2�t1 for x � 1� t+ 2�t.


We �rst check that if the other candidate uses the equilibrium strategy, the vote

share associated with any tax rate and its equilibrium redistribution plan is 1=2.

This shows that a candidate is indi¤erent between all the tax rates.

The redistribution plan associated with tax rate t promises a utility of (1� t) to50% of the voters. They vote for this candidate when the other candidate proposes

a higher tax rate and they get no additional promise - this happens with probability12(1��(t)). The plan also promises (1� t) + 2�t to the other 50% of the voters.

They vote for this candidate if the other candidate makes no additional promises �

this happens with probability 12because, given that 1�t+2�t > 1, 1�t+2�t > 1�et

for any et 2 [0; 1] �or if the other candidate makes additional promises but has alower tax rate � this happens with probability1

2�(t) : The total vote share of a

candidate using a tax rate t and the associated redistribution plan is thus








2(1 + � (t)) =



as claimed.

To complete the proof, we now prove that a candidate can not improve on the

redistribution plan prescribed by the equilibrium strategy.

LetW � (x) denote the equilibrium probability of winning a vote when the income

promised to a voter is x. This function summarizes all the information about tax


rates used and promises made by the other candidate. For a given tax rate, say t,

a candidate leaves to everybody (1� t) units of money and has a budget, net ofdistortions, of �t to distribute.

This candidate makes transfers to voters to maximize his vote share subject to

the budget constraint:


Z +1

1�tW � (x) dFt (x) s:t:

Z +1

1�t(x� (1� t)) dFt (x) = �t

The Lagrangian associated to this problem is:

L =Z +1

1�tfW � (x) + [�t+ (1� t)� x]g dFt (x) :

To prove that the equilibrium redistribution is optimal, we use this Lagrangian

in two di¤erent ways. We �rst argue that the support of Ft must be such that all

the promises in this support maximize L. This de�nes a linear relation betweenthe promises used in equilibrium and the probability of winning a vote associated

with this promise. We then explicitly calculate W � (x) from the strategy used by

the other player. Putting together these two pieces of information, we conclude

that a tangency condition between W � (x) and the linear function de�ned above

characterizes the optimal promises. We then check that this condition leads to the

proposed equilibrium redistribution.

Let � be the equilibrium Lagrange multiplier. W � (x) � �x is maximal andconstant on the support of Ft. This immediately implies that there must be a linear

relation between x and W � (x) on the support of Ft. The intuition is simple and

follows Lizzeri and Persico (2005):W � (x) represents the expected bene�ts of making

a promise of x dollars (for a given tax rate t). At an optimum, this bene�t must

be equal to the shadow cost of the budget constraint, which corresponds to the

opportunity cost of a dollar. This opportunity cost is linear in x; therefore W � also

needs to be linear in x on the support and must lie below this line outside of the


Consider now a candidate who chooses a tax rate t. He has has a budget of �t to

make transfers to voters. Let us now derive the winning function W � (x) associated

with the equilibrium strategy used by the other player.


W �(x)=1


�1� (1� x)


�when x � 1 (1)

W �(x)=1


1 +

�x� 12�� 1

� 2��1�

!when 1 � x � 2�: (2)

This probability of winning function is convex for x � 1 and concave for x � 1.See �gure 1 for an example of such a function.

Given the observation that when a politician optimizes his promises, the proba-

bility to win a vote with a given promise must be linear in the transfer. This may

seem inconsistent with the fact that Eq. 1 and 2 require the function to be �rst

convex then concave. In fact, it implies that the optimal promises must at the same

time belong to the W � curve and be on this line. This de�nes a tangency condition

that characterizes the optimal promises. (Figure 1 also provides an illustration of

this tangency condition)

In equilibrium, a candidate who chooses a tax rate of t; chooses to make no

additional transfer to some of the voters. To see this, it is enough to note that, if

the candidate would choose to make promises of at least 1 � t + " to all voters, itwould be better to choose a lower tax rate that leaves 1 � t + " to everybody andsince a lower tax rate leads to less distortions, this would be more e¢ cient.

The best way to redistribute money is thus found by drawing a line starting at

(1� t;W � (1� t)) and ending at a point on theW � curve and choosing the line with

the largest slope �because this maximizes the e¢ ciency of redistribution. Intuitively,

the slope represents �the bang for the buck�of a given promise. By construction,

there is no way to use money more e¢ ciently than by randomizing between promises

on this line.

This means that the optimal way to use the funds is to choose the promise

that maximizes the probability of winning per dollar promised. To �nd this, it is

enough to �nd the line that starts at ((1� t) ;W � (1� t)) and that is tangent to thefunctionW � (x) for x � 1: Since by construction any other promise (x;W �(x)) would

be below that tangent, it would not be optimal to use it. To conclude the proof, we

need to show that the promise (1� t) + 2�t satis�es this tangency condition.


The slope of the function W � at x is 12�


���1� . Hence

W �0 ((1� t) + 2�t) = 1

2�t��1� :

The slope of the line going from ((1� t) ;W (1� t)) to ((1� t) + 2�t;W ((1� t) + 2�t)),is

(W ((1� t) + 2�t)�W (1� t))(1� t) + 2�t� (1� t) =



2�t��1� :

This completes the proof. �

Note that when � is close to 1/2, the distribution function �(t) assigns most

of the probability mass to tax rates which are very close to 0. As � increases, the

concavity of � decreases until it becomes a straight line, for � = 1. Thus, when there

are no collection costs, the two candidates randomize between tax rates according

to a Uniform distribution on [0; 1].

To illustrate the equilibrium, let us look at a concrete example.

Assume the distortions are � = 0:7 (only 70% of the tax money collected can be

used for redistribution, 30% is wasted in the collection process)

Figure 1 depicts the winning function W �, and shows the tangency condition for

t = 10%, t = 50% and t = 90%.

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.60.0













Equilibrium with � = 0:7


Note that when � tends to 1, distortions disappear and the equilibrium should

converge towards the equilibrium in the Myerson model. This is indeed the case

with some caveat. In fact, in the limit equilibrium of our game, politicians would

chose uniformly the tax rate and then redistribute the money collected to half the

voters. This leads to the same ex-ante distribution of promises as in Myerson�s

model, in which politicians set a tax rate of 1 (they have no other choice) and the

make promises that come from a uniform distribution on [0; 2]. The two strategies

are equivalent in the sense that they give rise to the same function W � (x) :

2.4 E¢ ciency, welfare and the size of government

It is interesting to examine the relation between the e¢ ciency of taxation, the politi-

cians�strategic use of taxes and the voters�ex-ante welfare.

The positive literature on taxation is interested in the size of government and

the amount of loss in the economy due to the distortions of the tax system. Ex-ante,

the expected size of tax revenues is:

T (�) =

Z 1


td�t =

Z 1



�2�� 1�

�t��1� dt =

2�� 13�� 1

whereas the expected size of redistribution is

R (�) = �T (�) = � � 2�� 13�� 1

We thus have:

Proposition 2 For 1=2 < � � 1, the expected size of redistribution and the expectedamount of taxes collected increase with e¢ ciency of taxes. They are equal to 0 when

� = 1=2 and increase to 1=2 when � = 1:

We can also derive the expected welfare in this economy. The welfare measure

that we use is the amount of money that is owned by voters after the political

process, V (�):

V (�) = 1� T (�) +R (�) = 2�2

3�� 1Turning to the expected deadweight loss due to the political process, this is given


D (�) = 1� V (�) = 1� 2�2

3�� 1


We thus have:

Proposition 3 For 1=2 < � � 1, welfare is U-shaped. It is maximum for � = 1=2

or � = 1: For small �, an increase in the e¢ ciency of taxation decreases the welfare,

for larger values of � ; an increase in the e¢ ciency of taxation increases the welfare.

The minimum welfare is reached for � = 2=3:

Deadweight costs behave the opposite way as welfare. They are hump-shaped and

reach their maximum at � = 2=3:

The comparative statics on the size of redistribution are not very surprising and

are in line with the previous literature of positive theories of taxation. The result

about the welfare is more interesting. We show that an increase in the e¢ ciency of

tax collection can have the perverse e¤ect of making redistribution a more attractive

tool. This can lead candidates to use it more aggressively (in the sense that the

probability that they select a higher tax rate is higher) even though it is ine¢ cient.

This e¤ect is reminiscent of the idea developed by Becker and Mulligan (2003)

in a very di¤erent framework. The case for collecting taxes in the most e¢ cient

way seems intuitive and rather obvious. In particular, for a given total govern-

ment spending, the welfare in the population is maximized when the deadweight

loss coming from tax collection is minimized. However, when government spending

is endogenously determined (as in our model) as a consequence of electoral compe-

tition, the e¤ect of a more e¢ cient tax system is ambiguous. Our model makes this

point in a very simple way.

3 Targetable taxes

3.1 Game and candidates�strategies

We now tun to the case of perfectly targetable taxes. A politician can now tax

citizens individually. With the money collected, he can then target other voters

and make them transfer promises .The di¤erence with the case of non-targetable

taxation is that a candidate now chooses how much to tax every citizen and then

how much to transfer to give him. As before, we assume tax collection entails some

ine¢ ciency. Only a share of the taxes collected can be redistributed through

transfers. Given that taxes are distortionary, it is ine¢ cient and thus dominated to

tax a voter and then give him positive transfers. As a consequence, a pure strategy

for a candidate speci�es a promise of an income after taxes and transfers, to each


voter. If the promise is smaller than 1, this voter is taxed and receives no transfers; if

the promise is higher than 1, this voter is not taxed and receives a positive transfer.

The timing of the game is as follows:

1. Candidates, simultaneously and independently, choose binding and credible

post-election promises of consumption to voters;

2. After observing the two candidates� o¤ers, voters cast their ballot for the

candidate that has o¤ered them the highest utility;

3. Vote shares determine the electoral outcome and payo¤s are realized.

Formally a pure strategy is a function X : E ! [0;+1), where X (e) representsthe consumption promised to voter e. The function X must satisfy the balanced

budget condition.

As before, there is no equilibrium in pure strategy and we will focus on an

equilibrium in which each politician draws his promises from a distribution F of

income promises.


(1� x) dF (x) represents the total taxes that are collected and


(x� 1) dF (x) represents the total net transfers promised. The budget constraint

can be written as:


(1� x) dF (x) �1Z1

(x� 1) dF (x) :

3.2 Equilibrium

Proposition 4 When taxes and redistribution are fully targetable, politicians areusing the distribution function F � to draw promises made to voters:

F � (x) =

(x2for 0 � x � 1

12+ x�1

2 for 1 � x � 1 +


F � (x) represents the proportion of voters that is promised an income less or


equal to x after the election. F �(1) is the number of voters that is promised a net

tax. 1� F �(1) is the number of voters that are promised a net transfer.

The vote share of candidate 1 who uses an arbitrary distribution function F1;

when candidate 2 is using the equilibrium F � is :

V S�1Z0

(x=2) dF1 (x) +

1+ Z1

x+ � 12

dF1 (x)



0@ 1Z0

xdF1 (x) +

1+ Z1


dF1 (x) +

� 1

(1� F1 (1))

1ARecall that the budget constraint of an electoral platform is:


(1� x) dF (x) = 1


(x� 1) dF (x)

We can rewrite it as:


xdF1 (x) +



dF1 (x) =


dF1 (x) +



dF1 (x) = F (1) +

1� F (1)

Substituting it in the vote share inequality, we get:

V S� 12

�F (1) +

1� F (1)

+ � 1

(1� F1 (1))�



Thus F �1 achieves 1/2, the maximal payo¤ among feasible redistribution plans F1.

Therefore, F �1 is a best response to F�2 .�


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.50.0




Probability of winning a vote

Figure 2: Equilibrium with = 0:7

Figure 2 describes the equilibrium distribution of promises. The linearity of the

probability of winning function is again central to the analysis. The probability of

winning function is piece-wise linear with a kink at x = 1. The linearity for x � 1is easily explained. Since the opportunity cost of using an extra dollar on a voter is

linear in money, it has to be that the bene�t of spending an extra dollar is also linear

in money. The explanation of the linearity for x � 1 follows the same logic. The costof taxing a voter less is linear in money, implying that the bene�ts of taxing less a

voter must also be linear in money. The di¤erence in slopes is due to the distortion

: the bene�ts of transfers (the slope of the winning function when x � 1) must behigher than the loss due to taxes by a factor :

3.3 E¢ ciency, welfare and the size of government

When taxes are targetable, the e¤ects of the distortions are very di¤erent. The

amount of taxes does not depend on the e¢ ciency of taxation. For any value of

, the same amount of taxes (that corresponds to 1/4 of the total income in the

economy) is collected. The level of money redistributed is thus decreasing with ,

since it is equal to =4. The e¤ect of the e¢ ciency of taxation on the deadweight

loss and the voters�welfare is thus monotonic. Higher e¢ ciency leads to less loss

and higher welfare.


4 E¢ ciency and targetability of tax instruments

The previous analysis shows that targetability and e¢ ciency are important char-

acteristics of tax instruments. We have derived the equilibrium taxes under two

scenarios - a perfectly targetable tax, and a completely non-targetable tax. We now

turn to the analysis of the trade-o¤ between these two characteristics. We allow for

the use of two tax instruments that vary along these two dimensions: targetability

and e¢ ciency. Intuitively, both dimensions are desirable, but they are likely to be

inversely related. To be able to target taxes, the government would need higher

administrative costs and thus such an instrument is likely to be less e¢ cient.

This analysis is a �rst step towards a positive analysis of taxation instruments.

We show that when the di¤erence of e¢ ciency is not high enough in favor of the

non-targetable instrument, only the targetable instrument is used in equilibrium.

Targetability can thus be interpreted as a substitute for e¢ ciency. In particular,

when one cannot target taxes, it is necessary to tax everybody to be able to increase

promised transfers. The cost of taxes comes from the fact that one needs to tax

everybody, even the voters that one plans to make transfers to. With a targetable

instrument, it is only necessary to tax a few individuals, which is less costly even if

the cost per dollar collected is higher. However, targetability is an imperfect substi-

tute to e¢ ciency. Indeed, the targetable instrument is always used in equilibrium,

unless the non-targetable instrument is fully e¢ cient (� = 1). The following two

propositions prove the above statements.

Proposition 5 If � 2� � 1, only the targetable tax instrument is used and theequilibrium is the same as when only targetable taxation is possible.


Assume that candidate 1 uses the targetable tax only, following the equilibrium

strategy described in proposition 4. Candidate 2 can choose to use only targetable

taxation, only non-targetable taxation or a mix of both instruments. We now show

that the best response is to use targetable taxation only.

Suppose candidate 2 uses non-targetable taxation only. He chooses a tax rate t

and then redistributes �t as e¢ ciently as possible. Figure 2 gives us the probability

of winning a vote corresponding to a promise of x. Reasoning as in the proof of

proposition 1, given the tax rate t, the most e¢ cient way to redistribute money is to

promise 1+ to as many voters as possible. This comes from the fact that the slope


of the line starting at (1� t; (1� t) =2) to any point on the probability of winninga vote curve is maximal when it goes to (1 + ; 1). The vote share corresponding to

such a plan is:


+ t+

�1� �t

+ t

��1� t2



+ t

�1 + t


�+1� t2

The vote share is equal to 1/2 when t = 0 and to �= (1 + ) when t = 1 which

is smaller than1/2 when � 2�� 1. To prove that any other choice of tax t is notbetter, it is enough to show that the vote shares is decreasing in t which is true since(2�t+�)��t(1+t)

( +t)2� 1 � 0 for these values of and �.

To show, that using both targetable and non-targetable taxes can not improve

the vote share, we consider a candidate who uses non-targetable taxation and then

shows that it it then not pro�table to use targetable taxes in association. It is once

again useful to think about the linearity of the winning function. Given a non-

targetable tax rate t; the cost of collecting resources through targetable taxation

is still linear with an opportunity cost of 1/2, that is that to collect an amount of

money the loss in terms of votes is proportional to 1/2 the amount collected. Then a

share of the amount collected can be used to win additional votes. The bene�t of

doing this has to be larger. However, the bene�t would be smaller than 1=2 since

the slope between (1� t; (1� t) =2) and (1 + ; 1) is maximal at t = 0 and equal to1=2 .�

Non-targetable taxation has a built-in ine¢ ciency. A candidate cannot increase

transfers without at the same time taxing the group he wants to redistribute to.

Since in equilibrium, 50% of the voters are receiving positive transfers, a distortion

of � is e¤ectively twice as costly when compared to the distortion coming from a

targetable instrument. Proposition 4 thus shows that the non-targetable tax instru-

ment needs to be su¢ ciently more e¢ cient than a targetable instrument to be used

by politicians. We could think that e¢ ciency and targetability are thus substitutes

and that when the targetable instrument is su¢ ciently ine¢ cient, it is not used.

Proposition 5 shows that this is not the case.

Proposition 6 If < 2� � 1 and � < 1, both tax instruments are used in equilib-rium.



We know from proposition 4 that we can not have an equilibrium with only

targetable taxes, since a non-targetable tax of t = 1 would enable a candidate to

make promises of 1+ to more than 50% of voters, since the budget collected would

be of 2�. Let�s show that using only the more e¢ cient non-targetable instrument is

not an equilibrium. For that, we assume that candidate 1 is using the equilibrium

strategy of proposition 1 and prove that candidate 2 can do better by using targetable


To see this consider the probability of winning function W (x) as de�ned in the

proof of proposition 1 (�gure 1 in an example of it). Let�s consider the following

strategy of a non-targetable tax rate of 0. This would lead to 100% of voters getting

a promise of 1 leading to a vote share of 1/2. But suppose now that in addition, the

candidate targets " voters that he fully taxes. He then uses the money collected "

to redistribute to the 1� " other voters. In terms of change of the vote share, thisleads to a loss of " voters that were voting for him with probability 50%. The loss is

thus of "=2. The additional money collected e is divided among 1� " voters: Thisbrings

�W�1 + "

1�"�� 1=2

�(1� "). Since the slope of W is in�nite at x = 1, it will

always be optimal to make such a change for " small enough.�

To understand this result, recall that in the equilibrium in which only non-

targetable taxation is used,the density of voters promised income close to 1 is high. It

is thus very attractive for a politician to move from a promise of 1 to a slightly higher

promise. The non targetable instrument does not allow them to take advantage of

that since to get some resources to make these higher promises, a politician needs

to increase the tax rate for everybody . What is gained by promising voters a bit

more than 1 is lost because the politician has to tax everyone and give them less

than one by doing that. Targetable taxes are much more �exible since there is no

need to tax every voter in order to gain some additional resources for transfers.

Proposition 5 shows that, unless non-targetable taxation leads to no distortion,

the targetable instrument is used with positive probability in equilibrium whatever

its e¢ ciency.

5 Conclusion

This paper presented a model of electoral competition between two politicians who

compete in terms of both (distortionary) tax and redistribution promises. Specif-

ically, we studied the equilibrium of a game in which politicians decide how much

to tax ex-ante identical voters and how to redistribute the funds thus collected.


Whereas redistribution is always assumed to be individually targetable, we solved

for the case of both targetable and non-targetable taxation. From a theoretical

perspective, our model thus extends both Myerson (1993) and Lizzeri and Persico


Comparing the equilibrium with targetable taxes to that with non-targetable

taxation, we highlighted that there exists an e¢ ciency versus targetability trade o¤.

This �rst step towards a positive theory of tax instruments allowed us to show that

targetable taxes are an imperfect substitute for non-targetable taxes: as soon as

the e¢ ciency gap in favor of non-targetable taxes decreases below a certain positive

threshold, politicians will use targetable taxes only. Yet, our results also show

that targetable taxation is an imperfect substitute for non-e¢ cient non-targetable

taxes, in the sense that politicians will always use targetable taxes in equilibrium,

regardless of their e¢ ciency, because of the political bene�t of being able to use

targetable taxation.

Whereas a full positive analysis of tax instruments is beyond the scope of this

paper, a few avenues for further research are worth mentioning. First, it would

be interesting to see how the equilibrium is modi�ed when redistribution is non-

targetable. Does the new equilibrium bear any relationship to the one we found

when taxation is not targetable?

Another very interesting extension would be to consider a population of voters

with di¤erent inital incomes. That would lead to new questions on the nature of

targetability of taxes. Targetability can mean the possibility to single out individu-

als and decide how much to tax them as in the present paper. With heterogeneous

income distribution, another way to undertake targeting is to adopt non-linear tax

schemes that single-out a category of voters with an income level. Under this as-

sumption, it is however not possible to tax di¤erently two voters with the same

initial income.


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