Rolleston News Issue 126 October 2015




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If it’s newsworthy and

you know about it

- we’d like to know too!

The informa�on and

opinions published are

not necessarily those of

the Rolleston News


Rolleston News is

distributed to almost

4800 homes and

businesses in the

Rolleston area.

ISSUE 126 Wednesday 21st October 2015Wednesday 21st October 2015Wednesday 21st October 2015Wednesday 21st October 2015

Phone: 318 7450 Fax: 318 7451



Next edi�on will be



25th November




18th Nov, 5pm



19th Nov, 5pm

Inside this issue:

Travel Into Summer 2

Rolleston Community

Fireworks Night


Men’s Shed 3

Selwyn ‘Gets Ready’

Winner Announced


West Melton Girls

WOW Fes�val


New Horse Riding Park 5

Selwyn Take Title 6

Weedons’ Big Win 7

Lincoln Lend A Hand 7

Public No�ces 10

Classifieds 10-11

Trades 11-12

Email Column 12

Schooling News 8

Adventure Race To

Support Heart Kids NZ


Rolleston Netball 10

Volunteers with Bellyful Selwyn held their very first ‘Cookathon’ on Sunday, October 4th with the goal of preparing sixty meals for delivery during the forthcoming month. The ‘Cookathons’ are held at the Lincoln Event Centre main kitchen every four to six weeks and include making meals such as Lasagne , Spaghet t i Bolognese and Macaroni Cheese for well-deserving families. Bellyful is a nationwide non-profit organisation that was ‘born’ out of the desire to see

families being supported by the i r fe l low communi ty members. Volunteers cook and deliver meals to families with newborn babies, as well as families with young children who are struggling with illness (it may be a critically or terminally ill immediate family member). Bellyful Selwyn was established due to the increased demand for meals being delivered to the Selwyn region from outside the area, and thanks to wonderful local supporters, the service is free. The Selwyn area was previously

being serviced by Bellyful Christchurch who currently deliver between 150-250 meals a month around the greater Canterbury region. With the growing number of families moving into the Selwyn region and the number of families with very li ttle immediate family support, there has been a significant increase for a service like Bellyful. This

Volunteers: Jo Weston (front) & Amy King (back) taking part in Bellyfull’s first Cookathon - striving to feed Selwyn.

increased demand has been evident not only in the Selwyn region, but also within Christchurch and nationwide.

Anyone wishing to refer Anyone wishing to refer Anyone wishing to refer Anyone wishing to refer themselves or a friend themselves or a friend themselves or a friend themselves or a friend

to Bellyfull can contact them to Bellyfull can contact them to Bellyfull can contact them to Bellyfull can contact them via their website via their website via their website via their website Anyone interested in

volunteering for Bellyful, should click on the ‘help fill bellies’ link.

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For all For all For all For all your tools your tools your tools your tools

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Private Dion Taka: Dion beat out 300 nominees from across the globe for the coveted honour of ‘Global Hero’ and will head to the United States

in early October to compete in the 10 mile marathon.

When Private Dion TakaDion TakaDion TakaDion Taka’s torso was pierced during enemy fire in Afghanistan three years ago, the New Zealand soldier from Burnham, had no idea that his shattered body would one day be strong enough to run in a marathon, but this month, Dion did just that. Returning home injured, Dion had to learn to walk again, he had to learn to move, jump and run. Some days, it felt like he’d even have to learn to smile again. The experience took a mental, emotional and physical toll on his entire family.

As a result of Dion’s injuries he also experienced acute pain, which was later diagnosed as comp lex r eg i ona l pa i n syndrome. Rehabilitation for the injuries visible to the eye was intense, let alone the pain within. The journey continued for months with Dion focussed on rehab, while his wife, Frances Taka Frances Taka Frances Taka Frances Taka kept the family together and found new norms. Dion is aware he’s not the only soldier to return from conflict i n j u r ed and r equ i r i ng hea l thcare . Before h is diagnosis, he was told his pain was ‘all in the head’ by several clinicians before finding a Pain Specialist that was finally able to help him. After persistence and perseverance, and a battle, Dion’s wife was finally able to access the spinal cord stimulator recommended to help him. Now Dion has been elected as part of an elite group of international runners for the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon in the United States - something he wondered would ever be attainable. The father of three, is keen to prove that Kiwis ‘don’t give up’ and have a well-deserved place amongst the world’s best. But Dion is not just running this race to highlight he is ‘back’, he is running for the thousands of

people in New Zealand, himself included, living with chronic pain. Before Afghanistan, Dion fought to protect NZ, now he has a new battle - the battle to reduce the stigma associated with chronic pain in New Zealand. 25 runners from sixteen different countries participated i n the G loba l Heroes programme. Each runner has a medical device to treat a condition such as heart disease, diabetes, spinal disorders, chronic pain or neurological disorders. T he Med t r o n i c G l o b a l Heroes programme, launched in 2006, celebrates their accomplishments and passion for running, which serves as an inspiration to others living with chronic diseases. Dion knows there are many ‘heroes’ without a voice and so, alongside his wife, he is prepared to share the story of their family for the betterment of all. ‘Hero’ is a word that should never be used lightly, but for some people it truly defines how they are seen and how they should be seen. A Global Hero, an ANZAC, a father, a husband… one man living with chronic pain determined to make a difference.

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MassageMassageMassageMassage Qualified TherapistQualified TherapistQualified TherapistQualified Therapist Phone JanenePhone JanenePhone JanenePhone Janene 03 347 767403 347 767403 347 767403 347 7674 021 169 9229021 169 9229021 169 9229021 169 9229

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Torlesse Road, West Melton Phone Rochelle (03) 347 4470 or 027 615 5073

Rt Hon David Carter with Lexi Sutherland of Kirwee and Selwyn MP Hon Amy Adams with Tim Marshall of Broadfields.

Two local young people have been selected to represent the youth of Selwyn at Youth Parliament in July next year. Selwyn MP Amy Adams Amy Adams Amy Adams Amy Adams has named T im Marshal l T im Marshal l T im Marshal l T im Marshal l of Broadfield as her Youth MP for 2016, while Speaker of the House Rt Hon David CarterDavid CarterDavid CarterDavid Carter, who himself lives in the Selwyn electorate, has chosen Lexi Lexi Lexi Lexi SutherlandSutherlandSutherlandSutherland of Kirwee as the Youth Speaker of the House. Tim attends St Thomas of Canterbury College while Lexi is a student at Darfield High School. They were chosen from among six finalists by a panel including Amy and David as well as, Rolleston-based Police Sergeant Dan HarkerDan HarkerDan HarkerDan Harker. The finalists had to give a five-minute presentation on local and national issues and then answer a question from each member of the judging panel.

Amy praised all of the finalists for having the courage to put themselves forward and present their opinions to the panel. “I was very impressed with all of the finalists and would have been proud to have any one of them as my representative,” Amy added. David commented that he was also impressed by how well each finalist had delivered their presentation. “I have been involved in the selection of eight

Youth MPs now during my time in Parliament, and the calibre of a p p l i c a n t s j u s t k e e p s improving,” he said. T im Marsha l l and Lex i Sutherland will each hold the title of Youth MP from January 25th until July 2016. They are expected to engage with the youth community in Selwyn during this time so that they can represent them effectively at the Youth Parliament in July.

MEALS ON WHEELS:MEALS ON WHEELS:MEALS ON WHEELS:MEALS ON WHEELS: Meals on Wheels are a lifesaver for many people and the Rolleston service delivers them three days per week. The service is provided by dedicated Rolleston volunteers from Selwyn Central Community Care and they are subsidised by the Canterbury District Health Board. Many people are unaware they are eligible for this subsidy. Anyone thinking they or someone they know, would benefit from having a meal, either hot (to eat immediately), or chilled (to heat for tea) should find out if they qualify for the service, by calling 03 325 2007. Frozen meals are available for those who are not eligible and

opportunity to share any c o n c e r n s , f r u s t r a t i o n s , achievements and skills, in a confidential and non-judgmental environment. Also on offer is a listening ear, social outings, advocacy and telephone support. For further information check

the website:

“The best way to take care of others is take to take care of

yourself first.”

for regular clients to save for the weekends or Public Holidays when delivery is unavailable. Bulk meals and frozen soups are also available to order. CARING FOR CARERS:CARING FOR CARERS:CARING FOR CARERS:CARING FOR CARERS: Caregivers often overlook their own health when caring for another. It’s easy for a person to forget to look after themselves, when their focus is on others. Whether caring for someone for one hour a day, or twenty four hours a day, having support is absolutely essential to a caregiver’s well-being. For anyone who is an unpaid carer, Caring for Carers offers an

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NICK & YOLANDE HOWELL - YOUR LOCAL VETS IN ROLLESTON Hours: Monday to Friday 8am - 6pm, Saturday 9am - 1pm


YOUR MORTGAGE With interest rates coming down again, and if you are lucky to have a loan coming off a fixed rate, then you will be in a great posi�on to take advantage of re-fixing at a beBer rate and saving a nice wee chunk of your monthly mortgage payment. If you fix at that lower rate and keep your current repayment the same then bingo! You will make a good saving on your mortgage. For example: If you are dropping from say 6.5% down to 5.05% (ASB five year rate) on a $400,000 loan over twenty years, then you will be looking at reducing your monthly repayments by $323. If you keep your repayments the same as you paid on 6.50% (that extra $323 per month) then you will save $45,521 on interest and knock around three years off your mortgage! It is not so much about the rate as about the extra money you can funnel into your repayments that makes the big savings – 4 laBes a week @ $5 = $20 per week and that would save you $14,304 on that same loan. Food for thought?

Ginny Nelson

Providing you with quality advice for Mortgages

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Phone: 03 3477 205

Mobile: 0275 391 006


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After separate successful careers, Jackie DerrickJackie DerrickJackie DerrickJackie Derrick and Susan Davis Susan Davis Susan Davis Susan Davis have joined forces to provide outstanding Real Estate services to both existing and new clients. Working under the umbrella of well-respected Matson and Allan Real Estate Limited, Jackie and Susan are proud to represent a non-franchised, family owned and local business. With offices in Rolleston, Darfield and

Leeston, Matson and Allan Real Estate Ltd have a huge footprint in the Selwyn District and offer expertise in selling in the area. The pair have the flexibility to tailor their services to a client’s individual Real Estate needs and are able to offer the most competitive commission rates, without compromising their high level of service. Prior to Real Estate Susan, success fu l l y ran and operated her own business for ten years, where she became proficient in sales and marketing and also developed excellent customer service skills. It was Susan’s passion for property that led her to a career in Real Estate and she has now been successfully selling in the Selwyn District for the past five years. For the past eighteen years Susan has lived in Selwyn with her husband Mark Mark Mark Mark and this is where the couple have raised three daughters, who have all attended local schools. Susan is excited about the future of the Selwyn District and all it has to offer, as it continues to grow. Jackie was born and bred in Rolleston before leaving the district at the age of nineteen, to start her career as an Officer in the New Zealand Army. After ten years

full-time service, and having attained the rank of Captain, Jackie then ventured into the corporate arena and acquired a vast amount of a c c o un t m anagemen t knowledge and experience. Jackie’s strong interest and desire to work in property naturally lead her into Real Estate where she enjoys working with people and uses her sales and marketing expertise to her vendor’s best advantage. With over $100,000,000 in combined real estate sales, Jackie and Susan are well positioned and qualified to deliver on Real Estate needs. Another of the key strength areas for Jackie and Susan is that they are able to offer a personalised level of service from the start of the selling process. all the way through to completion. This means that they are personally involved in every detail, including attending all Open Homes, allowing them to provide consistent, timely and accurate advice and feedback to their clients. Jackie and Susan would love to hear from anyone that is thinking of selling or would simply like a current market appraisal.

See advertisement in this See advertisement in this See advertisement in this See advertisement in this issue for contact details. issue for contact details. issue for contact details. issue for contact details.

A force to be reckoned with: Susan Davis and Jackie Derrick at Matson and Allan Real Estate, Rolleston.

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Wander through a stunning garden se<ng with over

70 quality stalls, delicious food & beverages.

Featuring Jax Hamilton Music by Assembly Required

Adults - $15 Children 14 & under - Free

Gate entry, cash only or �ckets can be purchased

through No Dogs (except Guide Dogs). The Fete is on rain or shine.

Celebrity guest Jax Hamilton guaranteed to entertain.

A large country garden brimming with rhododendrons, azaleas and garden treasures, is ready to delight crowds for the much looked forward to Oxford Country Garden Fete. The Fete, which is now in its fourth year, has grown in popular i ty w ith v is i tors attending from Christchurch, Waimakarir i, Selwyn and Ashburton and many also making the short drive from Hokitika and Greymouth. This boutique event, held at Ribblesdale Gardens, boasts a over seventy only, stalls of the very highest quality. Taking place on November 1st between 10am and 4pm, this is

laid on for children and well known band Assembly Required will provide music for the enjoyment of all. Wel l known foodie and MasterChef finalist Jax Hamilton Jax Hamilton Jax Hamilton Jax Hamilton will impress with her culinary skills and for all those attending it’s an ideal opportunity to enjoy a relaxing day in the country. It’s a wonderful Christmas shopping opportunity, a chance to catch-up with friends and neighbours and will take place, rain hail or shine - definitely mark it on the calendar as ‘not to be missed’.

For more information, go to For more information, go to For more information, go to For more information, go to

Find them on Facebook andFind them on Facebook andFind them on Facebook andFind them on Facebook and see advertisement alongside for see advertisement alongside for see advertisement alongside for see advertisement alongside for

ticket sales detailsticket sales detailsticket sales detailsticket sales details

Crowds enjoying the fabulous surroundings of the Fete.

a community fundraiser, as well as a chance for business owners to promote their products to the w ider community. This year the Fete will donate to the Oxford Fire Brigade for their support on the day and to the OWMC Vintage Machinery Section for their display. Over the past three years the Fete has given away $15,000 from gate sales to voluntary groups. A combination of quality stalls, situated amongst the four acres of beautiful gardens, great food, wine and ale, as well as a static display of vintage machinery, make the day a wonderful family friendly event. Entertainment is

“Apart from a brief glitch when the power went off for an hour and a half the official opening of Rolleston’s new Harvey World Travel went extremely well,” said bus iness co-owner Sue Sue Sue Sue Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson with a smile. “We fielded numerous enquiries and the positive feedback coming in has been really heartening. People needing a travel agency’s expertise now know we can provide it, know what we’re about , how professional we are and being part of the Harvey World Travel group enables us to offer the best deals as they become available,” Sue said. “We pride ourselves on doing a good job and being local is just an added bonus for clients. We appreciate customers have a choice, we really want to be their first choice!” “Enquiries are steady and people seem to be enjoying the

Harvey World Travel’s co-owner Sue Robinson talks travel with a client.

easy parking, the spacious office and having someone so close, to talk to about their journey. So all in all we are thrilled,” Sue said. The only dark moment to the whole proceedings was when staff member NathanNathanNathanNathan received a phone call at 5pm on his first day, informing him his house was one of those affected by the fire near Oxford. Sadly this cut

short his career at the Rolleston Travel office, as he focuses on, and undertakes, a massive and substantial clean-up at his property. Harvey World Travel in Rolleston Square is now well and truly open for business and looks forward to assisting all of Selwyn with their travel requirements and enquiries.



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Southbridge residents have been gearing up for their anniversary celebrations, which are to be held over Labour weekend. Southbridge is hitting the impressive milestone of 150 years and festivities have been p lanned to match the i m p o r t a n c e o f t h i s commemoration.

Southbridge is well known for its pure untreated water, beautiful gardens and its encompassing sense of history. It is also a haven for farmers who boast that they can grow just about anything in the soil. Production in the area includes dairying, small seeds, vegetables, pigs and salmon, as well as providing ru ra l suppo r t f o r t he surrounding area. This opens opportunities for employment which is equally enticing to perspective residents as are the recreational facilities available locally. Recently, the town has also become more of a ‘home base’ for those working in Christchurch which has led to Southbridge housing almost seventy businesses and a primary school with over 175 pupils in attendance. Organisers are enthusiastic abou t t h e c e l eb r a t o r y programme and encourage all who can, to attend. The

On November 1st, Selwyn will host the first garden tour of its kind in many years. Several private gardens will be abuzz with activity. The tour has come about as a result of a fundraising think-tank on behalf of the Ellesmere College 1st XV Rugby Team. The garden tour is within the Dunsandel, Leeston and Southbridge areas and can be completed in any order throughout the day; visitors can do as much, or as little, as they prefer. The tour will see visitors meandering through various sized gardens; ranging from the average section, making the most of space and light,

through to gardens boasting three to five acres of plants, trails, history and enchantment. To complement the garden tour, there is a country market set up at one of the gardens - a great opportunity to get some Christmas shopping completed early, as well as enjoy some refreshments.

Ellesmere College have two rugby teams and two netball teams travelling to Sydney in April 2016. All funds raised during the day will be used to support the 1st XV Rugby team in their fundraising efforts for this trip. Further information can be found on the Selwyn Spring Garden Tour Facebook page.

celebratory programme includes a market, church service, street parade and historical displays. Both days will also see entertainers and music being on offer to captivate the crowds, as well as food to cater for a range of culinary tastes.

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Christmas shopping at its best begins at the Geraldine Summer Fete on November 5th with 160 high quality stalls showcasing an amazing selection of products from both around New Zealand and the world. Shopping is guaranteed to be a breeze with a wonderful range of furniture, art, jewellery, homewares, fashion, children’s toys and clothing. Selwyn locals are wel l represented at the Fete by Woven Veranda displaying their stylish garden and conservatory furniture made with natural and synthetic wicker and alongside them are Skeanie with super stylish shoes for children.

For the second successive year Melton Estate and Darfield Bakery have received Excellence Awards for their outstanding Food Control plans. Over the past two years, the Ministry for Primary Industries has teamed

Daryl Collier co-owner of Darfield Bakery receives the business’s repeat Excellence

Award from SDC Mayor, Kevin Coe.

Tracy Caunter - co-owner of Melton Estate winery and staff member Mollie Pugh receiving a repeat Excellence Award for the

winery from Selwyn District Council Mayor Kelvin Coe.

with Selwyn District Council to i n t r o du c e a V o l u n t a r y Implementation Programme (VIP) for food safety. The VIP initiative is a way to introduce and encourage food service b u s i n e s s e s , s u c h a s restaurants, cafes, takeaways and caterers to adopt and

implement Food Control Plans. After completing this, the business would be exempt from the current Food and Hygiene Regulations 1974 and would be elevated to a higher level of food safety standards consistent with the new food legislation, namely the Food Act 2014. Under the Food Act 2014, anyone who sells or provides food needs to make sure it is s a f e and s u i t a b l e t o eat. Existing businesses will shift to the new Act between 2016 and 2019 and can choose to transition any time between March 1st 2016 and the end of their nominated transition period. Both Coalgate and Kirwee Taverns have also been pro-active and established their Food Control Plans before the commencement of the new Act. They have both achieved their first Excellence Award this year.

They will be joined by Wadzee (women’s clothing from Gore) Country Me (beautiful children’s clothing), The Little Leather Company (NZ made elegant handbags), The Rockerman (wooden NZ made furniture). There is always a delicious selection of food for lunch and an entertaining range of live music. Top the amazing day off with a stroll around the beautiful Stover Garden. This is a day not to be missed and tickets can be purchased through Eventfinder or on the day.

See advertisement in thisSee advertisement in thisSee advertisement in thisSee advertisement in this issue for further details.issue for further details.issue for further details.issue for further details.

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Numerous nominations were received but West Melton’s Helen Coker Helen Coker Helen Coker Helen Coker is one of only five to make it as a finalist in the 2015 Gardena Gardener of the year competition. The motivation for her garden creation is equally as amazing as the garden itself. Helen and husband, Brian Brian Brian Brian Coker Coker Coker Coker were originally based in Christchurch where their garden boasted an extensive array of flowers and plants. The pair had always been keen gardeners and enjoyed the closeness it brought to their relationship and the beauty it brought to their home. Then suddenly, their lives changed forever when Brian was trapped in the collapsed Cambridge Terrace, PGC building, during the February 2011 earthquake. His saviours - two doctors, a police officer and a firefighter had no option but to perform a horrendous amputation to free Brian from the wreckage. His legs were now gone from just

above the knee. Brian returned home after a long recovery and found their Christchurch house was i ncompa t i b l e w i t h t he wheelchair he now needed to negotiate his way through the home. The Cokers made the decision to build a new home in West Melton, specific to Brian's needs. It was at this new home that Helen worked tirelessly to create her husband’s dream garden. It has taken her e i g h t e e n m o n t h s o f determination and hard work to complete it and she has

done most of it on her own - including the heavy lifting and planting that was previously Brian’s role. To show his appreciation for her efforts, Brian nominated Helen for NZ Gardener’s annual Gardener of the Year Competition. Brian is Helen’s biggest supporter and commented, “there’s been so much focus on me for the past five years, but Helen has given up so much for me.” Brian is now able to help out more in the garden. “The garden is important to us,” Helen said. “There’s a lot that Brian and I used to do together which we can’t do now. This is one thing that we were determined to still enjoy as a couple.” The Gardena Gardener of the Year winner is selected by online public vote and the results of this, will be announced in the December issue.

To vote for Helen go to To vote for Helen go to To vote for Helen go to To vote for Helen go to and search for and search for and search for and search for Gardena Garden of the Year Gardena Garden of the Year Gardena Garden of the Year Gardena Garden of the Year

finalists 2015.finalists 2015.finalists 2015.finalists 2015.

The News wishes Helen all the best with her endeavour.

Helen and Brian Coker: Creating a winning garden grown on a foundation of love.

Helen and Brian Coker: in their beautiful West Melton garden complete with ‘seating’ walls to better enjoy the vista.

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We are a freestyle Martial Art,

teaching in a fun & relaxed atmosphere Come along and have a look. Gain confidence, co-ordination, fitness

and self-defence. We cater for all age groups and fitness levels.

Templeton Community Centre • Mondays & Fridays

TIGERS: 3-7yrs 3.30-4.05pm PANTHERS: 7-12yrs 4.10-4.55pm

XTREME: 12+yrs 5.00-5.50pm FREESTYLE: Adults 5.55-6.55pm

For any enquiries ph Jacque or Allister 03 349 4946.




Deadlines for November

Rolleston News Editorial - Wednesday 18th Nov - 5pm

Adver�sing - Thursday, 19th Nov - 5pm

Rakaia Fireworks Display Saturday 31st October

From 6pm at the Rakaia Sports Domain

Free Entry

Food Stalls, Kiddie Train, Bonfire, Bouncy Castle Featuring popular Busker, The Mullet Man and Local singing talent

All the Fun of the Fair!!!



Free Children’s Races - 10.30am

PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES Another season is under way for the West Melton Bowling Club who held their opening day on September 20th. President Norm Dunlop Norm Dunlop Norm Dunlop Norm Dunlop welcomed all who attended, especially new members Ross Ross Ross Ross Mitchell, Roy DanielMitchell, Roy DanielMitchell, Roy DanielMitchell, Roy Daniel and Mark DobbinMark DobbinMark DobbinMark Dobbin (who has just recently returned from Australia). The honour of delivering the first jack and the first bowl went to Ross Ross Ross Ross SadlerSadlerSadlerSadler, who is currently President of Malvern and Helen PearceHelen PearceHelen PearceHelen Pearce who is Patron of the West Melton Club. The Mitchell Cup, which is an annual derby played between West Melton and Darfield was held on October 3rd. Darfield defeated West Melton, by the slenderest of margins, winning eight games to seven, with one game drawn. The West Melton Bowling Club will be involved in a number of competitions, to be completed before C h r i s t m a s . C e n t r e competitions include 7’s, 3x3’s and Junior 4’s. Malvern Competitions include Women’s pennants and Men’s 5’s.

West Melton bowlers ‘Marking Out Team’ preparing for Mitchell Cup action.

Enjoy swimming? Can swim two lengths of 25 metre pool?

Want to improve your stroke & fitness levels?

Burnham Swim Club is looking for members to join their

relaxed and friendly, volunteer run, non-profit Club.

Burnham Swim Club caters for different levels of ability

& swimmers are assessed individually so they can

par�cipate at a level that best suits them.

Grading & assessment will be held on Saturday 31st Oct,

at 10:00am, at the Burnham Army Camp Swimming Pool,

(just inside the main gates next to the gym).

Any further queries please contact Sue on 03 318 7427.



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Wednesday 21st October 2015Wednesday 21st October 2015Wednesday 21st October 2015Wednesday 21st October 2015


MIGHTY MIGHTY MIGHTY MIGHTY Mix Natural Dog Food. Natura l & who lesome. Premium nutrition. Cost effective, NZ Made. No artificial colours or preservatives. Frozen concentrate & biscuits. Now available from your local agent. Sue Neale 347 6702 o r 0 2 1 2 0 7 0 4 2 1 ,


WOOD WOOD WOOD WOOD shavings - untreated, clean shavings suitable for horse stables, calving sheds, chicken houses and rabbit hu t c hes . A va i l a b l e i n 70L bags, 1m3 bales (compressed) and bulk delivery. Phone 03 347 7352 for more details.


Anxiety & Depression

Mental Skills Coach Experienced, qualified,


Adults & Children Anna Dalzell

Phone 0800 2CHANGE




Kirwee Cricket Club Cricket Players Wanted for

2015 – 2016 Season • Senior Cricketers

• Casual Players

• All ages and abili�es welcome

• Fun, family-friendly events held through the year Contact Raymond 027 591 4847

RK Firewood Supplying semi-dry

wood for next winter?

Available now - Old Man

Pine (dry)

Bluegum, Macrocarpa

& Oregon (semi-dry)

Try the Hot Mix.

All top quality, clean wood.

E<pos available.

Rini Contrac�ng

027 451 7300.

INSIDE INSIDE INSIDE INSIDE n Out Cleaning have a team of c leaners and gardeners for your builders cleans or domestic cleaning needs. Site clearing and gardening. Anything inside or out of the home. For all your cleaning needs call 020 4069 3732.



House for rent on Rolleston Drive. Three bedroom, two

bathroom, heat pump, double garage and small garden.

Available 19th Oct. Please phone for more details or to view.

03 318 1436.


TOYOTA HILUX 2006 3.0 TD 2WD S/Cab

manual. 69,200ks, 1 owner. Registra�on October 2016. Has alloy wheels, tow

bar, new baBery and factory alloy deck.

Colour: blue. Vehicle is in excellent

condi�on. Priced to sell $17,990.

Phone 03 318 8759

or 021 227 3998.


Sicon Ferguson Ltd operates a range of services encompassing roading maintenance, subdivision construction and maintenance, water and sewer infrastructure and parks and reserves. We have an annual turnover of approximately $40M and operate throughout Canterbury. We are currently tendering for the Selwyn Road Maintenance Contract and, if successful, will require the following experienced people:

• Operations Supervisors / Forepersons • Roading / Drainage Forepersons • Digger Operators • Class 2 to 5 Drivers • Grader Drivers • Labourers

Proven roading experience is essential. We are looking for talented, self-driven people with strong interpersonal skills and a practical down to earth approach.

To register your interest in joining the Sicon Ferguson team and developing your career, please visit our website at and click on “Work With Us” or email your application to Please indicate which role you are interested in. Initial enquiries are welcome by phoning our Recruitment Line on 027 278 3821 quoting reference 100.

Road Maintenance Experts Wanted!

277 Hororata Road

Na�ves, Deciduous trees, Hedging, Conifers. First grade quality plants at genuine wholesale prices

for your farm, lifestyle block or home garden.

Call Dave 027 228 8867 for a �me to visit or see us at the Hororata Parish Spring Fair, at the Hororata

Reserve, Hororata Road, on the Monday of Labour weekend. - Bargains Galore on the day!


Editorial Deadline:

5pm, Wednesday 18th November

Adver�sing Deadline:

1pm, Thursday 19th November



Wednesday 21st October 2015Wednesday 21st October 2015Wednesday 21st October 2015Wednesday 21st October 2015 Page 11Page 11Page 11Page 11



• Washing Machine Repairs

• Hire Machines • Reconditioned


67 Burnham Rd, Burnham Phone 03 347 6768 Mobile 027 432 8651

Laser Plumbing Christchurch West

03 348 6920 • 0800 11 22 40

For this and other helpful advice on Solar Hea�ng,

renova�ons and repairs – Ring the team at


If you have a mains pressure

hot water cylinder, it is recommended by the

manufacturers that the

sacrificial anode is checked every 10 years, & replaced if necessary.

This will greatly increase the life of your cylinder.

A new anode is far cheaper than a new cylinder!

HANDYMAN HANDYMAN HANDYMAN HANDYMAN - Mike the Handyman serving all handyman, lawnmowing and general work, Selwyn area. Phone 0800 287 828 or 03 347 7437.

UPHOLSTERER UPHOLSTERER UPHOLSTERER UPHOLSTERER - Recover lounge suites, din ing chairs, squabs etc. Free quotes. Based in Weedons. Please phone 03 980 4979.

SHELLEY’SSHELLEY’SSHELLEY’SSHELLEY’S Glass and Glazing. Got a broken glass window? Insurance work, Pet doors, Mirrors, Retro Refits, Single/Double glazing, Splashbacks, Fire Glass. 32 years in the glass industry. Operates in Oxford, Cust, Darf ie ld, Rolleston, West Melton & Surrounding Areas. Call your local Glazier - Mark on 03 312 3253 or 0272 426 368.


● Residen�al

● Commercial

● Heat Pump

027 357 9401

03 347 9164 Kurt Benseman - Registered Electrician


If you have reliable transport and are

available now, please give James Scarlett

at Kelly a call on 03 347 1180,

mobile 027 213 0613 or email your CV to

General warehousing work available for peak

season, Rolleston based, must be available to work

from now and through the Christmas period.

Hours: 7.30am – 4pm shift, Monday – Friday.



ROOF ROOF ROOF ROOF & house maintenance. A l l a s p e c t s c o v e r e d including spouting, mortar, tiles, re-roofing, roof painting, moss, mould & silicone sealing. General repairs. Please phone 03 347 6702.


• MirrorsMirrorsMirrorsMirrors • CatdoorsCatdoorsCatdoorsCatdoors • Splash BacksSplash BacksSplash BacksSplash Backs • Retro Fit Retro Fit Retro Fit Retro Fit Double GlazingDouble GlazingDouble GlazingDouble Glazing

• Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance RepairsRepairsRepairsRepairs

Ph 03 318 4128Ph 03 318 4128Ph 03 318 4128Ph 03 318 4128

Prime Foods NZ Ltd is a well-established smoked salmon manufacturing plant based in Hororata. We are currently looking for a highly motivated team member, who is enthusiastic & keen to work in a small family business. Some filleting/butchering or food manufacturing experience an advantage, immediate start if successful.

Applications close Friday 23rd October, 2015Applications close Friday 23rd October, 2015Applications close Friday 23rd October, 2015Applications close Friday 23rd October, 2015

Please apply to: apply to: apply to: apply to: or phone Vicky 03 318 0895 / 021 184 6113or phone Vicky 03 318 0895 / 021 184 6113or phone Vicky 03 318 0895 / 021 184 6113or phone Vicky 03 318 0895 / 021 184 6113










Thurs 19th Nov

Page Page Page Page 12121212 Wednesday 21st October 2015Wednesday 21st October 2015Wednesday 21st October 2015Wednesday 21st October 2015

Need some help with:

Ph Simon 027 430 1211 / 03 317 8091 Get me to do your ‘dishes’Get me to do your ‘dishes’Get me to do your ‘dishes’Get me to do your ‘dishes’

• Aerials/Dishes

• TV/DVR Set-up

• Wall Mounting

• Freeview/Decoders

• Cabling

• Phone Jacks

• Multi-room Systems

• Hook-ups

• Pre-wire (All Types)

• All Installations of TV,

Freeview, Home

Theatre, Hi Fi

Ph 0800 765 758 Mob 0274 339 104 A/H 347 9282

81 Main South Road, Rolleston

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Alterations/Upgrades

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Maintenance & General

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Town & Country

Mobile: 021 22 77 275 Ph: 379 6644 Fax: 379 6645 35 Rochester Crescent, Rolleston

● Garden Ligh�ng

● House Re-Wire

● Telephone Extensions

● Kitchen Re-Fit

● New Builds/Extensions

● Spa Pool Installa�on

● Shop Fi�ng

● Office Re-fits

● Mitsubishi Heat Pumps

● Electrical Safety Cer�ficate

For all your Plumbing Requirements in the

Christchurch and Selwyn District areas.

New Housing * Spouting * Roof Repairs New Housing * Spouting * Roof Repairs New Housing * Spouting * Roof Repairs New Housing * Spouting * Roof Repairs * House Alterations * Hot Water Cylinders * House Alterations * Hot Water Cylinders * House Alterations * Hot Water Cylinders * House Alterations * Hot Water Cylinders

* Installing Solar Hot Water * Installing Solar Hot Water * Installing Solar Hot Water * Installing Solar Hot Water

STEVE TE HAARA PHONE: 347 3006 FAX: 347 3008 MOBILE: 027 243 6974 EMAIL:

One day a man was walking along the beach when he tripped over a lamp. He turned around and kicked the lamp out of anger. A few seconds later, a genie popped out of the lamp. Reluctantly, the genie said, “even though you kicked me, I s�ll have to give you three wishes. However, because of what you did, I will also give twice what you wish for to the person you hate the most: your boss.” So the man agreed and made his first wish. “I want lots of money,” he said. Instantly 22 million dollars appeared in the man’s bank account and 44 million appeared in his boss’ account. For his second wish, the man wished for sports cars. Instantly a Lamborghini, Ferrari and Porsche appeared. At the same �me two of each car appeared outside his boss’ house. Finally the genie said, “this is your last wish, you should choose carefully.” And to this the man replied, “I’ve always wanted to donate a kidney…”

Phone: 0274 334 057 or 03 347 9774

Based in West Melton, we build, renovate and work with

EQC and Fletchers and the current Remedial work. • We cover the Selwyn area - No Job too LiBle, No Job too Big.

• We offer a full team of experienced tradesmen; Builders, Painters,

Paper hangers, Brick laying, Plastering, Roofing.

• Insurance quotes and repairs.

• With the business opera�ng for over 20 years, we are able to

offer a wide scope of exper�se and compe��ve rates.

Next deadline:


15th October




Adrian’s Building Services (03) 324-3125 Locally based, NZ Home Hea�ng Installer 10+ years