semantičke transformacije kao izvor slikovitosti jezika bankarstva


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Cilj ovoga rada jeste da ukaže na ekspresivnost jezika struke i nauke - vrlo bitnu, ali često zanemarivanu i nedovoljno istraženu odliku, kako engleskog, tako i srpskog jezika bankarstva. Ekspresivnost, odnosno slikovitost jezika bankarstva, zasnovana je na semantičkim transformacijama koje su uglavnom indukovane metaforom, metonimijom i sinegdohom, a u okviru našeg istraživanja pod semantičkim transformacijama podrazumevamo i figurativnu upotrebu specijalizovane leksike. Ovu pojavu sagledali smo iz mikrolingvističkog (kontrastivnog) i makrolingvističkog (sociolingvističkog, kontaktnog i lingvostilističkog) ugla. Primere za semantičke transformacije svrstali smo u dve grupe. Prva grupa primera predstavlja oblike transformacije u okviru registralne kolokacije, najčešće imeničke složenice. U drugoj grupi nema registralnih reči i semantička transformacija je u potpunosti implicitna. Naša analiza pokazala je da i u engleskom i u srpskom jeziku bankarstva postoji niz vrlo kreativnih, domišljatih i samim tim, unikatnih izraza, koji, iako najčešće dolaze iz stilski markiranih leksičko-pragmatičkih grupa, predstavljaju pravo bogatstvo jezika struke i nauke.

Ključne reči: engleski jezik, srpski jezik, bankarstvo, semantičke transformacije, slikovitost jezika struke, lingvistička analiza

JEL: A12, G21, M21

UDK 81'276.5:336.71 ; 81'37

Rad primljen: 03.03.2013.

Odobren za štampu: 13.03.2013.

mr Aleksandar VuletićModern School of English

pregledni naučni članak




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The objective of this paper is to underline the expressiveness of the language of profession and science - an extremely important, but frequently neglected and insufficiently explored characteristic, both of the English and Serbian language of banking. Expressiveness, i.e. picturesqueness of the language of banking, is based on semantic transformation, mostly induced by metaphor, metonymy and synecdoche, whereas within our research by referring to semantic transformation we would also imply the figurative usage of specialized lexemes. We have examined this phenomenon both from the micro-linguistic (contrastive linguistics) and macro-linguistic (sociolinguistics, contact linguistics and linguo-stylistics) perspective. The examples of semantic transformation were divided into two groups. The first group of examples contains the forms of transformation within the registry collocation, mostly noun compounds. The second group does not involve any registry words and semantic transformation is fully implicit. Our analysis has shown that, both in the English and Serbian language of banking, there is a whole set of rather creative, witty and, thus, unique expressions, which, though predominantly belonging to some stylistically marked, lexical-pragmatic groups, embody the true riches of the language of profession and science.

Key words: English language, Serbian language, banking, semantic transformation, picturesqueness of professional language, linguistic analysis

JEL: A12, G21, M21

UDC 81'276.5:336.71 ; 81'37

Paper received: 03.03.2013

Approved for publishing: 13.03.2013

Aleksandar Vuletić MScModern School of

scientific review article




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Određenje jezika (bankarske) struke i nauke

Izložen mnogobrojnim društvenim, vremenskim, prostornim, funkcionalnim i raznim drugim uticajima i promenama, jezik se raslojava u specifične pojavne oblike. Ovi oblici nazivaju se varijetetima jezika ili podjezikom. Raslojavanje jezika manifestuje se na bar tri načina (Bugarski 2003): teritorijalno raslojavanje jezika na dijalekte, društveno raslojavanje na sociolekte i funkcionalno raslojavanje na funkcionalne stilove.

Teritorijalno raslojavanje jezika ogleda se u činjenici da isti jezik donekle različito upotrebljavaju njegovi govornici koji potiču sa različitih delova istog govornog područja. Za razlike ove vrste koristi se termin dijalekt, koji, doduše, određeni lingvisti tretiraju isključivo kao nestandardni narodni govor, suprotstavljen varijantama normiranog, standardnog jezika (Radovanović 2003).

Sociolekti, kao proizvod društvenog raslojavanja jezika, predstavljaju tipove govora kojima se odlikuju društvene grupe definisane pre svega socioekonomskim položajem, zatim stepenom obrazovanja, profesijom, uzrastom, polom, itd. To su, dakle, društveno distinktivni varijeteti.

Diferenciranje jezika na funkcionalnom nivou, uz segmente pomenutog socijalnog jezičkog raslojavanja, za ovaj rad ima najveći značaj. Prema predmetu komunikacije jezik se diferencira u funkcionalne stilove ili registre. Pojam stil ili registar odnosi se na jezička sredstva karakteristična za pojedine sfere upotrebe jezika (politika, ekonomija, religija, sport, mediji ...). Ovo su, dakle, varijeteti koji poseduju svoju sopstvenu terminologiju. Ovi registri se tematski razlikuju, a ukoliko dođe do izraženijih strukovnih oblikovanja jezika u posebne svrhe, tada govorimo o stručnim jezicima ili jezicima struka i nauka. Njihove prepoznatljive i upadljivo primetne karakteristike, stručna frazeologija i terminologija (dakle, pre svega leksika, a ređe gramatika), razrađene su i sistematizovane u okviru datih oblasti, tj. struka (medicina, saobraćaj, šumarstvo, bankarstvo, mašinstvo, ...). Inventar, izbor i upotreba jezičkih sredstava, dakle, prilagođava se posebnim ulogama, funkcijama i zadacima jezika koje nameću

potrebe naučno-stručnih domena.Učestalost ove vrste raslojavanja jezika sve je

prisutnija u svetu oko nas. Zahuktala naučno-tehnička mašinerija i globalističko-potrošački mentalitet novog milenijuma konstantno dovode do novih „parcelisanja“ svih oblasti čovekovih ličnih i, pre svega, profesionalnih aktivnosti i delatnosti, te tako utiču na formiranje jezičkih stilova.

Transformacije: uvod

Ukoliko pomislimo da su engleski i srpski jezik bankarstva i finansija suvoparni, dosadni stručni jezici koji se isključivo sastoje od „nedokučivih“ termina uskostručne prirode, lišeni kreativnosti, slikovitosti i dopadljivosti, grdno ćemo se prevariti. Situacija u ovim jezicima struke i nauke suprotne je prirode. Oni obiluju slikovitim izrazima.

Razloga za to sigurno ima više. Jedan od njih jeste da je bankarsko-finansijska delatnost izuzetno stara ljudska delatnost i da koreni nekih njenih primitivnijih oblika sežu daleko u prošlost. Vekovima su, dakle, iskustva u ovoj oblasti i poslovi u okviru nje povezivani sa raznim drugim iskustvima ljudi iz svakodnevnog života. Analogije i poređenja, kao osnove za proces semantičkih transformacija, u ovim stručnim registrima dolaze iz skoro svih aspekata života i elemenata žive i nežive prirode oko nas. Pri tome, (na osnovu Gortan-Premk 2004) pod semantičkim transformacijama u ovom radu podrazumevamo - kao prvo, slučajeve polisemantičke disperzije (uglavnom indukovane metaforom, metonimijom i sinegdohom) u okviru specijalizovane leksike bankarstva i - kao drugo, upotrebu leksike u figurativnom smislu. Tipove semantičke transformacije u engleskom jeziku bankarstva podelili smo u dve grupe.

Slikoviti izrazi: prva grupa

Prva grupa primera predstavlja oblike semantičke transformacije u okviru registralne kolokacije, najčešće imeničke složenice. Ovde je akcenat na semantičkoj transformaciji imeničkog modifikatora, uglavnom imenice ili prideva, putem procesa prenošenja značenja, pri čemu dovođenje u vezu sa centralnim pojmom čini izraz potpunim.




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Definition of the language of (banking) profession and science

Being exposed to numerous social, temporal, spatial, functional, and many other influences and changes, language diversifies into specific forms. These forms are called language varieties or sub-languages. Diversification of language is manifested at least in three ways (Bugarski 2003): territorial diversification of language into dialects, social diversification into sociolects and functional diversification into functional styles.

Territorial diversification of language is reflected in the fact that the same language is, in a somewhat different way, used by its speakers originating from various parts of the same language area. Differences of this kind are marked by the term dialect, which is, however, by certain linguists exclusively treated as a non-standard language, opposed to the variants of the normative, standard language (Radovanović 2003).

Sociolects, the products of the social diversification of language, are speech patterns characteristic of the social groups defined mostly by their socio-economic standing, level of education, profession, age, gender, etc. These are, in other words, socially distinctive varieties.

Language differentiation at the functional level, alongside the already mentioned social linguistic diversification, is most relevant for this paper. According to the subject of communication, language is differentiated into functional styles of registers. The term style or register refers to the linguistic means characteristic for certain spheres of language usage (politics, economy, religion, sports, media, etc.). These are, therefore, the varieties having their own terminology. These registers differ thematically, and if the language gets more prominently reshaped for special, profession-related purposes, it is then that we deal with technical languages or languages of professions and sciences. Their recognizable and conspicuous characteristics, technical phraseology and terminology (i.e. lexicon in the first place, and less frequently grammar), are developed and systematized within the set fields, i.e. professions (medicine, transportation, forestry, banking, mechanical engineering, etc.). Inventory, selection and usage of linguistic

means are, thus, adjusted to special roles, functions and tasks of the language, imposed by the needs of scientific and technical domains.

The frequency of this type of language diversification has been increasing in the world we live in. The scientific and technical machinery gaining momentum and the global-consumer mentality of the new millennium constantly lead to additional “compartmentalization” of all fields of people’s personal and, above all, professional activities and tasks, hence impacting the formation of language styles.

Transformations: introduction

If we were to think that the English and Serbian language of banking and finance are dull and monotonous languages which exclusively contain the “unfathomable”, strictly technical terms, and are completely void of creativity, picturesqueness and appeal, we would be very much mistaken. The situation in these languages of profession and science is of quite the opposite nature. They abound in picturesque expressions.

There is certainly more than one reason behind this. One of them is that banking and finance is an extremely old human activity, the roots of some of its primitive forms reaching way back into the past. For centuries, thus, have the experiences in this field and its integral operations been interconnected with various other experiences people underwent in their everyday lives. Analogies and comparisons, as the foundations for the semantic transformation process, in these technical registers originate almost from all aspects of life and elements of both animate and inanimate nature around us. In this respect (based on Gortan-Premk 2004), by referring to semantic transformation in this paper, we imply - first, the cases of polisemantic dispersion (mostly induced by metaphor, metonymy and synecdoche) within the specialized lexicon of banking and - second, the figurative usage of lexemes. The types of semantic transformation in the English language of banking have been divided into two groups.

Picturesque expressions: first group

The first group of examples represents the forms of semantic transformation within the




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Polazni jezik u našem prikazu primera jeste engleski jezik, zbog poznate činjenice da je engleski jezik lingva franka bankarske komunikacije u svetu, kao i da je engleski jezik davalac većine izraza iz ove oblasti u srpski jezik, jezik primalac. Slede srpski ekvivalenti, ali i pojašnjenja bez kojih je neke izraze, odnosno njihovo poreklo i značenje, vrlo teško razumeti. Uz napomenu da slovom E uvodimo izraz iz engleskog jezika, a slovom S uvodimo srpski ekvivalent, prvu grupu transformacija ilustrovaćemo sledećim primerima:

E› anchor currency : S› valuta sidroSidro predstavlja čvrstoću i stabilnost, te tako ovaj izraz upućuje na valute kao što su evro, američki dolar, britansku funtu i švajcarski franak; valute prema kojima se usklađuje devizni kurs drugih zemalja i u kojima se obavljaju poslovi širom sveta.

E› hegemonial currency : S› hegemonijalna valutaOvde govorimo o istim valutama (evro, dolar, funta, franak kao čvrste, obračunske valute), ali ovaj put kroz njihovu osobinu dominantnosti nad drugim valutama.

E› stale cheque : S› zastareo čekKada je nešto bajato (eng. stale), nije za upotrebu. Samim tim to nije ni ček, koji je u stvari zastareo jer mu je prošao rok.

E› seed capital : S› početni kapitalSeme (seed) je asocijacija za začetak novog života, a za osnivanje nove firme ili započinjanje novog posla potreban nam je upravo takav, početni kapital.

E› sunk capital : S› nepovratna sredstva/kapitalSredstva koja su potrošena (često usled lošeg ulaganja) i kojima kompanija više ne raspolaže su „potopljena“, tj. zauvek izgubljena.

E› flight capital : S› odbegli kapital; E› hot money : S› „vruć“ novacKapital (novac, finansijska sredstva) koji „odleprša“, tj. veoma brzo „preleti“ iz jednog finansijskog centra u drugi isključivo u nameri optimalnog i sigurnog okamaćivanja, kršeći pri tom devizne i druge propise, naziva se još i „vruć“ novac.

E› exotic currency : S› egzotična valutaSve ono što nije hegemonijalno, uglavnom je podređeno, strano, retko i udaljeno, tj. egzotično. Ovaj izraz posebno se odnosi na valute malih i/li ekonomski nerazvijenih zemalja.

E› sound money : S› zdrav novacUkoliko je novčana masa podržana rezervama zlata države, kažemo da je takav novac finansijski stabilan, tj. zdrav.

E› hara-kiri swap : S› harakiri svopUkoliko dogovorite svop posao bez profitne marže, počinili ste, u svetu nemilosrdnog bankarskog poslovanja gde je zarada alfa i omega delanja, čisto samoubistvo.




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registry collocation, mostly noun compounds. The focus here is on semantic transformation of the noun modifier, typically a noun or an adjective, through the transfer of meaning process, whereby the establishment of a connection with the central concept makes the expression complete.

The starting language in our review of examples is English, due to the known fact that English is the lingua franca of global banking communication, and that English is the donor language for most expressions in this field, with Serbian being the recipient language. The English examples are followed by their Serbian equivalents, and the relevant clarifications without which it would be rather difficult to understand the origin and meaning of some expressions. Noting that the letter E is used to introduce an English expression, and the letter S to introduce the Serbian equivalent, we hereby illustrate the first group of transformations with the following examples:

E› anchor currency : S› valuta sidroAn anchor represents firmness and stability, hence this expression refers to the currencies like the euro, the US dollar, the British pound and the Swiss franc; the currencies against which the foreign exchange rates of other countries are pegged, and in which the transactions all over the world are being effected.

E› hegemonial currency : S› hegemonijalna valutaHere we are talking about the same currencies (euro, dollar, pound, franc, as the stable currencies of account, only this time underlining their feature of predominance over other currencies.

E› exotic currency : S› egzotična valutaAll that is not hegemonial, mostly is subordinated, foreign, rare and distant, i.e. exotic. This expression particularly refers to the currencies of small and/or economically underdeveloped countries.

E› stale cheque : S› zastareo čekWhen something is stale, it is no longer good to be used. This goes for a cheque, too, which actually becomes stale once its deadline has expired.

E› seed capital : S› početni kapitalA seed is an association for the beginning of a new life, and in order to establish a new company or start up a new business, it is exactly this kind of capital, seed capital, you need.

E› sunk capital : S› nepovratna sredstva/kapitalThe funds that have been spent (mostly due to bad investment) and which a company no longer has at its disposal have been “sunk”, i.e. irretrievably lost.

E› flight capital : S› odbegli kapital;E› hot money : S› „vruć“ novacThe capital (money, financial assets) which “flees”, i.e. “flies” very quickly from one financial centre into another, with the sole intention of reaping the optimal and safe interest, and involving the breech of FX-related and other regulations, is also called “hot” money.

E› hara-kiri swap : S› harakiri svopIf you arrange a swap transaction without a profit margin, in the world of merciless banking where profit is alpha and omega of every single action, you have committed a suicide.




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E› loan shark : S› zelenašOsoba koja pozajmljuje drugima novac uz visoku kamatu poredi se sa ajkulom (eng. shark) zbog opšte poznate opasnosti i nemilosrdnosti ovakvih finansijskih aranžmana i ljudi koji ih pružaju.

E› incestuous share dealing : S› incestuozna trgovina akcijama (prodaja i kupovina akcija u kompaniji koja pripada istoj grupi u cilju ostvarenja finansijske ili poreske koristi)Poslovna i moralna nedopustivost ove radnje upoređena je sa rodoskrvnošću!

E› wild-cat money : S› novac bez pokrićaOprez: novac bez pokrića opasan je kao divlja mačka.

E› yo-yo shares : S› jo-jo akcijeOvo su akcije sa izrazito promenljivim cenama. Njihov skok i pad (kretanje gore-dole) asocira na igračku jo-jo, odnosno na način njene upotrebe za igru.

E› Rembrandt market : S› Rembrantovo tržište (hartije od vrednosti stranih emitenata plasirane na tržištu Holandije)Ovaj slikovit izraz dovodi u vezu tržište hartija od vrednosti, velikog slikara i zemlju iz koje je potekao.

E› graveyard market : S› grobljansko tržište (tržište sa trendom pada cena na kojem investitori koji prodaju imaju znatne gubitke)Asociranje na grobljansku atmosferu „pokopava“ sve nade za bilo kakvim poslovanjem na ovakvom tržištu.

E› gift credit : S› beskamatni kreditKredit bez kamate je kao kada nešto dobijete za džabe, tj. na poklon (eng. gift).

E› undigested securities : S› „nesvarene“ HoV„Nesvarene“ HoV su novoemitovane HoV koje nisu prodate zbog nedostatka potražnje tokom prvog javnog nuđenja.

E› evergreen credit : S› evergrin kreditUkoliko je kredit obnovljivog tipa i nema inicijalizovan fiksni rok dospeća, on je tada „večit“ ili „za sva vremena“, odnosno evergrin (veza sa muzikom ove vrste je jasna).




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E› sound money : S› zdrav novacIf the money supply is backed up by the country’s gold reserves, that money is considered financially stable, i.e. sound.

E› incestuous share dealing : S› incestuozna trgovina akcijama (sale and purchase of shares of a company belonging to the same group, in order to achieve financial or fiscal benefits)How unacceptable this action is on business and moral grounds has been underlined by its comparison with incest.

E› wild-cat money : S› novac bez pokrićaCaution: money with no back-up is as dangerous as a wild cat.

E› yo-yo shares : S› jo-jo akcijeThese are shares with extremely fluctuating prices. Their increases and drops (ups and downs) are an association for the yo-yo toy, i.e. the way it works.

E› graveyard market : S› grobljansko tržište (a market with a price decreasing trend, with investors who sell recording considerable losses)Associating this market with a graveyard atmosphere “buries” all hopes for any kind of business in it.

E› evergreen credit : S› evergrin kreditIf a loan is renewable and has no initial fixed maturity, it is then “ever-lasting” or “eternal”, i.e. evergreen (the reference to the music of this genre is clear).

E› loan shark : S› zelenašA person lending money to other with high interest is compared with a shark, due to the well known danger and ruthlessness of such financial arrangements and people who provide them.

E› Rembrandt market : S› Rembrantovo tržište (securities of foreign issuers placed at the Dutch market)This picturesque expression establishes a link between the securities market, the eminent painter and his country of origin.

E› gift credit : S› beskamatni kreditAn interest-free loan is as if you got something for free, i.e. as if you received a gift.




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Slikoviti izrazi: druga grupa

Za razliku od prve grupe primera u ovom stručnom registru, gde u okviru kolokacije postoji registralna reč, u drugoj grupi primera situacija je drugačija. Ovde nema registralnih reči i semantička transformacija je u potpunosti implicitna. Dakle, vrši se potpuna zamena pojma stručnog jezika nekim drugim, po značenju njemu bliskim pojmom. Ova činjenica rezultira time da je ove izraze ponekad nemoguće razumeti i pored dobrog poznavanja stručnog registra. Štaviše, izuzetna stabilnost nekih od njih neizbežno vodi fosilizaciji, što nas dovodi na teren idiomatskih izraza u okviru jezika struke i nauke.

E› plain vanilla : S› obična vanila (najjednostavnija vrsta finansijskog instrumenta)Najjednostavnija, najbazičnija i najstarija vrsta sladoleda je „obična/čista vanila“, a ova interesantna asocijacija upotrebljena je kao metafora za najjednostavniji derivativni finansijski instrument, obično svop posao.

E› Chinese/Great wall : S› Kineski zidBarijera između službi u banci, tj. sistem koji onemogućava insajdersko poslovanje ili konflikt interesa upoređen je sa Kineskim zidom, jednim od najdrevnijih simbola odbrane, ali i razdvajanja.

E› The Big Bang : S› Veliki prasakOvim pojmom koji označava nastanak univerzuma implicira se (novi) početak, vrlo radikalna promena u radu Londonske berze 27.10.1986. pri kojoj su, između ostalog, ukinute fiksne provizije, a stranim dilerima dozvoljen je rad na ovoj berzi.

E› witching hour : S› veštičiji časSituacija kada nekoliko opcija (terminskih poslova u bankarstvu) ističe u isto vreme vrlo je neizvesna i može biti zaista zlokobna (naravno, zbog mogućih finansijskih gubitaka). Otud i veza sa veštičijim časom.

E› triple witching hour : S› trostruki veštičiji čas Atmosfera iz prethodnog primera „utrostručena“ je jer je njom predstavljena situacija kada u poslednjem satu jednog dana ističu i terminski ugovori, i opcije na indekse, i opcije na hartije od vrednosti.

E› brick and click : S› spoj starog i novogReč brick (cigla) predstavlja banku kao građevinu, zgradu i podrazumeva odlazak klijenata u banku, na šalter, što je sinonim za tradicionalni oblik bankarstva. Sa druge strane, moderno bankarstvo je ovde predstavljeno kroz reč click (klik) koja upućuje na upotrebu računara tj. elektronskog bankarstva. Konačno, celokupan izraz upućuje na strategiju rada banke koja podrazumeva spajanje novih i starih načina pružanja usluga klijentima.

E› pearl : S› biser (izuzetno unosno ulaganje)Objasniti dovođenje u vezu ova dva pojma skoro da je izlišno. Naime, određena ulaganja su zaista vredna kao biseri, ponekad možda i više od toga.




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Picturesque expressions: second group

As opposed to the first group of examples in this technical register, with a registry word being a part of the collocation, the situation is different in the second group of examples. There are no registry words here and the semantic transformation is fully implicit. In other words, the technical term is completely replaced by another term of a similar meaning. As a result of this fact, these expressions are sometimes impossible to understand despite the excellent grasp of the technical register. Moreover, the remarkable stability of some of these expressions inevitably leads to fossilization, which brings us to the field of idiomatic expressions within a language of profession and science.

E› undigested securities : S› „nesvarene“ HoV„Undigested“securities are newly-issued securities which were not sold due to the lack of demand during the first public offering.

E› plain vanilla : S› obična vanila (the simplest type of a financial instrument)The simplest, oldest and most basic sort of ice-cream is “plain vanilla”, and this interesting association is used as a metaphor for the simplest financial derivative instrument, usually a swap transaction.

E› Chinese/Great wall : S› Kineski zidThe barrier among the bank departments, i.e. the system preventing insider trading or conflicts of interest, has been compared with the Chinese Wall, one of the ancient symbols of defense, but also of separation.

E› The Big Bang : S› Veliki prasakThe term marking the creation of universe implies the (new) beginning, an extremely radical change in the operations of the London Stock Exchange, as of 27.10.1986, whereby, among other things, fixed fees were abolished, and foreign dealers allowed to trade at this Stock Exchange.

E› witching hour : S› veštičiji časA situation in which several options (term transactions in banking) mature at the same time is rather uncertain and can really be ominous (naturally, due to the potential financial losses). Hence the reference to the witching hour.

E› triple witching hour : S› trostruki veštičiji čas The atmosphere from the previous example is “tripled” because it represents the situation when forward contracts and index options and securities options all mature in the last hour of one day.

E› brick and click : S› spoj starog i novogThe word brick symbolizes a bank as a construction, as a building, and implies that a client goes to that bank’s counter, which denotes traditional banking. On the other hand, modern banking is represented by means of the word click, indicating the usage of computers, i.e. electronic banking. Finally, the entire expression stands as a reference to the banking strategy involving the combination of new and old ways of servicing clients.




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E› kangaroos : S› „kenguri“Stara, dobra asocijacija na Australiju

su kenguri. Ovi finansijski „kenguri“ su u

stvari australijske akcije, posebno rudarskih i d u v a n s k i h kompanija.

E› ladder : S› portfeljne merdevineOve „merdevine“ p r e d s t a v l j a j u investicioni portfelj koji se sastoji od obveznica sa serijama različitih datuma dospeća, od kratkoročnih do dugoročnih.

E› red herring : S› crvena haringaCrvena boja haringe upotrebljena je kao asocijacija na uzbunu, upozorenje, u ovom slučaju investitorima, i to da preliminarni prospekt emisije hartija od vrednosti nije kompletan i konačan.

E› elves : S› vilenjaci (stručnjaci sa tržišta kapitala koji veruju da mogu da to tržište kontrolišu)Vilenjaci i natprirodne moći koje oni poseduju ovde su osnov za poređenje sa navodno posebnim moćima koje određeni (uticajni i sposobni) finansijski stručnjaci imaju, i to u pogledu kontrole i upravljanja tržištima kapitala.

E› gnomes of Zurrich : S› ciriški gnomiVarijanta prethodnog

primera. Ciriški gnomi su, inače, moćni švajcarski bankari za koje se misli da ostvaruju velike zarade na kursnim razlikama

i da mogu da utiču na finansijsku

politiku vlade.

E› boutique : S› finansijski butik (investiciona banka koja se usredsređuje na jednu određenu vrstu finansijskog poslovanja (Pratten 1997) )Kao što butici prodaju posebnu vrstu robe, tako i neke investicione banke teže specijalizaciji u okviru svog poslovanja. Često se povezuju sa nekadašnjim uredima finansijskih savetnika koji su izgledali kao prodavnice, butici, sa velikim izlogom ka ulici, smešteni u prometnim trgovačkim ulicama.




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E› pearl : S› biser (extremely profitable investment)It is almost unnecessary to explain the connection between these two notions. Namely, certain investments really are as valuable as pearls, and sometimes more than that.

E› kangaroos : S› „kenguri“Good, old association for Australia

are kangaroos. These financial “kangaroos” are actually the

Australian shares, especially those

of the mining and tobacco companies.

E› ladder : S› portfeljne merdevineThis “ladder” represents the investment portfolio consisting of bonds with the series of different maturities, ranging from short-term to long-term.

E› boutique : S› finansijski butik (investment bank focusing on a certain type of financial operations (Pratten 1997))Just like boutiques sell a particular kind of goods, some investment banks tend to specialize their line of business. They are frequently associated with the former offices of financial advisors, which resembled stores, boutiques, with large shop-windows facing the street, located in busy commercial streets.

E› red herring : S› crvena haringaThe red colour of a herring is used as a reference to alarm, warning, in this case directed at investors, indicating that the preliminary prospectus of securities to be issued is not complete or final.

E› elves : S› vilenjaci (capital market experts who believe that they can control the relevant market)Elves and their supernatural powers are used as a basis for the comparison with the alleged special powers that certain (influential and capable) financial experts possess when it comes to control and management of capital markets.

E› gnomes of Zurrich : S› ciriški gnomiA variant of the previous

example. The gnomes of Zurich are the powerful Swiss bankers who are believed to be yielding huge

profit on FX rate differences, and

to be impacting the government’s

financial policy.




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Semantičke transformacije se, bez obzira da li dolaze iz opšteg ili stručnih jezika, uglavnom zasnivaju na različitim vrstama iskustava. Što je stepen univerzalnosti tih iskustava veći, lakše je prevoditi sa jednog jezika na drugi, i obratno. Ponekada pojedini izrazi oslikavaju iskustva koja su izuzetno specifična za jedan narod ili naciju i stoga ih je teško „prevesti“ na druge jezike. Kada analognog iskustva u drugom narodu nema, „prevodi“ su tada opisne prirode i neretko utiču na lišavanje slikovitih izraza njihovih osnovnih karakteristika - kreativnosti i jezičke unikatnosti. U našim primerima koje smo ovde predstavili, u kontrastivnom

smislu, većina engleskih i srpskih izraza sa semantičkim transformacijama nalaze se u odnosu delimičnog poklapanja, dok je broj slučaja apsolutnih poklapanja i nepoklapanja manji.

Ukratko, neki od ovih izraza su manje, a neki više prozirni. Neki od njih su deo profesionalnog žargona, neki su u trci za status zvaničnih termina, pre svega zbog svoje ekspresivnosti, slikovitosti i „oštroumnosti“. Iako ih dosadašnja rigidna politika terminološke pogodnosti ne preferira upravo zbog njihove stilske markiranosti, opuštenosti i običnosti, situacija se polako menja. U korist slikovitih izraza.

Literatura / References

1. Bugarski, Ranko. Uvod u opštu lingvistiku. Beograd: Čigoja štampa - XX vek, 2003.

2. Corbett, Jim. English for International Banking and Finance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

3. Đorđević, Radmila. Uvod u kontrastiranje jezika. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, 1987.

4. Gortan-Premk, Darinka. Polisemija i organizacija leksičkog sistema u srpskome jeziku. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, 2004.

5. MacKenzie, Ian. Professional English in Use: Finance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

6. Milojević, Dobrivoje. Leksikon bankarstva. Beograd: MeGraf, 2003.

7. Moris, Kenneth; Sigel, Alan; Dabić, Stojan. U obliku novca. Beograd: IQ Media & Hat; Novi Sad: Vojvođanska banka DD, 1995.

8. Pratten, Julie. Banking English. Addlestone: Delta Publishing, 1997.

9. Radovanović, Milorad. Sociolingvistika (3. izdanje). Sremski Karlovci - Novi Sad: Izdavačka knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića, 2003.

10. Simurdić, Biljana. Rečnik bankarstva i finansija (englesko-srpski / srpsko-engleski). Beograd: IP „Žarko Albulj“, 2006.

11. Vukčević, Nada. Englesko-srpski, srpsko-engleski bankarsko-finansijski rečnik. Beograd/Novi Sad: Građevinska knjiga, 2007.

12. Vuletić, Aleksandar. Engleski jezik bankarstva. Magistarski rad. Beograd: Filološki fakultet, 2008.




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Regardless of whether they come from a general language or from technical registers, semantic transformations are mostly based on various types of experiences. The higher the universality of these experiences, the easier it is to translate from one language into another, and vice versa. Sometimes certain expressions depict the experiences which are extremely specific for a people or a nation, which makes them hard to be “translated” into other languages. When there is no analogue experience in another nation, then the “translations” are of descriptive nature, frequently stripping the picturesque expressions of their basic characteristics - creativity and linguistic

uniqueness. In the examples presented in this paper, in contrastive terms, most English and Serbian expressions illustrating semantic transformation demonstrate the relation of partial equivalence, with a smaller number of cases of absolute or zero equivalence.

In brief, these expressions more or less transparent. Some of them are part of the professional jargon, whereas the others are competing for the status of official terms, mostly due to their expressiveness, picturesqueness and “wittiness”. Although the present rigid policy of terminological adequacy does not prefer them precisely because of their stylistic markedness, casualness and ordinariness, the situation has been gradually changing. In favour of picturesque expressions.