Sino-Philippine Relations


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8/13/2019 Sino-Philippine Relations 1/18

B y N i co l e A d a le m


8/13/2019 Sino-Philippine Relations 2/18

 The two heads of stateagreed to deepe !hia-Philippie traditioalfriedship" promotepragmatic cooperatioad p#sh $ilateralstrategic cooperati%erelatios to a ew le%el&

Presidet a'#io(sstate %isit to!hia )*+,,

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• Political

• .efese

• Trade ad i%estmets

• /#dicial cooperatio

• Ifrastr#ct#re de%elopmet

• Eergy cooperatio

• Air ser%ices

• Trasatioal crimes

• !os#lar cooperatio

• To#rism

• !#lt#re

• Sports

• 0edia e1chage

• Agric#lt#re

• Sciece ad techology

• Sister cities

• People-to-people e1chages

Sice ,234" the twoco#tries ha%ecocl#ded moretha,++ $ilateralagreemets


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Bilateral Political relatios

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political relatios

• Esta$lished diplomatic relatios o 2 /#e ,234

• Visits to China by Philippine Presidents:

• Presidet 5erdiad E& 0arcos6 3 /#e ,234

• Presidet !ora7o !& A'#io6 ,8 April ,299

• Presidet 5idel :& Ramos6 *4 April ,22;

• Presidet /oseph E& Estrada6 ,< 0ay *+++

• Presidet =loria 0acapagal-Arroyo6 *2 Octo$er *++,> ,-; Septem$er *++8> *3 Octo$er-* No%em$er *++<> *, April*++3> 4-< /#e *++3> ,-* Octo$er *++3> ;+ 0arch -, April *++9> 3-,+ A#g#st *++9> *;-*3 Octo$er *++9> 9-2 /#e *+,+

• Presidet Beigo S& A'#io III" ;+ A#g#st ? * Septem$er *+,,

• Visits to the Philippines by Chinese Presidents/Premiers:

• Premier @hao @iyag6< A#g#st ,29,

• Premier Li Peg6,; .ecem$er ,22+

• Presidet /iag @emi6*; No%em$er ,22<

• Premier @h# Rogi6*< No%em$er ,222

• Presidet H# /itao*<-*9 April *++4

• Premier e /ia$ao,4-,< /a#ary *++3

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political relatios

• ,22<

• Presidet /iag @emi(s state %isit to the Philippies

• Leaders of $oth co#tries agreed to esta$lish a cooperati%erelatioship $ased o good eigh$o#rliess ad m#t#al tr#st towards

the *,st cet#ry" ad reached importat coses#s of CShel%igdisp#tes ad goig for oit de%elopmetD o the iss#e of the So#th!hia Sea

• *+++

• Presidet Estrada(s state %isit to !hia

•  Joint Statement Between China and the Philippines on theFramework of Bilateral Cooperation in the Twenty-First Century

• Siged i Beiig o ,< 0ay

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political relatios

• *++4

• Presidet H# /itao(s state %isit to the Philippies

• !hia ad the Philippies to esta$lish strategic ad cooperati%e relatios for peacead de%elopmet $etwee $oth co#tries

•!olden a!e of partnership"

• *++3

• Premier e /ia$ao(s official %isit to the Philippies

• !hia ad the Philippies iss#ed a oit statemet reaffirmig the commitmet oftaig f#rther steps to deepe the strategic ad cooperati%e relatioship for peacead de%elopmet $etwee $oth co#tries

• Presidet Arroyo atteded the a#al meetig of the Boao 5or#m for Asia )April

• Presidet Arroyo %isited !hegd# ad !hog'ig )/#e

• Presidet Arroyo atteded the Shaghai Special Olympics )Octo$er

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political relatios

• *++9

• Presidet Arroyo atteded the opeig ceremoy of the Beiig Olympic=ames )A#g#st

• Atteded the Asia-E#rope S#mmit 0eetig i !hia )Octo$er

• Atteded the !lito =lo$al Iitiati%e for#m i Hog Fog ).ecem$er

• *++2

• !hiese 5oreig 0iister Gag /iechi(s official %isit to the PH

•  Joint $%tion Plan for Strate!i% Cooperation between the

Philippines and China& a actio-orieted roadmap that wo#ld f#rtherdeepe cooperatio i all fields ad pro%ide strategic directio for log-term growth of Philippies-!hia relatios for the $eefit of the 5ilipioad !hiese peoples&

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political relatios

• *+,,

• Presidet Beigo A'#io III(s state %isit to !hia

• the two go%ermets iss#ed a oit statemet reiteratig

their commitmet to oitly p#rs#e a log-term adsta$le relatioship of strategic cooperatio o the $asisof m#t#al respect" e'#ality" ad m#t#al $eefit& ),Septem$er *+,,

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political relatios

• !hias 0iistry of 5oreig Affairs ad the .epartmet of5oreig Affairs of the Philippies set #p a cos#ltatiomechaism i ,22," ad ,4 ro#ds of diplomaticcos#ltatios ha%e $ee held sice the&

• Apart from reciprocal esta$lishmet of Em$assies" !hiahas a cos#late geeral i Cebu" ad esta$lished acos#late office i 'aoa! i April *++3&

• The Philippies has fi%e foreig ser%ice posts i !hia6

Bei(in!& )uan!*hou& Shan!hai& +iamen& Chon!,in!

• Ad two i the SARs6 on! .on! ad a%au

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O The So#th !hia Sea

• Joint Statement of the 0epubli% of thePhilippines and the People1s 0epubli% of China234556

Both leaders e1chaged %iews o the maritime disp#tes adagreed ot to let the maritime disp#tes affect the $roaderpict#re of friedship ad cooperatio $etwee the twoco#tries& The two leaders reiterated their commitmet toaddressig the disp#tes thro#gh peacef#l dialog#e" to maitaicoti#ed regioal peace" sec#rity" sta$ility ad a

e%iromet cod#ci%e to ecoomic progress& Both leadersreaffirmed their commitmets to respect ad a$ide $y the.eclaratio o the !od#ct of Parties i the So#th !hia Seasiged $y !hia ad the ASEAN mem$er co#tries i *++*&

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Ecoomic Relatios

• Joint Statement of the 0epubli% of thePhilippines and the People1s 0epubli% ofChina 234556

•CThe two leaders agreed that with the c#rret ista$ility ofthe glo$al ecoomy ad the growig role of emergig adde%elopig ecoomies i s#staiig growth" it is highlypractical ad importat for the Philippies ad !hia to$roade ad stregthe their ecoomic ad tradecooperatio&D

• CThe two leaders affirmed that the Philippines-ChinaFi7e-8ear 9e7elopment Pro!ram for Trade and%onomi% Cooperation 23453-345;6"

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Ecoomic relatios

• Joint Statement of the 0epubli% of thePhilippines and the People1s 0epubli% ofChina 234556

• CBoth sides agreed to f#rther e1pad the %ol#me of$ilateral trade ad accordigly set a target of SJ<+$illio i total two-way trade $y *+,<& They also agreedto impro%e the trade str#ct#re" promote a more %igoro#se1chage of i%estmets ad e1plore ew areas of

ecoomic cooperatio i the fields of" amog others" ewad reewa$le eergy" shippig ad ports&D

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Ecoomic Relatios

*+,+ Bilateral Trade6 <S=54>?@B


PH Imports from !HN6 <S=>;?B2<S93>;B6

PH E1ports to !HN6

<S=@>3B 2<S9 3>;?B6

*+,, Bilateral Trade6 <S=53>5@B


PH Imports from !HN6

<S=;>4;B 2<S9?>B6

PH E1ports to !HN6

<S=;>54B 2<S9?>@4B6

*+,* Bilateral Trade6<S=>;B

PH Imports from !HN6<S= ?>4B 23nd6

PH E1ports to !HN6

<S= ?>A5B 2th6


Source: Forei!n Trade Statisti%s Se%tionDndustry and Trade Statisti%s 9epartmentEational Statisti%s ffi%e 0epubli% of thePhilippines

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Ecoomic Relatios )*+,+

• Philippie I%estmets i !hia6 SJ *&39 B

• PR! I%estmets i the Philippies6 SJ,*4&8, 0

• Official .e%elopmet Assistace from !hia6 SJ,&*3 B )*++*-*+,+

!hiese To#rists to the Philippies6 ,93"88<

• Philippie To#rists to !hia6 9*9";++

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• CThe two leaders e1pressed satisfactio with the progress ofASEAN-!hia relatios i the past *+ years ad affirmed thepriciple of ASEAN cetrality i the disc#ssios o the at#re adshape of a f#t#re regioal architect#re i Asia&D

• CThe two leaders e1pressed their willigess to f#rther stregthe

cooperatio i the ited Natios" Asia-Pacific Ecoomic!ooperatio" Asia-E#rope 0eetig" orld Trade Orgai7atio" itedNatios !limate !hage !oferece ad other regioal adm#ltilateral orgai7atios&

 Joint Statement ofthe 0epubli% of thePhilippines and thePeople1s 0epubli% ofChina 234556


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• http6KKwww&ces#s&go%&phKdataKsectordataKdatafts&ht

• http6KKwww&go%&phK*+,,K+2K+,Koit-statemet-of-the-


• http6KKwww&philem$assychia&orgKide1&phpoptioMcomc

• http6KKwww&philem$assychia&orgKide1&phpoptioMc