St. Bernadette Parish 14 2014.pdf · Please contact the parish office to arrange for regular or...


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Parish Mission Statement

With enthusiastic spirit and welcoming hearts, we join together in our Catholic Faith to know,

love and serve God through worship, education, service and mission opportunities for all.

St. Bernadette Parish

3rd Sunday of Advent ~ December 14, 2014 2331 East Lourdes Drive

Appleton, Wi 54915 920-739-4157

St. Bernadette has a “T” Coil for hearing aid users and assistance listening devices

for persons with hearing impairment. Please ask the ushers for assistance.

Welcome to St. Bernadette You may come as a stranger to us; yet

you are known to the Lord, Jesus Christ,

and in His name we bid you welcome;

praying that you find peace, inspiration

and our friendship in this His house of


Stewardship St. Bernadette is sustained by the gener-

osity of our parishioners through time,

talent, and treasure. Your generosity to

our church makes it possible for us to

prepare for the many challenges we face

in proclaiming the Gospel. Thank you for

your commitment to St. Bernadette


Parish Offerings

Prayer Requests St. Bernadette Parish has a prayer chain.

If you would like to request a prayer,

please contact the parish office at 739-

4157 or by email at prayers@saint- or drop your request in

the collection basket. (All requests must

be approved by the person whose name

is being submitted).

Welcome Visitors! We are happy that you have joined us in

worship! If you would like to become a

parish member please join us on

Wednesday, January 7 at 6:30pm for our

Newcomers Gathering or contact the

Parish office at 739-4157 for infor-


Pray the Rosary Please join us in church at 8:00am every

Sunday to Pray the Rosary. We are also

in need of volunteers to assist with Pray-

ing the Rosary. If interested please con-

tact Sandy at 739-4157 or

Sunday: Is 61:1-2a, 10-11/1 Thes 5:16-24/Jn 1:6-8, 19-28

Monday: Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a/Mt 21:23-27

Tuesday: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13/Mt 21:28-32

Wednesday: Gn 49:2, 8-10/Mt 1:1-17

Thursday: Jer 23:5-8/Mt 1:18-25

Friday: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a/Lk 1:5-25

Saturday: Is 7:10-14/Lk 1:26-38

Next Sunday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Rom 16:25-27/

Lk 1:26-38

Dec. 15th No Mass

Dec. 16th, 8:30am Rev. John Neuser

Dec. 17th, 8:30am John & Lucille Gadbois

Dec. 18th, 8:30am Timothy Jansen

Dec. 19th, 7:45am For those who can’t be with family

on Christmas

Dec. 20th 8:30am Rev. David Kasperek

4:00pm Lucille & Harriet Biebel, Ann Sum-

mers, Ruth Pintz & Muriel Larson

Dec. 21st, 8:30am Living & deceased members of St.

Bernadette Parish

10:30am Ron Mueller

Readings for the week of December 14th

Confessions Saturday 9:00am following 8:30am Mass or by appointment.

Baptisms Infant Baptisms are celebrated during mass or after the last

Sunday mass every second weekend of the month. To properly

prepare for this sacrament, parents are asked to contact the

parish office four months in advance and to attend a baptis-

mal preparation program. The next two-hour session is being

held on Thursday, January 15th at 7:00pm.

Weddings Arrangements require at least twelve months for proper mar-

riage preparation. Please contact the parish office as soon as

possible. A one year active membership is required before

planning the wedding.

Communion for the Homebound Please contact the parish office to arrange for regular or occa-

sional visits by the pastoral staff to the homebound or shut-ins.

Holy Communion is brought by Father or a Health Ministry vol-

unteer each month.

Eucharistic Assistance If you are unable to come forward to receive the Eucharist,

please notify any usher before Mass and they will have a

Eucharistic Minister bring Holy Communion to you.

Daily Mass Times Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday……...8:30am


Weekend Mass Times Saturday…………………………….…………………………4:00pm

Sunday…………………………………………8:30am, 10:30am

Eucharistic Worship


John answered them, "I baptize with water; but there is

one among you whom you do not recognize, the one who

is coming after me, whose sandal strap

I am not worthy to untie."

Jn 1:26-27

8:30am Mass 6:30pm Boy Scouts

6:30am Men’s Fellow. 8:30am Mass 9am CH Cleaning (4) 4pm Rel. Ed. Class, 1-6 6pm Card Ministry (RR) 6:30pm Seraphim (CR) 6:30pm Jr. & Sr. High Rel. Ed., Behold the Lamb

8:30am Mass 6:30pm Renewed Spirits (CH) 7pm Women’s Fellow. (CR)

6:30am FV Bible Study (CAF) 7:45am Mass

8:30am Mass 9am Confessions 9am Holy Hour (CH) 4pm Mass


Pressure Screening

4th Sunday of Advent

8:30am & 10:30am Mass

11:30am Church Decorating


Pressure Screening

Monday - 12/15 Tuesday - 12/16 Wednesday - 12/17 Thursday - 12/18 Friday - 12/19 Saturday - 12/20 Sunday - 12/21

KEY LOCATIONS (CAF) = Cafeteria (CL) = Chapel (CH) = Church (CR) - Choir Room (NX) = Narthex (GYM) = Gymnasium (SCH) = School (RE#) = Religious Education Classroom (RR) - Resource Room


20th/4:00pm 21st/8:30am 10:30am

Cantor/Choir: M. Dart Seraphim M&M Kinderman

E.M.: G. Koth J. Lallensack K. Baryenbruch

Greeter: J. Zuleger G. Siebers B. Griener

Gr. Family: Jore Mauthe Mendoza

Zlevor Seipel Steidl

Lector: L. Jore P. Biwan C. Baehnman

R. Lowery S. Nemmer S. Courtney

Servers: I. DeBruin D. Feldkamp Calvin

A. Jore T. Schreiter G. Rippl

K. Bettag A. Matzek D. Benthein

Ushers: E. Jore J. Feldhausen T. Benthein

S. Knuijt P. Grishaber T. Pritzl

M. Koth D. Seipel C. Pritzl

Captain: J. Thomes J. Matzek J. Ourada

Mass Intentions

Liturgical Ministers December 20th & 21st


EasyPay Contribution Program EasyPay is an online contribution service that allows parish-ioners to automate recurring and/or one-time contributions to the parish. By using EasyPay, you can make a direct contribution by electronic check or credit card for:

• Weekly Sunday Envelope Contribution

• Holy Days

• Flower Donations

• Special Collections

• Wish List Donations

• Capital Improvements

• Misc. Donations

• Rel. Ed. Tuition & Fees

• Bishop’s Appeal

• Connecting Community Campaign & 30/60/90

The EasyPay Program is available 24 hours a day, it is

located under Services on our website. For questions,

please contact the parish office at 739-4157.

For a direct link, please visit our website at:

Courtesy Announcements Upcoming Programs

at Norbertine Center for Spirituality 1016 N. Broadway, De Pere, WI 54115, 920.337.4315

Deepening Your Friendship with God through Honest Prayer Join Fr. Paul Demuth, faith-filled and highly regarded pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, as he offers suggestions for praying through any and every dimension of one’s life: sad-ness, success, fear, attraction and friendship. Presentation is based on the book Praying the Truth by William A. Barry, SJ. Tuesday, January 13, 6:30 – 8 p.m. Cost: Free will offering (suggested donation $5) Registration appreciated Morning of Spiritual Renewal for Women Inspirational, enlightening speakers fill the morning with in-sights, wisdom, and knowledge. Topics for the mind, soul and body are included within each of the three sessions. Registration required by January 9. Maximum 150 partici-pants Saturday, January 17, 8 am – 1 pm, Cost: $40 (includes morning refreshments, lunch, programs) Session 1: Sr. Judy Miller, CSJ and Judy Turba, Carmen Honnef, or Kathie Tilot (Select one) Session 2: Dr. Bridget Burke Ravizza and Julie Massey, Dr. Julie Bobholz, or Sr. Shawn Madigan, CSJ, (Select one) Session 3: Sarah Starr, Pastor Lori Swenson, or Dr. Kathleen Gallagher Elkins

Sacrificial Weekly Offerings

December 7, 2014

Weekly Contributions $19,487.41 $37.31

Weekly Budget $15,550.00

Over/(Shortfall) $3,987.41

Fiscal YTD Contributions $301,847.05 $908.18

Fiscal YTD Budget $314,575.00

Over/(Shortfall) -($12,727.95)





Adult Youth

Campaign Update as of Dec. 7, 2014

Total Cash on Hand $208,795.96

Total Projects Funds Needed $70,135.61

Outstanding CCSF Pledges -($2,332.93)

Revised Project Funds Needed $33,806.68

Outstanding 30/60/90 Pledges -($33,996.00)

74 Pledged $47,986.00 to 30/60/90 Campaign

317 Pledged $331,110.50 to Connecting Com. Campaign

The Fox Valley Catholic Bible Study Group Presents...

The Traditions of Christmas in song.

Featuring the St. Bernadette Seraphim Choir

Friday, December 19th, 6:30am

in the St. Bernadette School


Coffee and Christmas pastries

from around the world will be


All Are Welcome

Elec. Gas/Heat Snow

Plowing Total

Church 469.24 692.15 464.86 1,626.25

School 2,065.89 3,379.28 650.79 6,095.96

Rectory 229.46 724.67 216.95 1,171.08

Convent 127.75 441.95 216.95 786.65

Total 2,892.34 5,238.05 1,549.55 9,679.94

Cost of Church Utilities for Month of Nov. 2014


Question and Answer

With Christmas fast approaching, can you give me

some practical tips to prepare myself and my family

that will help us "stay grounded" in what this holiday is

really about? With all the commercialism, it's easy to


Happy times and events bring fond memories and a

renewed sense of love and kinship with others. The

anticipation is half the joy of the event itself. The com-

ing of the Lord is that kind of event that people have

been looking forward to for generations with fervent

hope and desire. It gave them strength and courage as they

waited for the coming of the Lord.

We know that Christmas is rushed. Sales begin in August and

carols blare long before the season begins. Everyone laments

the commercial aspects of the season, but as Advent begins,

do something to help you be more mindful of the Lord's com-

ing. Use an Advent wreath, or enthrone the Bible prominently,

or read the readings from the Bible assigned to each day.

Postpone the tree and decorations until closer to Christmas.

Establish new family rituals, customs and prayers that help

remind everyone that we are preparing to celebrate the birth

of Jesus. Fasting, daily Mass, a special celebration of reconcil-

iation, reaching out to those alienated from family or society,

and visiting the homebound manifest the love of the Christ

Child and the Holy Family. Resist the temptation to rush the

season. In his own time and in his own way, God will come.

Our task is simply to be watchful and ready.

©2009 Liturgical Publications Inc.

Reflection Corner "There is one among you whom you do not

recognize." With these words, John the

Baptist was referring to his cousin, Jesus. Although Jesus had

not yet begun his public ministry, John knew that Jesus was

the Messiah. And it was John's mission to prepare other peo-

ple to recognize that fact.

John and Jesus had first "met" in utero when Mary visited Eliz-

abeth. Even from that early moment, John understood the

significance of encountering Jesus. The Gospel of Luke tells

us that the baby "leaped for joy" in Elizabeth's womb when the

expectant Mary approached. Now that these two babies were

grown men, John was still in the business of recognizing Je-

sus' significance. He describes his cousin as "the one who is

coming after me, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to un-

tie." John knew that Jesus was something special. And he

made it his goal to lead others to the same realization.

Of course, as Christians in the twenty-first century, we already

know that Jesus is the Messiah. But John's words still raise an

important question for us today: Do we recognize the real sig-

nificance of Jesus? Do we take him for granted, or do we ap-

preciate the gift of salvation that he offers us? Today's Gospel

reading tells us that John came "to testify to the light." Do we

let the light of Christ guide our way? Have we "made straight

the way of the Lord" by putting Jesus first in our lives?

Today as we light the third candle on the Advent wreath, we

would do well to reflect on the true light that came down from

heaven. Let us pray, as this holy season continues, that our

minds and hearts will be enlightened to grasp the true signifi-

cance of the coming of Christ.

Parish Office — 739-4157 Fax — 739-2795 E-mail:

Parish Office Hours: Monday –Thursday, 9:00am-4:00pm

Friday, 8:00am-noon

Pastor Father Donald Zuleger

Parochial Vicar Father Brian Wideman

Deacon Deacon Michael Madden

Deacon/Liturgical Coordinator Deacon Gib Schmidt

Director of Parish Operations Patty Eichhorst

Bookkeeper Caren Rohde

Administrative Assist/Bulletin Editor Michele Ciske

Worship Office Assist/Volunteer Coord. Erin Day

Parish Office Assistant Cheryl Pritzl

Maintenance Sam Ciske

Custodian Roland Tuyls

Religious Education Office 734-7502

Youth Ministry, RE Coordinator Gr. 7-12 Peter Gagnon

RE Coordinator Gr 1-6 Shirley Riley

Council Members

Parish Trustees: Jim Thomes, Julie Lopas

Parish Council: Fr. Don Zuleger, Fr. Brian Wideman, Jean Herres, Ed Kleckner, Mary Lietz, Dan Lynch, Conor Mares, Julie

McMillan, Denise Reitmeyer, Lee Reynebeau, Tom Schmit,

Sue Taylor Kedrick Stumbris, Jim Thomes, Deb Truyman, Jeff

Venable, Louis Wendt

Finance Council: Fr. Don Zuleger, Fr. Brian Wideman, Patty

Eichhorst, Tim Bleck, Lydia Jansen, Greg Landwehr, Julie Lopas,

Gina Moon, Chuck Schreiter, Steve Stefonik, Phil Weisbach

Religious Education

Grades 1-6 Religious Education Classes Wednesday, Dec. 17th & Jan. 7th at 4:00pm in school.

Jr. & Sr. High Religious Education Classes Jr. High: Wed., Dec. 17th & Jan. 7th at 6:30pm in school.

Sr. High: Wed., Dec. 17th & Jan. 7th at 6:30pm in school.

St. Francis Xavier News 'Tis the season for carol singing! Students in St. Francis

Xavier Elementary have been diligently practicing for their

Christmas programs. If you are looking for an uplifting way to

celebrate the season, feel free to attend either campus's

program. The Marquette St. Campus program will be offered

at 1:30 and 6:30 at St. Pius X Church on Tuesday, December

16. McDonald St. Campus will have their program at Xavier

Middle School on Thursday, December 18 at 6:30 PM.

The McDonald Street Campus will offer a session of Song,

Stories and Fun on Wednesday, December 17. Song, Stories

and Fun is open to children ages 2-5 with their parents or

grandparents, and younger siblings are welcome to join in the

fun. Please come and join us!

If you or someone you know is interested in a great,

faith-filled education, please contact us for more information

and a tour of our schools. Call Xavier Catholic Schools

at 735-9380 to set up an appointment.


Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Mass Times Wednesday, December 24th: 5pm & 10:30pm

Join us early for Carols @ 10pm

Thursday, December 25th: 8:30am & 10:30am

Decorating for Christmas Help us to beautify the church for the coming of our Lord! We

will be decorating the church for the Christmas season next

Sunday, December 21st after the 10:30am mass. Please take a

bit of time from your busy schedule to help out ~ Remember,

many hands make for light work!

Butter Braids orders available after all masses on

December 13th/14th and 20th/21st

Advent Taize-style Prayer Service Join Fr. Brian Wideman (organist) for an evening of

Taize-style prayer on Monday, December 15th from

6:30 -8:00pm at St. Thomas More Church (1810 N

McDonald Street, Appleton). We will begin with an

information session about Taize prayer and then

experience the song and prayer focused on Advent.

Bring a friend and experience the peace of the season.

“Behold the Lamb of God”

An Advent Concert St Bernadette Parish will be hosting the con-

cert “Behold the Lamb of God” on December

17th at 6:30pm. The music is written by An-

drew Peterson and performed by a group of

excellent local musicians. This group has

been doing this for a number of years, putting on a limited num-

ber of engagements each year. This year we are fortunate

enough to have them scheduled for St Bernadette’s! The con-

cert is open to the public and is free of charge, a free will offer-

ing for charity will be taken up. Come join us for an inspiring and

relaxing advent evening to help prepare your heart and mind for

the celebration of Christmas. If you have any questions please

contact Peter Gagnon in the Religious Ed. office at 734-7502.

Card Ministry! St. Bernadette Card Ministry invites you to participate

in creating greeting cards! This ministry will send a

greeting card on behalf of the parish family/

community to parish members to show our care and concern

during a difficult time, to express congratulations, sympathy,

encouragement or loving kindness for any event (baptism, wed-

ding, off to college, military, etc.). Cards will be created and

sent to the parish member by a group of volunteers that will

meet the last Wednesday of each month. Join us this Wednes-

day, December 17th, from 6:00 - 9:00pm in the resource room.

Near the bulletin boards on the south side of the narthex, you

will find a box and request forms if you would like us to send a

card to someone you care about. Your requests are essential to

the success of this ministry!

Women’s Fellowship Our next meeting is December 18th from 7:00-9:00pm

in the choir room here at St. Bernadette’s. If you have

questions or need more information, please contact Cin-

dy at 730-0729.

Join us in Prayer…. In Bishop Ricken’s letter that was read at all Masses the week-

end of November 22nd/23rd, he asked that each parish in the

diocese would provide a holy hour once a month. The holy hour

is to be a time to come together in Eucharistic adoration to be-

come a more prayerful people. Below is the upcoming schedule.

Health Care Ministry The Health Care Ministry will be having a Blood Pres-

sure Screening and Medication Reviews after all Mass-

es next weekend December 20th & 21st.

We will answer as many questions as we are able as nurses and

will discuss your medications and their side effects. Call Peg at

486-1743 to set up appointment for all Medication Reviews.

2014 Contributions All 2014 contributions to St. Bernadette Church need to be in

the parish office by the end of office hours (noon) on December

31, 2014 or post marked on or before December 31, 2014 for

them to be claimed as a contribution deduction for 2014.

Federal Law prohibits any exceptions.

Retirement Collection Today, through the Retirement Collection, we are able to Share

in the Care of our retired sisters, brothers and religious order

priests through the National Retirement Fund for Religious, as

well as of the senior priests of our own diocese. Envelopes are

available to make your contribution. Please be generous in help-

ing those who have given so much over the years.

Vocations Icon Prayer (VIP) Traveling Vocations Kit This program is for anyone who would pray for vocations for one

week using a kit of articles.

The kit includes:

• An icon which is placed in a prominent place in the home.

• A 10 minute prayer format.

• DVDs addressing a calling to our vocations throughout life to

Marriage, Single Life, Priesthood, and Religious Life.

The kit will travel from home to home weekly. If you have

any questions or would like to sign up for a week, please

call: Patricia Verbrick at 739-7433.

Parish News

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