“The Jesus Legacy,” - · PDF fileand especially the true origin of the Jesus...


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“The Jesus Legacy,” By

Amunhotep El Bey




TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………………….1

TABLE OF AUTHORITIES……………………………………………………………………2-3

OTHER AUTHORITIES………………………………………………………………………….4

ABOUT THE AUTHOR………………………………………………………………………….5



ARGUMENT (Point I)………………………………………………………………………...9-10

ARGUMENT (Point II)………………………………………………………………………11-12

ARGUMENT (Point III)……………………………………………………………………..13-15

ARGUMENT (Point IV)……………………………………………………………………..16-22

CONCLUSION (Point I)………………………………………………………………………...10

CONCLUSION (Point II)………………………………………………………………………..12

CONCLUSION (Point III)……………………………………………………………………….15

CONCLUSION (POINT IV)…………………………………………………………………….22




The Celestial Ship of the North,

By E. Valentia Straiton………………………………………………………………10, 11, 19, 20

A Book of the Beginnings,

By Gerald Massey………………………………………………………………………………..11

Isis Unveiled,

By H.P. Blavatsky…………………………………………………………………………....13, 20

The Outline of history,

By H. G. Wells……………………………………………………………………………….13, 19

The Hiram Key,

By Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas………………………………………………………13

The Head of God,

By Keith Laider…………………………………………………………………………………..13

The Natural Genesis,

By Gerald Massey……………………………………………………………………………16-17

Ancient Egypt, the light of the World,

By Gerald Massey……………………………………………………………………………14, 21

Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs,

By Ralph Ellis……………………………………………………………………………19, 20, 21

Jesus in the House of the Pharaohs,

By Ahmed Osman………………………………………………………………………………..19

The World’s Sixteen crucified Saviors,

By Kersey Graves, foreword by Acharya S……………………………………………………...20

The Secret doctrine,

By H. P. Blavatsky……………………………………………………………………………….20

Out of Egypt,

By Ahmed Osman………………………………………………………………………………..17

Moses and Akhenaton: The Secret History of Egypt at the Time of the Exodus,

By Ahmed Osman………………………………………………………………………………..10


Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity,

By Dr. Samuel C. Sharpe………………………………………………………………………...16

Ancient Egyptians wrote the Bible,

By Dr. Kwame Nantambu………………………………………………………………………..18




King Solomon (Pharaoh Amenhotep, III)………………………………………………………..13


Kenneth Burke…………………………………………………………………………………...11

Robert McKee……………………………………………………………………………………11


An Encyclopedia of Archetypal Symbolism..................................................................................19

John 19:34………………………………………………………………………………………..20

John 19:39………………………………………………………………………………………..21

British Museum Dictionary of Ancient Egypt, I Shaw…………………………………………..21






Cambridge Encyclopedia………………………………………………………………………...13

Nana Banchie Darkwah………………………………………………………………………….18

H.M. Maulana...............................................................................................................................18





Amunhotep El Bey is an honorary 33◦ degree Mason, comedian, philosopher, metaphysician,

screenwriter, author, poet, historian, and a legal genius. I was born and raised in Fort pierce,

Florida, by my grandparents, Leroy Chavis and Lorene Chavis. I come from a middle class black

family. I am the son of a master mechanic, as a father, and RN, as a mother.

I went through life almost perfect as a young child, but as I grew older I got in trouble like

almost everyone else did and grew stronger from all of my experiences. I taped into something

great and the very same life experiences and blood within me support this book.



I dedicate this book to all truth seekers and to all of the disenfranchised pharaohs’ of Ancient




This book is actually a brief, which gives me the freedom to be creative and aggressive with my


Over the last two thousand years, people have been searching for the historical

existence/evidence of Jesus and other major biblical characters (Moses, David, Solomon, and

etc). All these efforts have been fruitless because most people have accepted the biblical stories

as historical events and went out searching for the evidence to support their pre-determined


However, common sense suggests the exact opposite direction in our search for the historical

Jesus and other Biblical characters. We should investigate what the historical evidence says

about the biblical events and not the other way around.

Most scholars have now accepted the fact that the Bible is a blend of history and mythology,

shaped by political and religious disputes of ancient times. The pivotal dispute in the Bible is the

Exodus. As a result of the Exodus, the Bible Tarnished the image of ancient Egypt and set in

motion the ongoing blood feud in the Middle East.

The thesis points of this book do not discuss new discoveries, but bring to light evidence, which

have been ignored by many Egyptologists because of the risk of contradicting popular religions

and especially the true origin of the Jesus Legacy, which was a legacy of the Pharaohs of Ancient

Egypt. It is not the intention of this book to contend the religious interpretations of the life and

teachings of Jesus that developed subsequently.










Let us examine the powerful evidence. Let us discover the truth. Love and respect for Jesus the

man should not change. His message and achievements should be carried on.


Let us open our minds and review the available evidence, because the truth is a composite of

different and complementary pieces of a puzzle. Let us put the pieces of the puzzle together.




I started off first with this point because Ancient Egypt and her Pharaohs have been tarnished by

the slavery which supposedly caused the Exodus in the Bible. As a result of the slavery, you

can’t mention Ancient Egypt or her Pharaohs without putting a bad taste in most peoples’ mouth.

Did the Pharaohs enslave anyone? Well, let’s take a look at the evidence.

The Ancient Egyptians left a written record, hieroglyphics, and you will never find any mention

of any Hebrews/Jews being in slavery. You can search Egypt from top to bottom and you still

won’t find any mention of enslavement anywhere.

The fact that the Ancient Egyptians didn’t mention any enslavement anywhere should be

sufficient evidence to conclude that there were never any Hebrews/Jews in slavery in ancient


According to, “The Tombs of the Pyramid builders” (see

http://www.guardians.net/hawass/buildtomb.htm ); every worker was paid and given food and

shelter by the Pharaoh. The workers even had job titles. The workers even called themselves

friends of Khufu. Pharaoh Khufu ordered the construction of The Great Pyramid.

Furthermore, Dr. Zahi Hawass, a respected and renowned archeologists and head of the Supreme

Council of Egyptian Antiquities, produced a video proving that the Pharaohs didn’t enslave their

workers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axPXeODGqEE

I provided the video because the cliché is, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” I like to say a

picture refutes a thousand lies.

Additionally, according to the Harvard Magazine slaves did not build the pyramids.

Archaeologist Mark Lehner, digging deeper, discovers a city of privileged workers (see


Lastly, it is generally accepted by most people that Pharaoh Ramses, II, better known as Ramses

the Great, was the Pharaoh during the Exodus story in the Bible. Hollywood even made a movie,

“The 10 Commandments,” reflecting Ramses the Great as the Pharaoh of the Exodus. The

problem with making Ramses the Great the Exodus Pharaoh is that Ramses the Great and his

army never drowned in the Red sea when Moses allegedly parted it. In fact, Ramses the Great

lived a very long time and his body was mummified and is still currently on display.

Keep in mind, that the Pharaoh was the ruler of the world at that point in time. If the Pharaoh and

his army drowned in the Red Sea someone would have recorded it outside of the Bible.


Scholars associate Pharaoh Akhenaton with Moses of the Bible because of the strong similarities

between the biblical Moses and the said Pharaoh. Let’s take a look at some of these similarities:

Akhenaton ushered in a one God concept and so did Moses; Akhenaton fled Egypt and so did

Moses; Akhenaton was raised in the Egyptian Royal House and went to school and so was

Moses; Akhenaton had an ark (Ark of Osiris, Ark of Isis, Ark of Horus, and etc), because he was

Pharaoh, and so did Moses; Akhenaton had a rod or staff (see crook or Sceptre), because he was

Pharaoh, and so did Moses; finally, Moses is a title associated with the Pharaohs of the 18th

Dynasty (Tutmoses I – IV, Kamoses, Ahmoses, and etc.)

Evidence that Pharaoh Akhenaton, also known as Amenhotep IV, was Moses:

(http://www.greatdreams.com/moses.htm ) (See also Moses and Akhenaton: The Secret History

of Egypt at the Time of the Exodus, by Ahmed Osman)

Moses/Meses/Mosis/Mes/Meska/Messiah means the Christos, the anointed, a divinely sent

teacher or spirit, a messenger of God. The true root of this world is the Egyptian Mes, Meska,

place of birth and rebirth, whence the generation and rebirth of a Mes-iah. The Messiahs, who

were the incarnations of the sun, were concealed, buried and arose from the dead, and were

symbolized in the rising and setting of the sun. (See Ancient Egypt: light of the world, by Gerald


In Hebrew, Moses means one who is drawn from water. A fish is drawn from the water and so is

male sperm. The fish is associated with Jesus and the sperm is life.

The Egyptians that left Egypt with Pharaoh Akhenaton became the Israelites (see The Celestial

Ship of the North, by E. Valentia Straiton).

Akhenaton ruled during the 18th

Dynasty of Egypt; therefore, based upon the evidence, the

Exodus definitely occurred during the 18th

Dynasty of Ancient Egypt. Pharaoh Ramses the Great

could have never been the Pharaoh of the Exodus, because he ruled during the 19th

Dynasty of

Ancient Egypt, therefore, the timeline just doesn’t add up.

Based upon the foregoing argument and the authority cited therein, the Pharaohs paid their

workforce and there were never any Hebrews/Jews in slavery in ancient Egypt.




In order to address the first question, we must understand the origin of the word myth. The word

myth is actually the Greek word mythos, which means story. Mythology simply means the study

of stories.

“Stories are equipment for living.” – Kenneth Burke, a famed film critic.

“Story is not only our most prolific art form but rivals all activities – work, play, eating, and

exercise – for our waking hours. We tell and take in stories as much as we sleep – and even when

we dream.” ~ Story, by Robert McKee, a famed and master screenwriter.

Everything in essence is essentially a story. We express life in the form of stories. Some of our

stories are facts, and some of our stories are fiction. The Holy Books of the world are stories

written by men and women. The ancients created mythologies based on Gods or gods, and

mankind currently has mythologies based on God or gods.

Who’s to say that the stories are true or false? Who’s to say that the stories are insane when we

have our own beliefs? However, we would dare not call our beliefs or religion mythology,

because when we hear the word myth we think of paganism.

Our story is our own reality shaped by opinion and reasoning, but can be shaped by the facts.

Belief is just a tool used by story to give it more meaning.

Just by understanding all of the above, I can easily assert that mythology gave birth to theology,

but I am going to take it a step further by quoting some very known and respected scholars:

“Mythological astrology evolved from a study of the heavens, which afterward was given to the

world as history and religion” (see The Celestial Ship of the North, by E. Valentia Straiton).

“Mythology was a primitive mode of thinking the early thought. It was founded on natural facts,

and is still verifiable in phenomena. There is nothing insane or irrational in it, when considered

in the light of evolution, and when its mode of expression by sign language is thoroughly

understood. The insanity lies in mistaking it for human history and divine revelation. Mythology

is the repository of man’s most ancient science, and what concerns us chiefly is this…when truly

interpreted once more, it is destined to be the death of those false theologies to which it has given

birth” (see A Book of the Beginnings, by Gerald Massey).

Philo, a Greek philosopher, the most illustrious of his race, an initiate of the mysteries, said, “It is

in the mythical we have the truth, and not in the literal version where so much is false. The mis-


reading of mythology, upon which theology is founded, has resulted in obscured, beclouded,

chaotic, ubiquitous confusion filled with religious falsehoods.” ~ Philo

Based upon the foregoing argument and the authority cited therein, you should be able to

reasonably conclude that mythology gave birth to theology.




In order to address this question, I will assert that customs, traditions, and/or practices are passed

down from civilization to civilization. “There is nothing new under the sun” (see King Solomon

of the Bible). The trinity that we know and love so much today has its origins in a far off past,

i.e., ancient Egypt. In order to support this point, I will rely upon the following:

The Outline of History, written by H. G. Wells, states that the trinity of Osiris (Father), Isis

(Virgin Mother Mary), and Horus (Son) is the origin of the Christian Trinity. He goes on by

confirming that the said gods are Egyptian.

Cyril, the Bishop of Alexandria, had openly embraced the cause of Isis, the Egyptian Goddess,

and had anthropomorphized her into Mary, the mother of God (see Isis Unveiled, by H. P.


“Christian doctrines adopted from the Black Trinity” (see Cambridge Encyclopedia).

“Osiris was sun-rayed. His complexion was black and his hair woolly. Some of his doctrines

appear in the Book of the Dead. He was crucified on the Vernal Equinox; he descended to hell

where he remained three days and nights to judge the dead, and rose again and ascended bodily

to heaven. His legitimacy was proven by numerous Miracles” (see Cambridge Encyclopedia).

In their book the Hiram Key, Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas unconsciously confirm the

connection of Jesus to the Egyptian Royal House. “Up until the time of the fourth dynasty, the

Pharaoh identified himself not as the human offspring of the god Ra, but instead with Horus, the

falcon-headed god of the Egyptian Pantheon, and son of Osiris and his sister Isis. As we have

seen, in the Osiris myth, the jealous brother Seth kills Osiris, and cuts him into fourteen pieces,

which he scatters. But Isis collects all the scattered remnants (except Osiris’ phallus), wraps them

in linen, and lies with the body. As a result she miraculously conceives Horus, before Osiris is

resurrected. So Horus was paradoxically, the son of a woman whose husband was dead before he

was conceived. Horus was, therefore, the son of a widow.”

As Knight and Lomas comment: “It seems logical therefore that all those who thereafter became

Horus, i.e., the Kings of Egypt, the Pharaohs, would also describe themselves as son of the

widow. This was confirmation indeed of my belief that Jesus was a descendant of the royal line

of Egypt. Astonishingly, in many heretical Christian sects, this term is used to indicate Jesus.

Moreover, in Masonic lore, which claims an ancestry from Ancient Egypt, both Hiram Abif and

Jesus are known as son of the widow (see Keith Laidler, The Head of God: The lost Treasure of

the Templar’s).


Not only does the Osiris myth give the reader the history or role of Osiris, Isis, and Horus, but it

also gives in detail the Egyptian origin of the trinity. Let’s look at the trinity as it relates to time:

Ausar (Osiris), the father, means time in Hebrew. Ausar’s son, Heru (Horus), means Hours in


Is time God? Well, time has no beginning and no ending just like God does, so time is a form of

God. Just think of a circle clock with the 12 hours of the day and the two hour hands in it. The 12

hours are the 12 Disciples/12 months of the year/12 zodiac signs. The black dot in the center that

holds and controls the two hour hands is the great black mother, Isis/Mary/love. The hour hand is

Christ (Osiris). The minute hand is Jesus (Horus).

How do we tell time? We tell time by the sun. The sun is the highest symbol of love we can

associate God with. The sun is, literally, the light of the world just like Jesus was.

Horus (sun/son) comes up at the “Hor-izon;” therefore, he is reborn or resurrected. This is the

beginning. At 12:00 O’clock noon, he is the “Most High.” When the sun/son “Sets,” Hence,

“Set(h)” or “Satan,” the prince of darkness does battle with the light of the world and wins, until

the sun/son is reborn the next day. This is a representation of the three phases of the sun: Dawn,

noon, and evening.

Now, let’s look at the trinity or the three phases of the sun as it relates to the evolution of human

life. Dawn or should I say the birth, or the beginning is when the sun rises or resurrects from

darkness. Noon is when the sun is at its highest point. Noon symbolizes the prime of life. Noon

is when the sun is at its strongest. Evening symbolizes old age, because this is when the sun sets,

leading to death and the end of life. Darkness becomes inevitable during the evening.

Early scholars translated KRST into the word, Karest. Gerald Massey identifies the Karest with


“The author of the Christian name is the Mummy-Christ of Egypt, called the Karest, which was a

type of the immortal spirit in man, the Christ within (as Paul has it), the divine offspring

incarnated, the Logos, the Word of Truth, the Makheru of Egypt” (see Gerald Massey, Ancient

Egypt: The light of the World).

“The hieroglyphic form of the Christ in Egypt was KRST. KRST is well over 4,000 years older

than Christianity. The Greeks took the word and made it Christos. Christos later became Christ”

(see Gerald Massey, Ancient Egypt: The light of the World).

Since Gerald Massey has told you all that the Karest is the origin of the word Christ and it means

mummy, let me expound upon this Mummy-Christ:

The Mummy is a symbol of resurrection, being born again or reborn again. The serpent when it

sheds its skin was considered to be resurrected or reborn again; therefore, the mummy and


serpent have the same meaning. The serpent has been given a bad name in order to hide this

knowledge. The serpent use to mean wisdom. The Pharaohs wore an uraneus crown with the

King Cobra (Serpent) directly over the Pineal Gland. The serpent or dragon, the symbol of the

Nagas (niggers), is a symbol found all over the world. Mummification was performed by the

High Priests on the elite of Egypt. Didn't Jesus resurrect, according to the Bible, after his body

was soaked in resigns and spices and wrapped in lien? It sounds like Jesus was mummified. I

will get into the mummification of Jesus in more detail in Point IV.

I have given you authority from two scholars who are considered to be unquestionable authority,

Gerald Massey and H.P. Blavatsky, and I have given you the Egyptian origins of Christ and the

Osiris myth, which gives an account of the roles Isis, Horus, and Osiris, played in the drama

myth. I even gave you guys two metaphysical breakdowns of the trinity. Based upon all of the

evidence, you should be able to conclude that the Christian Trinity is a remake of the Egyptian





In order to address the fourth question, I will give the reader a number of authorities in support

of my position that the Son of God/Messiah concept originated in ancient Egypt. The following

is portions from Gerald Massey’s book, “The Natural Genesis:”

The legend was so ancient in Egypt that in the time of Amenhotep, III, a Pharaoh of the 18th

Dynasty, it was humanly applied to his child and to his consort Mutemua in the Character of the

divine Woman, the mother who, like Neith, was ever-virgin. A passage and a picture from the

“Natural Genesis” may be repeated here. The story of the annunciation, the miraculous

conception (or incarnation), the birth and the adoration of the Messianic infant had already been

engraved in stone and represented in four consecutive scenes upon the innermost walls of the

holy of holies (the Meskhen) in the temple of Luxor (Which was built by Amenhotep, III, about

1700 B.C., or some seventeen centuries before the events depicted are commonly supposed to

have taken place. In these scenes the maiden queen Mutemua, the mother of Amenhotep, III, her

future child, impersonates the virgin-mother, who conceived and brought forth without the


“In this picture we have the Annunciation, the Conception, the Birth, and the Adoration, as

described in the First and Second Chapters of Luke's Gospel; and as we have historical assurance

that the chapters in Matthew's Gospel which contain the Miraculous Birth of Jesus are an after

addition not in the earliest manuscripts, it seems probable that these two poetical chapters in


Luke may also be unhistorical, and be borrowed from the Egyptian accounts of the miraculous

birth of their kings” (see Dr. Samuel C. Sharpe, Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity ).

“The first scene on the left shows the god Tehuti, (Thoth/Hermes Trismegistus) as divine word

or logos, in the act of hailing the virgin queen and announcing to her that she is to give birth to

the coming son (That is, to bring forth the Royal Repa in the character of Horus or Aten, the

divine heir). In the second scene the ram-headed god Kneph, in conjunction with Hathor, gives

life to her. This is the Holy Ghost or spirit that causes conception, Neph being the spirit by nature

and by name. Impregnation and conception are apparent in the virgin’s fuller form. Next, the

mother is seated on the midwife’s stool, and the child is supported in the hands of one of the

nurses. The fourth scene is that of the adoration. Here the infant is enthroned, receiving homage

from the gods and gifts from the three wise men kneeling offering gifts with the right hand, and

life with the left. The child thus announced, incarnated, born and worshipped was the Pharaonic

representative of the Aten-sun or child-Christ of the Aten-cult, the miraculous conception of the

ever-virgin mother imaged by Mutemua. Thus the divine was represented humanly by the royal

lady who personated the mother of God, with her child in this particular religion” (see “The

Natural Genesis,” by Gerald Massey).

“The dogma of historic personality is seen as it first began in the above scenes of the

Annunciation, the Conception, the Birth, and the Adoration of the Messiah infant. Indeed, when

the Pharaoh first assumed the vesture of divinity and the doctrine of historic personality for the

Messiah could be and was established, Ra was the representative of God the Father and the Repa

was a type of God the son, as heir-apparent for the eternal. The father was the ever-living and the

son the ever-coming son. The eternal existence of the father was thus demonstrated by the ever-

coming of the son. These, in the cult of Annu, were Atum-Ra, the father, and Iusa, the Egyptian

Jesus, the coming son. These divine characters of the Ra and Repa, so to say, had become

historical in Usertsen. First according to a record of the 12th

Dynasty: in this the king says of his

God, the double Har-makhu, “I am a king of his own making, a monarch long-living, not by the

father. He exalted me as lord of both parts; as an infant not yet gone forth; as a youth not yet

come from my mother’s womb.” This was in the character of the unbegotten Horus, the Virgin’s

child, who had no father (see Records, vol.12) and who as Har-makhu was earlier than God the

rather, Ra. We learn from a still older document that the son of God may be said to have become

historical in Egypt early in the 5th

Dynasty; that is, as the son of Ra. The earlier Pharaohs were

not the sons of Ra, they were Horus-kings. The son of Ra then gave historic personality to the

god who was first imaged in the human form of Atum-Iu. Thenceforth the Repa, or heir-

apparent, was the representative of that ever-coming son who was the child of Iusaas in the cult

of Annu, and who was, in fact, the Egyptian Jesus or Iusa, the coming son in historic personality

as the royal representative of Ra” (see “The Natural Genesis,” by Gerald Massey).

The entire story duplicated by Gerald Massey from the innermost walls of the holy of holies (The

Meskhen) in the temple of Luxor was depicted some seventeen centuries before the birth of the

biblical Jesus. How can this be true when the Bible is supposed to be original?


“The Bible is mostly a duplicate of stories copied from the pyramid texts which later became the

Coffin Text and the Egyptian Book of the Dead” (See Out of Egypt, by Ahmed Osman, a

historian, lecturer, researcher, author, and Egyptologist). The Pyramid Texts are called the Bible

in stone, because “The Pyramid Texts are a collection of funerary inscriptions written on the

walls of nine Fifth and Sixth Dynasty pyramids (generally dated to around 2350 B.C.E). The

oldest of the texts is from the pyramid of Unas, but it is generally thought that the texts were

already very old at that time. It is often suggested that they were composed around 3000-3100

B.C.E, making them the oldest sacred texts in the world. For example, Utterances 273-4 (also

known as the Cannibal Hymn) refer to a funerary cult that predates the pyramids (thought to

have been constructed around 2500-2560 B.C.E). The texts later evolved into the "Coffin Texts"

and the "Book of the Dead"(see http://www.ancientegyptonline.co.uk/pyramidtext.html ).

The next five paragraphs are taken from a blog; “Ancient Egyptians wrote the Bible” by Dr.

Kwame Nantambu, Kent State University (see

http://yeyeolade.wordpress.com/2007/04/09/black-people-wrote-the-bible/ ).

According to Ghanian writer and researcher Nana Banchie Darkwah, “Black Africans of Ancient

Egypt wrote the Holy Bible and the Catholic Church is hiding and suppressing this truth.”

First of all, for one to understand the truth of the above statement and accept it as a fact, that

Black Africans of Ancient Egypt wrote the Holy Bible, thus, one must dispel the erroneous

notion and fabricated lies that Christian Europe, particularly the Roman Catholic Church, have

done in painting the ancient Egyptians as pagans, devils, and heathens.

Also, one must understand that Christian Europe’s and the Catholic Church’s motives for

attacking Ancient Egypt in such negative vein, is due to the fact that Ancient Egyptian High

priests were the Scribes who wrote what we come to know today as the Holy Bible. As a master-

teacher H.M. Maulana points out: “Ancient Egypt from its pre-dynastic period up to its Golden

Age of Pyramid building was an unadulterated predominantly Black race of people (3500-2100


The descendants of these Ancient Egyptians are living throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, today,

particularly in the nations of Ghana, Nigeria, and Cote d’Ivoire.” The very first “Bible”, or

“Scroll” on record produced by man, with regards to paying honor and divine respect to a

“Creator of all Mankind” was that of the African people of the Nile Valley in Ancient Kemet

(Egypt) and Great Lakes regions of Central, East, and Northern Africa.

The book was called by its African Creators and developers, The Book of the Coming Forth by

Day and Night. It was translated from its original Medu Netcher text into the English language

by several Europeans since the latter part of the 19th century A.D. The easiest one to read is

called, “The Egyptian Book of the Dead.” This work was translated by British Egyptologist, Sir

Ernest A. Wallis Budge. This original Bible was produced by Black Africans approximately

3,400 years before the Old Testament and more than 4,200 years before the New Testament, and


countless versions of it have been written and published. According to Darkwah, the “Ancient

Egyptians cross is the earliest and most sacred symbol of religion.

The Egyptian plants Byblos and papyrus, from which we have the words Bible and paper (see

The Celestial ship of the North, by E. Valentia Straiton).

Now that we know the origin of the Bible, let’s turn our attention to the book called, Jesus, Last

of the Pharaohs, by Ralph Ellis. This book, with 43 color plates, traces the history of the

Egyptian royal family from the time of Noah through to Jesus, comparing biblical and historical

records. Nearly all of the biblical characters can be identified in the historical record-all are

Pharaohs of Egypt or Pharaohs in exile. The Bible depicts them as being simple shepards, but in

truth they were the Hykos, the Shepard Kings of Egypt. The Biblical story that has circulated

around the globe is simply a history of one family, Abraham and his descendants. In the Bible he

was known as Abram; in the historical record he is Pharaoh Maybra – the most powerful man on

earth in his lifetime. These kings were born of the gods; they were not only royal, they were also

Sons of God. The Outline of History, by H.G. Wells, states that every Pharaoh called himself the

Son of God.

In the tradition of the Pharaonic succession in ancient Egypt, the Pharaoh is a divine King, an

anointed one, a Christos, through the connecting power of the Ka (spirit) that unites the Father

and Son and passes on to the Pharaoh the power and consciousness of the Sun God, Ra (see


Isis was a vital link between the gods and mankind. The Pharaoh was her son, as the living

Horus. In the Pyramid Texts the Pharaoh suckles on Isis’ divine breasts. There are numerous

statues and imagery of Isis holding the young Horus in her lap. Often the images of the queen-

mother and current Pharaoh were styled in the same way. Isis protected Horus during his

childhood from his uncle Seth who wished to murder him. It was her hope that he might one day

grow up to avenge his father’s murder (see www.egyptianmyths.net/isis.htm ).

Isis got her name from the Greek translation of the Coptic Esi… In a sense, it is the throne that

makes the king; the king receives his authority by taking his place on the throne. In this way, Isis

is seen to be the mother of the king, and she appears as such throughout the iconography of

Egypt (see An Encyclopedia of Archetypal symbolism).

The Pharaohs ruled Ancient Egypt throughout most of its history. The word Pharaoh is Greek

and it means great house in Egyptian. The Egyptians believed that each of their Kings was the

god Horus in human form. This belief helped strengthen the authority of the kings (See Jesus in

the House of the Pharaohs: The Essene Revelations of the Historical Jesus, by Ahmed Osman).

The Jesus legacy of the Pharaohs is very manifest based upon the authorities cited. Every

Pharaoh had the same legacy of being the Son of God, because every Pharaoh was the messiah,

i.e., the god Horus in the flesh, the son of the virgin mother Isis.


Let us focus on the word Messiah. Messiah means the Christos, the anointed, a divinely sent

teacher or spirit, a messenger of God. The true root of this word is the Egyptian Mes, Meska,

Place of birth and rebirth, whence the generation and rebirth of a Mes-iah. The Messiahs, who

were the incarnations of the sun, were concealed, buried and arose from the dead, and were

symbolized in the rising and the setting of the sun (see Ancient Egypt the Light of the World, by

Gerald Massey).

Notice how the above definition uses the plural form of the Messiah. In fact, Gerald Massey

clearly states that the messiahs were the incarnations of the sun. So we have more than one

messiah and they were all incarnations of the sun (son). Let us focus our attention to the virgin

mother, Isis, who said that the fruit she brought forth was the sun (son): “I am all that is; I am all

that hath been; I am all that will forever be: and my veil no mortal hath drawn aside. The fruit

that I brought forth was the sun” (son).

According to the Etymology of the Oxford Dictionary, the word son comes from the word sun.

Isis has been imaged as intensely black, her bosom bare, crowned with a golden pyramid, about

which twined an immense serpent. Night and darkness belong as symbols to very great antiquity.

A superabundance of darkness metaphysically is light. Darkness adopted illumination in order to

make itself visible (see the Celestial ship of the North, by E. Valentia Straiton).

The Egyptians symbolically named God the ancient darkness. Of this darkness H. P. Blavatsky

writes in her book called, The Secret Doctrine, that darkness is the root of light, light is merely a

mass of shadows as it can never be eternal, and is simply an illusion, or maya.

The sons of God (Pharaohs) were offsprings of Isis, and the Ancient world overflows with

memories and symbols of these sons or celestial messengers, who were called the Messiahs,

emanations from the Holy Spirit of God. The Messiahs were all incarnations of the sun. They

were all concealed, buried, and arose from the dead thereby typifying the setting and the rising of

the sun (son). Their incarnation was symbolized as a golden serpent coming out of the ark. The

Serpent was a symbol of immortality and wisdom. The Ark was the Holy of Holies (see the

World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors, by Kersey Graves, foreword by Acharya S).

The Mother and Son worshipped by modern Christians hark back to Isis and her son Horus. This

Virgin Mother and the child of heavenly conception were ages old before they became Semitic.

They were also worshipped by the Hykos, called the Shepard kings of Egypt. The Hykos were

known as the great Egyptian god, Horus, in the flesh, with whom mythologically the Israelites

were connected (see Isis Unveiled, by H.P. Blavatsky).

Lastly, I will assert that Jesus was mummified after the crucifixion, due to the fact that he

received an embalmer’s mark, which is an incision, with a spear by a centurion (see John 19:34).

Mummification and embalming is Egyptian in origin, which was only performed on the elite of

Egypt (see Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs, by Ralph Ellis).


The next three paragraphs are coming from a book called, Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs, by Ralph


Jesus was indeed mummified, because one of the most important steps in the mummification

process is embalming the corpse. This procedure required the embalmer to make an incision in

the side of the corpse’s abdomen, to remove the organs. The organs had to be removed, because

the organs would cause the body to decay. Tradition held that this incision was always in the left

flank (see British Museum Dictionary of Ancient Egypt, I Shaw).

Additionally, the Bible declares, “And there came also Nicodemus, which at first came to Jesus

by night and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds in weight. Then they

took the body of Jesus, and wound it in linen clothes with spices, as the manner of the Jews is to

bury” (see Bible John 19:39).

These preparations were for a rather peculiar burial; is this why John pointedly states it was for a

Jewish burial? Jesus was a Jew, so what other kind of burial would he have? The Circumstances

are positively strange. The Traditional Jewish burial was for the body to be left for three years to

decompose, and then for the bones to be collected and placed in an ossuary or casket – a process

quite unlike what John is indicating. However, the tradition of soaking a body in vast quantities

of oils and spices, and especially treatments with resigns like myrrh is a very familiar Egyptian

custom called mummification. Note, therefore, the clear usage of the term wound in this passage;

this is not a shroud being draped over a cadaver in the Turin fashion. This term would apply

solely to the strips of linen wound around the limbs of a mummy, so the verse above should be

amended to read as is the manner of the Egyptians to bury. It is quite evident that Jesus was

mummified by his supporters.

Virtually every Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt was mummified, and believed to have been

resurrected in virtually the same manner as Jesus; therefore, let us review a scholarly

interpretation of this Christ or Mummy-type of immortality. The Following is a portion from one

of Gerald Massey’s books called, “Ancient Egypt, the light of the world:”


The Karast, which I claim to be the Egyptian original of the Greek Christ, was an image of rising

again – a representative of the resurrection; and in speaking of this symbol I ought to have

pointed to the fact that the alleged historic resurrection of Jesus has never yet been found

portrayed on the so-called early Christian Monuments, including those discovered in the Roman

Catacombs. But what do we find there in place of the missing fact? The scene of Lazarus being

raised from the dead. This is depicted over and over again as the typical resurrection where there

is no real one! Christ of Egypt reproduced in Rome like the other mythical types perpetuated

there by Gnostic Art. As the image is Egyptian, it is probable that the name is so likewise. Las

(or ras) signifies to be raised up, and aru is another name for the mummy-type; so that Las-aru,

or Lazarus, with the Greek terminal, is the Egyptian symbol of resurrection called the Karast, or


Christ. This typical and pictorial representation of the rising from the dead would become the

story of Lazarus in the natural course of humanizing the Mythos.

Based upon the overwhelming authority and the argument cited therein, the Jesus legacy did not

start with the Bible or Jesus, but rather, it was the divine right of every Son of God, or should I

say Pharaoh; the legacy was passed down from Pharaoh to Pharaoh, from father to the son. All of

the evidence provided in this book cannot be mere coincidence, but rather, suppressed truth;

therefore, I shall now rest point IV.

Respectfully Submitted

By: Amunhotep El Bey

Amunhotep El Bey


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Written by:

Amunhotep El Bey

Published by:


© 2011 Amunhotep El Bey
