tp1 mikrobiologi laporan


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  • 8/20/2019 tp1 mikrobiologi laporan


    2. Principles of Autoclave Operation

    Steam penetrates objects in the autoclave

    Condensation creates negative pressure and draws in additional steam

    Moist heat kills microorganisms via coagulation of proteins

    Two types of autoclaves

    1. Gravity isplacement

    !. "acuum#Gravity $ssisted

    Prinsip kerja autoclave:

    Yaitu dengan memasukkan medium yang ingin disterilkan, selanjutnya penutup otoklaf

    dipasang dan sekrup dikencangkan. Keran pengatur tempat keluar uap air dibiarkan tetap

    terbuka hingga semua udara terdesak keluar. Apabila sterilisasi telah selesai autoklaf

    dibiarkan tekanan turun hingga nol. Kran uap air dibuka secara perlahan. Jangan membuka

    kran uap untuk mempercepat turunnya tekanan, tunggu sampai tekanan menunjukkan angkanol.!"#!"$%$"_$%$&

    rinsip kerja mikroskop adalah obyek ditempatkan di ruang dua lensa obyektif sehingga

    terbentuk bayangan nyata terbalik dan diperbesar. Lensa okuler mempunyai peran

    seperti lup, sehingga pengamat dapat melakukan dua jenis pengamatan yaitu dengan

    mata tak berakomodasi atau dengan mata berakomodasi maksimum. Pilihan jenis

    pengamatan ini dapat dilakukan dengan cara menggeser jarak benda terhadap lensa

    obyektif yang dilakukan dengan tombol soft adjustment (tombol halus yang digunakan

    untuk menemukan fokus). Kegiatan berikut ini akan memperlihatkan pembentukan

  • 8/20/2019 tp1 mikrobiologi laporan


    bayangan pada mikroskop.

    Pembentukan bayangan dengan akomodasi maksimum

    Microscopes allow biologists to see single cells and even the organelles that make up

    their cellular machinery. %n some ways& the comple' and e'pensive microscopes they use

    are like a simple magnifying glass( both tools magnify things by looking at them through

    pieces of glass )lens*. The main difference between them is that while a magnifying glass

    is made of just a simple lens& today+s microscopes are made of increasingly comple' sets

    of lens& and light emission sources. These lens depend on technologies that are at the

    cutting edge of our understanding of light& which allow those lens to manipulate what we

    see and don+t see.

    The basic principle of compound microscopy is that by stacking lens together& it is

    possible to see increasingly smaller objects. This is similar to stacking magnifying glasses

    on top of each other& but involves much more complicated optics. ,nfortunately& there

    are limitations to this system based on the physical properties of light. %n order for an

    image to be in there must be enough light entering the eye& and it must be possible to

    distinguish between different parts of the image. -ver the past 1 years& three

    developments have made it possible to see different aspects of a biological sample.



    &icrobiology is a science that studies living organisms that are too small to be seen

    'ith the naked eye. "eedless to say, such a study must involve the use of a goodcompound microscope. Although there are many types and variations, they allfundamentally consist of a t'o(lens system, a variable but controllable light

    source, and mechanical adjustable parts for determining focal length bet'een thelenses and specimen.



    1. edium adalah suatu 'ahan yang terdiri dari campuran 0at0at ma-anan

    2nutrisi3 yang diperlu-an mi-roorganisme untu- pertum'uhannya.i-roorganisme memanfaat-an nutrisi media 'erupa mole-ulmole-ul

    -ecil yang dira-it untu- menyusun -omponen sel$$"_&!&$_!79_7$"_" 
