Tugas Mandiri 1 Journal


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  • 8/8/2019 Tugas Mandiri 1 Journal


    Page 1 of 5

    Melian Anita, Class D, 102008180,

    English for Academic Purposes (EAP) I : Reading My EAP 1 : Reading Journal

    Date : 21-Oct-2008 - Read

    Title :India launches first moon mission

    Citation reference :

    Associated Press. (2008, October 21). India launches first moon mission. Retrieved October

    21, 2008, from, CNN.com web page,


    Summary :

    In an Associated Press (AP) article, India launches first moon mission (2008, October 21);

    India launched its first lunar mission on Wednesday (2008 October 15), with hopes of

    achieving high resolution images of the moons topography and diving into the international

    space race, and the spacecraft carrying Indias first lunar probe is Chandrayaan-1. The

    Chandrayaan-1 is carrying payloads from the United States, European Union countries

    Germany, Britain, Sweden and Bulgaria, and India plans to share the data from the mission

    with other programs, including NASA. In my opinion, this is a great mission because joining

    an elite group of nations that have demonstrated such technological and scientific prowess, so

    this mission can increase technology and scientific in this world.

  • 8/8/2019 Tugas Mandiri 1 Journal


    Page 2 of 5

    Melian Anita, Class D, 102008180,

    English for Academic Purposes (EAP) I : Reading My EAP 1 : Reading Journal

    Date : 21-Oct-2008 - Listened

    Title : Colds, flu, and folk advice

    Citation reference :

    Weaver, C. (2008, October 21). Colds, flu, and folk advice [MP3]. Retrieved October 21,

    2008, from,News VOA.com: Special English web page,



    Summary :

    In a Caty Weaver article, Colds, flu, and folk advice (2008, October 21); autumn and winter

    are cold and flu season, when people are most likely to catch the viruses that cause influenza

    and the common cold. However, recent studies have shown that cold temperatures cause

    stress on the body, so it can create conditions more inviting to viruses. Doctor Nelson El

    Amin says if you have a cold and are hungry, you should eat, but people are usually not

    hungry anyway when they have a high fever, so drinking plenty of liquids is important. In my

    opinion, this recent studies helps us to understand about cause and treatment influenza and

    tell us that not only with virus can make us be flu but stress is one of causes too.

  • 8/8/2019 Tugas Mandiri 1 Journal


    Page 3 of 5

    Melian Anita, Class D, 102008180,

    English for Academic Purposes (EAP) I : Reading My EAP 1 : Reading Journal

    Date : 22-Oct-2008 - Read

    Title : Yahoo to cut about 10 % of workers

    Citation reference :

    Helft, M. (2008, October 21). Yahoo to cut about 10 % of workers. Retrieved October 22,

    2008, from, The New York Times web page,


    Summary :

    In a Miguel Helft article, Yahoo to cut about 10 % of workers (2008, October 21); Yahoo was

    hurting long before the financial crisis got everyone worried about a global recession. Now

    its pain has become more acute so Yahoo dismisses their workers. In my opinion, it will

    make many people have a problem with their life, because the Yahoo workers do not have

    income to fulfill their necessity.

  • 8/8/2019 Tugas Mandiri 1 Journal


  • 8/8/2019 Tugas Mandiri 1 Journal


    Page 5 of 5

    Melian Anita, Class D, 102008180,

    English for Academic Purposes (EAP) I : Reading My EAP 1 : Reading Journal

    Date : 22-Oct-2008 - Read

    Title :Health Sense: Three important things you should know about brain tumors

    Citation reference :

    Associated Press(2008, October 22).Health Sense: Three important things you should know

    about brain tumors. Retrieved October 22, 2008, from, The Jakarta Postweb page,



    Summary :

    In an Associated Press (AP) article, Health Sense: Three important things you should know

    about brain tumors (2008, October 22); brains tumors are on the increase, although no

    definite cause has been found, risk factors have been identified. With know about symptoms,

    risk factors, and treatment about brain tumors, we can help our life to keep health from brain

    tumors. Today, medical knowledge, surgery skills and operating room technology have made

    brain tumors a treatable and often curable condition. The important thing about brain tumors

    is to know are that a brain tumor is been diagnosed early and treated early, so that the

    outcome will be good, thats my opinion.