Unit 3 教学内容 A Taste of English Humor. Words dictation 1 滑动;滑行( pt/pp ) 2 与...


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Words dictation1 滑动;滑行( pt/pp )

2 与…相撞

3 对…满足 4 穷的;缺少的

5 特殊的;特别的 6 使快乐;款待 adj.

7 磨破的;穿旧的 8 幸运的;吉利的 adv./n.

9 挑出;辨别出 10 切断;断绝

11 咀嚼 12 担任主角;主演

13 杰出的;显著的

Warming up: Different kinds of humour.

Lead-in:Customer: What’s that fly doing in my soup?Waiter: Swimming, I think.

What kind of humour is it? Verbal jokes

Nonverbal play 哑剧In Chinese we call it pantomime. (Liu Quanli and Liu Quanhe)



Mr. Bean 憨豆先生

Mime and farce

In Chinese we call it funny plays.

(Zhou Xingchi , Chen Peisi…)

Verbal jokes: play on words, usually two lines.

Customer: Waiter. Will the pancakes be long?

Waiter: No, sir. Round.

In Chinese we call it cross talk.( 相声 )

Ma Ji, Jiang Kun …

Funny stories Mark Twain

In Chinese we also have jokes.

The Owl and the Pussy Cat ----a poem by Edward Lear

funny poems



What makes people so funny?How can we make people laugh?


facial expression

body languagemake-up




How to make people laugh?


Nonverbal humour

Charlie Chaplin

answer the T or F questions.

1. Charlie Chaplin was poor when he was a small boy. 2. People who don’t know English cannot enjoy Chaplin’s films.3.The Gold Rush is set in California in the late of the nineteenth century. 4. In the Gold Rush Chaplin and his friend are fortunate to find some gold .5. In the film the meal he eats is hard to chew.6. Chaplin not only acted in films but wrote and directed films as well.







Fill in the chart about Chaplin on p18.

born ; died:

job: type of acting:


reason for success:

1889 1977

actor mime and farce

“the tramp”, a poor and homeless person

charming, social failure with a determination to overcome difficulties and always kind.

Second reading:

a moustache, large trousers, worn-out shoes and small round black hat. He carried a walking stick.

Third reading: Do the ex. On p19.

Make some sentences with the following phrases:

badly off

have the determination to do

knock into

Find out the phrases and underline them:


1 碰撞;与…相撞

2 有时

3 对…感到满意

4 穷的;缺少的

Para. 2

1 出身贫寒

2 因…变得出名

bump into

at times

feel content with

badly off

be born in poverty

become famous for

Para. 4







para. 5


in search of

pick up

on the edge of

pick out

cut off

star in

be set in

•Customer: Waiter. Will the pancakes be long?

• Waiter: No, sir. Round.•A: What is the smallest room in the world?

•B: A mushroom.

•Girl : If we marry, will you give me a ring? •Boy: Of course, What’s your telephone number?

Jokes in English have a “play on words”.Please act out the dialogues and try to find out the humor in the following jokes.

In this period we learned:

• different kinds of humour------- nonverbal, mime and farce, verbal jokes, funny stories and funny poems.• But not all humor is kind. Some are even cruel.

• Something about Chaplin’s acting style.

• Charlie Chaplin’s life.

Homework1. Try to read the passage fluently.

2. Describe how Chaplin eats shoes next period.
