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    Birth Date: 15 Jun 1961

    Birth Place: Ho Chi Minh City,

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    Date of Birth 15 Jun 1961 Thursday

    Time of Birth 05:00:00 AM

    Place of Birth Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

    Ayanmash NC Lahiri

    Local Mean Time 05:06:40

    Sidreal Time 22:38:28

    LT Correction 6:40:0

    Obliq 23.44

    Avkahada Chakra

    Lagna Taurus

    Lagna Lord Venus

    Rashi Gemini

    Rashi Lord Mercury

    Nakshatra Aridra

    Nakshatra Lord Rahu

    Charan 4

    Tithi Dvitiya Shukla

    Paya Silver

    S.S. Yoga Vriddhi

    Karan Kaulava

    Varna Shudra

    Tatwa Jala

    Vashya Manav

    Yoni Dog(F)

    Gana Manushya

    Nadi Aadi

    Nadi Pada Aadi

    Vihaga Bherund

    First Letters Koo, Ghaa, Jha, Cha

    Sun Sign Gemini

    Decanate 1


    Rashi Kumbh

    Months Ashad

    Tithi 2, 7, 12

    Day Monday

    Nakshatra Swati

    Prahar 3

    Lagna Kark

    Yoga Parigha

    Karan Kaulava

    Favourable Points

    Lucky Numbers 6

    Good Numbers 1, 3, 7, 9

    Evil Numbers 5, 8

    Good Years 15,24,33,42,51,

    Lucky Days Sat, Wed, Sun

    Good Planets Sat, Merc, Sun

    Evil Planets Jupiter, Mars

    Friendly Signs Vir Cap Aqua

    Good Lagna Leo, Sco, Cap, Pis

    Lucky Metal Silver

    Lucky Stone Diamond

    Lucky Time Sunrise

    Lucky Direction South-East

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    Planetary Positions at Birth Time

    Planets Dir Rashi Lord Degrees Nakshatra-Qtr Lord Karak ---

    Ascendant Taurus Venus 22:10:49 Rohini-4 Moon

    Sun Direct Gemini Mercury 0:15:25 Mrigsiras-3 Mars Father Friendly House

    Mercury Retro Gemini Mercury 17:8:6 Aridra-4 Rahu Intellect

    Venus Direct Aries Mars 14:38:59 Bharani-1 Venus Spouse

    Mars Direct Cancer Moon 28:29:59 Ashlesha-4 Mercury Courage Debilitated

    Jupiter Retro Capricorn Saturn 13:12:6 Sravana-1 Moon Wealth Debilitated

    Saturn Retro Capricorn Saturn 5:31:38 U.Sada-3 Sun Longevity

    Moon Direct Gemini Mercury 19:31:4 Aridra-4 Rahu Mother Enemy House

    Rahu Retro Leo Sun 7:17:28 Magha-3 Ketu Desire

    Ketu Retro Aquarius Saturn 7:17:28 Satabhisha-1 Rahu Emancipation

    Uranus Direct Cancer Moon 29:16:31 Ashlesha-4 Mercury

    Neptune Retro Libra Venus 15:33:0 Swati-3 Rahu

    Pluto Direct Leo Sun 12:25:31 Magha-4 Ketu















    Mercury Moon










    Lagna Kundali

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    Specific Characterstics

    You will have sharp intellect, humane nature and generous disposition. You will possess a high

    degree of self-esteem and brimming confidence, you will be capable of rising in life by dint of

    merit alone. You will have oratorical capacity and a taste for judicial or legal pursuits. Literature

    and journalism may be of special interest to you.

    You will be somewhat argumentative nature, which may lead to strifes. You are fond of

    discussions and travelling. You will have acute facilities and varied interests. In early years, your

    interests are apt to be misplaced and faculties unwisely applied. Through acts of indiscretion you

    may be misunderstood as a quarrelsome person. You will gain favours from martial persons and

    may be prone to fever or sickness.

    You will have brilliance of intellect and hallow of fame. You will have success in the study of

    literature and science. Being an intent observer of human nature, you may have eventual

    success in literary pursuits. In-spite of being restless you are attentive to the consistent details.

    You may have success in artistic pursuits also.

    Mental Qualities

    You will be well-read and learned. You will have versatility and will be dextrous in the manual

    crafts. You will be subtle and artistic, curious and inventive. You will have proficiency in writing

    and have good command in many languages. You will be mpressive and humane.

    Physical Attributes

    According to your Horoscope, you will be a tall, slender, elegant person with long fingers, straight

    nose, wide forehead and fine expressive eyes. You will be much occupied and somewhat

    restless. You will have the gift of eloquence, will move fast and will be widely travelled.

    General State of Health

    Your zodiacal sign rules over the shoulders, arms, hands, bronchial tubes, fingers, nervous

    system, etc. Your potential problems could be asthma, chest disorders, colds, flu, spondylitis,

    etc. Your shoulders/arms/hands/fingers, trachea, bronchial tubes, upper ribs and thymus are the

    trouble-spots which may need medical attention during some time of your life.

    Stress (if in Administrative job) can lead to blood-pressure related problems. Profession

    demanding lot of travelling can induce problems due to exposure and irregular food-habits.

    All you need is adequate rest and peaceful sleep, regular homely meals with a relaxed mind.

    Yoga could work wonders for you. You should take a lot of carrots, cauliflower, garlic and

    pomegranates.Since the Ascendant has no affliction in your chart, you will be in good health.

    Since Mercury afflicts the Moon in your chart, you may have some memory-related problems and

    excess of worries.

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    Since the Sun is bearing no affliction in your chart, you won't inherit any disease from your

    parents. If you per chance have any ailments, those will only be short-lived. Your eye-sight will

    also remain good.

    Since Mars and Saturn both afflict the sign Aquarius in your chart, you may have affections in the

    regions of buttocks or shank portions.

    Education and Profession

    You will achieve a good level of education and will hold a Bachelor's degree at least. Besides

    formal education, you will have your interest in some other fields also in which you will excel.

    You will be intelligent and clever as well.

    You may have some specialization or professional training. You will do well in the fields where

    certain special abilities find prompt utilization while the academic learnings do not have much of


    Certain planetary combinations present in your chart give rise to auspicious 'Budhaditya Yoga'.

    This will make you highly intelligent and you will acquire a very good level of education. You will

    secure a Bachelor's degree and may acquire some additional technical qualification like a

    diploma. Your chosen fields could be Analytical and Physical sciences.

    The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you an aptitude for application-oriented

    sciences. You will pursue professional courses and learn specialised skills. In addition to a basic

    degree you may persue a vocational course; Computers might be of great interest to you.

    The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you an aptitude for Engineering. You will be

    fascinated by the working processes involving the machineries and their own functioning as well.

    You will do well in any branch of Engineering -- be it Mechanical, Electrical, Civil or Metallurgical.

    The planetary combinations in your chart make you specially suited for the Technological fields.

    You will be very inquisitive not only about the principles but also with the working mechanisms

    involved. In addition to a basic degree in Science you may have a degree/ diploma in


    The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you the qualities of a born businessman.

    You will be quick to learn the aspects of trade and commerce. You will make a fortune by trading

    and/ or manufacturing activities. As usual in business you may have to pass through some slack

    patches when you will need to excercise control although during the most part you will do brisk


    Wealth and Inheritance

    As regards family-wealth, for you, money will be always ready at hand. You will have gains from

    artistic pursuits. You will be spending more than enough for dresses, finery, cosmetics and on

    pleasure. As regards domestic environments, it will be beaming with all round prosperity and

    happiness. Among your near-relations, females would be more in number.

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    In your chart the lord of earnings placed in the favourable 9th house has given rise to auspicious

    'Dhana-Yoga' ensuring influx of money through various sources. But you should not be overly

    optimistic in speculative investments as chances of incurring losses are also there; you may

    have some problems from foreign lands or distant inland places and during long journeys.The

    favorable lines for you are institutes for higher learning, charitable organizations, museums,

    libraries, foreign affairs, evangelistic foundations, etc.

    In your chart the lord of inheritance being placed in the house of fortune is favourable in certain

    respects like having gains from foreign countries by foreign trade and through a legacy. You will

    undoubtedly become rich. But the position is not good for well-being of father; for having

    overseas journeys or for staying in foreign countries it is not good as possibility of incurring

    losses or facing accidental mishaps are there.

    Marriage and Married Life

    Your chart indicates that you will be married at normal age-period.

    The planetary combinations in your chart favours a fairly happy married- life. You will have

    considerations for each other and will be a loving pair. Occassionally arising minor differences

    you will accept as to be only natural but those will vanish soon as you will adopt a compromising


    Travel and Journeys

    In your chart most of the planets are situated in moveable and/ or common signs. This will make

    you a born wanderer who will have many changes in life. You will have many journeys in

    connection with your profession; you will also have travels and tours for pleasure and profit.

    Lucky Stone

    Among auspicious gemstones DIAMOND (Heera) will be favourable for you.

    You may take 1/4 to 1/2 Ratti of Diamond in a ring of Gold or Platinum which should be worn on

    right hand ring finger on a Friday.

    Cheaper substitutes of Diamond are White Coral or Zircon which can be taken instead in a ring

    of Gold.

    While wearing the gemstone reciting the following 'Mantra' will be auspicious:

    Himakunda Mrinalabham Daityam Paramam Gurum Sarva Shashtra Pravaktaram Bhargavam


    The weights of gemstones recommended above are for adult male people. For adult females the

    weights should be reduced to 3/4 to 1/2 part while for the children the weights should be reduced

    to 1/2 to 1/3 part.