Yr1C CB Term 1 2011-12


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  • 8/4/2019 Yr1C CB Term 1 2011-12


    Immanuel and St. Andrew CE Primary SchoolYea r 1C Cla s s Bul l e t i n

    Term 1 e tember 2011

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    Welcome to Year 1! I hope you have all had a lovely summer. We have lots of exciting things planned for the term and Im sure we aregoing to have lots of fun! Thank you for the wonderful shoeboxes that have been coming into school, we have really enjoyed sharing them!Children will be beginning the year with a similar system of play-based learning as in the Early Years. This year children across KeyStage One have been split up into phonics groups which means that some children will move to a different classroom for their phonics sessionevery morning. I am really looking forward to the year ahead and hope that the children enjoy their exciting learning journey! If you haveany questions or queries, please dont hesitate to ask.

    Miss Clevelandhcleveland@immanuelschoollambeth.org.uk

    op i c s t h i s t e rmLi t e ra cy This term we are focusing on two main literacy units entitled Traditional talesand stories with a familiar setting. Any books that you have at home that the children would liketo share or could be read with the children would be very useful. We are thinking about characters,settings and main events in well-known stories that are closely linked to our topic. We began theterm with a wow event in the form of a day of drama focusing on characters from stories such asRed Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs, Hansel and Gretal and Goldilocks and theThree Bears. Our focus in stories with a familiar setting is The Tiger x z That Came ToTea. Each child will be writing their own version of the story featuring a character of their owncreation. We are working towards the children developing excellent storytelling skills themselvesthrough a new scheme called, Talk for Writing, that targets the childrens natural creativity.We will also be thinking about labels, lists and captions to enable children to use writing toaccompany their drawing naturally.

    Maths Children in Year 1 undertake a scheme entitled Maths Makes Sense. This isan innovative new scheme that involves children using familiar objects (such as cups) to performthe four operations and develop a secure understanding of number, shape, space and measure toaccompany them as they progress through the school. Each week the childrenwill be coveringdifferent strands of the maths curriculum and building upon the new knowledge learnt in a slow

    and gradual way. We will also be having creative maths afternoons on Fridays where childrenwill undertake weekly maths investigations. We will be beginning this term by practising formingour numbers and acting out simple addition and subtraction maths stories.

    RE This terms topic is Who am I? Whos in the community? This focuses on who weare as individuals, what makes us distinctive and which individuals make up a community. Wewill also be looking at the important part a church school plays in a church community.

    I m por t an t N o t e s :Hom ework Homework will be

    sent out on a Thursday and collected inon the following Monday. This is a

    perfect opportunity to share learning withyour child and will usually be based on

    the terms topic.*********

    Spe l l i ng s- These will be set on aFriday and tested on the following

    Friday. They will be set in your childsphonics group and will be related to theletters and sounds that they are working

    on at that time.* * * * * * * * *

    R e a d i n g B o o k s - Childrensbooks will be changed on a Monday

    and Thursday. Please continue to readwith your child on a daily basis.

    Sharing books and stories, as well astalking about events and characters are

    fantastic ways of developing your childsinterest in Literacy and form the

    foundations for writing.*********

  • 8/4/2019 Yr1C CB Term 1 2011-12


    I M P O R T A N T D I A R Y D A T E S :Wednesday 28thSeptember Trip to Southwark Cathedral

    Thursday 29th September - No Pens DayTuesday 4th October - School PhotographsWednesday 5th October - Parents' EveningMonday 10th October - Black History WeekTuesday 1stNovember Class Collective WorshipMonda14th November - Anti-Bull in Week

    The first few months of Year 1 form a crucial period of transition for your child. We believe children need real experiences and opportunitiesto be physically active. Children are naturally curious and interested in the world around them and enjoy exploring and investigating. AtImmanuel and St Andrew we follow an active learning model of education for children in the Early Years (children aged 3-7).

    Active learning or learning through play encourages expression and application of knowledge and understanding; it motivates and stimulateschildren supporting their development and acquisition of skills and concepts.

    Active, experiential play enables children to:

    - develop, practise, repeat and consolidate new skills- explore, investigate, solve problems and make discoveries- imitate, act out roles- be imaginative and creative- express ideas through a variety of media such as construction materials, drawing, painting or writing, or through movement such as

    gesture, drama or dance

    Importan t Note s (con t inued):In d oor PE will be gymnastics and is onThursday afternoons.

    Outdoor PE will be based on ball skills and isonMonday afternoons.Kit : navy shorts/tracksuit bottoms and pale bluet-shirt. Trainers and plimsolls needed. Pleasemake sure all P.E items are clearly named.


    W a ter- Please could children remember tobring bottles of water with their names clearly


    Topic s t h i s t erm (con t inued):K n ock , K n ock! W h o s T h er e? This is an exciting newtopic that links well with the current R.E and Literacy topics and stems

    from the Early Years area of learning Knowledge and

    Understanding of the World. We asked the children what they wouldlike to learn and they came up with some lovely ideas surrounding safety athome, Knock, Knock jokes and thinking about neighbours, friends andfamily as well as figures in the community. It will also involve the study ofour own homes in comparison to those around the world, giving us theopportunity to create our own model homes. We will be thinking aboutmaps and mapping our local areas. The children will have the chance touse Bee Bots in ICT to help with their map-making skills. We willbe investigating materials in Science and thinking about which materialsare suitable for building homes.

    PSHCE The SEAL theme for this term is NewBeginnings which will be explored through circle time each week.
