Опис досвіду роботи вчителя англійської мови...


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Never give upBy Oksana Danylyshyn

: ..: : 4: : 13

- (1999-2006)

- (2010-2013)

- (2013-


St.Marys & St.Johns primary school14.07.2009 London

2004, 2011, 2016FutureLearn - : State Final Examination.Bringing the real world into the classroomMMPublications and Linguist LTD : Spice up your exam preparation with Oxford University Press : Testing and assessment: embracing the inevitable creative and effective language learning

' "Puzzle" FLEX FLEX - - 2017

Reading aloud: for and against :

Go along the London streets( 5 .)Oscar ceremony (11 .)

We are different, we are equal, we are together (6- )David Copperfiefd (8- )

We are the world, we are the children!!Do you speak English?(10 )


Im ready to be European (11 .)

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