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1. A French engineer tells Napoleon about his idea. He wants to build it and link France and England. Napoleon doesn’t like the idea. He

wants to fight with England. But project begins later. This project costs ten billion pounds. At last the project is finished in 1994, the British

and French builders shake hands under the sea.Attention!

A question: What did engineer want to build? One minute.

The English Channel

2. Can you find the mistakes?

America, Sakhalin, the London, the Africa, the Trafalgar Square, the Pacific Ocean, Elbrus, the Nile, Hyde Park, the USA, the Alps.

the London, the Africa, the Trafalgar Square-

They used without articles

3. Why Lord Chancellor sits on the Woolsack in the Parliament and presides over the House of Lords?



Lord Chancellor sits on the Woolsack in the Parliament, because it’s a part of a very old tradition which started in the 14thcentury. Woolsack symbolizes the importance of wool to the British economy at that time.

Лорд-канцлер сидит на мешке, набитом шерстью в парламенте, потому что это часть очень древней традиции, которая началась в 14-го века. Седалище символизирует важность шерсти в Британской экономике в то время.

4. Attention! (гонг)Three thousands years before Christ was a childEngland was beautiful, young and wild.There were people, forests and rivers there,And the magic stones hung in the air.The people who brought them were strong and braveAnd under these stones they found their graves.Where did they come from? Where did they go?Who were these people? We’ll never know. Now, the question: What is the name of these stones?

one minute


5. Do you know who is the prime-minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain now?

He is not Gordon Brown David

Cameron June 2007  May 2010

May 2010 13 July 2016

6. Attention!

Eton, Harrow,

Winchester- what is it?

One minute.

Famous public schools

7. You saw the pictures of famous people of Great Britain. You’ll have to recognize his picture and call his name. Please, listen to the description:

He is an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, alchemist and natural philosopher. He is considered the greatest figure in the history of science. He was born on 25 December in 1642, in the family of farmer. He studied in Cambridge University mathematics, optics, physics and astronomy.

One minute.

8. Can you

call from what districts New York

consists of?

One minute.

New York consists from 5 districts: Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn and Staten Island.

9. Attention! (гонг)Look, please on the sightseeing of London. It is one of the most ancient buildings of

London. It was founded in the 11th century by William the Conqueror. For many centuries it was a fortress, a palace, a prison and royal treasure.

A question: What is it? One minute. 

It is the Tower of London. Now it is a museum. 

10. A single game (блиц-игра) The team go out. The captain choose who will answer on 3 questions in a minute. Please, the captain your choice.


Let’s start: 1.     Who discovered America?

2.    Who was the first president of the USA?


3. Where the Statue of Liberty is situated?

11. What are the kingdoms of the UK and their capitals?

One minute.

England- London, Scotland- Edinburgh, Wales- Cardiff, Northern Ireland- Belfast

12. Do you know where is the beginning of the Earth?

It is in Greenwich.