Eval 1....Anelka evans


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Generic Conventions

Suspense and tension is one convention of a thriller that is needed in all thrillers so we made this a priority , when coming to come up with our plot, some of our ideas missed this concept and that's why we didn't choose them , the way we achieved the suspense and tension was from the voyeuristic feel of our film the fact that someone is watching and stalking you and you completely oblivious to it.

Another generic convention we thought was key was a psychotic character/ stalker but we was leaning more physco and obsessive stalker but this was hard to achieve as in too minute to create the character we wanted to portray wasn't practical so we had to adapt our character to be just stalker with our our psycho characterisation

Conventions we challenged

One convention we challenged in our thriller was having no real strong male character or actors in our film , this to try break the stereotype of the badass male detective that we generally see for example in series like luther although there are a few female character the main detective is a male and the resyt of the actors and actresses ,stand in his shadow


We dabbled in a few title names such as FIFi, 12:30, Blindspot , Lakeside...but when we did our mini pitch the title that received the most positive feedback was The Hunted , the audience said it gave a more creepy sound to it and it sounded more precise just like our character in the film, the stalker is meant to know everything she does and if we did make a full film The hunted aspect would of had great significance throught the film.


Our main prop was inspired from film like Perfect Guy and Taken the phone is such a iconic prop in many thriller and we wanted to harness its reputation to create significance , in our opening scene a close up shot of the phone and the way it is framed,also the dragging of the feet in the background can take from the significance we tried to portray suggest something else giving it a sense a of foreshadowing which i think we tried to give off, obviously some viewer didnt see it like that when editing but majority did so maybe we could improve that

setting Our setting did have to change because the location we found was not practical to film in due to public disturbance . The ideal location we wanted had to change, due to the practicality of our first idea, in our first idea we sought to have the stalker watch from a distance from his house across the road and film from both perspectives hers and the stalkers as she gets ready to go jog before he goes to kill her to give some substance to the killing but we didn't know anyone that had access to two house opposite each other and our neighbours were not to fond of the idea, so we had to adapt with the adaption, we found it hard to change the story abit but we handled it with care so our base ideas and conventions were not lost in the transition.We changed to just the wood where she jogs (Black Park) and the stalker not seen until killing her from behind. Our new location fulfilled our thriller needs in creating mystery and suspense.



For costume we didn't plan it to much we told our actress to where what she would in the house if she was to maybe go out ,because we wanted to create a closeness with the audience and create a sense of realism in our thriller not something that was imaginative and fantasised but something that could happen if your not paying attention, problems we faced with this was our actress done her hair so when filming on the second day we had to make sure the outfit matched and her hair was done the same which proved time consuming when it came to filming on that day.