Ideo Case Study


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• IDEO is an international design and consulting firm originally founded in Palo Alto, California, in 1991. • The company has locations in 9 major cities like London, New York, Munich, Shanghai across the world. •The firm employs over 600 people & has worked on projects in the consumer food and beverage, retail, computer, medical, educational, furniture, toy, office, and automotive industries.


4Cs of Branding Inspired by 4Ps of Marketing

Product Price Place Promotion

Perceived View

Portrayed View

s Human-centered design process Brand positioning through empathy towards its consumers. Awards in product design endorse their methods and also advertise their success Attracts • Design Students • Entrepreneurs • Industry Professionals • Prospective employees • Public


Express their proposition consistently.

Helps them to understand the customer purchase behaviour

Helps to make their products or services less substitutable

Perceived value


11 locations all over the world

Expanding its services for better business also provides convenience to its existing and prospective customers.

Open new offices in hometowns of home-sick employees who want to stay with IDEO- High employee satisfaction

s Online Presence Twitter Facebook Youtube Vimeo Instagram Brand Architecture

Marketing Research Process

Define the problem and

research objectives

Develop the research plan

Collect the information

Analyze the information

Present the findings

Make the decision

IDEO’s Marketing Research Process

IDEO’s Design Thinking

SWOT Analysis

S Strengths

• Innovative , creative and designing with the future in mind.

• Skilled Workforce.

• Experienced business units

•Reduced labor costs.

W Weaknesses

• Future profitability

• Investment in research and development.

• Tax structure

•Hiring wrong people

T Threats • Increasing costs.

•Growing competition and lower profitability

• Government regulation

•Cash flow.

O Opportunities

• Could be a leader in developing both software and business approaches.

• IDEO could facilitate and promote systems and methods for scientists.

• Global markets

• New products and services

Portable heart defibrillator Working with Heartstream, IDEO tested the effectiveness of alternative defibrillator configurations with different users to help develop a highly mobile and easy-to-operate product. Heartstream systematically refined the concept with the goal of making their defibrillators affordable, transportable, and as ubiquitous as fire extinguishers.

Hospitable new service Lufthansa and IDEO redesign the long-haul travel experience. It was this process of prototyping that played a vital role within the Lufthansa organization. Executives witnessed first-hand how big an impact the new service would have across the organization, which includes 18,000 flight attendants.

One device for all Designing a revolutionary new voting system for the people of Los Angeles. To revamp its antiquated voting system that dates back to the 1960s, L.A. County hired IDEO to build its next-generation replacement, a modular system that could adapt over time. And just as importantly, one that would be designed, developed and owned by the county.

Food movement in china Launching a New Venture that Brings Real Food from Seed to Table. Two siblings, Harn and Anmao Sun, set out on an ambitious venture: to create a trusted source of food in China and, by setting an example, to instigate a movement around conscious farming practices. The American-born entrepreneurs launched Hunter Gatherer, a restaurant and retail food space built around a transparent supply chain, from farm to table to grocery shelves

Introduction Brand Anlaysis Marketing Research Processs Product Innovation Why has IDEO been so succesful?
