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Introduc)on  to  Business  Model  Canvas  (BMC)

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Co-­‐founded  Anetwork  -­‐  2010

Opera&on  Manager  -­‐  Web  Fes&val  -­‐  2011Global  Facilitator  -­‐  Startup  Weekend  -­‐  2012Lead  Instructor  -­‐  SW  NEXT  -­‐  2012Opera&on  Manager  -­‐  IEA  -­‐  2013Founded  Rapidworld  -­‐  2007






Sunday, August 11, 13

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Why  be  an  entrepreneur?

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Why  be  an  entrepreneur?

•  To  make  money!•  To  be  your  own  Boss!•  To  build  something  people  want!•  To  change  the  world!•  To  give  back!

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Introduc>on  toBusiness  ModelCanvas  (BMC)

Powered  by:

Sunday, August 11, 13

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What  is  a  Company?

Sunday, August 11, 13

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What  is  a  Company?

Sunday, August 11, 13

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What  is  a  Company?

A  business  organiza&on  which  sells  a  product  or  service  in  exchange  for  revenue  +  profit

!  We  eliminate  non-­‐profits  here  !

Sunday, August 11, 13

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What  is  a  Startup?

Sunday, August 11, 13

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What  is  a  Startup?

Sunday, August 11, 13

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What  is  a  Startup?

A  temporary  organiza&on  designed  to  search  for  a  repeatable  and  scalable  business  model

Steve  Blank

Sunday, August 11, 13

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What  is  a  Business  Model?

Sunday, August 11, 13

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What  is  a  Business  Model?

How  a  company  create  value  for  itself  while  delivering  product  or  service  to  customers.

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Value  Proposi>on

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Value  Proposi>on

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Value  Proposi>on

It  is  not  about  your  idea  or  product!

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Value  Proposi>on

It  is  not  about  your  idea  or  product!

It  is  about  solving  a  NEED  or  PROBLEM

It  is  about  SATISFYING  a  customer  need

and  WHO  are  your  customer

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Sunday, August 11, 13

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Problem Need

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Accoun&ngWord  Processing

Problem Need

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Accoun&ngWord  Processing

Problem Need


Sunday, August 11, 13

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Customer  Segment

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Customer  Segment

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Customer  Segment

WHO  are  they?WHY  would  they  buy?

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Customer  Segment

WHO  are  they?WHY  would  they  buy?

Customer  ArchetypeGeographic


Sunday, August 11, 13

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Sunday, August 11, 13

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Sunday, August 11, 13

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Sunday, August 11, 13

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Sunday, August 11, 13

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Customer  Rela>onship

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Customer  Rela>onship

Sunday, August 11, 13

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How  do  you  GET,  KEEP,  GROW  your  customers?

Customer  Rela>onship

Sunday, August 11, 13

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How  do  you  GET,  KEEP,  GROW  your  customers?

Customer  Rela>onship

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Revenue  Resources

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Revenue  Resources

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Revenue  Resources

How  do  you  make  money  from  each  Customer  Segment

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Revenue  Resources

How  do  you  make  money  from  each  Customer  Segment

What  value  is  customer  Paying  for?Revenue  Models  are  the  strategy

Pricing  is  the  tac&cs

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Sunday, August 11, 13

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Sunday, August 11, 13

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What  are  the  most  important  assets  required  to  make  the  business  model  WORK


Sunday, August 11, 13

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What  are  the  most  important  assets  required  to  make  the  business  model  WORK


Sunday, August 11, 13

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What  are  the  most  important  assets  required  to  make  the  business  model  WORK


Sunday, August 11, 13

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What  are  the  most  important  assets  required  to  make  the  business  model  WORK


Sunday, August 11, 13

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What  are  the  most  important  assets  required  to  make  the  business  model  WORK


Sunday, August 11, 13

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Sunday, August 11, 13

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Sunday, August 11, 13

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Who  are  the  Key  Partners  and  Suppliers  needed  to  make  the  business  model  WORK?


Sunday, August 11, 13

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Who  are  the  Key  Partners  and  Suppliers  needed  to  make  the  business  model  WORK?

What  KEY  RESOURCES  are  we  acquiring  from  them?What  KEY  ACTIVITIES  do  they  perform?


Sunday, August 11, 13

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Key  Ac>vi>es

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Key  Ac>vi>es

Sunday, August 11, 13

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What  are  the  most  important  things  you  should  DO  to  make  the  business  model  


Key  Ac>vi>es

Sunday, August 11, 13

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What  are  the  most  important  things  you  should  DO  to  make  the  business  model  



Problem  Solving?

Supply  Chain  Management

Key  Ac>vi>es

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Sunday, August 11, 13

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Sunday, August 11, 13

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What  are  the  costs  to  operate  business  model


Sunday, August 11, 13

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What  are  the  costs  to  operate  business  model

What  are  the  most  important  costs?

What  are  the  most  expensive  costs?

What  key  acOviOes  are  the  most  expensive?

Fixe  costs  /  Variable  Costs


Sunday, August 11, 13

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Sunday, August 11, 13

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Startups are in SEARCH mode

CANVAS: A set of Hypothesis

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Startups are in SEARCH mode

CANVAS: A set of Hypothesis=Guesses!

Sunday, August 11, 13

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How do we change GUESSES into FACTS?

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Customer Development Process

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Customer Development Process

Use Sticky Notes!Post it to the wall!

Make it visible

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Customer Development Process

Use Sticky Notes!Post it to the wall!

Make it visible

No facts in here!Talk to Customers, Partners & Vendors

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Customer Development Process

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Customer Development Process

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Customer Development Process

- New hypothesis- New experiments

- News Tests

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Customer Development Process

- New hypothesis- New experiments

- News Tests

AGAIN! Get out of the building

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Minimum  Viable  Product

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Minimum  Viable  Product

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Minimum  Viable  Product

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Minimum  Viable  Product

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Minimum  Viable  Product

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Minimum  Viable  Product

1. Build the minimum features in order to get feedback

2. Quickly and iteratively receive customer feedbacks.

3. add more features upon feedbacks

Sunday, August 11, 13

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Sunday, August 11, 13

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www.karya.irSunday, August 11, 13

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Sunday, August 11, 13