Why Online Marketing and Social Media Matter to Restaurants



Why does online marketing matters to restaurants? - Your website is your image, your brand, your reputation, and your storefront - The Internet is how people will find you - Social media is how Gen Y will evaluate you and decide to become customers - Social media and email help you maintain relationships with customers when they're not in your restaurant or winery - Your website, social media, and email marketing have a multiplying effect in increasing repeat sales -------- At 26 Brix, we have just one purpose: Help our clients grow their business by connecting to customers and increasing sales. 26 Brix provides online marketing for restaurants and wineries. That means we design, develop, and optimize websites. We create mobile versions that render well on any smartphone or tablet. And we build social media programs that extend the experience and keep customers engaged after they visit your tasting room or dine in your restaurant.

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26 BrixOnline Marketing for Restaurants & Wineries

Why Online Marketing and Social Media Matter to Restaurants

This presentation copyright 26 Brix. May not be used without permission. © 2012

“In an increasingly globalized world, where consumers are living, learning, connecting, and buying online, anyone who wants to sell a product in a competitive marketplace must be engaging their customers online.”

Alder Yarrow Wine blogger at Vinography


“Being a chef these days involves far more than sourcing products, designing menus and cooking food. You have to be a multimedia impresario if you want to compete.”

Blair Anthony RobertsonFood critic for Sacramento Bee


“From where I sit, social media is an important way of marketing a brand today. We’re looking at ways to enhance our social media skills across the portfolio.”

Ray ChadickCEO, Wilson Daniels


“No matter what you think about social media personally, your customers are moving online and into the social web in droves, so you and your organization have little choice but to figure out how to benefit from this evolution.”

John JantschAuthor of Duct Tape Marketing


“Before chef Michael Tuohy left Grange last year, he maintained an excellent blog on the restaurant/hotel’s website, explaining his thoughts about food, farms, butchery, cooking and anything else related to the culinary experience. The reader would learn a lot about Tuohy the chef and the person, and Tuohy demonstrated just how effective the blog could be in connecting with folks who loved food.”

Blair Anthony Robertson http://blogs.sacbee.com/dining/archives/2012/03/burger-scandals.html

Why online marketing matters

Your website is your image, your brand, your reputation, and your storefront

The Internet is how people will find you

Social media is how Gen Y will evaluate you and decide to become customers

Social media and email help you maintain relationships with customers when they're not in your restaurant or winery

Your website, social media, and email marketing have a multiplying effect in increasing repeat sales

Who are your customers?

With a population of roughly 75 million, or 25% of the total US population, Gen Y* (born 1977-1994; ages 18 – 35) is estimated to be the largest consumer group in US history.*

Gen-Y’s annual spending power, which already exceeds $200 billion, is expected to eclipse Boomers’ by 2017.

* Gen Y = Millennials http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2012/6969/gen-y-wont-buy-without-user-generated-input

What are your peers doing?

Your competition? They’re moving to social media.

“79% of US marketing professionals said they plan to increase spending on social media marketing or ads in the next 12 months, with mobile and tablet spending not far behind, at 75% and 66%, respectively.” (April 2012)


Go where your customers are

Two-thirds of Gen Y consumers say a brand being on social media shows it cares about their generation, and 56% think social media is a great way to find out what’s new with brands they like.

“Gen Y consumers are on social media to connect and have fun, and advertisers should remember that when talking to them in that space.”

“Traditional or Social Marketing? Millennials Want Both,” American Marketing Association, Dec 2012

But it’s a balancing act

“Gen Y consumers use social media to connect with brands, but they don’t want to be bombarded by sales and deal information.”

The most common reason they decide to “un-like” brands online is the brand sends too many messages.

“Traditional or Social Marketing? Millennials Want Both,” American Marketing Association, Dec 2012

Gen Y is cautious (and skeptical)

When looking for information about a brand, product, or service, 51% of Gen Y say they trust user-generated content (UGC) more than information on a company website (16%), articles about the company (14%), or advertising (6%).


Where does Gen Y go for advice?

When looking for opinions about products to buy, Gen Y consumers are more than 3x as likely as Boomers to turn to social media like Facebook and Twitter.

51% of Gen Y consumers say that UGC from strangers is more likely to influence their purchase decisions than recommen-dations from friends, family, and colleagues.


What should you do? Be “likeable.”

Nobel Prize–winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman found that people would rather do business with a person they like and trust than someone they don’t, even if the likeable person is offering a lower-quality product or service at a higher price.


What should you do? Be real.

“Our analyses of Facebook Page engagement have continually shown that brands posting content that depicts behind-the-scenes activities, exclusive updates, or promotions encourage user interactions and promote higher engagement rates.”


What should you do? Find influencers.

“Your most valuable customers are those who buy the most, right? Not necessarily. …your most valuable customers are those whose word of mouth brings in the most profitable new customers, regardless of how much they themselves buy.”

“How Valuable Is Word of Mouth?” Harvard Business Review.

What should you do? Find advocates.

“Companies that systematically identify and energize Brand Advocates are getting at least a 10X ROI in media and sales value… For every $1 a company invests in energizing Advocates, the company gets $10 in positive WOM impressions and sales.”

“The ROI of Energizing Brand Advocates,” Zuberance.

One final thought:

“Business relationships are just like any other relationship. They require some effort to maintain and they must be mutually beneficial. As in any relationship, you must be willing to give, share, and support – not just take or receive… Let’s face it, people prefer to buy from people they connect with. Period.”

Michael DenisoffCEO, Denisoff Consulting Group


Why 26 Brix

At 26 Brix, we have just one purpose: Help our clients grow their business by connecting to customers and increasing sales.

How we help

26 Brix provides online marketing for restaurants and wineries.

That means we design, develop, and optimize websites. We create mobile versions that render well on any smartphone or tablet. And we build social media programs that extend the experience and keep customers engaged after they visit your tasting room or dine in your restaurant.

What we offer

As a small business, we understand how you think, and we know your marketing budgets are tight. That’s why we emphasize results. Our services are designed to be both measurable and affordable so you can make this investment in your success with confidence.

•  Website design and development •  Social media strategy and execution

•  Search engine optimization (SEO) •  Email marketing

•  Logo design, including identity and branding •  Message and content development

Ready to grow?

26 Brix

Ph: 530-400-4005

Email: connect@26-brix.com




This presentation copyright 26 Brix. May not be used without permission. © 2012
