SSR3033: Theories & Techniques of Regional Planning Introduction to Regional Planning 5 th and 6 th Sept 2016 1

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SSR3033:Theories & Techniques of Regional


Introduction to Regional Planning5th and 6th Sept 2016

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1. Assignment 1 (individual) – 30%2. Assignment 2 (Group) – 20%3. Quiz (2) – 10%4. Final Exam – 40%

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Objectives• To explain the concept of region • To identify the characteristics of a region• To differentiate the terms “planning region”

and “regional planning”• To differentiate between objective view and

subjective view in the context of regional classification

• To discuss the techniques of regional delimitation

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How many regions can be formed here?

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Among the key questions in planning and development field:

• Why do people create region?• Who creates regions?

• How do people creates regions?• When do people creates regions?

In order to do all that, one must understand the concept of region and classification of region

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Concept of region

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• An area identified by specific boundary and meet specific criteria and/or characteristics

• Could be a combination of more than two areas – but with similar characteristics or features

• but it can be any tract of land or any area

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In pairs – how many regions can you see? What are your criteria for selecting the


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• Is it a homogenous area from a physical point of view and can one talk of a natural region?

• Is it a heterogeneous area with a basic structure such as a river or a fluvial basin?

• Is it a cultural area based on a common way of life or an area based on a city and its hinterland - a so-called nodal region?

In fact, all are regions even if, for a long time, natural regions were the only ones considered by the scientists owing to the dominance of the naturalist point of view.

Justification for region identification?

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Categories and types of region1. Formal, functional and perceptual regions2. Multi-level planning classification of region3. Economic development region4. Activity region

Other important terms:• Nodal region• Planning region

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Regional classification #1Objective View

Linked with space & has spatial dimension (e.g. fishing villages, Light & Medium Industries area)

Region as an end itself – natural & absolute entity

Also known as “formal region”

Favoured by geographers and general public

Problem: in determining the boundaries

Example: Herbertson’s way of regional classification

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Herbertson’s work

• A pioneer in essaying a classification of natural environment

• Divided the world into natural regions (6 types)

• Read: Sum, Kong-Sut (n.d) Andrew John Herbertson (1865 – 1915) and the Natural Regions

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Herbertson’s classification (examples)

• Highlands (ice-cap) • Lowlands (tundra type)Polar Regions

• Eastern margin with summer rain (China)• Plateaus (Iran)• Western margin with winter rain (Mediterranean type)

Warm temperate


• West tropical desserts (Sahara type)• East tropical lands (Monsoon type)• Interior tropical tablelands (Sudan type)

Hot Region

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Regional classification #2Subjective View

Mental construct (spaceless)

arbitrarily dividing it into as many region as needs be – independent of the considerations of space

Region defined based on particular criteria for particular purpose (i.e. used as descriptive tool)

Favoured by economist – engaged in the formulation of regional growth theory

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Formal Region vs Functional Region

Formal Region• Also known as

Homogenous Region• Based on similarities

in characteristics (i.e. homogeneous criteria)

• Examples?

Functional Region•Also known as Nodal Region•Characterized by its linkages and flows•Regions are organized around a focal (nodal) point – e.g. around transportation network, communication network, labour and trade flows•E.g use of frequency of bus services as an indicator

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Perceptual region

• Defined by people’s feeling and attitudes about an area

• E.g. what is your view of the Klang Valley area? What is your justification for saying that? What of your view on the East Coast/West Coast?

• On a smaller scale: Chinatown, Little Italy, French Quarter

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Multi-level planning and region classification







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Economic region

• Developed region• Lagging region• Neutral region

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Eastern Corridor

Economic Region (ECER)

Northern Corridor Economic Region





Iskandar Development Region (IDR)

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New Growth Opportunities

Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy


Sabah Development Corridor (SDC)

Quick Facts:

•Investment – RM1.1 trillion•Development Timeframe – 2007 –2030 (23 years)


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Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE)

TunohOil Palm+Timber +


Baram Oil Palm+Timber+


Tanjung ManisHalal Park, Ship Building

and Resource-based industries

Samalaju Heavy and Energy

Intensive Industries70,708 sq km (56.8%)862,100 persons

Central Region

MukahServices Hub, R&D and

Human Capital

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Activity region

• Agricultural region• Mining region• Industrial region• Others?

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Other terms

• Nodal region• Planning region• Regional Planning

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Nodal Region

• an area organized around a node, or focal point, and is defined by interactions or connections.

• E.g. A metropolitan area such as the Klang Valley region (KL, PJ, Shah Alam, Klang) or Putrajaya

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Development of nodal region

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Planning Region

Q1.What is the difference between region and planning region?

Q2. Why do we need planning?Q3. What is ‘planning’?

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• Region demarcated for planning purposes• Demarcation needs to take into account (for

ease of implementation): Existing administrative boundaries Political realities Availability of data for specific administrative unit Factors of homogeneity and nodality

Planning region:

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Regional Planning• Primary purpose: general distribution of

resources, activities and development• Territorial competition (therefore territorial

approach to development)• E.g. regional co-ordination of transportation

and landuse; regional sharing of resources, regional growth control

Note: will be discussed further in the next lecture

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In short, Elements:• Relative

homogeneity• Uniqueness,

distinctiveness & identification

• Blurred boundaries

types:•Formal Region•Functional Region•Perceptual Region•Planning Region

views:•Objective View•Subjective View

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Summary• Concept of region - An area identified by

specific boundary and meet specific criteria and/or characteristics

• Criteria for planning regions, and its significance (economic competition etc)

• Regional planning – justifications and examples• Planning region vs. Regional Planning

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Ask yourself

• What is your understanding of “region” now?• Does this understanding differ from your

earlier perception of region i.e. before the start of lecture?

• Will you be able to identify the different types and aspects of a region?

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References• Ahmad, I & Bajwa, I.U. (2005). Regional

development planning: Issues and realities (http://www.isocarp.net/data/case_studies/649.pdf)

• Glasson, J & Marshall, T. (2007). Regional Planning. New York: Routledge

• Pike, A. (2006). Local and Regional Planning. New York: Routledge

• RECODA. (2016). What is SCORE? (http://www.recoda.com.my/invest-in-score/what-is-score/)