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  1. 1. r
  2. 2. QQ1152308
  3. 3. EM L 3 / ) ? / .. ? dA - dMYQU f ML M U 3" V TL
  4. 4. ...............................................2... ...... .., ...... ... ....... .,. ... ............ .,. ... ... ... ... ... ... ......... .... .14... .., ... ... ...... ....... ....... ......... ............ .... .17... .., ... ....... ... ..... ... ... ... ... ... .., ... ... ... ... ... .54... .., ... ....... ... ..... ... ... ... ... ... .., ... ... ... ... ....98.. ... ... .... ... ..... ... ... ... ..... ... .,. ... ... ... ... .145... .., ... .... ... ..... .., ... ... ... ... ... .,. ... ... ... ... .196...... .., ....... ... ..... .., ... ... .... ....288........................................................ 296...... ... ...... ... ... ...................................302
  5. 5.
  6. 6. J( TO0> ) J( Herodotus ) f J 0 2 J (Josephus ;Ant. 17. 300) { I TEW J(TO0> J ) 00> J 14 6 (Ahijah) K. H. Rengstorf, " dTOO"TDNT, 1:407-47 : F. Agnew , On the Origin of the Term Apostolos ," CBQ 38 (1 976): 49-53 BAGD , s.v. " dTOO v." Vaticanus Rengstorf TOO" 413
  7. 7. 3 ( Li ghtfoot ) 4 ( Qidd.2.1 ; Qidd. 4 :4) ( Hag.76d) . J( Ber. 5.5). rJ ;q J ( 70 ) 140 JL 0 6 ( Schmithals ) 7 dTE .W J J ,. TE .W J 8 J. B. Lightfoot , St. Pauls Epistle to the Galatians , 10 th ed. (Grand Rapids: Zondervan , 1957), 93-94 ; Rengstorf (d
  8. 8. 4 TEWj () 9 3 14 6 13 3 14 o j () 10 6 13 11 d TE 0 (Kruse) TEW j 15 24 4 18 j W.Schmithals , The Office 01 Apostle in the Early Church , 58-95 J. Munck, Paul , the Apostles and the Twelve ," ST 3 (1 950-51): 96-110 010 Bruce M. Metzger, A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament (Stuttgart: German Bible Society, 1994) WolfgangA Bienert,The Picture of the Apostle in Early Cbristian Tradition ," in New Testament Apocrypha , e.d. Edgar Hennecke and Wilhelm Scbneemelcber (Cambridge: Clarke , 1992) ,11 011 C. G. Kruse Apostle "
  9. 9. 5 22 35 () /6TE 12 r o 13 r (:) 14 J 15 28 18 20 r ............ 0 J 16 2 21 22 (Bienert)12 C. G. KruseApostle" C. G. Kruse , New Testament Mode/s for Ministry: Jesus and Pau/ (Nashvi l1 e: Nelson , 1984), 13-29 ; P. W.Barne Apostle ," Dictionary of Pau/ and His Letters , ed. Gerald F. Hawthorne et a l. (Downers Grove: InterVarsi 1993) 47 13 10 : 40 ; 15 : 24 ; 2 ; 6 ; 9 : 37 ; 4 : 43 ; 9 : 48 ; 10 : 16 ; 3 : 1734 ; 5 36-38 ; 6 : 2957 ; 9 : 7 ; 10: 36 ; 17 : 38182123 ; 20 : 21 14 4 : 38 ; 17 : 18 ; 20: 2 15 6 : 7-13 ; 10 : 5-8 016 10: 16-25 ; 15 : 20
  10. 10. 6 -1 14 4 14 17 8 28 : 18 19 20 21 J0 22 1 ; 23 24 1 (:17 Wolfgang A. Bienert ,The Picture of the Apostle in Early Christian Tradition ," in New Testament Apocrypha , e.d. Edgar Hennecke and Wilhelm Schneemelcher (Cambridge Clarke , 1992) , 11 018 8 : 1 " 6:4 20 8 : 14 ; 11 : 1-18 21 :2 22 15 : 24 23 10 : 5-6 24 28 : 18-20 ; 1 : 8
  11. 11. 7)(:) 25 26 dTO0) J (Agnew Francis H. ) 27 8 23 2 25 J 2 6 ; 5-9 :( 5 )( 7 )( 9 )( 9 ) (10-11) ( 11 5 13 23 29 ) 10 25 9 : 15 026 18 : 6 27 Francis H. Agnew ,The Origin ofthe NT Apostle-Concept: A Review ofResearch ," JBL 105 (1986):75-96
  12. 12. 8 10 16-25 28 o1. 3 l 2. l l 3. 17 (POELPll vwv) ............ J 28 : 8 029 (New Internation Version)
  13. 13. 9I IT pOELpVJ I ( OELPTJUV) ()() J () J ( 31 ) I f:4. > (Epistula 1; 95 ), >(Teaching ofthe Apostles ; 100 ) ( Ignatius )() (Po1ycarp) >(Epistle to Philippians; ) , {> (Epistula II ; 120-140 ) , {> (ShepherdofHermas; 140-145) (Justin) > (Apologia 1; 0 )(Irenaeus ofLyous) > ( adversus Haerese ; 180), {> (Letter to Diognetus ; 200 ) ( T ertul1ian )( 195-220 )30 3 : 2 31 c. G. Kruse ,Apostle , Apostleship ,"Dictionary 01 the Later new Testament and Its Developments , ed. , Ralph P. Martin and Peter H. Davids (Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1997) , 78
  14. 14. 10 I IT dl J ({> 75) ( Clement) ( 42) 3 1 ( 63) :;; > 11 : 3-6(Teaching ofthe Apostles 11.3 -6) 1> 32 33( 42)( 66) [ (Epistle of Barnabas) 5 J [ 42 ;32 10 : 5-14 33 3 : 2 r
  15. 15. 11) (EpistJe of PhiladeJphians) 4; {) 42 53; { 9.17 25J ( {) 10) ( {) 42) ( {) 11) )( EpistJe ofMagnesians) 13 J {)( EpistJe of TraJJians) 7 J {)7 ;) ( EpistJe ofEphesians)11 J 0 )(Dialoguewith Trypho ) 119 J 3; ) 4 , 7 ;) (EpistJeof Romans) 4 J ( {) 5;) 9) () 5) ) 12
  16. 16.
  17. 17. } (The ActsofPaul)(}(The Acts of Peter ){}(The ActsofJohn) (} (The Acts ofAndrew )} (TheActsof Thomas)( Constantinople )(Photius ; 820-890 )) (Bibliotheca) (Leucius) (}( J. K. Elliott) } ( J.K. Elliott, The Apocryphal New Testment (Oxford: Clarendon Press , 1993), 229-230
  18. 18. 15 ( (Gnosticism ; J ) 3 (paxieis l 5 ) 4 Erwin Rohde , Der griechische roman und seine vorlufer (Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hrtel , 1900 ) (). ( )(: ) Loved C. A. Alexander,Novels, Greek and Latin," fromThe Anchor Bible Di ctionary on CD-RO M, (Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems , 1997) 0 Wilhelm Schneemelcher,Second and Third Century Acts of Apostles," in New Testament Apocrypha 11, ed. Edgar Hennecke and Wilhelm Schneemelcher (Cambridge: Clarke, 1992) , 78 ; R. J. Bauckham,Apocryphal and Pseudepigraphal Writings," Dictionary ofthe Later New Testamentand Developments ed. Ralph P. Martin and Peter H. Davids (Downers Grove: InterVarsity , 1997) 70-71 WilhelmSchneeme Ic her, Second and Third Century Acts of Apostles," in New Testament Apocrypha II, ed. Edgar Hennecke and Wilhelm Schneemelcher (Cambridge: Clarke, 1992), 78
  19. 19. 16 (Bauckham) (subgenre) (