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台灣關鍵研究小組第七次月 - 簡報

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2. 3. 4. ILO7500 2.9 OECD2600200730 201212.7%200711.6% 5. 6. -2 7. 8. OECD4.06% (2013.May)8% (2013.Apr)12.34%17.1%3.032.14 9. ILO 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15-29:e 15. 16. () () 17. ? 2013.06.3017 18. () A. B. 18 19. 19 20. 20 21. (IMD) 2007212006 1. 2439 2. 2385 3. 2348 4. 2277 2170() 2002 1723 22. (ILO)20076 22%(6.14) 48 ( ) 23% 48 200620.4% 22 23. 23200648 >50% >>>>>>>> 20.4%() 28 29. B. ...... (OECD) 70%60 62% 58% 607% (1998p.R.17;LS, p.1) 29 30. 2011=4.39% 2010=5.21% 2009=5.85% 2008=4.14% 2007=3.91% 2006=3.91% 2005=4.13%1970-2011 31. 2011 2011(21.8%)>>(8.9%)>(6.0%)>(4.4%) >(4.2%)>(3.4%)1970-2011 32. ( )GDP 2007(28.4%)>(25.2%)>(18.7%)> (16.2%)>>(7.6%)>>>(2.9%)32 33. B LjungqvistSargent (2006) 33 34. 2000 A. Prescott, 2004. Why Do Americans Works So Much More Than Europeans? Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, Vol.28, No.1, 2004, pp.2-13. B. Ljungqvist and Sargent (2006). Do Taxes Explain European Employment? NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2006, Volume 21. 34 35. 36. 37. . . . . 38. . 39. . (1)10,000 (2) (3) (4) (5) 40. . 41. . (1987) 42. . Slemmons and McKiney (1997) 43. . - - 44. . - - 45. . (1) (2) (3) (4) 46. . - 47. . 186714350 .. 8130 48. . 1867Alvarez Formosa 18671218 49. . 50. . . . . 51. END 52. 2013/06/39 53. 2050 Calculator Taiwan 2050 Calculator 54. 2050 Calculator (DECC)2010NGO Carbon Budget (Bottom-up) 13020 (pathway) 55. 2050 Calculator 4Level 1Level 4 Level 1 (Little or no attempt) (BAU) Level 2 (ambitious) Level 3 (very ambitious) Level 4 (heroic) 4 56. 2050 Calculator 2050 Calculator Web tool MARKAL 57. 2050 Calculator 2050 Calculator Web tool 2050 Calculator2050 Calculator2050 Calculator2050 Calculator 58. 2050 Calculator National Grid 59. 2050 Calculator Friend of Earth 60. 2050 Calculator 2050 PathwayExcelWebtoolMy2050 Excel Webtool My2050 2011Carbon Plan(default point estimate)MARKAL 61. 2050 Calculator 2050 Calculator My2050 62. 2050 Calculator 2050 Calculator Excel 63. 2050 Calculator WebtoolexcelDECC C My2050excel 64. 2050 Calculator 1ExcelWebtool201072callfor evidence(6Pathway) Call for evidence116 DECC 201112Carbon Plan2excel(Carbon Plan3 ) My2050 DECC 2050 Calculator7 65. 2050 Calculator DECC2050 Calculator2050 Calculator 66. 2050 Calculator Team leader (UK Govt)Lead modeller (UK Govt)Climate science*Materials and transportHeat, lighting and appliancesLand/bio/foo d*Electricity and fossil fuelsIEA support on data, peer review and stakeholder engagementWEC support on stakeholder engagement*Funded by Climate-KICGlobal 2050 CalculatorVisuals* 67. Taiwan 2050 Calculator 2050 DECC 68. Taiwan 2050 Calculator 69. Excel GIS 70. 102. 6. 30 71. 72. . 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. There Is No Alternative 78. (Fred Block) 79. Prosperity without growth (Tim Jackson) 15000 GDP 81 80. Market Socialism (John Roemer) Dollars Coupons (coupon mutual fund)dollars 81. Parecon: a non-market participatory democratic economy (Michael Albert) empower / (worker councils) (consumer councils) 82. (David Schweickart) (Pat Devine) (Herman DalyPeterVictor) (Jacque Fresco) Plan B 4.0 (Lester R. Brown) 83. 21 Hours (The New Economics foundation) 21 20 84. 85. 2012 Real Utopia ProposalSessions 86. 87. 88. 89. Flow (Csikszentmihalyi) Peak experience (Maslow) Liberation Happiness (Fromm) (HDI) (HPI) (GNH)GDP 90. 91. 92. NGO NGO NGO 93. 94. 1000 95. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times 96. 20121.5 2250 1750 950 700 97. (Adeel Ghyur) 2003277 2010327 98. 2009337 45 60002020 200917(28648358) 200966.5 99. 1.6(48)1000480??? 100. () () MV () 2D3D 101. 102. 2D3D () () () MV () 103. CG RiggingAnimating Rendering 104. 105. Ram Ramanujam 106. Alex McDowell 107. () () ( ) 2D3D () () ( ) () MV 108. 2D3D 109. MV 110. 3D 111. 112. 2010336020113002012202012BBS4300 113. 20054000(0.25%)20067800(0.36%) 114. 20038 201283 115. 116. 19771979198019811983199119921993199419951996()1999 117. (Singapore, Korea) () 118. () (KPI) 119. 201052006900 120. 121. () () (KPI ) 122. < 123. 124. GDP 16.5 million 42000 sq. km 779.4 bn, 2010 23 million 36000 sq. km 430.2 bn, 2010GDP 12%6.7% 8884 (2011) 4088 1868 3604 3182 4235 19610 1549 2110 Midwives 2265 (2007) 983 (2011) ( )Medical specialists 15360 (2007) Social physicians 4216 (2007) Nursing home physicians 1394 (2007) Mental health home physicians 162 (2007) 21402 (2007) 10651 (2011) 8148 (2011) 3818 (2011) 493(2011) 9656 (2011) 23110 (2011) 32766 (2011) 29525 (2007)141+ 44+ 10+ 98+ 120= 4138 107 (2006)22+ 82+ 372= 476 8 22 22+ 82= 104 125. 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 421 472 521 518 492 455 440 502 478 342 378 353 392 400 401 349 390 394 477 423 399 312 317 321 313 311 318 925 934 931 962 970 995 1038 974 983 2165 2207 2204 2184 2179 2172 2140 2149 2168 2184 2180 2179 2174 126. 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