ЛАПИДУС Вадим Аркадьевич Генеральный директор ЗАО Центр «Приоритет»

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УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ИННОВАЦИЯМИ И МОДЕРНИЗАЦИЯ ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТИ. ЛАПИДУС Вадим Аркадьевич Генеральный директор ЗАО Центр «Приоритет». Нижний Новгород. МОДЕЛЬ СОВРЕМЕННОГО КРИЗИСА. Наша гипотеза: современный кризис обусловлен новым перерас-пределением в глобальной экономике. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • 1769 , .

  • , , ., , . (. Adam Smith) (5 1723 - 17 1790) (. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations) , 9 1776 .

  • (. Andrew Ure) (18.05.1778 02.01.1857), , . (The Philosophy of Manufactures, 1835) (essential constituents). .

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    : The Industrial Revolution - A History in Documents, p.51

    :May M.(ed) Industrial Revolution. Vol. 3. Primary Sources, p.30

    :The principle of the factory system then is, to substitute mechanicalscience for hand skill, and the partition of a process intoits essential constituents, for the division or graduation of labouramong artisans. On the handicraft plan, labour more or less skilledwas usually the most expensive element of production but on theautomatic plan, skilled labour gets progressively superseded, andwill, eventually, be replaced by mere overlookers of machines.

    Improvements in the machinery have a three-fold bearing:lst. They make it possible to fabricate some articles which, butfor them, could not be fabricated at all.2nd. They enable an operative to turn out a greater quantity ofwork than he could before,time, labour, and quality of work remainingconstant.3rd. They effect a substitution of labour comparatively unskilled,for that which is more skilled.