语语语语 语语语语 语语语语 语语 语语语语 语语语语 语语语语 语语语语

语言智能 数学智能 空间智能 肢体智能 音乐智能 人际智能 自省智能 自然智能

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语言智能 数学智能 空间智能 肢体智能 音乐智能 人际智能 自省智能 自然智能. 多 元 智 能. Linguistic intelligence 语言智能. The capacity to use language, your native language and perhaps other languages, to express what’s on your mind and to understand other people. 使用语言的能力 - 用母语或许其它语言表达你的思想并理解对方的意思 。. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: 语言智能 数学智能 空间智能 肢体智能 音乐智能 人际智能 自省智能 自然智能









Page 2: 语言智能 数学智能 空间智能 肢体智能 音乐智能 人际智能 自省智能 自然智能

The capacity to use language, your native language and perhaps other languages, to express what’s on your mind and to understand other people.

使用语言的能力 - 用母语或许其它语言表达你的思想并理解对方的意思。

Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, described in Frames of Mind (1985)

Linguistic intelligence Linguistic intelligence 语言智能语言智能

Page 3: 语言智能 数学智能 空间智能 肢体智能 音乐智能 人际智能 自省智能 自然智能

Understand the underlying principles of some kind of a causal system, the way a scientist or a logician does; or can manipulate number, quantities, and operations, the way a mathematician does.


Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, described in Frames of Mind (1985)

Mathematical intelligence Mathematical intelligence 数学数学智能智能

Page 4: 语言智能 数学智能 空间智能 肢体智能 音乐智能 人际智能 自省智能 自然智能

Refers to the ability to represent the spatial world internally in your mind – the way a sailor or airplane pilot navigates the large spatial world; or the way a chess player or sculptor represents a more circumscribed spatial world.

指的是有能力在脑海里描绘空间世界 — 这种海员或飞行员导航时用的方法;或是棋手、雕塑家表现一个更富于设想的空间世界所用的方法。

Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, described in Frames of Mind (1985)

Spatial intelligence Spatial intelligence 空间智能空间智能

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Is the capacity to use your whole body or parts of your body – your hand, your fingers, your arms – to solve a problem, make something, or put on some kind of production.

肢体智能是指用你的全身或身上的某个部位 — 手、手指、胳膊 - 去解决问题,创造东西,或者用于某种生产的能力。

Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, described in Frames of Mind (1985)

Bodily Kinesthetic intelligence Bodily Kinesthetic intelligence


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Is the capacity to think in music, to be able to hear patterns, recognize them, remember them, and perhaps manipulate them.


Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, described in Frames of Mind (1985)

Musical intelligence Musical intelligence 音乐音乐智能智能

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Is understanding other people. It’s an ability we all need but is a premium if you are a teacher, clinician, salesperson, or politician.

人际智力就是了解他人,它是一种我们都需要的能力,尤其是老师、诊所医生、推销员及政治家所必备的特别 能力。

Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, described in Frames of Mind (1985)

Interpersonal intelligenceInterpersonal intelligence人际交往智能人际交往智能

Page 8: 语言智能 数学智能 空间智能 肢体智能 音乐智能 人际智能 自省智能 自然智能

Is having an understanding of yourself, of knowing who you are, what you can do, what you want to do, how you react to things, which things to avoid, and which things to gravitate toward.


Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, described in Frames of Mind (1985)

Intrapersonal intelligence Intrapersonal intelligence


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Naturalist intelligenceNaturalist intelligence 自然观察智能

designates the human ability to

discriminate among living things

(plants, animals) as well as sensitivity

to other features of the natural world

(clouds, rock configurations).



特有的东西敏感(如云彩、岩石的形态 ).

Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, described in Frames of Mind (1985)

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High-Achieving Individuals with Disabilities 残障人士大成者High-Achieving Individuals with Disabilities 残障人士大成者Disability



Learning disability学习障碍

Communication disorder交流障碍

Emotionally disturbed/behavioral disorder情绪 / 行为障碍

Physical handicap身体缺陷

Hearing impaired听力障碍

Sight impaired视觉障碍


Agatha Christie阿加莎克里斯蒂

Demosthenes德摩斯提尼 ( 古希腊雄辩家 )

Edgar Allan Poe 埃德加 · 爱伦坡

Alexander Pope 薄柏英国诗人

Samuel Johnson塞缪尔 · 约翰逊

Rudyard Kipling 吉卜林

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence逻辑 -- 数学智能

Albert Einstein爱因斯坦

Michael Faraday 麦克法拉迪

Charles Darwin达尔文

Stephen Hawking霍金

Thomas Edison托马斯爱迪生

Johannes Kepier德国天文学家刻卜勒

Spatial Intelligence视觉空间智能

Leonard da Vinci 达芬奇

Marc Chagall马尔克 . 夏加尔

Vincent Van Gogh梵高

Henri de Toufouse-Lautrec

Granville Redmond普文斯埃德娜

Otto Litzel奥图李杰尔

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence肢体 - 运作智能

Augusta Rodin罗丹

Admiral Peary皮尔瑞

Vaslav Nijinsky尼金斯基

Jim Abbott阿伯特

Marlee Matlin马特林

Tom Sullivan苏利文

Musical Intelligence音乐智能


Maurice Ravel拉威尔

Robert Schumann罗伯特舒曼

Itzhak Perlman帕尔曼

Ludwig van Beethoven贝多芬

Joaquín Rodrigo 罗德里哥

Interpersonal Intelligence人际智能


Winston Churchill温斯顿邱吉尔

Harry StackSullivan

Franklin Roosevelt 富兰克林罗斯福

King Jordan约当

Harry Truman杜鲁门

Intrapersonal Intelligence内省智能

General George Patton巴顿将军


Friendrich Nietzsche


Helen Keller海伦凯勒

Aldous Huxley郝胥黎

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MI and Thematic InstructionMI and Thematic Instruction多元智能 与主题教学多元智能 与主题教学

Sample Thematic: Invention

主题举例 : 发明

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Social Studies社会研究


Read math problems involving inventions阅读关于发明创造的数学问题

Talk about the basic scientific principles involved in specific inventions说出某一发明创造的基本科学原理

Read a general book about inventions阅读一本关于发明创造的书

Write about what you ‘d like to invent写出你想发明的东西

Write about the social conditions that gave rise to certain inventions写出导致某一发明的社会环境

Logical-Mathematical逻辑 -- 数学方面

Learn a math formula that served as the basis for an invention 学习有利于某项发明的数学公式

Create a hypothesis for the development of a new invention 为新发明建立假设

Read a book about the logic and math behind inventions读一本关于某发明创造背后的逻辑与数学书

Write a word problem based on a famous inventions写出某一著名发明创造的文字问题

Create a time line of famous inventions建立一个著名发明的时间限线

Spatial 空间视觉方面

Sketch the geometry involved in specific inventions画出某一发明的几何图

Draw a new or existing invention showing all working parts画出某一新(旧)发明的所有工作部件图

Read a book with lots of diagrams of the inner workings of inventions阅读关于某一发明的内部原理且配有图表的书

Label the individual components of your drawing of an invention标出你画的发明图中的每一元件

Paint a mural showing inventions in social/historical context绘出在社会或历史环境中表现发明的壁画

Bodily-Kinesthetic肢体 - 运作方面

Create an invention to measure a specific physical activity发明一种测量物理活动的方法

Build your own invention based on sound scientific principles 基于声学原理创造一项发明

Read the instructions for putting together an existing invention 阅读工项发明的使用说明书

Write instructions for building your own invention from scrap materials 写出自己发明创造的使用说明书

Put on a play about how a certain invention came to be短剧表演 : 一个发明是如何创造出来的


Study the math involved in the invention of musical instruments 学习与乐器发明有关的数学原理

Study the science behind the invention of electronic music 学习电子乐器背后的科学原理

Read about the background to invention songs such as “John Henry” 阅读类似“ John Henry”创造歌曲的背景故事

Write the lyrics for a song promoting a new invention写一首推动新发明的歌词

Listen to music about the inventions at different historical periods 听不同历史时期的关于发明的歌曲


Be in a study group that looks at the mathematics involved in specific inventions 在学习小组中学习某一发明中的数学原理

Form a discussion group to study the science behind inventions组建讨论小组学习发明背后的科学原理

Read about the cooperation necessary for developing an invention阅读关于创造发明中互相合作的书

Write a play about inventions that can be put on by the class创做一个关于发明的短剧 , 在班上表演

Hold a discussion group about how a certain invention came to be举行小组讨论 :发明是怎样创造的


Create your own word problems based on inventions写出自己发明创造中的文字问题

Develop a self-study program to examine the scientific basis for a specific invention开发自学程序检验某一发明的科学原理

Read the biography of a famous inventor阅读某一伟大发明家的生平简介

Write your personal autobiography as a “famous inventor”书写自身作为大发明家的简历

Think about this question: if you could invent a time machine, where would you go? 想象这个问题 : 如果你能造出时间机器 , 你想去哪 ?

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Back to Back Communication Back to Back Communication 背靠背形式的沟通 背靠背形式的沟通

Each person takes out a piece of paper and pen

Each person will draw a picture for one minute One person starts by describing their picture

so it will be a mirror image on the other person’s paper

Give very detailed descriptions so the other person’s drawing is place exactly on the paper as your drawing and look the same.

After 5 minutes stop and compare drawings for accuracy.

Repeat the process with the second person.

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MI Theory and Bloom’s TaxonomyMI Theory and Bloom’s Taxonomy多元智能理 论和布鲁姆的目标分类理论多元智能理 论和布鲁姆的目标分类理论

• Bloom’s Six Levels of Educational Objectives

布鲁姆教育目标六级分类– Ecology Unit: Local environment-Trees in your


生态学单元 : 当地环境 -邻居周围的树

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Knowledge 知识







Memorize names of trees记住树的名称

Explain how trees receive nutrients解释树木如何吸收营养

Given description of smaller tree estimate height of larger tree根据小树的样子来测算长大后的高度

List parts of tree列出树的各个部分

Explain how a tree functions in relation to be ecosystem解释生态系统中树的功能

Rate different methods of controlling tree growth分级确定控制树木生长的不同方法

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence逻辑 -- 数学智能

Remember number of points on specific trees’ leaves记住特定树叶上的点数

Convert English to metric in calculating height of tree将树木高度值从英制转换成公制

Given height of smaller tree , estimate height of larger tree给定小树的高度,测算大树的高度

Analyze materials found in sap residue分析树液残渣的成份

Given weather, soil, and other information, chart projected growth of a tree给定天气、土壤和其他信息,画出树的生长图

Rate different kinds of tree nutrients based on data基于数据分析来给不同的树木营养定级

Spatial Intelligence视觉空间智能

Remember basic configurations of specific trees记住特定树的形状

Look at diagrams of trees and tell what stage of growth they are in 看图说出树木的生长阶段

Use geometric principles to determine height of tree 利用几何原理来确定树的高度

Draw cellular structure of tree root画出树根的结构图

Create a landscaping plan using trees as control feature利用树木控制地貌特征规划风景

Evaluate practicality of different landscaping plans评估不同风景规划的实用性

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence肢体 - 运作智能

Identify tree by the feel of the bark通过手感来识别树皮

Given array of tree fruits, identify seeds根据给定的树木果实识别种子

Given type of local tree , find an ideal location for planting it 给出当地树的类型,找出适合它生长的地点

Create different parts of tree from clay 用泥土做树木各部分

Gather all materials needed for planting a tree收集种树需要的所有材料

Evaluate the quality of different kinds of fruit评估不同水果的质量

Musical Intelligence音乐智能

Remember songs that deal with trees 记住与树相关的歌曲

Explain how old tree songs came into being 解释老树之歌的形成

Given type lyrics of an old tree song to reflect current issues 给出一种树的老歌的歌词对现在的影响

Classify songs by issue and historical period将不同历史时期的歌曲归类

Create your own tree song based on information in this unit基于本单元的 信息创作自己的树之歌

Rate the songs from best to worst and given reasons for your choices 将歌曲按最佳到最差分类,并给出原因

Interpersonal Intelligence人际智能

Record responses to the question ”what is your favorite tree?” 记录“你最喜欢什么树 ?” 的回答

Determine the most popular tree in class by interviewing others 根据采访同学后得出最受欢迎的树种

Use survey results to pick location for field trip to orchard 利用调查结果为橡树选择种植点

Classify kids into groups according to favorite tree根据喜欢树种不同将同学分组

Arrange field trip to orchard by contacting necessary people与必要的人联系,参观橡树

rank three methods to ask others about tree preference 采访他人确定对树喜爱的三种方法

Intrapersonal Intelligence自省智能

Remember a time you climbed a tree记住你某次爬树的时间

Share the primary feeling you had while up in the tree分享爬上树顶的心得

Develop ”tree-climbing rules” based upon your experience根据自身经验创建爬树规则

Divide up your experience into “beginning.” “middle,” and “end”将自身的经济分成开始,中间和结束

Plan a tree-climbing expedition based on your past experience根据过去的经验规划爬树动作

Explain what you liked “best” and “least” about your experience解释根据自己的经验什么是最好的,什么是最差的

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Category 分类 Sample Question 举例问题Knowledge 知识

Knowledge of specificsKnowledge of ways and means of

dealing with specificsKnowledge of universals and

abstractions in a field

Who discovered fireworks? What English word is a greeting?

What is the best method for calculating circumference of a circle?

Comprehension 理解TranslationInterpretation


What does the word maybe mean in English?How do the USA Democrats and Republicans differ in their views of spending?Given the present world population birth rate, what will be in the year 2040?

Application 运用 What geometric shapes were used in building the “Birds Nest” Olympic Stadium?Given a pie-shaped lot 12 m. x 11 m. x 10 m., and village setback conditions of 5 m. in all directions, what is the largest size of a one-story home you can build on this lot?

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Category 分类 Sample Question 举例问题Analysis分析

Analysis of Elements

Analysis of Relationships

What are the facts and opinions in the article we read?How does Picasso organize colors, shapes, and sizes to produce images?

Synthesis综合Production of a unique communication

Derivation of a set abstract relationships

How would you go about determining the chemical weight of an unknown substance?What are the common causes for cell breakdown in the case of mutations, cancer, and aging?

Evaluation评估Judgment in terms of internal

evidenceJudgment in terms of external


Who had the best Olympics?Who can judge what is wrong with the evidence architect’s design of the plumbing and electricity?